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A measure of taste-aversion (TA) learning was used in three experiments to 1) determine whether exposure to intense 60-Hz electric fields can produce TA learning in male Sprague-Dawley rats, and 2) establish a dose-response function for the behavior in question. In Experiment 1, four groups of eight rats each were distributed into one of two exposures (69 ± 5 kV/m or 133 ± 10 kV/m) or into one of two sham-exposure groups. Conditioning trials paired 0.1% sodium saccharin in water with 3 h of exposure to a 60-Hz electric field. Following five conditioning trials, a 20-min, two-bottle preference test between water and saccharin-flavored water failed to reveal TA conditioning in exposed groups. In Experiment 2, four groups of eight rats each (34 ± 2 kV/m or 133 ± 10 kV/m and two sham-exposed groups) were treated as before. Electric-field exposure had no effect on TA learning. Experiment 3 tested for a possible synergy between a minimal dose (for TA learning) of cyclophosphamide (6 mg/kg) and 5 h of exposure to 133 ± 10 kV/m electric fields in a dark environment under conditions otherwise similar to those of Experiments 1 and 2. The results indicated no TA learning as reflected in the relative consumption of saccharin.  相似文献   

Air ions and direct current (DC) electric fields have been reported to exert subtle behavioral and biological effects on rodents and humans. These effects often appear inconsistent, yet there have been few attempts to resolve these inconsistencies by experimental replication. Rats exposed to negatively or positively charged air ions over a wide range of concentrations and exposure periods have been reported to show alterations in their level of locomotor activity. In this study, locomotor activity of Sprague-Dawley rats was quantified during exposure to either unipolar air ions and DC fields of the same polarity or DC fields alone. Both polarities were studied. Air ion concentrations were 5.0 X 10(3), DC fields were 3 kV/m, and exposures lasted 2, 18, or 66 h. In one experiment rats were exposed to DC fields of 12 kV/m. No exposure condition exerted any effect on locomotor activity or rearing behavior. In addition, no behavioral perturbations were observed after the onset of any of the exposure conditions, suggesting that the rats may have failed to detect the altered environment.  相似文献   

Numerous hematologic and serum chemistry variables were examined in rats exposed to unperturbed 60-Hz electric fields at 100 kV/m for 15, 30, 60, or 120 days. Each study was replicated once. Rigorous statistical evaluations of these data did not detect any consistent effect of the electric field for exposures of up to 120 days. It was, however, not unusual in any individual study to detect certain variables that were significantly different between the exposed and sham-exposed animals. This emphasizes the need for replicate designs and appropriate statistical analyses when investigating chemical or physical insults that may have minimal influence on biologic function.  相似文献   

Rats, given the choice, avoid exposure to alternating current (ac) 60-Hz electric fields at intensities ? 75 kV/m. This study investigated the generality of this behavior by studying the response of rats when exposed to high voltage direct current (HV dc) electric fields. Three hundred eighty male Long Evans rats were studied in 9 experiments with 40 rats per experiment and in one experiment with 20 rats to determine 1) if rats avoid exposure to HVdc electric fields of varying field strengths, and 2) if avoidance did occur, what role, if any, the concentration of air ions would have on the avoidance behavior. In all experiments a three-compartment glass shuttlebox was used; either the left or right compartment could be exposed to a combination of HVdc electric fields and air ions while the other compartment remained sham-exposed. The third, center compartment was a transition zone between exposure and sham-exposure. In each experiment, the rats were individually assessed in 1-h sessions where half of the rats (n = 20) had the choice to locomote between the two sides being exposed or sham-exposed, while the other half of the rats'(n = 20) were sham-exposed regardless of their location, except in one experiment where there was no sham-exposed group. The exposure levels for the first six experiments were 80, 55, 42.5, 30, ?36, and ?55 kV/m, respectively. The air ion concentration was constant at 1.4 × 106 ions/cc for the four positive exposure levels and ?1.4 × 106 ions/cc for the two negative exposure levels. Rats having a choice between exposure and non-exposure relative to always sham-exposed control animals significantly reduced the amount of time spent on the exposed side at 80kV/m (P < .002) as they did at both 55 and ?55 kV/m (P < .005). No significant differences between groups were observed at 42.5, 30, or -36 kV/m. To determine what role the air ion concentration might have had on the avoidance behavior at field strengths of 55 kV/m or greater, four additional experiments were conducted. The HVdc exposure level was held constant at either ?55 kV/m (for three experiments) or -55 kV/m (for 1 experiment) while the air ion concentration was varied between experiments at 2.5 × 105 ions/cc, 1.0 × 104 for two of the experiments and was below the measurement limit (< ± 2 × 103 ions/cc) for the other two experiments at 55 and ?55 kV/m. The exposed rats significantly reduced the amount of time spent on the exposed side at 55 and ?55 kV/m, relative to the sham-exposed rats regardless of air ion concentration (all at P < .005). Thus, HVdc electric fields of ? + or ?55 kV/m are sufficient to produce avoidance behavior in rats. Positive or negative air ion concentrations were not significant factors in these avoidance outcomes. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A series of three experiments was performed to determine the effects of 30-day exposures to uniform 60-Hz electric fields (100 kV/m) on reproduction and on growth and development in the fetuses and offspring of rats. In the first experiment, exposure of females for 6 days prior to and during the mating period did not affect their reproductive performance, and continued exposure through 20 days of gestation (dg) did not affect the viability, size, or morphology of their fetuses. In the second experiment, exposure of the pregnant rat was begun on 0 dg and continued until the resulting offspring reached 8 days of age. In the third experiment, exposure began at 17 dg and continued through 25 days of postnatal life. In the second and third experiments, no statistically significant differences suggesting impairment of the growth or survival of exposed offspring were detected. In the second experiment, a significantly greater percentage of the exposed offspring showed movement, standing, and grooming at 14 days of age than among-sham-exposed offspring. There was a significant decrease at 14 days in the percentage of exposed offspring displaying the righting reflex in the second experiment and negative geotropism in the third experiment. These differences were all transient and were not found when the animals were tested again at 21 days of age. Evaluation of the reproductive integrity of the offspring of the second experiment did not disclose any deficits.  相似文献   

Recently, it has been reported that exposure to high-strength electric fields can influence electrocardiogram (ECG) patterns, heart rates, and blood pressures in various species of animals. Our studies were designed to evaluate these reported effects and to help clarify some of the disagreement present in the literature. Various cardiovascular variables were measured in Sprague-Dawley rats exposed or sham-exposed to 60-Hz electric fields at 80 or 100 kV/m for periods up to four months. No significant differences in heart rates, ECG patterns, blood pressures, or vascular reactivity were observed between exposed and sham-exposed rats after 8 hours, 40 hours, 1 month, or 4 months of exposure. Blood pressure and heart rate measurements, made during exposure to a 100-kV/m electric field for one hour, revealed no significant differences between exposed and sham-exposed groups. In addition, physiologic reserve capacity, measured in rats subjected to low temperature after exposure to 100 kV/m for one month, showed that electric-field exposure had no significant effect on physiological response to cold stress. Our studies cannot be directly compared to the work of other investigators because of differences in animal species and electric-field characteristics. However, our failure to detect any cardiovascular changes may have been the result of 1) eliminating secondary field effects such as shocks, audible noise, corona, and ozone; 2) minimizing steady-state microcurrents between the mouth of the animal and watering devices; and 3) minimizing electric-field-induced vibration of the electrodes and animal cages.  相似文献   

Honeybees, like other insects, accumulate electric charge in flight, and when their body parts are moved or rubbed together. We report that bees emit constant and modulated electric fields when flying, landing, walking and during the waggle dance. The electric fields emitted by dancing bees consist of low- and high-frequency components. Both components induce passive antennal movements in stationary bees according to Coulomb''s law. Bees learn both the constant and the modulated electric field components in the context of appetitive proboscis extension response conditioning. Using this paradigm, we identify mechanoreceptors in both joints of the antennae as sensors. Other mechanoreceptors on the bee body are potentially involved but are less sensitive. Using laser vibrometry, we show that the electrically charged flagellum is moved by constant and modulated electric fields and more strongly so if sound and electric fields interact. Recordings from axons of the Johnston organ document its sensitivity to electric field stimuli. Our analyses identify electric fields emanating from the surface charge of bees as stimuli for mechanoreceptors, and as biologically relevant stimuli, which may play a role in social communication.  相似文献   

This study was designed to assess the neuroendocrine response of male Long-Evans rats to sustained or intermittent 60-Hz electric fields when exposed for 1 or 3 h at 100 kV/m. No significant differences were noted in corticosterone, prolactin, or thyrotropin levels between exposed and sham-exposed rats. A statistically significant increase (P less than .01) in growth hormone was noted in rats exposed to intermittent electric fields for 3 h. Emphasis was placed on good experimental design and the need to avoid standard laboratory stressors (excessive handling, temperature extremes, transportation, noise, etc.) known to be present in many biomedical studies. The importance of avoiding reactions due to extraneous factors in experiments predicated on investigating physiological function in relation to electric field exposure is discussed.  相似文献   

Natural and anthropogenic static electric fields are commonly found in the environment and can have both beneficial and harmful effects on many animals. Here, we asked how the fruitfly responds to these fields and what the consequences of exposure are on the levels of biogenic amines in the brain. When given a choice in a Y-tube bioassay Drosophila avoided electric fields, and the greater the field strength the more likely Drosophila were to avoid it. By comparing wild-type flies, flies with wings surgically removed and vestigial winged flies we found that the presence of intact wings was necessary to produce avoidance behaviour. We also show that Coulomb forces produced by electric fields physically lift excised wings, with the smaller wings of males being raised by lower field strengths than larger female wings. An analysis of neurochemical changes in the brains showed that a suite of changes in biogenic amine levels occurs following chronic exposure. Taken together we conclude that physical movements of the wings are used by Drosophila in generating avoidance behaviour and are accompanied by changes in the levels of amines in the brain, which in turn impact on behaviour.  相似文献   

Effects of the electromagnetic fields on living bodies, bones in particular, are among the relevant issues of contemporary life. In this study, we report the influences of 50 Hz and 0 Hz (static) electric fields (EF), on intact rat bones, as evaluated by dual energy X-ray absorbtion (DEXA) measurements on bone content and density when these animals (n = 27) are continuously exposed in utero and neonatally to EFs (10 kV/m) 14 days before and 14 days after their birth, for 28 days in total. Differences between 50 Hz EF and static EF groups are found to be significant (95% confidence level) for total bone mineral content (BMC), TBMC (P = .002). Differences between 50 Hz and control groups are found to be significant for total bone mineral density (BMD), TBMD (P = .002), lumbar BMC, LBMC (P = .023), and TBMC (P = .001). Differences between static EF and control groups are found to be significant for femoral BMD, FBMD (P = .009), TBMD (P = .002), LBMC (P = .001), and TBMC (P = .001). Note that TBMC parameters are jointly significant for all differences between the three groups of test animals. These results have shown that both static and 50 Hz EFs influence the early development of rat bones. However, the influence of static EFs is more pronounced than that of the 50 Hz field.  相似文献   

Exposure to air ions has been reported to influence serotonin (5HT), although critical reviews of these studies and previous measurements in our laboratory of the concentration, release, and utilization of brain 5HT indicate that neither the data nor the interpretations of the data are particularly convincing. Measurements of other possibly relevant neurotransmitter systems--norepinephrine (NE) and dopamine (DA)--were made in brain regions selected because of their importance in the modulation of brain functions relating to motivation, arousal, endocrine function, and motor activity, all responses that have been reported to be influenced by air ion exposure. Results indicate that exposure of male Holtzman rats to high concentrations (5.0 X 10(5)/cm3) of positive or negative air ions or to DC electric fields (3.0 kV/m) for periods up to 66 h failed to affect the concentration of NE or DA significantly in any of the brain regions.  相似文献   

Several authors have concluded that thermal electromagnetic noise will be of sufficient magnitude to overwhelm electric and/or magnetic fields induced by environmentally generated, power frequency electric and magnetic fields in the membranes of living cells located in the bodies of humans. Yet, there are research reports that indicate that living cells may respond to power frequency electric and/or magnetic field levels well below the limits set by these thermal noise arguments. The purpose of this study is to suggest that published thermal arguments may not make a full accounting of all membrane force fields of thermal origin, and that when such an accounting is made, the net thermal noise fields may be smaller in the power frequency range than previously thought. If this analysis is correct, there may be no thermal noise barrier that precludes the possibility of cellular membranes of human cells responding to environmental levels of power frequency electric or magnetic fields.  相似文献   

White-footed mice, Peromyscus leucopus, were exposed to 60-Hz electric fields to study the relationship between field strength and three measures of the transient arousal response previously reported to occur with exposures at 100 kV/m. Five groups of 12 mice each were given a series of four 1-h exposures, separated by an hour, with each group exposed at one of the following field strengths: 75, 50, 35, 25, and 10 kV/m; 8 additional mice were sham-exposed with no voltage applied to the field generator. All mice were experimentally naive before the start of the experiment, and all exposures occurred during the inactive (lights-on) phase of the circadian cycle. The first exposure produced immediate increases in arousal measures, but subsequent exposures had no significant effect on any measure. These arousal responses were defined by significant increases of gross motor activity, carbon dioxide production, and oxygen consumption, and were frequently recorded with field strengths of 50 kV/m or higher. Significant arousal responses rarely occurred with exposures at lower field strengths. Responses of mice exposed at 75 and 50 kV/m were similar to previously described transient arousal responses in mice exposed to 100-kV/m electric fields. Less than half of the mice in each of the field strength groups below 50 kV/m showed arousal responses based on Z (standard) scores, but the arousals of the mice that did respond were similar to those of mice exposed at higher field strengths. Polynomial regression was used to calculate the field strength producing the greatest increases for each of the arousal measures. The results show that the amplitude of the transient arousal response is related to the strength of the electric field, but different measures of arousal may have different relationships to field strength.  相似文献   

60-Hz electric fields: detection by female rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Female rats were trained to detect a vertical, 60-Hz electric field using the same apparatus and procedure we used previously to study behavioral detection of the field by male rats. Each rat was trained individually to press a lever in the presence of the field and not to press in its absence. Correct detections occasionally produced a food pellet. The probability of detecting the field increased as field strength increased. The threshold of detection--ie, the field strength required for detections at a probability of 0.5 after correction for errors--varied among rats between 3 and 10 kV/m. Behavioral detection by female rats was indistinguishable from that by male rats.  相似文献   

There have been a number of reports in the literature concerning growth-related changes in various animal species exposed to high-strength electric fields. Many of the laboratories reporting such effects have not documented and controlled for the secondary factors that are associated with generating high-strength electric fields (ie, corona, ozone, harmonic distortion, cage vibration, spark discharge). We have designed an exposure system in which we eliminated or minimized these secondary factors, therefore enabling us to examine only the effects of electric fields per se. Sprague-Dawley rats and Swiss-Webster mice were exposed to 60-Hz electric fields at kV/m for up to four months. In 17 individual experiments, we found a greater number of experiments in which the exposed rats had lower body weights than controls. This trend was not evident in data obtained from 14 individual mouse experiments. In more exhaustive growth studies, we found no significant differences in body weights, organ weights, or O2 consumption between exposed and sham-exposed controls. Our failure to detect any major changes in growth was probably the result of eliminating or minimizing the secondary factors associated with electric field exposure.  相似文献   

Short-circuit currents, surface electric fields, and axial current densities were measured in electrically grounded guinea pigs exposed to a uniform, vertical, ELF electric field. These data are 70–110% of corresponding values obtained in grounded rats exposed to the same electric field.  相似文献   

Measurements have been made of vector current densities induced by vertical, uniform, 60-Hz electric fields in the torsos of homogeneous models of swine and rats. The observed data were a strong function of the five grounding configurations invested: all four feet grounded, only front feet grounded, only rear feet grounded, left front and right rear feet grounded, and right front and left rear feet grounded. In the first configuration and with an exposure field strength of 10 kV/m, average total current densities induced in the torsos of pigs and rats were 34 nA/cm2 and 20 nA/cm2, respectively. The corresponding value for human exposure is about 250 nA/cm2, 7.3 and 12.5 times larger than for swine and rats, respectively. Current densities measured at 60 Hz can be linearly extrapolated to frequencies in a range extending from at least 1 Hz to 1 MHz. Human and animal current-density data can provide an improved rationale for extrapolating biological data across species. In addition, these data can be used to validate the predictions of numerical models.  相似文献   

Rectal temperatures were recorded in mice and rats during exposure to a stationary 7.55 Tesla (1 T = 10(4) Gauss) homogeneous magnetic field, and to magnetic field gradients ranging from 58.1 - 58.6 T/m. Contrary to observations reported recently by other investigators, no evidence was found for a change in the body temperature of rodents exposed to strong homogeneous or gradient magnetic fields.  相似文献   

In vitro assays were made of the effect of a static magnetic field of a neodymium magnet on cellular behavior. The cell turnover rate was examined by the incorporation of radioactive thymidine, and anabolic processes were measured by the incorporation of radioactive proline. Cell cultures of fibroblast- and osteoblast-like cells of the neonatal rat calvarium were assayed to determine uptakes of radioactive thymidine and proline; these assays were performed in conjunction with examination of an explant of the rat calvarium. The cells were assayed after exposure to a field for 1-, 3-, 5-, 7-, and 10-day periods. Cells were exposed to north and south poles with a pole-face flux density of 0.61 T; control cultures were exposed to an unmagnetised piece of neodymium. After sham exposure or exposure to the magnetic field, 50 μCuries/ml of culture media of isotope were added to the culture medium. The cultures were returned to an incubator for 6 h. Then, following centrifugation, the supernatant was assayed for radioactivity in a scintillation counter after addition of 3 ml of scintillation fluid. A statistically significant magnetic stimulation of turnover rate and synthesis of fibroblasts was found, but stimulation of osteoblasts did not occur. Conversely, the explants, which represent the osteoblasts and fibroblasts in an organised system, showed a statistically significant inhibition in uptake of the radioactive label. The data indicate both variability and diversity of cellular behaviour, and they accentuate the need for caution in the interpretation of effects of static magnetic fields. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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