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Transformer stations in apartment buildings may offer a possibility to conduct epidemiological studies that involve high exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields (MF), avoid selection bias and minimize confounding factors. To validate exposure assessment based on transformer stations, measurements were performed in thirty buildings in three Finnish cities. In each building, spot measurements in all rooms and a 24-h recording in a bedroom were performed in one apartment above a transformer station (AAT), in one first floor (FF) reference apartment, and one reference apartment on upper floors (UF). The apartment mean of spot measurements was 0.62 microT in the AATs, 0.21 microT in the FF and 0.11 microT in the UF reference apartments The 24-h apartment mean (estimated from the spot measurements and the bedroom 24-h recording) was 0.2 microT or higher in 29 (97%) AATs, in 7 (25%) FF and in 3 (10 %) UF reference apartments. The corresponding numbers for the 0.4 microT cut-off point were 19 (63%), 4 (14%), and 1 (3.3%). The higher MF level in the FF reference apartments indicates that they should not be considered "unexposed" in epidemiological studies. If such apartments are excluded, a transformer station under the floor predicts 24-h apartment mean MF with a sensitivity of 0.41 (or 0.58) and a specificity of 0.997 (or 0.97), depending on the MF cut-off point (0.2 or 0.4 microT). The results indicate that apartments can be reliably classified as high and low MF field categories based on the known location of transformer stations.  相似文献   

This study sought to estimate the relative contribution of exposure to 50 Hz magnetic fields experienced at home, at work/school, or elsewhere to the total exposure over 24 hr. Personal exposure meters were carried by 97 adults and children in the Stockholm area. About half of the subjects lived close (<50 m) to a transmission line and half far (>100 m) away. Spot measurements and calculations for the residential exposure were also made. For subjects living<50 m from the line, the exposure at home contributed about 80% of the total magnetic field exposure, measured in mT-hours. Adults living far away experienced only 38% of the total exposure at home, but children still received 55%. Subjects with low time-weighted average (TWA) exposure both at home and at work spent 84% of their time in fields <0.1 microT, and those with high TWA at both locations spent 69% of their time in fields > or = 0.2 microT. This contrast was diluted if only exposure at one location was considered. For spot measurements and calculations of the residential exposure, both sensitivity and specificity was good. However, the intermediate field exposure category (0.1-0.19 microT) showed poor correlation to the 24 hr personal measurements.  相似文献   

Considerable interest has developed during the past ten years regarding the hypothesis that living organisms may respond to temporal variability in ELF magnetic fields to which they are exposed. Consequently, methods to measure various aspects of temporal variability are of interest. In this paper, five measures of temporal variability were examined: Arithmetic means (D(mean)) and rms values (D(rms)) of the first differences (i.e., absolute value of the difference between consecutive measurements) of magnetic field recordings; "standardized" forms of D(rms), denoted RCMS, obtained by dividing D(rms) by the standard deviations of the magnetic field data; and mean (F(mean)) and rms (F(rms)) values of fractional first differences. Theoretical investigations showed that D(mean) and D(rms) are virtually unaffected by long-term systematic trends (changes) in exposure. These measures thus provide rather specific measures of short-term temporal variability. This was also true to a lesser extent for F(mean) and F(rms). In contrast, the RCMS metric was affected by both short-term and long-term exposure variabilities. The metrics were also investigated using a data set consisting of twice-repeated two-calendar-day recordings of bedroom magnetic fields and personal exposures of 203 women residing in the western portion of Washington State. The predominant source of short-term temporal variability in magnetic field exposures arose from the movement of subjects through spatially varying magnetic fields. Spearman correlations between TWA bedroom magnetic fields or TWA personal exposures and five measures of temporal variability were relatively low. Weak to moderate levels of correlation were observed between temporal variability measured during two different sessions separated in time by 3 or 6 months. We conclude that first difference and fractional difference metrics provide specific and fairly independent measures of short-term temporal variability. The RCMS metric does not provide an easily interpreted measure of short-term or long-term temporal variability. This last result raises uncertainties about the interpretation of published studies that use the RCMS metric.  相似文献   

The development of a wire code protocol based on a study of electrical installations in Melbourne, Australia, is described. Because of very significant differences between the Melbourne power distribution system and that used in Denver, Colorado, an approach different from that used by Wertheimer and Leeper was required. A combined practical and theoretical approach was used to determine a continuous exposure index, defined as a measure of the potential for exposure due to external electrical installations. The protocol was tested on a convenient sample of 41 homes in which the field was monitored over a 12 hour overnight period. A correlation of 0.85 (95% CI 0.74–0.92, P < .0001) was obtained between the measured time-weighted average and the wire coding exposure index. To assess the efficacy of the wiring configuration index, a computer simulation of a case-control study was then performed. It was concluded that, using the same basic reasoning of the Wertheimer and Leeper code, it is possible to develop a location-specific code that provides a good correlation with the residential time-weighted average and an acceptable degree of exposure misclassification. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The incomplete understanding of the relation between power-frequency fields and biological responses raises problems in defining an appropriate metric for exposure assessment and epidemiological studies. Based on evidence from biological experiments, one can define alternative metrics or effects functions that embody the relationship between field exposure patterns and hypothetical health effects. In this paper, we explore the application of the “effects function” approach to occupational exposure data. Our analysis provides examples of exposure assessments based on a range of plausible effects functions. An EMDEX time series data set of ELF frequency (40–800 Hz) magnetic field exposure measurements for electric utility workers was analyzed with several statistical measures and effects functions: average field strength, combination of threshold and exposure duration, and field strength changes. Results were compared for eight job categories: electrician, substation operator, machinist, welder, plant operator, lineman/splicer, meter reader, and clerical. Average field strength yields a different ranking for these job categories than the ranks obtained using other biologically plausible effects functions. Whereas the group of electricians has the highest exposure by average field strength, the group of substation operators has the highest ranking for most of the other effects functions. Plant operators rank highest in the total number of field strength changes greater than 1 μT per hour. The clerical group remains at the lowest end for all of these effects functions. Our analysis suggests that, although average field strength could be used as a surrogate of field exposure for simply classifying exposure into “low” and “high,” this summary measure may be misleading in the relative ranking of job categories in which workers are in “high” fields. These results indicate the relevance of metrics other than average field strength in occupational exposure assessment and in the design and analysis of epidemiological studies. Bioelectromagnetics 18:365–375, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Childhood cancer has been modestly associated with wire codes, an exposure surrogate for power frequency magnetic fields, but less consistently with measured fields. We analyzed data on the population distribution of wire codes and their relationship with several measured magnetic field metrics. In a given geographic area, there is a marked trend for decreased prevalence from low to high wire code categories, but there are differences between areas. For average measured fields, there is a positive relationship between the mean of the distributions and wire codes but a large overlap among the categories. Better discrimination is obtained for the extremes of the measurement values when comparing the highest and the lowest wire code categories. Instability of measurements, intermittent fields, or other exposure conditions do not appear to provide a viable explanation for the difference between wire codes and magnetic fields with respect to the strength and consistency of their respective association with childhood cancer. Bioelectromagnetics 18:99–110, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Bowman et al. used epidemiologic data to test a model in which subjects were classified as being "in-resonance" or "not-in-resonance" for 60-Hz magnetic-field exposures depending on single static magnetic-field measurements at the centers of their bedrooms. A second paper by Swanson concluded that a single static magnetic-field measurement is insufficient to meaningfully characterize a residential environment. The main objective of this study was to investigate exposure-related questions raised by these two papers in two U.S. data sets, one containing single spot measurements of static magnetic fields at two locations in homes located in eight states, and the other repeated spot measurements (seven times during the course of one year) of the static magnetic fields at the centers of bedrooms and family rooms and on the surfaces of beds in 51 single-family homes in two metropolitan areas. Using Bowman's criterion, bedrooms were first classified as being in-resonance or not-in-resonance based on the average of repeated measurements of the static magnetic field measured on the bed where the presumed important exposure actually occurred. Bedrooms were then classified a second time using single spot measurements taken at the centers of bedrooms, centers of family rooms, or on the surfaces of beds, as would be done in the typical epidemiologic study. The kappa statistics characterizing the degree of concordance between the first (on-bed averages) and second (spot measurements) methods of assessing resonance status were 0.44, 0.33, and 0.67, respectively. This level of misclassification could significantly affect the results of studies involving the determination of resonance status.  相似文献   

We assessed the merits of various point-in-time ("spot") measurement protocols in case-control studies based on an ordinal exposure scale. After classifying a number of houses on the basis of prolonged monitoring of the ambient, extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic field, we determined the probability of misclassification for each "spot" measurement protocol. We calculated the effect of this misclassification on the relative risk estimates and on the Mantel test for trend. We found that classification based on a small group of point-in-time measurements allows an adequate estimate of the relative risk, although the statistical significance of the dose-response gradient may be seriously underestimated. However, the use of automated ambient-field monitors, which results in loss of information on spatial variability, can lead to similar consequences. Therefore, manually collected point-in-time measurements remain a viable option for exposure assessment.  相似文献   

The adequacy of a single hip- or chest-worn magnetic field dosimeter to reliably classify subjects with respect to their occupational ELF magnetic field exposure is investigated. Hip-worn dosimeters consistently underestimate both whole-body average exposure and head exposure, tentatively regarded here as two possible definitions of the “true” exposure measurement. The approximate resulting bias in the relative risk estimate in hypothetical case-control studies is evaluated. A chest-worn dosimeter is found to be generally superior to a hip-worn one in assessing exposure during the occupational tasks considered here. © 1993 Wiley-Liss. Inc.  相似文献   

Residential magnetic and electric fields   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A magnetic flux density (MFD) and electric-field (E-field) data-acquisition system was built for characterizing extremely low-frequency fields in residences. Every 2 min during 24-h periods, MFD and E-field measurements were made in 43 homes in King, Pierce, and Snohomish counties of Washington State. The total electrical energy used in each residence during the 24-h measurement period was also recorded, and maps were drawn to scale of the distribution wiring within 43 m (140 ft) of these homes. Finally, on a separate date, field measurements were made in each home during an epidemiological interview. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: 1) 24-h-average MFD measured at two separate points in the family room were correlated, as were a 24-h-average bedroom measurement and the mean of the two family-room measurements. 2) The 24-h-average family-room MFD and E-field measurements were uncorrelated. 3) The 24-h-average total harmonic distortions of family-room MFD and E-fields were less than about 24% and 7%, respectively. 4) Residential MFD exhibited a definite 24-h (diurnal) cycle. 5) The 24-h-average and interviewer-measured MFD were correlated. 6) Residential 24-h-average MFD were correlated with the wiring code developed by Wertheimer and Leeper. 7) An improved prediction of 24-h-average residential MFD was obtained using the total number of service drops, the distance to neighboring transmission lines, and the number of primary phase conductors.  相似文献   

Magnetic field systems were added to existing electric field exposure apparatuses for exposing cell suspensions in vitro and small animals in vivo. Two horizontally oriented, rectangular coils, stacked one directly above the other, have opposite electric currents. This configuration minimizes leakage fields and allows sham- and field-exposure systems to be placed in the same room or incubator. For the in vitro system, copper plates formed the loop-pair, with up to 900 A supplied by a 180:1 transformer. Electric fields were supplied via electrodes at the ends of cell-culture tubes, eight of which can be accommodated by each exposure system. Two complete systems are situated in an incubator to allow simultaneous sham and field exposure up to 1 mT. For the in vivo system, four pairs of 0.8 x 2.7-m coils made of copper bus bar are employed. This arrangement is energized from the power grid via a 30:1 transformer; horizontal magnetic flux densities up to 1 mT can be generated. Pairs of electrode plates spaced 30.5 cm apart provide electric field exposure of up to 130 kV/m. Four systems with a capacity of 48 rats each are located in one room. For both the in vitro and in vivo systems, magnetic exposure fields are uniform to within +/- 2.5%, and sham levels are at least 2,500-fold lower than exposure levels. Potential confounding factors, such as heating and vibration, were examined and found to be minimal.  相似文献   

We assessed potential non-response bias in obtaining information on residential extremely low-frequency power frequency magnetic field (MF) in Taiwan. All households occupied by children aged less than 7 years in two study districts, one in an urban town and the other in a rural town, were visited and solicited for on-site measurements in late 2003. The initial response rate was only 32% (33/104, urban) and 60% (61/101, rural). In the same season 1 year later, we performed a second survey of those who declined to be measured at the initial survey and successfully measured another 77 residences (50 and 27 for urban and rural districts, respectively). The two districts were selected mainly because the local public health officers were quite willing to assist the initial survey and to inform residents of the second survey. Except for meteorological conditions, the two surveys came up with very similar findings regarding residential characteristics and power facilities surrounding the houses. The mean residential MF for the urban residences was .121 and .140 micro-Tesla (microT) (P = .620) for the two surveys. The corresponding figures for the rural residences were .119 and .115 microT (P = .802). Although limited in its scope, this study tends to indicate that measurement studies of residential MF are less likely to suffer from serious selection bias if sampling is confined within a small district where people have similar socioeconomic characteristics.  相似文献   

Power-frequency electric and magnetic fields are known to exhibit marked temporal variation, yet in the absence of clear biological indications, the most appropriate summary indices for use in epidemiologic studies are unknown. In order to assess the statistical patterns among candidate indices, data on 4383 worker-days for magnetic fields and 2082 worker-days for electric fields collected for the Electric and Magnetic Field Project for Electric Utilities using the EMDEX meter [Bracken (1990): Palo Alto, CA: Electric Power Research Institute] were analyzed. We examined correlations at the individual and job title group levels among indices of exposure to both electric and magnetic fields, including the arithmetic mean, geometric mean, median, 20th and 90th percentiles, time above lower cutoffs of 20 V/m and 0.2 μT, and time above higher cutoffs of 100 V/m and 2.0 μT. For both electric and magnetic fields, the arithmetic mean was highly correlated with the 90th percentile; moderately correlated with the geometric mean, median, and lower and higher cutoff scores; and weakly correlated with the 20th percentile. Electric and magnetic field indices were generally weakly correlated with one another. Rank-order correlation coefficients were consistently greater than product-moment correlation coefficients. Job title group summary scores showed higher correlations among electric field indices and magnetic field indices and between electric and magnetic field indices than was found for individual worker-days, with only the 20th percentile clearly independent of the others. These results suggest that individuals' exposures are adequately characterized by a measure of central tendency for electric and magnetic fields, such as the arithmetic or geometric mean, and an indicator of a lower threshold or cutoff for each field type, such as the 20th percentile or proportion of time above 20 V/m or 0.2 μT. A single measure of central tendency for each type of field appears to be adequate when exposures are assessed at the job title level. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Occupational magnetic field (MF) exposure is less thoroughly characterized in occupations typically held by women. Our objective was to characterize occupational 50 Hz MF personal exposure (PE) among female sewing machine operators. We measured the full shift PE of 51 seamstresses, who worked in two shifts (6-14 and 14-22 h) according to their normal work routine. Measurements were conducted using EMDEX PAL meters at chest level. The average duration of the measurement periods was 449 min (range 420-470). The average arithmetic mean exposure for all women was 0.76 microT (range 0.06-4.27). The average of maximum values was 4.30 microT (range 0.55-14.80). Women working with older sewing machines experienced higher exposure than women working on newer sewing machines. For women (n = 10) who operated sewing machines produced in 1990 or earlier, the average arithmetic mean exposure was 2.09 microT, and for women (n = 41) who operated sewing machines produced after 1990, the average arithmetic mean was 0.43 microT. We conclude that women working as sewing machine operators experience higher than average occupational MF exposure compared to other working women. Most important determinant of the women's personal MF exposure was the age of the sewing machine the women operated.  相似文献   

Li CY  Lin RS  Sung FC 《Bioelectromagnetics》2003,24(3):218-221
To explore whether the age at cancer diagnosis was associated with residential exposure to magnetic field, we compared average ages at diagnosis for cases of leukemia, brain tumor, or female breast cancer with elevated exposure (magnetic flux density >or= 0.2 microT, or residential distance from major power lines 100 m from major power lines). Comparing with brain tumor cases with background magnetic field exposure (n = 506), brain tumor cases with elevated exposure (n = 71) were 6 years older on average at diagnosis (P = 0.01). The difference was greater for males (45.2 vs. 52.1 years, P = 0.01) than for females (44.3 vs. 48.2 years, P = 0.27). No such phenomena at a significant level was observed for leukemia, female breast cancer, or a random sample of general population. We noted an association between magnetic field exposure and a greater mean age at diagnosis for brain tumors. Whether or not these phenomena suggest a delayed occurrence of brain tumors following a higher than background residential magnetic field exposure deserves further investigation.  相似文献   

The current through the residential grounding circuit is an important source for magnetic fields; field variations near the grounding circuit accurately track fluctuations in this ground current. In this paper, a model is presented which permits calculation of the range of these fluctuations. A discrete network model is used to simulate a local distribution system for a single street, and a statistical model to simulate unbalanced currents in the system. Simulations of three-house and ten-house networks show that random appliance operation leads to ground current fluctuations which can be quite large, on the order of 600%. This is consistent with measured fluctuations in an actual house. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Choosing the right exposure index for epidemiological studies on 50–60 Hz magnetic fields is difficult due to the lack of knowledge about critical exposure parameters for the biological effects of magnetic fields. This paper uses data from a previously published epidemiological investigation on early pregnancy loss (EPL) to study the methods of evaluating the exposure-response relationship of 50 Hz magnetic fields. Two approaches were used. The first approach was to apply generalized additive modeling to suggest the functional form of the relationship between EPL and magnetic field strength. The second approach evaluated the goodness of fit of the EPL data with eight alternative exposure indices: the 24 h average of magnetic field strength, three indices measuring the proportion of time above specified thresholds, and four indices measuring the proportion of time within specified intensity windows. Because the original exposure data included only spot measurements, estimates for the selected exposure indices were calculated indirectly from the spot measurements using empirical nonlinear equations derived from 24 h recordings in 60 residences. The results did not support intensity windows, and a threshold-type dependence on field strength appeared to be more plausible than a linear relationship. In addition, the study produced data suggesting that spot measurements may be used as surrogates for other exposure indices besides the time average field strength. No final conclusions should be drawn from this study alone, but we hope that this exercise stimulates evaluation of alternative exposure indices in other planned and ongoing epidemiological studies. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Recent epidemiological studies suggest a link between transport magnetic fields (MF) and certain adverse health effects. We performed measurements in workplaces of engineers on Russian DC and Swiss AC powered (16.67 Hz) electric trains using a computer based waveform capture system with a 200 Hz sampling rate. MF in DC and AC trains show complex combinations of static and varying components. The most probable levels of quasistatic MF (0.001-0.03 Hz) were in the range 40 microT. Maximum levels of 120 microT were found in DC powered locomotives. These levels are much higher than the geomagnetic field at the site of measurements. MF encountered both in DC and AC powered rail systems showed irregular temporal variability in frequency composition and amplitude characteristics across the whole frequency range studied (0-50 Hz); however, more than 90% of the magnetic field power was concentrated in frequencies 相似文献   

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