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Inosine triphosphate (ITP) pyrophosphohydrolase, or ITPase, is an intracellular enzyme that is responsible for the hydrolysis of the acidic anhydride bond between the alpha and beta phosphates in ITP, and other noncanonical nucleoside triphosphates, producing the corresponding nucleoside monophosphate and pyrophosphate. This activity protects the cell by preventing noncanonical nucleoside triphosphates from accumulating in (deoxy) nucleoside triphosphate ((d)NTP) pools and/or being integrated into nucleic acids. This enzyme is encoded by the ITPA gene in mammals. It has been reported that Itpa homozygous-null knock-out mice die before weaning and have gross cardiac abnormalities. Additionally, certain variations in the human ITPA gene have been linked to adverse reactions to the immunosuppressive prodrugs azathioprine and 6-mercaptopurine and protection against ribavirin-induced hemolytic anemia. These drugs are bioactivated to form noncanonical nucleoside triphosphates. Human ITPase enzymes engineered to modulate nucleobase specificity may be valuable tools for studying the role of ITPase in heart development and drug metabolism or developing gain-of-function mutants or inhibitory molecules. Based on x-ray crystallography and amino acid sequence data, a panel of putative human ITPase nucleobase specificity mutants has been generated. We targeted eight highly conserved amino acid positions within the ITPase sequence that correspond to amino acids predicted to directly interact with the nucleobase or help organize the nucleobase binding pocket. The ability of the mutants to protect against exogenous and endogenous noncanonical purines was tested with two Escherichia coli complementation assays. Nucleobase specificity of the mutants was investigated with an in vitro biochemical assay using ITP, GTP and ATP as substrates. This methodology allowed us to identify gain-of-function mutants and categorize the eight amino acid positions according to their ability to protect against noncanonical purines as follows: Glu-22, Trp-151 and Arg-178, essential for protection; Phe-149, Asp-152, Lys-172 and Ser-176, intermediate protection; His-177, dispensable for protection against noncanonical purines.  相似文献   

The residues L40, A113, V291, and V294, in leucine dehydrogenase (LeuDH), predicted to be involved in recognition of the substrate side chain, have been mutated on the basis of the molecular modeling to mimic the substrate specificities of phenylalanine (PheDH), glutamate (GluDH), and lysine dehydrogenases (LysDH). The A113G and A113G/V291L mutants, imitating the PheDH active site, displayed activities toward -phenylalanine and phenylpyruvate with 1.6 and 7.8% of kcat values of the wild-type enzyme for the preferred substrates, -leucine and its keto-analog, respectively. Indeed, the residue A113, corresponding to G114 in PheDH, affects the volume of the side-chain binding pocket and has a critical role in discrimination of the bulkiness of the side chain. Another two sets of mutants, substituting L40 and V294 of LeuDH with the corresponding residues predicted in GluDH and LysDH, were also constructed and characterized. Emergence of GluDH and LysDH activities in L40K/V294S and L40D/V294S mutants, respectively, indicates that the two corresponding residues in the active site of amino acid dehydrogenases are important for discrimination of the hydrophobicity/polarity of the aliphatic substrate side chain. All these results demonstrate that the substrate specificities of the amino acid dehydrogenases can be altered by protein engineering. The engineered dehydrogenases are expected to be used for production and detection of natural and non-natural amino acids.  相似文献   

Oligonucleotide site-directed mutagenesis in Xenopus egg extracts.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Addition of M13mp18 single-stranded DNA annealed with an oligonucleotide to a Xenopus egg extract results in a rapid and efficient incorporation of the oligonucleotide in a complete double-stranded supercoiled molecule. Both the efficiency of DNA synthesis and the recovery of complete double-stranded molecules are increased relative to the reaction carried out by the classical technique using the E. coli Klenow DNA polymerase, DNA ligase, dNTPs, ATP and ions. Site specific mutagenesis was assayed by reverting a point mutation in the lacz region of M13mp18. The color assay described by Messing and sequencing of the DNA extracted from isolated plaques was used to check for the reversion. A 2 hr incubation of the heteroduplex carrying the mutagenic oligonucleotide in the Klenow-ligase-dNTP mixture allows a recovery of 6% mutant phage after transformation of competent cells with the reaction products. Using the Xenopus egg extract, 83% mutant phage were recovered after the same incubation time, in reactions entirely performed in parallel. The Xenopus extract is stable and contains all components required for the assay, including all ionic and protein factors; thus the only addition is the annealed DNA. Such an eukaryotic system is therefore an attractive alternative to the reconstituted prokaryotic DNA polymerase-DNA ligase system for site specific mutagenesis.  相似文献   

By combining our knowledge of the crystal structure of the glycolytic NAD-dependent glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and the sequence of the photosynthetic NADP-dependent GAPDH of the chloroplast, two particular amino acid residues were predicted as the principal determinants of differing coenzyme specificity. By use of site-directed mutagenesis, the amino acids Leu 187 and Pro 188 of GAPDH from Bacillus stearothermophilus have been replaced with Ala 187 and Ser 188, which occur in the sequence from the chloroplast enzyme. The resulting mutant was shown to be catalytically active not only with its natural coenzyme NAD but also with NADP, thus confirming the initial hypothesis. This approach has not only enabled us to alter the coenzyme specificity by minimal amino acid changes but also revealed factors that control the relative affinity of the enzyme for NAD and NADP.  相似文献   

Thermotoga neapolitana beta-glucosidase (BglA) was subjected to site-directed mutagenesis in an effort to increase its ability to synthesize arbutin derivatives by transglycosylation. The transglycosylation reaction of the wild-type enzyme displays major beta(1,6) and minor beta(1,3) or beta(1,4) regioselectivity. The three mutants, N291T, F412S, and N291T/F412S, increased the ratio of transglycosylation/hydrolysis compared with the wild-type enzyme when pNPG and arbutin were used as a substrate and an acceptor, respectively. N291T and N219T/F412s had transglycosylation/hydrolysis ratios about 3- and 8-fold higher, respectively, than that of the wild-type enzyme. This is due to the decreased hydrolytic activity of the mutant rather than increased transglycosylation activity. Interestingly, N291T showed altered regioselectivity, as well as increased transglycosylation products. TLC analysis of the transglycosylation products indicated that N291T retained its beta(1,3) regioselectivity, but lost its beta(1,4) and beta(1,6) regioselectivity. The altered regioselectivity of N291T using two other acceptors, esculin and salicin, was also confirmed by TLC. The major transglycosylation products of the wild type and N291T mutant were clearly different. This result suggests that Asn-291 is highly involved in the catalytic mechanism by controlling the transglycosylation reaction.  相似文献   

The aromatic l-alpha-hydroxy acid dehydrogenase (AHDAH) from Trypanosoma cruzi has over 50% sequence identity with cytosolic malate dehydrogenases (cMDHs), yet it is unable to reduce oxaloacetate. Molecular modeling of the three-dimensional structure of AHADH using the pig cMDH as template directed the construction of several mutants. AHADH shares with MDHs the essential catalytic residues H195 and R171 (using Eventoff's numbering). The AHADH A102R mutant became able to reduce oxaloacetate, while remaining fully active towards aromatic alpha-oxoacids. The Y237G mutant diminished its affinity for all of the natural substrates, whereas the double mutant A102R/Y237G was more active than Y237G and had similar activity with oxaloacetate and with aromatic substrates. The present results reinforce our proposal that AHADH arose by a moderate number of point mutations from a cMDH no longer present in the parasite.  相似文献   

Hillar A  Peters B  Pauls R  Loboda A  Zhang H  Mauk AG  Loewen PC 《Biochemistry》2000,39(19):5868-5875
Catalase-peroxidases have a predominant catalatic activity but differ from monofunctional catalases in exhibiting a substantial peroxidatic reaction which has been implicated in the activation of the antitubercular drug isoniazid in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Hydroperoxidase I of Escherichia coli encoded by katG is a catalase-peroxidase, and residues in its putative active site have been the target of a site directed-mutagenesis study. Variants of residues R102 and H106, on the distal side of the heme, and H267, the proximal side ligand, were constructed, all of which substantially reduced the catalatic activity and, to a lesser extent, the peroxidatic activity. In addition, the heme content of the variants was reduced relative to the wild-type enzyme. The relative ease of heme loss from HPI and a mixture of tetrameric enzymes with 2, 3, and 4 hemes was revealed by mass spectrometry analysis. Conversion of W105 to either an aromatic (F) or aliphatic (I) residue caused a 4-5-fold increase in peroxidatic activity, coupled with a >99% inhibition of catalatic activity. The peroxidatic-to-catalatic ratio of the W105F variant was increased 2800-fold such that compound I could be identified by both electronic and EPR spectroscopy as being similar to the porphyrin cation radical formed in other catalases and peroxidases. Compound I, when generated by a single addition of H(2)O(2), decayed back to the native or resting state within 1 min. When H(2)O(2) was generated enzymatically in situ at low levels, active compound I was evident for up to 2 h. However, such prolonged treatment resulted in conversion of compound I to a reversibly inactivated and, eventually, to an irreversibly inactivated species, both of which were spectrally similar to compound I.  相似文献   

The Lys80, Gly82 and Met101 residues of glutamate dehydrogenase from Bacillus subtilis were mutated into a series of single mutants. The wild-type enzyme was highly specific for 2-oxoglutarate, whereas G82K and M101S dramatically switched to increased specificity for oxaloacetate with kcat values 3.45 and 5.68 s-1, which were 265-fold and 473-fold higher respectively than those for 2-oxoglutarate.  相似文献   

The S2 subsite specificity of the plant protease papain has been altered to resemble that of mammalian cathepsin B by site-directed mutagenesis. On the basis of amino acid sequence alignments for papain and cathepsin B, a double mutant (Val133Ala/Ser205Glu) was produced where Val133 and Ser205 are replaced by Ala and Glu, respectively, as well as a triple mutant (Val133Ala/Val157Gly/Ser205Glu), where Val157 is also replaced by Gly. Three synthetic substrates were used for the kinetic characterization of the mutants, as well as wild-type papain and cathepsin B: CBZ-Phe-Arg-MCA, CBZ-Arg-Arg-MCA, and CBZ-Cit-Arg-MCA. The ratio of kcat/KM obtained by using CBZ-Phe-Arg-MCA as substrate over that obtained with CBZ-Arg-Arg-MCA is 8.0 for the Val133Ala/Ser205Glu variant, while the equivalent values for wild-type papain and cathepsin B are 904 and 3.6, respectively. This change in specificity has been achieved by replacing only two amino acids out of a total of 212 in papain and with little loss in overall enzyme activity. However, further replacement of Val157 by Gly as in Val133Ala/Val157Gly/Ser205Glu causes an important decrease in activity, although the enzyme still displays a cathepsin B like substrate specificity. In addition, the pH dependence of activity for the Val133Ala/Ser205Glu variant compares well with that of cathepsin B. In particular, the activity toward CBZ-Arg-Arg-MCA is modulated by a group with a pKa of 5.51, a behavior that is also encountered in the case of cathepsin B but is absent with papain.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

On the basis of sequence and three-dimensional structure comparison between Anabaena PCC7119 ferredoxin-NADP(+) reductase (FNR) and other reductases from its structurally related family that bind either NADP(+)/H or NAD(+)/H, a set of amino acid residues that might determine the FNR coenzyme specificity can be assigned. These residues include Thr-155, Ser-223, Arg-224, Arg-233 and Tyr-235. Systematic replacement of these amino acids was done to identify which of them are the main determinants of coenzyme specificity. Our data indicate that all of the residues interacting with the 2'-phosphate of NADP(+)/H in Anabaena FNR are not involved to the same extent in determining coenzyme specificity and affinity. Thus, it is found that Ser-223 and Tyr-235 are important for determining NADP(+)/H specificity and orientation with respect to the protein, whereas Arg-224 and Arg-233 provide only secondary interactions in Anabaena FNR. The analysis of the T155G FNR form also indicates that the determinants of coenzyme specificity are not only situated in the 2'-phosphate NADP(+)/H interacting region but that other regions of the protein must be involved. These regions, although not interacting directly with the coenzyme, must produce specific structural arrangements of the backbone chain that determine coenzyme specificity. The loop formed by residues 261-268 in Anabaena FNR must be one of these regions.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, two isozymes (I and II) of methionine aminopeptidase (MetAP) catalyze the removal of the initiator methionine if the penultimate residue has a small radius of gyration (glycine, alanine, serine, threonine, proline, valine, and cysteine). Using site-directed mutagenesis, recombinant yeast MetAP I derivatives that are able to cleave N-terminal methionine from substrates that have larger penultimate residues have been expressed. A Met to Ala change at 329 (Met206 in Escherichia coli enzyme) produces an average catalytic efficiency 1.5-fold higher than the native enzyme on normal substrates and cleaves substrates containing penultimate asparagine, glutamine, isoleucine, leucine, methionine, and phenylalanine. Interestingly, the native enzyme also has significant activity with the asparagine peptide not previously identified as a substrate. Mutation of Gln356 (Gln233 in E. coli MetAP) to alanine results in a catalytic efficiency about one-third that of native with normal substrates but which can cleave methionine from substrates with penultimate histidine, asparagine, glutamine, leucine, methionine, phenylalanine, and tryptophan. Mutation of Ser195 to alanine had no effect on substrate specificity. None of the altered enzymes produced cleaved substrates with a fully charged residue (lysine, arginine, aspartic acid, or glutamic acid) or tyrosine in the penultimate position.  相似文献   

Kallistatin is a serine proteinase inhibitor that forms complexes with tissue kallikrein and inhibits its activity. In this study, we compared the inhibitory activity of recombinant human kallistatin and two mutants, Phe388Arg (P1) and Phe387Gly (P2), toward human tissue kallikrein. Recombinant kallistatins were expressed in Escherichia coli and purified to apparent homogeneity using metal-affinity and heparin-affinity chromatography. The complexes formed between recombinant kallistatins and tissue kallikrein were stable for at least 150 h. Wild-type kallistatin as well as both Phe388Arg and Phe387Gly mutants act as inhibitors and substrates to tissue kallikrein as analyzed by complex formation. Kinetic analyses showed that the inhibitory activity of Phe388Arg variant toward tissue kallikrein is two-fold higher than that of wild type (P1Phe), whereas Phe387Gly had only 7% of the inhibitory activity toward tissue kallikrein as compared to wild type. The Phe388Arg variant but not wild type inhibited plasma kallikrein's activity. These results indicate that P1Arg variant exhibits more potent inhibitory activity toward tissue kallikrein while wild type (P1Phe) is a more selective inhibitor of tissue kallikrein. The P2 phenylalanine is essential for retaining the hydrophobic environment for the interaction of kallistatin and kallikrein.  相似文献   

A new method of site-directed mutagenesis was developed to allow manipulation with extended plasmid-cloned gene fragments irrespective of their position and the presence of restriction sites. The method was used to obtain chimeric constructs encoding a Pisum sativum lectin with the native carbohydrate-binding region replaced by its counterpart from other legumes. The method can be used in plasmid construction to clone a coding gene fragment under the control of a promoter in a certain reading frame.  相似文献   

The subclass B3 FEZ-1 beta-lactamase produced by Fluoribacter (Legionella) gormanii is a Zn(II)-containing enzyme that hydrolyzes the beta-lactam bond in penicillins, cephalosporins, and carbapenems. FEZ-1 has been extensively studied using kinetic, computational modeling and x-ray crystallography. In an effort to probe residues potentially involved in substrate binding and zinc binding, five site-directed mutants of FEZ-1 (H121A, Y156A, S221A, N225A, and Y228A) were prepared and characterized using metal analyses and steady state kinetics. The activity of H121A is dependent on zinc ion concentration. The H121A monozinc form is less active than the dizinc form, which exhibits an activity similar to that of the wild type enzyme. Tyr156 is not essential for binding and hydrolysis of the substrate. Substitution of residues Ser221 and Asn225 modifies the substrate profile by selectively decreasing the activity against carbapenems. The Y228A mutant is inhibited by the product formed upon hydrolysis of cephalosporins. A covalent bond between the side chain of Cys200 and the hydrolyzed cephalosporins leads to the formation of an inactive and stable complex.  相似文献   

A rapid and efficient procedure for site specific mutagenesis is described. A double primed synthesis with a 17-mer mismatch primer and a "universal" 15-mer M13 sequencing primer was used to introduce a T to A transversion into an ompF signal peptide gene cloned in the M13mp8 vector. The two primers were annealed to the circular single stranded M13 template. After a short extension and ligation reaction, a double stranded restriction fragment containing the mismatch (ompF*/EcoR1-SalI) was cut out of the partly single stranded circular DNA and inserted into pBR322. 42% of the E.coli transformants harboured plasmid with the desired mutation, which could be detected by the appearance of a new restriction site (MboII) and by dot blot hybridization of plasmid DNA with the 32P-labeled 17-mer.  相似文献   

To identify critical amino acid residues for carbohydrate binding of galectins (soluble -galactoside-binding lectins found in the animal kingdom), site-directed mutagenesis was performed on human galectin-1. On the basis of the previous results (Hirabayashi and Kasai (1992)J Biol Chem 266:23648-53), more systematic mutagenesis experiments were performed in order to confirm the concept that conserved hydrophilic residues play a central role. When a homologous substitution was made for highly conserved His44, Arg48 or Asn61, the resultant mutant (H44Q, R48H or N61D, respectively) almost completely lacked carbohydrate-binding ability, as found previously for Asn46, Glu71 and Arg73 mutants. This suggests these six hydrophilic residues are essential. On the other hand, when less conserved Lys63, Arg111 or Asp125 were substituted, the resultant mutant (K63H, R111H or D125E, respectively) retained almost the same affinities to asialofetuin and lactose as the wild-type galectin. Therefore, none of these residues is directly involved in the binding. These results, together with the previous observation that the above six essential residues are all encoded in the largest exon of the gene and are located close to each other in the central, most hydrophilic region of the protein, suggest that the residues form a carbohydrate-binding site of galectin.Abbreviations EDTA-PBS 2mm EDTA, 20mm Na-phosphate, pH 7.2, 150mm NaCl - MEPBS EDTA-PBS containing 4mm -mercaptoethanol - IPTG isopropyl--(d)-thiogalactoside - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

Rat cellular retinol-binding protein II (CRBP II) is an abundant 134-residue intestinal protein that binds all-trans-retinol and all-trans-retinal. It belongs to a family of homologous, 15-kDa cytoplasmic proteins that bind hydrophobic ligands in a noncovalent fashion. These binding proteins include a number of proteins that bind long chain fatty acids. X-ray analyses of the structure of two family members, rat intestinal fatty acid-binding protein and bovine myelin P2 protein, indicate that they have a high degree of conformational similarity and that the carboxylate group of their bound fatty acid interacts with a delta-guanidium group of at least 1 of 2 "buried" arginine residues. These 2 Arg residues are conserved in other family members that bind long chain fatty acids and in cellular retinoic acid-binding protein, but are replaced by Gln109 and Gln129 in CRBP II. We have genetically engineered two amino acid substitutions in CRBP II: 1) Gln109 to Arg and 2) Gln129 to Arg. The purified Escherichia coli-derived CRBP II mutant proteins were analyzed by fluorescence and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Both mutants exhibit markedly decreased binding of all-trans-retinol and all-trans-retinaldehyde, but no increased binding of all-trans-retinoic acid. Arg substitution for Gln109 but not for Gln129 produces a dramatic increase in palmitate binding activity. Analysis of the endogenous fatty acids associated with the purified E. coli-derived proteins revealed that E. coli-derived intestinal fatty acid binding protein and the Arg109 CRBP II mutant are complexed with endogenous fatty acids in a qualitatively and quantitatively similar manner. These results provide evidence that this internal Arg may play an important role in the binding of long chain fatty acids by members of this protein family.  相似文献   

The large cytotoxins of Clostridia species glycosylate and thereby inactivate small GTPases of the Rho family. Clostridium difficile toxins A and B and Clostridium sordellii lethal toxin use UDP-glucose as the donor for glucosylation of Rho/Ras GTPases. In contrast, alpha-toxin from Clostridium novyi N-acetylglucosaminylates Rho GTPases by using UDP-N-acetylglucosamine as a donor substrate. Based on the crystal structure of C. difficile toxin B, we studied the sugar donor specificity of the toxins by site-directed mutagenesis. The changing of Ile-383 and Gln-385 in toxin B to serine and alanine, respectively, largely increased the acceptance of UDP-N-acetylglucosamine as a sugar donor for modification of RhoA. The K(m) value was reduced from 960 to 26 mum for the double mutant. Accordingly, the potential of the double mutant of toxin B to hydrolyze UDP-N-acetylglucosamine was higher than that for UDP-glucose. The changing of Ile-383 and Gln-385 in the lethal toxin of C. sordellii allowed modification of Ras in the presence of UDP-N-acetyl-glucosamine and reduced the acceptance of UDP-glucose as a donor for glycosylation. Vice versa, the changing of the equivalent residues in C. novyi alpha-toxin from Ser-385 and Ala-387 to isoleucine and glutamine, respectively, reversed the donor specificity of the toxin from UDP-N-acetylglucosamine to UDP-glucose. These data demonstrate that two amino acid residues are crucial for the co-substrate specificity of clostridial glycosylating toxins.  相似文献   

Carrigan JB  Engel PC 《The FEBS journal》2007,274(19):5167-5174
Glutamate dehydrogenase (EC from Peptostreptococcus asaccharolyticus has a strong preference for NADH over NADPH as a coenzyme, over 1000-fold in terms of kcat/Km values. Sequence alignments across the wider family of NAD(P)-dependent dehydrogenases might suggest that this preference is mainly due to a negatively charged glutamate at position 243 (E243) in the adenine ribose-binding pocket. We have examined the possibility of altering coenzyme specificity of the Peptostreptococcus enzyme, and, more specifically, the role of residue 243 and neighbouring residues in coenzyme binding, by introducing a range of point mutations. Glutamate dehydrogenases are unusual among dehydrogenases in that NADPH-specific forms usually have aspartate at this position. However, replacement of E243 with aspartate led to only a nine-fold relaxation of the strong discrimination against NADPH. By contrast, replacement with a more positively charged lysine or arginine, as found in NADPH-dependent members of other dehydrogenase families, allows a more than 1000-fold shift toward NADPH, resulting in enzymes equally efficient with NADH or NADPH. Smaller shifts in the same direction were also observed in enzymes where a neighboring tryptophan, W244, was replaced by a smaller alanine (approximately six-fold) or Asp245 was changed to lysine (32-fold). Coenzyme binding studies confirm that the mutations result in the expected major changes in relative affinities for NADH and NADPH, and pH studies indicate that improved affinity for the extra phosphate of NADPH is the predominant reason for the increased catalytic efficiency with this coenzyme. The marked difference between the results of replacing E243 with aspartate and with positive residues implies that the mode of NADPH binding in naturally occurring NADPH-dependent glutamate dehydrogenases differs from that adopted in E243K or E243D and in other dehydrogenases.  相似文献   

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