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The Trojan Y-Chromosome (TYC) strategy, an autocidal genetic biocontrol method, has been proposed to eliminate invasive alien species. In this work, we analyze the dynamical system model of the TYC strategy, with the aim of studying the viability of the TYC eradication and control strategy of an invasive species. In particular, because the constant introduction of sex-reversed trojan females for all time is not possible in practice, there arises the question: What happens if this injection is stopped after some time? Can the invasive species recover? To answer that question, we perform a rigorous bifurcation analysis and study the basin of attraction of the recovery state and the extinction state in both the full model and a certain reduced model. In particular, we find a theoretical condition for the eradication strategy to work. Additionally, the consideration of an Allee effect and the possibility of a Turing instability are also studied in this work. Our results show that: (1) with the inclusion of an Allee effect, the number of the invasive females is not required to be very low when the introduction of the sex-reversed trojan females is stopped, and the remaining Trojan Y-Chromosome population is sufficient to induce extinction of the invasive females; (2) incorporating diffusive spatial spread does not produce a Turing instability, which would have suggested that the TYC eradication strategy might be only partially effective, leaving a patchy distribution of the invasive species.  相似文献   

The Trojan Y-Chromosome (TYC) strategy, an autocidal genetic biocontrol method, has been proposed to eliminate invasive alien species. In this work, we develop a Markov jump process model for this strategy, and we verify that there is a positive probability for wild-type females going extinct within a finite time. Moreover, when sex-reversed Trojan females are introduced at a constant population size, we formulate a stochastic differential equation (SDE) model as an approximation to the proposed Markov jump process model. Using the SDE model, we investigate the probability distribution and expectation of the extinction time of wild-type females by solving Kolmogorov equations associated with these statistics. The results indicate how the probability distribution and expectation of the extinction time are shaped by the initial conditions and the model parameters.  相似文献   

In the current daily practice of acute coronary syndromes, patients experiencing non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTE-ACS) represent the majority of this population. In these patients it is of utmost importance to estimate both ischaemic and bleeding risk, with subsequent, and preferably tailored pharmacological and, if indicated, invasive treatment. In this paper we describe the several risk scores and evaluate which are most applicable to the Dutch health-care system. Furthermore, we provide an overview of the recommended pharmacological treatment in keeping with the European Society of Cardiology guidelines. An important topic of this paper is how to decide between early or delayed invasive strategies. We describe the recommendations of the European Society of Cardiology and evaluate to which level these should be applied to the Dutch health-care system.  相似文献   

Maternal environment can influence plant offspring performance. Understanding maternal environmental effects will help to bridge a key gap in the knowledge of plant life cycles, and provide important insights for species’ responses under climate change. Here we show that maternal warming significantly affected the early life stages of an invasive thistle, Carduus nutans. Seeds produced by plants grown in warmed conditions had higher germination percentages and shorter mean germination times than those produced by plants under ambient conditions; this difference was most evident at suboptimal germination temperatures. Subsequent seedling emergence was also faster with maternal warming, with no cost to seedling emergence percentage and seedling growth. Our results suggest that maternal warming may accelerate the life cycle of this species via enhanced early life‐history stages. These maternal effects on offspring performance, together with the positive responses of the maternal generation, may exacerbate invasions of this species under climate change.  相似文献   

Aims Invasive species often have higher relative growth rates (RGR) than their native counterparts. Nutrient use efficiency, total leaf area and specific leaf area (SLA) are traits that may confer RGR differences between natives and invasives, but trait differences are less prominent when the invasive species belongs to the same plant functional type as the dominant native species. Here, we test if traits displayed soon after germination confer an early size advantage. Specifically, we predicted that invasive species seedlings grow faster than the natives because they lack trade-offs that more strongly constrain the growth of native species.Methods We quantified plant morphological and physiological traits and RGR during early seedling growth at high and low nutrient levels in three dominant perennial native C4 grasses: Panicum virgatum L. (switchgrass), Schizachyrium scoparium (Michx.) Nash (little bluestem) and Andropogon gerardii Vitman (big bluestem); and a perennial C4 exotic invasive grass, Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. (Johnsongrass).Important findings After 2 weeks of growth, Johnsongrass seedlings had greater biomass, SLA and photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency, but lower leaf N concentrations (% leaf N) and root:shoot ratio than natives. As growth continued, Johnsongrass more quickly produced larger and thicker leaves than the natives, which dampened the growth advantage past the first 2 to 3 weeks of growth. Investment in carbon gain appears to be the best explanation for the early growth advantage of Johnsongrass. In natives, growth was constrained by an apparent trade-off between allocation to root biomass, which reduced SLA, and production of leaves with high N content, which increased carbon gain. In Johnsongrass, root:shoot ratio did not interact with other traits, and % leaf N was decoupled from RGR as a result of a trade-off between the positive indirect association of % leaf N with RGR and the negative direct association of % leaf N with RGR.  相似文献   

Shell decollation is a growth strategy that has been adopted by a number of invertebrate taxa to offset the metabolic and ecological disadvantages of shell growth. However, little is known about the origin and evolution of this process. We here describe well-preserved specimens of the hyolith Cupitheca decollata sp. nov. preserving the decollation process, from the early Cambrian Yu'anshan Formation (c. 518 Ma) of South China. Based on a large number of specimens collectively representing different developmental stages, we use high-resolution X-ray microtomography and scanning electronic microscopy to reconstruct the process of decollation in this taxon. Cupitheca is among the earliest known small shelly fossils, and thus our discovery confirms that periodic decollation had evolved by the onset of the Cambrian explosion, reflecting the high intensity of the predator–prey arms race in early Cambrian ecosystems. A comparison between the decollation processes of Cupitheca and other shelly invertebrates suggests that periodic decollation and the associated molecular mechanisms of calcium dissolution, uptake, allocation and deposition may have had multiple independent origins.  相似文献   

Invasive species are known for their ability to form monocultures that exclude native species, yet intraspecific interactions among invasives have not been well studied. Cynara cardunculus (L.) is an invasive perennial thistle that establishes high-density populations in coastal California grasslands. We examined the natural distribution of C. cardunculus seedlings in an established population and found that nearly 100% of seedlings grew within 2 m of adults despite an expected distribution peak at 3 m from source plants based on measured dispersal distances. We then investigated the role of mature plants in seedling survival and establishment with regard to live vegetation, litter, and seedling distance by planting seedlings at increasing distances around adults and applying removal treatments to the focal adult rosettes. We applied control (no removal), adult rosette removal (live leaves), litter removal (dead leaves), and adult rosette plus litter removal (all aboveground plant material) treatments. Seedlings experienced a higher rate of survival, measured by senescence date, and establishment, measured by return rate the following year, with all adult rosette removal treatments. Inhibition by adult rosettes was reduced with distance to 60–80 cm from the rosette, and there was little effect of adult plants between 80 and 200 cm. These results suggest that adult rosettes may inhibit conspecific seedlings at very close distances but provide a favorable environment for seedlings within nearby interspaces. This pattern may contribute to the creation and maintenance of high-density populations in C. cardunculus. Land managers seeking to control this species may improve long-term effectiveness by expanding management efforts to include a 2 m radius around adult plants and treating within 5 months of seedling emergence to prevent recruitment rather than treating adults alone.  相似文献   

Summary: In the last few years, the proximate causes of invasion success in Argentine ants have attracted a lot of interest from behavioral ecologists. Hee et al. (2000) recently showed that small-sized propagules (i.e. queens with as few as 10 workers) can grow quickly, providing insights into the minimum requirements for the establishment of incipient colonies. Here, I stress two complementary factors of the Argentine ant's reproductive strategy that further help explain its success at establishing new populations: (1) the continuous presence of haploid eggs and the ability to produce male and female sexuals throughout the year, and (2) the replacement of mated queens due to intranidal mating. These attributes are important because they make the presence of queens unnecessary for successful propagule establishment in new areas.  相似文献   

Invasive species are a cause for concern in natural and economic systems and require both monitoring and management. There is a trade‐off between the amount of resources spent on surveying for the species and conducting early management of occupied sites, and the resources that are ultimately spent in delayed management at sites where the species was present but undetected. Previous work addressed this optimal resource allocation problem assuming that surveys continue despite detection until the initially planned survey effort is consumed. However, a more realistic scenario is often that surveys stop after detection (i.e., follow a “removal” sampling design) and then management begins. Such an approach will indicate a different optimal survey design and can be expected to be more efficient. We analyze this case and compare the expected efficiency of invasive species management programs under both survey methods. We also evaluate the impact of mis‐specifying the type of sampling approach during the program design phase. We derive analytical expressions that optimize resource allocation between monitoring and management in surveillance programs when surveys stop after detection. We do this under a scenario of unconstrained resources and scenarios where survey budget is constrained. The efficiency of surveillance programs is greater if a “removal survey” design is used, with larger gains obtained when savings from early detection are high, occupancy is high, and survey costs are not much lower than early management costs at a site. Designing a surveillance program disregarding that surveys stop after detection can result in an efficiency loss. Our results help guide the design of future surveillance programs for invasive species. Addressing program design within a decision‐theoretic framework can lead to a better use of available resources. We show how species prevalence, its detectability, and the benefits derived from early detection can be considered.  相似文献   

澳大利亚外来入侵物种管理策略及对我国的借鉴意义   总被引:32,自引:1,他引:32  
澳大利亚是一个岛状大陆,海洋运输业十分发达,通过贸易,旅游,运输等途径有意或无间引进有害外来物种的风险较大。澳大利亚政府高度重视外来入侵物种的管理工作,制定了《澳大利亚国家生物多样性保护策略》,针对外来杂草和通过压舱水载入的海洋外来入侵物种的管理制定了《国家杂草策略》,《杂草风险评价系统》和《压舱水指南》等法规和技术性文件,加强了对外来入侵物种的管理。本文简要介绍了澳大利亚外来入侵物种管理的有关策略和指南,并提出了我国在外来入侵物种管理方面的对策建议;(1)尽快建立相应的法规体系,实现外来入侵物种的依法管理;(2)加强机构建设,形成多部门的协调管理机制;(3)加强外来入侵物种管理制度的建设;(4)采取适当的引进预防,消除,控制和恢复措施;(5)开展科学研究,为外来入侵物种的管理提供科学依据;(6)制定教育和培训计划,提高公众意识。  相似文献   

Summary In the southeast United States, the invasive ant Solenopsis invicta is known to derive important carbohydrate (honeydew) resources from mealybugs utilizing grasses. Most important appears to be an invasive mealybug, Antonina graminis. We studied whether this mealybug and a similar native species also benefit from association with S. invicta. We found that mealybug occurrence increases significantly with increasing proximity to S. invicta mounds, suggesting that mealybugs benefit as well. Mutual benefits derived by S. invicta and A. graminis are consistent with a hypothesis proposing that associations among invasive species can be important in their success at introduced locations.  相似文献   

Aims As an exotic species colonises a new continent, it must overcome enormous environmental variation in its introduced range. Local adaptation of introduced species has frequently been observed at the continent scale, particularly in response to latitudinal climatic variation. However, significant environmental heterogeneity can also exist at the landscape scale. A small number of studies have provided evidence that introduced species may also be capable of phenotypic and genetic differentiation at much smaller spatial scales. For example, previously we found US agricultural and non-agricultural populations of Sorghum halepense (Johnsongrass) to be phenotypically and genetically distinct. In this study, we investigated whether this phenotypic differentiation of agricultural and non-agricultural populations of S. halepense is the result of fine-scale local specialisation.Methods We surveyed a nationally collected S. halepense germplasm panel and also collected neighbouring agricultural and non-agricultural sub-populations of S. halepense at four sites throughout Western Virginia, USA, raising seedlings in common conditions mimicking both agricultural and non-agricultural habitats.Important findings At the national scale, we found evidence of habitat differentiation but not specialisation. However, at the local scale, we found evidence of specialisation in two of the four local populations to non-agricultural habitat, but no evidence of specialisation to agricultural habitat. These results show that local specialisation is a possible, but not guaranteed consequence of kilometre-scale habitat heterogeneity in invasive species. This finding contributes to a growing awareness of the importance of fine-scale local adaptation in the ecology and management of introduced and weedy species.  相似文献   

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