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The domestication of the Neolithic founder crops of the Near East has recently been a topic of debate particularly with respect to how rapidly the domestication of these crops occurred. One school of thought maintains that these processes lasted several thousand years (‘protracted model’ with ‘gathering’, ‘cultivation’ and ‘domestication’ as three stages of a continuum, each taking up to several thousand years), while another favors the view that domestication occurred much more quickly, over several hundred years at most (‘rapid transition’). Our study focuses on one of these crops, 1-grained domesticated Einkorn wheat, incorporating data from geology, vegetation history, and climate. In the Karacadağ region of southeastern Turkey, where 1-grained Einkorn wheat was domesticated, the climate was severe (i.e. cold and dry) during the Younger Dryas. The climate of the Younger Dryas acted as boundary during which a) conditions were not suitable for ‘cultivation’, and b) Einkorn would have retreated to refugia exhibiting more suitable moisture-bearing soils that would have made ‘gathering’ difficult. Around 11600 cal. b.p., the Younger Dryas ended and a very rapid climatic amelioration commenced at the beginning of the Early Holocene, enabling grasses to spread throughout the region. A ritual PPNA/PPNB site (G?bekli Tepe) and associated PPNB settlements such as Nevali ?ori and ?ay?nü were established at this time. In the settlements of Nevali ?ori and Cafer H?yük, the oldest domesticated Einkorn was found in the earliest archaeological layers. This confirms that the inhabitants made use of domesticated 1-grained Einkorn from the very beginning of settlement activity, although they continued to practice a mixed lifestyle as hunter-gatherers and farmers. For ?ay?nü the issue is more complex, but here domesticated Einkorn also appears around the same time. In summary, by 10400 cal. b.p. domesticated 1-grained Einkorn was present in large quantities at a variety of sites. This would give a maximum window of time lasting approximately 1,200 years and is therefore not in agreement with the ‘protracted’ model but would be consistent with a ‘rapid transition’. It is improbable that the ‘cultivation’ of wild Einkorn was practiced in the Karacadağ region, since wild Einkorn was plentiful during the favorable growing conditions following the Younger Dryas, making it more likely that ‘gathering’ would have been practiced. Because Einkorn has not been found in early settlements in the southern Levant, this crop cannot have been ‘gathered’ and ‘cultivated’ there but instead was ‘domesticated’ independently and solely in southeastern Turkey. Therefore, the YD acts as a boundary, providing a maximum time frame for 1-grained Einkorn domestication.  相似文献   

In this article we examine the natural habitats and distribution of the six wild cereals: Triticum urartu (wild urartu wheat), T. boeoticum aegilopoides (single-grained wild einkorn), T. boeoticum thaoudar (two-grained wild einkorn), T. dicoccoides (wild emmer wheat), Secale spp. (wild ryes) and Hordeum spontaneum (wild barley). A comparison of late Pleistocene/early Holocene archaeobotanical assemblages in the Near East with present-day distributions of wild cereals shows a good correlation. The regional variation in the archaeobotanical cereal assemblages and the ensuing domestication provide evidence that different cereal species were domesticated independently in different areas. Some sites were not situated near wild cereal habitats and a few were located outside the limits of distribution, even accounting for moister climatic conditions. I argue here that current models which try to explain the shift to farming have tended to over-emphasize the effect of the Younger Dryas climatic change. First, it would have had only a minor effect on cereal availability. Secondly, agriculture appears to have been established after the Younger Dryas. Thirdly, there is no evidence for a single centre of origin; agriculture arose in widely separated geographic and climatic regions. And fourthly, agriculture depends on stable climatic conditions which were not established until after the Younger Dryas.  相似文献   

The recent review by Fuller et al. (2012a) in this journal is part of a series of papers maintaining that plant domestication in the Near East was a slow process lasting circa 4000?years and occurring independently in different locations across the Fertile Crescent. Their protracted domestication scenario is based entirely on linear regression derived from the percentage of domesticated plant remains at specific archaeological sites and the age of these sites themselves. This paper discusses why estimates like haldanes and darwins cannot be applied to the seven founder crops in the Near East (einkorn and emmer wheat, barley, peas, chickpeas, lentils, and bitter vetch). All of these crops are self-fertilizing plants and for this reason they do not fulfil the requirements for performing calculations of this kind. In addition, the percentage of domesticates at any site may be the result of factors other than those that affect the selection for domesticates growing in the surrounding area. These factors are unlikely to have been similar across prehistoric sites of habitation, societies, and millennia. The conclusion here is that single crop analyses are necessary rather than general reviews drawing on regression analyses based on erroneous assumptions. The fact that all seven of these founder crops are self-fertilizers should be incorporated into a comprehensive domestication scenario for the Near East, as self-fertilization naturally isolates domesticates from their wild progenitors.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The harvesting method of wild and cultivated cereals has long been recognized as an important factor in the emergence of domesticated non-shattering ear genotypes. This study aimed to quantify the effects of spike brittleness and threshability on threshing time and efficiency in emmer wheat, and to evaluate the implications of post-harvest processes on domestication of cereals in the Near East.


A diverse collection of tetraploid wheat genotypes, consisting of Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccoides – the wild progenitor of domesticated wheat – traditional landraces, modern cultivars (T. turgidum ssp. durum) and 150 recombinant (wild × modern) inbred lines, was used in replicated controlled threshing experiments to quantify the effects of spike brittleness and threshability on threshing time and efficiency.

Key Results

The transition from a brittle hulled wild phenotype to non-brittle hulled phenotype (landraces) was associated with an approx. 30 % reduction in threshing time, whereas the transition from the latter to non-brittle free-threshing cultivars was associated with an approx. 85 % reduction in threshing time. Similar trends were obtained with groups of recombinant inbred lines showing extreme phenotypes of brittleness and threshability.


In tetraploid wheat, both non-brittle spike and free-threshing are labour-saving traits that increase the efficiency of post-harvest processing, which could have been an incentive for rapid domestication of the Near Eastern cereals, thus refuting the recently proposed hypothesis regarding extra labour associated with the domesticated phenotype (non-brittle spike) and its presumed role in extending the domestication episode time frame.  相似文献   

All forms of domesticated tetraploid wheat (Triticum turgidum, genomes AABB) are nearly monomorphic for restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) haplotype a at the Xpsr920 locus on chromosome 4A (Xpsr920-A1a), and wild tetraploid wheat is monomorphic for haplotype b. The Xpsr920-A1a/b dimorphism provides a molecular marker for domesticated and wild tetraploid wheat, respectively. Hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum, genomes AABBDD) is polymorphic for the 2 haplotypes. Bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones hybridizing with PSR920 were isolated from Triticum urartu (genomes AA), Triticum monococcum (genomes AmAm), and T. turgidum ssp. durum (genomes AABB) and sequenced. PSR920 is a fragment of a putative ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporter gene (designated ABCT-1). The wheat ABCT-1 gene is more similar to the T. urartu gene than to the T. monococcum gene and diverged from the T. urartu gene about 0.7 MYA. The comparison of the sequence of the wheat A genome BAC clone with that of the T. urartu BAC clone provides the first insight into the microsynteny of the wheat A genome with that of T. urartu. Within 103 kb of orthologous intergenic space, 37 kb of new DNA has been inserted and 36 kb deleted leaving 49.7% of the region syntenic between the clones. The nucleotide substitution rate in the syntenic intergenic space has been 1.6 x 10(-8) nt(-1) year(-1), which is, respectively, 4 and 3 times as great as nucleotide substitution rates in the introns and the third codon positions of the juxtaposed gene. The RFLP is caused by a miniature inverted transposable element (MITE) insertion into intron 18 of the ABCT-A1 gene. Polymerase chain reaction primers were developed for the amplification of the MITE insertion site and its sequencing. The T. aestivum ABCT-A1a haplotype is identical to the haplotype of domesticated tetraploid wheat, and the ABCT-A1b haplotype is identical to that of wild tetraploid wheat. This finding shows for the first time that wild tetraploid wheat participated in the evolution of hexaploid wheat. A cline of the 2 haplotype frequencies exists across Euro-Asia in T. aestivum. It is suggested that T. aestivum in eastern Asia conserved the gene pool of the original T. aestivum more than wheat elsewhere.  相似文献   

Remains of barley (Hordeum vulgare) grains found at archaeological sites in the Fertile Crescent indicate that about 10,000 years ago the crop was domesticated there from its wild relative Hordeum spontaneum. The domestication history of barley is revisited based on the assumptions that DNA markers effectively measure genetic distances and that wild populations are genetically different and they have not undergone significant change since domestication. The monophyletic nature of barley domestication is demonstrated based on allelic frequencies at 400 AFLP polymorphic loci studied in 317 wild and 57 cultivated lines. The wild populations from Israel-Jordan are molecularly more similar than are any others to the cultivated gene pool. The results provided support for the hypothesis that the Israel-Jordan area is the region in which barley was brought into culture. Moreover, the diagnostic allele I of the homeobox gene BKn-3, rarely but almost exclusively found in Israel H. spontaneum, is pervasive in western landraces and modern cultivated varieties. In landraces from the Himalayas and India, the BKn-3 allele IIIa prevails, indicating that an allelic substitution has taken place during the migration of barley from the Near East to South Asia. Thus, the Himalayas can be considered a region of domesticated barley diversification.  相似文献   

Wheat was one of the first crops to be domesticated more than 10,000 years ago in the Middle East. Molecular genetics and archaeological data have allowed the reconstruction of plausible domestication scenarios leading to modern cultivars. For diploid einkorn and tetraploid durum wheat, a single domestication event has likely occurred in the Karacadag Mountains, Turkey. Following a cross between tetraploid durum and diploid T.?tauschii, the resultant hexaploid bread wheat was domesticated and disseminated around the Caucasian region. These polyploidisation events facilitated wheat domestication and created genetic bottlenecks, which excluded potentially adaptive alleles. With the urgent need to accelerate genetic progress to confront the challenges of climate change and sustainable agriculture, wild ancestors and old landraces represent a reservoir of underexploited genetic diversity that may be utilized through modern breeding methods. Understanding domestication processes may thus help identifying new strategies.  相似文献   

Archaeozoological and genetic data indicate that taurine cattle were first domesticated from local wild ox (aurochs) in the Near East some 10,500 years ago. However, while modern mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation indicates early Holocene founding event(s), a lack of ancient DNA data from the region of origin, variation in mutation rate estimates, and limited application of appropriate inference methodologies have resulted in uncertainty on the number of animals first domesticated. A large number would be expected if cattle domestication was a technologically straightforward and unexacting region-wide phenomenon, while a smaller number would be consistent with a more complex and challenging process. We report mtDNA sequences from 15 Neolithic to Iron Age Iranian domestic cattle and, in conjunction with modern data, use serial coalescent simulation and approximate Bayesian computation to estimate that around 80 female aurochs were initially domesticated. Such a low number is consistent with archaeological data indicating that initial domestication took place in a restricted area and suggests the process was constrained by the difficulty of sustained managing and breeding of the wild progenitors of domestic cattle.  相似文献   

The diploid wheat Triticum monococcum L. (einkorn) was among the first crops domesticated by humans in the Fertile Crescent 10,000 years ago. During the last 5,000 years, it was replaced by tetraploid and hexaploid wheats and largely forgotten by modern breeders. Einkorn germplasm is thus devoid of breeding bottlenecks and has therefore preserved in unfiltered form the full spectrum of genetic variation that was present during its domestication. We investigated haplotype variation among >12 million nucleotides sequenced at 18 loci across 321 wild and 92 domesticate T. monococcum lines. In contrast to previous studies of cereal domestication, we sampled hundreds of wild lines, rather than a few dozen. Unexpectedly, our broad sample of wild lines reveals that wild einkorn underwent a process of natural genetic differentiation, most likely an incipient speciation, prior to domestication. That natural differentiation was previously overlooked within wild einkorn, but it bears heavily upon inferences concerning the domestication process because it brought forth 3 genetically, and to some extent morphologically, distinct wild einkorn races that we designate here as alpha, beta, and gamma. Only one of those natural races, beta, was exploited by humans for domestication. Nucleotide diversity and haplotype diversity in domesticate einkorn is higher than in its wild sister group, the einkorn beta race, indicating that einkorn underwent no reduction of diversity during domestication. This is in contrast to findings from previous studies of domestication history among more intensely bred crop species. Taken together with archaeological findings from the Fertile Crescent, the data indicate that a specific wild einkorn race that arose without human intervention was subjected to multiple independent domestication events.  相似文献   

The Fertile Crescent represents the center of origin and earliest known place of domestication for many cereal crops. During the transition from wild grasses to domesticated cereals, many host-specialized pathogen species are thought to have emerged. A sister population of the wheat-adapted pathogen Mycosphaerella graminicola was identified on wild grasses collected in northwest Iran. Isolates of this wild grass pathogen from 5 locations in Iran were compared with 123 M. graminicola isolates from the Middle East, Europe, and North America. DNA sequencing revealed a close phylogenetic relationship between the pathogen populations. To reconstruct the evolutionary history of M. graminicola, we sequenced 6 nuclear loci encompassing 464 polymorphic sites. Coalescence analyses indicated a relatively recent origin of M. graminicola, coinciding with the known domestication of wheat in the Fertile Crescent around 8,000-9,000 BC. The sympatric divergence of populations was accompanied by strong genetic differentiation. At the present time, no genetic exchange occurs between pathogen populations on wheat and wild grasses although we found evidence that gene flow may have occurred since genetic differentiation of the populations.  相似文献   

A reconsideration of the domestication geography of tetraploid wheats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The domestication of tetraploid wheats started from their wild progenitor Triticum dicoccoides. In this paper, the geographical distribution of this progenitor is revised to include more sampling locations. The paper is based on a collection of wild and domesticated lines (226 accessions in total) analyzed by AFLP at 169 polymorphic loci. The collection includes the 69 wild lines considered by Mori et al. (2003) in their study on chloroplast DNA haplotypes of T. dicoccoides. The goal of the experiment was to reconsider which location thought to have generated the domesticated germplasm has the highest chance of being the actual site from which wild progenitors were sampled during domestication. Phylogenetic analysis of the nuclear AFLP databases indicates that two different genetic taxa of T. dicoccoides exist, the western one, colonizing Israel, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan, and the central-eastern one, which has been frequently sampled in Turkey and rarely in Iran and Iraq. It is the central-eastern race that played the role of the progenitor of the domesticated germplasm. This is supported by the cumulative results of the AFLP data from the collections of Ozkan et al. (2002) and of Mori et al. (2003), which indicate that the Turkish Karacadag population, intermixed with some Iraq-Iran lines, has a tree topology consistent with that of the progenitor of domesticated genotypes. The Turkish Kartal population belongs genetically to the central-eastern T. dicoccoides race but at the nuclear DNA level is less related to the domesticated gene pool. A general agreement between published work on tetraploid wheat domestication emerges from these results. A disagreement is nevertheless evident at the local geographical scale; the chloroplast DNA data indicate the Kartal mountains while AFLP fingerprinting points to the Karacadag Range as the putative site of tetraploid wheat domestication.  相似文献   

Several demographic and selective events occurred during the domestication of wheat from the allotetraploid wild emmer (Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccoides). Cultivated wheat has since been affected by other historical events. We analyzed nucleotide diversity at 21 loci in a sample of 101 individuals representing 4 taxa corresponding to representative steps in the recent evolution of wheat (wild, domesticated, cultivated durum, and bread wheats) to unravel the evolutionary history of cultivated wheats and to quantify its impact on genetic diversity. Sequence relationships are consistent with a single domestication event and identify 2 genetically different groups of bread wheat. The wild group is not highly polymorphic, with only 212 polymorphic sites among the 21,720 bp sequenced, and, during domestication, diversity was further reduced in cultivated forms--by 69% in bread wheat and 84% in durum wheat--with considerable differences between loci, some retaining no polymorphism at all. Coalescent simulations were performed and compared with our data to estimate the intensity of the bottlenecks associated with domestication and subsequent selection. Based on our 21-locus analysis, the average intensity of domestication bottleneck was estimated at about 3--giving a population size for the domesticated form about one third that of wild dicoccoides. The most severe bottleneck, with an intensity of about 6, occurred in the evolution of durum wheat. We investigated whether some of the genes departed from the empirical distribution of most loci, suggesting that they might have been selected during domestication or breeding. We detected a departure from the null model of demographic bottleneck for the hypothetical gene HgA. However, the atypical pattern of polymorphism at this locus might reveal selection on the linked locus Gsp1A, which may affect grain softness--an important trait for end-use quality in wheat.  相似文献   

Genetics and geography of wild cereal domestication in the near east   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
About 12,000 years ago, humans began the transition from hunter-gathering to a sedentary, agriculture-based society. From its origins in the Near East, farming expanded throughout Europe, Asia and Africa, together with various domesticated plants and animals. Where, how and why agriculture originated is still debated. But newer findings, on the basis of genome-wide measures of genetic similarity, have traced the origins of some domesticated cereals to wild populations of naturally occurring grasses that persist in the Near East. A better understanding of the genetic differences between wild grasses and domesticated crops adds important facets to the continuing debate on the origin of Western agriculture and the societies to which it gave rise.  相似文献   

The origin of the grapevine was investigated with archaeobotanical, cultural and historical data. A primary domestication centre was located in the Near East region but there is no agreement on the existence or role of secondary domestication centres. In this work, PCR-based microsatellite analysis has been applied to study the origin of some Italian cultivated grapevines from in situ direct domestication of the wild autoctonous grapevine. Three different Italian locations in Grosseto, Cosenza and Nuoro were identified for this study, and domesticated grapevine as well as wild local accessions growing in these location, were analysed by SSR markers. Cluster analysis performed on Cosenza and Grosseto samples showed a high value of genetic distance between domesticated and wild accessions. On the contrary two cultivars (Bovale Murru and Bovale Muristellu) recovered in Nuoro (in the Sardinia island) were very close to some wild varieties. This suggests that the latter two cultivars may have originated from wild grapevines and consequently that in this location a secondary grapevine domestication event occurred. Six Lambrusco varieties were also included in this analysis as ancient putative ancestors of the cultivated grapevines. The molecular analysis excluded this hypothesis and suggest Lambrusco as an independent Vitis taxon.The first two authors contributed equally to this research  相似文献   

Archaeobotanical evidence for Near Eastern einkorn wheat, barley, and Chinese rice suggests that the fixation of key domestication traits such as non-shattering was slower than has often been assumed. This suggests a protracted period of pre-domestication cultivation, and therefore implies that both in time and in space the initial start of cultivation was separated from eventual domestication, when domesticated and wild populations would have become distinct gene pools. Archaeobotanical evidence increasingly suggests more pathways to cultivation than are represented by modern domesticated crop lines, including apparent early experiments with cultivation that did not lead to domestication, and early domesticates, such as two-grained einkorn and striate-emmeroid wheats, which went extinct in prehistory. This diverse range of early crops is hard to accommodate within a single centre of origin for all early Near Eastern cultivars, despite suggestions from genetic datasets that single origins from a single centre ought to be expected. This apparent discrepancy between archaeobotany and genetics highlights the need for modelling the expected genetic signature of different domestication scenarios, including multiple origins. A computer simulation of simple plant populations with 20 chromosomes was designed to explore potential differences between single and double origins of domesticated populations as they might appear in genomic datasets millennia later. Here we report a new simulation of a self-pollinating (2% outbreeding) plant compared to panmictic populations, and find that the general outcome is similar with multiple starts of cultivation drifting towards apparent monophyly in genome-wide phylogenetic analysis over hundreds of generations. This suggests that multiple origins of cultivation of a given species may be missed in some forms of modern genetic analysis, and it highlights the need for more complex modelling of population genetic processes associated with the origins of agriculture.  相似文献   

Evidence is brought to indicate that the domestication of lentil and pea is not very different from that of wheat and barley. All these Near East crops are characterized by basically the same domestication traits the key elements of which are breakdown of the wild mode of seed dispersal and loss of germination regulation. It is argued that both in the pulses and in the cereals these traits evolved in the same way. The changes are best explained by assuming that mutations causing the loss of the wild-type adaptations were automatically selected for soon after people transferred the wild progenitors into a system of planting and reaping.  相似文献   



When domestic taurine cattle diffused from the Fertile Crescent, local wild aurochsen (Bos primigenius) were still numerous. Moreover, aurochsen and introduced cattle often coexisted for millennia, thus providing potential conditions not only for spontaneous interbreeding, but also for pastoralists to create secondary domestication centers involving local aurochs populations. Recent mitochondrial genomes analyses revealed that not all modern taurine mtDNAs belong to the shallow macro-haplogroup T of Near Eastern origin, as demonstrated by the detection of three branches (P, Q and R) radiating prior to the T node in the bovine phylogeny. These uncommon haplogroups represent excellent tools to evaluate if sporadic interbreeding or even additional events of cattle domestication occurred.


The survey of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control-region variation of 1,747 bovine samples (1,128 new and 619 from previous studies) belonging to 37 European breeds allowed the identification of 16 novel non-T mtDNAs, which after complete genome sequencing were confirmed as members of haplogroups Q and R. These mtDNAs were then integrated in a phylogenetic tree encompassing all available P, Q and R complete mtDNA sequences.


Phylogenetic analyses of 28 mitochondrial genomes belonging to haplogroups P (N = 2), Q (N = 16) and R (N = 10) together with an extensive survey of all previously published mtDNA datasets revealed major similarities between haplogroups Q and T. Therefore, Q most likely represents an additional minor lineage domesticated in the Near East together with the founders of the T subhaplogroups. Whereas, haplogroup R is found, at least for the moment, only in Italy and nowhere else, either in modern or ancient samples, thus supporting an origin from European aurochsen. Haplogroup R could have been acquired through sporadic interbreeding of wild and domestic animals, but our data do not rule out the possibility of a local and secondary event of B. primigenius domestication in Italy.  相似文献   

H Mannen  S Tsuji  R T Loftus  D G Bradley 《Genetics》1998,150(3):1169-1175
This article describes complete mitochondrial DNA displacement loop sequences from 32 Japanese Black cattle and the analysis of these data in conjunction with previously published sequences from African, European, and Indian subjects. The origins of North East Asian domesticated cattle are unclear. The earliest domestic cattle in the region were Bos taurus and may have been domesticated from local wild cattle (aurochsen; B. primigenius), or perhaps had an origin in migrants from the early domestic center of the Near East. In phylogenetic analyses, taurine sequences form a dense tree with a center consisting of intermingled European and Japanese sequences with one group of Japanese and another of all African sequences, each forming distinct clusters at extremes of the phylogeny. This topology and calibrated levels of sequence divergence suggest that the clusters may represent three different strains of ancestral aurochs, adopted at geographically and temporally separate stages of the domestication process. Unlike Africa, half of Japanese cattle sequences are topologically intermingled with the European variants. This suggests an interchange of variants that may be ancient, perhaps a legacy of the first introduction of domesticates to East Asia.  相似文献   

Chloroplast DNA polymorphisms were studied by PCR sequencing and PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism in 165 accessions of domesticated landraces of common bean from Latin America and the USA, 23 accessions of weedy beans, and 134 accessions of wild beans covering the entire geographic range of wild Phaseolus vulgaris. Fourteen chloroplast haplotypes were identified in wild beans, only five of which occur also in domesticated beans. The chloroplast data agree with those obtained from analyses based on morphology and isozymes and with other DNA polymorphisms in supporting independent domestications of common bean in Mesoamerica and the Andean region and in demonstrating a founder effect associated with domestication in each region. Andean landraces have been classified into three different racial groups, but all share the same chloroplast haplotype. This suggests that common bean was domesticated once only in South America and that the races diverged post-domestication. The haplotype found in Andean domesticated beans is confined to the southern part of the range of wild beans, so Andean beans were probably domesticated somewhere within this area. Mesoamerican landraces have been classified into four racial groups. Our limited samples of Races Jalisco and Guatemala differ from the more widespread and commercially important Races Mesoamerica and Durango in types and/or frequencies of haplotypes. All four Mesoamerican races share their haplotypes with local wild beans in parts of their ranges. Independent domestications of at least some of the races in Mesoamerica and/or conversion of some locally adapted wild beans to cultigens by hybridization with introduced domesticated beans, followed by introgression of the domestication syndrome seem the most plausible explanations of the chloroplast and other molecular data.  相似文献   

一粒小麦抗白粉病和条锈病基因的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一粒小麦是普通小麦抗性改良的宝贵资源.本研究对24份一粒小麦分别进行了白粉病和条锈病混合菌种苗期接种鉴定,进一步分别用一套白粉病菌菌株(15个)对2份乌拉尔图小麦和条锈病菌小种(21个)对1份栽培一粒小麦进行接种鉴定,其中乌拉尔图小麦UR206能抵抗所有供试白粉菌菌株,UR204除对白粉菌菌株E11感病外,对其余菌株表现抗性;栽培一粒小麦MO205对不同条锈菌小种表现出不同的抗性反应,研究表明乌拉尔图小麦UR206、UR204和栽培一粒小麦MO205分别含有与已知抗白粉病和抗条锈病基因不同的新基因.对乌拉尔图小麦UR204、UR206和栽培一粒小麦MO205分别进行抗白粉和条锈病基因的遗传分析,结果表明乌拉尔图小麦UR204和UR206分别含有一对显性抗白粉病基因,栽培一粒小麦MO205含有两对独立遗传的显性抗条锈病基因.  相似文献   

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