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A Pratylenchus neglectus population from lltah (UT3) was more virulent to Lahontan alfalfa than other P. neglectus populations from Utah (UT1, UT2) and Wyoming (WY). All alfalfa plants survived at 24 ± 3 C when inoculated with WY, UT1, or UT2 at initial populations (Pi) of 500, 1,000, and 5,000 nematodes per plant. At Pi 10,000 with WY, UT1, or UT2, plant mortality was 15, 15, and 20%, respectively; at Pi 5,000 and 10,000 with UT3, plant mortality was 10 and 40%. The WY, UT1, and UT2 populations reduced (P ≤ 0.05) root growth at Pi 10,000 only, and UT3 reduced (P ≤ 0.05) root growth at Pi 1,000, 5,000, and 10,000. At Pi 5,000, shoot dry weights were reduced by 10-23% by WY, 14-29% by UT1, 12-25% by UT2, and 20-48% by UT3 at 15-30 C. The UT3 population reduced (P ≤ 0.05) root dry weight at 20-30 C at Pi 1,000 and 5,000. The WY, UT1, and UT-2 populations did not reduce (P ≥ 0.05) root growth at any temperature or Pi. The UT3 nematode reproductive indices were greater than those of the other nematode populations at all Pi and increased with temperature.  相似文献   

Fifty-two alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) clones, randomly selected from the cultivar Baker and the experimental line MNGRN-4, were evaluated for resistance (based on nematode reproduction) to Pratylenchus penetrans in growth chamber tests (25 C). Twenty-five clones, representing the range of nematodes and eggs per plant, were selected and retested. Four moderately resistant and two susceptible alfalfa clones were identified. Inheritance of resistance to P. penetrans was studied in these six clones using a diallel mating design. The S₁, Fl, and reciprocal progenies differed for numbers of nematodes and eggs per g dry root and for shoot and root weights (P < 0.05). Resistance, measured as numbers of nematodes in roots, was correlated between parental clones and their S₁ families (r = 0.94), parental clones and their half-sib families (r = 0.81), and S₁ and half-sib families (r = 0.88). General combining ability (GCA) effects were significant for nematode resistance traits. Both GCA and specific combining ability (SCA) effects were significant for plant size traits, but SCA was more important than GCA in predicting progeny plant size. Reciprocal effects were significant for both nematode resistance and plant size traits, which may slow selection progress in long-term selection programs. However, the GCA effects are large enough that breeding procedures that capitalize on additive effects should be effective in developing alfalfa cultivars with resistance to P. penetrans.  相似文献   

Cortical parenchyma cells penetrated and fed upon by Pratylenchus penetrans for 48 hours contained only cytoplasmic debris. Proximal cells had an increase in tannin deposits, degenerated mitochondria, increased numbers of ribosomes, and no internal membrane structure. Often the endodermis was collapsed and contained massive tannin deposits on the inner cell wall and cell lumen. Similar observations were made in the stele, except tannin deposits were not as prominent. Multivesicnlate structures were observed both in the endodermis and in the stele.  相似文献   

Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L. cv. Saranac) seed were soaked for 20 minutes in water, acetone, or methanol containing 10 or 50 mg/ml of oxamyl (Vydate L) or coated with a 2% aqueous cellulose solution containing the same amounts of oxamyl. Seed were analyzed for oxamyl by HPLC immediately after treatment and after 9 and 26 months of storage. Oxamyl content of alfalfa seed did not decline after 26 months of storage. The effects of seed treatment on growth of alfalfa and nematode control were examined using soils infested with Pratylenchus penetrans and Meloidogyne hapla. Germination was not affected by any of the seed treatments. Twenty-one days after sowing, the total growth of alfalfa seedlings grown from seed treated with 50 mg/ml of oxamyl in P. penetrans-infested soils had increased by 62% over controls. Nodulation per pot increased by as much as 267%, and the densities of P. penetrans per gram of root were reduced by as much as 73% compared to control plants. In M. hapla-infested soils, increases in plant growth (32%) and nodulation (71%) also occurred with oxamyl-treated seeds. Root gall reduction (86%) was also substantial due to oxamyl seed treatment.  相似文献   

A greater percentage of females than juveniles or males of P. penetrans penetrated celery roots grown in infested soil at 5, 18, or 30 C; the difference was greatest at 5 C. The time of initial penetration of alfalfa seedlings inoculated with single nematodes on water agar varied with temperature. Females penetrated the seedlings earlier and over a wider range of temperatures than did males or juveniles. The rate of penetration was highest for females. After initial penetration, the penetration rate decreased with time. At 13-28 C, approximately 80% of roots were penetrated by females and only 25-30% by males and juveniles by the end of the experiment.  相似文献   

Pratylenchus neglectus reduced the growth of alfalfa cultivars in greenhouse and growth chamber studies. Inocula (1,000, 5,000 and 10,000 nematodes per plant) reduced shoot dry weights of Ranger by 16, 27, and 40%, of Lahontan by 16, 32, and 40%, and of Nevada Synthetic XX (Nev Syn XX) by 18, 26, and 37%, respectively, at 26 ñ 2 C. Pratylenchus neglectus at 1,000 nematodes per plant reduced Ranger shoot dry weights by 5, 12, 18, and 27%, at 15, 20, 25, and 30 C, respectively, whereas 5,000 nematodes per plant reduced shoot dry weights by 12, 17, 26, and 38%, respectively, at similar temperatures. Reductions in dry root weights were directly related to reductions in shoot growth. At 1,000 nematodes per plant, Ranger root dry weights were reduced by 3, 14, 40, and 40%, whereas 5,000 nematodes per plant reduced root dry weight by 25, 31, 59, and 63%, respectively, at similar temperatures. Similar results were observed on Lahontan and Nev Syn XX at the same inoculum levels and soil temperatures. Nematode reproductive indices (final nematode population per plant divided by initial nematode inoculum per plant) were higher at 1,000 nematodes per plant than at 5,000 nematodes per plant, were positively correlated with temperature, and were unaffected by cultivar.  相似文献   

The invasion by three different Utah populations of Pratylenchus neglectus (UTI, UT2, UT3) was similar in single and interplantings of ''Lahontan'' alfalfa and ''Fairway'' crested wheatgrass at 24 ñ 3 °C. Population UT3 was more pathogenic than UT1 and UT2 on both alfalfa and crested wheatgrass. Inoculum density was positively correlated with an invasion by P. neglectus. Invasions by UT3 at all initial populations (Pi) exceeded that of UT1 and UT2 for both single and interplanted treatments. The greatest reductions in shoot and root weights of alfalfa and crested wheatgrass were at a Pi of 8 P. neglectus/cm³ soil. Pi was negatively correlated with alfalfa and crested wheatgrass shoot and root growth and nematode reproduction. The reproductive factor (Rf) for UT3 exceeded that of UT1 and UT2 in single and interplantings at all inoculum levels. There were no differences in Rfin the Utah populations in single or interplantings. A nematode invasion increased with temperature and was greatest at 30 °C. Population UT3 was more pathogenic than UT1 and UT2 and reduced shoot and root growth at all soil temperatures. Populations UT1 and UT2 reduced shoot and root growth at 20-30 °C. Soil temperature was negatively correlated with shoot and root growth and positively correlated with nematode reproduction. Reproduction of UT3 exceeded that of UT1 and UT2 at all soil temperatures.  相似文献   

Pratylenchus penetrans did not reproduce without males. Cytological examination indicated that cross-fertilization occurred. Females had a chromosome number of 2n = 12. Virgin females reared in isolation laid eggs, but these failed to undergo cleavage. Males reared in isolation produced sperms.  相似文献   

Growth of alfalfa (Medicago sativa cv. Vernal) seedlings was compared after inoculation with combinations of either Pratylenchus penetrans and Fusarium soloni or P. penetrans and F. oxysporum f. sp. medicaginis. A synergistic disease interaction occurred in alfalfa when F. oxysporum and P. penetrans were added simultaneously to the soil. Alfalfa growth was suppressed at all inoculum levels of P. penetrans and F. oxysporum, but not with F. solani. Seedlings inoculated with the nematode alone gave lower yields than when inoculated with either Fusarium species alone. Fusarium oxysporum, but not F. solani, was pathogenic to alfalfa under similar experimental conditions. Fusarium oxysporum did not alter the populations of P. penetrans in alfalfa roots, whereas the presence of F. solani was associated with a diminished number of P. penetrans in the roots.  相似文献   

Red clover and alfalfa were inoculated with Pratylenchus penetrans and grown in an Alberry sandy loam soil to which potassium (K⁺) was added at seeding at 0, 41.5, 83, and 166 μg/g. In one experiment with alfalfa, additional K⁺ was added after each forage cut to replace that which was removed. Nematode populations were not consistently affected by K⁺ fertilization. Nematode infection stunted red clover and alfalfa and resulted in lower yields at all K⁺ levels, except for alfalfa at the lowest K⁺ level. Nematode infection had no effect on taproot yields. However, it resulted in lower rootlet yields from red clover at all K⁺ levels, lower rootlet yields from alfalfa only at the highest K⁺ level in one experiment, and lower rootlet yields at all but the lowest K⁺ level in a second experiment, potassium fertilization enhanced yield of red clover and alfalfa. Yield increases were smaller from increased K⁺ fertilization in nematode-infested soil than in noninfested soil. Pralylenchus penetrans had little effect on the K⁺ content of red clover or alfalfa. The stunting of plants from nematode infection resulted in less K⁺ being removed from the soil.  相似文献   

Single female cuhures of Pratylenchus penetrans were established from soil and root samples collected from 10 geographically isolated locations in North America. The resultant isolates were used to evaluate nematode egression from and multiplication on roots of potato clones to distinguish intraspecific differences among isolates. The 10 nematode isolates were statistically separated into four groups based on percentage of nematodes that egressed from the P. penetrans-resistant potato done L 118-2. The Cornell (CR), Wisconsin (WI), Long Island (LI), and Adirondack (AD) isolates, selected as representative isolates of each of the four groups, exhibited 53%, 39%, 25%, and 10% egression from L118-2, respectively. Reproduction of these four isolates was measured on three potato cultivars (Russet Burbank, Butte, and Hudson) and two breeding lines (NY85 and L118-2). The LI and AD isolates reproduced well on all five potato clones. The CR isolate reproduced well on Russet Burbank and NY85 but significantly less on Butte, Hudson, and L118-2. Reproduction of the WI isolate was less than the LI and AD isolates but more than the CR isolate on all potato clones tested except Russet Burbank. Reproduction of the WI isolate on Russet Burbank was less than the other three isolates. Based on these results, four distinct intraspecific variants of P. penetrans are proposed: Cornell, Wisconsin, Long Island, and Adirondack.  相似文献   

The infectivity of Pratylenchus penetrans on alfalfa seedlings cv. Du Pulls was studied. The dense root-hair zone was the preferred zone of penetration by females, males, and third-stage larvae. A lesion initially appeared as a water-soaked area at the root surface, becoming yellow and elliptical as the nematode entered the cortex, with dark-brown cells later appearing in the centre as the nematode fed. At 20 C, females penetrated roots earlier, faster, and in greater numbers than either males or third-stage larvae. Females penetrated roots at temperatures from 5 to 35 C, with maximum penetration between 10 and 30 C, while males and third-stage larvae penetrated roots only between 10 and 30 C with maximum penetration a t 20 C. Penetration of roots by females, males, and third-stage larvae increased after storage of 5 C for 35 days, but decreased after storage of 140 days or more. Combinations of the three life stages in pairs neither enhanced nor inhibited penetration of roots by individual life stages; males were not attracted to females. Increasing inoculum density up to 20 nematodes/seedling did not affect penetration.  相似文献   

Alternatives to reduce or modify nematicide use for minimizing groundwater contamination in Easter lily were explored in two field trials. Alternatives to standard 1,3-dichloropropene (1,3-D) plus phorate injection in the first trial were: (i) delaying applications until after winter rains, (ii) removing roots from planting stock, (iii) 1,3-D via drip irrigation, (iv) a chitin-urea soil amendment, (v) the registered insecticide disulfoton, and (vi) several nonregistered nematicides. None of the treatments equaled the standard treatment. In the second trial, potential benefits of adding a systemic nematicide, oxamyl (OX), or a fungicide, metalaxyl (MX), to the standard treatment were explored. Preplant drip irrigation applications of metam sodium (MS), sodium tetrathiocarbonate (ST), and emulsifiable 1,3-D were evaluated alone and in combination with postplant applications of OX and MX. Several drip-applied treatments performed comparably to the standard treatment with respect to the most important criteria of crop quality, bulb circumference. Metam-sodium in combination with either or both OX and MX, 1,3-D plus OX and MX, and ST plus OX and MX provided the best results.  相似文献   

Twenty-one open pollinated populations of peach rootstock seedlings were evaluated for their response to infection by the root lesion nematode, Pratylenchus penetrans, over a period of 98 days. Nematode-infected peach seedling populations were shorter in plant height and had less shoot weight but more dry root weight than nematode-free controls. Rootstock differences were demonstrated for nematode increase over the 98-day period, and average total numbers of nematodes in soil and roots. Rootstocks were classified into three groups differing in total nematode population levels, ratio of nematode increase, and the number of nematodes per root. The heritable nature of rootstock response to nematodes was evident. Rootstocks showing the lowest response to nematode infection included Tzim Pee Tao, Rutgers Red Leaf, and two progenies of a cross of these two rootstocks.  相似文献   

Strawberry roots were sampled through the year to determine the populations and distribution of Pratylenchus penetrans and Meloidogyne hapla. Three strawberry root types were sampled—structural roots; feeder roots without secondary tissues; and suberized, black perennial roots. Both lesion and root-knot nematodes primarily infected feeder roots from structural roots or healthy perennial roots. Few nematodes were recovered from soil, diseased roots, or suberized roots. Lesion nematode recovery was correlated with healthy roots. In both 1997 and 1998, P. penetrans populations peaked about day 150 (end of May) and then declined. The decline in numbers corresponded to changes in total strawberry root weight and root type distribution. The loss of nematode habitat resulted from loss of roots due to disease and the transition from structural to suberized perennial roots. Meloidogyne hapla juvenile recovery peaked around 170 days (mid June) in 1997 and at 85, 147, 229, and 308 days (late March, late May, mid August, and early November, respectively) in 1998. There appear to be at least four generations per year of M. hapla in Connecticut. Diagnostic samples from an established strawberry bed may be most reliable and useful when they include feeder roots taken in late May.  相似文献   

Eleven fungal isolates were tested in agar dishes for pathogenicity to Pratylenchus penetrans. Of the fungi that produce adhesive conidia, Hirsutella rhossiliensis was a virulent pathogen; Verticillium balanoides, Drechmeria coniospora, and Nematoctonus sp. were weak or nonpathogens. The trapping fungi, Arthrobotrys dactyloides, A. oligospora, Monacrosporium dlipsosporum, and M. cionopagum, killed most of the P. penetrans adults and juveniles added to the fungus cultures. An isolate of Nematoctonus that forms adhesive knobs trapped only a small proportion of the nematodes. In 17-cm³ vials, soil moisture influenced survival of P. penetrans in the presence of H. rhossiliensis; nematode survival decreased with diminishing soil moisture. Hirsutella rhossiliensis and M. ellipsosporum were equally effective in reducing numbers of P. penetrans by 24-25% after 4 days in sand. After 25 days in soil artificially infested with H. rhossiliensis, numbers of P. penetrans were reduced by 28-53%.  相似文献   

Current strategies for management of Pratylenchus penetrans in both white potato and tomato consist of the use of fumigant or non-fumigant nematicides or crop rotation. The objective of this study was to determine if double-cropping African marigolds (Tagetes erecta) with potatoes or tomatoes could reduce P. penetrans populations. Plots were 10 m × 3 m arranged in a randomized complete block design with four replications. Treatments included marigolds, potatoes or tomatoes, and natural weedy fallow followed by either potatoes or tomatoes. Nematode populations were sampled before spring planting, between crops in August and after harvest in November. During the 3 years of the study, P. penetrans soil population density declined by an average of 93% from the pre-plant level when marigold was grown in rotation with potato and by 98% when marigold was grown.in rotation with tomato. Weedy fallow preceding potato resulted in an average decline in P. penetrans soil population density of 38%, and a similar decrease (37%) was seen when fallow preceded tomato. There was a significant reduction in the number of P. penetrans found in both potato and tomato roots when the crops followed marigolds. These results suggest that P. penetrans population density may be significantly reduced when marigolds are double-cropped with potatoes or tomatoes.  相似文献   

Reproduction of Pratylenchus penetrans on the potato cultivars Hudson, Katahdin, and Superior was determined in greenhouse and field microplot experiments. Although all three cultivars were good hosts for P. penetrans, differences in reproductive rate were found. In one greenhouse experiment, Katahdin plants inoculated with 1,500 or 15,000 P. penetrans per pot had larger population densities at harvest than did Superior; however differences between these cultivars were not significant in three other greenhouse experiments. In another experiment, population densities of P. penetrans on Hudson did not differ from those on Katahdin and Superior when inoculated with 270 and 5,080 nematodes per pot after 45 days in the greenhouse. However, population densities were usually higher on Hudson and Katahdin than on Superior in field microplots at four initial population densities during two seasons. Higher population densities on Hudson were detectable 304 days after planting in one of the two microplot studies. The juvenile:female and the male:female ratios were sometimes larger on Katahdin than on Superior, but differences were inconsistent. There was no evidence of resistance in the three cultivars evaluated, but reproduction was generally highest on Hudson and lowest on Superior.  相似文献   

A hypothesis that cherry rootstocks grown under optimal nutrient conditions are affected less by Pratylenchus penetrans infection than those grown under deficient nutrient conditions was tested by growing four Prunus avium L. rootstocks (''Mazzard'', ''Mahaleb'', ''GI148-1'', and ''GI148-8'') at a soil pH of 7.0 over a period of 3 months under greenhouse conditions (25 ñ 2 °C). Pratylenchus penetrans was inoculated at 0 (control) or 1,500 nematodes per g fresh root weight for a total of 3,600, 4,200, 10,500, and 11,400 per plant on Mazzard, Mahaleb, GI148-1, and GI148-8, respectively, with nutrients (commercial fertilizer) applied once at planting (deficient) or twice weekly (optimal). The experiment was repeated once. The optimum nutrient regime resulted in greater soil nutrient levels and plant growth; higher leaf concentrations of N, P, K, and Mg; and fewer P. penetrans than under the deficient nutrient regime. The addition of fertilizer either may increase nematode mortality in the soil or improve rootstock resistance to nematode infection. Increases in Ca in leaves from the nutrient-deficient and nematode-infected treatments suggested the plants were physiologically stressed. The Pf/Pi ratios indicated that these rootstocks may have had resistance to P. penetrans; however, because of the dominant role of nutrition in the experimental design, the question of resistance could not be properly addressed.  相似文献   

Verticillium albo-atrum wilt symptoms appeared faster and were significantly more severe in the presence of Ditylenchus dipsaci in Vernal, a wilt-susceptible cultivar, than in Marls Kabul, a wilt-resistant cultivar. Winter kill in the field was not affected by the nematode during the first winter, but 50% of plants were killed in the second winter. Forage yield from nematode-infected plants was significantly reduced the second year. Interaction with V. albo-atrum did not significantly reduce forage yields below that of D. dipsaci alone. Pratylenchus penetrans did not increase the severity of wilt symptoms in the presence of V. albo-atrum, nor did it affect forage yield in the greenhouse. It did, however, reduce alfalfa yields in presence of V. albo-atrum under field conditions. D. dipsaci and P. penetrans reproduced faster in Vernal than in Maris Kabul when the fungus was present.  相似文献   

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