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Using single primer pairs Y3 and Y4, in siru polymerase chain reaction (in situ PCR) was successfully performed on the specimen slides of peripheral leukocytes. By both of the direct digpxiginin-11-dUTP incorporation into PCR products with in situ PCR (direct in situ PCR) and in situ PCR followed by detection of in situ hybridization (indirect in siru PCR), DNA fragments specific for human Y chromosome were obviously amplified in cellular nuclei of specimens on the slides. The results were verified by Southern analysis. The methodology of in situ PCR and its application were discussed.  相似文献   

[3H]Testosterone (T) was injected into male and female canaries (Serinus canarius), a species in which females are able to sing but do so more rarely and more simply than males. Autoradiographic analysis revealed that males and females have equal proportions of cells labeled by T or its metabolites in four song control nuclei: the high vocal center (HVC), the lateral portion of the magnocellular nucleus of the anterior neostriatum (IMAN), the robust nucleus of the archistriatum (RA), and the hypoglossal motor nucleus (nXII). Labeled cells were also observed in both sexes in the medial portion of MAN, and in hypothalamic nuclei. In both sexes, labeled cells in HVC, IMAN, RA, and nXII were larger than unlabeled cells. There were no sex differences in the size of either labeled or unlabeled cells in these song nuclei. The density of labeled cells per unit volume of tissue did not differ between the sexes in any song nucleus analyzed. However, because males have larger HVC and RA than females, males have a greater total number of hormone-sensitive cells in these regions than do females. Comparison of these results with measures of hormone accumulation in zebra finches and tropical duetting wrens suggests that the complexity of song that a bird can produce is correlated with the total number of hormone-sensitive cells in song nuclei. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Systemic treatment of adult female canaries (Serinus canarius) with testosterone (T) induces song and increases the size of song control regions (SCRs) in the brain. We used autoradiographic techniques to determine whether systemic T treatment also changes the accumulation of tritiated T or its metabolites by SCR cells. T treatment did not change the proportion of T target cells in SCRs, nor did it change the degree of cellular accumulation of T or its metabolites. Neuronal density was not altered by T treatment in any SCR sampled. In HVc (caudal nucleus of the ventral hyperstriatum) and RA (robust nucleus of the archistriatum), cell size did not differ between T-treated and control females. However, systemic T did increase the mean sizes of labelled cells and of all cells sampled in MAN (magnocellular nucleus of the anterior neostriatum). The results support the hypothesis that the induction of song in female canaries by T relates to increases in the absolute numbers of neurons and of T target neurons in SCRs.  相似文献   

Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is endogenously produced in the brain from L-cysteine by the enzyme cystathionine beta-synthase (CBS) and functions as a neuromodulator in the brain. H2S selectively enhances NMDA receptor-mediated responses and alters hippocampal long-term potentiation (LTP). The production of H2S is regulated by Ca2+/calmodulin-mediated pathways and is enhanced in response to neuronal excitation. In addition to this fast regulation, we describe here a slower form of the regulation of H2S production by testosterone and S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM), a CBS activator. Endogenous H2S in the mouse brain increases after birth, reaches a maximum level at 8 weeks and then decreases. Female brain contains less H2S than male brain at each age. A single administration of testosterone to female mice increases the endogenous H2S and SAM, which reach levels similar to those of male mice. In contrast, castration of male mice decreases the levels of testosterone, SAM and H2S in the brain. Administration of SAM once a day for 3 days increases the brain H2S without significantly changing the testosterone level. These observations suggest that testosterone can regulate the brain H2S level via changing the level of SAM.  相似文献   

神经递质在鸣禽脑中不仅是神经元间信号传递中介物质,还有资料表明它们通过在习鸣敏感期影响发声控制团间的突触联系的形成和突触可塑性,从而对鸣转类型的确定和巩固起重要作用,本文着重介绍了鸣禽发声控制核团内神经递质的分布及变化情况,并就神经递质在发声学习中的作用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

In songbirds, testosterone (T) mediates seasonal changes in the sizes and neuroanatomical characteristics of brain regions that control singing (song control regions; SCRs). One model explaining the mechanisms of the growth of one SCR, the HVC, postulates that in the spring increasing photoperiod and circulating T concentrations enhance new neuron survival, thus increasing total neuron number. However, most research investigating the effects of T on new neuron survival has been done in autumn. The present study investigated the effects of photoperiod and T treatment on SCR growth and new neuron survival in the HVC in photosensitive adult male House Finches, Carpodacus mexicanus, under simulated spring-like conditions. Birds were castrated, given T-filled or empty Silastic capsules and maintained on short days (SD; 8L:16D) or long days (LD; 16L:8D). To mark new cells, birds received bromodeoxyuridine injections 11 days after experimental manipulations began and were sacrificed 28 days later. Testosterone treatment increased the sizes of two SCRs, the HVC and Robust nucleus of the arcopallium (RA). Exposure to LD did not affect HVC volume, but did increase RA volume. Testosterone treatment increased the total number of HVC neurons, but did not affect the number of new HVC neurons. Thus, T initiates SCR growth and increases neuron survival, but effects of T on new neuron incorporation may be limited in photosensitive birds under spring-like conditions. These results provide new insight into the effects of photoperiod and T treatment on vernal SCR growth and new neuron incorporation and support current models explaining this growth.  相似文献   

We have used double-label in situ hybridization techniques to examine the cellular localization of GABAB receptor mRNA in relation to serotonin transporter mRNA and glutamic acid decarboxylase mRNA in the rat dorsal raphe, median raphe and raphe magnus nuclei. The degree of cellular co-localization of these markers notably varied among the different nuclei. In the dorsal raphe, cell bodies showing GABAB receptor mRNA were very abundant, the 85% being also labelled for serotonin transporter mRNA, and a low proportion (5%) showing glutamic acid decarboxylase mRNA. In the median raphe, the level of co-expression of GABAB receptor mRNA with serotonin transporter mRNA was significantly lower. Some cells were also identified that contained GABAB receptor mRNA in the absence of either one of the other mRNA species studied. Our results support the presence of GABAB receptors in serotonergic as well as GABAergic neurones in the dorsal and median raphe, providing the anatomical basis for the reported dual inhibitory/disinhibitory effect of the GABAB agonist baclofen on serotonergic function.  相似文献   

We have isolated mouse DLG6 (mDLG6) cDNA clones by RT-PCR and then by using the RT-PCR products to screen a mouse brain cDNA library. The deduced amino acid sequence of mDLG6 shows 79.2% and 82.7% overall identity to human (hDLG6) and rat DLG6 (rDLG6), respectively. In situ hybridization revealed that mDLG6 mRNA is predominantly expressed in embryonic and adult brain.  相似文献   

AIMS: To carry out a rapid and reliable identification of bacterial diversity in the oyster Crassostrea gigas from Todos Santos Bay, México, in the current study we applied the molecular techniques of fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). In order to reach this goal, genus and group-specific oligonucleotides targeted to 16S rDNA/rRNA were used. METHODS AND RESULTS: Oysters were collected and different tissues were analysed by means of culture-independent methodologies. In the digestive glands and gonads gamma-Proteobacteria and Gram-positive bacteria with a low G+C content, were identified as metabolically active by FISH. In the oyster gills a higher active diversity was observed, including Gram-positive bacteria with a low and high G+C content, members of the Cytophaga/Flavobacterium cluster and gamma-Proteobacteria. Consistent with FISH analysis, the amplification of 16S rDNA genes fragments with genus and group-specific oligonucleotides confirmed the presence of the same groups, as well as members of the alpha- and beta-Proteobacterias, Pseudomonas spp. and Bacillus spp. CONCLUSIONS: The combination of accurate and very easy-to-apply molecular methods allowed us to carry out a rapid screening of high bacterial diversity in oysters. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This work is the first report about bacterial diversity in oyster tissues analysed by FISH and PCR, without using culture-dependent methods and allowed us to determine the phylogenetic diversity of the bacterial communities present in oyster cultures, including bacteria with and without metabolic activity, as well as uncultivable cells, which are generally underestimated by traditional identification.  相似文献   

There is considerable interindividual variation in the volumes of song control nuclei. Sex and physiological condition appear to contribute to these differences; however, these factors alone do not account for all of the variation. Studies have attempted to relate differences in song behavior (i.e., song repertoire size) to variation in song nucleus volume, but have met with mixed success. In this article, two studies are presented that used male European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) to explore the relationship between song nuclei volumes and age-related differences in song behavior and interindividual variation in song behavior in adults. The results of the first study showed that song repertoire size and song bout length were significantly greater in older adult than in yearling males. In addition, the volumes of the high vocal center (HVC) and nucleus robustus archistriatalis (RA) were significantly larger in older adults than yearlings. Area X of the parolfactory lobe did not differ significantly in volume between the two age classes. In the second study, both HVC and RA volume correlated positively with song bout length but not repertoire size among adult birds. Based on these results a new hypothesis is presented that states that variation in song nuclei volumes in starlings relates more to the amount of song produced than to the number of song types stored in memory. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Based on comparative analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences, two oligonucleotide probes for in situ detection of all members of the genus Listeria were designed. These probes allowed fast and reliable in situ detection of Listeria spp. even in complex samples like raw milk. Almost full-length iap (invasion-associated protein) gene sequences were determined for 69 Listeria monocytogenes strains of all 13 known serotypes. A comparison of these sequences revealed that the L. monocytogenes strains can be grouped into three distinct genotypes. These clusters correlate well with distinct serotypes. Thus, strains of serotypes b and d belong to genotype I, a and c to genotype II, and 4a and 4c, which are rarely isolated from humans, group together within genotype III. These results could be corroborated by further comparative sequence analysis of genes encoding two phospholipases - plcA and plcB. Based on the iap gene sequences, a highly specific and reproducible competitive PCR detection method was developed. Primer pairs targeting genotype-specific regions of the iap gene were designed. The amplification of non-specific PCR products from DNA of non-target strains was prevented by adding competitive primers. By applying this method, the rapid and reliable distinction of the three L. monocytogenes genotypes was possible.  相似文献   

A new method to detect the protozoan Neospora caninum using indirect in situ polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is described. In situ PCR combines the advantages of the extraordinarily high sensitivity and specificity of PCR and the in situ representation of immunohistochemical methods. We describe an indirect in situ PCR, whereby the amplified products were detected using a primed in situ (PRINS) reaction with hapten-labeled nucleotides and visualized using fluorochrome-labeled antibodies. This technique was carried out in both infected cell cultures and formalin fixed, paraffin embedded tissues. Clear signals were obtained in the N. caninum positive samples using in situ PCR, whereas control slides with Toxoplasma gondii infected tissues always yielded negative results.  相似文献   

Selective lesion of rat basal forebrain by the cholinergic immunotoxin 192IgG-saporin was used as an animal model to address the question of whether the changes in cortical glucose metabolism observed in patients with Alzheimer's disease may be related to impaired cholinergic transmission. At different times after creating the immunolesion, the isoenzyme pattern and steady-state mRNA levels of the key glycolytic enzyme phosphofructokinase were determined in cortex, hippocampus, basal forebrain and nucleus caudatus. The loss of cholinergic input was accompanied by a persistent decrease in choline acetytransferase and acetylcholine esterase activities in the cortical target areas similar to the cholinergic malfunction seen in Alzheimer's dementia. The basal forebrain lesion induced by the immunotoxin resulted in a transient increase in phosphofructokinase activity peaking on day 7 after inducing the lesion in cortical areas. In parallel, an increased steady-state level of phosphofructokinase mRNA was determined by RT/real-time PCR and in situ hybridization. In contrast, analysis by western blotting and quantitative PCR revealed no changes in the phosphofructokinase isoenzyme pattern after immunolesion. It is concluded that common metabolic mechanisms may underlie the degenerative and repair processes in denervated rat brain and in the diseased Alzheimer's brain.  相似文献   

Singing and the processing of auditory information related to song can be affected by experimental manipulations of catecholamine activity in the brain of zebra finches. We investigated, by immunocytochemistry in the brain of male and female canaries, the distribution of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), the rate-limiting step in the synthesis of catecholamines. Fibers immunoreactive for TH (TH-ir) were particularly abundant in the lobus parolfactorius, the paleostriatum primitivum, and the nucleus septalis lateralis. A high density of TH-ir basket-like structures was observed in the caudomedial neostriatum, an area involved in song perception and recognition. In most males, a high density of TH-ir fibers outlined the telencephalic song control nuclei including the high vocal center, the nucleus robustus archistriatalis, the nucleus interfascialis, the lateral and medial parts of the magnocellular nucleus of the anterior neostriatum, and area X of the lobus parolfactorius. The higher density of fibers immunoreactive for TH in these nuclei, compared with the surrounding telencephalon, supports the notion that the morphological evolution of the song control nuclei was accompanied by a neurochemical specialization. This specific innervation of the song control regions was, in general, not found in females. The specific presence of high densities of TH-ir fibers in the song system of male canaries and the sex difference of this innervation provide anatomical evidence in support of the claim that dopamine and/or norepinephrine play important roles in the modulation of song learning and production.  相似文献   

Adult rats were treated with ethane dimethane sulphonate (EDS), an agent that destroys Leydig cells. Within 5 days after EDS treatment, the levels of testosterone (T) in the circulation and in the testis were decreased to very low values, which makes it possible to manipulate the testicular T concentration through administration of exogenous T. Spermatogenesis was not markedly affected within 5 days after EDS treatment, also not in the absence of T administration. In testes of EDS-treated rats, the androgen receptor mRNA (ARmRNA) level remained unaltered for 5 days. In ventral prostate, however, this treatment caused a pronounced upregulation of the level of ARmRNA, which could be counteracted by implantation of silastic T implants immediately after EDS treatment. In EDS-treated rats carrying a T implant and in untreated rats, the same number of specific [3H]R1881 binding sites was observed using a total testis nuclear fraction (Scatchard analysis). In testes from EDS-treated rats without T implants, androgen receptors (AR) did not fractionate into the nuclear fraction; however, the total testicular AR content in these animals (measured by nuclear [3H]R1881 binding after receptor transformation through injection of a high dose of T, 2 h before killing the rats) remained unaltered. Immunoprecipitation and Western blotting using anti N-terminal antibodies seemed to indicate that the total testicular amount of AR protein in the EDS-treated rats was very low as compared to that in EDS-treated rats carrying T implants and in untreated rats. Even after receptor retransformation (by injection of a high dose of T) the receptors were not quantitatively detected by immunoprecipitation and Western blotting. This may point to a structural modification of the AR that occurs in the prolonged absence of androgens.  相似文献   

Sex‐linked genes are considered to be a major contributor to neural sex differences in zebra finches. While several candidates have been identified, additional ones are continuously being discovered. Here we report on a novel Z‐linked ribosomal gene (rpS6) that is enhanced in the male brain as compared to the female's throughout life. In both sexes, expression of rpS6 is highest at P3 and P8 (just before the onset of morphologically detectable sex differences), decreases around P15, and then remains decreased through adulthood. Analysis of rpS6 mRNA revealed widespread distribution throughout the brain. However, within song regions HVC and RA, mRNA containing cells were greater in males as compared to females. Hormones are also involved in the development of neural dimorphisms, so we additionally investigated whether rpS6 might interact with estradiol (E2). An up‐regulation of rpS6 gene was observed in both sexes following treatment with E2 and the effect was approximately twice as large in males as compared with females. These data suggest that rpS6 may be involved in sexual differentiation of the zebra finch brain, and that the effect is facilitated by E2. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 73: 599–608, 2013  相似文献   

The effects of continuous infusion of NMDA receptor antagonist MK-801 on the modulation of NMDA receptor subunits NR1, NR2A, NR2B, and NR2C were investigated by using in situ hybridization study. Differential assembly of NMDA receptor subunits determines their functional characteristics. Continuous intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) infusion with MK-801 (1 pmol/10 l/h) for 7 days resulted in significant modulations in the NR1, NR2A, and NR2B mRNA levels without producing stereotypic motor syndromes. The levels of NR1 mRNA were significantly increased (9-20%) in the cerebral cortex, striatum, septum, and CA1 of hippocampus in MK-801-infused rats. The levels of NR2A mRNA were significantly decreased (11-16%) in the CA3 and dentate gyrus of hippocampus in MK-801-infused rats. In contrast to NR2A, NR2B subunit mRNA levels were increased (10-14%) in the cerebral cortex, caudate putamen, and thalamus. However, no changes of NR2C subunits in cerebellar granule layer were observed. Using quantitative ligand autoradiography, the binding of NMDA receptor ligand [3H]MK-801 was increased (12-25%) significantly in almost all brain regions except in the thalamus and cerebellum after 7 days infusion with MK-801. These results suggest that region-specific changes of NMDA receptor subunit mRNA and [3H]MK-801 binding are involved in the MK-801-infused adult rats.  相似文献   

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