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Several large epidemiological studies have shown an association between body mass index and blood pressure in normal weight and overweight patients. Weight gain in adult life especially seems to be an important risk factor for the development of hypertension. Weight loss has been recommended for the obese hypertensive patient and has been shown to be the most effective nonpharmacological treatment approach. However, long‐term results of weight loss programs are disappointing with people often regaining most of the weight initially lost. In recent years, a modest weight loss, defined as a weight loss of 5% to 10% of baseline weight, has received increasing attention as a new treatment strategy for overweight and obese patients. A more gradual and moderate weight loss is more likely to be maintained over a longer period of time. Several studies have confirmed the blood pressure‐lowering effect of a modest weight loss in both hypertensive and nonhypertensive patients. A modest weight loss can normalize blood pressure levels even without reaching ideal weight. In patients taking antihypertensive medication, a modest weight loss has been shown to lower or even discontinue the need for antihypertensive medication. In patients with high normal blood pressure, a modest weight loss can prevent the onset of frank hypertension. The blood pressure‐lowering effect of weight loss is most likely a result of an improvement in insulin sensitivity and a decrease in sympathetic nervous system activity and occurs independent of salt restriction. In conclusion, a modest weight loss that can be maintained over a longer period of time is a valuable treatment goal in hypertensive patients.  相似文献   

In general, under isoweight conditions, different types of dietary protein or individual amino acids have little effect on lipoprotein patterns. Dietary carbohydrate tends to increase plasma triglyceride when it displaces fat, accompanied by a decrease in HDL cholesterol concentrations. Potential differential effects of types of carbohydrate are difficult to assess because of differences in rates of absorption and confounding of dietary fiber. Saturated fatty acids increase LDL and HDL cholesterol, whereas trans fatty acids increase LDL but not HDL cholesterol. Unsaturated fatty acids decrease LDL and HDL cholesterol, polyunsaturated more so than monounsaturated. There has been considerable interest in the potential benefit of major shifts in dietary macronutrients on weight loss and lipoprotein patterns. Short-term data favor substituting protein and fat for carbohydrate, whereas long-term data have failed to show a benefit for weight loss. During an active weight loss period low-carbohydrate diets more favorably affect triglyceride and HDL and less favorably affect LDL cholesterol concentrations. Additional efforts need to be focused on gaining a better understanding of the effect of dietary macronutrient profiles on established and emerging cardiovascular disease risk factors, mechanisms for changes observed and contributors to individual variability. Such data are needed to allow reassessment and, if necessary, modification of current recommendations.  相似文献   

Although weight loss is associated with improvements in the plasma lipid profile, factors other than weight loss per se are involved. Energy restriction resulting in even modest weight loss suppresses endogenous cholesterol synthesis, which contributes to observed decline in circulating lipid concentrations. Whether individuals have stabilized weight or are still actively losing weight affects the magnitude of LDL cholesterol reduction as well as the direction of HDL cholesterol change. Hence, it is important to consider the timing of lipid measurements in the interpretation of the plasma lipid response to weight loss. Another important factor is the dietary composition of the weight loss strategy, with evidence that dietary fatty acid profile and amount can differentially influence the lipid response similar to that observed in energy balance studies. Other issues such as gender, and exercise during weight loss are also relevant. However, whether the lipid changes that are observed in the short term are sustained in the long term and whether the manner of weight loss has any impact on long-term outcomes remains to be determined.  相似文献   



Obesity is a public health problem, which increases the risk of chronic diseases and mortality. Weight loss can reduce mortality and improve most of the detrimental health consequences of obesity.

Design and Methods:

This paper was developed from two presentations to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which has responsibility for reviewing and approving drugs to treat obesity.


A weight loss of 5% or more is sufficient to significantly reduce health risks in individuals with impaired glucose tolerance, hypertension, or nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Slightly more weight loss (16% on average, achieved by surgery) reduces mortality. The goal of medicating for obesity is to help more patients achieve more weight loss. A barrier to drug approval has been the concern that weight loss medications might be used by individuals with little or no health risks, thus mandating a low side effect profile for approval of any drug. This limits the options for patients who have obesity‐related health problems that could improve with weight loss. Recently the FDA signaled interest in identifying health benefits in higher risk patients that might justify medications with higher risk; however, the potential impact on a large segment of the population has led the FDA to consider requiring a cardiovascular outcome trial for all obesity medications, either prior to or after approval.


This review argues that drugs are needed for obesity because they enhance behaviorally induced weight loss and that new medications for obesity are needed in the approval process.  相似文献   

PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Low-fat high-carbohydrate diets for weight loss have been challenged by alternative dietary approaches such as low-carbohydrate, high-protein or low glycaemic index. This review summarizes recent evidence on short-term metabolic effects and long-term adherence. RECENT FINDINGS: Very low carbohydrate freely fed diets containing less than 60 g carbohydrate per day appear more effective at inducing weight loss over 6 months than low-fat kilojoule-controlled diets although long-term compliance to both are equally poor. The LDL-cholesterol level did not increase in most studies and triglyceride levels fell dramatically in all studies, although none of the studies measured lipids in energy balance. Direct comparisons of the long-term efficacy and safety of low-fat and low-carbohydrate ad libitum diets are needed. High-protein diets with moderate levels of both fat and carbohydrate and diets low in glycaemic load are emerging dietary strategies, with medium-term benefits having been demonstrated in individuals with insulin resistance. Diets low in glycaemic index require larger studies to establish their efficacy for weight loss and cardiovascular disease risk reduction. SUMMARY: A variety of dietary approaches to achieve weight loss are consistent with metabolic improvements in cardiovascular risk in the short term. Long-term efficacy may depend on the intensity of education and frequency of follow-up more than the dietary composition per se.  相似文献   

PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The impact of dietary restriction on physiologic function in humans is now beginning to be examined. The clinical trials are fueled by decades of animal experiments showing that dietary restriction delays the aging process and decreases the incidence of many age-associated diseases. The critical issue addressed in this article is whether or not dietary restriction long term is feasible or beneficial in humans. RECENT FINDINGS: Short-term dietary restriction in humans does appear to have beneficial effects at lowering metabolism, especially when examining carbohydrates and weight loss. Dietary restriction long term does, however, have detrimental psychological effects in humans, making its feasibility questionable. Even short-term dietary restriction can negatively impact physical activity and potentially some aspects of immunity. The best avenue for humans to benefit from dietary restriction would be for pharmacological or bioactive food ingredient mimetics to be developed which would be more applicable for long-term use. SUMMARY: Dietary restriction per se is unlikely to emerge as a feasible long-term strategy to improve human health. Developing dietary restriction mimetics targeting energy metabolism may prove beneficial, not only in aging, but also in diabetes and obesity.  相似文献   

The weight loss observed in consumers of extracts of Citrus aurantium (bitter orange) has been tentatively attributed to the lipolytic and thermogenic effects of the alkaloids abundant in the unripe fruit. Synephrine, octopamine, tyramine, and other alkaloids have been repeatedly identified and quantified in Citrus members of the Rutaceae family or in their extracts incorporated in dietary supplements for weight management. However, there are only scarce reports on their lipolytic action. This study aimed at comparing the acute lipolytic activity of synephrine, octopamine, tyramine, and N-methyltyramine in rat and human adipocytes. Maximal response to the prototypical β-adrenergic agonist isoprenaline was taken as reference in both species. In rat, octopamine was slightly more active than synephrine while tyramine and N-methyl tyramine did not stimulate—and even inhibited—lipolysis. In human adipocytes, none of these amines stimulated lipolysis when tested up to 10 μg/ml. At higher doses (≥100 μg/ml), tyramine and N-methyl tyramine induced only 20% of the maximal lipolysis and exhibited antilipolytic properties. Synephrine and octopamine were partially stimulatory at high doses. Since synephrine is more abundant than octopamine in C. aurantium, it should be the main responsible for the putative lipolytic action of the extracts claimed to mitigate obesity. Noteworthy, their common isopropyl derivative, isopropylnorsynephrine (also named isopropyloctopamine or betaphrine), was clearly lipolytic: active at 1 μg/ml and reproducing more than 60% of isoprenaline maximal effect in human adipocytes. This compound, not detected in C. aurantium, and which has few reported adverse effects to date, might be useful for in vivo triglyceride breakdown.  相似文献   

Obesity is a major health care concern because of its associated medical complications and increased mortality. Despite a myriad of short-term weight loss strategies and the motivation of improving health, patients have difficulty maintaining reduced weight. Pharmacologic agents, such as fluoxetine, a selective serotonin uptake inhibitor, have been investigated as adjunctive therapy to standard weight management programs. Extended therapy with fluoxetine has demonstrated clinically meaningful benefits on weight loss and obesity-associated medical conditions in double-blind placebo-controlled studies. However, the magnitude of these benefits for individuals vary. Such findings are consistent with the belief that the obesity syndrome has differing etiologies. Accordingly not all patients are likely to benefit from a particular therapy. Studies should identify patient subgroups that are more likely to respond to a specific therapy. In this study of 719 fluoxetine-treated and 722 placebo treated patients in four multicenter, randomized, double-blind, long-term clinical trials, we investigated possible predictors of a beneficial long-term outcome from fluoxetine therapy. Patients' age, current smoking activity, and baseline uric acid concentration were predictors of a meaningful long-term treatment effect. Further review of the weight loss patterns of patients achieving long-term success provided the basis for a treatment monitor. Use of the predictors and the treatment monitor are strategies to maximize the benefits of therapy through improved patient selection and monitoring during a therapeutic program.  相似文献   

The prevalence of obesity is similar for men (32.2%) and women (35.5%). It has been assumed that lifestyle weight loss interventions have been developed and tested in predominately female samples, but this has not been systematically investigated. The aim of this review was to investigate total and ethnic male inclusion in randomized controlled trials of lifestyle interventions. PUBMED, MEDLINE, and PSYCHINFO were searched for randomized controlled trials of lifestyle weight loss interventions (N = 244 studies with a total of 95,207 participants) published in the last 10 years (1999-2009). A trial must be in English, included weight loss as an outcome, and tested a dietary, exercise, and/or other behavioral intervention for weight loss. Results revealed samples were on average 27% male vs. 73% female (P < 0.001). Trials recruiting a diseased sample included a larger proportion of males than those not targeting a disease (35% vs. 21%; P < 0.001). About 32% of trials used exclusively female samples, whereas only 5% used exclusively male samples (P < 0.001). No studies in the past 10 years specifically targeted minority males. Ethnic males identified composed 1.8% of total participants in US studies. Only 24% of studies that underrepresented males provided a reason. Males, especially ethnic males, are underrepresented in lifestyle weight loss trials.  相似文献   

Obesity is an increasing health problem in most developed countries and its prevalence is also increasing in developing countries. There has been no great success with dietary means and life style modification for permanent weight loss. Various surgical treatment methods for obesity are now available. They are aimed at limiting oral energy intake with or without causing dumping or inducing selective maldigestion and malabsorption. Based on current literature, up to 75% of excess weight is lost by surgical treatment with concomitant disappearance of hyperlipidaemias, type 2 diabetes, hypertension or sleep apnoea. The main indication for operative treatment is morbid obesity (body mass index greater than 40 kg/m2) or severe obesity (body mass index > 35 kg/m2) with comorbidities of obesity. Orlistat is a new inhibitor of pancreatic lipase enzyme. At doses of 120 mg three times per day with meals it results in a 30% reduction in dietary fat absorption, which equals approximately 200 kcal daily energy deficit. In the long term, orlistat has been shown to be more effective than placebo in reducing body weight and serum total and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels. Orlistat has a lowering effect on serum cholesterol independent of weight loss. Along with weight loss, orlistat also favourably affects blood pressure and glucose and insulin levels in obese individuals and in obese type 2 diabetic patients.  相似文献   

Parabiosis studies with obese rodents demonstrated that circulating factors are involved in the long-term control of food intake and energy balance. More than 40 years ago it was hypothesized that rats made obese by hypothalamic or dietary means, as well as genetically obese fa/fa rats and db/db mice, produce a circulating factor that either inhibits food intake or acts metabolically to reduce the fat content of non-obese ad libitum-fed partners. However, none of these obese rodents showed a significant change in weight when parabiosed to a normal animal. It was therefore postulated that these obese rodents produced a circulating lipostatic factor but were unable to respond to it. In contrast, genetically obese ob/ob mice were thought to be deficient in the circulating signal, as they lost weight when parabiosed to lean or obese db/db mice. The discovery of leptin suggested that the circulating lipostatic signal had been identified. However, a closer look at the outcome of the parabiotic studies reveals that leptin alone does not explain all of the findings of the parabiotic experiments. Another (or more than one) as yet unidentified factor(s) may be involved in energy balance regulation. The evidence for the existence of further leptin-like hormones comes from observations in which the direct effect of leptin has been eliminated or can be excluded.  相似文献   

Although most dieters strive to achieve “ideal” body weight, clinical and laboratory evidence clearly supports the value of a modest weight loss goalto attain health and emotional benefit. Weight loss as low as 5% has been shown to reduce or eliminate disorders associated with obesity, though several questions remain partially or completely unanswered regarding the roles of degree of weight loss, method of weight loss, distribution of fat reduction, and other variables. This paper reviews the effect of degree of weight loss on specific disease states and risk factors and discusses the impact of ethnic background at distribution, age, and mode of weight loss on outcome.  相似文献   

Provisional or conditional stenting should be defined as the use of stents limited to those conditions and cases in which the operator, despite an aggressive balloon angioplasty technique with large balloons and high pressure, has been unable to obtain a result that ensures optimal chances of early and late patency. The paramount issue is how to discriminate the patients with optimal results after balloon angioplasty for whom additional stent implantation is unlikely to improve or may even worsen long-term outcome. The better results of elective stent implantation in the OPUS study suggest that visual assessment of the PTCA result is not sufficient to detect lesions with suboptimal lumen gain after PTCA. The addition of physiologic parameters (Doppler flow velocity measurements, fractional flow reserve) has improved the results of the provisional stent group, with the best outcome observed when complex lesions and multivessel treatment were included in these studies (FROST, DESTINI). Intravascular ultrasound, although more expensive and time-consuming, has the additional advantage to guide the dilatation strategy.  相似文献   

MCGUIRE, MAUREEN T., RENA R. WING, MARY L. KLEM, AND JAMES O. HILL. Behavioral strategies of individuals who have maintained long-term weight losses. Obes Res. Objective: The purpose of the present study was to compare the behaviors of individuals who have achieved long-term weight loss maintenance with those of regainers and weight-stable controls. Research Methods and Procedures: Subjects for the present study were participants in a random-digit dial telephone survey that used a representative sample of the U. S. adult population. Eating, exercise, self-weighing, and dietary restraint characteristics were compared among weight-loss maintainers: individuals who had intentionally lost ≥10% of their weight and maintained it for ≥1 year (n = 69), weight-loss regainers: individuals who intentionally lost ≥10% of their weight but had not maintained it (n = 56), and weight-stable controls: individuals who had never lost ≥10% of their maximum weight and had maintained their current weight (±10 pounds) within the past 5 years (n= 113). Results: Weight-loss maintainers had lost an average of 37 pounds and maintained it for over 7 years. These individuals reported that they currently used more behavioral strategies to control dietary fat intake, have higher levels of physical activity (especially strenuous activity), and greater frequency of self-weighing than either the weight-loss regainers or weight-stable controls. Maintainers and regainers did not differ in reported levels of dietary restraint, but both had higher levels of restraint than the weight-stable controls. Discussion: These results suggest that weight-loss maintainers use more behavioral strategies to control their weight than either regainers or weight-stable controls. It would thus appear that long-term weight maintenance requires ongoing adherence to a low-fat diet and an exercise regimen in addition to continued attention to body weight.  相似文献   

Since few medications are equally effective in all patients, physicians can maximize the risk/benefit ratio of therapy for their patients by limiting exposure based on baseline predictors of success. Traditional procedures typically evaluate the response of patients receiving the same treatment regimen without evaluating a comparator. However, when treatments are compared, such as in clinical trials, traditional procedures of identifying predictors must be modified to analyze the treatment effect on the primary outcome variable. We focus on clinical and statistical considerations that arise when developing baseline predictors through models which consider treatment differences. To illustrate an application of this method, we used data from 1,026 patients completing at least 6 months of double-blind therapy in clinical trials comparing fluoxetine (N=522) with placebo (N=504) for weight loss. Stepwise regression procedures were used to identify baseline variables which were predictive of a beneficial fluoxetine treatment effect on last-visit-carried-forward (LVCF) weight change. In this example, age, smoking activity, and uric acid concentration were the best baseline predictors of long-term treatment effect relative to LVCF weight change. Patients were more likely to achieve long-term benefit with fluoxetine if they were older, and/or were nonsmokers, and/or had high concentrations of uric acid at baseline. These predictors, developed through models keying on treatment effect, can be used to identify patients who are more likely to accrue benefits with active therapy beyond those expected with placebo therapy, thus enriching the treatment population so that a higher proportion of treated patients are successful.  相似文献   

Objective : Because long-term weight reduction is often unsuccessful with dietary restriction alone, pharmacological agents have been used to promote weight loss. We have compared the novel (multiple monoamine neurotransmitter reuptake inhibitor) antiobesity drug sibutramine (10 mg once daily) with the extensively studied serotonin-releasing antiobesity agent dexfenfluramine (15 mg twice daily). Research Methods and Procedures : 226 healthy outpatients (aged 18 to 65 years; body mass index ≥27 kg/m2) were included in a 12-week, randomized, double-blind, parallel group study. The main outcome measures were changes in weight, body mass index, waist and hip circumference and ratio, and safety profiles. Results : Mean (±SEM) absolute weight loss was 4.5 ± 0.4 kg in the sibutramine group (n = 112) and 3.2 ± 0.3 kg in the dexfenfluramine group (n=112) (endpoint analysis); 4.7 ± 0.4 kg in the sibutramine group (n=101); and 3.6 ± 0.3 kg in the dexfenfluramine group (n = 94) (completers analysis). Comparing the two treatments under the conventional null hypothesis of equality as a secondary analysis, weight loss at endpoint in patients receiving sibutramine was significantly greater than that achieved with dexfenfluramine (p<0.05). Both drugs had similar adverse events profiles: 174 patients (77%) experienced adverse events; 17 patients withdrew due to adverse events (sibutramine, n = 6; dexfenfluramine, n = 11). Pulse rate increased significantly in sibutramine-treated patients (3.6 bpm), but decreased in dexfenfluramine-treated patients (-0.9 bpm). Discussion : Sibutramine (10 mg once daily) is at least as effective as dexfenfluramine (15 mg twice daily) in achieving weight loss in patients with obesity.  相似文献   

C reactive protein (CRP) values in blood are a good indicator of the likelihood of acute coronary and cerebral events in both healthy subjects and patients with coronary artery disease. This indicates that atherosclerotic lesions rich in inflammatory cells and cytokines are more likely to produce acute events either through vasospasm and/or thrombosis and also can be readily detected through elevations in CRP when measured using a high sensitivity assay (hsCRP). However the arterial wall is only one potential source of cytokines which induce CRP production. Fat cells also produce cytokines, in particular IL-6 which induces the synthesis of CRP by the liver. Obesity, especially abdominal obesity, is associated with elevations of hsCRP. This may be of pathogenic significance as CRP stimulates the uptake of LDL by macrophages, induces complement activation which may cause cellular damage in the artery, and enhances monocyte production of tissue factor, thus enhancing the risk of thrombosis. Caloric restriction and weight loss lowers IL-6 and CRP levels and may beneficially suppress an immune response. Whether particular dietary macronutrients or micronutrients alter IL-6 or CRP is unknown but this issue is clearly becoming more important.  相似文献   

Obesity is rapidly becoming a global epidemic. As it is a significant risk factor for several chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, it is imperative to study dietary and lifestyle approaches that help reduce its prevalence. Recently, due to its possible link to appetite control and metabolism, several clinical studies have assessed the effect of low glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (GL) diets on weight loss. To determine the application of GI/GL in the prevention and treatment of obesity, we searched several databases and identified 23 clinical trials that examined low GI/GL diets and weight loss as the primary outcome measure. In general, these studies showed much inconsistency in their findings. While a few studies found significantly greater weight loss on the low GI/GL diets, most of the other studies showed a non-significant trend that favored low GI/GL diets; suggesting that factors other than GI/GL may play a role. It would be helpful if a pooled analysis were undertaken to clarify the current findings and outline the limitations of these studies. There is also a need for more long-term randomized, controlled trials that not only focus on weight loss but also on weight maintenance and body composition.  相似文献   

Obesity, characterized by hyperleptinemia and hypoghrelinemia, has become a major health problem all over the world and is associated with an increased risk of complications including insulin resistance, hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis. The use of the pancreatic lipase inhibitor Orlistat can help seriously overweight people to achieve and maintain weight loss. The aim of our study was to compare the serum leptin and ghrelin levels in obese subjects who take orlistat with those receiving only dietary treatment. Twenty-one obese patients and 10 control subjects participated. The obese patients were divided into two groups; one group (n=11) took orlistat (120 mg, 3 times daily) and received dietary treatment and the other (n=10) only received the dietary treatment. The study lasted twelve weeks. The concentrations of serum ghrelin, leptin, insulin and C-peptide, and routine biochemical parameters, were measured in both groups. The serum ghrelin level was higher in control (183±62 fmol/ml) than obese (59±30 fmol/ml) subjects while the plasma leptin level was lower in control (8.7±12 μg/L) than obese (36.7±19 μg/L) subjects (all p<0.001). BMI and the total blood cholesterol, LDL and triglyceride levels fell significantly after both orlistat and dietary treatment in the obese subjects (all p<0.01), and the plasma ghrelin level rose (p<0.01). The leptin level demonstrated the opposite trend in both groups but only the patients taking orlistat showed a significant change (p<0.05).Taken together, these results show that orlistat has no effect on body weight in obese subjects additional to that conferred by a non-pharmacological life-style intervention. We therefore conclude that weight lost rather than type of treatment might be more valuable in obesity.  相似文献   

Radiation-induced taste aversion has been suggested to possibly play a role in the dietary difficulties observed in some radiotherapy patients. In rats, these aversions can still be formed even when the radiation exposure precedes the taste experience by several hours. This study was conducted to examine whether increasing the radiation exposure level could extend the range of the exposure-taste interval that would still support the formation of a taste aversion. Separate groups of rats received either a 100 or 300 R gamma-ray exposure followed 1, 3, 6, or 24 h later by a 10-min saccharin (0.1% w/v) presentation. A control group received a sham exposure followed 1 h later by a 10-min saccharin presentation. Twenty-four hours following the saccharin presentation all rats received a series of twelve 23-h two-bottle preference tests between saccharin and water. The results indicated that the duration of the exposure-taste interval plays an increasingly more important role in determining the initial extent of the aversion as the dose decreases. The course of recovery from taste aversion seems more affected by dose than by the temporal parameters of the conditioning trial.  相似文献   

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