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Tests for hemocultures were performed in 51 patients with clinical diagnoses of sepsis treated in a reanimation unit. Microbial cultures were isolated from 30 patients (58.9 per cent). Staphylococci in pure cultures and associations were the causative agents of sepsis in 26 patients (86.4 per cent). The cultures of E. coli, Y. enterocolitica and Streptococcus faecalis were isolated from 2, 1 and 1 patients, respectively. Pus specimens from 111 patients with postinjection suppuration were tested and staphylococci in pure cultures and associations were detected in 90 patients (81.8 per cent). The cultures of P. vulgaris, Streptococcus pyogenes, E. coli, Str. faecalis, Enterobacter spp. and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were isolated from 10, 5, 3, 1, 1 and 1 patients, respectively. The results showed that Staphylococci played the leading role in development of the hospital infections. Treatment of such patients should be performed with an account of antibioticograms since many strains are resistant to various antibiotics.  相似文献   

Antibiotic resistance of a wide set of strains (1501) of different serovars (69) was studied and the nature of the resistance was determined. Virulent bacteriophages designed with regard to the biological properties of the isolates were considered as possible agents for the control of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms. It was shown that multiple resistance to antibacterial drugs was mainly characteristic of the serovar of S. typhimurium. In Gorky and its region, strains carrying R plasmids determining the resistance to tetracycline and chloramphenicol with a molecular weight of 58-64 Md predominated. The antibiotic-resistant strains were dangerous from the epidemiological point of view. The use of the bacteriophages is advisable for the treatment of patients, sanation of bacterial carriers or decontamination of disease sources and prophylactic phaging with regard to the epidemiological indications for preventing group diseases.  相似文献   

Isolated hepatocytes of rat, rabbit and guinea pig were found to take up and degrade 125I-labelled asialoorosomucoid at different rates with the rank order: rabbit greater than rat greater than guinea pig. Measurement of 125I-asialoorosomucoid binding at 4 degrees C to these hepatocytes revealed that all these cells had two classes of receptors with a major difference occurring in the number of high-affinity binding sites. The average binding affinity constants (K) and receptor concentration (N) calculated from a least-square analysis of the Scatchard plots were K1 = 1.15.10(9) M-1, K2 = 0.93.10(7) M-1, N1 = 0.049 pmol/mg cell protein and N2 = 0.27 pmol/mg cell protein for the rat; K2 = 3.16.10(7) M-1, N1 = 0.027 pmol/mg cell protein and N2 = 0.13 pmol/mg cell protein for the guinea pig and K1 = 0.74.10(9) M-1, K2 = 3.85.10(7) M-1, N1 = 0.205 pmol/mg cell protein and N2 = 0.37 pmol/mg cell protein for the rabbit hepatocytes, respectively. Measurement of the total number of cellular receptors after solubilization with Triton X-100 also revealed the same receptor concentration rank order of rabbit (5.8 pmol/mg cell protein) greater than rat (0.55 pmol/mg cell protein) greater than guinea pig (0.18 pmol/mg cell protein). Intravenous injection of 125I-asialoorosomucoid into anesthetized animals of matched body weight also indicated that the rate of plasma clearance and the rate of appearance of the degraded product of the tracer were different among these species with the same rank order as that observed with isolated hepatocytes. Thus there is a fundamental difference in the number of asialoglycoprotein receptors both on the cell surface and inside hepatocytes of these mammalian species.  相似文献   

杨欣兰  潘瑛子  巴桑 《生态学报》2022,42(8):3216-3227
为揭示我国西藏高原湖泊原生动物群落结构特征及垂直分布格局,于2017年11月及2018年5月和9月,在巴松措中心分7层设置采样点,利用25号浮游生物网采集原生动物。采用活体观察和固定染色相结合的方法,共鉴定到原生动物195种(其中春季86种,夏季93种,秋季80种),隶属于2门11纲24目43科59属。其中以肉鞭门种类较丰富,砂壳类纤毛虫占优势。垂直分布的物种组成和群落结构复杂表现为:表层>中层>底层,物种多样性、丰富度和优势度指数表现为:表层>中层>底层,均匀度指数大多数为1;季节分布的物种组成和群落结构群复杂程度表现为:夏季>春季>秋季,物种多样性、丰富度指数表现为:夏季>秋季>春季,优势度指数表现为:夏季>秋季>春季,均匀度指数表现为:秋季>春季>夏季;优势物种和群落结构都会随水深的增加而减少。总体呈现出物种多样性较低、均匀度较高,具有明显的时空异质性。  相似文献   

The diagnostic effectiveness of the direct determination of Salmonella O-antigen in different excretions of patients with S. typhimurium infection and other acute intestinal diseases has been studied. According to the occurrence of the antigen in different kinds of excretions, they are arranged in the descending order as follows: feces, urine, saliva. The parallel serological and bacteriological study of feces enhances the number of positive results 1.6 to 2.4 times in comparison with the bacteriological study alone. The occurrence of the antigen in excretions does not depend on the age of the patients and on the severity of the disease. The indication of Salmonella O-antigen may serve as an effective supplement to bacteriological study.  相似文献   

Pathogenic Burkholderia--Burkholderia mallei and Burkholderia pseudomallei--are causative agents of glanders and melioidosis, severe infectious diseases of man and animals. They are regarded as potential agents of bioterrorism. The existing bacteriological and immunological methods of identification of B. mallei and B. pseudomallei are not efficient enough for the rapid diagnosis and typing of strains. Described in the paper are molecular methods of detection of the agents by PCR, hybridization and strain typing made on the basis of bacterial total cell protein profiles, RAPD, ribotyping as well as of plasmid and DNA microrestriction analyses.  相似文献   

The relationship between the susceptibility of the body to infections caused by influenza A and B viruses, parainfluenza viruses, adenoviruses, Mycoplasma pneumoniae and antigens of the HLA system was studied on a group of 400 adolescents placed under clinico-epidemiological surveillance for two years. The relationship between histocompatibility antigens and acute respiratory diseases was manifested in a decrease or increase in the occurrence of recurrent diseases and infections or in the probability of the development of the diseases in infected persons. HLA B40 was associated with resistance to influenza A, B18 and B21 were associated with resistance to parainfluenza, B15 and B35 were associated with resistance to M. pneumoniae infection; susceptibility to influenza B was registered in persons with HLA B12 and to M. pneumoniae infection, in persons with HLA B16 and B18. With respect to different infective agents, the relative risk of infection varied within 1.7 and 5.0.  相似文献   

目的 探讨老年危重症患者尿路感染的病原菌分布及其耐药特点。方法 选取2014年6月至2016年6月我院收治的老年危重症并发尿路感染患者360例作为研究对象,采集患者清洁中段尿液标本,进行细菌鉴定和药敏试验,筛选大肠埃希菌产ESBLs菌株。结果 共分离出病原菌218株,主要为大肠埃希菌(58.26%);产ESBLs菌株对头孢呋辛完全耐药,对环丙沙星、头孢曲松、哌拉西林耐药率均在90%以上,对哌拉西林/他唑巴坦的耐药率在10%以下,对亚胺培南完全敏感,非产ESBLs菌株对绝大多数药物的耐药率显著低于产ESBLs菌株(P<0.05)。结论 老年危重症患者尿路感染病原菌以大肠埃希菌为主,产ESBLs是大肠埃希菌耐药的重要原因之一,医务人员应根据药敏试验结果合理选用抗菌药物。  相似文献   

Four hundred and forty pediatric patients at the age of 7 days to 15 years with various infections admitted to the Hospital within a month were examined. The biological material was inoculated to blood agar on the first days of the patient admittance to the Hospital and after the growth the organisms were isolated and identified. Antibiotic susceptibility of the isolates was assayed with the disk diffusion method. 479 strains in all were tested. The most frequent cases requiring hospitalization and antibiotic therapy were those of respiratory tract infections (54.09 per cent), urinary tract infections (26.36 per cent), cutaneous and subcutaneous fat diseases, gastrointestinal diseases and others (about 25 per cent of the cases in all). The main pathogens were Streptococcus viridans, S.aureus and S.epidermidis, as well as Enterobacteriaceae (chiefly E.coli) whose frequencies were practically equal (in 25-35 per cent of the cases). The Pneumococcus isolates amounted to 6.3 per cent. Nonfermenting bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobacter) and some representatives of Enterobacteriaceae (Citrobacter, Serratia, Morganella) were isolated from 7 per cent of the patients. The frequency of Klebsiella and Enterobacter was about 11 per cent. The main pathogens were tested for their susceptibility to amoxycillin/clavulanic acid, ampicillin, oxacillin and gentamicin. The least active antibiotic was ampicillin. 88.8 per cent of the E.coli isolates and 100 per cent of the Klebsiella, P.mirabilis, Morganella, Citrobacter, Enterobacter and Serratia isolates were resistant to it. 53.2 per cent of the Streptococcus isolates including 64.5 per cent of the Pneumococcus isolates were as well resistant to ampicillin. 59.5 per cent of the Streptococcus isolates (mainly S.viridans and Enterococcus) was susceptible to oxacillin, 22.2 per cent of them being moderately susceptible. 62.5 per cent of the Pneumococcus isolates and 78.1 per cent of the Staphylococcus isolates were also susceptible to oxacillin. The highest susceptibility of the isolates was that to amoxycillin/clavulanic acid, i.e. 90.1 per cent of the strains, 79.9 per cent of them being highly susceptible. All the isolates of Citrobacter, Serratia and Morganella and some isolates of P.aeruginosa, Acinetobacter, Enterobacter, Klebsiella and E.coli were resistant to amoxycillin/clavulanic acid. As for the latter 5 organisms their susceptibility to amoxycillin/clavulanic acid was comparable with that to gentamicin. The susceptibility of the Streptococcus and Staphylococcus isolates to amoxycillin/clavulanic acid was significantly much higher than that to oxacillin, gentamicin and ampicillin: 93 per cent of the Streptococcus isolates (62.7 per cent of the Pneumococcus isolates) and 90.7 per cent of the Staphylococcus isolates.  相似文献   

The resistance of Micrococcus radiodurans to the lethal and mutagenic action 3f ultraviolet (UV) light, ionising (γ) radiation, mitomycin C (MTC), nitrous acid (NA), hydroxylamine (HA), N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (NG), ethylmethanesulphonate (EMS) and β-propiolactone (βPL) has been compared with that of Escherichia coli B/r.M. radiodurans was much more resistant than E. coli B/r to the lethal effects of UV light (by a factor of 33), γ-radiation (55), NG (15) and NA (62), showed intermediate resistance to MTC (4) and HA(7), but was sensitive to EMS (1) and βPL (2). M. radiodurans was very resistant to mutagens producing damage which can be repaired by a recombination system, indicating that it possesses an extremely efficient recombination repair mechanism.Both species were equally sensitive to mutation to trimethoprim resistance by NG, but M. radiodurans was more resistant the E. coli B/r to the other multagens tested, being non-mutable by UV light, γ-radiation, MTC and HA, and only slightly sensitive to mutation by NA, EMS, and βPL. The resistance of M. radiodurans to mutation by UV-light, γ-radiation and MTC is consistent with an hypothesis that recombination repair in M. radiodurans is accurate since these mutagens may depend on an “error-prone” recombination system for their mutagenic effect in E. coli B/r. However, because M. radiodurans is also resistant to mutagens such as HA and EMS, which are mutagenic in E. coli in the absence of an “error-prone” system, we propose that all the mutagens tested may have a common mode of action in E. coli B/r, but that this mutagenic pathway is missing in M. radiodurans.  相似文献   

  1. Adult populations of two carabid species, a spring breeder, Carabus yaconinus, and an autumn breeder, Leptocarabus kumagaii, were studied in a lowland habitat (area: 16,500 m2) by pitfall sampling and mark-recapture method. The seasonal change in population number, age structure and mortality pattern were clarified and related to their seasonal life cycles.
  2. The survival rate of new adults from emergence to the first reproductive season was on the average 48% in C. yaconinus and 55% in L. kumagaii. In C. yaconinus, beetles which emerged later in the season survived more to the first reproductive season than those emerged earlier. C. yaconinus which had survived the pre-reproductive period mostly died out during the first reproductive season of 5 months, and about 8% survived until the second season. In L. kumagaii which had a short reproductive period in autumn, about 20% survived to the second reproductive season, and a small proportion even to the third reproductive season. Accordingly, the proportion of old beetles in the reproductive population was higher in L. kumagaii than in C. yaconinus.
  3. The reproductive population of C. yaconinus contained on the average 1600 beetles and produced 3300 new adults. the L. kumagaii population contained on the average about 530 reproductives in autumn, and about 820 beetles emerged in the following year. The recruitment rate of new adults of C. yaconinus was higher than that of L. kumagaii, and this resulted in its higher population density. In L. kumagaii, however, the high adult survivorship and iteroparous reproduction were important for its population growth.
  4. Relationship between seasonal adaptation and demographic strategies in the carabid populations were discussed.

【目的】厌氧氨氧化过程是一种能在厌氧条件下氧化NH4+同时还原NO2–或者NO3–生成N2的过程,是氮素循环过程的重要途径之一。厌氧氨氧化过程由厌氧氨氧化细菌催化完成,目前通过分子生物学的手段已证实了厌氧氨氧化细菌存在于多种类型的生境中,本文对厌氧氨氧化细菌在不同类型生境中的多样性分布规律进行了系统分析。【方法】基于NCBI数据库中厌氧氨氧化细菌的16SrRNA基因序列,利用Mothur分析平台系统分析了厌氧氨氧化细菌在不同生境中的多样性分布规律和特征。【结果】分析表明,海洋环境中Ca. Scalindua属的厌氧氨氧化细菌占绝对主导;淡水和农业土壤中Ca. Brocadia属的厌氧氨氧化细菌占优势;工程系统中普遍存在Ca. Brocadia和Ca. Kuenenia属的厌氧氨氧化细菌;而湿地和河口环境中厌氧氨氧化细菌多样性最高,Ca. Scalindua、Ca. Brocadia和Ca. Kuenenia属的厌氧氨氧化细菌均有较高的相对丰度,显示出了陆地与海洋交汇的显著特征。【结论】本研究系统展示了不同的生境中厌氧氨氧化细菌的多样性群落结构生境分布特征,表明环境特征差异直接影响了厌氧氨氧化细菌的种群分布和系统演化。  相似文献   

Sensitivity of 492 microbial strains to 9 antibacterial drugs and their double combinations was studied. The MTC was determined with the method of serial dilutions in an apparatus MIC-2000 (Austria). The apparatus provides determination of the MTC simultaneously to 12 antibiotics in 8 dilutions or to 8 antibiotics in 12 dilutions.  相似文献   

不同粒度羧甲基壳聚糖基复合抗菌剂抑菌性能的研究   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
为增加固体制剂的水溶性以及考查研磨后其抗菌性能的变化,制备了低银含量和低噻苯咪唑含量的羧甲基壳聚糖银噻苯咪唑(Ag—CMCTS-TBZ)复合抗菌剂,通过研磨和粒度分级将其分成C1(150—74μm)、C2(74—45m)和C3(-45μm)三种制剂,采用粒度分析、紫外、红外光谱及最小抑菌浓度(MIC)对其进行分析。研究表明,低含量银、噻苯咪唑的Ag—C/VICIS—TB均具有良好的水溶性,其溶解度都大于0.4%,其0.2%(w/v)的抗菌水溶液中的表观粒度在13—250nm之间;但在研磨分级之后,三种制剂中分子间的络合或者氢键键合状况发生了变化,而且导致其抗菌性能发生改变;其中C1对E.coli和S.aureus有较强的抑制,而其抑制A.niger的能力较弱;C3抗菌活性最低,对E.coli,S.aureus,C.albicans和A.niger的MIC值皆〉1000mg/L;Q的抗菌效果则介于其间。  相似文献   

The effects of noradrenaline infusion on the regulation of oxidative metabolism in isolated rat heart were studied. It appeared that functional and metabolic parameters of heart of non-resistant and high-resistant to hypoxia rats were different. Noradrenaline changed the balance between aerobic and anaerobic processes in rat heart. It is evident that heart adrenoreceptors are involved in regulation of oxidative metabolism responsible for individual resistance of rat heart to hypoxia.  相似文献   

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