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One powerful application of cell penetrating peptides is the delivery into cells of molecules that function as specific competitors or inhibitors of protein-protein interactions. Ablating defined protein-protein interactions is a refined way to explore their contribution to a particular cellular phenotype in a given disease context. Cell-penetrating peptides can be synthetically constrained through various chemical modifications that stabilize a given structural fold with the potential to improve competitive binding to specific targets. Theileria-transformed leukocytes display high PKA activity, but PKA is an enzyme that plays key roles in multiple cellular processes; consequently genetic ablation of kinase activity gives rise to a myriad of confounding phenotypes. By contrast, ablation of a specific kinase-substrate interaction has the potential to give more refined information and we illustrate this here by describing how surgically ablating PKA interactions with BAD gives precise information on the type of glycolysis performed by Theileria-transformed leukocytes. In addition, we provide two other examples of how ablating specific protein-protein interactions in Theileria-infected leukocytes leads to precise phenotypes and argue that constrained penetrating peptides have great therapeutic potential to combat infectious diseases in general.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Protein-protein interaction networks are one of the major post-genomic data sources available to molecular biologists. They provide a comprehensive view of the global interaction structure of an organism's proteome, as well as detailed information on specific interactions. Here we suggest a physical model of protein interactions that can be used to extract additional information at an intermediate level: It enables us to identify proteins which share biological interaction motifs, and also to identify potentially missing or spurious interactions. RESULTS: Our new graph model explains observed interactions between proteins by an underlying interaction of complementary binding domains (lock-and-key model). This leads to a novel graph-theoretical algorithm to identify bipartite subgraphs within protein-protein interaction networks where the underlying data are taken from yeast two-hybrid experimental results. By testing on synthetic data, we demonstrate that under certain modelling assumptions, the algorithm will return correct domain information about each protein in the network. Tests on data from various model organisms show that the local and global patterns predicted by the model are indeed found in experimental data. Using functional and protein structure annotations, we show that bipartite subnetworks can be identified that correspond to biologically relevant interaction motifs. Some of these are novel and we discuss an example involving SH3 domains from the Saccharomyces cerevisiae interactome. AVAILABILITY: The algorithm (in Matlab format) is available (see http://www.maths.strath.ac.uk/~aas96106/lock_key.html).  相似文献   

Inhibiting protein-protein interactions: a model for antagonist design   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Protein-protein interactions (PPI) are a ubiquitous mode of transmitting signals in cells and tissues. We are testing a stepwise, generic, structure-driven approach for finding low molecular weight inhibitors of protein-protein interactions. The approach requires development of a high-affinity, single chain antibody directed specifically against the interaction surface of one of the proteins to obtain structural information on the interface. To this end, we developed a single chain antibody (sc1E3) against hIL-1beta that exhibited the equivalent affinity of the soluble IL-1 receptor type I (sIL-1R) for hIL-1beta and competitively blocked the sIL-1R from binding to the cytokine. The antibody proved to be more specific for hIL-1beta than the sIL-1R in that it failed to bind to either murine IL-1beta or human/murine IL-1alpha proteins. Additionally, failure of sc1E3 to bind to several hIL-1beta mutant proteins, altered at receptor site B, indicated that the antibody interacted preferentially with this site. This, coupled with other surface plasmon resonance and isothermal titration calorimetry measurements, shows that sc1E3 can achieve comparable affinity of binding hIL-1beta as the receptor through interactions at a smaller interface. This stable single chain antibody based heterodimer has simplified the complexity of the IL-1/IL-1R PPI system and will facilitate the design of the low molecular weight inhibitors of this interaction.  相似文献   

Protein-protein interactions (PPIs) are central to our understanding of protein function, biological processes and signaling pathways. Affinity purification coupled with mass spectrometry (AP-MS) is a powerful approach for detecting PPIs and protein complexes and relies on the purification of bait proteins using bait-specific binding reagents. These binding reagents may recognize bait proteins directly or affinity tags that are fused to bait proteins. A limitation of the latter approach is that expression of affinity tagged baits is largely constrained to engineered or unnatural cell lines, which results in the AP-MS identification of PPIs that may not accurately reflect those seen in nature. Therefore, generating cell lines stably expressing affinity tagged bait proteins in a broad range of cell types and cell lines is important for identifying PPIs that are dependent on different contexts. To facilitate the identification of PPIs across many mammalian cell types, we developed the mammalian affinity purification and lentiviral expression (MAPLE) system. MAPLE uses recombinant lentiviral technology to stably and efficiently express affinity tagged complementary DNA (cDNA) in mammalian cells, including cells that are difficult to transfect and non-dividing cells. The MAPLE vectors contain a versatile affinity (VA) tag for multi-step protein purification schemes and subcellular localization studies. In this methods article, we present a step-by-step overview of the MAPLE system workflow.  相似文献   

This article describes genetic approaches to the study of heterologous protein-protein interactions, focusing on the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a useful eukaryotic model system. Several methods are described that can be used to search for new interactions, including extragenic suppression, multicopy suppression, synthetic lethality, and transdominant inhibition. Strategies for screening, genetic characterization, and clone identification are described, along with recent examples from the literature. In addition, genetic methods are discussed that can be used to further characterize a newly discovered protein-protein interaction. These include the creation of mutant libraries of a given protein by chemical mutagenesis or polymerase chain reaction, the production of dominant-negative mutants, and strategies for introducing these mutant alleles back into yeast for analysis. Although these genetic methods are quite powerful, they are often just a starting point for further biochemical or cell biological experiments.  相似文献   

The two-step two-hybrid approach described here is an adaptation of the classic two-hybrid system. Its purpose is to identify proteins that interact with a relatively small, defined, functionally significant domain of a protein of interest. In this method, a first round of screening is performed to identify proteins that interact with bait comprised of the wild type protein. Next, each of the prey identified in this first round is tested for its ability to interact with functionally impaired, mutant bait. Any proteins that interact with the wild type bait, but not the mutant bait, are candidate effectors or regulators of the protein of interest.  相似文献   

In this work we present a modified yeast two-hybrid bioassay for the highly sensitive detection of protein-protein interactions, based on the electrochemical monitoring of beta-D-galactosidase reporter gene activity, using p-aminophenyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside (PAPG) as a synthetic substrate. In a model system, the sensitive detection of 17-beta-estradiol was achieved at concentrations as low as 10(-11)M (approx 2 pg/ml) by monitoring 17-beta-estradiol receptor dimerization after exposure to 17-beta-estradiol. The sensitivity of this system was higher than that of standard optical methods by three orders of magnitude.  相似文献   

Suppression analysis is well suited to study the interactions of gene products. It offers the advantage of simplicity for any organism for which a convenient genetic system has been developed, which holds for a wide spectrum of bacteria and an ever-increasing number of unicellular as well as complex eukaryotes. No other method provides as much information about the functional relationships of biological macromolecules. The intrinsic value of suppression analysis is enhanced by advances in genomics and in biophysical techniques for investigating the properties of nucleic acids and proteins, such as X-ray crystallography, liquid and solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance, electron spin labeling, and isothermal calorimetry. These approaches confirm and complement whatever is revealed by genetics. Despite these sterling qualities, suppression analysis has its dangers, less in execution than in conceptualization of experiments and interpretation of data. A consistent nomenclature is essential for a uniform and widespread understanding of the results. Familiarity with the genetic background and idiosyncracies of the organism studied is critical in avoiding extraneous phenomena that can affect the outcome. Finally, it is imperative not to underestimate potentially bizarre and improbable consequences that can transpire when rigorous genetic selection is maintained for an appreciable length of time. The article begins with a somewhat pedagogical discussion of genetic terminology. It then moves on to the necessary precautions to observe while planning and conducting suppression analysis. The remainder of the article considers different manifestations of suppression: bypass suppression; gradients of suppression; suppression by relaxed specificity; allele-specific "suppression at a distance"; and true conformational suppression. The treatment is not exhaustive, but representative examples have been gleaned from the recent bacterial literature.  相似文献   

Under stress, chlamydiae can enter a non-infectious but viable state termed persistence. In the absence of a tractable genetic system, persistence induction provides an important experimental tool with which to study these fascinating organisms. This review will discuss examples of: i) persistence studies that have illuminated critical chlamydiae/host interactions; and ii) novel persistence models that will do so in the future.  相似文献   

A hybrid approach to extract protein-protein interactions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Analysing protein-protein interactions is critical in proteomics and drug discovery. The usage of 2-Hybrid (2lambda) systems is limited to an in vivo environment. We describe a bacteriophage 2-Hybrid system for studying protein interactions in vitro. Bait and prey are displayed as fusions to the surface of phage lambda that are marked with different selectable drug-resistant markers. An interaction of phages in vitro through displayed proteins allows bacterial infection by two phages resulting in double drug-resistant bacterial colonies at very low multiplicity of infections. We demonstrate interaction of the protein sorting signal Ubiquitin with the Vps9-CUE, a Ubiquitin binding domain, and by the interaction of (Gly-Glu)(4) and (Gly-Arg)(4) peptides. Interruptions of the phage interactions by non-fused (free) bait or prey molecules show how robust and unique our approach is. We also demonstrate the use of Ubiquitin and CUE display phages to find binding partners in a lambda-display library. The unique usefulness to 2lambda is also described.  相似文献   

Cytochrome b5 from mouse and rat liver formed a type I spectral complex with two murine cytochrome P-450 isozymes, the P450Coh and P450PBI. Mouse b5 stimulated the reactions catalyzed by reconstituted P450Coh and an equimolar amount of b5 to P450Coh was needed for maximal effect. In contrast, rat b5 inhibited P450Coh-mediated reactions progressively starting from 1:1 ratio of b5 to P-450. Neither b5 had any effect on reactions catalyzed by P45015 alpha, an isozyme highly homologous to P450Coh, but with a point mutation (Arg-129----Ser) at site considered important for P-450-b5 interactions. In case of P450PBI, neither b5 protein had any effect on the associated activities at b5: P-450 ratios below 1, and a progressive inhibition occurred when b5: P-450 ratio was above 1. The results were similar with either rat or mouse liver NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase used in reconstitution demonstrating that the critical differences take place in P-450-b5 interactions. Kinetic and spectral experiments revealed that the stimulatory and inhibitory effects of b5 on the enzymatic reactions were due to corresponding changes in the reaction velocity, and that b5 does not compete with the flavoprotein nor with the substrate for binding to P-450. These results indicate that the high spin shift of P-450 does not necessarily correlate with enhanced reaction rates. Also, the increase in the coupling efficiency of P450PBI may result from the increased affinity for substrate in the presence of b5. Sequenation of mouse b5 peptides generated with proteinases revealed three amino acid changes between the mouse and rat b5, two of which appeared at the hydrophobic domain necessary for the P-450-b5 interaction. This could explain the species specificity of b5 proteins in supporting the P-450-mediated reactions. This is the first time functionally important differences in the interaction of highly homologous cytochromes P-450 and b5 have been demonstrated. Isozymes P45015 alpha and P450Coh, and mouse and rat b5 could serve as an excellent model for further studies on the nature and significance of P-450-b5 interactions.  相似文献   

We became interested several years ago in exploring whether 14-helical beta-peptide foldamers could bind protein surfaces and inhibit protein-protein interactions, and if so, whether their affinities and specificities would compare favorably with those of natural or miniature proteins. This exploration was complicated initially by the absence of a suitable beta-peptide scaffold, one that possessed a well-defined 14-helical structure in water and tolerated the diverse sequence variation required to generate high-affinity protein surface ligands. In this perspective, we describe our approach to the design of adaptable beta-peptide scaffolds with high levels of 14-helix structure in water, track the subsequent development of 14-helical beta-peptide protein-protein interaction inhibitors, and examine the potential of this strategy for targeting other therapeutically important proteins.  相似文献   

The concept of fractal dimension is applied to protein surfaces. Satellite tobacco necrosis virus, prealhumin, retinol binding protein and lysozyme have been studied. A residue fractal index has been defined, which provides a suitable colour code when using computer graphics for visualizing surfaces. Some provisions are made that render the MS algorithm useful to calculate protein surface fractal dimensions. It has been found that a correlation exists between regions of high fractal dimension and those involved in protein-protein interactions. The usefulness of surface fractality in this context is demonstrated by a molecular docking experiment.  相似文献   

It is generally difficult to block protein-protein interactions with small-molecule drugs. A novel pharmaceutical development strategy to block protein interactions is emerging: targeted covalent modification to sterically block interactions. By this approach, compounds first interact non-covalently with a specific target protein. This interaction juxtaposes a weakly reactive group of the drug with a target amino acid sidechain, which then react by virtue of their high local concentration.  相似文献   

We have modified the yeast two-hybrid system to enable the detection of protein-protein interactions that require a specific post-translational modification, using the acetylation of histones and the phosphorylation of the carboxyl terminal domain (CTD) of RNA polymerase II as test modifications. In this tethered catalysis assay, constitutive modification of the protein to be screened for interactions is achieved by fusing it to its cognate modifying enzyme, with the physical linkage resulting in efficient catalysis. This catalysis maintains substrate modification even in the presence of antagonizing enzyme activities. A catalytically inactive mutant of the enzyme is fused to the substrate as a control such that the modification does not occur; this construct enables the rapid identification of modification-independent interactions. We identified proteins with links to chromatin functions that interact with acetylated histones, and proteins that participate in RNA polymerase II functions and in CTD phosphorylation regulation that interact preferentially with the phosphorylated CTD.  相似文献   

Centrosomes comprise a pair of centrioles surrounded by an amorphous pericentriolar material (PCM). Here, we have performed a microscopy-based genome-wide RNA interference (RNAi) screen in Drosophila cells to identify proteins required for centriole duplication and mitotic PCM recruitment. We analysed 92% of the Drosophila genome (13,059 genes) and identified 32 genes involved in centrosome function. An extensive series of secondary screens classified these genes into four categories: (1) nine are required for centriole duplication, (2) 11 are required for centrosome maturation, (3) nine are required for both functions, and (4) three genes regulate centrosome separation. These 32 hits include several new centrosomal components, some of which have human homologs. In addition, we find that the individual depletion of only two proteins, Polo and Centrosomin (Cnn) can completely block centrosome maturation. Cnn is phosphorylated during mitosis in a Polo-dependent manner, suggesting that the Polo-dependent phosphorylation of Cnn initiates centrosome maturation in flies.  相似文献   

One of the most promising methods for large-scale studies of protein interactions is isolation of an affinity-tagged protein with its in vivo interaction partners, followed by mass spectrometric identification of the copurified proteins. Previous studies have generated affinity-tagged proteins using genetic tools or cloning systems that are specific to a particular organism. To enable protein-protein interaction studies across a wider range of Gram-negative bacteria, we have developed a methodology based on expression of affinity-tagged "bait" proteins from a medium copy-number plasmid. This construct is based on a broad-host-range vector backbone (pBBR1MCS5). The vector has been modified to incorporate the Gateway DEST vector recombination region, to facilitate cloning and expression of fusion proteins bearing a variety of affinity, fluorescent, or other tags. We demonstrate this methodology by characterizing interactions among subunits of the DNA-dependent RNA polymerase complex in two metabolically versatile Gram-negative microbial species of environmental interest, Rhodopseudomonas palustris CGA010 and Shewanella oneidensis MR-1. Results compared favorably with those for both plasmid and chromosomally encoded affinity-tagged fusion proteins expressed in a model organism, Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

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