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We describe bicistronic single-exon Tat (72-amino-acid Tat [Tat72])- and full-length Tat (Tat86)-encoding gene transfer vectors based on human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). We created versions of these vectors that were rendered Rev independent by using the constitutive transport element (CTE) from Mason-Pfizer monkey virus (MPMV). Tat72-encoding vectors performed better than Tat86-expressing vectors in gene transfer experiments. CTE-containing vectors, produced in a Rev-independent packaging system, had gene transfer efficiencies nearly equivalent to those produced using a combination RNA transport (CTE and Rev-Rev response element)-based packaging system. The Tat72-encoding vectors could be efficiently transduced into a variety of cell types, showed higher levels of transgene expression than vectors with the simian cytomegalovirus immediate-early or the simian virus 40 early promoter, and provide an alternative to HIV-1 vectors with internal promoters.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) can be used to generate recombinant viral vectors for delivery of heterologous genes to human CD4-positive lymphocytes. To define the cis-acting sequences required for efficient gene transfer, a number of HIV-1 vectors containing a previously identified packaging signal, long terminal repeats, and additional gag, pol, and env viral sequences were designed. By providing the viral proteins in trans, recombinant viruses were generated and analyzed for their abilities to transfer genes into human T lymphocytes. Inclusion of up to 653 nucleotides derived from the 5' end of the gag gene in the vector improved the efficiency of gene transfer, but inclusion of additional gag or pol sequences did not further improve this efficiency. The increased efficiency of gene transfer associated with the inclusion of 5' gag sequences in the vector arose, at least in part, from an increase in the packaging of vector RNA. The presence of the Rev-responsive element (RRE) increased the efficiency of transfer of vectors containing significant lengths of gag sequence, as expected from the Rev requirement for nucleus-to-cytoplasm transport of unspliced vector RNA containing intact packaging signals. However, the presence of a RRE did not affect the transfer efficiency of smaller vectors lacking significant lengths of gag sequences, arguing against a specific role for the RRE in packaging or vector transfer. These results contribute to an understanding of the minimal cis-acting sequences that operate in the context of HIV-1 vectors for delivering genes into human lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Although the transport of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) through the epithelium is critical for HIV-1 colonization, the mechanisms controlling this process remain obscure. In the present study, we investigated the transcellular migration of HIV-1 as a cell-free virus through primary genital epithelial cells (PGECs). The absence of CD4 on PGECs implicates an unusual entry pathway for HIV-1. We found that syndecans are abundantly expressed on PGECs and promote the initial attachment and subsequent entry of HIV-1 through PGECs. Although CXCR4 and CCR5 do not contribute to HIV-1 attachment, they enhance viral entry and transcytosis through PGECs. Importantly, HIV-1 exploits both syndecans and chemokine receptors to ensure successful cell-free transport through the genital epithelium. HIV-1-syndecan interactions rely on specific residues in the V3 of gp120 and specific sulfations within syndecans. We found no obvious correlation between coreceptor usage and the capacity of the virus to transcytose. Since viruses isolated after sexual transmission are mainly R5 viruses, this suggests that the properties conferring virus replication after transmission are distinct from those conferring cell-free virus transcytosis through the genital epithelium. Although we found that cell-free HIV-1 crosses PGECs as infectious particles, the efficiency of transcytosis is extremely poor (less than 0.02% of the initial inoculum). This demonstrates that the genital epithelium serves as a major barrier against HIV-1. Although one cannot exclude the possibility that limited passage of cell-free HIV-1 transcytosis through an intact genital epithelium occurs in vivo, it is likely that the establishment of infection via cell-free HIV-1 transmigration is a rare event.  相似文献   

Murine primary cells are poorly permissive to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) vector infection. Retroviral infectivity is influenced by dominant inhibitors such as TRIM5alpha. Sensitivity to TRIM5alpha is altered by interactions between cyclophilin A and the HIV-1 capsid. Here we demonstrate that competitive inhibitors of cyclophilins, cyclosporine or the related Debio-025, stimulate HIV-1 vector transduction of primary murine cells, including bone marrow and macrophages, up to 20-fold. Unexpectedly, the infectivity of an HIV-1 mutant or a simian lentivirus that does not recruit cyclophilin A is also stimulated by these drugs. We propose that cyclosporine and related compounds will be useful tools for experimental infection of murine primary cells. It is possible that HIV-1 infection of murine cells is inhibited by dominant factors related to immunophilins.  相似文献   

The ability of human immunodeficiency virus strain MN (HIV(MN)), a T-cell line-adapted strain of HIV, and X4 and R5 primary isolates to bind to various cell types was investigated. In general, HIV(MN) bound to cells at higher levels than did the primary isolates. Virus bound to both CD4-positive (CD4(+)) and CD4-negative (CD4(-)) cells, including neutrophils, Raji cells, tonsil mononuclear cells, erythrocytes, platelets, and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), although virus bound at significantly higher levels to PBMC. However, there was no difference in the amount of HIV that bound to CD4-enriched or CD4-depleted PBMC. Virus bound to CD4(-) cells was up to 17 times more infectious for T cells in cocultures than was the same amount of cell-free virus. Virus bound to nucleated cells was significantly more infectious than virus bound to erythrocytes or platelets. The enhanced infection of T cells by virus bound to CD4(-) cells was not due to stimulatory signals provided by CD4(-) cells or infection of CD4(-) cells. However, anti-CD18 antibody substantially reduced the enhanced virus replication in T cells, suggesting that virus that bound to the surface of CD4(-) cells is efficiently passed to CD4(+) T cells during cell-cell adhesion. These studies show that HIV binds at relatively high levels to CD4(-) cells and, once bound, is highly infectious for T cells. This suggests that virus binding to the surface of CD4(-) cells is an important route for infection of T cells in vivo.  相似文献   

Recombinant DNA technology has permitted tremendous progression in delivering genes into cells; however, further advances in gene replacement techniques are needed prior to application to hematological diseases. One of the greatest obstacles to gene therapy in human hematopoietic stem cells is the lack of a defined protocol in humans and low transduction efficiency. Currently, murine leukemia virus (MuLV) is the most popular choice as a gene transfer vehicle but it cannot infect non-dividing cells. In our study, vesicular stomatitis G protein pseudotyped MuLV and HIV-1 were produced by a split gene transfection method. Mononuclear cells were separated from healthy human bone marrow and pre-stimulated with cytokines to form myeloid cell lineages. The cells were infected at different MOls with highly concentrated virus and infection rates were analyzed by flow cytometry and progenitor cell assays. eGFP expression was much higher when using HIV-1 system than when using MuLV. Progenitor cell assays agreed with the results obtained by FACS, but the difference was less great. We conclude that the lentiviral system is more suitable for gene transfer to hematopoietic progenitor cells probably because it stably infects both dividing and non-dividing cells. In addition, fibronectin was shown to improve the rate of infection with HIV-1.  相似文献   

Physiological microenvironments such as blood, seminal plasma, mucosal secretions, or lymphatic fluids may influence the biology of the virus-host cell and immune interactions for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). Relative to media, physiological levels of human plasma were found to enhance the infectivity of HIV-1 primary isolates in both phytohemagglutinin-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells and monocyte-derived macrophages. Enhancement was observed only when plasma was present during the virus-cell incubation and resulted in a 3- to 30-fold increase in virus titers in all of the four primary isolates tested. Both infectivity and virion binding experiments demonstrated a slow, time-dependent process generally requiring between 1 and 10 h. Human plasma collected in anticoagulants CPDA-1 and heparin, but not EDTA, exhibited this effect at concentrations from 90 to 40%. Furthermore, heat-inactivated plasma resulted in a loss of enhancement in peripheral blood mononuclear cells but not in monocyte-derived macrophages. Physiological concentrations of human plasma appear to recruit additional infectivity, thus increasing the infectious potential of the virus inoculum.  相似文献   

Although several human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) vaccine approaches have elicited meaningful antigen-specific T-cell responses in animal models, no single vaccine candidate has engendered antibodies that broadly neutralize primary isolates of HIV type 1 (HIV-1). Thus, there remains a significant gap in the design of HIV vaccines. To address this issue, we exploited the existence of rare human monoclonal antibodies that have been isolated from HIV-infected individuals. Such antibodies neutralize a wide array of HIV-1 field isolates and have been shown to be effective in vivo. However, practical considerations preclude the use of antibody preparations as a prophylactic passive immunization strategy in large populations. Our concept calls for an antibody gene of choice to be transferred to muscle where the antibody molecule is synthesized and distributed to the circulatory system. In these experiments, we used a recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) vector to deliver the gene for the human antibody IgG1b12 to mouse muscle. Significant levels of HIV-neutralizing activity were found in the sera of mice for over 6 months after a single intramuscular administration of the rAAV vector. This approach allows for predetermination of antibody affinity and specificity prior to "immunization" and avoids the need for an active humoral immune response against the HIV envelope protein.  相似文献   

CD4 down-modulation is essential for the production of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infectious particles. Disease progression correlates with enhanced viral induced CD4 down-modulation, and a subset of long-term nonprogressors carry viruses defective in this function. Despite multiple pieces of evidence highlighting the importance of this function in viral pathogenesis in vivo, to date, HIV-induced CD4 down-modulation has not been used as a target for intervention. We describe here HIV-based vectors that deliver truncated CD4 molecules resistant to down-modulation by the viral products Nef and Vpu. Infection of cells previously transduced with these vectors proceeded normally, and viral particles were released in normal amounts. However, the infectivity of the released virions was reduced 1,000-fold. Lentiviral vectors expressing truncated CD4 molecules were efficient at blocking HIV-1 infectivity and replication in several cell lines and in CD4-positive primary lymphocytes. The findings presented here provide proof-of-principle that approaches targeting the virus-induced CD4 down-modulation may constitute the basis for novel anti-HIV therapies.  相似文献   

Y Su  W Popik    P M Pitha 《Journal of virology》1995,69(1):110-121
We have examined the feasibility of using interferon (IFN) gene transfer as a novel approach to anti-human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) therapy in this study. To limit expression of a transduced HIV-1 long terminal repeat (LTR)-IFNA2 (the new approved nomenclature for IFN genes is used throughout this article) hybrid gene to the HIV-1-infected cells, HIV-1 LTR was modified. Deletion of the NF-kappa B elements of the HIV-1 LTR significantly inhibited Tat-mediated transactivation in T-cell lines, as well as in a monocyte line, U937. Replacement of the NF-kappa B elements in the HIV-1 LTR by a DNA fragment derived from the 5'-flanking region of IFN-stimulated gene 15 (ISG15), containing the IFN-stimulated response element, partially restored Tat-mediated activation of LTR in T cells as well as in monocytes. Insertion of this chimeric promoter (ISG15 LTR) upstream of the human IFNA2 gene directed high levels of IFN synthesis in Tat-expressing cells, while this promoter was not responsive to tumor necrosis factor alpha-mediated activation. ISG15-LTR-IFN hybrid gene inserted into the retrovirus vector was transduced into Jurkat and U937 cells. Selected transfected clones produced low levels of IFN A (IFNA) constitutively, and their abilities to express interleukin-2 and interleukin-2 receptor upon stimulation with phytohemagglutinin and phorbol myristate acetate were retained. Enhancement of IFNA synthesis observed upon HIV-1 infection resulted in significant inhibition of HIV-1 replication for a period of at least 30 days. Virus isolated from IFNA-producing cells was able to replicate in the U937 cells but did not replicate efficiently in U937 cells transduced with the IFNA gene. These results suggest that targeting IFN synthesis to HIV-1-infected cells is an attainable goal and that autocrine IFN synthesis results in a long-lasting and permanent suppression of HIV-1 replication.  相似文献   

The productive replication of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) occurs exclusively in defined cells of human or chimpanzee origin, explaining why heterologous animal models for HIV replication, pathogenesis, vaccination, and therapy are not available. This lack of an animal model for HIV-1 studies prompted us to examine the susceptibility of feline cells in order to evaluate the cat (Felis catus) as an animal model for studying HIV-1. Here, we report that feline cell lines harbor multiple restrictions with respect to HIV-1 replication. The feline CD4 receptor does not permit virus infection. Feline T-cell lines MYA-1 and FeT-1C showed postentry restrictions resulting in low HIV-1 luciferase reporter activity and low expression of viral Gag-Pol proteins when pseudotyped vectors were used. Feline fibroblastic CrFK and KE-R cells, expressing human CD4 and CCR5, were very permissive for viral entry and HIV-long terminal repeat-driven expression but failed to support spreading infection. KE-R cells displayed a profound block with respect to release of HIV-1 particles. In contrast, CrFK cells allowed very efficient particle production; however, the CrFK cell-derived HIV-1 particles had low specific infectivity. We subsequently identified feline apolipoprotein B-editing catalytic polypeptide 3 (feAPOBEC3) proteins as active inhibitors of HIV-1 particle infectivity. CrFK cells express at least three different APOBEC3s: APOBEC3C, APOBEC3H, and APOBEC3CH. While the feAPOBEC3C did not significantly inhibit HIV-1, the feAPOBEC3H and feAPOBEC3CH induced G to A hypermutations of the viral cDNA and reduced the infectivity approximately 10- to approximately 40-fold.  相似文献   

We investigated the ability of western equine encephalitis virus envelope glycoproteins (WEEV GP) to pseudotype lentiviral vectors. The titers of WEEV GP-pseudotyped human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV) ranged as high as 8.0 × 104 IU/ml on permissive cells. Sera from WEEV-infected mice specifically neutralized these pseudotypes; cell transduction was also sensitive to changes in pH. The host range of the pseudotyped particles in vitro was somewhat limited, which is atypical for most alphaviruses. HIV vectors pseudotyped by WEEV GP may be a useful tool for characterizing WEEV cell binding and entry and screening for small-molecule inhibitors.  相似文献   

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