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Neural networks are considered by many to be very promising tools for classification and prediction. The flexibility of the neural network models often result in over-fit. Shrinking the parameters using a penalized likelihood is often used in order to overcome such over-fit. In this paper we extend the approach proposed by FARAGGI and SIMON (1995a) to modeling censored survival data using the input-output relationship associated with a single hidden layer feed-forward neural network. Instead of estimating the neural network parameters using the method of maximum likelihood, we place normal prior distributions on the parameters and make inferences based on derived posterior distributions of the parameters. This Bayesian formulation will result in shrinking the parameters of the neural network model and will reduce the over-fit compared with the maximum likelihood estimators. We illustrate our proposed method on a simulated and a real example.  相似文献   

A condition for practical independence of contact distribution functions in Boolean models is obtained. This result allows the authors to use maximum likelihcod methods, via sparse sampling, for estimating unknown parameters of an isotropic Boolean model. The second part of this paper is devoted to a simulation study of the proposed method. AMS classification: 60D05  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of making inferences on the maximum radius and the intensity of the Poisson point process associated to a Boolean Model of circular primary grains with uniformly distributed random radii. The only sample information used is observed radii of circular clumps (DUPAC, 1980). The behaviour of maximum likelihood estimation has been evaluated by means of Monte Carlo methods.  相似文献   

A derivation of the maximum likelihood ratio test for testing no outliers in regression models is given using the method of WETHERILL (1981, pp. 106–107) for estimating the regression parameters. This method is essentially similar to the one outlined in BARNETT and LEWIS (1978, p. 263), although by our detailed derivation it is easier to see that the maximum likelihood estimate of θ of model (3) under the hypothesis that the ith observation in an outlier is the same as that obtained from model (1) when the ith observation is removed.  相似文献   

非线性再生散度随机效应模型包括了非线性随机效应模型和指数族非线性随机效应模型等.通过视模型中的随机效应为假想的缺失数据和应用Metropolis-Hastings(简称MH) 算法,提出了模型参数极大似然估计的随机逼近算法.模拟研究和实例分析表明了该算法的可行性.  相似文献   

非线性再生散度随机效应模型是指数族非线性随机效应模型和非线性再生散度模型的推广和发展.通过视模型中的随机效应为假想的缺失数据和应用Metropolis-Hastings(MH)算法,提出了模型参数极大似然估计的Monte-Carlo EM(MCEM)算法,并用模拟研究和实例分析说明了该算法的可行性.  相似文献   

The problem of assessing the relative calibrations and relative accuracies of a set of p instruments, each designed to measure the same characteristic on a common group of individuals is considered by using the EM algorithm. As shown, the EM algorithm provides a general solution for this problem. Its implementation is simple and in its most general form requires no extra iterative procedures within the M step. One important feature of the algorithm in this set up is that the error variance estimates are always positive. Thus, it can be seen as a kind of restricted maximization procedure. The expected information matrix for the maximum likelihood estimators is derived, upon which the large sample estimated covariance matrix for the maximum likelihood estimators can be computed. The problem of testing hypothesis about the calibration lines can be approached by using the Wald statistics. The approach is illustrated by re-analysing two data sets in the literature.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the effects of incorrectly omitted regressor variables in a parametric proportional hazard regression model. By studying conditions for equality between the estimators of correct and incorrect models it is demonstrated analytically that such cases are not to be expected in practise. A small sample Monte Carlo experiment indicates severe negative effects on the retained parameters both in terms of bias and mean square error.  相似文献   

Iterative numerical methods are necessary to find the maximum likelihood estimates for finite mixture distributions. This paper shows that it will often be possible to analytically reduce the number of equations that must ultimately be solved numerically. Such a reduction in dimensionality has not generally been used, or sought after, for mixture distributions. Yet such results are easily derived when each mixture component is assumed to be from the same parametric model within the exponential family.  相似文献   

Hidden Markov models were successfully applied in various fields of time series analysis, especially for analyzing ion channel recordings. The maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) has recently been proven to be asymptotically normally distributed. Here, we investigate finite sample properties of the MLE and of different types of likelihood ratio tests (LRTs) by means of simulation studies. The MLE is shown to reach the asymptotic behavior within sample sizes that are common for various applications. Thus, reliable estimates and confidence intervals can be obtained. We give an approximative scaling function for the estimation error for finite samples, and investigate the power of different LRTs suitable for applications to ion channels, including tests for superimposed hidden Markov processes. Our results are applied to physiological sodium channel data.  相似文献   

The CRF04_cpx strains of HIV-1 accounts for approximately 2–10% of the infected population in Greece, across different transmission risk groups. CRF04_cpx was the lineage documented in an HIV-1 transmission network in Thessalonica, northern Greece. Most of the transmissions occurred through unprotected heterosexual contacts between 1989 and 1993. Blood samples were available for six patients, obtained 6–10 years later, except for one patient sampled in 1991. Our objective was to examine whether the transmission history is compatible with the evolutionary tree of the virus, in partial gag, partial env, and partial gag+env. The inferred phylogenetic tree obtained using maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods in partial gag+env was much closer to the transmission tree than that using either env or gag separately. Our findings suggest that the epidemiological relationships among patients who have been infected by a common source correspond almost exactly to the evolutionary trees of the virus, given that enough phylogenetic signal is present in the alignment. Moreover, we found evidence that recombination is not the most parsimonious explanation for the phylogenetic incongruence between gag and env. For patients with known infection dates, the estimated dates of the coalescent events obtained using molecular clock calculations based on a newly developed Bayesian method in gag + env were in agreement with the actual infection dates.This article contains online supplementary material.Reviewing Editor: Dr. Lauren Ancel-MeyersIsolated sequences from patients belonging to the CRF04_cpx transmission network always correspond to partially characterized gag, env, and gag+env genomic regions.  相似文献   

考虑两个正态总体X_i~N(μ_i,σ_i~2) i=1,2,均值μ_i和方差σ_i~2>0是未知参数,它们的比在半序约束μ_1/σ_1≤μ_2/σ_2下的最大似然估计(MLE)问题,给出了计算MLE的方法,对三个正态总体的情况,给出了相关的结果,这些方法在生物遗传和药物检验等方面都有广泛应用。  相似文献   

The heterogeneous Poisson process with discretized exponential quadratic rate function is considered. Maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters of the rate function are derived for the case when the data consists of numbers of occurrences in consecutive equal time periods. A likelihood ratio test of the null hypothesis of exponential quadratic rate is presented. Its power against exponential linear rate functions is estimated using Monte Carlo simulation. The maximum likelihood method is compared with a log-linear least squares techniques. An application of the technique to the analysis of mortality rates due to congenital malformations is presented.  相似文献   

Xue  Liugen; Zhu  Lixing 《Biometrika》2007,94(4):921-937
A semiparametric regression model for longitudinal data is considered.The empirical likelihood method is used to estimate the regressioncoefficients and the baseline function, and to construct confidenceregions and intervals. It is proved that the maximum empiricallikelihood estimator of the regression coefficients achievesasymptotic efficiency and the estimator of the baseline functionattains asymptotic normality when a bias correction is made.Two calibrated empirical likelihood approaches to inferencefor the baseline function are developed. We propose a groupwiseempirical likelihood procedure to handle the inter-series dependencefor the longitudinal semiparametric regression model, and employbias correction to construct the empirical likelihood ratiofunctions for the parameters of interest. This leads us to provea nonparametric version of Wilks' theorem. Compared with methodsbased on normal approximations, the empirical likelihood doesnot require consistent estimators for the asymptotic varianceand bias. A simulation compares the empirical likelihood andnormal-based methods in terms of coverage accuracies and averageareas/lengths of confidence regions/intervals.  相似文献   

This paper describes mathematical and computational methodology for estimating the parameters of the Burr Type XII distribution by the method of maximum likelihood. Expressions for the asymptotic variances and covariances of the parameter estimates are given, and the modality of the log-likelihood and conditional log-likelihood functions is analyzed. As a result of this analysis for various a priori known and unknown parameter combinations, conditions are given which guarantee that the parameter estimates obtained will, indeed, be maximum likelihood estimates. An efficient numerical method for maximizing the conditional log-likelihood function is described, and mathematical expressions are given for the various numerical approximations needed to evaluate the expressions given for the asymptotic variances and covariances of the parameter estimates. The methodology discussed is applied in a numerical example to life test data arising in a clinical setting.  相似文献   

A recursive method of obtaining the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters of the quadratic logistic discriminant function is presented. This method is an extension of the Walker and Duncan procedure (1967) proposed for the linear logistic discriminant function in a dichotomous case. A generalization of the method to the problem of discrimination between several populations is also given in the paper. It works for both linear and quadratic logistic discriminant function. After an estimation of the parameters of the logistic function a classification can be performed. An example of application of the method to automatic diagnosis of some respiratory diseases is presented. Comparison with the standard procedures used for the estimation is done by a short simulation study.  相似文献   

We consider longitudinal studies in which the outcome observed over time is binary and the covariates of interest are categorical. With no missing responses or covariates, one specifies a multinomial model for the responses given the covariates and uses maximum likelihood to estimate the parameters. Unfortunately, incomplete data in the responses and covariates are a common occurrence in longitudinal studies. Here we assume the missing data are missing at random (Rubin, 1976, Biometrika 63, 581-592). Since all of the missing data (responses and covariates) are categorical, a useful technique for obtaining maximum likelihood parameter estimates is the EM algorithm by the method of weights proposed in Ibrahim (1990, Journal of the American Statistical Association 85, 765-769). In using the EM algorithm with missing responses and covariates, one specifies the joint distribution of the responses and covariates. Here we consider the parameters of the covariate distribution as a nuisance. In data sets where the percentage of missing data is high, the estimates of the nuisance parameters can lead to highly unstable estimates of the parameters of interest. We propose a conditional model for the covariate distribution that has several modeling advantages for the EM algorithm and provides a reduction in the number of nuisance parameters, thus providing more stable estimates in finite samples.  相似文献   

远缘杂交中不育基因的位置和效应的最大似然估计   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
提出了一种统计方法,利用标记位点的异常分离,来估计远缘杂交中不育基因位点的位置和效应,在回交群体中,用最大似然法对不育基因与标记位点之间的生组值和配子存活率进行估计。将表现连续分布的育性指标转化为百连续变异的遗传标记的分离,可以避免对育性直接观测所带来的重组值估计结果的不稳定,还可以同时估计雌雄配子的存活率。  相似文献   

The tailoring of existing genetic systems to new uses is called genetic co-option. Mechanisms of genetic co-option have been difficult to study because of difficulties in identifying functionally important changes. One way to study genetic co-option in protein-coding genes is to identify those amino acid sites that have experienced changes in selective pressure following a genetic co-option event. In this paper we present a maximum likelihood method useful for measuring divergent selective pressures and identifying the amino acid sites affected by divergent selection. The method is based on a codon model of evolution and uses the nonsynonymous-to-synonymous rate ratio () as a measure of selection on the protein, with =1, <1, and >1 indicating neutral evolution, purifying selection, and positive selection, respectively. The model allows variation in among sites, with a fraction of sites evolving under divergent selective pressures. Divergent selection is indicated by different s between clades, such as between paralogous clades of a gene family. We applied the codon model to duplication followed by functional divergence of (i) the and globin genes and (ii) the eosinophil cationic protein (ECP) and eosinophil-derived neurotoxin (EDN) genes. In both cases likelihood ratio tests suggested the presence of sites evolving under divergent selective pressures. Results of the and globin analysis suggested that divergent selective pressures might be a consequence of a weakened relationship between fetal hemoglobin and 2,3-diphosphoglycerate. We suggest that empirical Bayesian identification of sites evolving under divergent selective pressures, combined with structural and functional information, can provide a valuable framework for identifying and studying mechanisms of genetic co-option. Limitations of the new method are discussed.  相似文献   

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