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We evaluated under semi-field conditions the intrinsic competition between Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead), as an invasive parasitoid, and Doryctobracon areolatus (Szépligeti) and Utetes anastrephae (Viereck) (all Hymenoptera: Braconidae) as resident parasitoids, as well as that between U. anastrephae as an invader and D. areolatus as a resident. The percentage of live D. areolatus larvae decreased by 39.8% and 29.4% following attack by D. longicaudata and U. anastrephae as invasive parasitoids, respectively. Likewise, the parasitism percentage of D. areolatus decreased by 31.5% and 60.8% under competition with the invasive parasitoids D. longicaudata and U. anastrephae, respectively. Parasitism by D. longicaudata decreased by 44.6% and 41.6% in the presence of the residents D. areolatus and U. anastrephae, respectively, while parasitism of U. anastrephae was only affected when this species was a resident. We concluded that D. areolatus is an inferior intrinsic competitor and that U. anastrephae resists the competitive presence of D. longicaudata.  相似文献   

The most common hosts for the West Indian fruit fly, Anastrepha obliqua (Macquart) (Diptera: Tephritidae) are fruit in the family Anacardiaceae (mango [Mangifera L.] and mombin [Spondias L.] species). However, similar to many of the tropical fruit flies of major economic importance, this species attacks several other families of crop fruit, including Annonaceae (cherimoya, Annona cherimola Mill.), Myrtaceae (guava, Psidium L.), Oxalidaceae (carambola, Averrhoa carambola L.), Passifloraceae (granadilla, Passiflora quadrangularis Mill.), and Sapotaceae [mamey sapote, Pouteria sapota (Jacq.) H. E. Moore & Steam]. In the family Rutaceae the economically important genus Citrus has been reported and until recently considered a host for this fruit fly. In this study, we reviewed the taxonomy of A. obliqua, tested specific chemicals that may inhibit oviposition, compared egg-to-adult survival of A. obliqua on preferred hosts and on grapefruit (Citrus X paradisi Macfad.), and measured fruit tissue-specific developmental rates of A. obliqua and the known citrus breeding Mexican fruit fly, Anastrepha ludens (Loew) (Diptera: Tephritidae), from egg to pupae. Our literature review shows much confusion concerning the taxonomy of this and related Anastrepha species, including synonymies and confusion with other species. The deterrent effect of the highest concentration of flavonoids for oviposition, although significant, was not absolute. Experiments carried out under laboratory conditions showed 15-40 times greater survival of A. ludens (whose preferred hosts include Rutaceae) on grapefruit compared with A. obliqua for both tree attached and harvested fruit. Experiments of survival of developing stages over time showed that the two species oviposit into different tissues in the fruit, and mortality is much higher for the West Indian fruit fly in the flavedo and albedo of the fruit compared with the Mexican fruit fly.  相似文献   

We needed a technique to compare the consumption of baits by individual Carribbean fruit fly, Anastrepha suspensa (Loew). By improving consumption and determining individual dose, we could lower pesticide concentration while retaining bait/pesticide efficacy and potentially reduce the environmental impact of fruit fly bait/pesticide eradication methods. We report here a precise dye-based technique for the quantification of consumption by individual adult A. suspensa fruit flies. Fluorescein, measured at 491 nm, and cresol red, measured at 573 nm, were efficiently extracted with 0.1 M NaOH and quantified with a spectrophotometer. The lower limit for this method with 0.1% dye concentration is 300 nl consumed by an individual fly. Dye movement to the hindgut and possible defecation occurred in approximately 4 h; maximum ingestion occurred in approximately 1 h. Maximum experimental time is limited to 4 h. Flies preferred feeding upside down compared with right side up when given a choice; consumption was equal when flies were given no choice of feeding position. Thus, maximum bait/pesticide efficacy might be achieved with an upside-down presentation. Regurgitation led to a 100% overestimation of actual consumption with the J-tube presentation of food. Our individual fly consumption technique will be useful in comparing consumption in phagostimulant studies, estimating dose in oral toxicity tests, differentiating behavioral and physiological resistance in toxicant studies, ultimately leading to improved bait/pesticide methods and reduced environmental impact of area wide fruit fly eradication programs. This technique could be applied to studies of tephritid consumption, to the consumption of other insects, and to regurgitation studies.  相似文献   

Bioassays were carried out under controlled conditions (27 +/- 2 degrees C, 80 +/- 5% RH, and a photoperiod of 12:12 [L:D] h) to evaluate the effect of eight strains of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana upon larvae, pupae, and adult females of the Mexican fruit fly, Anastrepha ludens (Loew). Mortality of the immature stages was low, 2-8% in larvae and 0% in pupae. However, very high levels of mortality were obtained for adult flies, with values of 100, 98, and 98% for the strains Bb16, Bb24, and Bb26, respectively. LC50 values for these three strains ranged from 3.12 x 10(6) to 9.07 x 10(6) conidia/ml. Lethal time 50 (LT50) was 2.8, 3.7, and 4.2 d for Bb16, Bb26, and Bb24 strains, respectively, with an average LT50 of 4.4 d across all strains. The fungal mycelium emerged through the soft parts of the exoskeleton, such as the wing bases, mouth, intersegmental regions of the legs, and membranous regions of the abdomen, coxae, and neck. Maximum percentage sporulation ranged from 66.4 to 74.7% for the three most virulent strains.  相似文献   

Abstract. The mate choice, courtship and oviposition behaviour of laboratory-reared and field-collected Anastrepha fraterculus (Wied.) were compared. In laboratory cultures in Southampton the duration of male calling activity in small leks increased gradually from 1-2h at 5 days old to up to 7 h at 10 days. This finding correlates with previous reports on the time at which male salivary glands, which are believed to produce sex pheromone, are fully developed. Wild flies which emerged from infested fruits in Brazil began to oviposit on the day they mated, whereas in laboratory flies oviposition began 1 day following the first mating. Both types of fly usually defended their position on a particular fruit throughout the day, and re-mated with either virgin or mated males. There was no significant difference in mating duration. Females did not copulate before the mean age (±SE) of 16.8±0.9 days. For both types of flies mating initiation occurred in the first 2h of photophase, with virgin females choosing mainly mated males. The average number of matings in the laboratory was three for females and four for males, and the interval between matings in females was significantly increased after the second mating. It is suggested that the tendency of virgin females to mate with mated males will lead to increased fitness, as males are on average 48 days old at their second mating. The potential life span of around 200 days for both sexes would allow adults to bridge the gap between seasonally available fruits in warm-temperate and sub-tropical South America.  相似文献   

The effects of irradiation doses increasing from 0 to 100 Gy (1 Gy is energy absorbed in J kg(-1) of irradiated material) on fertility, flight ability, survival, and sterile male mating performance were evaluated for mass-reared Anastrepha obliqua (Macquart). High sterility values (> 98.2%) for irradiated males were obtained for doses as low as 25 Gy. Egg hatch was inhibited for irradiated males crossed with irradiated females at a low dose of 20 Gy. However, we estimated that to achieve 99.9% sterility (standard goal of many sterile insect technique programs), irradiation doses had to be increased to a dose between 50 and 75 Gy. At doses of 25 Gy and greater, we observed a decreasing trend in adult flight ability and an increasing trend in adult mortality. Such differences were greater for pupae irradiated at a young age compared those irradiated 24 h before emergence. Our single most relevant finding was that sterility induction (i.e., oviposition of nonfertilized eggs) was two times greater for males irradiated at low doses (40 Gy) than for males irradiated at high doses (80 Gy) when used at a 3:1:1 sterilized male to fertile male to fertile female ratio. Males irradiated at high doses may have been outcompeted by unirradiated males when courting unirradiated females. Implications of our findings for sterile insect technique programs are discussed.  相似文献   

The taxonomic status of the tephritid pest Anastrepha fraterculus (Wied.) is a controversial subject, mainly because of misinterpretation of the observed genetic variation. In this work, the different karyotypes and DNA polymorphism of a geographically defined population from Northeastern Argentina were studied, using derived stocks maintained in the laboratory during 25 generations. The karyotypes were analyzed using C-banding and N-banding techniques, while DNA analysis was performed through the DNA polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The variants isolated from both the wild Montecarlo population and the derived laboratory stocks were fully compatible and are present in other wild populations from South Brazil (lat 31 degrees 30' S) to Mid-Argentina (lat 34 degrees 30' S). Single-pair crosses among stocks carrying different chromosomal variants demonstrated the absence of isolation barriers. The polymorphic fragments isolated by RAPDs/PCR showed polymorphisms among stocks whereas the analysis of rDNA ITS1 exhibit a unique ITS1 length. Our results seem to indicate that all the examined variants belong to a single species with extended polymorphism and therefore do not support the hypothesis that the extended chromosomal polymorphism in A. fraterculus implies the existence of a complex of cryptic species.  相似文献   

During sexual signaling, males of Anastrepha obliqua (Macquart) form leks and attract females by producing sounds and releasing volatile compounds. The objective of this study was to investigate the influence time of time of day, age, irradiation, mating status, and the presence of host fruit on the release of volatile components by laboratory-reared A. obliqua males. A. obliqua males released four compounds identified by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS) as (E,E)-alpha-farnesene, (Z,E)-alpha-farnesene, (Z)-3-nonenol, and a farnesene isomer during calling behavior. Although males released volatiles during the entire day, the amount of volatiles was higher in the early morning and afternoon hours. Males began to emit volatiles when they were 6 d old, but only the amount of (Z)-3-nonenol was affected by age. Irradiation of flies with gamma rays from a (60)Co source at a dose rate of 0.8 Gy significantly reduced the amount of volatiles released during calling behavior. The amount of volatiles was lower in recently mated males than virgin males. However, there were no significant differences between virgin males and males 24 h after mating. The presence of host fruit did not affect the amount of volatiles compared with the control.  相似文献   

Interspecific competition between individuals of different species can result in reductions in their fecundity, growth or survival, reflecting differential exploitation of resources that become intensified due to spatial co-occurrence, ecological similarity and increased population densities. As two species cannot occupy the same niche, coexistence is only possible if the available resources are used in non-overlapping manners such as niche partitioning or the use of refuges. Among agricultural insect pests, such as fruit flies of the family Tephritidae, competitive interactions can result in competitive displacement, host changes, or the expansion or restriction of the numbers of hosts utilized that can have negative consequences for human agricultural activities. We evaluated the competitive interactions between two fruit fly species of the genus Anastrepha, Anastrepha obliqua (Macquart, 1835) and Anastrepha fraterculus (Wiedmann, 1830), on their respective preferred hosts (mangoes and guava). Experiments of larval competition and competition for ovipositioning sites by adult females were performed to compare the parameters of larval development time, numbers of pupae and emerged adults and numbers of ovipositions in the presence or absence of interspecific competition. We observed that the interactions between those species were asymmetrical and hierarchical, and our results suggest a competitive displacement of A. fraterculus by A. obliqua when those two species are present on the same fruit, whether mangoes or guavas.  相似文献   

在实验室内对橘小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis(Hendel)的交配行为进行了观察。描述了橘小实蝇交配中雄虫的“求偶场”,雄雄相遇、雌雌相遇、雌雄相遇时的相互反应,雌雄虫的交配行为与交配后行为。  相似文献   

The virulence of two products of the fungus Beauveria bassiana (LCPP and Bassianil) on adult Anastrepha ludens (Loew) (Diptera: Tephritidae) and their effect on the mating performance of infected males was evaluated in laboratory and field cage tests. The horizontal transmission capacity of the fungus during copulation or attempted copulation also was quantified using inoculated males as well as the impact of infection on female fecundity and longevity. Both fungal products were found to be highly virulent (LCPP, mortality = 98.7% at 1 x 10(8) conidia per ml, LT50 = 4.20 d, LC50 = 9.35 x 10(5) conidia per ml; Bassianil, mortality = 99.3% at 1 X 10(8) conidia per ml, LT50 = 4.04 d, LC50 = 2.69 x 10(7) conidia per ml). Mating success of inoculated males was not affected compared with the control group during the 3 d postinoculation. Horizontal transmission to females during the first day was 80.6 and 84.3% through mating and 15.4 and 21.6% through attempts to mate and contact during courtship for the LCPP and Bassianil products, respectively. The fertility of infected females was notably reduced, and longevity did not extend beyond 15 d. Our results suggest the possibility of using sterile flies as fungus vectors in sterile insect technique programs, but the potential benefits and shortcomings of this approach require further investigation.  相似文献   

High pupal mortality experienced during laboratory rearing of Biosteres longicaudatus, a parasitoid of the Caribbean fruit fly Anastrepha suspensa was attributed primarily to the action of two species of opportunistic pathogens, Serratia marcescens and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. These bacteria were best able to overwhelm both parasitized and nonparasitized fly larvae and pupae when they were subjected to thermal stress (rearing temperatures >30°C). Methenamine mandelate chemotherapy had no prophylactic effect, but potentially deleterious side effects (aberrant fly premating sounds) were caused by incorporation of this antibiotic in the A. suspensa larval rearing medium. Control was effected by optimizing the cultural conditions rather than by the use of antibiotics.  相似文献   

Packing, shipping, holding and releasing methods of sterile tephritid fruit flies for the control of pest populations have recently received special attention because they are the final steps in the application of the sterile insect technique (SIT). In this study, we examined the effect of four holding densities, 0.524, 0.599, 0.674 and 0.748 sterile adults/cm2, and four holding periods (5, 6, 7 and 8 days) in sterile West Indian fruit flies, Anastrepha obliqua (Diptera: Tephritidae). The key parameters of adult fliers (AF, also known as absolute fliers) and adult survival under stress were measured. We also compared two methods to determine the percentage of AF (called the tray and sample methods) after the holding period and the chilling process. Our results indicate that differences in holding densities and holding periods may not affect the percentage of AF and the survival of sterile adults if they are supplied with enough food and water, allowing the release of higher numbers of sexually mature sterile males. When estimating the percentage of AF, the evaluated methods resulted equivalent and reliable, but the sample method showed a clear advantage by allowing the use of lower numbers of sterile flies to perform the test, which may represent important savings in SIT programmes. These findings will require further studies on sexual competitiveness in field cages to better determine the optimal management of sterile flies in FERFs.  相似文献   

Laboratory and field experiments were performed to determine the efficiency of the entomopathogenic nematode Heterorhabditis bacteriophora against third instar larvae of the tephritid fruit fly Anastrepha ludens. Infection was affected by low (6%) and high (12-24%) soil moisture; the highest prevalence of infection was observed at 9% moisture. LC50 values were estimated under laboratory conditions at densities of 0.16, 0.26 and 0.64 larvae/cm3 of sand in containers of different depths (2, 5 and 8 cm) at 10% moisture, and larval ages (third instar, early versus late stadium). Third instar A. ludens were significantly more susceptible to infection early in the stadium than late in the stadium, irrespective of host density (LC50 ∼15 infective juvenile nematodes/cm2 soil surface). Infection of late stadium third instars was significantly reduced at low density. Application of 115 and 345 infective juvenile nematodes/cm2 (representing one and three times the laboratory LC50 at the lowest host density, respectively), in experimental plots in a commercial mango orchard, resulted in 46.7% (range of SE: 45.2-48.1) and 76.1% (SE: 74.8-77.3) infection, respectively. We conclude that H. bacteriophora merits further study as a natural enemy of Anastrepha spp. in tropical regions of the Americas.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed on adult wild Anastrepha obliqua females to (I) determine whether there is a critical period during the reproductive phase when the absence of protein in the diet impairs egg production; (II) determine whether the females are able to self-select an optimal diet; and (III) determine the discrimination threshold for protein in newly emerged females as well as in 10-day old females that had either been deprived of protein or not deprived. The results showed that protein ingestion is essential during the preovipositing phase to allow egg production, that females are self-selective and that this behavior changes with age according to the reproductive status, and that protein deprivation strongly alters the discrimination threshold for protein. Newly emerged females have discriminatory thresholds similar to protein-deprived insects.  相似文献   

The effect of intrinsic competition between the exotic parasitoid Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead) and the native species Doryctobracon crawfordi (Viereck), Utetes anastrephae (Viereck) and Opius hirtus (Fischer) (all Braconidae: Opiinae) was studied under laboratory conditions. Each native species and D. longicaudata acted as both a resident and an invader, and all species were introduced to the host simultaneously. Diachasmimorpha longicaudata was found to be the most competitive species because it achieved the highest parasitism percentage under all the experimental conditions, but it was also negatively affected by the presence and parasitic activity of the native parasitoids. Utetes anastrephae was the only species that maintained its parasitic rate when all species attacked the available hosts simultaneously. The emergence probability of a female D. longicaudata was positively associated with the increase in the number of scars on the cuticle of the host pupa, but this association was not observed for the native species. It was concluded that D. longicaudata is an intrinsic competitor that is superior to D. crawfordi, U. anastrephae and O. hirtus, whether acting as a resident or an invader, producing a female-biased sex ratio in all the evaluation conditions. Utetes anastrephae was the native species that was least affected by the competitive presence of D. longicaudata, which suggests that it could be used as a complementary biological control agent for Anastrepha fruit flies.  相似文献   

No-choice cage tests were used to study the toxicity of imidacloprid-treated spheres to Caribbean fruit fly, Anastrepha suspensa (Loew), and its associated parasitoid, Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead), in the laboratory. Three imidacloprid sphere treatments (2, 4, and 8% active ingredient [AI] Provado 1.6 F) and an untreated control sphere (no toxicant) were evaluated against A. suspensa. Throughout the observation period (2-72 h), all concentrations of imidacloprid-treated spheres killed significantly more A. suspensa compared with control spheres. After 4 h of exposure to imidacloprid-treated spheres, significantly more A. suspensa were killed on spheres treated with 8% compared with 2% (AI). At 48 and 72 h, there were no significant differences in the mean number of A. suspensa killed at 2, 4, and 8% (AI), potentially indicating that a period of 24 h was sufficient for flies to ingest a lethal dose of the pesticide. Overall, significantly more A. suspensa males were killed after 72 h of exposure to imidacloprid-treated spheres compared with females. For D. longicaudata, only two imidacloprid sphere treatments, 2 and 4% (AI), and an untreated sphere (control) were evaluated for mortality in cage tests. There were no significant differences in mortality of D. longicaudata between the 2 and 4% (AI) imidacloprid-treated spheres. Both rates killed significantly more D. longicaudata compared with the control. However, after 24, 48, and 72 h of exposure to imidacloprid-treated spheres, significantly more D. longicaudata were killed in cages containing 4% compared with 2% (AI) and untreated control spheres. The study demonstrates the potential use of imidacloprid-treated spheres for control of A. suspensa in areas where it may be difficult to apply broad-spectrum insecticides.  相似文献   

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