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The genetic structure of eight Spanish autochthonous populations (breeds) of beef cattle were studied from pedigree records. The populations studied were: Alistana and Sayaguesa (minority breeds), Avileña – Negra Ibérica and Morucha ("dehesa" breeds, with a scarce incidence of artificial insemination), and mountain breeds, including Asturiana de los Valles, Asturiana de la Montaña and Pirenaica, with extensive use of AI. The Bruna dels Pirineus breed possesses characteristics which make its classification into one of the former groups difficult. There was a large variation between breeds both in the census and the number of herds. Generation intervals ranged from 3.7 to 5.5 years, tending to be longer as the population size was larger. The effective numbers of herds suggest that a small number of herds behaves as a selection nucleus for the rest of the breed. The complete generation equivalent has also been greatly variable, although in general scarce, with the exception of the Pirenaica breed, with a mean of 3.8. Inbreeding effective population sizes were actually small (21 to 127), especially in the mountain-type breeds. However, the average relatedness computed for these breeds suggests that a slight exchange of animals between herds will lead to a much more favourable evolution of inbreeding. The effective number of founders and ancestors were also variable among breeds, although in general the breeds behaved as if they were founded by a small number of animals (25 to 163).  相似文献   

Genome-wide linkage disequilibrium in two Japanese beef cattle breeds   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
There is little knowledge about the degree of linkage disequilibrium (LD) in beef cattle. This study aims to perform a genome-wide search for LD in Japanese Black and Japanese Brown beef cattle and to compare the level of LD between these two breeds. Parameter D' (the LD coefficient) was used as a measure of LD, and LD was tested for significance of allelic associations between syntenic and between non-syntenic marker pairs. Effects of breed, chromosome, genetic map distance and their interactions with D' were tested based on least squares analyses. Both breeds showed high levels of LD, which ranged over several tens of cM and declined as the marker distance increased for syntenic marker pairs. A rapid decline of the D' value was observed between markers that were spaced 5 and 20 cM apart. LD was significant in most cases for marker pairs <40 cM apart but was not significant between non-syntenic loci. The pattern of LD found in these two breeds was similar to that previously published for dairy cattle. The D' value between breeds was not significantly different (P > 0.05), but the interaction between breed and chromosome was highly significant (P < 0.001). Genetic selection seems to have caused the heterogeneity of the D' values among chromosomes within breed. These results indicate that LD mapping is a useful tool for fine-mapping quantitative trait loci of economically important traits in Japanese beef cattle.  相似文献   

Different raw beef quality traits from four local Spanish cattle breeds were studied using correlation, factorial, discriminant and multiple regression analysis. The following variables were studied after 0, 5, 10 and 15 days of storage under 60% O2, 30% CO2 and 10% N2 modified atmosphere packaging (MAP): colour physical variables, meat pigments, sensory degradation of odour and colour, microbial counts, thiobarbituric acid (TBA), pH, drip loss, lipid composition and volatile compounds. The degradation of raw beef quality was related to the increase in 2,3,3-trimethylpentane, 2,2,5-trimethylhexane, 3-methyl-2-heptene, 2-octene, 3-octene, 2-propanone, Enterobacteriaceae and aerobial plate counts (APC), metmyoglobin (MMb), lightness (L*), yellowness (b*), drip loss and TBA. Among these variables, TBA, b* and MMb may be useful in evaluating raw beef quality. No variables related to fat, except for TBA, including pH were limiting factors of the colour and odour shelf-life of raw beef under MAP. Each breed had some characteristics that were unique and these differences may influence the stability of meat to oxidation depending on myoglobin concentration and the polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA)/saturated fatty acid (SFA) ratio.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine the genetic structure, evolutionary relationships, and the genetic diversity among 18 local cattle breeds from Spain, Portugal, and France using 16 microsatellites. Heterozygosities, estimates of Fst, genetic distances, multivariate and diversity analyses, and assignment tests were performed. Heterozygosities ranged from 0.54 in the Pirenaica breed to 0.72 in the Barrosã breed. Seven percent of the total genetic variability can be attributed to differences among breeds (mean Fst = 0.07; P < 0.01). Five different genetic distances were computed and compared with no correlation found to be significantly different from 0 between distances based on the effective size of the population and those which use the size of the alleles. The Weitzman recursive approach and a multivariate analysis were used to measure the contribution of the breeds diversity. The Weitzman approach suggests that the most important breeds to be preserved are those grouped into two clusters: the cluster formed by the Mirandesa and Alistana breeds and that of the Sayaguesa and Tudanca breeds. The hypothetical extinction of one of those clusters represents a 17% loss of diversity. A correspondence analysis not only distinguished four breed groups but also confirmed results of previous studies classifying the important breeds contributing to diversity. In addition, the variation between breeds was sufficiently high so as to allow individuals to be assigned to their breed of origin with a probability of 99% for simulated samples.  相似文献   

Liver flukes (Fasciola spp.) are important helminth parasites of livestock globally and cause substantial reductions in health and productivity of beef cattle. Attempts to control fluke have been thwarted by the difficulty of vaccine design, the evolution of flukicide resistance and the need to control the intermediate snail host. Mechanisms to reduce the impact of parasites on animal performance have typically focused on promoting host resistance – defined as the ability of the host to kill and remove the parasite from its system – and such strategies include improving protein nutrition or selective breeding for resistance. Organisms, however, have another broad mechanism for mitigating the impact of parasites: they can show tolerance, defined as the ability to maintain health or performance under increasing parasite burden. Tolerance has been studied in the plant literature for over a century, but there are very few empirical studies of parasite tolerance in livestock. In this study, we used data collected from > 90 000 beef cattle to estimate the impact of the severity of liver fluke infection on performance and variation in tolerance of fluke. Severity of liver fluke infection was estimated using liver “fibrosis score” on a scale of 0–3 and performance estimated as (1) age at slaughter and (2) daily dead weight gain. Animals with higher fibrosis scores were slaughtered around 2 weeks later than animals with no fluke and gained around 10 g less weight per day. There was also considerable variation in these effects of fibrosis score, such that animals from different producers and breeds varied in their tolerance of fluke infection. While breeds did not vary in the association between fibrosis and age at slaughter, there was considerable variation among producers: high fibrosis score delayed slaughter by up to 50 days in some producers, but not at all in others. Meanwhile, there was support for variation in the slope of daily dead weight gain on fibrosis score among both breeds and producers, with some unaffected by high fluke scores and some breeds and producers experiencing a 20 g/day lower weight gain under high fluke scores. Our results point to the potential for both environmental and genetic variation in tolerance of liver fluke in cattle, paving the way for quantitative genetic and nutritional research into the feasibility of promoting tolerance as a disease mitigation strategy.  相似文献   



The extent of linkage disequilibrium (LD) between molecular markers impacts genome-wide association studies and implementation of genomic selection. The availability of high-density single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping platforms makes it possible to investigate LD at an unprecedented resolution. In this work, we characterised LD decay in breeds of beef cattle of taurine, indicine and composite origins and explored its variation across autosomes and the X chromosome.


In each breed, LD decayed rapidly and r2 was less than 0.2 for marker pairs separated by 50 kb. The LD decay curves clustered into three groups of similar LD decay that distinguished the three main cattle types. At short distances between markers (< 10 kb), taurine breeds showed higher LD (r2 = 0.45) than their indicine (r2 = 0.25) and composite (r2 = 0.32) counterparts. This higher LD in taurine breeds was attributed to a smaller effective population size and a stronger bottleneck during breed formation. Using all SNPs on only the X chromosome, the three cattle types could still be distinguished. However for taurine breeds, the LD decay on the X chromosome was much faster and the background level much lower than for indicine breeds and composite populations. When using only SNPs that were polymorphic in all breeds, the analysis of the X chromosome mimicked that of the autosomes.


The pattern of LD mirrored some aspects of the history of breed populations and showed a sharp decay with increasing physical distance between markers. We conclude that the availability of the HD chip can be used to detect association signals that remained hidden when using lower density genotyping platforms, since LD dropped below 0.2 at distances of 50 kb.  相似文献   

This research developed two real-time PCR assays, employing high-resolution melt and allele-specific analysis to accurately genotype the F94L mutation in cattle. This mutation (g.433C > A) in the growth differentiation factor 8 or myostatin gene has recently been shown to be functionally associated with increased muscle mass and carcass yield in cattle. The F94L mutation is not, like other myostatin mutations, associated with reduced fertility and dystocia. It is therefore a candidate for introgression into other breeds to improve retail beef yield and the development of a simple and accurate test to genotype this specific mutation is warranted. Variations in the efficiency of enzyme cleavage compromised the accuracy of genotyping by published methods, potentially resulting in an overestimation of the frequency of the mutant allele. The frequency of the F94L mutation was determined by real-time PCR in 1140 animals from 15 breeds of cattle in Australia. The mutation was present in Simmental (0.8%), Piedmontese (2%), Droughtmaster (4%) and Limousin (94.2%) but not found in Salers, Angus, Poll Hereford, Hereford, Gelbvieh, Charolais, Jersey, Brahman, Holstein, Shorthorn or Maine Anjou. The low prevalence of F94L in all beef breeds except Limousin indicates the significant potential for this mutation to improve retail yield in Australian beef cattle.  相似文献   

1. Four hundred and seventy-five animals of the Canchim breed from EMBRAPA-UEPAE de Sao Carlos were analyzed by starch gel electrophoresis. 2. Albumin, amylase, transferrins, carbonic anhydrase, hemoglobin and nucleoside phosphorylase gene frequencies were compared with the same frequencies in the foundation breeds, Charolais and Indubrazil. 3. Theoretical values obtained considering the 5/8 European, 3/8 Zebu admixture are near the means calculated from our results and data from literature.  相似文献   

Profitability of beef production can be increased by genetically improving carcass traits. To construct breeding value evaluations for carcass traits, breed-specific genetic parameters were estimated for carcass weight, carcass conformation and carcass fat in five beef cattle breeds in Finland (Hereford, Aberdeen Angus, Simmental, Charolais and Limousin). Conformation and fat were visually scored using the EUROP carcass classification. Each breed was separately analyzed using a multitrait animal model. A total of 6879–19 539 animals per breed had phenotypes. For the five breeds, heritabilities were moderate for carcass weight (h2=0.39 to 0.48, s.e.=0.02 to 0.04) and slightly lower for conformation (h2=0.30 to 0.44, s.e.=0.02 to 0.04) and carcass fat (h2=0.29 to 0.44, s.e.=0.02 to 0.04). The genetic correlation between carcass weight and conformation was favorable in all breeds (rG=0.37 to 0.53, s.e.=0.04 to 0.05), heavy carcasses being genetically more conformed. The phenotypic correlation between carcass weight and carcass fat was moderately positive in all breeds (rP=0.21 to 0.32), implying that increasing carcass weight was related to increasing fat levels. The respective genetic correlation was the strongest in Hereford (rG=0.28, s.e.=0.05) and Angus (rG=0.15, s.e.=0.05), the two small body-sized British breeds with the lowest conformation and the highest fat level. The correlation was weaker in the other breeds (rG=0.08 to 0.14). For Hereford, Angus and Simmental, more conformed carcasses were phenotypically fatter (rP=0.11 to 0.15), but the respective genetic correlations were close to zero (rG=0.05 to 0.04). In contrast, in the two large body-sized and muscular French breeds, the genetic correlation between conformation and fat was negative and the phenotypic correlation was close to zero or negative (Charolais: rG=0.18, s.e.=0.06, rP=0.02; Limousin: rG=0.56, s.e.=0.04, rP=0.13). The results indicate genetic variation for the genetic improvement of the carcass traits, favorable correlations for the simultaneous improvement of carcass weight and conformation in all breeds, and breed differences in the correlations of carcass fat.  相似文献   

The study was conducted to evaluate the effect of age at weaning and breed on the stress response of calves to weaning and their temperament. At calving, 14 Parda de Montaña calves and 14 Pirenaica calves were randomly assigned to either early weaning (at 90 days) or traditional weaning (at 150 days) treatment. During nursing, calves were allowed to suckle their dams twice a day for 30 min. After weaning, calves were placed in an adjacent barn without access to their dams, where they remained for 7 days. On day 8 after weaning, they were transported to a feedlot where they received an intensive diet. Blood samples were taken 168 h before weaning (baseline) and 6, 24, 48 and 168 h after weaning for cortisol, fibrinogen and haematology analyses, and temperament was measured 90 and 180 days after weaning with the flight speed test. Cortisol concentration increased after weaning, irrespective of age at weaning. Early-weaned calves had a lower fibrinogen baseline and a greater increase in fibrinogen concentrations 48 h after weaning than traditionally weaned calves. Moreover, fibrinogen concentration returned to baseline values 168 h after weaning in traditionally weaned calves, whereas it remained high in early-weaned calves. Concerning breed effects, Pirenaica calves had higher cortisol concentration and fibrinogen increments after weaning than Parda de Montaña calves. Slight alterations occurred after weaning in haematology, but all parameters returned to baseline values 168 h after weaning, with no significant effects of age at weaning or breed. Despite the absence of clinical signs, early-weaned calves of both breeds suffered marginal anaemia, according to haemoglobin values. Regardless of age at weaning, Pirenaica calves had greater reactivity to human presence than Parda de Montaña calves, according to their higher flight speed values measured. Finally, early-weaned calves were lighter than traditionally weaned calves at weaning, but had similar weight gains in the feedlot. Consequently, they needed an additional 40 days to reach the target weight, irrespective of breed. Therefore, age at weaning had no major effects on the stress response to weaning or temperament, but early weaning increased the length of the feedlot period. On the other hand, Pirenaica calves were more reactive than Parda de Montaña calves to the stress of weaning and human presence.  相似文献   

Statistically significant differences were observed in the population density of the horn fly, Haematobia irritans irritans (L.), on different breeds of beef cattle. The European breed Chianina had a population density of horn flies generally less than or equal to 50% than that of the British cattle breeds (Angus, Hereford, Polled Hereford, and Red Poll) and another European breed (Charolais). Generally, no significant difference existed among numbers of horn flies on Hereford, Polled Hereford, and Red Poll cows in 1988 or among Angus, Hereford, Polled Hereford, and Red Poll cows in 1989. Factors other than color appeared to be involved in the selective process between the horn fly and its host. Population densities on two white European breeds (Charolais and Chianina) were significantly different on all weekly intervals except for 4 wk in both 1988 and 1989. No significant difference existed among Charolais and British breeds except during 4 wk in 1988 and 3 wk in 1989. When weaning weights of all calves were adjusted for the effects of age to 205 d, sex of calf, and age of dam, the indirect effect of the horn fly on weaning weight showed a significant linear regression. Each 100 flies per cow caused a reduction of 8.1 kg in calf weaning weight. Cows within each breed with low numbers of horn flies weaned significantly heavier calves than cows with higher numbers of horn flies.  相似文献   

Transmission ratio distortion (TRD) is the departure from the expected Mendelian ratio in offspring, a poorly investigated biological phenomenon in livestock species. Given the current availability of specific parametric methods for the analysis of segregation data, this study focused on the screening of TRD in 602 402 single nucleotide polymorphisms covering all autosomal chromosomes in seven Spanish beef cattle breeds. On average, 0.13% (n = 786) and 0.01% (n = 29) of genetic markers evidenced sire‐ or dam‐specific TRD respectively. There were no single nucleotide polymorphisms accounting for both sire‐ and dam‐specific TRD at the same time, and only one marker (rs43147474) accounted for (sire‐specific) TRD in all seven breeds. It must be noted that rs43147474 is located in the fourth intronic region of the GTP‐binding protein 10 gene, and this locus has been previously linked to the maintenance of mitochondria and nucleolar architectures. Alternatively, other candidate genes surround this hot‐spot for sire‐specific TRD in the cattle genome, and they are related to embryonic and postnatal lethality as well as prostate cancer, among others. This research characterized the distribution of TRD in the bovine genome, highlighting heterogeneous results when comparing across breeds.  相似文献   

Reducing the environmental impact of livestock production is now indispensable and genetic selection can be of great support for this purpose. Measures that can identify high body growth at low maintenance costs in production animals are particularly useful since resources have been increasingly limited. Therefore, the goal of this study was to estimate genetic parameters for BW and Kleiber ratio (KR) in 210-day-old and 365-day-old Charolais and Limousin breeds. A database comprising animals born from 1999 to 2018 was used in a multitrait model applying Bayesian inference. The heritability for BW is high in Charolais (0.39 and 0.42 for BW210 and BW365, respectively) and moderate in Limousin (0.22), indicating possible genetic gains for BW in both breeds. The genetic variability of KR should also allow satisfactory genetic gains. In addition, the genetic correlation between BW and KR ranged from low to moderate. Thus, selection over KR should have no effects on BW, showing that high body growth can be obtained without changes in efficiency.  相似文献   

Methods of phylogenetic analysis were used to study the relationships of ten Central European cattle breeds using gene frequencies at eleven blood group and protein polymorphism loci. The results show remarkable agreement with historical and geographical relationships, but are different from the relationships postulated earlier in the century from studies of skull shape. Lowland cattle of Northern Germany are distinct from the West Alpine breeds, but the Pustertaler and Pinzgauer breeds from the Eastern Alps are more closely related to those lowland breeds than to the other Alpine breeds, suggesting they were brought from the North by Germanic settlers in the early Middle Ages. Thus, a sharp distinction between lowland cattle and all Alpine breeds seems unwarranted. Moreover, we find no evidence to justify a unique taxonomic position for Pustertaler, nor do we find any evidence that Spanish cattle might have influenced the Pinzgau. We find a close genetic relationship of the Murbodner breed to the Fleckvieh (Simmenthal) breeds that is not supported by any known historical relationship; it may indicate a little-known human migration.  相似文献   

Parker HG 《Mammalian genome》2012,23(1-2):19-27
A rose may be a rose by any other name, but when you call a dog a poodle it becomes a very different animal than if you call it a bulldog. Both the poodle and the bulldog are examples of dog breeds of which there are >400 recognized worldwide. Breed creation has played a significant role in shaping the modern dog from the length of his leg to the cadence of his bark. The selection and line-breeding required to maintain a breed has also reshaped the genome of the dog, resulting in a unique genetic pattern for each breed. The breed-based population structure combined with extensive morphologic variation and shared human environments have made the dog a popular model for mapping both simple and complex traits and diseases. In order to obtain the most benefit from the dog as a genetic system, it is necessary to understand the effect structured breeding has had on the genome of the species. That is best achieved by looking at genomic analyses of the breeds, their histories, and their relationships to each other.  相似文献   

Hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) was considered as an essential enzyme in glucolipid metabolism. It has been proposed to be a lead candidate gene for genetic markers of lipid deposition in livestock. The aim of this study was to identify sequence variants (SVs) of the bovine HSL gene and evaluate the relations to intramuscular fat in two indigenous Chinese beef cattle breeds. Expression analysis by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reactions (qPCR) indicated that expression levels of bovine HSL gene were highest in the perirenal fat and heart within two different age stage (adult and calf), respectively. Five SVs were identified by direct DNA sequencing, which included four missense mutations (g.16563C>T, g.16734G>A, g.16896A>G, g.17388G>T) in exon 8 and a synonymous mutation (g.17402C>T) in exon 9. Population genetic analysis showed that except for g.16563C>T and g.17402C>T, all the other detected SVs strongly affected the bovine intramuscular fat content (P < 0.01 or P < 0.05). The individuals with Hap5/5 diplotypes (CC-GG-GG-GG-CC) was highly significantly associated with intramuscular fat content than the other diplotypes (P < 0.01). The above results suggested that the HSL gene can used as potential candidate markers gene for the beef breed improvement through marker assisted selection in Chinese cattle breeds.  相似文献   

Genetic relationships among European cattle breeds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Genetic relationships among 37 European cattle breeds were investigated using blood group and serum protein polymorphisms. The 18 859 animals included in the study represented a random sample from pedigree populations in the UK. Within-breed variation was estimated by average heterozygosity and number of alleles observed, and breed relationships were evaluated by genetic distance. Standard errors of the heterozygosity, number of alleles and genetic distance were obtained by bootstrapping. The significance of breed differences was tested using an exact test of differentiation. French, Italian and Channel Island breeds were found to have generally higher heterozygosities and a greater number of alleles than breeds from mainland Britain and North Europe. Genetic distances ranged between 0·011 (±0·005) and 0·309 (±0·071). Two major breed groups were identified; a group of French, Italian and Channel Island breeds together with the Simmental and Gelbvieh, and a second group consisting of the mainland British and North European breeds. The exact test of breed differentiation showed all breeds to be significantly different from one another ( P < 0·0001). Overall relationships among breeds reflected their geographical origin and common ancestry rather than the agricultural use for which the breeds have been selected.  相似文献   

Polymorphism analysis of DNA fragments flanked by (AG)9C and (GA)9C inverted dinucleotide microsatellite repeats in 766 animals of 19 cattle breeds and one breeding type revealed 66 fragments, of which 64 were polymorphic. The breeds proved to differ in the frequency and presence or absence of amplified DNA fragments at the genomic level, indicating that ISSR fingerprinting is informative for differentiating the PCR product spectra and cattle breeds. Multilocus ISSR polymorphism analysis identified the group of fragments that can be used as Bos taurus and B. indicus species markers to describe the standards of breeds, their genetic profiles, and breed-specific patterns. Based on ISSR polymorphism, a prototypal gene pool of cattle was constructed and the breeds closest to it were identified. Genetic diversity analysis made it possible to assume that an optimal mean heterozygosity is characteristic of cattle breeds and that deviations from this optimum are indicative of various processes occurring in the population (breed).  相似文献   

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