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The hybrid minnow Rutilus alburnoides comprises diploid and polyploid females and males. Previous studies revealed that diploid and triploid females exhibit altered oogenesis that does not involve random segregation and recombination of the genomes of the two ancestors, constituting unisexual lineages. In the present study, we investigated the reproductive mode of hybrid males from the Tejo basin, using experimental crosses and flow cytometric analysis of blood and sperm. The results suggest that diploid hybrids produced fertile unreduced sperm, transmitting their hybrid genome intact to offspring. Triploid hybrids also produced unreduced sperm, but it was not possible to obtain data concerning their fertility. Finally, tetraploid hybrids produced fertile diploid sperm, which exhibited Mendelian segregation. Tetraploid R. alburnoides may reestablish biparental reproduction, as individuals of both sexes with the appropriate constitution for normal meiosis (two haploid genomes from each parental species) are likely to occur in natural populations. Tetraploids probably have arisen from syngamy of diploid eggs and diploid sperm produced by diploid hybrid males. Diploid hybrid males may therefore play a significant role in the dynamics of the complex, starting the evolutionary process that may ultimately lead to a new sexually reproducing species.  相似文献   

Iberian minnows collectively known as the Tropidophoxinellus alburnoides STEINDACHNER complex comprise diploid and polyploid forms with highly female biased sex ratios. Previous investigators suggested that all-female clonal reproduction and interspecific hybridization may occur in this complex. We examined nuclear (allozymes) and cytoplasmic genes (mtDNA) to assess the evolutionary origins, relationships, and reproductive modes of T. alburnoides from western Spain. The multi-locus allozyme data clearly revealed the hybrid nature of all polyploid forms of this fish and some diploid forms as well. Diagnostic markers identified fish from the genus Leuciscus as the paternal ancestor of hybrids in the Duero and Guadiana River Basins. Additionally, analysis of nuclear markers revealed that hybridogenetic reproduction occurs in the diploid and triploid hybrids. The hybrids fully express the paternal Leuciscus genome and then discard it during oogenesis. Hybridogenetic ova contain only maternal nuclear genes and mtDNA from a non-hybrid T. alburnoides ancestor. Apparently diploid and triploid hybrids of T. alburnoides persist as sperm parasites on males of a sexually reproducing Leuciscus host species.  相似文献   

Artificial cross between two genetically different populations of Japanese Misgurnus loach was made to examine the reproductive capacity of the artificial inter-populational hybrid females. Ploidy status and microsatellite genotypes of the eggs laid by these hybrids were inferred from those determined in progenies developed by normal fertilization with haploid loach sperm, induced gynogenesis with UV-irradiated goldfish sperm and/or hybridization with intact goldfish sperm. Some hybrid females laid unreduced diploid eggs genetically identical to the mother. However, these diploid eggs could not develop by spontaneous gynogenesis, but grow to triploid by incorporation of a sperm nucleus. Other hybrid females laid haploid eggs together with diploid eggs and/or various aneuploid and polyploid eggs. Thus, a disruption of normal meiosis occurred in inter-populational hybrid females. The results suggested that the two populations should be so distant as to give rise to atypical formation of unreduced and other unusual eggs in their hybrids.  相似文献   

Diploid and triploid interspecific hybrid male progeny obtained from mating Misgurnus anguillicaudatus with M. mizoleis were reported to have histologically fertile and sterile testes, respectively. However, their reproductive capacity is still unclear because mating tests have not been examined using mature hybrids. Here, we examined physiological and genetic characteristics of spermatozoa of diploid and triploid hybrids. In diploid hybrid males, 1n, 2n and 4n spermatozoa showing low motility were detected. However, spermatozoa of three diploid hybrid males could generate 2n larvae. Therefore, only 1n spermatozoa of diploid hybrid males was fertile to produce larva. The chromosomes of diploid hybrid males were transmitted to spermatozoa by random segregation between the homologous chromosomes because most larvae had one allele derived from both M. anguillicaudatus and M. mizolepis at all loci examined. In triploid hybrid males, spermatozoa could be categorized to three different types based on their ploidy status. Type 1: In the first and second males, sperm samples mainly comprised 6n spermatozoa. Motility and fertility were not recorded. Type 2: The third male gave a large proportion of 6n spermatozoa as well as a small proportion of 1n spermatozoa. Although no motility was observed, larvae arose from eggs inseminated with such spermatozoa. Type 3: In the fourth male, only 1n spermatozoa were detected and their motility was vigorous. When eggs were fertilized with such 1n spermatozoa, normal larvae hatched. 1n spermatozoa of the triploid hybrid male only included the M. anguillicaudatus genome. In Misgurnus fishes, diploid hybrid males exhibited semi-sterility or slight fertility. On the contrary, triploid hybrid males were sometime fertile due to the production of 1n spermatozoa by a kind of transformation of meiosis like meiotic hybridogenesis.  相似文献   

The Iberian minnow Leuciscus alburnoides represents a complex of diploid and polyploid forms with altered modes of reproduction. In the present paper, we review the recent data on the origin, reproductive modes, and inter-relationships of the various forms of the complex, in order to predict its evolutionary potential. The complex follows the hybrid-origin model suggested for most other asexual vertebrates. Diploid and triploid females from the southern river basins exhibit reproductive modes that cannot be conveniently placed into the categories generally recognised for these vertebrate complexes, which imply continuous shifting between forms, where genomes derived from both parental ancestors are cyclically lost, gained or replaced. Replacement of nuclear genomes allow the introduction of novel genetic material, that may compensate for the disadvantages of asexual reproduction. Contrasting with most other vertebrate complexes, L. alburnoides males are fertile and play an important role in the dynamics of the complex. Moreover, diploid hybrid males may have initiated a tetraploidization process, when a diploid clonal sperm fertilised a diploid egg. This direct route to tetraploidy by originating fish with the right constitution for normal meiosis (symmetric), may eventually lead to a new sexually reproducing polyploid species. This case-study reinforces the significance of hybridisation and polyploidy in evolution and diversification of vertebrates.  相似文献   

Several studies have demonstrated the hybrid origin of Squalius alburnoides , a complex of diploid, triploid and tetraploid fish, with Squalius pyrenaicus as the maternal ancestor and an Anaecypris hispanica -like species as the paternal ancestor. The aim of this study was to assess patterns of genetic diversity and similarity between sympatric forms of the different ploidy levels of S. alburnoides and related parental species in the two largest basins that are part of its southern Iberian distribution, the Tejo and Guadiana, using microsatellites. High levels of genetic diversity were found in populations of S. alburnoides from both basins, reflecting the hybrid origin, the high diversity of forms in these river basins and the different modes of reproduction of the complex. Microsatellites indicated low values of genetic differentiation between the non-hybrid all-male form of S. alburnoides and A. hispanica , supporting the view that these forms share a common ancestor. In some instances, diploid and triploid hybrids from the same river basin were more closely related to each other than to their counterparts in the other basins, suggesting an ancient origin for the complex in these Iberian southern basins.  相似文献   

The Amazon molly, Poecilia formosa, is an all-female fish of hybrid origin which reproduces by gynogenesis, i.e. it depends on sperm of males of closely related species to trigger parthenogenetic development of the embryo. Therefore the offspring is clonal and identical to the mother. In rare cases the exclusion mechanism fails and paternal introgression occurs. This may result either in triploid offspring - if the whole haploid chromosome set of the sperm fuses with the diploid egg nucleus - or in siblings with microchromosomes - if only subgenomic amounts of paternal DNA are included. In one of our diploid, microchromosome-carrying laboratory stocks we observed eight triploid individuals which all developed into males. We investigated the mitotic and meiotic chromosomes, the synaptonemal complex (SC), and sperm production of these males, and compared them to males of the gonochoristic parental species (P. latipinna and P. mexicana) and their hybrids. This comparison revealed that P. formosa males are functional males with reduced effective fertility. They show a deviation from the typical 23 bivalents in the synaptonemal complexes as well as in diakinesis due to the triploid state. They produced offspring but only with gynogenetic Amazon molly females. This shows that the probably aneuploid sperm from P. formosa males can trigger parthenogenetic development of unreduced eggs.  相似文献   

Rutilus alburnoides complex is a common and widely distributed Iberian cyprinid, whose natural populations include mainly diploid and triploid forms. The Guadiana populations of R. alburnoides were studied to determine whether habitat segregation and morphological differences exist between these forms. The ploidy level of each specimen was determined by measuring erythrocyte DNA content using flow cytometry. Evidence of spatial segregation between diploid males and the two female forms was found. Diploid males were best represented in the River Degebe, which was shallow, with higher temperatures (especially during the spring and summer), and silt and sandy substrate. Diploid females were found in deeper water, on steeper gradients and coarse substrata, while triploid females preferred higher current velocity and a high proportion of instream cover, especially during the spring. The ecological differences may reduce competitive interactions, and should promote a stable coexistence of the different forms. Morphological distinction between fish of different ploidy levels was not established, but differences were found between the males and females. Discriminant analysis allowed, with a 10% error, the separation of both sexes through six morphological characteristics that could be recorded in the field.  相似文献   

Polyploidy, hybridization and variation in mating systems are central issues for a deeper understanding of animal evolution. The Iberian species Squalius alburnoides represents an example combining all three phenomena. Previous studies showed that S. alburnoides populations are mainly composed of triploid and diploid hybrid forms (mainly females), and that the tetraploid forms are rare or absent. Both populations from the Douro drainage reveal a distinct scenario: tetraploid individuals represent 85.6-97.5% of the population, with no sex ratio bias observed. Based on the flow cytometry measurements of blood and spermatozoa cells, microsatellite loci and experimental crosses, we describe here, for the first time, two symmetric allotetraploid populations (CCAA) that resumed normal meiosis after undergoing intermediate processes of non-sexual reproduction to give rise to a new sexually reproducing polyploid species. Prezygotic (habitat selection and assortative mating) and postzygotic mechanisms (nonviable embryos) are responsible for the reproductive isolation from other forms of the S. alburnoides complex (e.g. CA, CAA). This example illustrates how hybrid polyploid complexes may lead to speciation.  相似文献   

Eggs and larvae produced by diploid, triploid, and tetraploid females collected from breeding ponds on Pelee Island in Lake Erie were studied to examine the reproductive mechanism. No instance of parthenogenesis was found as all examined females required sperm to produce viable progeny. Diploid females produced diploid and triploid larvae, triploid females produced triploid and tetraploid larvae, and tetraploid females produced triploid and tetraploid larvae. The majority of the eggs produced by hybrid females do not develop or do not complete embryogenesis. Electrophoretic examination of females and their offspring demonstrate that the male genome is being incorporated in reduced as well as unreduced eggs produced by all three ploidy classes of females. The elevation of ploidy among Pelee Island Ambystoma is attributed to sperm incorporation in unreduced eggs. Triploid as well as tetraploid individuals are constantly being produced. A critical examination of the literature on parthenogenetic or gynogenetic modes of reproduction in North America Ambystoma hybrids shows no conclusive evidence supporting these modes and it is suggested that the reproductive mechanism found among Pelee Island female hybrids may be more generally applied to other hybrid Ambystoma populations.  相似文献   

Samples of the Squalius alburnoides complex, a hybridogenetic Iberian minnow composed of diploid, triploid and, less commonly, tetraploid forms, were collected from a tributary of the Ardila River (Guadiana River basin) between February 1999 and January 2001. Seasonal variation in diet was evident, and was probably linked to prey availability. Distinct foraging behaviours between ploidy forms were found towards several prey items, suggesting that diploid adult males fed mostly near the surface, whereas diploid adult females tended to feed near the bottom and submerged vegetation. Triploid females exhibited an intermediate foraging behaviour, although there was greater affinity towards diploid male feeding behaviour. Diploid males which, in contrast to diploid and triploid females, have non‐hybrid genomes in the Guadiana drainage, exhibited a higher specialization for food. Despite considerable dietary overlap, there appeared to be spatial segregation of feeding niches between the three forms, especially during dry periods when prey availability was lower, which may be a strategy for diminishing competition for food. Therefore, considering asexual generalist and specialist hypotheses, it appears that the different ploidy levels are generalist, opportunistic feeders that partition the resources when limited.  相似文献   

Hybrids between the minnows Phoxinus eos and Phoxinus neogaeus coexist with a population of P. eos in East Inlet Pond, Coos Co., New Hampshire. Chromosome counts and flow cytometric analysis of erythrocyte DNA indicate that these hybrids include diploids, triploids, and diploid-triploid mosaics. The mosaics have both diploid and triploid cells in their bodies, even within the same tissues. All three hybrid types are heterozygous at seven putative loci for which P. eos and P. neogaeus are fixed for different allozymes, indicating that the hybrids carry one eos and one neogaeus haploid genome. The diploid hybrids are therefore P. eos-neogaeus, whereas the triploids and mosaics are derived from P. eos-neogaeus but have an extra eos or neogaeus genome in all or some of their cells. Diploid, triploid, and mosaic hybrids accept tissue grafts from diploid hybrids, indicating that all individuals carry the identical eos-neogaeus diploid genome. Thus, one P. eos-neogaeus clone exists at East Inlet Pond. Grafts among the triploids and mosaics or from these individuals to diploid hybrids are rejected, indicating that the third genome is different in each triploid and mosaic individual. In this study, diploid and mosaic hybrids, carrying the clonal eos-neogaeus genome, were bred in the laboratory with males of P. eos or P. neogaeus. Both diploid and mosaic hybrids produced diploid, triploid, and mosaic offspring, revealing the source of the three hybrid types present at East Inlet Pond. These offspring accepted grafts from P. eos-neogaeus individuals, indicating that they all had inherited the identical eos-neogaeus genome. Most grafts among triploid and mosaic progeny, or from these individuals to their diploid broodmates, were rejected, indicating that the third genome was different in each triploid and mosaic (as was observed in the wild hybrids) and was contributed by sperm from males of P. eos or P. neogaeus. Diploid progeny are produced if sperm serves only to stimulate embryogenesis; triploid or mosaic progeny are produced if the sperm genome is incorporated. Although based on a mode of reproduction that by definition results in a genetically identical community of individuals, i.e., gynogenesis, reproduction in hybrid Phoxinus results in a variety of genetically distinct individuals by the incorporation of sperm into approximately 50% of the diploid ova produced.  相似文献   

The hybrid minnow Squalius alburnoides comprises diploid and polyploid forms with altered modes of reproduction. In the present paper, we report a cross where a triploid female generated both large, triploid and small, haploid eggs simultaneously, which were fertilized with S. pyrenaicus sperm. Although the large eggs were rarer (15%), they originated offspring with higher survivorship, so that tetraploids were dominant among the surviving siblings. The cross yielded apparently all female progeny. Inheritance patterns were inferred using four microsatellite markers and NORs (Nucleolus Organizer Regions) phenotypes, and suggested that haploid eggs were probably produced by an atypical hybridogenesis, in which the elimination of the unmatched genome permitted random segregation and recombination between the homospecific genomes, while the triploid eggs were clonal. The present results suggest that the occurrence of triploid unreduced eggs may be a new route for the natural tetraploidization in the complex.  相似文献   

Hybridization and polyploidy play an important role in animal speciation. European water frogs of the Pelophylax esculentus complex demonstrate unusual genetic phenomena associated with hybridization, clonality and polyploidy which presumably indicate an initial stage of reticulate speciation. The Seversky Donets River drainage in north‐eastern Ukraine is inhabited by both sexes of the diploid and triploid hybrid P. esculentus and only one parental species Pelophylax ridibundus. Based on the presence of various types of hybrids, all populations studied can be divided into three geographical groups: I) P. ridibundusP. esculentus without triploids; II) P. ridibundusP. esculentus without diploid hybrids; and III) P. ridibundusP. esculentus with a mixture of diploids and triploids. A study of gametogenesis revealed that diploid P. esculentus in populations of the first type usually produced haploid gametes of P. ridibundus and a mixture of haploid gametes that carried one or another parental genome (hybrid amphispermy). In populations of the second type, hybrids are derived from crosses of P. ridibundus males with triploid hybrid females producing haploid eggs with a genome of P. lessonae. Therefore, we suggest that clonal genome duplication in these eggs might be the result of suppression of second polar body formation or extra precleavage endoreduplication. In populations of the third type, some diploid females can produce diploid gametes. Fertilization of these eggs with haploid sperm can result in triploid hybrids. Other hybrids here produce haploid gametes with one or another parental genome or their mixture giving rise to new diploid hybrids.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to compare the reproductive physiology of triploid and diploid European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.). Gonads of diploid and triploid fish (males and females) were examined both microscopically and macroscopically, together with the plasma levels of the major sex steroids produced (testosterone and estradiol-17beta) when fish were adults. Prior to sexual maturation, the gonadosomatic index (GSI) of triploid males was similar to that of diploids. However, the GSI in 4-year-old adult triploid males was 1.8 times lower than that of diploids (P < 0.05). All diploid males exhibited normal gonadal development. In contrast, in triploid males spermatogenesis was impaired during late meiosis, affecting severely spermiogenesis. This was achieved by an increasing imbalance in the amount of DNA present in daughter cells of the same type as spermatogenesis progressed, as demonstrated by abnormal cell sizes, culminating in inviable spermatids. Thus, no spermiating triploid fish were observed during 4 years, which included three full consecutive maturation cycles. Furthermore, the germ cells from triploids were significantly larger than those from diploids (P < 0.001). Seasonal profiles of plasma levels of testosterone in 4-year-old males were essentially similar in both ploidies. On the other hand, triploid females had rudimentary ovaries containing oogonia and primary oocytes that were arrested during meiotic prophase I, while diploid females exhibited all stages of ovarian development. Diploid females showed levels of testosterone and estradiol-17beta significantly higher than those of triploids (P < 0.05), in which no endocrine signs of maturation were observed at all. Regarding sex ratios, triploids had 10% more females than diploids (P < 0.05) but in both ploidies males predominated, as is usually found in this species under culture conditions. These results show that triploidy blocked the initial phases of meiosis in females and the latter ones in males, resulting in the absence of or reduced gonadal development, respectively. In conclusion, we provide an explanation for the lack of gonadal development in triploid male fish, and, to the best of our knowledge, we report for the first time a case in which induced triploidy completely blocks meiosis in both sexes, thus conferring functional sterility in the sea bass.  相似文献   

The Squalius alburnoides complex (Steindachner) is one of the most intricate hybrid polyploid systems known in vertebrates. In this complex, the constant switch of the genome composition in consecutive generations, very frequently involving a change on the ploidy level, promotes repetitive situations of potential genomic shock. Previously in this complex, it was showed that in response to the increase in genome dosage, triploids hybrids could regulate gene expression to a diploid state. In this work we compared the small RNA profiles in the different genomic compositions interacting in the complex in order to explore the miRNA involvement in gene expression regulation of triploids. Using high-throughput arrays and sequencing technologies we were able to verify that diploid and triploid hybrids shared most of their sequences and their miRNA expression profiles were high correlated. However, an overall view indicates an up-regulation of several miRNAs in triploids and a global miRNA expression in triploids higher than the predicted from an additive model. Those results point to a participation of miRNAs in the cellular functional stability needed when the ploidy change.  相似文献   

This report deals with an unusual mode of mitochondrial gene introgression between Cobitis hankugensis (C. sinensis) and C. longicorpus which is mediated by a unisexual hybridogenetic system of diploid-triploid C. hankugensis-longicorpus complex. Mitochondrial DNA sequences of 3329-3330bp encompassing from upstream ND6 to 12S rDNA indicated that mitochondrial genomes from the diploid hybrids, triploid hybrids, and their parental species are almost identical. Because triploid hybrids produce haploid ova with C. hankugensis chromosome set, normal diploid C. hankugensis regenerates upon insemination with C. hankugensis sperm. If the hybrid carries C. longicorpus mitochondrial genome, the regenerated C. hankugensis is a nucleo-cytoplasmic hybrid, thus accomplishing the unusual mode of mitochondrial gene introgression.  相似文献   

Polyploidisation is assumed to have played a significant role in the evolution of hybrid asexual lineages. The virtual absence of natural asexual systems in which more than a single ploidy level successfully establishes successful independent clonal lineages is generally explained by the strong effects of polyploidisation on fitness. Experimental crosses were made between diploid and triploid asexual Cobitis elongatoides × C. taenia hybrids (female) and both parental spined loach species (male). Genotyping of the progeny using allozymes and multilocus DNA fingerprinting, along with flow cytometric measurement of ploidy level, demonstrated the occurrence of gynogenetic reproduction in both female biotypes. The incorporation of the sperm genome occurred in some progeny, giving rise to a higher ploidy level, but the rate of polyploidisation differed significantly between the diploid and triploid females. These outcomes are consistent with the existence of developmental constraints on tetraploidy, which determine the rarity of tetraploids in natural populations. No cases of ploidy level reduction were observed. Since diploid and triploid hybrid populations occur where the lack of potential progenitor excludes the possibility of de novo origin, it is probable that both diploid and triploid females can establish successful clonal lineages. Spined loaches represent a unique example, among asexual vertebrates, where more than one ploidy level can establish persistent clonal lineages, which are reproductively independent of one another.  相似文献   

Summary Experiments were conducted to estimate the viability of diploid and induced triploid hybrids between the rainbow trout female and the grayling male. Both are unable to hatch, even so the triploid dies later than the diploid. Insemination of rainbow trout eggs by UV irradiated sperm of grayling results in gynogenetic rainbow trouts when viability is restored by heat shocks inhibiting the second division of egg meiosis.  相似文献   

We examined the genetic composition, habitat use, and morphological variation of a Phoxinus eos-neogaeus unisexual hybrid complex and its sexually reproducing progenitor species inhabiting beaver-modified drainages of Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota. In addition to the single diploid P. eos-neogaeus gynogenetic clone, triploid and diploid-triploid mosaic biotypes were present at our study sites. Both P. eos and P. neogaeus, and all three hybrid biotypes were ubiquitous throughout one intensively surveyed drainage, but abundances and relative frequencies of the parental species and hybrids varied considerably within and among successional environments. Data from a large number of additional sites indicated that the proportion of polyploid hybrids within an environment was negatively related to hybrid relative frequency, implying that the genomic constitution of hybrids is an important determinant of clonal fitness among successional environments. Statistical comparisons of variation along size-free multivariate body shape axes indicated that despite its genetic uniformity, the P. eos-neogaeus clone is no less variable than its sexual progenitors, suggesting that a single genotype may actually respond to environmental variation with as much phenotypic variation as a genetically variable sexual population. The incorporation and expression of a third genome in triploid and diploid-triploid mosaic biotypes derived from the gynogenetic clone significantly expanded phenotypic variation of the clone. This additional variation results in greater similarities in habitat use and morphological overlap with the parental species, primarily P. eos, the predominant sperm donor for gynogenetic hybrid females in this complex. Polyploid augmentation of a diploid gynogenetic clone appears to be typical in the P. eos-neogaeus complex, and the additional genetic and phenotypic variation that it generates has potentially significant ecological and evolutionary consequences for the success and persistence of a single genotype in highly variable environments.  相似文献   

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