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In the present study, impact of low (UV-BL) and high (UV-BH) fluence rates of UV-B on growth, oxidative stress and antioxidant system was studied in two cyanobacteria i.e. Phormidium foveolarum and Nostoc muscorum under Cu (2 and 5???M) toxicity after 24 and 72?h of experiments. UV-BH and Cu treatment decreased growth of both the cyanobacteria and Cu induced decrease in growth was accompanied by a significant increase in Cu accumulation. Levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS), i.e. superoxide radicals (SOR; $ \text O_{2}^{\cdot\,-} $ ) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) were significantly increased by Cu and UV-BH exposure which in turn accelerated lipid peroxidation (malondialdehyde: MDA) and protein oxidation (reactive carbonyl groups: RCG). Activities of enzymatic antioxidants, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD) and glutathione-S-transferase (GST) were increased by both doses of Cu as well as UV-B. Conversely, Cu and UV-BH drastically decreased catalase (CAT) activity. After the commencement of 24?h of treatment with Cu alone and together with UV-BH, non-protein thiols (NP-SH) contents were decreased while after 72?h, a reverse trend was noticed. Unlike NP-SH, cysteine content decreased appreciably during the treatments. In contrast to this, low dose (UV-BL) of UV-B did not influence growth, SOR, H2O2, MDA and RCG contents. An improvement in CAT activity and NP-SH content was observed under Cu and UV-BL treatment; hence, UV-BL treatment resulted into certain degree of protection against Cu toxicity in both the organisms. Thus, the results showed that UV-BH and UV-BL exerted differential effects on both the organisms under Cu toxicity, and compared to N. muscorum, P. foveolarum was less affected by Cu and UV-BH.  相似文献   

Two strains of a cyanobacterium Nostoc muscorum, wild-type N. muscorum (Cds) and an isolate having resistance to the heavy metal cadmium (Cdr), were selected for characterisation of their growth potential and physiological assays in certain defined stress environments. The chosen determinants were copper (heavy metal) and NaCl (salt stress). The observations on growth, heterocyst frequency, chlorophyll and nucleic acid contents, photosynthetic O2 evolution, 14C incorporation and acetylene reduction suggested that the strain Cdr was also resistant to copper. This strain, however, was found to be more sensitive to NaCl in comparison to its wild-type counterpart. NaCl was found to enhance sugar accumulation in Cds and was more inhibitory to acetylene reduction rates than to the photosynthetic activities. The interaction between Cu and NaCl appeared to be antagonistic as the depression of growth and physiological activities by a mixture of the two was lesser than that caused by either of these. These observations form the first report on the response of a metal resistant strain of cyanobacterium to salinity.  相似文献   

Use of algae for intracellular poly-β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) accumulation for bioplastic production offers an opportunity in economic efficiency by reduced costs. The cyanobacterium Nostoc muscorum is a PHB accumulator which presents a great potential as raw material supplier because of short generation cycles. Here, we examined a range of experimental conditions including different growth conditions of phosphate-starved cells with the addition of external carbon sources. The highest, absolute PHB accumulation was measured in a phosphate-starved medium with 1% (w/w) glucose and 1% (w/w) acetate. PHB accumulated inside algae cells. After 23 days of growth in phosphate-starved medium, 1 L of culture contained up to 145.1 mg PHB. The highest PHB accumulation based on the cell dry weight was in an experiment with aeration and CO2 addition. The intracellular level of PHB was up to 21.5% cell dry weight after 8 days.  相似文献   

The physiological and biochemical changes during the adaptation of Nostoc muscorum to salt are accompanied by specific structural changes. Cells of Nostoc muscorum exposed to saline medium vary in size and envelope organization. There are also drastic changes in the intracellular organization of the thylakoidal assembly. The heterocysts exhibit a preferential tolerance to NaCl rather than mannitol. These findings suggest that Nostoc muscorum is equipped with a specific physiological capacity for NaCl tolerance.  相似文献   

A gibberellin-like substance has been isolated from the blue-greenalga Phormidium foveolarum. This is active in both dwarf pea,dwarf maize, and cucumber hypocotyl bioassays. It is suggestedthat the beneficial effect of pre-soaking seed in an extractof P. foveloarum on growth, yield, and protein content of rice,wheat, and other plants is mainly due to the presence of thissubstance in the alga.  相似文献   

A wild-type Ni-sensitive (Nis) strain of Nostoc muscorum ISU spontaneously yielded mutants resistant to inhibition by 40 M Ni with a frequency of about 10-7. A Ni-resistant (Nir) mutant was deficient in the activities of urease and uptake hydrogenase. Cellular Ni uptake in the Nis strain was dependent on concentration (40 to 120 M) and time (0 to 30 min) (Vmax=0.51 nmol/g protein.min; Km=92 M). The Ni bioconcentration factor for such cells ranged between 0.95×103 and 1.89×103. Ni uptake in spheroplast preparations from Nis cells followed almost the same trend as intact cells except that the bioconcentration factor was slightly less [(0.82 to 1.39)×103]. In contrast, Ni uptake in the Nir intact cells was not concentration dependent and also the uptake was saturated, even at 40 M, within 10 min. Spheroplasts from the Nir strain showed a Ni bioconcentration factor of 1.19×103 compared with 4.41×103 for intact cells. The invariably lower Ni uptake by spheroplasts was attributed to altered membrane transport properties.R.K. Asthana, A.L. Singh and S.P. Singh are with the Algal Research Laboratory, Centre of Advanced Study in Botany, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221 005, India.  相似文献   

Adaptation to salt in the cyanobacterium Nostocmuscorum, is composed of a few mechanisms which together lead to the generation of a salt-tolerant cell. The initial mechanism combines a stimulation of photosynthetic activity with the accumulation of sucrose as an osmoregulator. The secondary mechanism involves the adaptation of N2 fixation activity and protein biosynthesis. The adaptation is most efficient in response to NaCl-induced stress and functions only partially under stress induced by either KCl or a nonionic osmoticum such as mannitol.  相似文献   

Canonical heterotrimeric G proteins in eukaryotes are major components that localize at plasma membrane and transmit extracellular stimuli into the cell. Genome of a seed plant Arabidopsis thaliana encodes at least one Gα (GPA1), one Gβ (AGB1), and 3 Gγ (AGG1, AGG2 and AGG3) subunits. The loss-of-function mutations of G protein subunit(s) cause multiple defects in development as well as biotic and abiotic stress responses. However, it remains elusive how these subunits differentially express these defects. Here, we report that Arabidopsis heterotrimeric G protein subunits differentially respond to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. An isolated homozygous mutant of AGB1, agb1-3, was more sensitive to the tunicamycin-induced ER stress compared to the wild type and the other loss-of-function mutants of G protein subunits. Moreover, ER stress responsive genes were highly expressed in the agb1-3 plant. Our results indicate that AGB1 positively contributes to ER stress tolerance in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

The 1509 bp cryptic plasmid, pPFl, from Phormidium foveolarum, a strain of filamentous cyanobacteria of the LPP group, was completely sequenced. The pPFl nucleotide sequence had 97.8% overall similarity with that of a small plasmid from Plectonema boryanum. The structural organization of pPFl and vector construction are discussed.  相似文献   

Glutamine auxotrophic (Gln -) and l-methionine d,l-sulfoximine (MSX) resistant (MSX r) mutants of N. muscorum were isolated and characterized for nitrogen nutrition, nitrogenase activity, glutamine synthetase (GS) activity and glutamine amide, -keto-glutarate amido transferase (GOGAT) activity. The glutamine auxotroph was found to the GOGAT-containing GS-defective, incapable of growth with N2 or NH 4 + but capable of growth with glutamine as nitrogen source, thus, suggesting GS to be the primary enzyme of both ammonia assimilation and glutamine formation in the cyanobacterium. The results of transformation and reversion studies suggests that glutamine auxotrophy is the result of a mutation in the gln A gene and that gln A gene can be transferred from one strain to another by transformation.  相似文献   

The binding of tritiated guanylylimidodiphosphate ([3H]GMP-P(NH)P) to turkey erythrocyte ghosts was studied in parallel with the activation by GMP-P(NH)P of adenylate cyclase. The high affinity binding capacity for GMP-P(NH)P, 50 pmoles per mg protein, exceeds the estimated quantity of adenylate cyclase of 1 pmole per mg of protein. The rate of nucleotide binding is not affected by isoproterenol. Further, in the presence of the hormone the rate of binding is much slower than the rate of activation. Although the rate of dissociation of bound [3H]GMP-P(NH)P is negligible at 37°, it is increased dramatically by unlabeled GMP-P(NH)P, GTP, EDTA, ATP, AMP-P(CH2)P, or p-aminophenylmercuric acetate. In contrast, the rate of decay of the GMP-P(NH)P-simulated state is not altered by these agents. Thus, the major fraction of GMP-P(NH)P binding to membranes is not relevant to cyclase activation.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of pretreatment of seeds of Maize type Ganga 3 and 41 with extract of P. foveolarum has been studied. The observations show an alround beneficial effect on the growth and development of the seedlings.  相似文献   

Nostoc muscorum and Spirulina platensis were grown under phosphate deficiency in order to investigate the role of internal phosphate pool and activity of alkaline phosphatase on poly-β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) accumulation. PHB accumulation in N. muscorum increased to 22.7% of dry weight (dw) after 4 day of phosphate deficiency, while the internal phosphate pool reduced to the level of 0.02 μM mg dw−1 at a maximum APase activity of 2.57 nM PNP mg dw−1 h−1. In contrary, S. platensis depicted maxima of 1.39 nM PNP mg dw−1 h−1 on day 30 of incubation, which was about 2 fold lower than the observed value of N. muscorum. PHB content in S. platensis remained low even after prolonged phosphate starvation, and a rise only up to 3.5% of dw was recorded on day 60 of phosphate deficiency. Supplementation of NADPH exogenously to S. platensis cultures grown under phosphate deficiency favoured PHB accumulation in 10, 20 and 30 days old cultures, but not in the cultures grown under phosphate deficiency for 60 days. The possible role of phosphate limitation on PHB accumulation is discussed.  相似文献   

Calcium (Ca2+) and nitric oxide (NO) are potentially active and multitasking signaling molecules which are known to regulate abiotic stresses in plants, but their interactive role in the acquisition of metal stress tolerance in cyanobacteria remains elusive. In current study the signaling role of Ca2+ (800 μM) and NO (10 μM SNP) on key physiological and biochemical attributes of the agriculturally and economically important cyanobacterium Nostoc muscorum ATCC 27893 subjected to Ni stress (2 μM) was examined. Results revealed that Ni at elevated level caused severe damages to the test organism but exogenous supplementation of Ca2+ and NO efficiently mitigated its toxic effects and up-regulated the growth, pigment contents, rate of photosynthesis (whole cell oxygen evolution and Chl a fluorescence indices: Kinetic traits: ΦP0, Ψ0, ΦE0 and PIABS, along with Fv/F0), nitrogen metabolism (NO3 ̄ and NO2 ̄ uptake, nitrate:NR and NiR; and ammonia:GS and GOGAT; assimilating enzymes), and boosted the enzymatic (SOD, POD, CAT and GST) along with non-enzymatic (proline, cysteine and NP-SH) antioxidants. Whereas the increased values of energy flux traits: (ABS/RC, TR0/RC, DI0/RC and ET0/RC) along with F0/Fv, rate of respiration, oxidative stress biomarkers (SOR, H2O2 and MDA), and activity of GDH enzyme exhibited lowering trends with application of Ca2+ and NO. Further, addition of EGTA (Ca2+ scavenger) and PTIO (NO scavenger) reversed the positive impacts of Ca2+ and NO and worsened the toxicity of Ni on test cyanobacterium, but the damages were more pronounced under PTIO application that demonstrated Ca2+ mediated signaling role of NO in Ni toxicity alleviation.  相似文献   

Summary In the parent strain of Nostoc muscorum, the percentage survival, nitrogenase activity and oxygenic photosynthesis were severely impaired by NaCl (ionic) and sucrose (non-ionic) stresses. Spontaneously occurring NaCl-Resistant mutant clones of the cyanobacterium N. muscorum were found to exhibit differential responses under ionic and non-ionic stresses. One of the mutants (NaCl-R) was found to show resistance in terms of percentage survival, nitrogenase activity and oxygenic photosynthesis under saline (ionic) as well as osmotic (non-ionic) stresses and showing compatible solute strategy for such adaptation. Another mutant (Na+-R) was found to show resistance only to salinity stress and showed an enhanced Na+-efflux system driven by H+. The Na+-R mutant differed from the NaCl-R mutant strain in the sense that it was sucrose sensitive.  相似文献   

Ammonia is a physiological uncoupler of photophosphorylation which drastically inhibits the photosynthetic reduction of nitrate by Nostoc muscorum particles by promoting the conversion of ferredoxin-nitrate reductase into its reduced inactive form. Ammonia promotes also, after an initial stimulation, the total inhibition of the photosynthetic reduction of NADP+. Like its nitrate counterpart, ferredoxin-NADP reductase is reversibly inactivated by reduction and reactivated by oxidation.  相似文献   

Here, we evaluate the ecosystem functioning and the ecosystems services supply of different vegetation types (grasslands, shrublands and woodlands) under contrasting management regimes by comparing a protected area with the surrounding landscape, which has been subjected to human disturbance in the Eastern Hills of Uruguay. We propose, based on functional attributes and vegetation physiognomy, a State and Transition Model for the dynamics of the grassland–woodland mosaic. We used remote sensing techniques to: (i) develop a land‐cover map of the study area based on supervised Landsat imagery classification, and (ii) compare attributes of the ecosystem functioning (productivity and seasonality) and service supply derived from the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) images provided by the moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor. The land‐cover map showed that grasslands and shrublands were the most extensive land covers in the study area. These vegetation types presented higher productivity, seasonality and ecosystem service supply, outside the protected area than inside it. On the other hand, woodlands showed higher productivity, ecosystem service supply and lower seasonality inside the protected area than outside of it. Two axes represented the grassland–woodland mosaic dynamic: (i) the mean annual and (ii) the intra‐annual coefficient of variation of the NDVI. Our results highlight that conservation of grasslands, shrublands and woodlands require different management strategies based on particular disturbance regimes like moderate grazing and controlled burns. Moderate disturbances may help to preserve ecosystem services provisioning in grasslands and shrublands. On the contrary, woodland conservation requires a more rigorous regime of protection against disturbances.  相似文献   

Two barley catalase genes respond differentially to light   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cloned catalase probes from barley ( Hordeum vulgare L.) and maize ( Zea mays L.) were used to examine catalase gene expression in greened and etiolated leaves of several barley lines. Etiolated leaves had greater levels of an mRNA detected by barley Cat1 , compared with greened leaves, in all lines. In contrast, a Cat2 -like mRNA (homologous to Cat2 of maize) was induced by light and accumulated to high levels in greened leaves, compared to the negligible levels detected in etiolated leaves. This suggests that barley contains light-inducible and light-repressible catalase genes. In the catalase-deficient barley mutant RPr 79/4, no hybridization signal was detected when RNA from greened or etiolated leaves was probed with maize Cat2 , indicating that this mutant is deficient for the light-induced Cat mRNA. In etiolated seedlings of both RPr 79/4 and its motherline, the level of the Cat1 mRNA increased coordinately with a steady increase in catalase activity. Even though the mutant RPr 79/4 was able to grow to maturity in normal air, it sustained chlorosis and significant head sterility, probably due to the lack of a light-inducible catalase. Although the mutant RPr 79/4 is not completely lacking catalase (EC, the loss of the CAT-1 isozyme is evidently harmful. This observation underscores the protective role of catalases in plants.  相似文献   

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