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The inconsistencies which exist when the traditional tooth-to-bony-landmark/tooth-to-occlusal-relationship criteria of identification of teeth are maintained are discussed. It is pointed out how these (e.g., "the canine is the tooth behind the premaxillary-maxillary suture") can be falsified. It is also suggested that some mammals, including Tarsius and Homo sapiens, develop homologies of three sets of "teeth," and that the "adult" antemolar dentition of a mammal may be composed of retained deciduous teeth as well as permanent teeth. Following a revision of dental homologies in most primates, an approach to reevaluating dental homologies is proposed, and a model of tooth "loss" presented.  相似文献   

The morphology of the distal tibia and its joint surfaces is described in the late Eocene European Necrolemur,the middle Eocene North American Hemiacodon,and an omomyid species from the lower part of the Bridger Formation of North America. Necrolemur,like Tarsius,exhibits tibiofibular fusion, although to a less advanced degree. The Bridger omomyids, however, show no evidence of fusion but are similar to galagos in the conformation of this joint. The distal tibia of euprimates is distinguished by several derived features. These correlate with derived features of the astragalus and are functionally related to the abduction of the foot that accompanies dorsiflexion in primates. Tarsius,omomyids, and anthropoids share a suite of features which distinguish them from strepsirhines; these maybe haplorhine synapomorphies, but the polarity of these features is difficult to determine. If they are synapomorphies, abduction accompanying dorsiflexion and movement at the inferior tibiofibular joint were restricted in ancestral haplorhines. In living primates such restriction is associated with small body size and saltatorial locomotion.  相似文献   



Identifying the phenotypic responses to domestication remains a long-standing and important question for researchers studying its early history. The great diversity in domestic animals and plants that exists today bears testament to the profound changes that domestication has induced in their ancestral wild forms over the last millennia. Domestication is a complex evolutionary process in which wild organisms are moved to new anthropogenic environments. Although modern genetics are significantly improving our understanding of domestication and breed formation, little is still known about the associated morphological changes linked to the process itself. In order to explore phenotypic variation induced by different levels of human control, we analysed the diversity of dental size, shape and allometry in modern free-living and captive wild, wild x domestic hybrid, domestic and insular Sus scrofa populations.


We show that domestication has created completely new dental phenotypes not found in wild boar (although the amount of variation amongst domestic pigs does not exceed that found in the wild). Wild boar tooth shape also appears to be biogeographically structured, likely the result of post-glacial recolonisation history. Furthermore, distinct dental phenotypes were also observed among domestic breeds, probably the result of differing types and intensity of past and present husbandry practices. Captivity also appears to impact tooth shape. Wild x domestic hybrids possess second molars that are strictly intermediate in shape between wild boar and domestic pigs (third molars, however, showing greater shape similarity with wild boar) while their size is more similar to domestic pigs. The dental phenotypes of insular Sus scrofa populations found on Corsica and Sardinia today (originally introduced by Neolithic settlers to the islands) can be explained either by feralization of the original introduced domestic swine or that the founding population maintained a wild boar phenotype through time.


Domestication has driven significant phenotypic diversification in Sus scrofa. Captivity (environmental control), hybridization (genome admixture), and introduction to islands all correspond to differing levels of human control and may be considered different stages of the domestication process. The relatively well-known genetic evolutionary history of pigs shows a similar complexity at the phenotypic level.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12862-014-0269-x) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Domestication of the Bovini species (taurine cattle, zebu, yak, river buffalo and swamp buffalo) since the early Holocene (ca. 10 000 BCE) has contributed significantly to the development of human civilization. In this study, we review recent literature on the origin and phylogeny, domestication and dispersal of the three major Bos species – taurine cattle, zebu and yak – and their genetic interactions. The global dispersion of taurine and zebu cattle was accompanied by population bottlenecks, which resulted in a marked phylogeographic differentiation of the mitochondrial and Y-chromosomal DNA. The high diversity of European breeds has been shaped through isolation-by-distance, different production objectives, breed formation and the expansion of popular breeds. The overlapping and broad ranges of taurine and zebu cattle led to hybridization with each other and with other bovine species. For instance, Chinese gayal carries zebu mitochondrial DNA; several Indonesian zebu descend from zebu bull × banteng cow crossings; Tibetan cattle and yak have exchanged gene variants; and about 5% of the American bison contain taurine mtDNA. Analysis at the genomic level indicates that introgression may have played a role in environmental adaptation.  相似文献   

Environmental stress may effect the outcome of routine investigations as well as experimental procedures. This is illustrated by investigations in the domestic fowl.  相似文献   

The process of crop domestication involves artificial selection for beneficial traits in plants, such as yield, standard development times for ease of harvest, and pest and disease resistance. This process has greatly improved crop performance and can allow farmers to produce viable harvests in previously un-profitable circumstances. However, there is growing evidence that domestication may impact species interactions perhaps through the amplification of effects across spatial scales and so have a pervasive influence on the functioning and sustainability of agro-ecosystems. This can occur directly, through unintentional alteration to crop traits that disrupt the host-finding ability of natural enemies; or indirectly through alterations to within-plant nutritional quality that impacts herbivore size and density and then ramifies throughout food chains. At the field level, the low variability in traits between individual plants means that particular weed and invertebrate communities are associated with each crop type. At the landscape level, the use of one or a few varieties across wide spatial scales, planted and harvested relatively synchronously, further reduces diversity. This process acting across multiple spatial scales represents a considerable selection pressure that may result in feedback-loops which favour the occurrence of particular traits within the community (e.g. resistance to pesticides). In order to properly balance the ‘pros and cons’ of the widespread adoption of new varieties, for the future, we must consider how particular traits influence interactions within the wider ecological community, and how these effects amplify across spatial scales. Here we argue that the process of domestication (with the primary goal of yield increases) and the widespread use of a few varieties has led to potentially detrimental impacts on species interactions, and suggest possible strategies for mitigating some of these negative impacts in the future.  相似文献   

李晶  张亚平 《生物多样性》2009,17(4):319-329
动物的驯化是新石器时代农业革命的主要内容之一, 导致了人类生活方式从狩猎向畜牧的转变。开展家养动物起源与驯化的研究, 不仅有助于了解人类社会的发展史和人工选择下动物的进化过程, 而且有助于开展家养动物的良种选育和遗传多样性保护, 因此该研究领域受到了人们的长期关注。近年来, 随着更多考古证据的发现与分子遗传学的发展, 人们对于家养动物的起源与驯化有了更深入的认识。本文对家养动物起源与驯化研究中一些基本问题的研究方法和进展进行了综述。文章第一部分介绍了家养动物的野生祖先、起源地、起源时间、建群者大小和扩散路线等问题; 第二部分则涉及家养动物驯化的条件、过程、性状改变及其遗传机制等方面。最后指出了家养动物起源与驯化研究中依然存在的问题, 并对未来研究发展的趋势进行了讨论。  相似文献   

蔡新宇  毛晓伟  赵毅强 《生物多样性》2022,30(4):21457-4733
驯化动物伴随了人类上万年的进化历程。在驯化过程中, 家养动物表型和行为特征发生巨大改变, 并与人类生产生活的进步相适应。研究动物驯化问题对于了解遗传多样性及适应性进化, 解析复杂性状的遗传机制等具有重要的意义, 成为生物学领域的重点研究内容之一。本文专注于动物驯化的初始阶段, 首先介绍了驯化起源的时间与地点、驯化途径和驱动因、驯化后的扩散和品种选育; 其次从驯化对象的角度着重介绍了考古学、分子和群体遗传学两方面的家养动物驯化起源的研究策略、优势与不足, 以及未来的发展方向; 最后, 我们综合多方面的证据, 介绍了在中国驯化的家猪(Sus domesticus)和家鸡(Gallus gallus domesticus)以及其他主要家养动物考古和分子水平上驯化起源的研究进展。本文整合多种证据为家养动物驯化起源的研究提供了相对完整的视角和新的思路。  相似文献   

Whereas hundreds of breeds of domestic dogs are known, only several dozen domestic cat breeds are currently recognized, and the ferret is not classified into specific breeds. We studied pre- and postnatal patterns of development and growth in the domesticated forms of these three carnivoran species. We present the most comprehensive staging system for domestic dog embryos to date and define qualitative characters for phylogenetic comparisons. For postnatal development, we present analyses of new and literature measurements of cranial and limb proportions. We analyze changes in the progress of growth among different domestic dog and domestic cat breeds. All three domesticated forms drastically differ in the relative timing of prenatal development. This is correlated with ontogenetic plasticity at birth, which enables artificial selection to act. For postnatal development, we detected a greater shape variance in domestic dog ontogeny when compared to that of the domestic cat. We conclude that ontogenetic preconditions as well as body size constrain the species’ capability for artificial selection in domestic dogs and cats. However, we speculate that the human requirements for functional performance of their domesticates might render some developmental biases substantially. Although ferrets would be preferable for artificial selection given their plastic embryonic development, they have been of less interest for domestication due to their small body size - by which they were already well adapted for hunting in burrows - and due to the fact that other relevant tasks were already assumed by domestic cats and dogs since earlier phases of human cultural evolution.  相似文献   

The Penicillium roqueforti group has recently been split into three species, P. roqueforti, Penicillium carneum, and Penicillium paneum, on the basis of differences in ribosomal DNA sequences and secondary metabolite profiles. We reevaluated the taxonomic identity of 52 livestock feed isolates from Sweden, previously identified by morphology as P. roqueforti, by comparing the sequences of the ribosomal internal transcribed spacer region. Identities were confirmed with random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis and secondary metabolite profiles. Of these isolates, 48 were P. roqueforti, 2 were P. paneum, and 2 were Penicillium expansum. No P. carneum isolates were found. The three species produce different mycotoxins, but no obvious relationship between mold and animal disease was detected, based on medical records. P. roqueforti appears to dominate in silage, but the ecological and toxicological importance of P. carneum and P. paneum as feed spoilage fungi is not clear. This is the first report of P. expansum in silage.  相似文献   

Proteomic approaches are gaining increasing importance in the context of all fields of animal and veterinary sciences, including physiology, productive characterization, and disease/parasite tolerance, among others. Proteomic studies mainly aim the proteome characterization of a certain organ, tissue, cell type or organism, either in a specific condition or comparing protein differential expression within two or more selected situations. Due to the high complexity of samples, usually total protein extracts, proteomics relies heavily on separation procedures, being 2D-electrophoresis and HPLC the most common, as well as on protein identification using mass spectrometry (MS) based methodologies. Despite the increasing importance of MS in the context of animal and veterinary science studies, the usefulness of such tools is still poorly perceived by the animal science community. This is primarily due to the limited knowledge on mass spectrometry by animal scientists. Additionally, confidence and success in protein identification is hindered by the lack of information in public databases for most of farm animal species and their pathogens, with the exception of cattle (Bos taurus), pig (Sus scrofa) and chicken (Gallus gallus). In this article, we will briefly summarize the main methodologies available for protein identification using mass spectrometry providing a case study of specific applications in the field of animal science. We will also address the difficulties inherent to protein identification using MS, with particular reference to experiments using animal species poorly described in public databases. Additionally, we will suggest strategies to increase the rate of successful identifications when working with farm animal species.  相似文献   

Many animal species attempt to enhance their environments through niche construction or environmental engineering. Such efforts at environmental modification are proposed to play an important and underappreciated role in shaping biotic communities and evolutionary processes. 1 , 2 Homo sapiens is acknowledged as the ultimate niche constructing species in terms of our rich repertoire of ecosystem engineering skills and the magnitude of their impact. We have been trying to make the world a better place—for ourselves—for tens of thousands of years. I argue here that it is within this general context of niche‐construction behavior that our distant ancestors initially domesticated plants and animals and, in the process, first gained the ability to significantly alter the world's environments. The general concept of niche construction also provides the logical link between current efforts to understand domestication being conducted at two disconnected scales of analysis. At the level of individual plant and animal species, on one hand, there recently have been significant advances in our knowledge of the what, when, and where of domestication of an ever‐increasing number of species worldwide. 3 At the same time, large‐scale regional or universal developmental models of the transition to food production continue to be formulated. These incorporate a variety of “macro‐evolutionary” causal variables that may account for why human societies first domesticated plants and animals. 4 , 5 This essay employs the general concept of niche construction to address the intervening question of how, and to connect these two scales of analysis by identifying the general behavioral context within which human societies responded to “macroevolutionary” causal variables and forged new human plant or animal relationships of domestication.  相似文献   

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