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Development of the corn cyst nematode, Heterodera zeae, was studied in growth chambers at 20, 25, 29, 33, and 36 ± 1 C on Zea mays cv. Pioneer 3184. The optimum temperature for reproduction appeared to be 33 C, at which the life cycle, from second-stage juvenile (J2) to J2, was completed in 15-18 days; at 36 C, 19-20 days were required. Juveniles emerged from eggs within 28 days at 29 C and after 42 days at 25 C. Although J2 were present within eggs after 63 days at 20 C, emergence was not observed up to 99 days after inoculation. Female nematodes produced fewer eggs at 20 C than at higher temperatures.  相似文献   

The corn cyst nematode Heterodera zeae was detected in soil from an organic maize field in northern Greece. In greenhouse studies, reproduction of H. zeae was detected on maize plants (Zeae mays) using soil high in organic matter; the field was under winter fallow at the time of sampling. Maize plants were grown in a greenhouse with soil from the affected field used as inoculum. Females appeared after six weeks incubation, and abundant cysts were present after 12 weeks. Morphological and molecular diagnosis confirmed the presence of H. zeae in the field. Cysts were identified on the basis of cyst shape and characteristics of the cyst terminal cone, including nature of fenestration, presence of bullae, cyst wall pattern, and fenestral diameter. Second-stage juveniles were identified by body and stylet length, the shape of stylet knobs, shape and length of the tail and hyaline tail terminus, and by the number of lateral lines. Molecular analysis included amplification of the ribosomal internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS 1&2 rDNA) 28S large ribosomal subunit (LSU) D2-D3 expansion segment, and partial 18S small ribosomal subunit (SSU). Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of ITS rDNA exhibited several unique enzyme patterns that may be diagnostically useful for H. zeae. These findings are in agreement with prior analysis of H. zeae populations from the U.S. and India. Phylogenetic relationships inferred from ITS rDNA are congruent with previous analyses that placed H. zeae in a clade with H. turcomanica, H. salixophila and species of the Humuli group. Phylogenetic trees based upon heat shock protein (Hsp90) coding sequence were in general agreement with a prior study using the same marker. This study represents the first record of H. zeae in Greece and the second report of this nematode in Europe.  相似文献   

Several factors were studied to determine their effects on hatch and emergence of second-stage juveniles (J2) from cysts of Heterodera zeae. The optimum temperature for emergence of J2 from cysts of H. zeae was 30 C. No juveniles emerged from cysts at 10 or 40 C. Immersion of cysts in 4 mM zinc chloride solution stimulated 10% greater emergence of J2 than occurred in tap water controls during 28 days. Fresh corn rhizosphere leachates from 25-day and older plants growing in sand or sandy field soil stimulated 22-24% greater emergence of J2 from cysts than occurred in tap water after 28 days. Rhizosphere leachates stored for 30 days at 4 C and leachates of sand, sandy field soil, and silty field soil inhibited emergence of J2 from cysts by 7-12% compared to tap water. Rhizosphere leachates from corn plants aged 20, 30, 40, 50, or 60 days growing in sandy field soil stimulated emergence of J2 from cysts. Similar numbers of J2 emerged from cysts regardless of whether the source of cysts was field microplot cultures, greenhouse cultures, or growth chamber cultures. Fertilizing growth chamber cultures of H. zeae on corn plants resulted in a doubling of the numbers of cysts produced in the cultures, and those cysts yielded 2-3 times as many emerged J2 in hatching tests compared to cysts from similar unfertilized cultures.  相似文献   

Eggs and (or) second-stage juveniles (J2) inside cysts of Heterodera zeae survived over winter in the field with no detectable mortality at all six depths to 30 cm from which soil samples were collected between corn stubble in the row at 4-8-week intervals. Few or no free J2 were recovered from soil collected in January-April from the top 5 cm, but some were recovered at all samplings from soil collected at greater depths. Emergence of J2 from cysts and numbers of females developing on corn roots in bioassays of cysts increased substantially between January and April. Cyst numbers in a fallow area of the corn field did not decline at any depth to 30 cm during 20 months. Free soil J2, J2 emerged from cysts, and females from the bioassay of cysts were highest at the first soil sampling in July after 10 months of fallow; numbers of nematodes in all three categories declined thereafter, but a few were still detectable after 20 months of fallow. Some cysts were still being recovered after 51 months from naturally infested field soil stored moist in the laboratory at 2 C and 24 C. Females were produced in the bioassays of cysts recovered from soil stored for 38 months at 24 C and for 32 months at 2 C. No free J2 were recovered from soil after 1 month of storage at -18 C, but even after 7 months storage J2 emerged from cysts that were recovered and many females developed in bioassays of those cysts.  相似文献   

Effects of constant and fluctuating temperature on development and reproduction of Heterodera cajani were studied on pigeonpea cv. ICPL 87 in growth chambers at 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 C and in a greenhouse fluctuating between 22.2 and 37.8 C. Nematode penetration was greatest (P = 0.001) in roots at 25 C; there was no penetration at 10 C. The basal threshold temperature for development was calculated to be 11 C. Completion of one H. cajani generation required 17, 28, 35, and 66 days (323, 392, 315, and 264 degree-days) at 30, 25, 20, and 15 C, respectively, and 19 days (356 degree-days) at a fluctuating temperature. Survival was greater at 20 and 25 C than at 15 and 30 C. The greatest (P = 0.05) number of females (17.9 females per root) were produced at 25 C, compared with 13.2 at 20 C, 7.9 at 30 C, and 2.5 females at 15 C. Nematode reproduction was 1.6 to 7.1 times greater at 25 C than at other temperatures. Emergence of juveniles from egg sacs and cysts was greater at 25 and 30 C than at 15 and 20 C. Equations were developed to predict nematode development rate, cumulative juvenile emergence from egg sacs and cysts, and population increases as influenced by temperature.  相似文献   

The male ofHeterodera zeae, the corn cyst nematode, is described and illustrated for the first time. Specimens were obtained from a culture originating from cysts collected in Kent County, Maryland, at the site of the first known infestation of H. zeae in the United States.  相似文献   

The effect of soil moisture on penetration, development, and reproduction of Heterodera cajani on pigeonpea (cv. ICPL 87) was investigated in growth chambers held at 20 and 25 C, and in a greenhouse where temperature fluctuated between 25 and 32 C. Averaged across temperatures, the percentage of juveniles that penetrated roots was 34.3, 31.8, 8.8, and 3.7% at 24, 32, 16, and 40% soil moisture levels, respectively. Numbers of females per root system 4 weeks after infesting soil with second-stage juveniles was 79.6 at 24%, 65.3 at 32%, 26.1 at 16%, and 2.9 at 40% soil moisture. Nematode reproduction was greatest (P = 0.001) at 24% soil moisture and 25 C. Reproductive factor was 19.4 at 24%, 15.2 at 32%, 5.7 at 16%, and 0.5 at 40% soil moisture level. Nematode penetration, development, and reproduction at different moisture levels were greater (P = 0.01) at 25 and 25-32 C than at 20 C. Plant growth was retarded at 40% soil moisture and 20 C in comparison to that at 24 and 32% moisture levels and 25 C. This information on influence of temperature and soil moisture will be helpful in developing models for predicting changes in H. cajani densities in pigeonpea fields during rainy and postrainy dry seasons in the semi-arid tropics.  相似文献   

Heterodera zeae, the corn cyst nematode, is redescribed and illustrated with comparative details and measurements of females, cysts, and larvae from Maryland, USA; and India. Scanning electron micrographs o f specimens from the United States are also presented. Revised measurements for the larval stylet and new diadnostic characters, especially in the cyst cone, for H. zeae are given. The relationship of H. zeae to close species is discussed.  相似文献   

Locations of syncytia induced by the soybean cyst nematode (SCN), Heterodera glycines race 3, were compared in roots of ''Essex'', a susceptible soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) cultivar, at three soil water regimes. The plants were grown in wet (-5 to -20 kPa), moderately wet (-30 to -50 kPa), and moderately dry (-60 to -80kPa) autoclaved Captina silt loam soil (Typic Fragiudult). In the moderately dry soil, syncytia were found only in the stele, but in moderately wet and wet soils, syncytia occurred primarily in the cortex and occasionally in the stele. The location of syncytia in the cortical tissue of roots growing in wet and moderately wet soils may account for the tolerance of susceptible soybean cultivars grown under well-irrigated conditions where there is less interference with water transport through roots. Cell-wall perforations and dense cytoplasm were characteristic of syncytial cells observed in root tissues of all treatments.  相似文献   

Three populations of the corn cyst nematode Heterodera zeae, one found in the rhizosphere of a fig tree and two infecting corn, were studied using the morphology and morphometry of cysts and second-stage juveniles, and compared with other populations. The intrapopulation and intraspecific variability are discussed. A simple and improved technique to prepare vulval cones for SEM is described. The non-specific esterase patterns of females, isolated from infected corn, were analyzed by electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gels. Two bands of esterase activity were detected. The occurrence of H. zeae is reported for the first time in Portugal and Europe.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to measure the change in female index (FI) of Heterodera glycines from bioassays on Bedford, Peking, PI 89772, and PI 90763 soybean (Glycine max) for 12 cropping sequence treatments over a 10-year period. Cropping sequences included continuous plantings of Forrest, Peking, and D72-8927 soybean (all resistant to race 3); Bedford, Nathan, and D75-10710 soybean (all resistant to races 3 and 14); a Bedford-corn (Zea mays) rotation; a rotation of Bedford, Essex (susceptible), and Forrest; and a 70:30 blend of Bedford and Forrest. The FI from bioassays with PI 89772 and PI 90763 decreased over time from 24.3 to 1.6 with treatments involving continuous Bedford, Nathan, and D75-10710 and the Bedford-corn rotation. The FI increased in bioassays using Bedford with treatments involving Bedford, Nathan, D75-10710, the Bedford-Forrest blend, and the two rotations. Results of this field experiment confirm greenhouse experiments in which reciprocal changes occur in FI on PI 89772 and PI 90673 compared with FI on Bedford.  相似文献   

Calonectria crotalariae enhanced root penetration of Lee 74 (susceptible) and Centennial (resistant) soybeans by juveniles of race 3 of Heterodera glycines. Numbers of cysts in and on the roots of Lee 74 increased during the first 30 days in the presence of the fungus. Percentage of root infection by the fungus increased at 40 days in Lee 74 in the presence of the nematode. Numbers of cysts in soil at 80 and 120 days after inoculation with both organisms accounted for the significantly increased nematode population levels on Lee 74. In the presence of the fungus on the resistant cultivar, significantly increased levels of cysts were recovered from soil at 120 days. Fungus infection of Centennial roots also infected with the nematode increased from 58 to 86% at 120 days. An inoculum timing study in which Lee 74 was infested with the nematode and fungus individually, sequentially, and in combination at days 0 and 35 indicated that enhanced nematode reproduction was related more to early plant-fungus than to early plant-fungus-nematode interaction(s).  相似文献   

Four of five geographical isolates of Heterodera glycines from Indiana classified as Race 3 using standard differentials showed many differences when classified using another group of differentials comprised of five soybean breeding lines and cultivars. Two isolates from northern Indiana produced cysts on more of the differentials tested than did three isolates from southern Indiana, suggesting that potential resistant lines should be tested on a range of H. glycines populations originating from the areas for which cultivars are being developed.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature on rates of development of Heterodera glycines egg and juvenile stages were examined as a basis for predicting generation times of the nematode on soybean. The relationship of temperature to H. glycines embryonic development between 15 and 30 C was described by a linear model, The calculated basal temperature threshold was 5 C. Thermal optimum for embryogenesis and hatch with low mortality was 24 C. Development proceeded to first-stage juvenile at 10 C and to second-stage juvenile at 15-30 C. Hatch occurred at 20-30 C. At 36 C, development proceeded to the four-cell stage, then the eggs died. The range of diurnal soil temperature fluctuation and accumulated degree-days between 5 and 30 C (DD5/30) had an impact on rate of development of juveniles in soybean roots. From early June to early July, H. glycines required 534 + 24 DD5/30 (4 weeks) to complete a life cycle in the field. During the midseason (July and August), life cycles were completed in 3 weeks and 429 ± 24 DD5/30 were accumulated. Late in the season (September to November), declining soil temperatures were associated with generation times of 4 weeks and slower rates of development.  相似文献   

Soybean cyst nematode (SCN), Heterodera glycines Ichinohe, is a major pest of soybean, Glycine max L. Merr. Soybean cultivars resistant to SCN are commonly grown in nematode-infested fields. The objective of this study was to examine the stability of SCN resistance in soybean genotypes at different soil temperatures and pH levels. Reactions of five SCN-resistant genotypes, Peking, Plant Introduction (PI) 88788, Custer, Bedford, and Forrest, to SCN races 3, 5, and 14 were studied at 20, 26, and 32 C, and at soil pH''s 5.5, 6.5, and 7.5. Soybean cultivar Essex was included as a susceptible check. Temperature, SCN race, soybean genotype, and their interactions significantly affected SCN reproduction. The effect of temperature on reproduction was quadratic with the three races producing significantly greater numbers of cysts at 26 C; however, reproduction on resistant genotypes remained at a low level. Higher numbers of females matured at the soil pH levels of 6.5 and 7.5 than at pH 5.5. Across the ranges of temperature and soil pH studied, resistance to SCN in the soybean genotypes remained stable.  相似文献   

Sterols from free sterol and steryl ester fractions from Heterodera zeae and from total lipids of Zea mays roots were analyzed by gas-liquid chromatography (GLC) and by GLC-mass spectrometry. The major free sterols of H. zeae were 24-ethylcholesterol (54.4% of total free sterol), 24-ethylcholesta-5,22-dien-3β-ol (13.3%), 24-methylcholesterol (12.5%), and cholesterol (7.2%). The same four sterols comprised 34.6%, 7.2%, 30.3%, and 18.6%, respectively, of the esterified sterols of H. zeae. Corn root sterols included 46.6% 24-ethylcholesta-5,22-dien-3β-ol, 16.7% methylcholesterol, 16.4% cycloartenol, 12.7% 24-ethylcholesterol, and 0.5% cholesterol. The sterol 24-composition of H. zeae differed greatly from that of the only other cyst nematode previously investigated, Globodera solanacearum.  相似文献   

Growth room and field experiments were conducted to determine the influence of soil temperature and soybean phenology on dormancy induction of a North Carolina population of Heterodera glycines race 1. Three temperature regimes and two photoperiods to regulate plant phenology were investigated in growth rooms. H. glycines hatch was greatest from the 26 and 22 C (day and night) temperature treatment, intermediate at 22 and 18 C, and least from the decreasing regime (26 and 22 C, 22 and 18 C, and 18 and 14 C). More eggs hatched and greater nematode reproduction occurred on pod-producing soybeans than on those that remained vegetative. In the field study, hatching patterns were not different between depodded and naturally senescing soybeans nor between the different maturity groups of soybean cultivars (groups V through VIII). Egg hatch (9-16%) was greatest in August and September when mean soil temperatures were between 25 and 29 C. Hatch declined to 1% in vitro and was not detectable in the bioassay in November. Greatest nematode numbers were observed on the latest maturing cultivar (group VIII) and fewest on the cultivar which matured earliest (group V). Decreasing temperature appears to be more important than soybean phenology in dormancy induction of H. glycines.  相似文献   

On a few occasions, soybeans with broken root tips were included in tests to evaluate resistance to Heterodera glycines. Although females developed on these plants, the numbers tended to be lower than on similarly treated intact roots. To test the possibility that removal of the root meristem affected nematode development, a culture system using pruned soybeans was devised that permitted access to the roots without disturbing the plants. Treatments included removal of 2 mm of root tip at various times ranging from 24 hours before to 10 days after inoculation, or roots left intact. In each experiment, all roots were inoculated at the same time with equal numbers of freshly hatched second-stage juveniles of Heterodera glycines. No differences in nematode development were detected in plants with root tips removed after inoculation compared to the control. When tips were removed at or before inoculation, fewer juveniles entered roots and relatively fewer nematodes developed. Penetration levels and development correlated with root tip removal such that progressively fewer nematodes entered roots and relatively greater numbers of nematodes remained undeveloped as the time interval between root tip removal and inoculation was increased.  相似文献   

The first internally transcribed spacer region (ITS1) from cyst nematode species (Heteroderidae) was compared by nucleotide sequencing and PCR-RFLP. European, Asian, and North American isolates of five heterodefid species were examined to assess intraspecific variation. PCR-RFLP patterns of amplified ITS1 DNA from pea cyst nematode, Heterodera goettingiana, from Northern Ireland were identical with patterns from Washington State. Sequencing demonstrated that ITS1 heterogeneity existed within individuals and between isolates, but did not result in different restriction patterns. Three Indian and two U.S. isolates of the corn cyst nematode, Heterodera zeae, were compared. Sequencing detected variation among ITS1 clones from the same individual, between individuals, and between isolates. PCR-RFLP detected several restriction site differences between Indian and U.S. isolates. The basis for the restriction site differences between isolates from India and the U.S. appeared to be the result of additional, variant ITS1 regions amplified from the U.S. isolates, which were not found in the three India isolates. PCR-RFLP from individuals of the U.S. isolates created a composite pattern derived from several ITS1 types. A second primer set was specifically designed to permit discrimination between soybean (H. glycines) and sugar beet (H. schachtii) cyst nematodes. Fok I digestion of amplified product from soybean cyst nematode isolates displayed a uniform pattern, readily discernible from the pattern of sugar beet and clover cyst nematode (H. trifolii).  相似文献   

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