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Maltose is transported across the cytoplasmic membrane of Escherichia coli by a binding protein-dependent transport system. The three membrane-associated components of the transport system, the MalK, MalF, and MalG proteins, have been solubilized from the membrane and maltose transport activity has been reconstituted in proteoliposome vesicles (Davidson, A. L., and Nikaido, H. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 4254-4260). A modification of the reconstitution technique is presented which permits reconstitution from the detergent dodecyl maltoside. Utilizing reconstitution of maltose transport as an assay, we have purified these proteins in the presence of n-dodecyl-beta-D-maltoside. The purified proteins catalyze both maltose transport activity and ATP hydrolysis. In all experiments, the MalF, MalG, and MalK proteins behaved as a multiprotein complex; all three proteins were immunoprecipitated using antibody prepared against MalF, and they copurified, eluting from a gel filtration column between markers of Mr 160,000 and 200,000. Each complex contains two MalK, one MalF, and one MalG proteins, providing two putative sites for ATP hydrolysis. Chemical cross-linking detected specific interactions between MalF and MalG and between MalF and MalK.  相似文献   

The malK gene product of Escherichia coli has been identified through the use of a previously described technique that employs gene fusions (Shuman, H. A., Silhavy, T. J., and Beckwith, J. R. (1980) J. Biol. Chem. 255, 168-174). This protein, along with the four other products of the malB locus, comprise the complete maltose transport system. The malK protein has a molecular weight of approximately 40,000 and is located in the cell envelope. In mutant strains which lack another component of the transport system, the malG protein, the malK protein is located in the cytoplasm. This alteration in location suggests that the malK protein is associated with the inner surface of the cytoplasmic membrane via an interaction with the malG protein.  相似文献   

Active transport of maltose in Escherichia coli requires the presence of both maltose-binding protein (MBP) in the periplasm and a complex of MalF, MalG, and MalK proteins (FGK2) located in the cytoplasmic membrane. Earlier, mutants in malF or malG were isolated that are able to grow on maltose in the complete absence of MBP. When the wild-type malE+ allele, coding for MBP, was introduced into these MBP-independent mutants, they frequently lost their ability to grow on maltose. Furthermore, starting from these Mal- strains, Mal+ secondary mutants that contained suppressor mutations in malE were isolated. In this study, we examined the interaction of wild-type and mutant MBPs with wild-type and mutant FGK2 complexes by using right-side-out membrane vesicles. The vesicles from a MBP-independent mutant (malG511) transported maltose in the absence of MBP, with Km and Vmax values similar to those found in intact cells. However, addition of wild-type MBP to these mutant vesicles produced unexpected responses. Although malE+ malG511 cells could not utilize maltose, wild-type MBP at low concentrations stimulated the maltose uptake by malG511 vesicles. At higher concentrations of the wild-type MBP and maltose, however, maltose transport into malG511 vesicles became severely inhibited. This behaviour of the vesicles was also reflected in the phenotype of malE+ malG511 cells, which were found to be capable of transporting maltose from a low external concentration (1 microM), but apparently not from millimolar concentrations present in maltose minimal medium. We found that the mutant FGK2 complex, containing MalG511, had a much higher apparent affinity towards the wild-type MBP than did the wild-type FGK2 complex.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We have isolated mutants of Escherichia coli that have an altered beta-galactoside transport system. This altered transport system is able to transport a sugar, maltose, that the wild-type beta-galactoside transport system is unable to transport. The mutation that alters the specificity of the transport system is in the lacY gene, and we refer to the allele as lacYmal. The lacYmal allele was detected originally in strains in which the lac genes were fused to the malF gene. Thus, as a result of gene fusion and isolation of the lacYmal mutation, a new transport system was evolved with regulatory properties and specificity similar to those of the original maltose transport system. Maltose transport via the lacYmal gene product is independent of all of the normal maltose transport system components. The altered transport system shows a higher affinity than the wild-type transport system for two normal substrates of the beta-galactoside transport system, thiomethyl-beta-D-galactoside and o-nitrophenyl-beta-D-galactoside.  相似文献   

Maltose is transported across the cytoplasmic membrane of Escherichia coli by a binding protein-dependent transport system. We observed a 10-fold increase in the level of transport activity in assays with membrane vesicles when the three membrane-associated components of the transport system (the MalF, MalG, and MalK proteins) were overproduced. In addition, we have successfully reconstituted maltose transport activity in proteoliposome vesicles from solubilized proteins using a detergent dilution procedure. The addition of ATP as an energy source was sufficient to obtain transport, and this activity was dependent on the presence of maltose binding protein and was not seen in proteoliposomes prepared from a strain with a deletion of the maltose genes. We determined that hydrolysis of ATP was directly coupled to maltose uptake. In the majority of these experiments, an average of 1.4 mol of ATP was hydrolyzed for each mole of maltose accumulated. However, in the remaining experiments, ATP hydrolysis was observed to be much higher and averaged 17 mol of ATP hydrolyzed per mol of maltose transported. Possible explanations for a variable stoichiometry are discussed. These results provide strong evidence that it is the hydrolysis of ATP by a component of the transport complex that provides the energy required for active maltose transport.  相似文献   

Neither methyl-alpha-maltoside nor 5-thiomaltose is utilized by Escherichia coli as a sole carbon source. Both are, however, effective competitive inhibitors of maltose transport into the bacterium (Km for maltose, 0.8 microM, Ki for methyl-alpha-maltoside, 5.5 microM; Ki for 5-thiomaltose, 0.2 microM). Both analogs are bound by the periplasmic maltose-binding protein. Methyl-alpha-[14C]maltoside and 5-[3H]thiomaltose were both accumulated inside E. coli. Methyl-alpha-maltoside was unchanged after accumulation, but 5-thiomaltose was converted to an unidentified compound that could exit from the bacterium. Both analogs were inhibitory to the growth of E. coli, but only when the bacteria were previously induced for the maltose transport system. The analogs are substrates for but poor inducers of the maltose transport system.  相似文献   

We isolated mutants of Escherichia coli in which the maltose-binding protein (MBP) is no longer required for growth on maltose as the sole source of carbon and energy. These mutants were selected as Mal+ revertants of a strain which carries a deletion of the MBP structural gene, malE. In one class of these mutants, maltose is transported into the cell independently of MBP by the remaining components of the maltose system. The mutations in these strains map in either malF or malG. These genes code for two of the cytoplasmic membrane components of the maltose transport system. In some of the mutants, MBP actually inhibits maltose transport. We demonstrate that these mutants still transport maltose actively and in a stereospecific manner. These results suggest that the malF and malG mutations result in exposure of a substrate recognition site that is usually available only to substrates bound to MBP.  相似文献   

Members of the ATP-binding cassette superfamily couple the energy from ATP hydrolysis to the active transport of substrates across the membrane. The maltose transporter, a well characterized model system, consists of a periplasmic maltose-binding protein (MBP) and a multisubunit membrane transporter, MalFGK(2). On the basis of the structure of the MBP-MalFGK(2) complex in an outward-facing conformation (Oldham, M. L., Khare, D., Quiocho, F. A., Davidson, A. L., and Chen, J. (2007) Nature 450, 515-521), we identified two mutants in transmembrane domains MalF and MalG that generated futile cycling; although interaction with MBP stimulated the ATPase activity of the transporter, maltose was not transported. Both mutants appeared to disrupt the normal transfer of maltose from MBP to MalFGK(2). In the first case, substitution of aspartate for glycine in the maltose-binding site of MalF likely generated a futile cycle by preventing maltose from binding to MalFGK(2) during the catalytic cycle. In the second case, a four-residue deletion of a periplasmic loop of MalG limited its reach into the maltose-binding pocket of MBP, allowing maltose to remain associated with MBP during the catalytic cycle. Retention of maltose in the MBP binding site in the deletion mutant, as well as insertion of this loop into the binding site in the wild type, was detected by EPR as a change in mobility of a nitroxide spin label positioned near the maltose-binding pocket of MBP.  相似文献   

Maltooligosaccharides up to maltoheptaose are transported by the maltodextrin transport system of Escherichia coli. The overall substrate specificity of the transport system was investigated by using 15 maltodextrin analogues with various modifications at the reducing end of the oligosaccharides as competing substrates. The binding interaction of the analogues with maltoporin in the outer membrane and the periplasmic maltose-binding protein, the two protein components of the transport system with known specificity for maltodextrins, was also investigated. All analogues containing several α,1 → 4-glucosyl linkages were bound with high affinity by maltoporin and maltose-binding protein, regardless of O-methyl, O-nitrophenyl, β-glucosyl or β-fructosyl substitutions at the reducing end of the dextrins. Introduction of a negative charge or lack of a ring structure at the reducing end were also ineffective in abolishing binding by these two proteins. These results suggest that the structure of the reducing glucose is not important in the binding specificity of maltoporin or maltose-binding protein. However, the high affinity of these proteins for analogues was not in itself sufficient for recognition by the transport system overall. Maltohexaitol, 4-nitrophenyl α-maltotetraoside and 4-β-d-maltopentaosyl-d-glucopyranose were bound with the same affinity as comparable maltodextrins by both maltoporin and maltose-binding protein but were poorly recognized by the transport system. These results suggest that another, yet uninvestigated component of the transport system has a more restricted specificity towards changes at the reducing end of the maltodextrin molecule.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, the binding protein-dependent transport system for maltose and maltodextrins is composed of five proteins — LamB, MaIE, MaIF, MaIG and MaIK — located in the three layers of the bacterial envelope. Proteins MaIF and MaIG are hydrophobic inner membrane components mediating the energy-dependent translocation of substrates into the cytoplasm. In this paper, we analyse the topology of the MaIG protein by using methods based on the properties of fusions between maIG and‘phoA, a truncated gene encoding alkaline phosphatase lacking its translation initiation and exportation signals. Fusions were obtained by using either phage λTnphoA or by constructing in vitro fusions located randomly within the maIG gene. The deduced topological model suggests that MaIG spans the membrane six times and has its amino- and carboxy-termini in the cytoplasm. These results will be helpful for the interpretation of the phenotypes of mutants in maIG.  相似文献   

We used the maltose transport complex MalFGK2 of the Escherichia coli cytoplasmic membrane as a model for the study of the assembly of hetero-oligomeric membrane protein complexes. Analysis of other membrane protein complexes has led to a general model in which a unique, ordered pathway is followed from subunit monomers to a final oligomeric structure. In contrast, the studies reported here point to a fundamentally different mode for assembly of this transporter. Using co-immunoprecipitation and quantification of interacting partners, we found that all subunits of the maltose transport complex efficiently form heteromeric complexes in vivo. The pairwise complexes were stable over time, suggesting that they all represent assembly intermediates for the final MalFGK2 transporter. These results indicate that several paths can lead to assembly of this oligomer. We also characterized MalF and MalG mutants that caused reduced association between some or all of the subunits of the complex with this assay. The mutant analysis highlights some important motifs for subunit contacts and suggests that the promiscuous interactions between these Mal proteins contribute to the efficiency of complex assembly. The behaviors of the wild type and mutant proteins in the co-immunoprecipitations support a model of multiple assembly pathways for this complex.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli accumulates malto-oligosaccharides by the maltose transport system, which is a member of the ATP-binding-cassette (ABC) superfamily of transport systems. The proteins of this system are LamB in the outer membrane, maltose-binding protein (MBP) in the periplasm, and the proteins of the inner membrane complex (MalFGK2), composed of one MalF, one MalG, and two MalK subunits. Substrate specificity is determined primarily by the periplasmic component, MBP. However, several studies of the maltose transport system as well as other members of the ABC transporter superfamily have suggested that the integral inner membrane components MalF and MalG may play an important role in determining the specificity of the system. We show here that residue L334 in the fifth transmembrane helix of MalF plays an important role in determining the substrate specificity of the system. A leucine-to-tryptophan alteration at this position (L334W) results in the ability to transport lactose in a saturable manner. This mutant requires functional MalK-ATPase activity and the presence of MBP, even though MBP is incapable of binding lactose. The requirement for MBP confirms that unliganded MBP interacts with the inner membrane MalFGK2 complex and that MBP plays a crucial role in triggering the transport process.  相似文献   

The maltose transport system of Escherichia coli, a member of the ABC transport superfamily of proteins, consists of a periplasmic maltose binding protein and a membrane-associated translocation complex that contains two copies of the ATP-binding protein MalK. To examine the need for two nucleotide-binding domains in this transport complex, one of the two MalK subunits was inactivated by site-directed mutagenesis. Complexes with mutations in a single subunit were obtained by attaching a polyhistidine tag to the mutagenized version of MalK and by coexpressing both wild-type MalK and mutant (His)6MalK in the same cell. Hybrid complexes containing one mutant (His)6MalK subunit and one wild-type MalK subunit were separated from those containing two mutant (His)6MalK proteins based on differential affinities for a metal chelate column. Purified transport complexes were reconstituted into proteoliposome vesicles and assayed for maltose transport and ATPase activities. When a conserved lysine residue at position 42 that is involved in ATP binding was replaced with asparagine in both MalK subunits, maltose transport and ATPase activities were reduced to 1% of those of the wild type. When the mutation was present in only one of the two subunits, the complex had 6% of the wild-type activities. Replacement of a conserved histidine residue at position 192 in MalK with arginine generated similar results. It is clear from these results that two functional MalK proteins are required for transport activity and that the two nucleotide-binding domains do not function independently to catalyze transport.  相似文献   

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