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One of the challenges of understanding habitat requirements of endangered species is that the remaining populations may not be in optimal habitat, requiring experimentation to determine optimal habitat and to guide management. A better knowledge of its habitat requirements is important for the conservation of Streptanthus bracteatus, a rare annual of central Texas woodlands. The habitat requirements of a rare, declining species like S. bracteatus can also provide insights into anthropogenic habitat degradation and into previous disturbance regimes. We conducted a garden experiment and a transplant experiment to determine the effect of different light environments on the growth and reproduction of S. bracteatus. Higher levels of light improved S. bracteatus performance, especially fecundity. The optimum level of combined canopy and understory cover at the height of a S. bracteatus plant (??0.5?m above ground) was less than 50?%. The remaining populations of S. bracteatus are in sub-optimal habitat because it is not open enough. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that this species was a ??fire-follower.?? The results also support the hypotheses that central Texas woodlands were once more open and that fire played an ecological role in these woodlands, an example of the ecological requirements of a rare species revealing past community structure and dynamics.  相似文献   

Cyperus microcristatus , a new species from western Cameroon, is described and illustrated. Its taxonomic affinities are discussed. Cyperus microcristatus is most similar to C. densicaespitosus (syn. Kyllinga pumila ) in general appearance, but differs in its more perennial habit, its smaller spikelets and glumes, which are more prominently winged. Notes on habitat, ecology, distribution and conservation are provided. It is assessed as Critically Endangered, following IUCN (2001).  相似文献   

The natural history of the model yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is poorly understood and confounded by domestication. In nature, S. cerevisiae and its undomesticated relative S. paradoxus are usually found on the bark of oak trees, a habitat very different from wine or other human fermentations. It is unclear whether the oak trees are really the primary habitat for wild yeast, or whether this apparent association is due to biased sampling. We use culturing and high‐throughput environmental sequencing to show that S. paradoxus is a very rare member of the oak bark microbial community. We find that S. paradoxus can grow well on sterile medium made from oak bark, but that its growth is strongly suppressed when the other members of the community are present. We purified a set of twelve common fungal and bacterial species from the oak bark community and tested how each affected the growth of S. paradoxus in direct competition on oak bark medium at summer and winter temperatures, identifying both positive and negative interactions. One Pseudomonas species produces a diffusible toxin that suppresses S. paradoxus as effectively as either the whole set of twelve species together or the complete community present in nonsterilized oak medium. Conversely, one of the twelve species, Mucilaginibacter sp., had the opposite effect and promoted S. paradoxus growth at low temperatures. We conclude that, in its natural oak tree habitat, S. paradoxus is a rare species whose success depends on the much more abundant microbial species surrounding it.  相似文献   

A 19 month field study of rain-forest anthropoids at Idenau and several other rain forests, and a similar 15 month study at Southern Bakundu were conducted in Cameroon, West Africa. The study areas and their primate fauna are described. Polyspecific associations of primates were temporary, but not random, some species occurring together more frequently than others, and with statistical significance. Seasonal environmental factors affecting the composition of polyspecific cercopithecid associations are described. Interspecific social behaviour was infrequent and hybridization rare; instances of each are described. Observations on vertical stratification, habitat preference, seasonal movements and food habits indicated that all these factors contribute to niche separation among five sympatric species of rain-forest Cercopithecus. The major predator of anthropoids in Cameroon is man. To a much lesser extent the Crowned hawk-eagle, Stephanoaëtus coronatus (Linnaeus) preys on Cercopithecus species. It is suggested that polyspecific associations, by increasing the effective group size, give advantages in food location and avoidance of predators without increasing interspecific competition for food and competition between males for females.  相似文献   

We censused all trees ≥1 cm dbh in 50 ha of forest in Korup National Park, southwest Cameroon, in the central African coastal forest known for high diversity and endemism. The plot included 329,519 individuals and 493 species, but 128 of those taxa remain partially identified. Abundance varied over four orders of magnitude, from 1 individual per 50 ha (34 species) to Phyllobotryon spathulatum, with 26,741 trees; basal area varied over six orders of magnitude. Abundance patterns, both the percentage of rare species and the dominance of abundant species were similar to those from 50-ha plots censused the same way in Asia and Latin America. Rare species in the Korup plot were much less likely to be identified than common species: 42% of taxa with <10 individuals in the plot were identified to species, compared to 95% of the abundant taxa. Geographic ranges for all identified species were gleaned from the literature and online flora. Thirteen of the plot species are known only from Korup National Park (all discovered during the plot census), and 39 are restricted to the Nigeria–Cameroon coastal zone. Contrary to expectation, species with narrow geographic ranges were more abundant in the plot than average. The small number of narrow endemics (11% of the species), many locally abundant, mitigates short-term extinction risk, either from demographic stochasticity or habitat loss.  相似文献   

Aim To show that the frequently reported positive trend in the abundance–range‐size relationship does not hold true within a montane bird community of Afrotropical highlands; to test possible explanations of the extraordinary shape of this relationship; and to discuss the influence of island effects on patterns of bird abundance in the Cameroon Mountains. Location Bamenda Highlands, Cameroon, Western Africa. Methods We censused birds during the breeding season in November and December 2003 using a point‐count method and mapped habitat structure at these census points. Local habitat requirements of each species detected by point counts were quantified using canonical correspondence analysis, and the size of geographical ranges of species was measured from their distribution maps for sub‐Saharan Africa. We tested differences in abundance, niche breadth and niche position between three species groups: endemic bird species of the Cameroon Mountains, non‐endemic Afromontane species, and widespread species. Results We detected neither a positive nor negative abundance–range‐size relationship in the bird community studied. This pattern was caused by the similar abundance of widespread, endemic and non‐endemic montane bird species. Moreover, endemic and non‐endemic montane species had broader local niches than widespread species. The widespread species also used more atypical habitats, as indicated by the slightly larger values of their niche positions. Main conclusions The relationship detected between abundance and range size does not correspond with that inferred from contemporary macroecological theory. We suggest that island effects are responsible for the observed pattern. Relatively high abundances of montane species are probably caused by their adaptation to local environmental conditions, which was enabled by climatic stability and the isolation of montane forest in the Cameroon Mountains. Such a unique environment provides a less suitable habitat for widespread species. Montane species, which are abundant at present, may also have had large ranges in glacial periods, but their post‐glacial distribution may have become restricted after the retreat of the montane forest. On the basis of comparison of our results with studies describing the abundance structure of bird communities in other montane areas in the Afrotropics, we suggest that the detected patterns may be universal throughout Afromontane forests.  相似文献   

Very little information is available on the current status of drill populations in Cameroon. We report on drill group sizes and status in Bakossiland, a mountainous area spanning 2000 km2 in the Littoral and South West Provinces of southwestern Cameroon. Between 1970 and 2002 direct visual counts of drill groups (n = 105) yielded group size estimates ranging from 5 to 400 (mean ± S.E.M.; 93.1 ± 8.4). We encountered solitary adult male drills on 8 occasions. Groups were at all elevations (150–2000 m) in 5 habitat types: lowland, premontane, submontane and montane forests and montane savannah at 2000 m). Group sizes did not vary with respect to elevation, habitat type or season (wet and dry mo). However, over the past decade drills have been virtually hunted out of the Mwenzekong Mountains (Banyang Mbo Wildlife Sanctuary), and they are greatly reduced in the southern Bakossi forests of Mwendolengo, Edib Hills and Mungo River. The species became extinct in the Loum Forest Reserve in the late 1970s, and until recently was thought to have become extinct on Mount Mwanenguba. Since 1994 on Mount Kupe, the drill population has begun to recover, largely due to protection afforded by the Bakossi traditional chiefs. Traditional powers and values are still influential in the region. A new national park—Bakossi Mountains National Park— and associated Protected Areas are currently under gazettment. We discuss the effectiveness of conservation strategies in relation to the survival of drills in the area.  相似文献   

This study experimentally tested the impact of peat bog habitat loss and isolation on the invertebrate community associated with Sporadanthus ferrugineus (Restionaceae), a dominant indigenous plant species in peat bogs. Potted S. ferrugineus plants were exposed to invertebrates at various distances up to 800 m from an intact habitat (the source population) over 18 weeks. Invertebrates rapidly colonized the experimental plants, with all major orders and trophic groups present on S. ferrugineus within 6 weeks. However, with increasing distance away from the undisturbed habitat, there was a significant decrease in total species richness and abundance of invertebrates associated with the potted plants. Of the total taxa captured, only 38% were found on potted S. ferrugineus plants at 800 m compared with 62% found on potted plants 30 m from the intact peat bog. Predator species richness and the predator–prey ratio changed significantly with time available for colonization of potted plants but, more importantly, prey (herbivores and detritivores) and predator (including parasitoids) species richness, as well as the predator–prey ratio, declined significantly with increasing isolation from the peat bog. Thus, the degree of isolation of restoration areas from undisturbed habitat has a major impact on the rate and patterns of recovery in invertebrate community structure. The current recommended practice of restoring the mined area by establishing raised "habitat islands" 30 m apart should result in colonization by most invertebrates associated with S. ferrugineus , but only if the restoration islands are placed as stepping stones outward from existing areas of intact habitat.  相似文献   

【目的】未来数十年的气候变化预计会是造成很多物种生境丧失的一个重要因素。对适应能力相对脆弱的地方性物种,预测气候变化对其生境的影响将对生物多样性保护具有重要意义。【方法】本文基于最大熵模型,对珍稀蝉科中国特有种枯蝉Subpsaltria yangi在当前和未来气候条件下的生境适宜度进行了评估。【结果】结果表明,枯蝉主要局限分布于黄土高原及邻近地区。预计至2050年,即使在温和的气候变化情景下,枯蝉的生境面积也会明显减少。影响枯蝉栖息地分布的关键因素为年平均气温、最冷月的最低气温、最冷季的平均气温和最潮湿月份的降水量。枯蝉现存种群栖息地应当受到保护,甘肃天水和陕西延安地区应作为枯蝉分布的核心区予以保护,以应对气候变化对其生境带来的影响。【结论】本研究获得的枯蝉适宜生境分布图可以为该稀有物种的新种群发现、现生种群分布地土地规划管理以及有效的自然保护区设立提供重要信息。  相似文献   

Five species of whiting (Sillaginidae) inhabit Moreton Bay. The school whiting, Sillago bassensis , and stout whiting, S. robusta , are rare, caught occasionally by trawlers in areas of sandy substrates. The sand whiting, S. ciliata , golden-lined whiting, S. analis , and trumpeter whiting, S. maculata , are very common throughout the year. Sillago maculata is distributed almost throughout Moreton Bay, from 1 to 30 m depth. Sillago ciliata and S. analis are shallow water dwellers, from the shoreline to 3 m and 5 m depth, respectively. In the shallow waters, S. ciliata prefers the sandy substrates and S. analis the mud-sandy substrates. Distributions related to the depth, habitat preference, juvenile-adult grounds, food availability, interspecific competition, and winter season are discussed.  相似文献   

三峡库区稀有濒危植物异地保护群落设计的初步研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
提出了建造群落舁地保护三峡库区稀有濒危植物的方法。从地点选择、面积确定、物种组成和群落结构等方面探讨了异地保护群落设计的原理和方法。根据对三峡库区及其附近的残存稀有濒危植物群落的调查,选择九宫山自然保护区的一个独特生境,设计了一个面积约3000m^2,优势种为珙桐(Davidia involucrata)、金线槭(Dipteronia sinensis)、水青树(Tetracentron sinr  相似文献   

Despite the extremely wide distribution of both intermediate (snail) and definitive hosts, the species Schistosoma intercalatum has a highly restricted distribution in parts of West Africa (Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of Congo and S?o Tomé). Recent studies showed that the epidemiology of this species is very dynamic, including invasions and extinctions. This article reviews the epidemiology of S. intercalatum in Cameroon, where the species is endangered, and analyses its overall status in Africa. The possible reasons for the limited distribution of S. intercalatum are discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT To clarify the underlying causes of the species‐area relationship in marsh‐nesting birds, I studied eight freshwater tidal marshes of the Connecticut River that differed in area, degree of isolation, mudflat cover, water cover, tidal regime, and extent of individual plant communities. I measured these habitat variables on aerial infrared photos, and surveyed bird populations by mapping the distribution of all birds in marshes under 5 ha in area and establishing 50‐m radius plots in marshes over 5 ha. From surveys, I determined species richness, population densities, and total populations. Analysis revealed a positive relationship between species richness and area, but no correlation between area and habitat heterogeneity. Other habitat variables were poor predictors of species richness. The lack of a relationship between habitat and species richness appeared to be a consequence of most vegetation types present not being sufficiently distinct for birds to differentially associate with them. I also found no relationship between bird population density and area, suggesting that habitat quality in marshes did not improve with increasing size, and species evenness declined with increasing richness because greater richness was associated with the presence of more rare species. Larger marshes had more rare species, species with larger populations, and species with a minimum threshold area for occurrence. Thus, my results are consistent with theoretical predictions that larger populations are less prone to local extinction and, as individuals are added to a community, more rare species are present.  相似文献   

Spyridium microphyllum (F. Muell. ex Reissek) Druce and Spyridium obcordatum (Hook. f) W. M. Curtis are narrow endemic shrubs which are confined to small parts of Tasmania, Australia, and are rare within their present ranges. Analysis of quadrat data from transects through populations of both species showed that at most individual sites the rare taxa occur in floristically and environmentally distinct situations. However, sites supporting the same species differ floristically and environmentally, with the only communality being a lack of dense tall shrub or tree cover. Both species are absent from many areas with closely similar physical environments and vascular plant species composition to those in which they occur. Thus, their current distributions cannot be explained by limitation to a rare habitat. Spyridium microphyllum appears to be susceptible to local extinction because it is an obligate seeder, is killed by fire, does not survive in taller, dense vegetation, and is not adapted for dispersal over the distances between its potential habitats. While S. obcordatum recovers vegetatively after fire, it also does not survive in dense taller vegetation, has limited dispersal ability and highly disjunct potential habitat. Both species may have been more widespread and competitive during cooler and drier times.  相似文献   

Tropical butterfly conservation strategies often focus on total and/or common species richness to assess the conservation value of a patch or habitat. However, such a strategy overlooks the unique dynamics of rare species. We evaluated the species‐habitat relationships of 209 common, intermediate, and rare butterfly species (including morphospecies) across four habitat types (mature, degraded, or fragmented forest, and urban parks) and two patch sizes (<400 ha, ≥400 ha) in Singapore. Common species richness was consistent across habitat types. Intermediate species richness declined by more than 50 percent in urban parks (relative to all forest habitats), and rare species richness was reduced by 50 percent in degraded and fragmented forest and by 90 percent in urban parks (relative to mature forest). Large patches had comparable overall richness to small patches, but they supported more rare species and three times as many habitat‐restricted species over a similar area. Importantly, a number of rare species were confined to single small patches. Mixed‐effects regression models were constructed to identify habitat and ecological/life history variables associated with butterfly abundance. These models revealed that species with greater habitat specialization, rare larval host plants, few larval host plant genera, and narrow global geographic ranges were more likely to be rare species. Overall, these results demonstrate that the richness of habitat‐restricted and rare species do not follow the same spatial distribution patterns as common species. Therefore, while conserving mature forests is key, effective butterfly conservation in a transformed landscape should take into account rare and habitat‐restricted species.  相似文献   

Complex ecological pressures affect the social dynamics of many primate species, but it is unclear how they affect primate speciation. Molecular tools are often used to answer questions about the evolutionary histories and social systems of primates. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), in particular, is frequently used to answer many of these questions, but because it is passed from mothers to offspring it reveals only the histories of females. In many species, including chimpanzees, females generally disperse from their natal groups while males are philopatric, and thus differences in dispersal patterns likely leave different signatures in the genome. We previously analyzed samples from 187 unrelated male and female chimpanzees in Nigeria and Cameroon using 21 autosomal microsatellites and mtDNA sequences. Here, we examine the contributions of males and females in shaping the genetic history of these chimpanzees by genotyping a subset of 56 males at 12 Y-chromosome microsatellites. We found that Y-chromosome population structure differed from the results of analysis of mtDNA haplotypes. The results also revealed that males in rainforest habitats (Guinean and Congolian rainforests) are more closely related to one another than those inhabiting the savanna-woodland mosaic ecotone in central Cameroon. In contrast, the pattern of female relatedness did not differ across habitats. We hypothesize that these differences in population structure and patterns of relatedness among males in different habitat types may be due to differences in the community dynamics of chimpanzees in the ecotone vs. rainforests, and that these factors contribute to making Cameroon an engine of diversification for chimpanzees. Broadly, these results demonstrate the importance of habitat variation in shaping social systems, population genetics, and primate speciation.  相似文献   

The genus Sericanthe was established and its species were revised 30 years ago by one of the authors. Intensive recent botanical collecting in Lower Guinea (mainly southern Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea and Gabon) has made a reconsideration of species in this area necessary. Revision of the newly collected Lower Guinean herbarium specimens of Sericanthe (twice as many as were available at the time of the first revision) has brought four new species to light, namely S. gabonensis and S. mpassa from Gabon, S. lowryana from Cameroon and S. rabia from Cameroon and Gabon. Distributional data are much augmented, and distributional maps of all species from the area are provided. Four species were reported to be newly recorded for at least one country. The occurrence of the novelties in the main diversity centre of the genus is discussed in the context of the chorology of the entire genus Sericanthe. A first estimation of the conservation status for the new species is given. A synopsis of the genus Sericanthe in Lower Guinea with a taxonomic key is provided. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 169 , 530–554.  相似文献   

The populations of many endangered species are becoming increasingly fragmented, and accurate, current information on the status of these subpopulations is essential for the design of effective conservation strategies within a human-dominated landscape. The drill (Mandrillus leucophaeus) is one of the most spectacular and endangered primates in Africa, yet up-to-date information on its distribution, population status, and conservation outlook is lacking. Cameroon has been estimated to encompass 80 % of the species’ range. We examined the distribution, population status, and conservation outlook for the drill throughout its historic range in Cameroon. To do this, we divided the historic range of the drill in Cameroon (46,000 km2) into 52 survey units along natural and manmade boundary features. Based on a series of field surveys in 2002–2009, village interviews, analysis of geospatial data, and bibliographical research, we assigned each survey unit a rank of 0–4 for 15 parameters indicative of current situation for drills, habitat suitability, and conservation outlook. We obtained direct evidence for the presence of drills in 16 of the 52 survey units, with those of Ejagham, Korup, Ebo, and Nta Ali receiving the highest index scores. We warn of local extirpations and increased isolation among drill populations due to loss of dispersal corridors, e.g., Douala Edea survey unit. In some cases drills persist in forest fragments within human-dominated landscapes, e.g., Kupe-Manenguba, but the species’ future is probably dependent on effective wildlife management in a handful of isolated strongholds where probability of long-term protection is higher, particularly in Korup National Park, Takamanda National Park, and the proposed Ebo National Park. Pressure from current and proposed large-scale commercial plantations, oil prospecting, logging, and the continual human population growth in this region means that a concerted conservation effort will be needed to safeguard the remaining drill habitat if the species is to survive in Cameroon.  相似文献   

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