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In a previous study, D-chiroinositol added to a meal (0.5 g/kg) resulted in significantly lower postprandial plasma glucose concentrations without an increase in insulin concentrations in obese insulin-resistant monkeys. The present report describes the effects of another isomer of inositol, myoinositol, on postprandial plasma glucose and insulin concentrations and on urine glucose concentrations in 6 similarly insulin-resistant monkeys. The three 5 day study periods included a control period (liquid diet ad libitum) and 2 experimental periods (liquid diet ad libitum with either 1.5 g/kg/day myoinositol or D-chiroinositol added). Twenty-four hour urine samples were collected during each 5 day period. On the sixth day of each period the monkeys were anesthetized 110 min after completing either the control meal (15 ml/kg) or the experimental meals (1.5 g/kg myoinositol or D-chiroinositol) and plasma samples were obtained at 120, 150,180, 210, 240, 270 and 300 min. The plasma glucose concentration was lower after the meal with myoinositol compared to the control meal at 120, 150 and 180 min (p's<0.05). The plasma insulin concentration was lower after the meal with myoinositol compared to the control meal at 150 and 180 min (p's<0.05). In addition, 24 hour urine glucose concentrations were lower during the myoinositol diet compared to the control diet (p<0.001). The plasma glucose concentration was lower after the meal with D-chiroinositol compared to the control meal at 150, 240, 270 and 300 min (p's≥0.05). In obese insulin-resistant monkeys, myoinositol added to the diet lowers urine glucose concentrations and both myoinositol and D-chiroinositol added to a meal lower postprandial plasma glucose concentrations without increasing postprandial insulin concentrations. Therefore, myoinositol, like D-chiroinositol, may be a useful agent for reducing meal-induced hyperglycemia without inducing hyperinsulinemia in insulin-resistant subjects.  相似文献   

The effects of supplemental D-psicose in the diet on diurnal variation in plasma glucose and insulin concentrations were investigated in rats. Forty-eight male Wistar rats were divided into four groups. Each group except for the control group was fed a diet of 5% D-fructose, D-psicose, or psico-rare sugar (3:1 mixture of D-fructose and D-psicose) for 8 weeks. Plasma glucose levels were lower and plasma insulin levels were higher at all times of day in the psicose and psico-rare sugar groups than in the control and fructose groups. Weight gain was significantly lower in the psicose group than in the control and fructose groups. Liver glycogen content, both before and after meals was higher in the psicose group than in the control and fructose groups. These results suggest that supplemental D-psicose can lower plasma glucose levels and reduce body fat accumulation. Hence, D-psicose might be useful in preventing postprandial hyperglycemia in diabetic patients.  相似文献   

Chronic caloric restriction (CR) prevents the development of obesity and maintains health, slows aging processes, and prevents or substantially delays the development of non-insulin-dependent diabetes. Because changes in energy metabolism could be involved in all of these positive effects of CR, we examined glycogen synthase (GS) and glycogen phosphorylase (GP) activities and glucose 6-phosphate (G6P) and glycogen concentrations in skeletal muscle samples before and during a euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp in 6 older aged monkeys in which CR had been continued for 10.4 ± 2.1 years. Basal GS activity (fractional velocity and independent) was significantly higher in the CR monkeys than has been previously shown in normal, hyperinsulinemic and diabetic monkeys. The normal effect of insulin to activate GS was absent in the CR group due to the paradoxical finding in some of these monkeys of a reduction in GS activity by insulin. Insulin also had the unexpected effect of increasing the independent activity of GP above basal activity (p<0.05). There was an inverse relationship between the change (insulin-stimulated minus basal) in GS fractional velocity and GP activity ratio (r=-0.91, p<0.005). The basal independent activities of GS and GP were also inversely correlated (r=-0.79, p<0.05). The insulin-stimulated concentration of G6P tended to be higher than the basal concentration (p<0.06) and was significantly higher than that previously shown in normal monkeys (p<0.05). We suggest that long-term calorie restriction (1) results in alterations in glycogen metabolism that may be important to the anti-diabetogenic and anti-aging effects of CR and (2) unmasks early defects which may indicate the likelihood of ultimately developing obesity and diabetes.  相似文献   

ORTMEYER HK. Relationship of glycogen synthase and glycogen phosphorylase to protein phosphatase 2C and cAMP-dependent protein kinase in liver of obese rhesus monkeys. The regulation of glycogen synthase (GS) and glycogen phosphorylase (GP) activity by phosphorylation/ dephosphorylation has been proposed to be via changes in activities of several different protein (serine/ threonine) phosphatases and kinases, including protein phosphatase (PP) 1/2A, PP2C, and cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA). In order to determine whether PP1/2A, PP2C, and/or PKA activities are related to GS and/or GP activities, these enzymes were measured in freeze-clamped liver biopsies obtained under basal fasting conditions from 16 obese monkeys. Four monkeys were normoglycemic and normoinsulinemic, five were hyperinsulinemic, and seven had type 2 diabetes (NIDDM). Liver glycogen and glucose 6-phosphate (G6P) contents were also determined. Basal enzyme activities and basal substrate concentrations were not significantly different between the three groups of obese monkeys; however, there were several significant linear relationships observed when the monkeys were treated as one group. Therefore, multiple regression was used to determine the correlation between key variables. GS fractional activity was correlated to GP fractional activity (p<0. 05) and to PP2C activity (p=0. 005) (adjusted R2,53%). GP independent activity was correlated to GS independent activity (p<0. 07) and to PKA fractional activity (p=0. 005) (adjusted R2,64%). PP2C activity was correlated to GS fractional activity (p<0. 0005) and to PP1/2A activity G7<0. 0001) (adjusted R2,83%). PKA fractional activity was correlated to GP total activity (p<0. 0005) and to age (p=0. 001) (adjusted R282%). G6P content was correlated to glycogen content (p<0. 05) and to PP2C activity (p=0. 0005) (adjusted R2,73%). In conclusion, PP2C and PKA are involved in the regulation of GS and GP activity in the basal state in liver of obese monkeys with a wide range of glucose tolerance.  相似文献   

Objective: In humans, low plasma adiponectin concentrations precede a decrease in insulin sensitivity and predict type 2 diabetes independently of obesity. However, it is possible that the contribution of adiponectin to insulin sensitivity is not equally strong over the whole range of obesity. Research Methods and Procedures: We investigated the cross‐sectional association between plasma adiponectin levels and insulin sensitivity in different ranges of body fat content [expressed as percentage of body fat (PFAT)] in a large cohort of normal glucose‐tolerant subjects (n = 900). All individuals underwent an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), and 299 subjects additionally a euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp. In longitudinal analyses, the association of adiponectin at baseline with change in insulin sensitivity was investigated in a subgroup of 108 subjects. Results: In cross‐sectional analyses, the association between plasma adiponectin and insulin sensitivity, adjusted for age, gender, and PFAT, depended on whether subjects were lean or obese [p for interaction adiponectin × PFAT = <0.001 (OGTT) and 0.002 (clamp)]. Stratified by quartiles of PFAT, adiponectin did not correlate significantly with insulin sensitivity in subjects in the lowest PFAT quartile (R2 = 0.10, p = 0.13, OGTT; and R2 = 0.10, p = 0.57, clamp), whereas the association in the upper PFAT quartile was rather strong (R2 = 0.36, p < 0.0001, OGTT; and R2 = 0.48, p = 0.003, clamp). In longitudinal analyses, plasma adiponectin at baseline preceded change in insulin sensitivity in obese (n = 54, p = 0.03) but not in lean (n = 54, p = 0.68) individuals. Discussion: These data suggest that adiponectin is especially critical in sustaining insulin sensitivity in obese subjects. Thus, interventions to reduce insulin resistance by increasing adiponectin concentrations may be effective particularly in obese, insulin‐resistant individuals.  相似文献   

The daily changes in plasma glucose, FFA, insulin and glucagon concentrations in rats under 12 hr-12 hr light-dark conditions, and the role of the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus in these changes were examined. In sham-operated rats, the four parameters showed significant daily rhythms. However, after bilateral lesions of the SCN, daily rhythms could not be detected in these parameters under the present experimental conditions. Furthermore, after the SCN lesions the plasma glucose concentration remained at the minimum level of that in sham-operated rats, while the plasma insulin and glucagon concentrations reduced to approximately the mean level and about half the minimum level of sham-operated rats, respectively, and the FFA concentration lowered to somewhat below the minimum level. Gradual increase in the plasma insulin concentration at the end of the light period was observed in intact rats even after starvation for 24 hr. These findings suggest that the SCN is essential for generation of the daily changes in the plasma glucose, FFA, insulin and glucagon concentrations and also that it plays critical roles in regulation of the secretion of pancreatic hormones. The gradual increase in the plasma insulin level observed at the end of the light period is discussed in connection with initiation of spontaneous feeding behaviour.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of soluble corn bran hemicellulose (CBH, 10g/day) on glucose control and serum insulin in three groups: patients with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) with (20 subjects) or without (8 subjects) obesity and with healthy non-obese controls (10 subjects). Long-term supplementation (6 months) with CBH decreased the post oGTT curve for patients with impaired mild Type II diabetes, but not that for the controls. Hemoglobin A1c decreased significantly during CBH supplementation in the obese patients, while the fasting glucose level decreased in all three groups, although not significantly. A decreased serum insulin response by oGTT was found in those patients with IGT.

The improved oGTT result was associated with improved insulin release and perhaps with peripheral insulin sensitivity. These findings suggest that CBH at a low dose might contribute to glycemic control and would play a useful role in treating Type II diabetes patients.  相似文献   

The effect of glucose on the release of immunoreactive insulin (IRI) in synaptosomes isolated from rat brain was studied. In the absence of glucose synaptosomes release about 4% (0.77 IU/mg protein) of total content. Glucose increases significantly the IRI released by synaptosomes. Addition of the glycolytic inhibitor iodoacetic acid (IAA), decreased the glucose-induced release of IRI by about 50%, suggesting that glucose metabolism is involved. The observation that glucose provides a concentration related signal for IRI release indicates that this synaptosomal preparation may be useful as a model for research on the mechanism of insulin release in brain.  相似文献   

斑马鱼(Danio rerio)在糖负荷状态下表现出持续高血糖现象。与对照组(仅腹腔注射灭菌去离子水)相比,葡萄糖组(仅腹腔注射葡萄糖)血浆胰岛素水平无显著差异,胰岛素基因表达显著上调,肝胰脏葡萄糖转运蛋白(glucose transporters,GLUTs)基因表达无显著差异,说明斑马鱼自身胰岛素分泌不足和葡萄糖转运迟缓是导致其在糖负荷状态下持续高血糖的原因。为了观察外源性胰岛素对斑马鱼血糖及其在体内转运的影响,设计低(1.25 IU/kg)、中(12.5 IU/kg)、高(125 IU/kg)3个浓度的胰岛素,分别与葡萄糖溶液(0.1 g/mL)共注射斑马鱼并观察其血糖变化。结果表明,低剂量胰岛素能有效促进斑马鱼血糖的降低,且能直观反映糖负荷后血糖的变化情况,为最适注射浓度。此外,研究显示斑马鱼血糖变化不受性别影响。在胰岛素最适注射浓度下,与葡萄糖组相比,胰岛素组(葡萄糖与胰岛素共注射)可以显著减少斑马鱼血糖恢复到正常水平的时间,进一步分析发现,斑马鱼血浆胰岛素水平增加,肝胰脏葡萄糖转运蛋白基因表达显著上调,但胰岛素基因表达却被显著抑制。综上所述,胰岛素分泌不足和葡萄糖转运迟缓是造成斑马鱼持续高血糖的原因;外源性胰岛素能够促进糖负荷状态下斑马鱼血糖的降低,但是具有反馈抑制斑马鱼肝胰脏胰岛素基因表达的作用。  相似文献   

为了寻找能够模拟胰岛素生物活性的小肽,以胰岛素多克隆抗体为靶标,筛选噬菌体展示随机C7C环肽库.3轮筛选后,通过ELISA方法挑取与靶分子特异性结合的15个阳性克隆,测序获得两条序列,分析所得序列并合成相应短肽.通过细胞生物学活性检测,小肽CPTSQANSC(ZJ1)能够竞争性的抑制胰岛素与其受体的结合,并对正常小鼠和四氧嘧啶诱导的糖尿病小鼠,都有明显的降血糖作用.上述结果表明,小肽CPTSQANSC具有胰岛素样生物学活性.而小肽CVQPSHSSC(ZJ2)表现出胰岛素拮抗活性,能引起正常小鼠血糖升高.这表明筛选到了能够模拟胰岛素表位的短肽CPTSQANSC,可能为治疗胰岛素依赖性糖尿病提供了新线索.  相似文献   

Objective: Obesity is associated with elevated levels of biomarkers of inflammation and endothelial dysfunction [including C‐reactive protein (CRP), E‐selectin, and intercellular adhesion molecule‐1], as well as insulin resistance (IR) and type 2 diabetes. We tested the hypothesis that these biomarkers mediate associations among obesity, IR, and risk of diabetes. Research Methods and Procedures: We stratified 510 initially non‐diabetic women in the Nurses’ Health Study cohort into four phenotypes above/below median BMI (27 kg/m2) and waist circumference (81 cm): low BMI‐low waist (LBLW; N = 190), low BMI‐high waist (LBHW; N = 74), high BMI‐low waist (HBLW; N = 27), and high BMI‐high waist (HBHW; N = 219). Results: In models assessing associations of weight phenotype with IR [fasting insulin (FI)], adjusted for age and diabetes risk factors, mean FI was higher comparing HBHW women (13.6 μU/mL, p < 0.0001) and LBHW (11.5 μU/mL, p = 0.02) with LBLW women (8.6 μU/mL); HBLW and LBLW women were not significantly different. Differences in FI levels were most strongly attenuated after adjustment for E‐selectin comparing LBHW with LBLW women (11.7 vs. 9.7 μU/mL, p = 0.2). Discussion: In logistic regression models, LBHW predicted diabetes (risk factor‐adjusted relative risk 2.06, 1.05 to 6.40), compared with LBLW, but was no longer significant after adjustment for E‐selectin or CRP. After adjusting for CRP and E‐selectin, only HBHW and E‐selectin were significantly associated with risk of diabetes. In women with central adiposity and low BMI, endothelial dysfunction and inflammation may mediate the relationship among central fat, IR, and incident diabetes.  相似文献   

Objective: We studied plasma adiponectin, insulin sensitivity, and insulin secretion before and after oral glucose challenge in normal glucose tolerant, impaired glucose tolerant, and type 2 diabetic first degree relatives of African‐American patients with type 2 diabetes. Research Methods and Procedures: We studied 19 subjects with normal glucose tolerance (NGT), 8 with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), and 14 with type 2 diabetes. Serum glucose, insulin, C‐peptide, and plasma adiponectin levels were measured before and 2 hours after oral glucose tolerance test. Homeostasis model assessment‐insulin resistance index (HOMA‐IR) and HOMA‐β cell function were calculated in each subject using HOMA. We empirically defined insulin sensitivity as HOMA‐IR < 2.68 and insulin resistance as HOMA‐IR > 2.68. Results: Subjects with IGT and type 2 diabetes were more insulin resistant (as assessed by HOMA‐IR) when compared with NGT subjects. Mean plasma fasting adiponectin levels were significantly lower in the type 2 diabetes group when compared with NGT and IGT groups. Plasma adiponectin levels were 2‐fold greater (11.09 ± 4.98 vs. 6.42 ± 3.3811 μg/mL) in insulin‐sensitive (HOMA‐IR, 1.74 ± 0.65) than in insulin‐resistant (HOMA‐IR, 5.12 ± 2.14) NGT subjects. Mean plasma adiponectin levels were significantly lower in the glucose tolerant, insulin‐resistant subjects than in the insulin sensitive NGT subjects and were comparable with those of the patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes. We found significant inverse relationships of adiponectin with HOMA‐IR (r = ?0.502, p = 0.046) and with HOMA‐β cell function (r = ?0.498, p = 0.042) but not with the percentage body fat (r = ?0.368, p = 0.063), serum glucose, BMI, age, and glycosylated hemoglobin A1C (%A1C). Discussion: In summary, we found that plasma adiponectin levels were significantly lower in insulin‐resistant, non‐diabetic first degree relatives of African‐American patients with type 2 diabetes and in those with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes. We conclude that a decreased plasma adiponectin and insulin resistance coexist in a genetically prone subset of first degree African‐American relatives before development of IGT and type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   

Objective: In healthy lean individuals, changes in insulin sensitivity occurring as a consequence of a 2‐day dexamethasone administration are compensated for by changes in insulin secretion, allowing glucose homeostasis to be maintained. This study evaluated the changes in glucose metabolism and insulin secretion induced by short‐term dexamethasone administration in obese women. Research Methods and Procedures: Eleven obese women with normal glucose tolerance were studied on two occasions, without and after 2 days of low‐dose dexamethasone administration. A two‐step hyperglycemic clamp (7.5 and 10 mM glucose) with 6, 6 2H2 glucose was used to assess insulin secretion and whole body glucose metabolism. Results were compared with those obtained in a group of eight lean women. Results: Without dexamethasone, obese women had higher plasma insulin concentrations in the fasting state, during the first phase of insulin secretion, and at the two hyperglycemic plateaus. However, they had normal whole body glucose metabolism compared with lean women, indicating adequate compensation. After dexamethasone, obese women had a 66% to 92% increase in plasma insulin concentrations but a 15.4% decrease in whole body glucose disposal. This contrasted with lean women, who had a 91% to 113% increase in plasma insulin concentrations, with no change in whole body glucose disposal. Discussion: Dexamethasone administration led to a significant reduction in whole body glucose disposal at fixed glycemia in obese but not lean women. This indicates that obese women are unable to increase their insulin secretion appropriately.  相似文献   

AXEN, KATHLEEN V., XUE LI, AND ANTHONY SCLAFANI. Miglitol (BAY m 1099) treatment of diabetic hypothalamic-dietary obese rats improves islet response to glucose. Obes Res. 1999;7:83–89. Objective : The well-absorbed α-glucosidase inhibitor, miglitol (BAY m 1099), was included in the diets of hypothalamic-dietary obese diabetic rats to investigate its ability to improve glycemia and thereby reverse glucotoxic effects on islet secretory response. Research Methods and Procedures : Female rats received bilateral electrolytic lesions of the ventromedial hypothalamus and were fed high-fat, sucrosesupplemented diets until hyperinsulinemia and hyperglycemia were observed after 3 hours of food deprivation (nonfed). Diabetic animals were assigned to miglitol-treated (40 mg/17 g of diet) or untreated groups for 3 weeks; pancreatic islets were isolated for incubation experiments. Results : No differences in food intake, body weights, or nonfed plasma glucose or insulin levels were seen between treated and untreated diabetic rats. Islets isolated from untreated diabetic rats showed elevated basal insulin release and no insulin secretory response to an elevation in glucose concentration. In contrast, islets obtained from miglitol-treated rats showed more normal basal release and a significant insulin secretory response to glucose. Incubation of islets, obtained from normal control rats or untreated diabetic rats, in media containing miglitol at levels estimated to exist in plasma of treated rats had no effect on islet insulin secretory responses to glucose. Discussion : Islet secretory response was improved despite continued hyperglycemia and severe insulin resistance. Miglitol treatment may improve islet sensitivity to glucose either through effects on islet metabolism requiring prolonged exposure or by improvement in postmeal glycemia, despite persistent hyperglycemia.  相似文献   

To determine how a reduction in maternal hypertriglyceridemia during late pregnancy may affect glucose/insulin relationships, pregnant and virgin rats were orally treated with acipimox, a potent antilipolytic agent. In 20-day pregnant rats receiving 80 mg of acipimox, plasma triglycerides (TG), free fatty acids (FFA), and glycerol decreased more than in virgin rats shortly after the drug (up to 7 hours), when compared with animals treated with distilled water, whereas plasma glucose level was unaffected by the treatment in either group of rats. When acipimox was given every 12 hours from day 17 to day 20 of pregnancy, plasma TG, FFA, and glycerol levels progressively increased, whereas they either decreased or did not change in virgin rats receiving the same treatment, with no effect in plasma glucose levels in either group. Fetal body weight was lower than in controls in 20-day pregnant rats that received acipimox for 3 days. On day 20 of pregnancy, 3 hours after receiving acipimox or distilled water, rats received a 2 g glucose/kg oral load and it was found that the change in plasma glucose was similar in both groups, whereas the increase in plasma insulin was greater in pregnant rats treated with acipimox. However, no difference was found in either variable after the oral glucose load in virgin rats receiving acipimox or distilled water. No differences in plasma glucose levels were found after intravenous (IV) administration of insulin in pregnant rats treated or not treated with acipimox. In conclusion, present results show that administration of acipimox during the last days of gestation inhibited lipolysis and decreased fetal weight. Over a short period of time, in pregnant rats, reductions of plasma FFA and TG after acipimox treatment improved the glucose-induced insulin release, but did not seem to have any effect in peripheral insulin resistance.  相似文献   

Obesity, insulin resistance, and endothelial dysfunction closely coexist throughout the natural history of type 2 diabetes. They all can be identified not only in people with type 2 diabetes, but also in various groups at risk for the disease, such as individuals with impaired glucose tolerance, family history of type 2 diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, prior gestational diabetes, or polycystic ovary syndrome. Whereas their evident association cannot fully establish a cause‐effect relationship, fascinating mechanisms that bring them closer together than ever before are rapidly emerging. Central or abdominal obesity leads to insulin resistance and endothelial dysfunction through fat‐derived metabolic products, hormones, and cytokines. Insulin resistance leads to endothelial dysfunction through the frequent association with traditional cardiovascular risk factors and through some more direct novel mechanisms. Some specific and shared insulin signaling abnormalities in muscle, fat, and endothelial cells, as well as some new genetic and nontraditional factors, may contribute to this interesting association. Some recent clinical studies demonstrate that nonpharmacological and pharmacological strategies targeting obesity and/or insulin resistance ameliorate endothelial function and low‐grade inflammation. All these findings have added a new dimension to the association of obesity, insulin resistance, and endothelial dysfunction that may become a key target in the prevention of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   

The destruction of β-cells of the pancreas leads to either insulin shortage or the complete absence of insulin, which in turn causes diabetes Mellitus. For treating diabetes, many trials have been conducted since the 19th century until now. In ancient times, insulin from an animal’s extract was taken to treat human beings. However, this resulted in some serious allergic reactions. Therefore, scientists and researchers have tried their best to find alternative ways for managing diabetes with progressive advancements in biotechnology. However, a lot of research trials have been conducted, and they discovered more progressed strategies and approaches to treat type I and II diabetes with satisfaction. Still, investigators are finding more appropriate ways to treat diabetes accurately. They formulated insulin analogs that mimic the naturally produced human insulin through recombinant DNA technology and devised many methods for appropriate delivery of insulin. This review will address the following questions: What is insulin preparation? How were these devised and what are the impacts (both positive and negative) of such insulin analogs against TIDM (type-I diabetes mellitus) and TIIDM (type-II diabetes mellitus)? This review article will also demonstrate approaches for the delivery of insulin analogs into the human body and some future directions for further improvement of insulin treatment.  相似文献   

We previously found that ingestion of an extract of Ninjin-to (NJT; Ren-Shen-Tang) suppressed the development of autoimmune diabetes in C57BL/KsJ mice induced by multiple low doses of streptozotocin. To verify this effects on spontaneous autoimmune diabetes, the effects of NJT on NOD mice were investigated in the present study. NJT, provided in drinking water (0.25%, 450 mg/kg/day) from 6 weeks of age, significantly prevented the incidence of spontaneous diabetes in female NOD mice at 30 weeks of age (2/10) compared with that of the controls (7/10), with no effects on body growth or food intake. Even in non-diabetic mice, the blood glucose levels of the NOD controls gradually increased with age, while such increase in NJT-treated mice was significantly suppressed by preventing any deficiency of glucose tolerance. NJT also significantly suppressed the progression of insulitis, which causes insulin deficiency and diabetes. It is well known that NOD mice develop insulitis and diabetes because of their Th1-dominant autoimmune response. IFN-gamma production from splenic T lymphocytes stimulated with anti-CD3 monoclonal antibodies was increased, whereas IL-4 production was decreased in NOD controls compared to age- and sex-matched normal ICR mice. NJT-treatment reduced these deviations of cytokine production in NOD mice. These data all suggest that NJT can prevent spontaneous insulitis and diabetes by the modification of deviated cytokine production in NOD mice.  相似文献   

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