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A mathematical model was constructed to describe the evolution of resistance to the Bacillus thuringiensis toxin (Bt) in an insect pest (European corn borer) population on a transgenic crop (Bt corn). The model comprises a set of partial differential equations of the reaction-diffusion type; local interactions of three competing pest genotypes formed by alleles of Bt resistance and susceptibility are described as in the Kostitzin model, and the spread of insects is modeled as diffusion. The model was used to evaluate the influence of pest characteristics on the efficacy of the high-dose/refuge strategy aiming to prevent or delay the spread of Bt resistance in pest populations. It was shown, by contrast, that a model based on Fisher-Haldane-Wright equations and formally incorporating a diffusion term cannot adequately describe the evolution of Bt resistance in a spatially inhomogeneous pest population. Further development of the proposed demo-genetic model is discussed.  相似文献   

A 3-yr, multi-state survey of farmers who had planted transgenic Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) corn was conducted to evaluate perceptions of Bt corn performance and its utility as a management option for European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner). A questionnaire was sent to farmers in Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Nebraska, and Pennsylvania who had grown Bt corn during the growing seasons of 1996, 1997, or 1998. There were 7,427 usable questionnaires returned with the following response percentages: 1996 (42.1%), 1997 (35.0%), and 1998 (22.6%). Adoption rates, based on percentage of acreage planted to Bt corn, increased dramatically from 1996 (10.5%) to 1998 (40.7%). The states growing the highest percentage of Bt corn were Minnesota, Iowa, and then Nebraska However, Illinois, was adopting Bt corn at the fastest rate. Historical use of insecticides did not influence the adoption of Bt corn. In addition, of those farmers who used insecticides to control European corn borer, the percentage that decreased their use of insecticides nearly doubled from 13.2% (1996) to 26.0% (1998) over this 3-yr period. The primary reason farmers planted Bt corn was to eliminate the yield loss caused by European corn borer. Scouting for European corn borers decreased from 91% (scouting 2.2 times a year) in 1996 to 75% (scouting 1.8 times a year) in 1998. The percentage of farmers not scouting for European corn borers increased from 9.6% (1996) to 25% (1998). Most farmers believed yields of Bt hybrids were either similar to or greater than the yields of non-Bt hybrids. Minnesota farmers perceived the greatest yield advantages. Farmers are becoming more aware of insect resistance management guidelines; however, they also clearly show preferences for having the flexibility to use different spatial plantings of Bt and non-Bt corn. Finally, after having planted Bt corn and obtained excellent control of European corn borer, most farmers believed that this insect had been causing more yield loss than they previously had suspected in their non-Bt corn. The data represented here provide an historical foundation for how transgenic Bt corn was used by farmers during the first 3 yr of commercial availability, their initial perceptions on the performance of this technology, and their attitudes regarding management of the European corn borer.  相似文献   

Strategies proposed for delaying resistance to Bacillus thuringiensis toxins expressed by transgenic maize require intense gene flow between individuals that grew on transgenic and on normal (referred to as refuges) plants. To investigate gene flow in the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner), the genetic variability at 29 sampled sites from France was studied by comparing allozyme frequencies at six polymorphic loci. Almost no deviations from Hardy-Weinberg expectations occurred, and a high stability of allelic distribution was found among samples collected in the same site over two or three different generations, indicating a high stability of the genetic structure over time. The overall genetic differentiation was low at the region and whole country level, suggesting a high and homogeneous gene flow. These results are discussed in relation to the sustainability of transgenic insecticidal maize.  相似文献   

We constructed a reaction-diffusion model of the development of resistance to transgenic insecticidal Bt crops in pest populations. Kostitzin’s demo-genetic model describes local interactions between three competing pest genotypes with alleles conferring resistance or susceptibility to transgenic plants, the spatial spread of insects being modelled by diffusion. This new approach makes it possible to combine a spatial demographic model of population dynamics with classical genetic theory. We used this model to examine the effects of pest dispersal and of the size and shape of the refuge on the efficiency of the “high-dose/refuge” strategy, which was designed to prevent the development of resistance in populations of insect pests, such as the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner (Lepidoptera, Crambidae). We found that, with realistic combinations of refuge size and pest dispersal, the development of resistance could be considerably delayed. With a small to medium-sized farming area, contiguous refuge plots are more efficient than a larger number of smaller refuge patches. We also show that the formal coupling of classical Fisher–Haldane–Wright population genetics equations with diffusion terms inaccurately describes the development of resistance in a spatially heterogeneous pest population, notably overestimating the speed with which Bt resistance is selected in populations of pests targeted by Bt crops.  相似文献   

We used a mathematical model with processes reflecting larval mortality resulting from feeding on cross-pollinated ears or Bt ears of corn to analyze the risk of evolution of Cry-toxin resistance in Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner). In the simulations, evolution of resistance was delayed equally well by both seed mixtures and blocks with the same proportion of refuge. Our results showed that Bt-pollen drift has little impact on the evolution of Bt resistance in O. nubilalis. However, low-toxin expression in ears of transgenic corn can reduce the durability of transgenic corn expressing single toxin, whereas durability of pyramided corn hybrids is not significantly reduced. The toxin-survival rate of heterozygous larvae in Bt-corn ears expressing one or two proteins has more impact on evolution of Bt resistance in O. nubilalis than the parameters related to larval movement to Bt ears or the toxin-survival rate of the homozygous susceptible larvae in Bt ears. Bt resistance evolves slower when toxin mortality is distributed across the first two larval stadia than when only the first instars are susceptible to Bt toxins. We suggest that stakeholders examine toxin-survival rates for insect pests and take into account that instars may feed on different parts of Bt corn.  相似文献   

We modified an existing model for European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), population dynamics and genetics to evaluate the effectiveness of oviposition deterrence in transgenic fields for resistance management. We simulated two types of deterrence: one type has females reducing their oviposition because of lost opportunities to lay eggs (eggs lost), and the other type has the deterred females moving to the refuge to lay eggs. Oviposition deterrence was clearly effective in extending the time to resistance to transgenic corn (R allele) in the European corn borer, particularly when 80% or more of the eggs were deterred from being oviposited on the transgenic plants. With 90% of eggs deterred, the time required to reach 50% R-allele frequency increases 3.7- to 5.5-fold compared with the no-deterrence scenario. The time to 50% R-allele frequency was similar for the two types of simulated deterrence, but the densities of the European corn borer were 100-fold higher when the deterred females oviposited in the refuge. The Y allele for insensitivity or resistance to deterrence never reached 50% within the 50-yr time line for these simulations except when the R allele was dominant and the Y allele was not recessive. The time to 50% Y-allele frequency was 33 and 26 yr when the Y allele was additive or dominant, respectively, when 50% of the eggs were deterred, but the time decreased to 18 and 16 yr when 90% of the eggs were deterred. The effectiveness of oviposition deterrence on time to resistance to transgenic insecticidal plants was not changed much when we altered our assumptions about behavior in a sensitivity analysis.  相似文献   

The Asian corn borer, Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenée), is the most important insect pest on corn in China. Bt transgenic corn provides a new tool for Asian corn borer control. Monsanto's YieldGard Bt transgenic corn expressing Cry1Ab protein, and a non-Bt control, were evaluated in Beijing. Laboratory bioassays were carried out by exposing neonates to an agar-free diet containing Bt corn whorl leaves, tassels, and anthers, or by exposing neonates directly to fresh silk and pollen. These are the tissues initially attacked by neonates in the field. All of these tissues, with the exception of pollen, contained sufficient insecticidal protein to kill > or = 95% of larvae within 7 d. Surviving larvae had also not grown beyond first instar and weighed < or = 0.1 mg. Although larvae feeding on Bt corn pollen were significantly smaller than those on non-Bt corn pollen, there was no significant difference in mortality. Field trials were also conducted with artificial infestations of Asian corn borer at mid whorl, late whorl, and silking stages. Damage ratings and number of larvae surviving per plant indicated that Bt corn was highly resistant to Asian corn borer. Therefore, YieldGard offers the potential for season-long protection against first- and second-generation Asian corn borer.  相似文献   

A simulation model of the western corn rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte, was used to investigate whether sampling and economic thresholds can improve integrated pest management (IPM) and insect resistance management (IRM) when transgenic insecticidal crops are used for insect pest management. When transgenic corn killed at least 80% of susceptible larvae, the calculated economic threshold increased linearly as the proportion of susceptible beetles surviving the toxin increased. The use of economic thresholds slightly slowed the evolution of resistance to transgenic insecticidal crops. In areas with or without rotation-resistant western corn rootworm phenotypes, the use of sampling and economic thresholds generated similar returns compared with strategies of planting transgenic corn, Zea mays L., every season. Because transgenic crops are extremely effective, farmers may be inclined to plant transgenic crops every season rather than implementing costly and time-consuming sampling protocols.  相似文献   

The diapause biology of the European corn borer (ECB), Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübn.), is described based on natural and controlled environment studies of feral and lab-reared ECB's in North Carolina (NC). The diapause response is described as a function of photophase (h of light/day) as well as a function of larval age (instar) at onset of diapause-inducing conditions. A critical photophase of 14.4 h and a critical mean larval instar of 3.3 is found in the lab studies and supported by three years of insectary studies. Seven years of black light trapping of ECB moths in Goldsboro, NC, revealed the likelihood of up to four moth flights/year.Information about the diapause biology of this insect is used to explain both the number of flights and the relative magnitude of the final moth flights. On average, the majority of ECB lineages pass through three generations/year with early maturing ECB's producing a significant and predictable fourth generation. The timing and magnitude of the fourth flight can be partly explained on the basis of the critical photophase and the timing and age structure of previous ECB generations. In most years, the fourth flight is smaller than the third due to the majority of the fourth generation's predisposition towards diapause. However, in at least one case (1977), the fourth flight was unusually large and could be predicted by slight temporal shifts in the previous three flights resulting in the majority of the fourth generation larvae averting diapause. The value of the ECB-diapause interaction as a model system for the explanation and prediction of dynamic phenological events is discussed.
Résumé La diapause d'O. nubilalis Hubn. est décrite d'après des études en conditions naturelles et programmées de souches sauvages ou élevées au laboratoire en Caroline du Nord. La diapause est décrite comme une fonction de la photophase (heures de jour/24 heures) et du stade larvaire au début des conditions inductrices de la diapause. Une photophase critique de 14,4 h et un stade critique larvaire de 3,3 ont été établis au laboratoire après 3 ans d'études en insectarium. 7 ans de piégeage à la lumière noire à Goldsboro, ont montré la vraisemblance de l'existence de 4 vols par an. Les données sur la diapause de cet insecte sont utilisées pour expliquer tant le nombre de vols que l'importance relative des derniers vols. En moyenne, la majorité des lignées ont 3 générations par an, O. nubilalis précoces produisant une quatrième génération conséquente et prédictible. La data et l'importance du 4ème vol peuvent être partiellement expliquées d'après la photophase critique, et la data et la structure en âge des générations précédentes. La plupart des années, le 4ème vol est moins important que le 3ème par suite de la prédisposition à la diapause de la majorité de la 4ème génération. Cependant, dans un cas au moins, en 1977, le 4ème était anormalement important et pouvait être prédit par de faibles changements temporels dans les 3 précédents vols, détournant de la diapause la majorité des chenilles de 4ème génération. La discussion porte sur la valeur du modèle fourni par la diapause de O. nubilalis pour expliquer et prédire la dynamique des évéments phénologiques.

A major assumption of the high-dose/refuge strategy proposed for insect resistance management strategies for transgenic crop plants that express toxins from Bacillus thuringiensis is that resistance traits that evolve in pest species will be recessive. The inheritance of Cry1F resistance and larval survival on commercially available Cry1F corn hybrids were determined in a laboratory-selected strain of European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner), displaying more than 3000-fold resistance to Cry1F. Concentration-response bioassays of reciprocal parental crosses indicated that the resistance is autosomal and recessive. Bioassays of the backcross of the F1 generation with the selected strain were consistent with the hypothesis that a single locus, or a set of tightly linked loci, is responsible for the resistance. Greenhouse experiments with Cry1F-expressing corn hybrids indicated that some resistant larvae survived the high dose of toxin delivered by Cry1F-expressing plants although F1 progeny of susceptible by resistant crosses had fitness close to zero. These results provide the first direct evidence that the high dose/refuge strategy currently in place to manage resistance in Cry1F-expressing corn is appropriate.  相似文献   

Biological control of a univoltine race of European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), by Trichogramma in Switzerland is currently timed according to repeated, semi‐field observations of the post‐diapause development of the pest at one site. We developed a phenology model with the aims of replacing this costly labour practice and by considering the Swiss landscape. Observations collected over 29 years were used for model calibration and validation. We parameterized a time‐varying distributed delay model based on published laboratory observations of development durations at constant temperatures. The model was driven with hourly temperature recordings beginning on January 1. The calibration of the mean development rates and their variations was based on semi‐field data of larval and pupal development. The model, with its calibrated parameters and their variations, allowed the simulation of mean predictions and prediction intervals. We validated the model predictions of emergence with flight data (obtained via light traps) from several sites in western and northern Switzerland. The simulated mean emergence was 6.9 degree‐days earlier than the observed flight at the calibration sites and only 0.5 degree‐days earlier than the observed flight at other sites. Our simulation of pupation explained half of the variation in emergence time, whereas semi‐field observations of pupation explained three‐quarters of this variation. Our model simulations are not subjected to the local potential biases. Simulation errors from a year with an extremely dry spring were explained by the lack of consideration of humidity by the model. Our simulations provide a valid and less labour‐intensive alternative to observations for timing biological control in the maize‐growing areas of Switzerland and likely other areas of Europe.  相似文献   

Field studies were conducted in 1996 and 1997 to determine injury by and survival of late-instar European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner), on genetically altered Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner corn, Zea mays L. Cry1Ab events 176, Bt11, MON810, and MON802; Cry1Ac event DBT418; and Cry9C event CBH351 were evaluated. Plants of each corn hybrid were manually infested with two third-, fourth-, or fifth-instar O. nubilalis. Larvae were held in proximity to the internode of the plant above the ear with a mesh sleeve. Larvae were put on the plants during corn developmental stages V8, V16, R1, R3, R4, R5, and R6. This study shows that not all B. thuringiensis hybrids provide the same protection against O. nubilalis injury. Hybrids with B. thuringiensis events Bt11, MON810, MON802, and CHB351 effectively protected the corn against tunneling by late-instar O. nubilalis. Event 176 was effective in controlling late-instar O. nubilalis during V12 and V16 corn developmental stages; however, significant tunneling occurred by fourth instars during R3 and R5. Event DBT418 was not effective in controlling late-instar O. nubilalis during corn vegetative or reproductive stages of development. Whether the B. thuringiensis hybrids satisfied high- and ultra-high-dose requirements is discussed.  相似文献   

The European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) has been a major pest of corn and other crops in North America since its accidental introduction nearly a hundred years ago. Wide adoption of transgenic corn hybrids that express toxins from Bacillus thuringiensis, referred to as Bt corn, has suppressed corn borer populations and reduced the pest status of this insect in parts of the Corn Belt. Continued suppression of this pest, however, will depend on managing potential resistance to Bt corn, currently through the high-dose refuge (HDR) strategy. In this review, we describe what has been learned with regard to O. nubilalis resistance to Bt toxins either through laboratory selection experiments or isolation of resistance from field populations. We also describe the essential components of the HDR strategy as they relate to O. nubilalis biology and ecology. Additionally, recent developments in insect resistance management (IRM) specific to O. nubilalis that may affect the continued sustainability of this technology are considered.  相似文献   

【目的】抗螟性鉴定是转基因抗虫玉米研发的重要一环。本文主要就转基因玉米BT799对亚洲玉米螟的抗性展开评价,同时测定了BT799植株组织中Cry1Ac蛋白的表达量。【方法】采用了酶联免疫吸附测定法(ELISA)、室内生测和田间人工接虫鉴定3种方法。【结果】转基因抗虫玉米BT799组织中Cry1Ac蛋白含量分别为768.0 ng/g(蛋白/鲜叶重)和1 452.8~2 978.5 ng/g(蛋白/花丝、苞叶或幼嫩籽粒干重)。田间心叶期接虫条件下转基因抗虫玉米BT799和CC-2XBT799表现高抗亚洲玉米螟。室内取食转Cry1Ac基因玉米不同组织的亚洲玉米螟敏感幼虫7 d后的存活率为0~37.5%,取食非转基因对照的存活率为89.9%~100.0%。亚洲玉米螟不同抗性品系取食郑单958K组织的存活率以Cry1Ie抗性品系最低,其次是Cry1F抗性品系,均显著低于取食对照郑单958,Cry1Ac抗性品系最高,与对照差异不显著。【结论】转Cry1Ac基因玉米BT799对亚洲玉米螟有很高的杀虫作用和良好的田间抗螟性。  相似文献   

Bt转基因玉米的获得及其对玉米螟的抗性分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
以玉米幼胚和愈伤组织为受体,利用基因枪法将Bt基因GFMCry1A导入玉米杂交种“京玉7号(501/京24)”的亲本自交系501中,从转基因高世代材料中筛选出高抗玉米螟的转基因株系T123。T123及其与京24配制的杂交种的田间食叶级别均小于2级,而且也没有观察到玉米螟在茎杆中运动的隧道,表现出高抗玉米螟。  相似文献   

Crops producing insecticidal toxins derived from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) are widely planted to manage insect pests. Bt crops can provide an effective tool for pest management; however, the evolution of Bt resistance can diminish this benefit. The European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner, is a significant pest of maize and is widely managed with Bt maize in the Midwest of the United States. When Bt crops are grown in conjunction with non‐Bt refuges, fitness costs of Bt resistance can delay the evolution of resistance. Importantly, fitness costs often vary with ecological factors, including host‐plant genotype and diapause. In this study, we examined fitness costs associated with Cry1F resistance in O. nubilalis when insects were reared on three maize lines. Fitness costs were tested in two experiments. One experiment assessed the fitness costs when Cry1F‐resistant and Cry1F‐susceptible insects were reared on plants as larvae and experienced diapause. The second experiment tested resistant, susceptible and F1 heterozygotes that were reared on plants but did not experience diapause. Despite some evidence of greater adult longevity for Cry1F‐resistant insects, these insects produced fewer fertile eggs than Cry1F‐susceptible insects, and this occurred independent of diapause. Reduced fecundity was not detected among heterozygous individuals, which indicated that this fitness cost was recessive. Additionally, maize lines did not affect the magnitude of this fitness cost. The lower fitness of Cry1F‐resistant O. nubilalis may contribute to the maintenance of Cry1F susceptibility in field populations more than a decade after Cry1F maize was commercialized.  相似文献   

The titres of free amino acids present in the haemolymph of diapausing larvae of the southwestern corn borer, Diatraea grandiosella and the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis, were examined. High titres of serine were found in the haemolymph of both species. Serine may serve as a storage form of compounds that are required for the synthesis of uric acid and other purines. The high titres of proline found in the haemolymph of O. nubilalis during the fall and winter may contribute to the freezing tolerance of this species. Alanine accumulated in the haemolymph of both species during the winter.  相似文献   

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