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We report here a sensitive method for the determination of the absolute configurations of primary amines using exciton-coupled circular dichroism (ECCD). The method works on a microgram scale by derivatization of chiral amines with quinoline chromophores. Complexation of the chiral ligands with metal ion fixes the geometry of the chromophores, resulting in a twist that is governed by the asymmetric carbon configuration and steric environment of the amine. The absolute configurations of the primary amines can be interpreted from the couplets of the ECCD spectra of the derivatized complexes. Crystal structures, 2D NMR studies, and semiempirical calculations provide structural evidence for our model.  相似文献   

The effect of mobile phase pH and dimethyloctylamine (DMOA) on the retention (k') and stereoselectivity (α) of antimalarial agents mefloquine, enpiroline, and chloroquine on the α1-acid glycoprotein chiral stationary phase (AGP-CSP) was investigated. An increase of k' with increasing pH was observed while the effect on α was a function of the solute. The magnitude and direction of changes induced by DMOA depended on pH and the structure of the solute. The results of this study are consistent with a change of the conformation of the AGP between pH 5 and 7. At pH 7, the effect of DMOA on mefloquine was relatively well described by a competitive displacement from one enantioselective site. The effect on chloroquine and enpiroline suggests a multiple-site mechanism in which both competitive and allosteric interactions are involved.  相似文献   

The kinetics of H/2H chemical exchange of the amide proton has been suggested as one of the tools available for investigating hydrogenbond stabilizing interactions in gangliosides.The amide proton/deuterium (NH/2H) exchange rates in GM2 ganglioside were studied by1H-NMR spectroscopy on 12 samples prepared following different procedures. In samples passed through a sodium salt Chelex-100 cation exchange resin column prior to being analysed theN-acetylneuraminic acid NH exchange occurred in less than 10 min and that of ceramide NH in 30 min. TheN-acetylgalactosamine acetamido NH exchange was slower, the half-life of the signal ranging from 15 min to 3.5 h. Contact of the Chelex-treated GM2 samples with water, through a dialysis process, modified the NH/2H exchange rate values, theN-acetylgalactosamine acetamido NH exchange becoming faster than that of ceramide NH and similar to that ofN-acetylneuraminic acid NH. Our results indicate that the deuterium/proton exchange rate strongly depends on sample preparation (ion content and minor contaminants present in water). The three-dimensional model involving theN-acetylgalactosamine acetamido NH and theN-acetylneuraminic acid carboxyl group hydrogen-bonding, which is supported by experimental evidence, cannot be confirmed by NH-exchange measurement.  相似文献   

Compounds 2a and 3a-e are racemic 2-[(acylamino)ethyl]-1,4-benzodiazepines, tifluadom analogs, with high affinity and selectivity towards the kappa-opioid receptor. We describe the enantiomeric separation of all compounds through liquid chromatography with chiral stationary phases, as well as the resolution of the enantiomers of the most interesting compounds, 2a and 3a, by the semipreparative column Chiralpak AD. The configuration of the resolved enantiomers was investigated: the comparative study of CD and (1)H NMR spectra shows that compounds (-)-2a and (-)-3a have the same absolute configuration of (+)-(S)-tifluadom. A study on the stereoselective interaction with opiate receptors is reported.  相似文献   

Wipf P  Jayasuriya N  Ribe S 《Chirality》2003,15(3):208-212
Unusual nonlinear asymmetric amplification and chiral ligand loading effects were discovered for the use of catalytic quantities of chiral aminoalcohols in the in situ hydrozirconation-transmetalation-aldehyde addition processes. While the stereochemically most efficient aminothiol ligands demonstrated mechanistically conventional reaction parameters in excellent agreement with Kagan's ML(2) system, the asymmetric induction in the presence of a chiral aminoalcohol was found to vary greatly with loading and %ee of the ligand. Aminothiols remain the ligands of choice for the highly enantioselective formation of allylic alcohols and provide experimentally more predictable reaction variables. However, new, optimized conditions lead to a synthetically useful product %ee using the readily available and scalable aminoalcohol 2a.  相似文献   

Six secondary phosphine oxides and their tautomeric equilibria as free ligands and in the presence of an equimolar amount of the chiral dirhodium complex Rh* are described and discussed. Discrimination of enantiomers is easily possible by inspecting the (31)P NMR resonances; some (1)H and (13)C NMR resonances are useful as well. H/D exchange of the acidic protons in the phosphine oxides takes place with acetone-d(6), the solvent additive, after some hours but does not obscure the chiral recognition experiment. (103)Rh,(31)P coupling constants are discussed briefly. Decomposition of ligand molecules in 1:1-Rh*-adducts occurs slowly but completely.  相似文献   

The resolution of the H-1 antihistamines chloropheniramine, dimethindene, carbinoxamine, and mebrophenhydramine is described. The optical purity of antipodal products is investigated by chiral HPLC (use of alpha 1-acid glycoprotein and beta-cyclodextrin columns) and NMR (spectra of beta-cyclodextrin inclusion complexes). Configurational relationships among the group are reviewed and assignments are confirmed and extended by circular dichroism evidence. Affinity constants of antipodal pairs for guinea pig ileum and cerebellum sites, determined by gut bath and binding experiments respectively, are reported together with some in vivo tests in man for central effects. Results are discussed in terms of configurational requirements for activity and variations in antipodal potency ratios within the group.  相似文献   

Herein we present design, synthesis, chiral HPLC resolution, and kinetics of racemization of axially chiral Ni(II) complexes of glycine and di‐(benzyl)glycine Schiff bases. We found that while the ortho‐fluoro derivatives are configurationally unstable, the pure enantiomers of corresponding axially chiral ortho‐chloro‐containing complexes can be isolated by preparative HPLC and show exceptional configurational stability (t1/2 from 4 to 216 centuries) at ambient conditions. Synthetic implications of this discovery for the development of new generation of axially chiral auxiliaries, useful for general asymmetric synthesis of α‐amino acids, are discussed.  相似文献   

Chromatographic applications of three novel chiral stationary phases (CSPs) deriving from (S)-(N)-(3,5-dinitrobenzoyl)tyrosine are reported, under liquid chromatographic (LC) and subscritical fluid chromatographic (SubFC) conditions. Two grafting modes of the chiral moiety have been experimented starting either from γ-mercaptopropyl-silanized (type 1) or γ-aminopropyl-silanized (type 2) silica gels. For type 2 CSPs an evaluation of the stability of the amide linkage was achieved by means of SubFC; the relative contriution of ionic and covalent bindings to the ciral recognitio aility was then outlined. The chromatographic properties of these CSPs were compared with those of the corresponding CSPs deriving from phenylglycine, p-hydroxyphenylglycine, and phenylalanine for the resolution of some tertiary phosphine oxide, naphthoyl amide, and α-methylene γ-lactam enantiomers. Some simple requirements regarding the solute and CSP structures for chiral recognition ability can be inferred from these results. In addition, the resolutio of π-acid α-N-(3,5-dinitrobenzoyl)amino esters was investigated on these π-acid CSPs. An example of preparative scale chromatography is also presented.  相似文献   

Full NMR spectral assignments of the phospholene chalcogenides 1-12 are presented and their stereochemistry proven. The enantiomeric ratio of any of these compounds can be monitored easily by adding one mole equivalent of the chiral auxiliary Rh(2)[(R)-MTPA](4) (MTPA-H identical with Mosher's acid) and subsequent NMR inspection. Some surprisingly large diastereomeric signal dispersion is observed in the (1)H NMR spectra of the adducts, leading to the conclusion that intramolecular anisotropy interaction between groups inside the ligand molecules exists. The dependence of dispersion effects on the nature of the chalcogenide atom is investigated.  相似文献   

RS-8359, (+/-)-4-(4-cyanoanilino)-5,6-dihydro-7-hydroxy-7H-cyclopenta[d]-pyrimidine is a selective and reversible MAO-A inhibitor. The (S)-enantiomer of RS-8359 has been demonstrated to be inverted to the (R)-enantiomer after oral administration to rats. In the current study, we investigated the chiral inversion mechanism and the properties of involved enzymes using rat liver subcellular fractions. The 7-hydroxy function of RS-8359 was oxidized at least by the two different enzymes. The cytosolic enzyme oxidized enantiospecifically the (S)-enantiomer with NADP as a cofactor. On the other hand, the microsomal enzyme catalyzed more preferentially the oxidation of the (S)-enantiomer than the (R)-enantiomer with NAD as a cofactor. With to product enantioselectivity of reduction of the 7-keto derivative, it was found that only the alcohol bearing (R)-configuration was formed by the cytosolic enzyme with NADPH and the microsomal enzyme with NADH at almost equal rate. The reduction rate was much larger than the oxidation rate of 7-hydroxy group. The results suggest that the chiral inversion might occur via an enantioselectivity of consecutive two opposing reactions, oxidation and reduction of keto-alcohol group. In this case, the direction of chiral inversion from the (S)-enantiomer to the (R)-enantiomer is governed by the enantiospecific reduction of intermediate 7-keto group to the alcohol with (R)-configuration. The enzyme responsible for the enantiospecific reduction of the 7-keto group was purified from rat liver cytosolic fractions and identified as 3alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3alpha-HSD) via database search of peptide mass data obtained by nano-LC/MS/MS.  相似文献   

This review is to summarize experimental evidence and theoretical consideration in support of the concept that a mesencephalic enhancer regulation is the basis of the limited number of innate drives indispensable for the survival of the individual and the species, while a specifically organized telencephalic enhancer regulation is the basis of the acquired drives to reach an unlimited number of dispensable goals. The study is also an overview of the experimental and clinical data supporting the proposal that, due to the progressive decay of the mesencephalic enhancer regulation with the passing of time, the prophylactic administration of a synthetic enhancer substance [(—)-deprenyl, (—)-BPAP] during postdevelopmental life could significantly slow the age-related decay of behavioral performances, prolong life, and prevent the precipitation or delay the onset of Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

In recent years several 15β-hydroxysteroids have emerged pathognomonic of adrenal disorders in human neonates of which 3α,15β,17α-trihydroxy-5β-pregnan-20-one (2) was the first to be identified in the urine of newborn infants affected with congenital adrenal hyperplasia. In this investigation we report the synthesis of the three remaining 3ξ,5ξ-isomers, namely 3α,15β,17α-trihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one (3), 3β,15β,17α-trihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one (7) and 3β,15β,17α-trihydroxy-5β-pregnan-20-one (8) for their definitive identification in pathological conditions in human neonates. 3β,15β-Diacetoxy-17α-hydroxy-5-pregnen-20-one (11), a product of chemical synthesis was converted to the isomeric 3 and 7, while conversion of 15β,17α-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3,20-dione (4), a product of microbiological transformation, resulted in the preparation of 8. In brief, selective acetate hydrolysis of 11 gave 15β-acetoxy-3β,17α-dihydroxy-5-pregnen-20-one (12) which on catalytic hydrogenation gave 15β-acetoxy-3β,17α-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one (13) a common intermediate for the synthesis of the 3β(and α),5α-isomers. Hydrolysis of the 15β-acetate gave 7, whereas oxidation with pyridinium chlorochromate gave 15β-acetoxy-17α-hydroxy-5α-pregnan-3,20-dione (14) which on reduction with -Selectride and hydrolysis of the 15β-acetate gave 3. Finally, hydrogenation of 4 gave 15β,17α-dihydroxy-5β-pregnan-3,20-dione (10) which on reduction with -Selectride gave 8.  相似文献   

Rapid and simple isocratic high‐performance liquid chromatographic methods with UV detection were developed and validated for the direct resolution of racemic mixtures of hyoscyamine sulfate and zopiclone. The method involved the use of αl‐acid glycoprotein (AGP) as chiral stationary phase. The stereochemical separation factor (?) and the stereochemical resolution factor (Rs) obtained were 1.29 and 1.60 for hyoscyamine sulfate and 1.47 and 2.45 for zopiclone, respectively. The method was used for determination of chiral switching (eutomer) isomers: S‐hyoscyamine sulfate and eszopiclone. Several mobile phase parameters were investigated for controlling enantioselective retention and resolution on the chiral AGP column. The influence of mobile phase, concentration and type of uncharged organic modifier, ionic strength, and column temperature on enantioselectivity were studied. Calibration curves were linear in the ranges of 1–10 µg mL‐1 and 0.5–5 µg mL‐1 for S‐hyoscyamine sulfate and eszopiclone, respectively. The method is specific and sensitive, with lower limits of detection and quantifications of 0.156, 0.515 and 0.106, 0.349 for S‐hyoscyamine sulfate and eszopiclone, respectively. The method was used to identify quantitatively the enantiomers profile of the racemic mixtures of the studied drugs in their pharmaceutical preparations. Thermodynamic studies were performed to calculate the enthalpic ΔH and entropic ΔS terms. The results showed that enantiomer separation of the studied drugs were an enthalpic process. Chirality 28:49–57, 2016. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The anticonvulsant pheneturide, PNT, has been studied by 300 MHz 1H NMR in CDCl3 at ambient temperatures with the achiral lanthanide shift reagent (LSR) Eu(FOD)3, and with the chiral LSR, Eu(HFC)3. Both LSRs produced spectral simplification of the aryl proton signal region, and substantial lanthanide‐induced shifts (LIS). With added Eu(HFC)3, enantiomeric shift differences (ΔΔδ) were induced for most nuclei of PNT, indicating substantial potential for direct determination of enantiomeric excess. Valley heights between corresponding signals in the PNT enantiomers as low as 3.6% were achieved for the meta resonance. Least squares line‐fitting was applied to the variation of chemical shift vs. [LSR]/[PNT] molar ratios for both LSRs. Tentative assignments were made for the NH absorptions based on two‐dimensional NMR (COSY45), as well as their relative magnitudes of LIS, ΔΔδ, and lanthanide‐induced line broadening. The PNT conformation reported in the crystal is believed to be retained in solution with added LSR. The relative senses of magnetic nonequivalence were found to be the same among the three sets of aryl protons, and among the three kinds of protons in the ethyl moiety, with high levels of added chiral LSR, using 2D NMR. Chirality 11:529–535, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The vacuolar ATPase (V‐ATPase; V1Vo‐ATPase) is a large multisubunit proton pump found in the endomembrane system of all eukaryotic cells where it acidifies the lumen of subcellular organelles including lysosomes, endosomes, the Golgi apparatus, and clathrin‐coated vesicles. V‐ATPase function is essential for pH and ion homeostasis, protein trafficking, endocytosis, mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR), and Notch signaling, as well as hormone secretion and neurotransmitter release. V‐ATPase can also be found in the plasma membrane of polarized animal cells where its proton pumping function is involved in bone remodeling, urine acidification, and sperm maturation. Aberrant (hypo or hyper) activity has been associated with numerous human diseases and the V‐ATPase has therefore been recognized as a potential drug target. Recent progress with moderate to high‐resolution structure determination by cryo electron microscopy and X‐ray crystallography together with sophisticated single‐molecule and biochemical experiments have provided a detailed picture of the structure and unique mode of regulation of the V‐ATPase. This review summarizes the recent advances, focusing on the structural and biophysical aspects of the field.  相似文献   

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