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Liu  Jiankang  Mori  Akitane 《Neurochemical research》1999,24(11):1479-1497
Stress may contribute to aging acceleration and age-related degenerative diseases. Stress and adaptation to stress require numerous homeostatic adjustments including hormones, neurotransmitters, oxidants, and other mediators. The stress-induced hormones, neurotransmitters, and oxidants all have beneficial, but also harmful effects if out of balance. Therefore, the homeostasis of stress and adaptation should be governed by the hormone balance, neurotransmitter balance, and oxidant balance, as well as the interactions among these substances. The imbalance and the over-interaction of these balances may ultimately cause increased oxidant generation and oxidative damage to biomolecules. This increased oxidative damage may add to the oxidant burden associated with normal aerobic metabolism, which in itself, generates oxidants, causes accumulation of oxidative damage in mitochondria, and contributes to normal aging. Therefore, the stress-associated increase of oxidative damage may, in part, contribute to stress-associated aging acceleration and age-related neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

Aging can be defined as the condition where stressors are not counteracted by protective functions, leading to a dysregulation in development. These changes can be translated into decrements in neuronal functioning accompanied by behavioral declines, such as decreases in motor and cognitive performance, in both humans and animals. When coupled with genetic alterations, the ultimate expression of these changes is seen in diseases such as Alzheimer disease (AD). This association will be discussed in the last section of this chapter. In this review we will describe motor and cognitive deficits in behavior due to aging, and show how these deficits are related to increased vulnerability to oxidative stress, inflammation or signaling. Importantly, using muscarinic receptors as examples, we will also try to show that the sensitivity to these insults may be differentially expressed among neurotransmitter receptor subtypes.  相似文献   

Cancer is a destructive disease that causes high levels of morbidity and mortality. Doxorubicin (DOX) is a highly efficient antineoplastic chemotherapeutic drug, but its use places survivors at risk for cardiotoxicity. Many studies have demonstrated that multiple factors are involved in DOX-induced acute cardiotoxicity. Among them, oxidative stress and cell death predominate. In this review, we provide a comprehensive overview of the mechanisms underlying the source and effect of free radicals and dependent cell death pathways induced by DOX. Hence, we attempt to explain the cellular mechanisms of oxidative stress and cell death that elicit acute cardiotoxicity and provide new insights for researchers to discover potential therapeutic strategies to prevent or reverse doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity.  相似文献   

With the careful application of the principles outlined herein, brain death can be determined with certainty. There have been no documented reports of survivors when these guidelines have been followed. The traid of a known mechanism of brain injury, absence of contributing metabolic or toxic central nervous system depression and absence of demonstrable brain function is sufficient to determine brain death clinically and, in most states, legally. The use of apneic oxygenation protects cadaver organs for transplantation during the period needed to prove that a patient cannot breathe.Very little can ameliorate the tragedy of sudden and unexpected fatal cerebral injury. Nonetheless, the concept of brain death is well established, and there is no longer a medical or an ethical reason to prolong unnecessary support of these patients.  相似文献   

Molecular Biology - The mechanisms of aging are described at the molecular, cell, tissue, and systemic levels. Primary age-dependent molecular lesions activate the cell stress response to...  相似文献   

Abstract: Iron is a universal cofactor for mitochondrial energy generation and supports the growth and differentiation of all cell types. In the CNS, iron is a key component of systems responsible for myelination and the synthesis of several neurotransmitters. In this study the spatial and temporal pattern of iron and its regulatory proteins transferrin and ferritin are quantitatively examined in the rat CNS during the first 3 weeks of postnatal life and in adults and aged animals. The midbrain, the cerebral cortex, and the cerebellum-pons are examined independently. Iron, transferrin, and ferritin concentrations are highest in all three brain regions at birth and decrease in each region to minimum levels during the third postnatal week. The decrease in levels of iron, transferrin, and ferritin is most pronounced in the cerebellum-pons and cortex and least in the midbrain. From postnatal day 17, iron (total iron content) and ferritin levels increase throughout the lifetime of the rat. In contrast, transferrin levels remain fairly constant in each brain region after postnatal day 24. The midbrain region, which includes the iron-rich regions such as the globus pallidus, substantia nigra, and red nucleus, has the least change in iron with development, has the highest level of ferritin during development, and consistently has the highest level of transferrin at all ages. These observations are consistent with reports that iron is important for normal motor function. Transferrin did not increase after postnatal day 24 in the three brain regions examined despite increasing amounts of iron, which implies a decrease in iron mobility in the aged rats, a finding that is consistent with observations of human brain tissue. The data reported in this study demonstrate that iron acquisition and mobilization systems in the CNS are established early in development and that the overall pattern of acquisition among brain regions is similar. These data offer support and insight into established concepts that a sufficient iron supply is critical for normal neurological development.  相似文献   

Maresin 1 is a novel pro-resolving mediator derived from docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), with potent anti-inflammation effects against several animal models, including brain ischemia, sepsis, and lung fibrosis. However, its effect against motor neuron cell death is still not investigated. Therefore, we investigated the effects of maresin 1 on several stress-induced motor neuron cell death. Maresin 1 suppressed combinatorial stress which was evoked by superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1)G93A and serum-free, -induced motor neuron cells death in a concentration-dependent manner, and had a stronger neuroprotective effective than DHA. Maresin 1 also had neuroprotective effects against transactivation response DNA-binding protein (TDP)-43A315T and serum-free stress, H2O2, and tunicamycin-induced cell death. Maresin 1 reduced the reactive oxygen species (ROS) production caused by SOD1G93A or TDP-43A315T. Moreover, maresin 1 suppressed the NF-κB activation induced by SOD1G93A and serum-free stress. These data indicate that maresin 1 has motor neuron protective effects against several stresses by reduction of ROS production or attenuation of the NF-κB activation. Maresin 1 also had neuroprotective effects against H2O2, and tunicamycin-induced cell death in a concentration-dependent manner. Finally, maresin 1 ameliorated the motor function deficits of spinal muscular atrophy model in which endoplasmic reticulum stress was upregulated. Thus, maresin 1 may be beneficial to protect against motor neuron diseases.  相似文献   

Lynch G  Bi X 《Neurochemical research》2003,28(11):1725-1734
Hypotheses about the factors controlling the rate of brain aging are usually derived from 1) correlates of maximum life span across mammals or 2) investigations into the causes of age-related neuropathologies in humans. With regard to the former, the strong correlation between metabolic rate and longevity prompted a variety of free radical hypotheses of aging. There is also evidence that brain size affects life span independently of body metabolism rates. The second approach has led to a diverse array of pathogenic mechanisms and, importantly for the development of general hypotheses, the discovery of animal analogues. The present paper discusses the possibility that age-associated lysosomal dysfunction constitutes a generalized mammalian phenomenon that accounts for specific features of the aged human brain. Immunocytochemical studies using rats and dogs have identified lysosomal changes that begin early in adulthood and are most pronounced in brain areas known to be particularly vulnerable to age-related pathogenesis in humans. Experimentally induced lysosomal dysfunction in cultured brain slices from rats and mutant mice triggers a wide array of changes associated with the aged human brain, including meganeurites and intraneuronal tangles. Finally, there is evidence that at least some forms of proteolysis decrease with increasing brain size across the mammals. The above observations lead to the suggestion that the expansion of neuronal arborizations that occurred in conjunction with increases in brain size secondarily slowed both neuronal metabolism and protein turnover. These events could have served to reduce the rate at which lysosomes (and other organelles) fail.  相似文献   

内皮活性氧主要来源于线粒体、内皮一氧化氮合成酶和NADPH氧化酶4。过量活性氧是氧化应激的主要原因,也是内皮衰老及相关疾病的主要原因之一。但细胞已经进化出合适的抗氧化信号通路及时清除过量活性氧,如Nrf2/Keap1-ARE、PPARγ、SIRT和FOXO等。其中,Nrf2/Keap1-ARE信号通路是目前已知的最强大内源性抗氧化信号通路。而且,这些通路之间可以协同作用抵抗氧应激损伤并促进细胞存活。对内皮衰老和氧化应激之间的关系理解有助于提供防治氧化应激相关疾病有用信息。  相似文献   

Dopamine neurotransmission has been found to play a role in addictive behavior and is altered in psychiatric disorders. Dopaminergic (DA) neurons display two functionally distinct modes of electrophysiological activity: low- and high-frequency firing. A puzzling feature of the DA neuron is the following combination of its responses: N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) activation evokes high-frequency firing, whereas other tonic excitatory stimuli (-amino-3-hydroxyl-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate receptor (AMPAR) activation or applied depolarization) block firing instead. We suggest a new computational model that reproduces this combination of responses and explains recent experimental data. Namely, somatic NMDAR stimulation evokes high-frequency firing and is more effective than distal dendritic stimulation. We further reduce the model to a single compartment and analyze the mechanism of the distinct high-frequency response to NMDAR activation vs. other stimuli. Standard nullcline analysis shows that the mechanism is based on a decrease in the amplitude of calcium oscillations. The analysis confirms that the nonlinear voltage dependence provided by the magnesium block of the NMDAR determine its capacity to elevate the firing frequency. We further predict that the moderate slope of the voltage dependence plays the central role in the frequency elevation. Additionally, we suggest a repolarizing current that sustains calcium-independent firing or firing in the absence of calcium-dependent repolarizing currents. We predict that the ether–a-go-go current (ERG), which has been observed in the DA neuron, is the best fit for this critical role. We show that a calcium-dependent and a calcium-independent oscillatory mechanisms form a structure of interlocked negative feedback loops in the DA neuron. The structure connects research of DA neuron firing with circadian biology and determines common minimal models for investigation of robustness of oscillations, which is critical for normal function of both systems.  相似文献   

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