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Folding type-specific secondary structure propensities of 20 naturally occurring amino acids have been derived from α-helical, β-sheet, α/β, and α+β proteins of known structures. These data show that each residue type of amino acids has intrinsic propensities in different regions of secondary structures for different folding types of proteins. Each of the folding types shows markedly different rank ordering, indicating folding type-specific effects on the secondary structure propensities of amino acids. Rigorous statistical tests have been made to validate the folding type-specific effects. It should be noted that α and β proteins have relatively small α-helices and β-strands forming propensities respectively compared with those of α+β and α/β proteins. This may suggest that, with more complex architectures than α and β proteins, α+β and α/β proteins require larger propensities to distinguish from interacting α-helices and β-strands. Our finding of folding type-specific secondary structure propensities suggests that sequence space accessible to each folding type may have differing features. Differing sequence space features might be constrained by topological requirement for each of the folding types. Almost all strong β-sheet forming residues are hydrophobic in character regardless of folding types, thus suggesting the hydrophobicities of side chains as a key determinant of β-sheet structures. In contrast, conformational entropy of side chains is a major determinant of the helical propensities of amino acids, although other interactions such as hydrophobicities and charged interactions cannot be neglected. These results will be helpful to protein design, class-based secondary structure prediction, and protein folding. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biopoly 45: 35–49, 1998  相似文献   

The metabolism of the illegal growth promoter ethylestrenol (EES) was evaluated in bovine liver cells and subcellular fractions of bovine liver preparations. Incubations with bovine microsomal preparations revealed that EES is extensively biotransformed into norethandrolone (NE), another illegal growth promoter. Furthermore, incubations of monolayer cultures of hepatocytes with NE indicated that NE itself is rapidly reduced to 17α-ethyl-5β-estrane-3α,17β-diol (EED). In vivo tests confirmed that, after administration of either EES or NE, EED is excreted as a major metabolite. Therefore, it was concluded that, both in urine and faeces samples, EED can be used as a biological marker for the illegal use of EES and/or NE. Moreover, by monitoring EED in urine or faeces samples, the detection period after NE administration is significantly prolonged. These findings were further confirmed by three cases of norethandrolone abuse in a routine screening program for forbidden growth promoters.  相似文献   

β‐dystroglycan (β‐DG) is a widely expressed transmembrane protein that plays important roles in connecting the extracellular matrix to the cytoskeleton, and thereby contributing to plasma membrane integrity and signal transduction. We previously observed nuclear localization of β‐DG in cultured cell lines, implying the existence of a nuclear targeting mechanism that directs it to the nucleus instead of the plasma membrane. In this study, we delineate the nuclear import pathway of β‐DG, characterizing a functional nuclear localization signal (NLS) in the β‐DG cytoplasmic domain, within amino acids 776–782. The NLS either alone or in the context of the whole β‐DG protein was able to target the heterologous GFP protein to the nucleus, with site‐directed mutagenesis indicating that amino acids R779 and K780 are critical for NLS functionality. The nuclear transport molecules Importin (Imp)α and Impβ bound with high affinity to the NLS of β‐DG and were found to be essential for NLS‐dependent nuclear import in an in vitro reconstituted nuclear transport assay; cotransfection experiments confirmed the dependence on Ran for nuclear accumulation. Intriguingly, experiments suggested that tyrosine phosphorylation of β‐DG may result in cytoplasmic retention, with Y892 playing a key role. β‐DG thus follows a conventional Impα/β‐dependent nuclear import pathway, with important implications for its potential function in the nucleus. J. Cell. Biochem. 110: 706–717, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Inhibition of aromatase is an efficient approach for the prevention and treatment of breast cancer. New 6β,19-bridged steroid analogs of androstenedione, 6β,19-epithio- and 6β,19-methano compounds 11 and 17, were synthesized starting from 19-hydroxyandrostenedione (6) and 19-formylandrost-5-ene-3β,17β-yl diacetate (12), respectively, as aromatase inhibitors. All of the compounds including known steroids 6β,19-epoxyandrostenedione (4) and 6β,19-cycloandrostenedione (5) tested were weak to poor competitive inhibitors of aromatase and, among them, 6β,19-epoxy steroid 4 provided only moderate inhibition (Ki: 2.2 μM). These results show that the 6β,19-bridged groups of the inhibitors interfere with binding in active site of aromatase.  相似文献   

Modulation of protein–protein interactions involved in the immune system by using small molecular mimics of the contact interfaces may lead to the blockage of the autoimmune response and the development of drugs for immunotherapy. The nonpolymorphic β‐regions, exposed to the microenvironment, of the modeled HLA‐DQ7, which is genetically linked to autoimmune diseases, were determined. Peptides 132–141 and 58–67, located at the β1 and β2 domains of HLA‐DQ7, respectively, were tested for their involvement in the interactions with CD4+ T lymphocytes. Linear, cyclic, and dimeric analogs that mimic the exposed surfaces of HLA‐DQ7 were designed and synthesized. Their immunosuppressory activities, found in the secondary, humoral immune response to sheep erythrocytes (SRBC) in mice in vitro, ranged from 11% to 53%. The significance of the total charge of the peptides, the pattern of the hydrogen bonding, and the presence of secondary structure were investigated in relation to the immunomodulatory effect of the peptides. Two dimeric analogs of the HLA‐DQ7 58–67 fragment, consisting of the two monomers covalently linked by a polyethylene glycol (PEG) spacer, able to mimic the superdimers, were also synthesized and studied. As the 58–67 segment is located at the β1 region of HLA‐DQ7, close to the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) groove, one may assume that the 58–67 peptide could accommodate the association between T‐cell receptor (TCR) and human leukocyte antigen (HLA) by activating a co‐stimulatory molecule of the TCR/HLA interaction. This hypothesis is supported by the confocal laser image of the fluorescein‐labeled 58–67 peptide and by the fact that it is an immunostimulator at low concentration. Copyright © 2009 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The maturation of connective tissue involves the organization of collagen fibres by resident fibroblasts. Fibroblast attachment to collagen has been demonstrated to involve cell surface receptors, integrins of the β1 family. Integrins are associated with cytoplasmic actin of microfilaments either directly or through focal adhesions. The major actin isoform of fibroblast microfilaments is β actin and to a lesser extent α smooth muscle (α SM) actin. Cultured human dermal fibroblasts derived from adult dermis, newborn foreskin or keloid scar were grown on either uncoated or collagen-coated surfaces. The expression and synthesis of both α2β1 integrin and α SM actin were followed by immunohistology and immunoprecipitation. Fibroblasts on uncoated surfaces expressed little α2β1 integrin on their surface, while 20 per cent of them demonstrated α SM actin within microfilaments. Fibroblasts grown on a collagen-coated surface minimally expressed α SM actin in microfilament structures and a majority of the cells were positive for α2β1 integrin on their membranes. Using [35S]-methionine incorporation and immunoprecipitation, it was shown that fibroblasts grown in uncoated dishes synthesized more α SM actin than fibroblasts grown on collagen-coated dishes. In contrast, fibroblasts grown on collagen coated dishes synthesized more α2β1 integrin compared to the same cells grown on uncoated dishes. Fibroblasts maintained on a type I collagen upregulate the expression and synthesis of α2β1 integrin, and downregulate the expression and synthesis of α SM actin. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Oxysterols, such as 7β‐hydroxy‐cholesterol (7β‐OH) and cholesterol‐5β,6β‐epoxide (β‐epoxide), may have a central role in promoting atherogenesis. This is thought to be predominantly due to their ability to induce apoptosis in cells of the vascular wall and in monocytes/macrophages. Although there has been extensive research regarding the mechanisms through which oxysterols induce apoptosis, much remains to be clarified. Given that experimental evidence has long associated alterations of calcium (Ca2+) homeostasis to apoptotic cell death, the aim of the present study was to determine the influence of intracellular Ca2+ changes on apoptosis induced by 7β‐OH and β‐epoxide. Ca2+ responses in differentiated U937 cells were assessed by epifluorescence video microscopy, using the ratiometric dye fura‐2. Over 15‐min exposure of differentiated U937 cells to 30 μM of 7β‐OH induced a slow but significant rise in fura‐2 ratio. The Ca2+ channel blocker nifedipine and the chelating agent EGTA blocked the increase in cytoplasmic Ca2+. Moreover, dihydropyridine (DHP) binding sites identified with BODIPY‐FLX‐DHP were blocked following pretreatment with nifedipine, indicating that the influx of Ca2+ occurred through L‐type channels. However, following long‐term incubation with 7β‐OH, elevated levels of cytoplasmic Ca2+ were not maintained and nifedipine did not provide protection against apoptotic cell death. Our results indicate that the increase in Ca2+ may be an initial trigger of 7β‐OH–induced apoptosis, but following chronic exposure to the oxysterol, the influence of Ca2+ on apoptotic cell death appears to be less significant. In contrast, Ca2+ did not appear to be involved in β‐epoxide–induced apoptosis. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biochem Mol Toxicol 23:324–332, 2009; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/jbt.20295  相似文献   

A mild and rapid method is described for isolating various milk proteins from bovine rennet whey. β-Lactoglobulin from bovine rennet whey was easily adsorbed on and desorbed from a weak anion exchanger, diethylaminoethyl-Toyopearl. However, α-lactalbumin could not be adsorbed onto the resin. α-Lactalbumin and β-lactoglobulin from rennet whey could also be adsorbed and separated using a strong anion exchanger, quaternary aminoethyl-Toyopearl. The rennet whey was passed through a strong cation exchanger, sulphopropyl-Toyopearl, to separate lactoperoxidase and lactoferrin. α-Lactalbumin and β-lactoglobulin were adsorbed onto quaternary aminoethyl-Toyopearl. α-Lactalbumin was eluted using a linear (0–0.15 M) concentration gradient of NaCl in 0.05 M Tris–HCl buffer (pH 8.5). Subsequently, β-lactoglobulin B and β-lactoglobulin A were eluted from the column with 0.05 M Tris–HCl (pH 6.8), using a linear (0.1–0.25 M) concentration gradient of NaCl. The yields were 1260 mg α-lactalbumin, 1290 mg β-lactoglobulin B and 2280 mg β-lactoglobulin A from 1 l rennet whey.  相似文献   

Gamma‐aminobutyric acid type A receptors (GABAARs) are the most important inhibitory chloride ion channels in the central nervous system and are major targets for a wide variety of drugs. The subunit compositions of GABAARs determine their function and pharmacological profile. GABAARs are heteropentamers of subunits, and (α1)2(β3)2(γ2L)1 is a common subtype. Biochemical and biophysical studies of GABAARs require larger quantities of receptors of defined subunit composition than are currently available. We previously reported high‐level production of active human α1β3 GABAAR using tetracycline‐inducible stable HEK293 cells. Here we extend the strategy to receptors containing three different subunits. We constructed a stable tetracycline‐inducible HEK293‐TetR cell line expressing human (N)–FLAG–α1β3γ2L–(C)–(GGS)3GK–1D4 GABAAR. These cells achieved expression levels of 70–90 pmol [3H]muscimol binding sites/15‐cm plate at a specific activity of 15–30 pmol/mg of membrane protein. Incorporation of the γ2 subunit was confirmed by the ratio of [3H]flunitrazepam to [3H]muscimol binding sites and sensitivity of GABA‐induced currents to benzodiazepines and zinc. The α1β3γ2L GABAARs were solubilized in dodecyl‐d ‐maltoside, purified by anti‐FLAG affinity chromatography and reconstituted in CHAPS/asolectin at an overall yield of ~30%. Typical purifications yielded 1.0–1.5 nmoles of [3H]muscimol binding sites/60 plates. Receptors with similar properties could be purified by 1D4 affinity chromatography with lower overall yield. The composition of the purified, reconstituted receptors was confirmed by ligand binding, Western blot, and proteomics. Allosteric interactions between etomidate and [3H]muscimol binding were maintained in the purified state.  相似文献   

The effects of β-adrenergic agonists and antagonists on the pigmentary state of denervated melanophores in isolated, split, caudal fins of the goby Tridentiger obscurus were examined to investigate the function and the subtype of the β-adrenoceptors of the melanophores. Salbutamol, terbutaline, and dobutamine partially inhibited the pigment-aggregating response of melanophores to norepinephrine. The effects of these β-agonists were inhibited by propranolol. It was confirmed that the melanophores possess both α-and β-adrenoceptors, and that the activation of the β-adrenoceptors induces the dispersion of pigment in the melanophores. Norepinephrine, epinephrine, isoproterenol, dobutamine, salbutamol, and terbutaline evoked the dispersion of pigment in the melanophores in which pigment had previously been aggregated by treatment with verapamil in the presence of phentolamine. The pigment-dispersing effects of two β1-selective agonists, norepinephrine and dobutamine, were effectively inhibited by metoprolol, a selective antagonist of β1-receptors. By contrast, the pigment-dispersing effects of two β2-selective agonists, salbutamol and terbutaline, were not inhibited by metoprolol. Both the effects of nonselective agonists, epinephrine and isoproterenol, were partially inhibited by metoprolol. The actions of all of the β-agonists used were effectively inhibited by propranolol, and they were partially inhibited by butoxamine. These results suggest coexistence of β1- and β2-adrenoceptors in the melanophores. The relative numbers of β1- and β2-adrenoreceptors as a percentage of the total population of β-adrenoceptors were estimated to be 18.6% and 81.4%, respectively, from analyses of Hofstee plots of the effects of the β-agonists on the melanophores in the presence of butoxamine or metoprolol.  相似文献   

TGF‐β1 (transforming growth factor‐β1) plays a central role in regulating proliferation, migration and differentiation of dental pulp cells during the repair process after tooth injury. Our previous study showed that p38 mitogen‐activated protein kinase may act downstream of TGF‐β1 signalling to effect the differentiation of dental pulp cells. However, the molecular mechanisms that trigger and regulate the process remain to be elucidated. TGF‐β1 interacts with signalling pathways such as Wnt/β‐catenin and Rho to induce diverse biological effects. TGF‐β1 activates β‐catenin signalling, increases β‐catenin nuclear translocation and interacts with LEF/TCF to regulate gene expression. Morphologic changes in response to TGF‐β1 are associated with activation of Rho GTPases, but are abrogated by inhibitors of Rho‐associated kinase, a major downstream target of Rho. These results suggest that the Wnt/β‐catenin and Rho pathways may mediate the downstream events of TGF‐β1 signalling.  相似文献   

Three β-adrenergic receptor subtypes are now known to be functionally expressed in mammals. All three belong to the R7G family of receptors coupled to G-proteins, and characterized by an extracellular glycosylated N-terminal and an intracellular C-terminal region and seven transmembrane domains, linked by three exta- and three intracellular loops. The catecholamine ligand binding domain, studied using affinity-labeling and site-directed mutagenesis, is a pocket lined by residues belonging to the transmembrane domains. The region responsible for the interaction with the Gs protein which, when activated, stimulates adenylyl cyclase, is composed of residues belonging to the parts most proximal to the membrane of intracellular loop i3 and the C-terminal region. The pharmacology of the three subtypes is quite distinct: in fact most of the potent β12 antagonists (the well known β blockers) act as agonists on β3. The subtype is resistant to short-term desensitization mediated by phosphorylation through PKA or βARK, in stark contrast to the β1 or β2 subtypes. Various compounds (dexamethasone, butyrate, insulin) up regulate β1 or β1 subtypes while down-regulating β3 whose expression strictly correlates with differentiation of 3T3-F442A fibroblasts into adipocytes, thus confirming that the expression of the three subtypes may each be regulated independently to exert a specific physiologic role in different tissues or at different stages of development.  相似文献   

The biological underpinnings linking stress to Alzheimer's disease (AD) risk are poorly understood. We investigated how corticotrophin releasing factor (CRF), a critical stress response mediator, influences amyloid‐β (Aβ) production. In cells, CRF treatment increases Aβ production and triggers CRF receptor 1 (CRFR1) and γ‐secretase internalization. Co‐immunoprecipitation studies establish that γ‐secretase associates with CRFR1; this is mediated by β‐arrestin binding motifs. Additionally, CRFR1 and γ‐secretase co‐localize in lipid raft fractions, with increased γ‐secretase accumulation upon CRF treatment. CRF treatment also increases γ‐secretase activity in vitro, revealing a second, receptor‐independent mechanism of action. CRF is the first endogenous neuropeptide that can be shown to directly modulate γ‐secretase activity. Unexpectedly, CRFR1 antagonists also increased Aβ. These data collectively link CRF to increased Aβ through γ‐secretase and provide mechanistic insight into how stress may increase AD risk. They also suggest that direct targeting of CRF might be necessary to effectively modulate this pathway for therapeutic benefit in AD, as CRFR1 antagonists increase Aβ and in some cases preferentially increase Aβ42 via complex effects on γ‐secretase.  相似文献   

In anterior pituitaries from male rats, it appeared that 5α-androstane-3β, 17β-diol was quickly metabolized into 5α-androstane-3β,6α-17β-triol and 5α-androstane-3β,7α, 17β-triol by action of 6α- and 7α-hydroxylases. Hydroxysteroid hydroxylases were located in endoplasmic reticulum and were dependent on NADPH+. Their optimum pH was 8.0, optima temperature, 37°C, and their apparent Km was 2.7 μM. Hydroxylative reactions were not reversible and not modified by gonadectomy. Hydroxylation seemed an efficient control of the pituitary level of 5α-andros-tane-3β, 17β-diol.  相似文献   

We report here an analysis of the expression and function of the α chain of human VLA-4 in stable mouse L cell transfectants and the requirement for the β chain in these processes. L cells were transfected with human α4 cDNA or α4 and human β1 cDNA. Unexpectedly, human α4 cDNA, when transfected alone, could induce de novo surface expression of host β7 and increased expression of host β1. Induction of mouse β7 and β1 surface expression was not due to de novo gene activation, but instead represented α4/β intracellular subunit association and transport to the cell surface. Transfection with human β1 prevented surface expression of mouse β integrins. Whereas human α4 and human β1 subunits associated very tightly in anti-α4 immunoprecipitates, human α4 and mouse β subunits were only partially associated. Furthermore, binding of human/mouse chimeric receptors to recombinant VCAM, a major ligand for α4β7 and α4β1, was very poor, whereas human α4/human β1 receptors bound strongly to VCAM. One α4 transfectant, which exhibited a tight human α4/mouse β1 association, could be induced, but only after PMA activation, to bind strongly to VCAM. These results indicate that α4 subunits have specific affinity for β7 and β1 integrins and require β subunits for surface expression as well as high affinity ligand binding activity. Our results indicate that a tight association between the α4 and β subunit appears to be critical for ligand binding, consistent with a direct as well as regulatory role for the β subunit in ligand binding. Furthermore, these studies demonstrate that expression of foreign recombinant proteins can alter host cell protein expression resulting in de novo surface protein expression. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A method is described for evaluation of fat-soluble vitamin in human adipose tissue with the aim to obtain, accurately and within the shortest analysis time, a time-integrated measure of exposure to vitamins from the diet. Fat tissue was deproteinized with ethanol and extracted with n-hexane. Normal-phase HPLC was performed in a Lichrosorb Si60 column with a gradient of n-hexane–2-propanol at 1 ml/min. Detection was accomplished using a diode-array system (for retinol and β-carotene) in series with a fluorescence detector (α-tocopherol). The method was validated and applied to human adipose tissue in a total of 140 subjects. The mean contents found were 0.43, 0.84, 240.3 μg/g for retinol, β-carotene and α-tocopherol, respectively. The method is sensitive enough for detecting the compounds in 1.6 mg of adipose tissue considering the lowest concentration found.  相似文献   

Objectives: Obesity is a complex trait that is affected by both environmental and genetic risk factors. The β3 adrenergic receptor (ADRB3) is expressed in adipose tissue and plays a role in energy metabolism. A missense mutation on codon 64 of this gene (W64R) is associated with receptor malfunction. Previous studies examining the relation between this polymorphism and obesity produced inconsistent findings. The current study assessed the association between the W64R genotype and obesity‐related phenotypes, including body weight, BMI, and serum triglycerides, cholesterol, and glucose. Research Methods and Procedures: We determined the ADRB3 W64R genotypes and fasting serum lipid and glucose concentrations for 695 hypertensive adults (336 men, 359 women) from a rural county in Anhui Province, China. Multivariate linear regression models were fit to detect associations between the genetic polymorphism and obesity‐related phenotypes. Results: The ADRB3 W64R polymorphism was significantly associated with body weight and BMI in men but not in women. After controlling for potential confounding variables, men who were homozygous for the R64 allele were 11.8 kg heavier (p < 0.001) and had a BMI that was 3.7 kg/m2 greater (p = 0.001) than men who were homozygous for the W64 allele. Serum concentrations of lipids and glucose were found not associated with the genetic polymorphism. Discussion: The ADRB3 R64 allele was associated with increased body weight and BMI in men but not in women. The genetic association was not modified by triglyceride, cholesterol, blood glucose, or blood pressure levels of the subjects.  相似文献   

Preparative enantioseparation of four β‐substituted‐2‐phenylpropionic acids was performed by countercurrent chromatography with substituted β‐cyclodextrin as chiral selectors. The two‐phase solvent system was composed of n‐hexane‐ethyl acetate‐0.10 mol L‐1 of phosphate buffer solution at pH 2.67 containing 0.10 mol L‐1 of hydroxypropyl‐β‐cyclodextrin (HP‐β‐CD) or sulfobutylether‐β‐cyclodextrin (SBE‐β‐CD). The influence factors, including the type of substituted β‐cyclodextrin, composition of organic phase, concentration of chiral selector, pH value of the aqueous phase, and equilibrium temperature were optimized by enantioselective liquid–liquid extraction. Under the optimum separation conditions, 100 mg of 2‐phenylbutyric acid, 100 mg of tropic acid, and 50 mg of 2,3‐diphenylpropionic acid were successfully enantioseparated by high‐speed countercurrent chromatography, and the recovery of the (±)‐enantiomers was in the range of 90–91% for (±)‐2‐phenylbutyric acid, 91–92% for (±)‐tropic acid, 85–87% for (±)‐2,3‐diphenylpropionic acid with purity of over 97%, 96%, and 98%, respectively. The formation of 1:1 stoichiometric inclusion complex of β‐substituted‐2‐phenylpropionic acids with HP‐β‐CD was determined by UV spectrophotometry and the inclusion constants were calculated by a modified Benesi‐Hildebrand equation. The results showed that different enantioselectivities among different racemates were mainly caused by different enantiorecognition between each enantiomer and HP‐β‐CD, while it might be partially caused by different inclusion capacity between racemic solutes and HP‐β‐CD. Chirality 27:795–801, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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