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The distribution of androgen receptor-like immunoreactive (AR-ir) cells in the quail brain was analyzed by immunocytochemistry with the use of the affinity-purified antibody PG-21-19A raised against a synthetic peptide representing the first 21 N-terminal amino acids of the rat and human AR. This antibody is known to bind to the receptor in the absence as well as in the presence of endogenous ligands, and it was therefore expected that a more complete and accurate characterization of AR-ir cells would be obtained in comparison with previous studies using an antibody that preferentially recognizes the occupied receptor. Selected sections were double labeled for aromatase (ARO) by a technique that uses alkaline phosphatase as the reporter enzyme and Fast blue as the chromogen. AR-ir material was detected in the nucleus of cells located in a variety of brain areas in the preoptic region and the hypothalamus including the medial preoptic (POM), the supraoptic, the paraventricular (PVN), and the ventromedial (VMN) nuclei, but also in the tuberculum olfactorium, the nucleus accumbens/ventral striatum, the nucleus taeniae, the tuberal hypothalamus, the substantia grisea centralis (GCt), and the locus ceruleus. Cells exhibiting a dense AR-ir label were also detected in the nucleus intercollicularis. Preincubation of the primary antibody with an excess of the synthetic peptide used for immunization completely eliminated this nuclear staining. A significant number of AR-ir cells in the POM, VMN, PVN, and tuberal hypothalamus also contained ARO-ir material in their cytoplasm. These data confirm and extend previous studies localizing AR in the avian brain, and raise questions about the possible regulation by androgens of the metabolizing enzyme aromatase. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 35: 323–340, 1998  相似文献   

Sex differences, laterality, and hormonal regulation of androgen receptor (AR) immunoreactivity in rat hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells were examined using the PG21 antibody. Adult male rats were either castrated or sham-operated at least 2 weeks prior to sacrifice. Gonadally intact females were sacrificed on the day of proestrus. Animals received an injection of either testosterone propionate (TP) or vehicle 2 h prior to sacrifice. Within CA1, both the intensity of staining and the number of AR+ cells were assessed. AR immunostaining was detected in all the groups with marked variation among them. The overall ranking of staining intensity was: gonadally intact males > females given TP > castrated males given TP > females > castrated males given vehicle. The number of AR+cells within subregions of CA1 showed the same basic pattern: among control-treated animals, gonadally intact males have more than females, but castrated males have the least, and acute TP treatment increases the number in both sexes. The increased level of AR immunoreactivity in CA1 of castrated males following acute TP treatment suggests that testicular androgens in adulthood normally increase AR immunoreactivity there, producing a sex difference favoring males in gonadally intact animals. We also found a higher number of AR+ CA1 cells on the left than on the right, but only in gonadally intact males and in females given TP. These results suggest that a laterality of AR distribution in the rat hippocampus may lead to lateralities in hippocampal structure and function.  相似文献   

In adult male rats, axotomy of the spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB) motoneurons transiently down-regulates androgen receptor (AR) immunoreactivity. The present study investigates the importance of target reinnervation in the recovery of AR expression in axotomized SNB motoneurons after short (up to 5 days) and long (1 to 6 weeks) periods of recovery. In the long-term recovery experiment, animals were divided into two groups. In one, the two stumps of the cut pudendal nerve, which carries the axons of the SNB motoneurons, were sutured together immediately after axotomy. In the second group, the proximal stump was ligated immediately after axotomy to prevent target reinnervation. Axotomy of the SNB motoneurons caused a significant down-regulation in AR immunoreactivity within 3 days. At 6 weeks, AR immunoreactivity was still depressed in ligated animals but had recovered to control levels in resutured animals. The recovery in the resutured group was coincident with the first signs of reinnervation of the target perineal muscles, although reinnervation seemed to lag behind AR immunoreactivity. SNB soma size was significantly reduced 2 weeks after axotomy and returned to control levels after 6 weeks of recovery only in the resutured animals. These findings suggest that the target perineal muscles play a role in the regulation of AR expression and androgen sensitivity in the SNB motoneurons, perhaps mediated by muscle-derived trophic factors. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

To investigate potential mechanisms for sex differences in the physiologic response to androgens, the present study compared the hormonal regulation of intracellular androgen receptor partitioning and the distribution of androgen receptor immunoreactivity in select brain regions from male and female hamsters. Androgen receptors were visualized on coronal brain sections. Two weeks after castration, androgen receptor immunoreactivity filled the neuronal nuclei and cytoplasm in males and females. In gonad‐intact males and females, androgen receptor immunoreactivity was limited to the cell nucleus. Whereas exogenous dihydrotestosterone prevented cytoplasmic immunoreactivity, estrogen at physiologic levels did not. These results suggest that nuclear androgen receptor immunoreactivity in gonad‐intact females is maintained by endogenous androgens, and that androgens have the potential to influence neuronal activity in either sex. However, sex differences in the number and staining intensity of androgen‐responsive neurons were apparent in select brain regions. In the ventral premammillary nucleus, ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus, and medial amygdaloid nucleus, androgen receptor staining was similar in gonadectomized males and females. In the lateral septum, posteromedial bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNSTpm), and medial preoptic nucleus, the number of androgen receptor–immunoreactive neurons was significantly lower in females (p < .05). Moreover, the integrated optical density/cell in BNSTpm was significantly less in females (1.28 ± 0.3 units) than in males (2.21 ± 0.2 units; p < .05). These sex differences in the number and staining intensity of androgen‐responsive neurons may contribute to sex differences in the behavioral and neuroendocrine responses to androgens. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 39: 359–370, 1999  相似文献   

Defects of the androgen receptor cause a wide spectrum of abnormalities of phenotypic male development, ranging from individuals with mild defects of virilization to those with complete female phenotypes. In parallel with this phenotypic spectrum, a large number of different mutations have been identified that alter the synthesis or functional activity of the receptor protein. In many instances, the genetic mutations identified lead to an absence of the intact, full-length receptor protein. Such defects (splicing defects, termination codons, partial or complete gene deletions) invariably result in the phenotype of complete androgen insensitivity (complete testicular feminization). By contrast, single amino acid substitutions in the androgen receptor protein can result in the entire phenotypic spectrum of androgen resistant phenotypes and provide far more information on the functional organization of the receptor protein. Amino acid substitutions in different segments of the AR open-reading frame disturb AR function by distinct mechanisms. Substitutions in the DNA binding domain of the receptor appear to comprise a relatively homogeneous group. These substitutions impair the capacity of the receptor to bind to specific DNA sequence elements and to modulate the function of responsive genes. Amino acid substitutions in the hormone-binding domain of the receptor have a more varied effect on receptor function. In some instances, the resulting defect is obvious and causes an inability of the receptor to bind hormone. In other instances, the effect is subtler, and may result in the production of a receptor protein that displays qualitative abnormalities of hormone binding or from which hormone dissociates more rapidly. Often it is not possible to correlate the type of binding defect with the phenotype that is observed. Instead, it is necessary to measure the capacity of the receptor that is synthesized in functional assays in order to discern any type of correlation with phenotype. Finally, two types of androgen receptor mutation do not fit such a categorization. The first of these—the glutamine repeat expansion that is observed in spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy—leads to a reduction of receptor function that can be measured in heterologous cells or in fibroblasts established from such patients. The expression of ARs containing such expanded repeats in men is associated with a degeneration of motor neurons in the spinal cords of affected patients. Likewise, the alterations of androgen receptor structure that have been detected in advanced forms of prostate cancer also behave as gain-of-function mutations. In this latter type of mutation, the exquisite specificity of the normal androgen receptor is relaxed and the mutant receptors can be activated by a variety of steroidal and non-steroidal ligands.  相似文献   

Perinatal development is often viewed as the major window of time for organization of steroid‐sensitive neural circuits by steroid hormones. Behavioral and neuroendocrine responses to steroids are dramatically different before and after puberty, suggesting that puberty is another window of time during which gonadal steroids affect neural development. In the present study, we investigated whether the presence of gonadal hormones during pubertal development affects the number of androgen receptor and estrogen receptor α‐immunoreactive (AR‐ir and ERα‐ir, respectively) cells in limbic regions. Male Syrian hamsters were castrated either before or after pubertal development, and 4 weeks later they received a single injection of testosterone or oil vehicle 4 h prior to tissue collection. Immunocytochemistry for AR and ERα was performed on brain sections from testosterone‐treated and oil‐treated males, respectively. Adult males that had been castrated before puberty had a greater number of AR‐ir cells in the medial preoptic nucleus than adult males that had been castrated after puberty. There were no significant differences in ERα‐ir cell number in any of the brain regions examined. The demonstration that exposure to gonadal hormones during pubertal development is associated with reduced AR‐ir in the medial preoptic nucleus indicates that puberty is a period of neural development during which hormones shape steroid‐sensitive neural circuits. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 44: 361–368, 2000  相似文献   

Androgens are required for the maintenance of normal sexual activity in adulthood and for enhancing muscle growth and lean body mass in adolescents and adults. Androgen receptor (AR) ligands with tissue selectivity (selective androgen receptor modulators, or SARMs) have potential for treating muscle wasting, hypogonadism of aging, osteoporosis, female sexual dysfunction, and other indications. JNJ-37654032 is a nonsteroidal AR ligand with mixed agonist and antagonist activity in androgen-responsive cell-based assays. It is an orally active SARM with muscle selectivity in orchidectomized rat models. It stimulated growth of the levator ani muscle with ED(50) 0.8 mg/kg, stimulating maximal growth at a dose of 3mg/kg. In contrast, it stimulated ventral prostate growth to 21% of its full size at 3mg/kg. At the same time, JNJ-37654032 reduced prostate weight in intact rats by 47% at 3mg/kg, while having no inhibitory effect on muscle. Using magnetic resonance imaging to monitor body composition, JNJ-37654032 restored about 20% of the lean body mass lost following orchidectomy in aged rats. JNJ-37654032 reduced follicle-stimulating hormone levels in orchidectomized rats and reduced testis size in intact rats. JNJ-37654032 is a potent prostate-sparing SARM with the potential for clinical benefit in muscle-wasting diseases.  相似文献   

The effect of castration and steroid replacement on the intracellular partitioning of the androgen receptor in the brain of the male Syrian hamster was determined using immunocytochemistry. Androgen receptors were visualized using the PG-21 antibody (G. S. Prins) on 40-μm coronal brain sections from hamsters perfused with 4% paraformaldehyde with or without 0.4% glutaraldehyde. Control studies confirmed antibody specificity in gonad-intact and castrate males. In the normal adult male, androgen receptor immunocytochemistry reveals intense staining confined to the cell nucleus. Castration caused a gradual increase in cytoplasmic labelling within 2 weeks, accompanied by a reduction in nuclear staining intensity in androgen receptor-containing neurons throughout the brain. Cytoplasmic androgen receptor staining was eliminated after treatment of orchidectomized males for only 8 h with exogenous testosterone. Likewise, long-term exposure to testosterone and dihydrotestosterone, a nonaromatizable androgen, maintained nuclear androgen receptor immunoreactivity. However, exposure to low physiologic concentrations of estrogen was not effective in this regard. In addition, we determined that nuclear androgen receptor immunoreactivity decreases in response to inhibitory short-day photoperiod, but without an increase in cytoplasmic immunostaining. This appears to be due to the decrease in androgen production by the testis, rather than a direct photoperiodic effect, because testosterone supplementation to short-day males restored the intensity of nuclear androgen receptor immuno-reactivity to levels comparable to those in the intact male. These findings are compatible with a new model for the intracellular localization of androgen receptors, in which a subset of unoccupied receptors is located in the cell cytoplasm in the absence of ligand. They further demonstrate the repartitioning of such cytoplasmic receptors, thereby confirming and extending previous observations using biochemical techniques on the regulation of neuronal androgen receptors. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

High androgen receptor (AR) level in primary tumour predicts increased prostate cancer-specific mortality. However, the mechanisms that regulate AR function in prostate cancer are poorly known. We report here a new paradigm for the forkhead protein FoxA1 action in androgen signalling. Besides pioneering the AR pathway, FoxA1 depletion elicited extensive redistribution of AR-binding sites (ARBs) on LNCaP-1F5 cell chromatin that was commensurate with changes in androgen-dependent gene expression signature. We identified three distinct classes of ARBs and androgen-responsive genes: (i) independent of FoxA1, (ii) pioneered by FoxA1 and (iii) masked by FoxA1 and functional upon FoxA1 depletion. FoxA1 depletion also reprogrammed AR binding in VCaP cells, and glucocorticoid receptor binding and glucocorticoid-dependent signalling in LNCaP-1F5 cells. Importantly, FoxA1 protein level in primary prostate tumour had significant association to disease outcome; high FoxA1 level was associated with poor prognosis, whereas low FoxA1 level, even in the presence of high AR expression, predicted good prognosis. The role of FoxA1 in androgen signalling and prostate cancer is distinctly different from that in oestrogen signalling and breast cancer.  相似文献   

The ability of gonadal steroid hormones to augment axonal regeneration after peripheral nerve injury has been well established in rat and hamster motoneuron systems, and provides a foundation for the use of these agents as neurotherapeutics. With the advent of mouse genetics and the availability of transgenic and knockout mice, the use of mice in studies of neuroprotection is growing. It has recently been demonstrated that both androgens and estrogens rescue motoneurons (MN) from injury in mouse-derived motoneuron hybrid cells in vitro and mouse facial motoneurons (FMN) in vivo (Tetzlaff et al. [2006] J Mol Neurosci 28:53-64). To elucidate the molecular mechanisms of these effects, the present study examined the cellular localization of androgen and estrogen receptors in mouse MN in vitro and in vivo. Immunoblotting and immunocytochemistry studies established the presence of androgen receptor (AR) and estrogen receptor alpha/beta in immortalized mouse motoneuron hybrid cells and AR and estrogen receptor alpha in mouse FMN.  相似文献   

To purify the androgen receptor (AR) efficiently from baculovirus expression system, we fused 6 histidine residues with the N-terminal domain of AR as a tag to specifically bind to Ni+2-affinity column. Our data indicated that adding androgen can increase the binding capacity of his-tag AR to the Ni+2-affinity column, and this increased binding capacity of AR could be due to the exposure of histidine residues of N-terminal domain induced by androgen. The androgen-enhanced binding to Ni+2-column also correlated with the increasing solubility of AR. Electrophoretic mobility shift assay further indicated that only purified AR could interact with androgen response element. Together, our data suggest that the binding of androgen to the hormone binding domain of AR may result in the conformational change of the N-terminal domain of AR and increase the hydrophilic property of AR.  相似文献   

Because of the limitations and liabilities of current testosterone therapies, non-steroidal tissue-selective androgen receptor modulators may provide a clinically meaningful advance in therapy. Using a functional cell-based assay AC-262536 was identified as a potent and selective AR ligand, with partial agonist activity relative to the natural androgen testosterone. A 2-week chronic study in castrated male rats indicated that AC-262536 significantly improves anabolic parameters in these animals, especially in stimulating the growth of the levator ani and in suppressing elevated LH levels. In sharp contrast to testosterone, AC-262536 has weak androgenic effects, as measured by prostate and seminal vesicle weights. Thus, AC-262536 represents a novel class of selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) with beneficial anabolic effects.  相似文献   

1.  Studies were performed to determine the changes in immunoreactive (IR) type II glucocorticoid receptors of the ventral horn of the spinal cord produced by adrenalectomy (ADX), dexamethasone (DEX) treatment, and spinal cord transection in rats.
2.  These treatments did not significantly affect the number of IR neurons of the ventral horn; however, staining intensity was enhanced after ADX and decreased following 4 days of DEX. A similar response pattern was observed for glial-type cells.
3.  In control rats, about half of the ventral horn motoneurons were surrounded by immunoreactive glial perineuroral cells. These perineuronal cells increased after ADX (77% of counted neurons) and decreased following DEX treatment (32%;P < 0.05).=">
4.  Two days after transection, staining was intensified in ventral horn motoneurons and glial cells located in the spinal cord below the lesion. Immunoreactive perineuronal cells increased to 85% of counted neurons, from a value of 66% in sham-operated rats (P < 0.05).=">
5.  These findings suggest considerable plasticity of the spinal cord GCR in response to changes in hormonal levels and experimental lesions. It is possible that factors involved in cell to cell communication with transfer of hypothetical regulatory molecules may play roles in GCR regulation and the increased immunoreaction of glia associated with neurons following transection and ADX.

Reproductive aging in males is characterized by a diminution in sexual behavior beginning in middle age. We investigated the relationships among testosterone, androgen receptor (AR) and estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) cell numbers in the hypothalamus, and their relationship to sexual performance in male rats. Young (3 months) and middle-aged (12 months) rats were given sexual behavior tests, then castrated and implanted with vehicle or testosterone capsules. Rats were tested again for sexual behavior. Numbers of AR and ERα immunoreactive cells were counted in the anteroventral periventricular nucleus and the medial preoptic nucleus, and serum hormones were measured. Middle-aged intact rats had significant impairments of all sexual behavior measures compared to young males. After castration and testosterone implantation, sexual behaviors in middle-aged males were largely comparable to those in the young males. In the hypothalamus, AR cell density was significantly (5-fold) higher, and ERα cell density significantly (6-fold) lower, in testosterone- than vehicle-treated males, with no age differences. Thus, restoration of serum testosterone to comparable levels in young and middle-aged rats resulted in similar preoptic AR and ERα cell density concomitant with a reinstatement of most behaviors. These data suggest that age-related differences in sexual behavior cannot be due to absolute levels of testosterone, and further, the middle-aged brain retains the capacity to respond to exogenous testosterone with changes in hypothalamic AR and ERα expression. Our finding that testosterone replacement in aging males has profound effects on hypothalamic receptors and behavior has potential medical implications for the treatment of age-related hypogonadism in men.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2023,42(5):112529
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The bulbocavernosus (BC) and levator ani (LA) muscles of rats show remarkable androgen-dependent sexual dimorphism. These muscles are additionally of interest because they are thought to indirectly mediate sexual differentiation of innervating spinal motoneurons. This sexual differentiation of the BC/LA is thought to be due to an increase in muscle units in the male rat during the first week after birth. We examined the cellular basis of this differentiation by studying satellite cells in the LA of postnatal day 2.5 rats, when sexual dimorphism is already prominent. Two experiments were performed in which LA satellite cells were measured: (1) wild-type (WT) males were compared with females and to Tfm androgen receptor mutant males, which are androgen insensitive despite producing masculine amounts of testosterone, and (2) females treated prenatally and/or postnatally with testosterone proprionate were compared with females receiving vehicle injections. Our results indicate that WT males have a larger LA and a greater number of satellite cells in the LA muscle than females or Tfm males. However, satellite cell density was similar for all three groups. Prenatal testosterone treatment masculinized LA size and resulted in a corresponding increase in satellite cell populations, while postnatal TP treatment resulted in a tendency for increased satellite cell density without a significant increase in LA size. Taken together, these studies indicate that satellite cells in the neonatal LA muscle are sexually dimorphic, and that this dimorphism likely results from perinatal actions of androgens on androgen receptors.  相似文献   

There are now many known cases of orthologous or unrelated proteinsin different species that have undergone parallel evolutionto satisfy a similar function. However, there are no reportedcases of parallel evolution for proteins that bind a commonligand but have different functions. We focused on two proteinsthat have different functions in steroid hormone biosynthesisand action but bind a common ligand, androgen. The first protein,androgen receptor (AR), is a nuclear hormone receptor and thesecond one, aromatase (cytochrome P450 19 [CYP19]), convertsandrogen to estrogen. We hypothesized that binding of the androgenligand has exerted common selective pressure on both AR andCYP19, resulting in a signature of parallel evolution betweenthese two proteins, though they perform different functions.Consistent with this hypothesis, we found that rates of aminoacid change in AR and CYP19 are strongly correlated across themetazoan phylogeny, whereas no significant correlation was foundin the control set of proteins. Moreover, we inferred that genomictoolkits required for steroid biosynthesis and action were presentin a basal metazoan, cnidarians. The close similarities betweenvertebrate and sea anemone AR and CYP19 suggest a very ancientorigin of their endocrine functions at the base of metazoanevolution. Finally, we found evidence supporting the hypothesisthat the androgen-to-estrogen ratio determines the gonadal sexin all metazoans.  相似文献   

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