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作者于1986年在《人类学学报》第5卷2期上发表了《云南玉溪地区人口的性比》一文,对云南玉溪地区1982年人口普查时的性比进行了分析,现将云南大理白族自治州同年人口普查时的性比材料报道如下。  相似文献   

B. H. King  S. E. Seidl 《Oecologia》1993,94(3):428-433
This study examines the sex ratio response of the parasitoid wasp Muscidifurax raptor to conspecific and confamilial females in relation to two groups of functional sex ratio models, local mate competition and host quality models. In some but not all experiments, M. raptor females produced a greater proportion of sons in the presence of a conspecific female than when alone, and this sex ratio effect carried over for a day after the females were isolated from each other M. raptor females also produced a greater proportion of sons in the presence of a female of the confamilial parasitoid Spalangia cameroni than when alone (although only on the second day of exposure to S. cameroni, not on the first). M. raptor's sex ratio increase in the presence of conspecifics is consistent with local mate competition models but not with host quality models because the presence of a conspecific female did not cause there to be more, and thus potentially smaller, offspring developing per host. In contrast, the presence of a S. cameroni female did cause there to be more offspring developing per host than when a M. raptor female was alone; thus M. raptor's sex ratio increase in the presence of S. cameroni may be explained by host quality models. An alternative explanation for the sex ratio increase in response to confamilials is that only a sex ratio response to conspecifics may be adaptive, due to local mate competition; but M. raptor females may be unable to distinguish between conspecific and S. cameroni females.  相似文献   

The relationship between environmental factors, sex ratio and mating system in Daphnia magna was examined, and the adaptiveness of environmental sex determination over ametic sex determination was explored. Monthly sexual sex ratios (males over total number of males and sexual females) ranged from 0.31 to 1.0, the three-year average equalling 0.61. However, if only the samples collected during the period of frequent sexuality from August to October are included, the sexual sex ratio becomes equal, 0.51. Sexual sex ratios varied real between samples during the same period and the standard errors appeared highest in July ad August. Typical of suck times is some uncertainty in the environment, and the environmental cues can be contradictory. Sex expression in Daphnia appears to be determined by responses to complicated interactions between different environmental factors, which adaptively alter the sex ratio. The longterm sexual sex ratio of Daphnia aproaching the equilibrium 1:1, despite environmental sex %termination, gives support for Fisier's classic theory of equal parental investment in both sexes. An equal sex ratio is advantageous also during periods of small population size because it maximizes the effective population size.  相似文献   

 Various ecological factors (e.g. herbivory, difference between males and females in colonising ability) have been invoked to explain female-biased sex ratios in populations of willow species. It was implicitly assumed that genetic factors would lead to a balanced sex ratio in the absence of ecological disturbances. In an experiment carried out in a homogeneous environment and in the absence of herbivores the progeny sex ratio of 13 crosses of basket willow (Salix viminalis L.) was observed to range from extreme female bias to extreme male bias. The observed sex ratio cannot be explained by the presence of sex chromosomes without assuming that additional loci are also involved in the sex determination. Alternatively, the sex ratios in this study can be explained by a sex determination mechanism governed by multiple independent loci. Received: 1 February 1996 / Accepted: 14 June 1996  相似文献   

Sex ratio and sexual dimorphism of Borderea pyrenaica, a long-lived dioecious geophyte endemic to the Pyrenees (north-east Iberian Peninsula), were examined in three alpine populations. In this species, age can be estimated and the sex of nonreproductive adult plants identified. Male plants attain sexual maturity earlier, flower more frequently and grow faster than female plants, whereas females allocate a higher biomass to reproduction than males. These results support the hypothesis that female plants incur a higher cost of sexual reproduction and that this higher cost is measurable as reduced vegetative growth and lower flowering frequency. Variation of sex ratio among young, intermediate and old adults within populations suggests, however, that this higher female reproductive investment does not result in sexual differences in mortality. The overall male-biased sex ratio in B. pyrenaica is mainly a consequence of the tendency of males to reproduce at an earlier age and more frequently than females.  相似文献   

A. B. Nicotra 《Oecologia》1998,115(1-2):102-113
Populations of dioecious plant species often exhibit biased sex ratios. Such biases may arise as a result of sex-based differences in life history traits, or as a result of spatial segregation of the sexes. Of these, sex-based differentiation in life history traits is likely to be the most common cause of bias. In dioecious species, selection can act upon the sexes in a somewhat independent way, leading to differentiation and evolution toward sex-specific ecological optima. I examined sex ratio variation and spatial distribution of the tropical dioecious shrub Siparuna grandiflora to determine whether populations exhibited a biased sex ratio, and if so, whether the bias could be explained in terms of non-random spatial distribution or sex-based differentiation in life history traits. Sex ratio bias was tested using contingency tables, a logistic regression approach was utilized to examine variation in life history traits, and spatial distributions were analyzed using Ripley's K, a second-order neighborhood analysis. I found that although populations of S. grandiflora have a male-biased sex ratio within and among years, there was no evidence of spatial segregation of the sexes. Rather, the sex ratio bias was shown to result primarily from sex-based differentiation in life history traits; males reproduce at a smaller size and more frequently than females. The sexes also differ in the relationship between plant size and reproductive frequency. Light availability was shown to affect reproductive activity in both sexes, though among infrequently flowering plants, females require higher light levels than males to flower. The results of this study demonstrate that ecologically significant sex-based differentiation has evolved in S. grandiflora. Received: 30 July 1997 / Accepted: 16 December 1997  相似文献   

The regulation of the sex ratio at birth in human species remains poorly understood. After wars, a shift of the sex ratio in favor of men is always observed. Among the different hypothesis to explain this observation, one is to consider that Y-bearing spermatozoids have a weight advantage following insemination and that X-bearing spermatozoids, heavier, are more time-resistant. Following these observations, frequent sex may favor the birth of boys, whether infrequent sex may favor the birth of girls.Sustaining this sperm weight hypothesis, I report here that in France, after the two world wars, there has been an increase of abandoned illegitimate children with a significant shift of the sex ratio in favor of men. These observations may reflect an increase in illegitimate birth and indirectly an increase of men paternity.  相似文献   

The paper develops a methodology to estimate the parameters concerning female foeticide and differential infant mortality rates by sex; for which direct data are difficult to be obtained. Therefore, appropriate modelling has been made enabling to estimate the above rates as well as other associated parameters (such as re‐conception rate in the early partities following a male or a female birth) from indirect data; such as data providing information on the interval between two male births or between a female and a male birth on the assumption there is a sex preference in favour of male children existing among the couples. The other type of data that may be used are on sex ratios at birth and at the first year of life. The working of the model has been illustrated by assuming certain conventional values for some of the parameters in the reproductive process as Post‐partum amenorrhoea (PPA), Gestation period and the sex ratios both natural as well as observed.  相似文献   

The extent to which sex ratio bias is a common reproductive characteristic of prosimians has not been well established. The present study analyzed reproduction in 13 breeding groups of captive prosimians for evidence of birth sex ratio bias. A substantial male bias was demonstrated in nongregarious, but not gregarious, breeding groups. Analyses of birth sex ratios of individual mothers suggested that the observed bias did not result from the tendency of a few mothers to overproduce males, but rather from a small but reliable excess of male births in general. An examination of infant mortality revealed that male Otolemur garnettii and Microcebus murinus infants were more vulnerable to preweaning mortality, whereas female Eulemur fulvus albifrons infants were more vulnerable. An analysis of birth order by sex found that mothers of one group (O. garnettii) tended to produce males initially and females later. Additionally, a distinct pattern of birth seasonality was noted among Malagasy prosimians that was absent in the African prosimians. Greater length of period of sexual receptivity for nongregarious females as compared to gregarious females is proposed as a possible mechanism of male birth sex ratio bias. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary The dioecious winter ephemeral liverwort, Sphaerocarpos texanus disperses spore tetrads consisting of two males and two females. I examined the subsequent sex ratio of S. texanus at different stages in its life cycle to detect possible mechanisms affecting deviations from a 1:1 sex ratio and the effect of sex ratio on reproductive success. As S. texanus occurs in pure male, pure female and mixed sex clumps, I examined the proportions and sizes of these, the reproductive success of pure female and mixed sex clumps in the field and the sex ratio of germinating plants in a growth chamber. In both the field and the growth chamber the most abundant clump type was pure female followed by mixed sex and pure male clumps. These abundance patterns suggest that males have a lower survival rate than females before emergence and this lower survival rate continues through the gametophytic stage. This disadvantage may be due to the higher susceptibility of males to environmental conditions, to their competitive inferiority to females, and/or to differential resource allocation to the sexes within the spore tetrad. The female biased sex ratio at germination is consistent with predictions from sex ratio theory. Further my field data indicate that males may gain a survival benefit from growing in a mixed sex clump and both males and females benefit reproductively when they occur in mixed sex clumps.  相似文献   

The sex segregation ratio was checked in bi-parental families of Actinidia deliciosa (2n=6x=174) obtained by crossing four females (A12, Mo3, Br4, Hw1) with two males (T2, M1) and one fruiting male (M3h, subandroecious) according to a factorial mating design. The M3h fruiting male was also selfed. The sex ratio was checked in maternal families of A. kolomikta (2n=2x) and A. chinensis (2n=2x) as well as in A. deliciosa. Seedlings of both diploid species took 3–4 years to progress beyond juvenility, whereas a noticeable number of seedlings from biparental crosses of A. deliciosa involving A12 and Hw1 as seed parents were still non-flowering after seven growing seasons. Open-pollinated families of both diploid and hexaploid species as well as most families from biparental crosses showed a sex segregation ratio approaching 11. Subandroecious lines with different degrees of ovary and pistil development appeared in proportions of 0–4.2%, depending on the cross, but only 6 of the 2567 male vines checked were capable of setting fruit. No case of self-fertility or apomixis was detected among 1866 bagged female vines. Selfed M3h progenies gave only female and male phenotypes in a ratio of 1 female to 3 males. No off-type vines were found among these progenies. The same disomic sex segregation ratio seems to be operating at different ploidy levels in the genus Actinidia. Since selfed fruiting males produced both female and male individuals, the male sex appears to be the heterogametic one. Such evidence indicates that a monofactorial system based on one or more linked genes or on an X/Y chromosome set must be controlling sex expression. How a monofactorial sex-determining mechanism could operate in polyploids to give a 11 female: male ratio is discussed. Minor modifying gene(s) seem to be responsible for the feminization of males, and their expression appears enhanced by environmental conditions. Masculinizing gene(s) seem to be lacking in female genotypes.  相似文献   

We investigate the evolution of sex allocation and dispersal in a two-habitat environment using a game theoretic analysis. One habitat is of better quality than the other and increased habitat quality influences the competitive ability of offspring in a sex-specific manner. Unlike previous work, we allow incomplete mixing of the population during mating. We discuss three special cases involving the evolution of sex allocation under fixed levels of dispersal between habitats. In these special cases, stable sex-allocation behaviors can be both biased and unbiased. When sex-allocation behavior and dispersal rates co-evolve we identify two basic outcomes. First-when sex-specific differences in the consequences of spatial heterogeneity are large-we predict the evolution of biased sex-allocation behavior in both habitats, with dispersal by males in one direction and dispersal by females in the other direction. Second-when sex-specific differences are small-unbiased sex-allocation is predicted with no dispersal between habitats.  相似文献   

Summary A sex ratio response to host resources as measured by external host dimensions has been demonstrated in many parasitoid wasps, includingSpalangia cameroni. The responses generally are in the direction predicted by sex ratio theory, specifically the host-size models. Here I show that femaleS. cameroni also respond to differences in resource availability not associated with changes in external host dimensions, and this response is in the direction predicted by host-size models. When given old and young hosts simultaneously, femaleS. cameroni oviposit a greater proportion of sons in old than in young host pupae, at least for 0-day old versus 3-day old hosts. Old hosts weigh less than young hosts but are not significantly different in external width. Thus it appears that the offspring sex ratio response may result from mothers detecting physical or chemical changes within the host which are associated with host age. No evidence is found that the manipulation in response to host age has been selected for via an effect of host age on wasp size; there was no significant effect of host age on either male of female wasp size. A second prediction of the host-size models is also supported by this study: when each female is presented with only a single host age, rather than two host ages simultaneously, host age has no effect on offspring sex ratio.  相似文献   

温度对江黄颡鱼性分化的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过组织学方法观察江黄颡鱼原始生殖细胞(PGCs)迁移、生殖嵴生成和性腺分化,并且探讨在不同温度培育下性腺分化的差异。实验结果显示:1日龄仔鱼PGCs位于鱼体中肠背方的脏壁中胚层中;5日龄时,PGCs迁移到背方的腹膜上皮;8日龄时,生殖嵴形成;14日龄时,原始性腺形成;23日龄时,性腺开始分化。从孵化后的第10天开始,分别用(20±0.5)、(24±1.0自然水温、对照组)、(30±0.5)和(34±0.5)℃4种水温培育仔鱼达25天。实验结束后统计结果显示:对照组和(20±0.5)℃组的雌、雄性比接近1∶1(分别为1∶1.09和1.22∶1);(30±0.5)℃组的为1∶4.89,雄性率达(83.3±0.7)%;(34±0.5)℃组的为2.85∶1,雄性率仅为(26.4±0.4)%。提示(30±0.5)℃可使幼鱼性腺发育趋向雄性,(34±0.5)℃则使幼鱼性腺发育趋向雌性。实验结果表明,江黄颡鱼的性分化是属于温度依赖型性别决定。  相似文献   

高原鼠兔种群的性比   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
The sex ratio (♂ / ♀ ) of plateau pika's (Ochotona curzoniae) population was studied by re-captured method in the region of the Haibei Mpine Meadow Ecosystem Research Station, Northwest Institute of Plateau Biology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences from April of 2001 to August of 2002. The result showed that there was no significant difference from 1:1 in adult's sex ratio in whole breeding season, whereas the sex ratio of juvenile had some fluctuations among different age stages. The sex ratio of the second litter varied significantly from embryo to 60-day-old, but no difference at the first and the third litter. We concluded it was caused by conflict between maternal strategy and juvenile's strategy. No significant differences of sex ratio were found both in adult and juvenile between 2001 and 2002. The sex ratio of plateau pika before and after overwintering did not vary. In summary,we proposed that sex ratio of plateau pika's population was not influenced by exogenous factors, but some serf-regulation mechanisms may be involved.  相似文献   

目的:探究Cidec敲除(CIDEC-KO)小鼠肠道菌群的结构。方法:随机分别挑选体重相近、2月龄5只野生型和5只Cidec敲除的雄性小鼠,收集两种基因型小鼠经高脂饲料16周喂养前后的新鲜粪便。提取粪便中的细菌基因组,对菌群基因组16S r RNA基因V4高变区进行测序,对数据进行PCoA分析、Alpha多样性分析及LEf Se分析。结果:属水平下的LEf Se分析显示,在普通饲料喂养条件下,Cidec缺失小鼠对比野生型小鼠粪便中PrevotellaceaUCG001属丰度显著上升,Blautia属、Streptococcus属、LachnospiraceaeUCG006属丰度显著下降。与同月龄同高脂喂养的野生型小鼠比,Cidec敲除小鼠粪便中RuminococcaceaeUCG014属丰度显著下降。进一步比较同一种基因型下饮食对肠道菌群的改变,发现在喂养高脂饲料后,某些属的丰度仅在Cidec缺失小鼠中发生显著变化,但是在野生型小鼠中未发现有显著变化,这些属包括:Alistipes属、Bacteroides属、Paraprevotella属、Streptococcus属、LachnospiraceaeUCG006属丰度显著上升。而喂养高脂后,仅在野生型小鼠中发现Peptococcus属和Ruminococcustorquesgroup属丰度的显著上升,以及Tyzzerella3属、Ruminiclostidium6属和A2属丰度的显著下降,在Cidec缺失小鼠粪便中并未发现这些属的丰度有显著变化。结论:高脂诱导下,对比野生型小鼠,某些同代谢综合征正相关的属只在Cidec缺失小鼠肠道菌群中丰度显著上升。  相似文献   

蜜蜂性别决定与性比调控机理研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
叙述了 4个主要蜜蜂性别决定机理的假说 :即性位点假说、基因平衡假说、蜜蜂性别决定综合假说和性基因数量决定假说。然后就蜜蜂性比由蜂王操纵 ,或是由工蜂操纵进行了论述 ,并对蜜蜂性比调控机理研究提出了一些建议  相似文献   

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