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Natural killer (NK) cells are now recognized to exhibit characteristics akin to cells of the adaptive immune system. The generation of adaptive memory is linked to epigenetic reprogramming including alterations in DNA methylation. The study herein found reproducible genome wide DNA methylation changes associated with human NK cell activation. Activation led predominately to CpG hypomethylation (81% of significant loci). Bioinformatics analysis confirmed that non-coding and gene-associated differentially methylated sites (DMS) are enriched for immune related functions (i.e., immune cell activation). Known DNA methylation-regulated immune loci were also identified in activated NK cells (e.g., TNFA, LTA, IL13, CSF2). Twenty-one loci were designated high priority and further investigated as potential markers of NK activation. BHLHE40 was identified as a viable candidate for which a droplet digital PCR assay for demethylation was developed. The assay revealed high demethylation in activated NK cells and low demethylation in naïve NK, T- and B-cells. We conclude the NK cell methylome is plastic with potential for remodeling. The differentially methylated region signature of activated NKs revealed similarities with T cell activation, but also provided unique biomarker candidates of NK activation, which could be useful in epigenome-wide association studies to interrogate the role of NK subtypes in global methylation changes associated with exposures and/or disease states.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are pluripotent, self‐renewing cells. These cells can be used in applications such as cell therapy, drug development, disease modeling, and the study of cellular differentiation. Investigating the interplay of epigenetics, genetics, and gene expression in control of pluripotence and differentiation could give important insights on how these cells function. One of the best known epigenetic factors is DNA methylation, which is a major mechanism for regulation of gene expression. This phenomenon is mostly seen in imprinted genes and X‐chromosome inactivation where DNA methylation of promoter regions leads to repression of gene expression. Differential DNA methylation of pluripotence‐associated genes such as Nanog and Oct4/Pou5f1 has been observed between pluripotent and differentiated cells. It is clear that tight regulation of DNA methylation is necessary for normal development. As more associations between aberrant DNA methylation and disease are reported, the demand for high‐throughput approaches for DNA methylation analysis has increased. In this article, we highlight these methods and discuss recent DNA methylation studies on ESCs. J. Cell. Biochem. 109: 1–6, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

DNA methylation is responsible for regulating gene expression and cellular differentiation and for maintaining genomic stability during normal human development. Furthermore, it plays a significant role in the regulation of hematopoiesis. In order to elucidate the influence of DNA methylation during B-cell development, genome-wide DNA methylation status of pro-B, pre-BI, pre-BII, and naïve-B-cells isolated from human umbilical cord blood was determined using the methylated CpG island recovery assay followed by next generation sequencing. On average, 182–200 million sequences were generated for each precursor B-cell subset in 10 biological replicates. An overall decrease in methylation was observed during the transition from pro-B to pre-BI, whereas no differential methylation was observed in the pre-BI to pre-BII transition or in the pre-BII to naïve B-cell transition. Most of the methylated regions were located within intergenic and intronic regions not present in a CpG island context. Putative novel enhancers were identified in these regions that were differentially methylated between pro-B and pre-BI cells. The genome-wide methylation profiles are publically available and may be used to gain a better understanding of the involvement of atypical DNA methylation in the pathogenesis of malignancies associated with precursor B-cells.  相似文献   

DNA methylation is responsible for regulating gene expression and cellular differentiation and for maintaining genomic stability during normal human development. Furthermore, it plays a significant role in the regulation of hematopoiesis. In order to elucidate the influence of DNA methylation during B-cell development, genome-wide DNA methylation status of pro-B, pre-BI, pre-BII, and naïve-B-cells isolated from human umbilical cord blood was determined using the methylated CpG island recovery assay followed by next generation sequencing. On average, 182–200 million sequences were generated for each precursor B-cell subset in 10 biological replicates. An overall decrease in methylation was observed during the transition from pro-B to pre-BI, whereas no differential methylation was observed in the pre-BI to pre-BII transition or in the pre-BII to naïve B-cell transition. Most of the methylated regions were located within intergenic and intronic regions not present in a CpG island context. Putative novel enhancers were identified in these regions that were differentially methylated between pro-B and pre-BI cells. The genome-wide methylation profiles are publically available and may be used to gain a better understanding of the involvement of atypical DNA methylation in the pathogenesis of malignancies associated with precursor B-cells.  相似文献   

DNA methylation is an important epigenetic modification involved in many biological processes and diseases. Computational analysis of differentially methylated regions (DMRs) could explore the underlying reasons of methylation. DMRFusion is presented as a useful tool for comprehensive DNA methylation analysis of DMRs on methylation sequencing data. This tool is designed base on the integration of several ranking methods; Information gain, Between versus within Class scatter ratio, Fisher ratio, Z-score and Welch's t-test. In this study, DMRFusion on reduced representation bisulfite sequencing (RRBS) data in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cancer displayed 30 nominated regions and CpG sites with a maximum methylation difference detected in the hypermethylation DMRs. We realized that DMRFusion is able to process methylation sequencing data in an efficient and accurate manner and to provide annotation and visualization for DMRs with high fold difference score (p-value and FDR < 0.05 and type I error: 0.04).  相似文献   

Patterns of DNA methylation, an important epigenetic modification involved in gene silencing and development, are disrupted in cancer cells. Understanding the functional significance of aberrant methylation in tumors remains challenging, due in part to the lack of suitable tools to actively modify methylation patterns. DNA demethylation caused by mammalian DNA methyltransferase inhibitors is transient and replication-dependent, whereas that induced by TET enzymes involves oxidized 5mC derivatives that perform poorly understood regulatory functions. Unlike animals, plants possess enzymes that directly excise unoxidized 5mC from DNA, allowing restoration of unmethylated C through base excision repair. Here, we show that expression of Arabidopsis 5mC DNA glycosylase DEMETER (DME) in colon cancer cells demethylates and reactivates hypermethylated silenced loci. Interestingly, DME expression causes genome-wide changes that include both DNA methylation losses and gains, and partially restores the methylation pattern observed in normal tissue. Furthermore, such methylome reprogramming is accompanied by altered cell cycle responses and increased sensibility to anti-tumor drugs, decreased ability to form colonospheres, and tumor growth impairment in vivo. Our study shows that it is possible to reprogram a human cancer DNA methylome by expression of a plant DNA demethylase.  相似文献   

To develop new methods to distinguish indolent from aggressive prostate cancers (PCa), we utilized comprehensive high-throughput array-based relative methylation (CHARM) assay to identify differentially methylated regions (DMRs) throughout the genome, including both CpG island (CGI) and non-CGI regions in PCa patients based on Gleason grade. Initially, 26 samples, including 8 each of low [Gleason score (GS) 6] and high (GS ≥7) grade PCa samples and 10 matched normal prostate tissues, were analyzed as a discovery cohort. We identified 3,567 DMRs between normal and cancer tissues, and 913 DMRs distinguishing low from high-grade cancers. Most of these DMRs were located at CGI shores. The top 5 candidate DMRs from the low vs. high Gleason comparison, including OPCML, ELAVL2, EXT1, IRX5, and FLRT2, were validated by pyrosequencing using the discovery cohort. OPCML and FLRT2 were further validated in an independent cohort consisting of 20 low-Gleason and 33 high-Gleason tissues. We then compared patients with biochemical recurrence (n=70) vs. those without (n=86) in a third cohort, and they showed no difference in methylation at these DMR loci. When GS 3+4 cases and GS 4+3 cases were compared, OPCML-DMR methylation showed a trend of lower methylation in the recurrence group (n=30) than in the no-recurrence (n=52) group. We conclude that whole-genome methylation profiling with CHARM revealed distinct patterns of differential DNA methylation between normal prostate and PCa tissues, as well as between different risk groups of PCa as defined by Gleason scores. A panel of selected DMRs may serve as novel surrogate biomarkers for Gleason score in PCa.  相似文献   

DNA methylation is an epigenetic mark on the mammalian genome. There are numerous tissue-dependent and differentially methylated regions (T-DMRs) in the unique sequences distributed throughout the genome. To determine the epigenetic changes during adipocyte differentiation, we investigated the sequential changes in DNA methylation status of 3T3-L1 cells at the growing, confluent, postconfluent and mature adipocyte cell stages. Treatment of 3T3-L1 cells with 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine inhibited differentiation in a stage-dependent manner, supporting the idea that formation of accurate DNA methylation profile, consisting of methylated and unmethylated T-DMRs, may be involved in differentiation. Analysis by methylation-sensitive quantitative real-time PCR of the 65 known T-DMRs which contain NotI sites detected 8 methylations that changed during differentiation, and the changes in the patterns of these methylations were diverse, confirming that the differentiation process involves epigenetic alteration at the T-DMRs. Intriguingly, the dynamics of the methylation change vary depending on the T-DMRs and differentiation stages. Restriction landmark genomic scanning detected 32 novel T-DMRs, demonstrating that differentiation of 3T3-L1 cells involves genome-wide epigenetic changes by temporal methylation/demethylation, in addition to maintenance of a static methylated/demethylated state, and both depend on differentiation stage.  相似文献   

目的:观察姜黄素对2型糖尿病模型db/db小鼠糖尿病症状的改善作用,并从表观遗传角度分析其对小鼠外周血DNA甲基化水平的影响.方法:2型糖尿病模型db/db小鼠随机分为糖尿病组和姜黄素干预组(给予250 mg/kg姜黄素溶液),连续灌胃8周.OGTT检测葡萄糖耐量,ELISA法测定空腹胰岛素并计算HOMA-IR和HOM...  相似文献   

DNA methylation is a chemical modification of DNA involved in the regulation of gene expression by controlling the access to the DNA sequence. It is the most stable epigenetic mark and is widely studied for its role in major biological processes. Aberrant DNA methylation is observed in various pathologies, such as cancer. Therefore, there is a great interest in analyzing subtle changes in DNA methylation induced by biological processes or upon drug treatments. Here, we developed an improved methodology based on flow cytometry to measure variations of DNA methylation level in melanoma and leukemia cells. The accuracy of DNA methylation quantification was validated with LC-ESI mass spectrometry analysis. The new protocol was used to detect small variations of cytosine methylation occurring in individual cells during their cell cycle and those induced by the demethylating agent 5-aza-2''-deoxycytidine (5AzadC). Kinetic experiments confirmed that inheritance of DNA methylation occurs efficiently in S phase and revealed a short delay between DNA replication and completion of cytosine methylation. In addition, this study suggests that the uncoupling of 5AzadC effects on DNA demethylation and cell proliferation might be related to the duration of the DNA replication phase.  相似文献   

The genomic DNA methylation pattern (methylome) is a cell epigenetic program that controls the expression of genetic information. The methylation pattern substantially changes in early carcinogenesis. A detailed survey of the methylcytosine distribution in the genome in norm and pathology is of immense importance for a better understanding of the etiology of cancer and its early diagnosis. The techniques available make it possible to simultaneously examine many samples (high-throughput analysis) and to examine large genome loci or even the total methylome (large-scale analysis). The review considers the main trends in the development of new approaches to DNA methylation and describes the techniques most commonly used in the field, their application, and results. Emphasis is placed on the use of various DNA microarrays (oligonucleotide microarrays, BAC arrays, etc.) as a method of choice for epigenetic analysis of tumors. Alternative sequence-based techniques of methylation analysis are discussed. The use of large-scale analysis to identify new epigenetic markers and to develop an epigenetic classification of neoplasms is considered.  相似文献   

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