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On a few occasions, soybeans with broken root tips were included in tests to evaluate resistance to Heterodera glycines. Although females developed on these plants, the numbers tended to be lower than on similarly treated intact roots. To test the possibility that removal of the root meristem affected nematode development, a culture system using pruned soybeans was devised that permitted access to the roots without disturbing the plants. Treatments included removal of 2 mm of root tip at various times ranging from 24 hours before to 10 days after inoculation, or roots left intact. In each experiment, all roots were inoculated at the same time with equal numbers of freshly hatched second-stage juveniles of Heterodera glycines. No differences in nematode development were detected in plants with root tips removed after inoculation compared to the control. When tips were removed at or before inoculation, fewer juveniles entered roots and relatively fewer nematodes developed. Penetration levels and development correlated with root tip removal such that progressively fewer nematodes entered roots and relatively greater numbers of nematodes remained undeveloped as the time interval between root tip removal and inoculation was increased.  相似文献   

Growth room and field experiments were conducted to determine the influence of soil temperature and soybean phenology on dormancy induction of a North Carolina population of Heterodera glycines race 1. Three temperature regimes and two photoperiods to regulate plant phenology were investigated in growth rooms. H. glycines hatch was greatest from the 26 and 22 C (day and night) temperature treatment, intermediate at 22 and 18 C, and least from the decreasing regime (26 and 22 C, 22 and 18 C, and 18 and 14 C). More eggs hatched and greater nematode reproduction occurred on pod-producing soybeans than on those that remained vegetative. In the field study, hatching patterns were not different between depodded and naturally senescing soybeans nor between the different maturity groups of soybean cultivars (groups V through VIII). Egg hatch (9-16%) was greatest in August and September when mean soil temperatures were between 25 and 29 C. Hatch declined to 1% in vitro and was not detectable in the bioassay in November. Greatest nematode numbers were observed on the latest maturing cultivar (group VIII) and fewest on the cultivar which matured earliest (group V). Decreasing temperature appears to be more important than soybean phenology in dormancy induction of H. glycines.  相似文献   

Population dynamics of Heterodera glycines (SCN) were influenced by initial nematode population density in soil, soybean root growth pattern, soil type, and environmental conditions in two field experiments. Low initial populations (Pi) of SCN increased more rapidly during the growing season than high Pi and resulted in greater numbers of nematodes at harvest. Egg and juvenile (J2) populations increased within 2-6 weeks after planting when early-season soil temperatures were 20 C and above and were delayed by soil temperatures of 17 C or below in May and early June. Frequencies of occurrence and number of nematodes decreased with increasing depth and distance from center of the soybean row. Spatial pattern of SCN paralleled that of soybean roots. Higher clay content in the subsoil 30-45 cm deep in one field restricted soil penetration by roots, indirectly influencing vertical distribution of SCN. Shoot dry weight was a good indicator of the effect of SCN on seed yield. Root dry weight was poorly correlated with soybean growth and yield. The relationship of yield (seed weight) to Pi was best described by a quadratic equation at one site, but did not fit any regression model tested at the second site.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted for 3 years at four locations and 1 year with six soil types at a common location in North Carolina to determine damage and control-cost functions for Heterodera glycines races 1 and 2 on soybean. In the experiments on native loamy sand and sandy soils, tolerance limits for initial population densities were 0 or very low, whereas in a muck, the tolerance limit was 315 eggs/500 cm³ soil. The aggressive race 2 was more damaging than race 1 in Lakeland sand and Norfolk loamy sand. The crop response was not different between races in the Appling sandy clay loam and Belhaven muck. Soybean yield responses to H. glycines were linear in six soil types in microplots at a common site. The amount of damage varied among these soil types, with lowest yields in the muck because of severe drought stress in this soil. An exponential function adequately described soybean yield response relative to nematode control with increasing rates of aldicarb in Norfolk loamy sand. Treatment with aldicarb in the Lakeland sand decreased the effective egg population of H. glycines but had only a minor effect in the muck.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the interrelationships of Heterodera glycines races based on their resistance to soybean (Glycine max) cultivars and lines against which they were tested. Greenhouse tests determined the numbers of females of each of eight races of H. glycines that developed on 277 to 522 soybean cultivars and lines. A Female Index (number of females on a test cultivar as a percentage of the number on ''Lee 74'') was calculated and used in frequency distributions, correlations, and duster analyses of the resistance reactions to the different races in an attempt to determine relationships among cultivars. Frequency distribution patterns of all cultivars and lines tested against each race were skewed in favor of resistance, and in some cases bimodality was observed. The majority of correlations between pairs of races were highly significant. Cluster analyses based on the correlations divided eight races into four clusters that explained 73% of the variation in resistance. Cluster 1 was comprised of races 2, 4, and 14; Cluster 2 was comprised of races 6 and 9; Cluster 3 was comprised of races 1 and 3; and Cluster 4 was comprised of race 5. The information obtained in this study could increase the efficiency of testing resistant soybean breeding lines for resistance to H. glycines.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to determine the relationship between time of infection by Heterodera glycines and soybean growth in the greenhouse and yield of plants grown in the field. Soybean cultivar Essex seedlings growing in the greenhouse were inoculated with H. glycines at 2, 4, or 6 weeks after planting. Seedling growth was inhibited by H. glycines infection at 2 or 4 weeks after planting but not at 6 weeks. Infection of Essex by H. glycines in the field was delayed 2-6 weeks by nematicides. Yields were significantly increased when H. glycines infection was delayed 2 weeks by nematicide treatment. Essex yields were highest when infection was delayed 6 weeks, equalling the yield of the H. glycines-resistant cultivar Asgrow 5474. The effect of H. glycines on soybean growth in the greenhouse and yields in the field declined when infection was delayed 6 weeks. Thus, soybean sensitivity to H. glycines seemed to diminish with age of the soybean plants.  相似文献   

Restriction endonuclease digests of total DNA from races 3, 4, and 5 of the soybean cyst nematode, Heterodera glycines, have been analyzed on agarose gels. DNA fragment patterns of race 4 were completely different from those patterns obtained for races 3 and 5 by all eight restriction enzymes tested. Differences in long and short restriction DNA fragments generated by the enzyme Msp I or its isoschizomer, Hpa II, were detected between race 3 and 5 digestion profiles. Rapid DNA isolation followed by its digestion with either Msp I or Hpa II enzymes and visualization of repetitive DNA fragments in agarose gels provided a diagnostic assay for the populations of the three races examined in this study.  相似文献   

Nematodes produced in monoxenic culture are used for many research purposes. To maximize the number of Heterodera glycines produced in culture, 24 soybean cultivars (maturity groups 0-8) were evaluated for host suitability. A strain of H. glycines race 3, maintained in monoxenic culture on excised soybean root tips of cv. Kent, was inoculated into 20 petri dishes of each cultivar. The highest numbers of first-generation females per petri dish were produced on cultivars Bass, Williams 82, Kent, Proto, and Chapman, and the lowest on cultivars Lambert and Chesapeake. A diapause-like period with decreased nematode production was recorded on some cultivars but not others. Six generations of cultivation on CX 366 did not affect the number of females produced. The results indicated that soybean maturity group could not be used as a parameter for selecting the optimum cultivars for nematode production, and that only J2 petri dishes needed to be counted to determine a 60-female difference per petri dish among cultivars. This study demonstrated that H. glycines populations in monoxenic culture can be more than quadrupled by selection of an appropriate soybean cultivar.  相似文献   

The influence of selected plant species on egg hatch and subsequent development of Heterodera glycines race 3 was investigated. Plants tested included four soybean cultivars, red clover, alfalfa, hairy vetch, field corn, sweet corn, cabbage, tobacco, cotton, and wheat. Soybean stimulated egg hatching more than any of the other plant species, with H. glycines-resistant cultivars being more stimulating than susceptible ones. Hairy vetch also increased hatch. Roots of cabbage, red clover, alfalfa, and hairy vetch were readily penetrated by juveniles of H. glycines. Maturation to adult occurred only on soybean and hairy vetch.  相似文献   

Four of five geographical isolates of Heterodera glycines from Indiana classified as Race 3 using standard differentials showed many differences when classified using another group of differentials comprised of five soybean breeding lines and cultivars. Two isolates from northern Indiana produced cysts on more of the differentials tested than did three isolates from southern Indiana, suggesting that potential resistant lines should be tested on a range of H. glycines populations originating from the areas for which cultivars are being developed.  相似文献   

A technique was developed to evaluate Heterodera glycines development in susceptible and resistant soybean. Roots of 3-day-old soybean were exposed to infective juveniles of H. glyci.nes in sand for 8 hours followed by washing and transfer to hydroponic culture. The cotyledons and apical meristem were removed and plants were maintained under constant light, which resulted in a dwarfed plant system. After 15 or 20 days at 27 C, nematodes were rated for development. Emerged males were sieved from the culture water and females were counted directly from the roots. Nematodes remaining in the roots were rated for development after staining and clearing the tissues. The proportion of nematodes at each stage of development and the frequency of completed molts for each stage were calculated from these data. This technique showed that resistance to H. glycines was stage related and did not affect males and females equally in all resistant hosts. The resistance of plant introduction PI 209332 primarily affected development of third and fourth-stage juveniles; ''Pickett'' mainly affected second and third-stage juveniles, whereas PI 89772 affected all stages. Male development was markedly affected in PI 89772 and ''Pickett'' but not in PI 209332.  相似文献   

Seven soybeans were selected from 200 entries evaluated for tolerance to soybean cyst nematode (SCN), Heterodera glycines. Tolerance to SCN was measured by comparing the seed yield from aldicarb-treated vs. nontreated plots. A yield response index (YRI) was calculated for each entry: YRI = (seed yield from nontreated plot/seed yield from treated plot) × 100. The soybean entries Coker 156, PI 97100, and S79-8059 exhibited high tolerance (YRI) to SCN when compared to Essex even though they became heavily infected with SCN. Tolerance in soybeans to SCN may be useful in pest management programs designed to stabilize soybean yield.  相似文献   

Egg hatch and emergence of second-stage juveniles (J2) of Heterodera glycines races 3 and 4 from cysts exposed to soybean root leachate of cv. Fayette (resistant to H. glycines) and H. glycines-susceptible cultivars A2575, A3127, and Williams 82 were determined in three sets of experiments. In the first experiment, cysts of both race 3 and race 4 were exposed to leachate of 8-week-old plants for a 2-week period. In the second experiment, cysts from populations of races 3 and 4 were raised on cultivars A2575, A3127, and Williams 82. Cysts then were exposed to leachate from 8-week-old plants for a 2-week period in all possible race-per-cultivar combinations. In the third experiment, cysts of races 3 and 4 were exposed at 4-day intervals to leachate from plants as the plants developed 7 to 59 days after planting. In experiments 1 and 2, leachate from 8-week-old Williams 82 and A3127 stimulated more hatch and emergence of H. glycines than leachate from A2575, Fayette, or the control. In the first experiment, cumulative hatch and emergence were greater for race 3 than for race 4. In experiment 2, no apparent relationship developed between leachate from a cultivar and the population developed on that cultivar in terms of stimulation of hatch and emergence. In the third experiment, A2575 stimulated more hatch and emergence of both race 3 and race 4 than A3127, Fayette, and Williams 82. Leachate from Fayette stimulated less hatch and emergence of both race 3 and race 4. Hatch and emergence were greatest during the initial 12 days of the experiment.  相似文献   

Although the soybean cyst nematode (SCN), Heterodera glycines, has been known to exist in Wisconsin for at least 14 years, relatively few growers sample for SCN or use host resistance as a means to manage this nematode. The benefit of planting the SCN-resistant cultivar Bell on a sandy soil in Wisconsin was evaluated in 1992 and 1993. A range of SCN population densities was achieved by planting 11 crops with varying degrees of susceptibility for 1 or 2 years before the evaluation. Averaged over nematode population densities, yield of ''Bell'' was 30 to 43% greater than that of the susceptible cultivars, ''Corsoy 79'' and ''BSR 101''. Counts of cysts collected the fall preceding soybean were more predictive of yield than counts taken at planting. Yields of all three cultivars were negatively related (P < 0.001) to cyst populations. Fewer (P < 0.01) eggs were produced on ''Bell'' than on the susceptible cultivars. The annual (fall to fall) change in cyst population densities was dependent on initial nematode density for all cultivars in 1992 and for the susceptible cultivars in 1993. Yield reductions induced by the SCN under the conditions of this study indicate that planting a SCN-resistant cultivar in Wisconsin can be beneficial if any cysts are detected.  相似文献   

Subcellular responses to infection by Race 3 of Heterodera glycines in susceptible (''Lee'') and resistant (''Forrest'' and ''Bedford'') soybean cultivars were compared. Syncytial formation, initiated in susceptible as well as resistant soybean cultivars, was characterized by wall perforations, dense cytoplasm, and increased endoplasmic reticulum, In susceptible plants, syncytia developed continuously until nematode maturity. This included hypertrophy of nuclei, increase of rough endoplasmic reticulum in early stages of infection, and formation of wall ingrowths at a late stage of infection. In the resistant reaction in Forrest, a necrotic layer surrounded syncytium component cells demarcating them from surrounding normal cells and leading to syncytial necrosis. Wall appositions were prominently formed near the necrotic layer, and the cytoplasm of the syncytium component cells was extremely condensed. The whole syncytium became necrotic at a late stage of infection. Bedford had nuclear degeneration prior to cytoplasmic degradation. Chromatin was often scattered throughout the syncytial cytoplasm. Finally the whole syncytium became degenerated with plasmalemma completely detached from the syncytial cell walls. The differences in resistant responses reflect a difference in genetic composition of the soybean cultivars tested.  相似文献   

A total of 62 populations of Heterodera glycines were collected in 10 states along the Mississippi and Missouri rivers, and 206 populations were collected in Arkansas. Among the 62 populations, races 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, and 14 were found south of 37°N latitude, and races 1 and 3 were found north of 37°N latitude. In Arkansas samples, races 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, and 14 comprised 87% of the populations. In both groups of samples, H. glycines populations with genes that enabled the population to parasitize cv. Pickett occurred the most frequently, followed by those with genes for parasitism of cv. Peking, then PI88.788, and the fewest with genes for parasitism of PI90.763. The diversity of races in this study raises questions about the effectiveness of race-specific cultivars for the management of soybean cyst nematodes. The greater diversity of races of H. glycines in the southern United States may be because of a longer history of planting resistant cultivars.  相似文献   

Eighteen soybean fields, six each with race 3, race 4, or Bedford population of Heterodera glycines, were selected for testing of host variability. Each field was divided into three sections, and a bulk soil sample was taken from each section. The 54 bulk soil populations (BSP) and 270 single cyst populations (SCP) were subjected to race determination tests. Tests of the 18 BSP and 90 SCP from the race 3 fields revealed that race 3 was the predominant race; however, 68 of the populations tested were other races. Tests of the 18-BSP and 90 SCP from race 4 fields demonstrated that races 2 and 4 were predominant, with 38 and 39 populations; respectively. Tests of the 18 BSP and 90 SCP from the Bedford population fields revealed tremendous variability. Races 2, 4, and 6 were the predominant races, with 32, 31, and 28 populations, respectively. These results indicate that of the three races studied, the Bedford population is the most variable, race 3 shows considerable variability, and race 4 shows very little.  相似文献   

Soybean cyst nematode (SCN), Heterodera glycines Ichinohe, is a major pest of soybean, Glycine max L. Merr. Soybean cultivars resistant to SCN are commonly grown in nematode-infested fields. The objective of this study was to examine the stability of SCN resistance in soybean genotypes at different soil temperatures and pH levels. Reactions of five SCN-resistant genotypes, Peking, Plant Introduction (PI) 88788, Custer, Bedford, and Forrest, to SCN races 3, 5, and 14 were studied at 20, 26, and 32 C, and at soil pH''s 5.5, 6.5, and 7.5. Soybean cultivar Essex was included as a susceptible check. Temperature, SCN race, soybean genotype, and their interactions significantly affected SCN reproduction. The effect of temperature on reproduction was quadratic with the three races producing significantly greater numbers of cysts at 26 C; however, reproduction on resistant genotypes remained at a low level. Higher numbers of females matured at the soil pH levels of 6.5 and 7.5 than at pH 5.5. Across the ranges of temperature and soil pH studied, resistance to SCN in the soybean genotypes remained stable.  相似文献   

The genetic basis of esterase polymorphism in Heterodera glycines was investigated through controlled matings and analysis of F₁ and F₂ progeny. Three nematode lines, each fixed for a different esterase phenotype, were isolated and purified through repeated directional selection and inbreeding. Each phenotype was characterized by its distinct pair of closely spaced bands of esterase activity. Single-female single-male crosses were conducted according to a modified agar-plate mating technique. F₁ progeny were homogeneous, exhibiting both parental esterase phenotypes (codominant heterozygotes) but no hybrid bands. Approximately 1,500 F₂ progeny segregated in a 1:2:1 ratio for expression of the esterase phenotypes of the female parental line, the heterozygote, and the male parental line. Apparently the three esterase phenotypes correspond to three codominant alleles of a single esterase locus. Reciprocal crosses gave similar results, suggesting no maternal inheritance.  相似文献   

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