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OBJECTIVE--To determine whether the relation between high blood pressure and low birth weight is initiated in utero or during infancy, and whether it changes with age. DESIGN--A longitudinal study of children and three follow up studies of adults. SETTING--Farnborough, Preston, and Hertfordshire, England, and a national sample in Britain. SUBJECTS--1895 children aged 0-10 years, 3240 men and women aged 36 years, 459 men and women aged 46-54 years, and 1231 men and women aged 59-71 years. The birth weight of all subjects had been recorded. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE--Systolic blood pressure. RESULTS--At all ages beyond infancy people who had lower birth weight had higher systolic blood pressure. Systolic blood pressure was not related to growth during infancy independently of birth weight. The relation between systolic pressure and birth weight became larger with increasing age so that, after current body mass was allowed for, systolic pressure at ages 64-71 years decreased by 5.2 mm Hg (95% confidence interval 1.8 to 8.6) for every kg increase in birth weight. CONCLUSIONS--Essential hypertension is initiated in fetal life. A raised blood pressure is then amplified from infancy to old age, perhaps by a positive feedback mechanism.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To study the effect of intrauterine growth and maternal physique on blood pressure in adult life. DESIGN--A follow up study of infants born 50 years previously whose measurements at birth were recorded in detail. SETTING--Preston, Lancashire. SUBJECTS--449 Men and women born in hospital in Preston during 1935-43 and still living in Lancashire. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Placental weight, birth weight, and blood pressure at age 46 to 54 years. RESULTS--In both sexes systolic and diastolic pressures were strongly related to placental weight and birth weight. Mean systolic pressure rose by 15 mm Hg as placental weight increased from less than or equal to 1 lb (0.45 kg) to greater than 1.5 lb and fell by 11 mm Hg as birth weight increased from less than or equal to 5.5 lb to greater than 7.5 lb. These relations were independent so that the highest blood pressures occurred in people who had been small babies with large placentas. Higher body mass index and alcohol consumption were also associated with higher blood pressure, but the relations of placental weight and birth weight to blood pressure and hypertension were independent of these influences. CONCLUSIONS--These findings show for the first time that the intrauterine environment has an important effect on blood pressure and hypertension in adults. The highest blood pressures occurred in men and women who had been small babies with large placentas. Such discordance between placental and fetal size may lead to circulatory adaptation in the fetus, altered arterial structure in the child, and hypertension in the adult. Prevention of hypertension may depend on improving the nutrition and health of mothers.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To describe the epidemiology of vertically acquired HIV infection in the British Isles, the level of underreporting, the vertical transmission rate, and clinical spectrum of paediatric AIDS. DESIGN--Confidential, linked registers based on reporting from obstetricians and paediatricians; anonymous unlinked neonatal HIV serosurveys. SETTING--British Isles. SUBJECTS--Children born to mothers with HIV infection. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Trends in HIV infection and vertical transmission rate. RESULTS--In Scotland and the Irish Republic, where most maternal HIV infection is related to drug misuse, the annual number of reports of children born to infected mothers has fallen since 1989. In England and Wales nearly half of maternal infections have been acquired overseas, and the number of children born to these women, and to women who became infected in Britain, is increasing. In south east England the proportion of live births to women whose infection was identified before delivery was only 17% (50/287), compared with 68% (26/38) in Scotland. The vertical transmission rate was 13.7% (23/168), and 23% of infected children developed AIDS in the first year of life. 41% (38/92) of children born to infected mothers who were ascertained after delivery were breast fed, compared with 5% (12/236) of those ascertained before delivery. CONCLUSIONS--The incidence of vertically transmitted HIV infection is increasing in England and Wales. More extensive antenatal testing would enable infected women to be counselled against breast feeding, which could prevent a substantial proportion of vertical transmission in some areas, and would increase opportunities for early diagnosis and treatment of infected children.  相似文献   

In national samples of 9921 10 year olds and 3259 adults in Britain systolic blood pressure was inversely related to birth weight. The association was independent of gestational age and may therefore be attributed to reduced fetal growth. This suggests that the intrauterine environment influences blood pressure during adult life. It is further evidence that the geographical differences in average blood pressure and mortality from cardiovascular disease in Britain partly reflect past differences in the intrauterine environment. Within England and Wales 10 year olds living in areas with high cardiovascular mortality were shorter and had higher resting pulse rates than those living in other areas. Their mothers were also shorter and had higher diastolic blood pressures. This suggests that there are persisting geographical differences in the childhood environment that predispose to differences in cardiovascular mortality.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To examine factors that influence blood pressure in children. DESIGN--Cross sectional study of children aged 5.0-7.0 years who had blood pressure measurements and for whom parental questionnaires were completed. SETTING--School based survey. SUBJECTS--3591 Children aged 5.0-7.5 years selected by stratified random sampling of primary schools in nine British towns (response rate 72%); 3591 were examined and their parental questionnaires were completed. Data were complete for birth rank in 3559, maternal age in 3542, maternal history of hypertension in 3524, and paternal history in 2633. RESULTS--Birth weight was inversely related to mean systolic blood pressure but only when standardised for current weight (weight standardised regression coefficient -1.83 mm Hg/kg (95% confidence interval -1.31 to -2.35). Mean diastolic pressure was similarly related to birth weight. Maternal age, birth rank, and a parental history of hypertension were all related to blood pressure. After standardisation for current weight a 10 year increase in maternal age was associated with a 1.0 mm Hg (0.4 to 1.6) rise in systolic pressure; first born children had systolic blood pressure on average 2.53 mm Hg (0.81 to 4.25) higher than those whose birth rank was greater than or equal to 4; and a maternal history of hypertension was associated with a systolic pressure on average 0.96 mm Hg (0.41 to 1.51) higher than in those with no such history. The effects described were largely independent of one another and of age and social class. The relation for birth rank was, however, closely related to that for family size. CONCLUSIONS--Influences acting in early life may be important determinants of blood pressure in the first decade. The relation between birth weight and blood pressure may reflect the rate of weight gain in infancy. The reasons for the relation with birth rank and maternal age are unknown; if confirmed they imply that delayed motherhood and smaller family size may be associated with higher blood pressure in offspring.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To clarify the type of fetal growth impairment associated with increased blood pressure in adult life, and to establish whether this association is influenced by obesity and is mediated through impairment of insulin action. DESIGN: Cross sectional survey with retrospective ascertainment of size at birth from obstetric archives. SUBJECTS: 1333 men resident in Uppsala, Sweden, who took part in a 1970 study of coronary risk factors at age 50 and for whom birth weight was traced. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Systolic and diastolic blood pressure at age 50. RESULTS: In the full study population for a 1000g increase in birth weight there was a small change in systolic blood pressure of -2.2mmHg (95% confidence interval -4.2 to - 0.3mmHg) and in diastolic blood pressure of -1.0mmHg (-2.2 to 0.1mmHg). Much stronger effects were observed among men who were born at term and were in the top third of body mass index at age 50, for whom a 1000g increase in birth weight was associated with a change of -9.1mmHg (-16.4 to-1.9mmHg) systolic and -4.2mmHg (-8.3 to -0.1mmHg) diastolic blood pressure. Men who were light at birth (<3250g) but were above median adult height had particularly high blood pressure. Adjustment for insulin concentrations reduced the associations of birth weight with systolic and diastolic blood pressure. CONCLUSIONS: A failure to realise growth potential in utero (as indicated by being light at birth but tall as an adult) is associated with raised adult blood pressure. Impaired fetal growth may lead to substantial increases in adult blood pressure among only those who become obese. Metabolic disturbances, possibly related to insulin resistance, may provide a pathway through which fetal growth affects blood pressure.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To examine whether birth weight is related to systolic blood pressure during adolescence. DESIGN--Retrospective (comparative) cohort study. The observers who traced and studied the subjects were unaware of their case-control status. SUBJECTS--330 subjects were born in Cardiff in 1975-7. Cases who were low birth weight at term (< 2500 g) were matched with controls of normal birth weight (3000-3800 g) at term. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Systolic blood pressure measured by random zero sphygmomanometry in the subject''s right arm with the subject supine, corrected for size and age. RESULTS--The mean age at examination was 15.7 years. The mean systolic blood pressure of the cases was 105.8 mm Hg and of the controls 107.5 mm Hg. The corrected difference (95% confidence interval) in systolic blood pressure between the cases and controls was 1 mm Hg (-3 to +1 mm Hg; two tailed probability 0.33). CONCLUSION--Systolic blood pressure in adolescents of low birth weight is not significantly different from that of adolescents of normal birth weights.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To discover whether reduced fetal and infant growth is associated with non-insulin dependent diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance in adult life. DESIGN--Follow up study of men born during 1920-30 whose birth weights and weights at 1 year were known. SETTING--Hertfordshire, England. SUBJECTS--468 men born in east Hertfordshire and still living there. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Fasting plasma glucose, insulin, proinsulin, and 32-33 split pro-insulin concentrations and plasma glucose and insulin concentrations 30 and 120 minutes after a 75 g glucose drink. RESULTS--93 men had impaired glucose tolerance or hitherto undiagnosed diabetes. They had had a lower mean birth weight and a lower weight at 1 year. The proportion of men with impaired glucose tolerance fell progressively from 26% (6/23) among those who had weighted 18 lb (8.16 kg) or less at 1 year to 13% (3/24) among those who had weighed 27 lb (12.25 kg) or more. Corresponding figures for diabetes were 17% (4/23) and nil (0/24). Plasma glucose concentrations at 30 and 120 minutes fell with increasing birth weight and weight at 1 year. Plasma 32-33 split proinsulin concentration fell with increasing weight at 1 year. All these trends were significant and independent of current body mass. Blood pressure was inversely related to birth weight and strongly related to plasma glucose and 32-33 split proinsulin concentrations. CONCLUSIONS--Reduced growth in early life is strongly linked with impaired glucose tolerance and non-insulin dependent diabetes. Reduced early growth is also related to a raised plasma concentration of 32-33 split proinsulin, which is interpreted as a sign of beta cell dysfunction. Reduced intrauterine growth is linked with high blood pressure, which may explain the association between hypertension and impaired glucose tolerance.  相似文献   

Migration and orientation of passerine night migrants in northeast England   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Evening departures of passerine migrants were watched by radar in northeast England on 193 nights in the months of August to November 1961 to 1963. It was found that migrants were not departing each night on the same heading, from which they were drifted passively by the wind, but rather were departing on similar tracks night after night. On ten nights they maintained their tracks even when the upper-air wind changed during the night. This indicates that migrants can, at least sometimes, compensate completely for the effect of the wind and fly on a fixed track, but calculations show that there are certain wind conditions when this becomes impossible.
Movements were grouped according to the months in which they took place and the tracks which they followed, and then related to variousweather factors. Migration was seen most frequently with light winds favourable to the birds'track, after a marked drop in temperature (in October/November, but not August/September), and withabsence of cloud. However, it was also recorded on 17 nights when the cloud cover was complete.
The departures of small passerines from Britain in August and September follow tracks east of south, yet the same birds reach western Iberia later in their journey. It is suggested that the direction of departure from Britain has been evolved to take advantage of the prevailing (westerly) upper-air winds. Certain warblers leave their breeding areas in Northumberland without laying down much migratory fat, yet the same species make long flights non-stop (across the Mediterranean and Sahara) later in their migrations. These migrants change froman insect to a fruit diet in autumn, and can presumably IaKdown fat more quickly the further south they travel in Europe, as the soft fruit ripens earlier in southern areas.  相似文献   

Catches of Trichoptera from 67 light traps in Great Britain are studied. Two families are excluded: the Limnephilidae because they have been considered in an earlier publication, and the Hydroptilidae.
Catches from 148 complete year records, from 1965 to 1971, are grouped in three areas: A. Scotland, 15 sites; B. Wales and Northern England. 18 sites; C. Southern England, 34 sites. The total of over 146000 caddis flies includes 60 of the 109 British species from 14 families.
Small or nil catches are explained by limited distribution or dispersal, short adult lives and day-flying habits. The flight periods are related to published information on life cycles. Most species are univoltine, but some small species are bivoltine. In contrast to Limnephilidae, there is no evidence of a summer adult diapause, median weeks for flight periods tend to be earlier in the south, and few species are autumnal fliers. Density distribution maps, produced by computer, are given for six species.  相似文献   

We compare blood pressure and hypertension between adult men on the USA mainland and in Puerto Rico born during 1886-1930 to test hypotheses about the link between cardiovascular health and large socioeconomic and political changes in society: (a) 8853 men surveyed in Puerto Rico in 1965 and (b) 1449 non-Hispanic White men surveyed on the mainland during 1971-1975. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure and hypertension were regressed separately on demographic and socioeconomic variables and cardiovascular risk factors. Mainland men not taking anti-hypertensive medication showed statistically significant improvements in systolic blood pressure and hypertension at the beginning of the century and men in Puerto Rico showed improvements in diastolic blood pressure but only during the last two quinquenniums. An average man born on the mainland during the last birth quinquennium (1926-1930) had 7.4-8.7 mmHg lower systolic blood pressure and was 61% less likely to have systolic hypertension than one born before 1901. On average Puerto Rican men born during 1921-1925 had approximately 1.7 mmHg lower diastolic blood pressure than men born before 1901. Analyses of secular trends in cardiovascular health complements analyses of secular trends in anthropometric indicators and together provide a fuller view of the changing health status of a population.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To examine whether birth weight, infant weight, and childhood respiratory infection are associated with adult lung function and death from chronic obstructive airways disease. DESIGN--Follow up study of men born during 1911-30 whose birth weights, weights at 1 year, and childhood illnesses were recorded at the time by health visitors. SETTING--Hertfordshire, England. SUBJECTS--5718 men born in the county during 1911-30 and a subgroup of 825 men born in the county during 1920-30 and still living there. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Death from chronic obstructive airways disease, mean forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) and forced vital capacity (FVC), and respiratory symptoms. RESULTS--55 men died of chronic obstructive airways disease. Death rates fell with increasing birth weight and weight at 1 year. Mean FEV1 at age 59 to 70 years, adjusted for height and age, rose by 0.06 litre (95% confidence interval 0.02 to 0.09) with each pound (450 g) increase in birth weight, independently of smoking habit and social class. Bronchitis or pneumonia in infancy was associated with a 0.17 litre (0.02 to 0.32) reduction in adult FEV1 and with an increased odds ratio of wheezing and persistent sputum production in adult life independently of birth weight, smoking habit, and social class. Whooping cough in infancy was associated with a 0.22 litre (0.02 to 0.42) reduction in adult FEV1. CONCLUSIONS--Lower birth weight was associated with worse adult lung function. Intrauterine influences which retard fetal weight gain may irrecoverably constrain the growth of the airways. Bronchitis, pneumonia, or whooping cough in infancy further reduced adult lung function. They also retarded infant weight gain. Consistent with this, death from chronic obstructive airways disease in adult life was associated with lower birth weight and weight at 1 year. Promoting lung growth in fetuses and infants and reducing the incidence of lower respiratory tract infection in infancy may reduce the incidence of chronic obstructive airways disease in the next generation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To determine whether reduced fetal and infant growth are associated with higher plasma fibrinogen and factor VII concentrations in adult life. DESIGN--Follow up study of men born during 1920-30 whose weights at birth and at 1 year had been recorded by health visitors, and men born during 1935-43 whose size at birth had been measured in detail. SETTING--Hertfordshire and Preston, England. SUBJECTS--591 men born in east Hertfordshire who still lived there and 148 men born in Preston who still lived in or close to the city. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Plasma fibrinogen and factor VII concentrations. RESULTS--Among men in Hertfordshire mean plasma fibrinogen and factor VII concentrations fell with increasing weight at 1 year (from 3.21 g/l in men of less than or equal to 18 lb to 2.93 g/l in men greater than or equal to 27 lb and from 122% of standard to 103%; p less than 0.001, p less than 0.005 respectively). The trends were independent of cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, body mass index, and social class. Neither plasma fibrinogen nor factor VII concentration was related to birth weight. In men in Preston, however, fibrinogen concentration fell progressively as the ratio of placental weight to birth weight decreased (p = 0.01). CONCLUSIONS--Reduced growth in fetal life and infancy is strongly related to high plasma concentrations of the haemostatic factors fibrinogen and factor VII. This may be a persisting response to impaired liver development during a critical early period.  相似文献   

Aim Over the past three decades, evidence has been growing that many Afro‐Palaearctic migratory bird populations have suffered sustained and severe declines. As causes of these declines exist across both the breeding and non‐breeding season, identifying potential drivers of population change is complex. In order to explore the roles of changes in regional and local environmental conditions on population change, we examine spatial and temporal variation in population trajectories of one of Europe’s most abundant Afro‐Palaearctic summer migrants, the willow warbler, Phylloscopus trochilus. Location Britain and Ireland. Methods We use national survey data from Britain and Ireland (BBS: BTO/RSPB/JNCC Breeding Bird Survey and CBS: BWI/NPWS/Heritage Council Countryside Breeding Survey) from 1994 to 2006 to model the spatial and temporal variation in willow warbler population trends. Results Across Britain and Ireland, population trends follow a gradient from sharp declines in the south and east of England to shallow declines and/or slight increases in parts of north and west England, across Scotland and Ireland. Decreasing the spatial scale of analysis reveals variation in both the rate and spatial extent of population change within central England and the majority of Scotland. The rates of population change also vary temporally; declines in the south of England are shallower now than at the start of the time series, whereas populations further north in Britain have undergone periods of increase and decline. Main conclusion These patterns suggest that regional‐scale drivers, such as changing climatic conditions, and local‐scale processes, such as habitat change, are interacting to produce spatially variable population trends. We discuss the potential mechanisms underlying these interactions and the challenges in addressing such changes at scales relevant to migratory species.  相似文献   



Telomere length is emerging as a potential factor in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease. We investigated whether birth weight, infant growth, childhood cognition and adult height, as well as a range of lifestyle, socio-economic and educational factors, were associated with white blood cell telomere length at age 49–51 years.


The study included 318 members of the Newcastle Thousand Families Study, a prospectively followed birth cohort which includes all individuals born in Newcastle, England in May and June 1947, who attended for clinical examination at age 49–51 years, and had telomere length successfully measured using real-time PCR analyses of DNA extracted from peripheral blood mononuclear cells.


No association was found between birth weight and later telomere length. However, associations were seen with other factors from early life. Education level was the only predictor in males, while telomere length in females was associated with gestational age at birth, childhood growth and childhood IQ.


While these findings may be due to chance, in particular where differing associations were seen between males and females, they do provide evidence of early life associations with telomere length much later in life. Our findings of sex differences in the education association may reflect the sex differences in achieved education levels in this generation where few women went to university regardless of their intelligence. Our findings do not support the concept of telomere length being on the pathway between very early growth and later disease risk.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To determine whether low birth weight and low weight at 1 year are followed by an increased prevalence of coronary heart disease in adult life. DESIGN--A follow up study of men born during 1920-30 whose birth weights and weights at 1 year were recorded. SETTING--Hertfordshire, England. SUBJECTS--290 men born and still living in East Hertfordshire. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE--The prevalence of coronary heart disease, defined by the Rose/WHO chest pain questionnaire, standard electrocardiographic criteria, or history of coronary artery angioplasty or graft surgery. RESULTS--42 (14%) men had coronary heart disease. Their mean birth weight, 7.9 lb (3600 g), was the same as that of the other men. Their mean weight at 1 year, 21.8 lb (9.9 kg), was 1 lb (454 g) lower (95% confidence interval 0.1 to 1.8, P = 0.02). Percentages of men with coronary heart disease fell from 27% in those who weighed 18 lb (8.2 kg) or less at 1 year to 9% in those who weighed more than 26 lb (11.8 kg) (P value for trend = 0.03). This trend occurred in both smokers and non-smokers and within each social class. CONCLUSION--These findings add to the evidence that coronary heart disease is "programmed" during early growth.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To determine the risk factors for stroke in a cohort representative of middle aged British men. DESIGN--Prospective study of a cohort of men followed up for eight years. SETTING--General practices in 24 towns in England, Wales, and Scotland (the British regional heart study). SUBJECTS--7735 men aged 40-59 at screening, selected at random from one general practice in each town. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE--Fatal and non-fatal strokes. RESULTS--110 of the men had at least one stroke; there were four times as many non-fatal as fatal strokes. The relative risk of stroke was 12.1 in men who had high blood pressure (systolic blood pressure greater than or equal to 160 mm Hg) and were current smokers compared with normotensive, non-smoking men. Diastolic blood pressure yielded no additional information, and former cigarette smokers had the same risk as men who had never smoked. Heavy alcohol intake was associated with a relative risk of stroke of 3.8 in men without previously diagnosed cardiovascular disease. Men with pre-existing ischaemic heart disease had an increased risk of stroke, but only when left ventricular hypertrophy on electrocardiography was also present. CONCLUSIONS--Systolic blood pressure, cigarette smoking, and left ventricular hypertrophy on electrocardiography in men with pre-existing ischaemic heart disease were found to be the major risk factors for stroke in middle aged British men. Heavy alcohol intake seemed to increase the risk of stroke in men without previously diagnosed cardiovascular disease. A large proportion of strokes should be preventable by controlling blood pressure and stopping smoking.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To determine how fetal growth is related to death from cardiovascular disease in adult life. DESIGN--A follow up study of men born during 1907-24 whose birth weights, head circumferences, and other body measurements were recorded at birth. SETTING--Sheffield, England. SUBJECTS--1586 Men born in the Jessop Hospital. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE--Death from cardiovascular disease. RESULTS--Standardised mortality ratios for cardiovascular disease fell from 119 in men who weighed 5.5 pounds (2495 g) or less at birth to 74 in men who weighed more than 8.5 pounds (3856 g). The fall was significant for premature cardiovascular deaths up to 65 years of age (chi 2 = 5.0, p = 0.02). Standardised mortality ratios also fell with increasing head circumference (chi 2 = 4.6, p = 0.03) and increasing ponderal index (weight/length3) (chi 2 = 3.8, p = 0.05; for premature deaths chi 2 = 6.0, p = 0.01). They were not related to the duration of gestation. Among men for whom the ratio of placental weight to birth weight was in the highest fifths the standardised mortality ratio was 137. CONCLUSION--These findings show that reduced fetal growth is followed by increased mortality from cardiovascular disease. They suggest that reduction in growth begins early in gestation. They are further evidence that cardiovascular disease originates through programming of the body''s structure, physiology, and metabolism by the environment during fetal life. Maternal nutrition may have an important influence on programming.  相似文献   

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