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Lymphocyte antigen receptors are promising targets for immune intervention strategies in disorders marked by repertoire skewing or expansion of lymphocyte subsets. Appropriate application of immune receptor modulation is predicated on understanding the role of a particular receptor in pathogenesis and disease regulation. The VHB/W16 gene, restricted to mice carrying the j haplotype for the J558 family, is overexpressed by murine lupus anti-DNA Ig. This gene is also expressed recurrently among nephritogenic anti-DNA Ig recovered from several autoimmune strains, suggesting that cells expressing this pathogenic receptor are positively selected during disease progression. To explore the extent and mechanisms by which Ig H chains expressing this gene contribute to autoimmunity, an Ig H chain gene was engineered for in vitro and in vivo recombination studies. Site-directed mutagenesis generated unique restriction sites to link PCR-amplified V region (VDJ) cDNA to previously isolated genomic fragments containing Ig regulatory and signal sequences. The new 3 kb VDJ gene was then ligated to a 9 kb fragment encoding the IgM constant region. Transfection of H chain loss variant myeloma with the complete 12 kb construct, termed 238H-Cmicro, resulted in secretion of intact Ig pairing 238H-Cmicro, with a lambda L chain; however, transfectant Ig lacked autoreactivity and pathogenicity. Introduction of the 238H-Cmicro H chain as a transgene onto the non-autoimmune C57BL/6 background resulted in abundant B cell surface expression of 238H-Cmicro, however, four transgenic Ig recovered by fusion of LPS-stimulated splenocytes and formed by combination of 238H-Cmicro, with endogenous kappa chains do not bind DNA or laminin. These results indicate that the antigen binding sites encoded by this disease-associated gene and/or H chain must associate with permissive L chains to specify autoimmunity. The 238H-Cmicro, transgenic model should prove useful in dissecting the in vivo fate of 238H-Cmicro, L combinations that produce pathogenic autoreactive receptors and in evaluating receptor-targeted interventions.  相似文献   

Membrane IgG H chains turn over considerably more rapidly than secretory Ig H chains in the 18-81 A2 pre-B cell line. This rapid degradation occurs in proteasomes. N-Glycosylated membrane Ig H chains accumulate in the endoplasmic reticulum in the presence of proteasomal inhibitors, suggesting that retrotranslocation and proteasomal degradation of membrane Ig H chains may be closely coupled processes. Accelerated proteasomal degradation of membrane Ig H chains was also observed in transfected nonlymphoid cells. At steady state, the membrane form of the H chain associates more readily with Bip and calnexin than its secretory counterpart. The preferential recognition of membrane, as opposed to secretory, Ig H chains by some endoplasmic reticulum chaperones, may provide an explanation for the accelerated proteasomal degradation of the former.  相似文献   

Human and mouse Ig alpha molecules share only 58% amino acid sequence identity in their extracellular regions. However, mice immunized with a recombinant Fc fusion protein containing the extracellular portion of human Ig alpha produced significant amounts of IgG capable of binding to Ig alpha on mouse B cells. The induced auto/cross-reactive Abs could down-regulate B cell levels and the consequent humoral immune responses against an irrelevant Ag in treated mice. Analogous immunization with an Fc fusion protein containing the extracellular portion of human Ig beta gave a much weaker response to mouse Ig beta, although human and mouse Ig beta, like their Ig alpha counterparts, share 56% sequence identity in their extracellular regions. Protein sequence analyses indicated that a potential immunogenic segment, located at the C-terminal loop of the extracellular domain, has an amino acid sequence that is identical between human and mouse Ig alpha. A mAb A01, which could bind to both human and mouse Ig alpha, was found to be specific to a peptide encompassing this immunogenic segment. These findings suggest that specific auto/cross-reactivity against self Ig alpha can be induced by a molecular mimicry presented by a foreign Ig alpha.  相似文献   

Conformation, structure, and oligomeric state of immunoglobulins not only control quality and functional properties of antibodies but are also critical for immunoglobulins secretion. Unassembled immunoglobulin heavy chains are retained intracellularly by delayed folding of the C(H)1 domain and irreversible interaction of BiP with this domain. Here we show that the three C(H)1 cysteines play a central role in immunoglobulin folding, assembly, and secretion. Remarkably, ablating all three C(H)1 cysteines negates retention and enables BiP cycling and non-canonical folding and assembly. This phenomenon is explained by interdependent formation of intradomain and interchain disulfides, although both bonds are dispensable for secretion. Substituting Cys-195 prevents formation not only of the intradomain disulfide, but also of the interchain disulfide bond with light chain, BiP displacement, and secretion. Mutating the light chain-interacting Cys-128 hinders disulfide bonding of intradomain cysteines, allowing their opportunistic bonding with light chain, without hampering secretion. We propose that the role of C(H)1 cysteines in immunoglobulin assembly and secretion is not simply to engage in disulfide bridges, but to direct proper folding and interact with the retention machinery.  相似文献   

Shark Ig light chain junctions are as diverse as in heavy chains   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We have characterized a small family of four genes encoding one of the three nurse shark Ig L chain isotypes, called NS5. All NS5 cDNA sequences are encoded by three loci, of which two are organized as conventional clusters, each consisting of a V and J gene segment that can recombine and one C region exon; the third contains a germline-joined VJ in-frame and the fourth locus is a pseudogene. This is the second nurse shark L chain type where both germline-joined and split V-J organizations have been found. Since there are only two rearranging Ig loci, it was possible for the first time to examine junctional diversity in defined fish Ig genes, comparing productive vs nonproductive rearrangements. N region addition was found to be considerably more extensive in length and in frequency than any other vertebrate L chain so far reported and rivals that in H chain. We put forth the speculation that the unprecedented efficiency of N region addition (87-93% of NS5 sequences) may be a result not only of simultaneous H and L chain rearrangement in the shark but also of processing events that afford greater accessibility of the V or J gene coding ends to terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase.  相似文献   

The autologous mixed lymphocyte reaction (AMLR) is an in vitro measure of autoreactivity, a key mechanism in immune homeostasis. In this system, macrophages (M phi) act as accessory cells to autoreactive L3T4+ T cells by presenting self-Ia and releasing soluble modulators. During tumor growth, changes occur in M phi and T cells. Tumor-bearing host (TBH) M phi have a reduced ability to act as accessory cells. In fact, TBH M phi suppressed autoreactivity by 60-70%. The decrease in TBH M phi or T-cell abilities was not due to differences in cell numbers or incubation time. Because tumor growth causes increased prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) production by M phi, indomethacin was used to assess the contribution of prostaglandins. Normal and TBH T-cell reactivity increased nearly 50% when stimulated by normal host M phi, while normal and TBH T-cell reactivity increased nearly 100% when stimulated by TBH M phi. Thus increased prostaglandin production is partly responsible for the increased TBH suppressor M phi activity and in the normal host, suppressor M phi may be responsible for maintaining immune regulation. To assess the direct role of prostaglandins in T-cell hyporesponsiveness, PGE2 was titrated into the cultures. PGE2 suppressed normal and TBH T-cell responsiveness in a dose-dependent manner. Normal host T cells were suppressed to a greater extent than TBH T cells by PGE2 (66% versus 42% suppression, respectively). Reduced Ia expression and active suppressor mechanisms are not the only mechanisms mediating hypoautoreactivity during tumor growth. TBH autoreactive L3T4+ T cells were less responsive to self-Ia; they were only 60-80% as reactive as their normal counterparts. To address whether the helper T (TH)-cell defect involved cytokines, T cells were treated with interleukin (IL)-1, IL-2, and IL-4. In all cases, the TBH T-cell response to the factors was decreased (only 60-75% as reactive as normal T cells). Because TBH M phi-mediated suppression can override the addition of IL-1, IL-2, and IL-4, indomethacin was also added with the exogenous interleukins. This coaddition significantly enhanced normal host autoreactivity above control levels while TBH autoreactivity (the combination of TBH T cells and TBH M phi) only returned to normal host unstimulated levels. Tumor growth modulates the immune response at least by (i) decreasing the accessory cell abilities of TBH M phi through decreased Ia expression and increased production of suppressive molecules such as prostaglandins; and (ii) decreasing the responsiveness to immune enhancing factors by TH cells.  相似文献   

Immunoglobulin-A deficiency (IgA-D) is the most common human Ig class deficiency with an estimated frequency of approximately 1 in 500 in the Swedish population. We investigated the immunoglobulin heavy chain constant region gene segments (IGHC) in 103 individuals with IgA-D and the immunoglobulin heavy chain variable region gene segments (IGHV) in 20 of these, in order to identify a possible molecular basis of the defect. No deletions of IGHV gene segments of the VH2, VH5, and VH6 families or the IGHG genes were observed. In the IGHC, there were, however, differences in the restriction fragment length polymorphism frequencies of IGHG genes where the Bam HI haplotype H2 [IGHGP, 10 kilobases (kb), IGHG2, 25 kb; and IGHG4, 9.0 kb] was overrepresented. The mean serum levels of IgG4 and IgE were significantly lower in individuals (both IgA-D subjects and healthy controls) homozygous for the H2 haplotype than in individuals homozygous for the H1 haplotype (IGHGP, 8.8 kb, IGHG2, 13.5 kb, and IGHG4, 9.4 kb). IgA-D subjects homozygous for HLADQB1*0201 (DQw2), a marker that has previously been reported to show a strong association with IgA deficiency, showed a similar reduction of serum levels of IgG4 and IgE as compared with DQB1*0201 negative IgA-D subjects. These findings suggest that the two loci found to be associated with IgA deficiency may act via a common pathway. Address correspondence and offprint requests to: P. G. Olsson  相似文献   

Signals delivered by Ig receptors guide the development of functional B lymphocytes. For example, clonal expansion of early mu heavy chain ( mu HC)-positive pre-B cells requires the assembly of a signal-competent pre-B cell receptor complex (pre-BCR) consisting of a mu HC, a surrogate L chain, and the signal dimer Ig alpha beta. However, only a small fraction of the pre-BCR is transported to the cell surface, suggesting that pre-BCR signaling initiates already from an intracellular compartment, e.g., the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The finding that differentiation of pre-B cells and allelic exclusion at the IgH locus take place in surrogate L chain-deficient mice further supports the presence of a mu HC-mediated intracellular signal pathway. To determine whether a signal-competent Ig complex can already be assembled in the ER, we analyzed the consequence of pervanadate on tyrosine phosphorylation of Ig alpha in J558L plasmacytoma and 38B9 pre-B cells transfected with either a transport-competent IgL chain-pairing or an ER-retained nonpairing micro HC. Flow cytometry, combined Western blot-immunoprecipitation-kinase assays, and confocal microscopy revealed that both the nonpairing and pairing mu HC assembled with the Ig alpha beta dimer; however, in contrast to a pairing mu HC, the nonpairing mu HC was retained in the ER-cis-Golgi compartment, and neither colocalized with the src kinase lyn nor induced tyrosine phosphorylation of Ig alpha after pervanadate treatment of cells. On the basis of these findings, we propose that a signal-competent Ig complex consisting of mu HC, Ig alpha beta, and associated kinases is assembled in a post-ER compartment, thereby supporting the idea that a pre-BCR must be transported to the cell surface to initiate pre-BCR signaling.  相似文献   

Our prior analyses defined the cDNA sequence on part of the CH2 domain, the complete CH3 and CH4 domains, and the 3'-untranslated region of a catfish H chain. To complete the catfish H chain mRNA sequence, a primer-extended H chain cDNA library was constructed. Analysis of this library has resulted in the definition of full-length clones encoding a 61-bp 5' untranslated region, a 51-bp leader sequence, the V region and the complete CH1 and CH2 domains. The high similarity defined with other vertebrate V regions readily allowed the catfish sequence to be divided into FR and CDR regions. Sequence comparisons with mammalian VH and JH genes strongly suggest that the catfish V region is the product of multiple genes. Using a catfish VH cDNA probe, at least 25 different genomic VH members were defined. Because this probe does not hybridize with other full-length H chain cDNA clones, additional VH families will likely be defined in catfish. Phylogenetic sequence comparisons of the catfish C region domains indicated that the CH1 and CH4 were the most highly conserved. In addition several important features were defined in genomic Southern blot analyses of catfish DNA. Gene titration experiments established that the catfish CH gene is represented by a single genomic copy. This finding provides clear evidence that the genomic organization of H chain genes in catfish must be different from that defined in sharks and suggests that the phylogeny of single copy CH genes may have been established at the level of the bony fishes. It is also likely that there is an additional CH gene in catfish. This gene is also represented by a single genomic copy, and based upon its relative signal intensity when compared with the known CH gene it appears to share higher similarity with the known CH1 domain than it does with the CH2 domain.  相似文献   

Positive selection of precursor (pre-) B cells by Ig membrane mu H chains (mum HC) and counterselection mediated by the truncated HC Dmu depend on the ability of each HC to form a pre-B cell receptor (pre-BCR) signaling complex with the surrogate L chain (SLC) components lambda5 and Vpre-B. To better understand how pre-BCR signaling output is determined by its Ig components and the SLC, we investigated the regulation of pre-BCR surface expression and HC secretory maturation in a new nonlymphoid system. We took this approach as a means to distinguish B-lineage-specific effects from pre-BCR-intrinsic properties that may influence these aspects of pre-BCR homeostasis necessary for signaling. As in pre-B cells, the SLC in nonlymphoid cells supported only a limited degree of mum HC maturation and low pre-BCR surface expression levels compared with conventional LCs, indicating that this was due to an intrinsic property of the SLC. We identified the non-Ig region of lambda5 as harboring the restrictive activity responsible for this phenotype. This property of lambda5 was also evident with Dmu, but the overall SLC- and L chain-dependent requirements for Dmu maturation and surface expression were markedly different from those for mum. Surprisingly, Dmu was modified in an unusual manner that was only dependent on Vpre-B. These results establish a novel function of lambda5 in limiting surface pre-BCR levels and reveal biochemical properties of Ig molecules that may underlie the diverse consequences of pre-BCR signaling in vivo by different HCs.  相似文献   

We previously described T15H chain mutants that were impaired in assembly with L chain and in ability to be secreted from the cell. The unmutated T15L chain is unusual in that it is secretion-impaired in the absence of assembly with H chain. The T15L chain preferentially pairs with T15H in vivo, suggesting that if we introduced mutations that would allow secretion of free T15L chain, they might also lead to the secretion of the complex with the defective H chain. We mutated four positions in the germline T15L that had amino acids infrequently found in other kappa-chains. Mutation to the most frequently occurring amino acid at three of the four positions allowed secretion of free L chain, while the combination of two secretion-restoring mutations was synergistic. Coexpression of secretion-restored mutant L chains with the secretion-defective mutant H chains rescued secretion of the assembled H(2)L(2) complex, suggesting that during somatic hypermutation in vivo, deleterious mutations at the H chain may be compensated by mutations on the L chain. To our knowledge, this is the first example of mutations in IgL chains that are able to restore secretion-defective H chains to secretion competence in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Mouse-human chimeric antibodies composed of murine variable (V) and human (C) chains are useful therapeutic reagents. Consequently, we investigated whether heterologous C-regions from mice and humans affected specificity and affinity, and determined the contribution of C(H) glycosylation to antigen binding. The interaction of a 12-mer peptide mimetic with monoclonal antibody (mAb) 18B7 to Cryptococcus neoformans glucuronoxylomannan, and its chimeric (ch) and deglycosylated forms were studied by surface plasmon resonance. The equilibrium and rate association constants for the chAb were higher than for mAb 18B7. V region affinity was not affected by C(H) region glycosylation whereas heterologous C region of the same isotype altered the Ab binding affinity and the specificity for self-antigens. Structural models displayed local differences that implied changes on the connectivity of residues. These findings suggest that V region conformational changes can be dictated by the C(H) domains through an allosteric effect involving networks of highly connected amino acids.  相似文献   

We determined amino acid sequences near the juncture between the variable (V-) and the constant (C-) regions of human immunoglobulin (Ig) α, μ, γ1, γ2 and γ3 chains. Our data show that: (a) the γ1, γ2, and γ3 chains are very similar to one another at the beginning of their C-regions with approximately 90% sequence homology and (b) the α chain has more sequence homology with γ chains (57%) than with μ chains (29%) at the beginning of their C-regions, a finding in contrast to the comparison made by others at the C-termini of H-chains where α chain was found to be more homologous to μ than to γ chain. Comparison of our data with amino acid sequences of human γ1 and μ chains published to date shows that: (a) the “switch point” between the V- and C-regions of human Ig H-chains is most likely between positions 117 and 118 (Eu numbering), and (b) several residues at the end of the V-regions are either invariable or nearly invariable. A model is presented as a possible explanation for their significance in the joining of the V-and C-regions.  相似文献   

The switch point in mu heavy chains of human IgM immunoglobulins   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
G Florent  D Lehman  F W Putnam 《Biochemistry》1974,13(12):2482-2498

 Basement membrane proteins are targeted in a variety of pathologic autoimmune responses, yet little is known regarding the origins and regulation of this subset of pathogenic lymphocytes. To examine the generation and fate of B cells reactive with a matrix autoantigen, nonautoimmune C57BL/6 mice were rendered transgenic for a nephrotropic lupus anti-laminin immunoglobulin (Ig) H chain, termed LamH-Cμ. We previously reported recovery of two distinct phenotypes among LamH-Cμ-transgenic mice: progeny of founders M6 and M29 contained abundant transgene-expressing B cells but little anti-laminin Ig, whereas spontaneous autoreactivity was readily recovered from the M7 lineage that expressed minimal B-cell mIgM. To explore the spectrum of autoreactivity generated in vivo by different LamH-Cμ-endogenous L-chain combinations, we determined in vitro and in vivo antigen reactivity and L-chain V-region sequences of 17 LamH-Cμ-transgenic anti-laminin Igs. The results reveal a heterogeneous population of anti-laminin Igs with different fine specificities encoded by diverse endogenous L chains, encompassing nine different Vk gene families, 11 Vk genes, and three Jk genes. Many of the L chains are identical to known or putative unmutated germline Vk genes used to encode Igs reactive with self and foreign antigens in nonautoimmune and genetically autoimmune-prone mouse strains. These observations confirm that the LamH-Cμ H chain plays a dominant role in determining anti-laminin reactivity, and indicate that nonautoimmune B6 mice are fully capable of generating a diverse pool of basement-membrane-reactive B cells using unmutated Ig genes. When interpreted in the context of the divergent M6/M29 and M7 transgenic mouse phenotypes, our findings further suggest that these matrix-reactive lymphocytes are not spontaneously activated in vivo under normal circumstances. Received: 1 July 1999 / Revised: 28 July 1999  相似文献   

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