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Single cell suspensions stained by the propidium iodide/hypotonic citrate method for DNA content analysis by flow cytometry can be mixed with an equal amount of 70% alcohol for long-term storage and shipping without introduction of artifacts or loss of fluorescence.  相似文献   

Summary A new method is described for staining cell nuclei with propidium iodide in preparations that have been processed for autoradiography. The permeability of the stripping film to the dye molecule has been studied, as have the staining conditions, in order to optimize the stoichiometry of the DNA-dye interaction. A procedure has also been set up to allow the simultaneous measurement of DNA content and grain count on the same cell.  相似文献   

The ferrozine and phenanthroline colorimetric assays are commonly applied for the determination of ferrous and total iron concentrations in geomicrobiological studies. However, accuracy of both methods depends on slight changes in their protocols, on the investigated iron species, and on geochemical variations in sample conditions. Therefore, we tested the performance of both methods using Fe(II)((aq)), Fe(III)((aq)), mixed valence solutions, synthetic goethite, ferrihydrite, and pyrite, as well as microbially-formed magnetite and a mixture of goethite and magnetite. The results were compared to concentrations determined with aqua regia dissolution and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES). Iron dissolution prior to the photometric assays included dissolution in 1M or 6M HCl, at 21 or 60°C, and oxic or anoxic conditions. Results indicated a good reproducibility of quantitative total iron determinations by the ferrozine and phenanthroline assays for easily soluble iron forms such as Fe(II)((aq)), Fe(III)((aq)), mixed valence solutions, and ferrihydrite. The ferrozine test underestimated total iron contents of some of these samples after dissolution in 1M HCl by 10 to 13%, whereas phenanthroline matched the results determined by ICP-AES with a deviation of 5%. Total iron concentrations after dissolution in 1M HCl of highly crystalline oxides such as magnetite, a mixture of goethite and magnetite, and goethite were underestimated by up to 95% with both methods. When dissolving these minerals in 6M HCl at 60°C, the ferrozine method was more reliable for total iron content with an accuracy of ±5%, related to values determined with ICP-AES. Phenanthroline was more reliable for the determination of total pyritic iron as well as ferrous iron after incubation in 1M HCl at 21°C in the Fe(II)((aq)) sample with a recovery of 98%. Low ferrous iron concentrations of less than 0.5mM were overestimated in a Fe(III) background by up to 150% by both methods. Heating of mineral samples in 6M HCl increased their solubility and susceptibility for both photometric assays which is a need for total iron determination of highly crystalline minerals. However, heating also rendered a subsequent reliable determination of ferrous iron impossible due to fast abiotic oxidation. Due to the low solubility of highly crystalline samples, the determination of total iron is solely possible after dissolution in 6M HCl at 60°C which on the other hand makes determination of ferrous iron impossible. The recommended procedure for ferrous iron determination is therefore incubation at 21°C in 6M HCl, centrifugation, and subsequent measurement of ferrous iron in the supernatant. The different procedures were tested during growth of G. sulfurreducens on synthetic ferrihydrite. Here, the phenanthroline test was more accurate compared to the ferrozine test. However, the latter provided easy handling and seemed preferable for larger amounts of samples.  相似文献   

Gel-based proteomics are the most useful method for protein separation, even when compared with gel-free proteomics. Proteomic analysis by 2D gel electrophoresis (2-DE) with immobilized pH gradients is in turn the best approach to large-scale protein-expression screening. Spots visualization is pivotal for protein identification by mass spectrometry. Commonly used staining methods with excellent mass spectrometry compatibility are coomassie brilliant blue (CBB) or fluorescent dyes. In this study, an implementation of ‘blue silver’ colloidal CBB staining, characterized by high sensitivity and immediate low background, is discussed. The sensitivity of classical, colloidal and ‘blue silver’ CBB staining methods was compared on monodimensional and 2-DE gels. The implementation of the ‘blue silver’ method performs better, provided the physical state of the micelles is respected. An example of a 2-DE of human urine treated with combinatorial peptide ligand libraries demonstrates that implemented ‘blue silver’ can evidence the complexity of the sample.  相似文献   

Borax methylene blue is quite stable at room temperatures of 22-25 C. At 30 C polychroming is slow; during 50 days in a water bath at this temperature the absorption peak moves from 665 to 656 nm. At 35 C, the absorption peak reaches 660 nm in 7 days, 654 nm in 14. At 60 C polychroming is rapid, the absorption peak reaching 640-620 nm in 3 days. When the pH of the borax methylene blue solutions, normally about 9.0, is adjusted to pH 6.5, the absorption peak remains at 665 nm even when incubated at 60 C for extended periods. When used as a blood stain 0.4 ml borax methylene blue (1% methylene blue in 1% borax), 4 ml acetone, 2 ml borax-acid phosphate buffer to bring the solution to pH 6.5, and distilled water to make 40 ml, with 0.2 ml 1% eosin added just before using, an excellent Nocht-Giemsa type stain is achieved after 30 minutes staining. The material plasmodia P. falciparum, P. vivax, and P. berghei stain moderate blue with dark red chromatin and green to black pigment granules. The study confirms Malachowski's 1891 results and explains Gautier's 1896-98 failure to duplicate it.  相似文献   

Quantitative fluorescent staining and analysis of cellular deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) were accomplished using three groups of reagents having different mechanisms of action for DNA binding. These reagents included (a) the fluorescent antitumor antibiotics mithramycin, chromomycin A3 and olivomycin; (b) the Feulgen reagents acriflavine and flavophosphine N and (c) the intercalating dyes ethidium bromide and propidium iodide. Propidium iodide (PI) was used in combination with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) to stain both cellular DNA and protein, respectively. Multiparameter analysis of PI/FITC-stained cells provided a direct correlation of DNA and protein for cells in all stages of the cell cycle. Nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratio determinations were also performed on PI/FITC-stained cells by analysis of the time duration of the red (DNA) and green (protein) fluorescence signals from each cell. These staining and analysis techniques provide alternative methods for directly determining the quantitative relationship between cellular DNA and protein and will be extremely useful in investigations where fluctuations of these parameters are of importance for assessing experimental results.  相似文献   

Rapid detection of carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii strains is critical and will benefit patient care by optimizing antibiotic therapies and preventing outbreaks. Herein we describe the development and successful application of a mass spectrometry profile generated by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) that utilized the imipenem antibiotic for the detection of carbapenem resistance in a large series of A. baumannii clinical isolates from France and Algeria. A total of 106 A. baumannii strains including 63 well-characterized carbapenemase-producing and 43 non-carbapenemase-producing strains, as well as 43 control strains (7 carbapenem-resistant and 36 carbapenem-sensitive strains) were studied. After an incubation of bacteria with imipenem for up to 4 h, the mixture was centrifuged and the supernatant analyzed by MALDI-TOF MS. The presence and absence of peaks representing imipenem and its natural metabolite was analyzed. The result was interpreted as positive for carbapenemase production if the specific peak for imipenem at 300.0 m/z disappeared during the incubation time and if the peak of the natural metabolite at 254.0 m/z increased as measured by the area under the curves leading to a ratio between the peak for imipenem and its metabolite being <0.5. This assay, which was applied to the large series of A. baumannii clinical isolates, showed a sensitivity of 100.0% and a specificity of 100.0%. Our study is the first to demonstrate that this quick and simple assay can be used as a routine tool as a point-of-care method for the identification of A. baumannii carbapenemase-producers in an effort to prevent outbreaks and the spread of uncontrollable superbugs.  相似文献   

Summary A Technicon AutoAnalyzer has been adapted to analyse lysine of fermentation broths from lysine-producer mutants, with a photometric method with ninhydrin. Linearity and accuracy have been tested, with errors lower than 5.5%. The great advantadge is its speed, analysing one sample every 5 minutes, automatically.  相似文献   

A rapid method is described that uses the tetrazolium salt 2-( p -iodophenyl-3-( p -nitrophenyl)-5-phenyl tetrazolium chloride (INT) to stain viable micro-organisms retained on a filter membrane. Good correlation exists between numbers of INT stained cells and aerobic plate counts of single strain cultures of bacteria and yeasts. A pre-treatment step allows the technique to be used for pasteurized milk.  相似文献   

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