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Hatching response of Globodera rostochiensis in potato root diffusate (PRD) collected by soaking individual potato, Solanum tuberosum, root systems in water for 2 hours was used to assess the relationship between root growth and PRD production. Resistant potato cultivars Hudson and Rosa were used as test plants. Maximum hatch occurred in PRD collected 3 weeks after plant emergence (AE) in the greenhouse, and declined after this time. Hatch was positively correlated with increased root weight only during the first 3 weeks AE. Hudson PRD was consistently more active than Rosa PRD in stimulating hatch, except when adjusted for root weight. Although the results indicated that cells at the root tip produced a more active PRD than cells located elsewhere, PRD appeared to be produced along the entire root. Differences in time length of the vegetative growth phase, extent of root growth, and volume of roots, rather than the production of a more active PRD per se, may explain why Hudson is more effective than Rosa in reducing G. rostochiensis population densities in soil.  相似文献   

Decline of Globodera rostochiensis populations occurring naturally in soil and those added to potato hills and furrow centers in nylon bags was correlated with root weight of Hudson, Rosa, and Katahdin potatoes at two locations in New York. Cysts in bags were added to soil at planting and at 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 weeks after emergence (AE). Fallow decline required only 2-4 weeks in soil and did not increase with time. Decline due to growing potatoes was greater in hills than in furrow centers, and resistant Hudson potatoes stimulated greater nematode hatch for longer times in both hills and furrows than did resistant Rosa and susceptible Katahdin. Potato root diffusate (PRD) was produced in highest concentration early in the season; decreased egg hatch with time was probably the result of declining PRD production and inactivation of PRD in soil. Decreasing potato row spacing from 92 cm to 46 and 23 cm between rows increased G. rostochiensis decline in furrow centers, with the majority of decline occurring within 1-3 weeks AE. Replanting potatoes after 1 week of trap crop growth failed to favor population reduction over a single full season crop.  相似文献   

The influence of resistant and susceptible potato cultivars on Globodera rostochiensis population density changes was studied at different nematode inoculum levels (Pi) in the greenhouse and field. Soil in which one susceptible and two resistant cultivars were grown and fallow soil in pots was infested with cysts to result in densities of 0.04-75 eggs/cm³ soil. A resistant cultivar was grown in an infested field with Pi of 0.7-16.7 eggs/cm³ soil. Pi was positively correlated with decline of soil population densities due to hatch where resistant potatoes were grown in the greenhouse and in the field but not in fallow soil. However, Pi was not correlated with in vitro hatch of G. rostochiensis cysts in water or potato root diffusate. Under continuous culture o f a resistant cultivar, viable eggs per cyst declined 60-90% per plant growth cycle (4 weeks) and the number of cysts containing viable eggs had decreased by 77% after five cycles. The rate of G. rostochiensis reproduction on both resistant and susceptible cultivars was negatively correlated with Pi. These data were used to predict the effect of resistant and susceptible potato cultivars on G. rostochiensis soil population dynamics.  相似文献   

Potato cultivars Katahdin (susceptible) and Rosa (resistant) were exposed to infective second-stage juveniles (J2) of Globodera rostochiensis for varying periods of time, after which root systems were washed and plants were placed in Hoagland''s solution to assess J2 egression and male emergence. After transfer to liquid culture, many J2 egressed from both cultivars, but significantly more egressed from the resistant Rosa than from Katahdin. Juveniles that egressed from Rosa invaded a second host, resistant or susceptible, in significantly fewer numbers than did juveniles that egressed from Katahdin. Also, significantly fewer males developed in and emerged from resistant host roots, relative to susceptible ones. These effects of resistance may be an important component of the tolerance to invasion by G. rostochiensis exhibited by Rosa.  相似文献   

The fecundity of Globodera rostochiensis (R₁A) females that developed on resistant Rosa and susceptible Katahdin potato cultivars were compared. Cysts collected from each cultivar were bulked, separated into four sizes (> 500 μm, 355-500 μm, 250-355 μm, and < 250 μm), and crushed to determine fecundity as measured by viable egg content (VEC). Fewer and generally smaller cysts developed on Rosa than on Katahdin. Although cyst size significantly (P = 0.01) influenced VEC, cyst age (8 or 13 weeks) had no effect. Regardless of size, cysts produced on Rosa contained significantly fewer viable eggs than did cysts produced on Katahdin. The fecundity of progeny from cysts produced on Rosa was significantly reduced compared with that of progeny from cysts produced on Katahdin. After two generations on Katahdin, the VEC of cysts from a population originating from Rosa was significantly less than that of cysts from a population originating from Katahdin, indicating that in the presence of a pure population of G. rostochiensis R₁A, the females that develop on the resistant cultivar Rosa represent a diminished rather than a superior selected population.  相似文献   

Movement of potato root diffusate (PRD) through soil was examined by using the hatch of eggs from Globodera rostochiensis cysts as an indicator. Porous bags containing cysts were placed at increasing distances and depths from potato roots, whose growth was restricted by nylon mesh. Significantly greater hatch was observed up to 50 cm laterally away from potato roots, compared with hatch in fallow soil. Eight weeks after plant emergence, we detected a concentration gradient of PRD, as measured by egg hatch, that decreased with increasing lateral and vertical distance from the root zone. Egg hatch beyond 5 weeks after plant emergence was not attributed to PRD.  相似文献   

The establishment of Globodera rostochiensis Rol populations was examined under greenhouse conditions. The probability of G. rostochiensis population establishment was calculated from the number of plants that produced new cysts with viable eggs following inoculation with various numbers of eggs of different ages. Probability of population establishment was positively correlated with inoculum density but was not affected by the age of eggs used in these experiments. The probability of G. rostochiensis establishment ranged from 5% at densities of 2 eggs/pot to 100% at densities of 25 eggs/pot or greater. At densities of 3 eggs/pot and beyond, there was no correlation between inoculum density and the number of viable eggs/new cyst. Also, the number of plants that produced new cysts was a function of inoculum density and not age of eggs. Juveniles from eggs 1 year old or older were equally as infective as were those from eggs in newly developed cysts (4 months old).  相似文献   

Cropping systems in which resistant potato cultivars were grown at different frequencies in rotation with susceptible cultivars and a nonhost (oats) were evaluated at four initial nematode population densities (Pi) for their ability to maintain Globodera rostochiensis at a target level of <0.2 egg/cm³ of soil. At a Pi of 0.1 to 1 egg/cm³ of soil, cropping systems with 2 successive years of a resistant cultivar every 3 years of potato production reduced and maintained G. rostochiensis at <0.2 egg/cm³ of soil. At a Pi of 1 to 4 eggs/cm³ of soil, 2 successive years of a resistant cultivar followed by 1 year of oats for every 4 years of production were necessary to reduce and maintain G. rostochiensis populations at <0.2 egg/cm³ of soil. At a Pi greater than 4 eggs/cm³ of soil, 2 successive years of a resistant cultivar plus 1 year of oats reduced G. rostochiensis densities to <0.2 egg/cm³ of soil, but the population increased above that density after cropping 1 year to a susceptible cultivar. The numbers of cysts and eggs per cyst in the final population (Pf) of G. rostochiensis were influenced by initial density and the frequency of growing a susceptible cultivar in a cropping system. The lowest number of cysts and eggs per cyst in the final G. rostochiensis population occurred with a cropping system consisting of 2 successive years of a resistant cultivar followed by oats with a susceptible cultivar grown the fourth year of production.  相似文献   

Globodera rostochiensis and G. pallida responded similarly to hatch stimulation by potato root leachate, but proportionally more second-stage juveniles (J2s) of G. rostochiensis hatched than of G. pallida in response to picrolonic acid, sodium thiocyanate, alpha-solanine, and alpha-chaconine. Fractionation of the potato root leachate identified hatching factors with species-selective (active toward both species but stimulating greater hatch of one species than the other), -specific (active toward only one species), and -neutral (equally active toward both species) activities. In a comparison of two populations of each of the two potato cyst nematode (PCN) species, however, greater similarity in response to the individual hatching factors was observed among populations of different species produced under the same conditions than among different populations of the same PCN species. Smaller numbers of species-specific and species-selective hatching factor stimulants and hatching inhibitors than of hatching factors were resolved. In a study to determine whether the different hatching responses of the two species to the same root leachate were associated with different ratios of species-selective and species-specific hatching factors, G. rostochiensis pathotype Ro1 exhibited greater hatch than did G. pallida pathotype Pa2/3 in response to leachate from older plants (more than 38 days old), while G. pallida exhibited greater hatch in response to leachate from younger plants (less than 38 days old); the response of G. pallida pathotype Pal with respect to plant age was intermediate between the other two populations. Combined molecular exclusion-ion exchange chromatography of the root leachates from plants of different ages revealed an increase in the proportion of G. rostochiensis-specific and -selective hatching factors as the plants aged.  相似文献   

Golden nematode, Globodera rostochiensis (GN) population decline under resistant potatoes was related to cyst distance from plants 23 cm apart in rows 92 cm apart. GN decline, determined by sampling an infested field planted to the resistant cultivar ''Yankee Chipper'', was 81.8% in cores 11.5 cm from plants within rows. Decline was 27.4% at 23 cm from plants between rows and 36.6% at 46 cm. Population decline of juveniles in cysts added to soil in bags was 90.3% for cysts 11.5 cm from plants within rows planted to the resistant cultivar ''Rosa''. Decline between rows was 83.5, 76.9, and 60.4% at 11.5, 23.0, and 46.0 cm from plants, respectively. Maximum decline within for rows 30.5, 46.0, 61.0, and 92.0 cm apart, respectively. Decline under fallow was 43.5%, signif- which peaked 7 weeks AE. There was no effect of soil depth on population decline at any sampling position. Decreasing row spacing resulted in 79.9, 74.2, 73.4, and 66.1% GN population decline for rows 30.5, 46.0, 61.0, and 92.0 cm apart, respectively. Decline under fallow was 43.5%, significantly less than under potatoes. Potato root weight between rows was negatively correlated with row spacing and positively correlated with GN population decline.  相似文献   

The effects of aldicarb, oxamyl, 1,3-D, and plastic mulch (solarization) on soil population densities of the golden nematode (GN) Globodera rostochiensis was assessed in field and microplot experiments with different soil types. Oxamyl was evaluated in both soil and foliar treatments, whereas aldicarb, 1,3-D, and solarization were applied only to soil. Soil applications of aldicarb and oxamyl resulted in reduced nematode populations after GN-susceptible potatoes in plots with initial population densities (Pi) of > 20 and 7.5 eggs/cm³ soil, respectively, but nematode populations increased in treated soil when Pi were less than 20 and 7.5 eggs/cm³soil. In clay loam field plots with Pi of 19-76 eggs/cm³ soil, nematode densities increased even with repeated foliar applications of oxamyl, whereas nematode populations at Pi greater than 76 eggs/cm³ soil were reduced by foliar oxamyl. Treatment with 1,3-D or solarization, singly or in combination, reduced GN soil population densities regardless of soil type or Pi. Temperatures lethal to GN were achieved 5 cm deep under clear plastic but not 10 or 15 cm deep.  相似文献   

Fungal parasitism of eggs of the potato cyst nematode Globodera rostochiensis was < 1, 3, and 17% at three sites in Sweden. The fungi isolated most frequently from infected eggs were a Septocylindrium-like fungus ( 19 %), Exophiala spp. (17 %), and Cylindrocarpon spp. (13 %). Verticillium suchtasporium was isolated from infected eggs at a low frequency (4%). In laboratory experiments V. suchlasporium infected 93% of the eggs within cysts after 10 days on dilute corn meal agar. This species showed chitinase and protease activity. Infection of eggs by the Septocylindrium-like fungus was moderate, whereas Cylindrocarpon destructans and Cladosporium cladosporoides did not infect eggs. No chitinase activity was found in these fungi, but protease activity was recorded in all. Growth of the fungi in cysts did not influence the number of physiologically disordered eggs.  相似文献   

Reproduction of Pratylenchus penetrans on the potato cultivars Hudson, Katahdin, and Superior was determined in greenhouse and field microplot experiments. Although all three cultivars were good hosts for P. penetrans, differences in reproductive rate were found. In one greenhouse experiment, Katahdin plants inoculated with 1,500 or 15,000 P. penetrans per pot had larger population densities at harvest than did Superior; however differences between these cultivars were not significant in three other greenhouse experiments. In another experiment, population densities of P. penetrans on Hudson did not differ from those on Katahdin and Superior when inoculated with 270 and 5,080 nematodes per pot after 45 days in the greenhouse. However, population densities were usually higher on Hudson and Katahdin than on Superior in field microplots at four initial population densities during two seasons. Higher population densities on Hudson were detectable 304 days after planting in one of the two microplot studies. The juvenile:female and the male:female ratios were sometimes larger on Katahdin than on Superior, but differences were inconsistent. There was no evidence of resistance in the three cultivars evaluated, but reproduction was generally highest on Hudson and lowest on Superior.  相似文献   

Effects of several population densities ofMeloidogyne incognita on the sweet potato cultivars Centennial (susceptible) and Jasper (moderately resistant) were studied. Field plots were infested with initial levels (Pi) of 0, 10, 100, 1,000, 5,000, and 10,000 eggs and juveniles/500 cm³ soil in 1980 and 0, 100, 1,000, 2,000, 3,000, 4,000, and 5,000 in 1981. M. incognita population development trends were similar on both cultivars; however, at high Pi, more eggs and juveniles were recovered from Centennial than from Jasper. The highest Pi did not result in the highest mid-season (Pm) counts. Pi was negatively correlated with the number of marketable roots and root weight but positively correlated with total cracked roots, percentage of cracked roots, and cracking severity. Jasper tolerated higher Pi with greater yields and better root quality than Centennial. Cracking of fleshy roots occurred with both cultivars at low Pi.  相似文献   

Root and soil samples from commercial potato fields were assayed for nematodes in 1983 and 1984. Pratylenchus spp. population densities in Suffolk County, New York, were consistently, though not always statistically, higher in potato fields that had been planted to rye or wheat rather than potatoes during the previous growing season. Regardless of the previous crop, population densities in the two potato production areas in Suffolk County differed significantly: population densities on the south fork were 1.9-5.5 times higher than those on the north fork. Species prevalence differed significantly on the two forks but was not related to the previous year''s crop. P. penetrans and P. crenatus were found primarily on the north and south forks, respectively. Differences in species distribution were associated with differences in soil types. P. crenatus was usually found on loams and silt loams, but P. penetrans was found more frequently on sandy soils.  相似文献   

Three genes in the major sperm protein (MSP) gene family from the potato cyst nematode Globodera rostochiensis were cloned and sequenced. In contrast to the absence of introns in Caenorhabditis elegans MSP genes, these genes in G. rostochiensis contained a 57 nucleotide intron, with normal exon-intron boundaries, in the same relative location as the intron in Onchocerca volvulus. The MSP genes of G. rostochiensis had putative CAAT, TATA, and polyadenylation signals. The predicted G. rostochiensis MSP gene product is 126 amino acids long, one residue shorter than the products in the other species. The comparison of MSP amino acid sequences from four diverse nematode species suggests that O. volvulus, Ascaris suum, and C. elegans may be more closely related to each other than they are to G. rostochiensis.  相似文献   

The influence of host cultivar on the lipid levels provided by a female to her progeny was investigated with Oil Red O stain and a quantitative image analyzer. A population of Globodera rostochiensis was multiplied at Toralapa Field Station in Bolivia on 25 different potato cultivars grown in that country. The mean neutral lipid content of newly formed second-stage juveniles varied significantly with cultivar over a 200% range. The corresponding range was only 18% and 28% for the same Bolivian and a UK population of G. rostochiensis, respectively, when both completed reproduction concurrently on 10 pot-grown European cultivars in the United Kingdom. Egg numbers per female varied with host for Bolivian cultivars that lack known partial resistance to Globodera spp. There was a 15-fold range between the most and least fecund nematode-host combinations (Kosi and Gendarme). The Bolivian G. rostochiensis population showed only a 2-fold range in mean eggs per cyst when grown on European cultivars in the UK. The fatty acid profiles of lipids from Bolivian G. rostochiensis cysts reared on Bolivian potato cultivars were dominated by C20 (37-64%) and C18 (28-46%) fatty acids and ranged from C14 to C22. The three major fatty acids detected were C20:4:, C20:1, and C18:1. Few differences between cultivars were observed. For a UK population of G. rostochiensis reared on ssp. tuberosum, higher relative percentages of C18 and monounsaturated fatty acids and lower relative percentages of C20 and polyunsaturated fatty acids were found.  相似文献   

Food (energy) consumption rates ofMeloidogyne incognita were calculated on Vitis vinifera cv. French Colombard (highly susceptible) and cv. Thompson Seedless (moderately resistant). One-month-old grape seedlings in styrofoam cups were inoculated with 2,000 or 8,000 M. incognita second-stage juveniles (J2) and maintained at 17.5 degree days (DD - base 10 C)/day until maximum adult female growth and (or) the end of oviposition. At 70 DD intervals, nematode fresh biomass was calculated on the basis of volumes of 15-20 nematodes per plant obtained with a digitizer and computer algorithm. Egg production was measured at 50-80 DD intervals by weighing 7-10 egg masses and counting the number of eggs. Nematode growth and food (energy) consumption rates were calculated up to 1,000 DD based on biomass increase, respiratory requirements, and an assumption of 60 % assimilation efficiency. The growth rate of a single root-knot nematode, excluding egg production, was similar in both cultivars and had a logistic form. The maximum fresh weight of a mature female nematode was ca. 29-32 μg. The total biomass increase, including egg production, also had a logistic form. Maximum biomass (mature adult female and egg mass) was 211 μg on French Colombard and 127 μg on Thompson Seedless. The calculated total cost to the host for the development of a single J2 from root penetration to the end of oviposition for body growth and total biomass was 0.535 and 0.486 calories with a total energy demand of 1.176 and 0.834 calories in French Colombard and Thompson Seedless, respectively.  相似文献   

The reproductive potentials of Heterodera glycines (mixture of races 3 and 4 and unidentified races) and a tobacco cyst nematode Globodera tabacum solanacearum were studied in the field. The experiments involved four cultivars of soybean Glycine max and four cultivars of Nicotiana tabacum. The reproductive potential of the H. glycines population was high on Essex and Lee 74 soybean but low on Forrest and Bedford over the 3 years (1982-84) of continuous cropping. The reproductive potential of H. glycines was 12% on Forrest and 6% on Bedford in 1982 but increased to 37 and 35% in 1983 and to 71 and 41% in 1984, respectively, on these two cultivars. The reproductive potential of G. tabacum solanacearum was high on McNair 944 and Coker 319 tobacco cultivars and low on VA 81 and PD 4 over the 3 years of cropping. The reproductive potential of G. tabacum solanacearum on VA 81 and PD 4 was 18 and 17% in 1982, 7 and 16% in 1983, and 5 and 5% in 1984, respectively. The changes in reproductive potentials of H. glycines and G. tabacum solanacearum may be related to inherent genetic variability in the systems that control reproduction of the two cyst nematodes and nature of resistance incorporated in the soybean and tobacco cultivars.  相似文献   

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