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Dey P 《Acta cytologica》2000,44(3):459-462
BACKGROUND: Well-differentiated liposarcoma is difficult to diagnose on fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) smears and may create considerable diagnostic problems. CASES: Males aged 60 and 45 years presented with a swelling in the groin and retroperitoneal region, respectively. FNAC showed large cells with multilobulated nuclei and mature-looking fat tissue. A soft tissue tumor with bizarre cells was diagnosed cytologically in case 1 and liposarcoma in case 2. Histologically, both cases were diagnosed as well-differentiated sclerosing liposarcoma. CONCLUSION: The cytologic diagnosis of well-differentiated liposarcoma should be done with caution, and the sites should be taken into consideration. Deep-seated tumors with large, bizarre, giant cells should have wide excision as they recur more frequently.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Intraparotid schwannoma of the salivary gland is a rare entity. Review of the literature revealed one previous report describing its cytologic features. CASE: A 22-year-old man had a slowly growing, painless mass in the left parotid gland. Fine needle aspiration biopsy, performed prior to surgical excision, showed several tissue fragments consisting of uniform, spindle-shaped neoplastic cells with cigar-shaped nuclei and scant, ill-defined cytoplasm. Some of the neoplastic cells were clustered in typical arrangements of Verocay bodies. In addition, lymphocytes and foamy histiocytes were found. A diagnosis of schwannoma was made. Pathologic evaluation of the resected parotid mass supported the diagnosis. CONCLUSION: The diagnosis of intraparotid schwannoma can be made by examining cytologic material containing the characteristic Verocay bodies. The correct cytologic diagnosis of this entity helps to rule out morphologically similar primary salivary gland neoplasms and thereby permits the appropriate surgical procedure to ensue.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Epithelioid angiomyolipoma (AMYL) is a variant of angiomyolipoma characterized by sheets of epithelioid cells that may mimic renal cell carcinoma. This is the first report describing the fine needle aspiration biopsy features of this lesion. CASE: A 47-year-old man with a history of epithelioid angiomyolipoma of the kidney treated with nephrectomy nine months previously presented with a recurrent retroperitoneal mass and multiple nodular liver lesions. Fine needle aspiration biopsy of one of the liver lesions showed fragments and sheets of noncohesive epithelioid cells with thin cytoplasm, markedly atypical nuclei, and scattered bizarre and multinucleated forms. The epithelioid cells focally expressed HMB-45 and were nonimmunoreactive, with epithelial markers. CONCLUSION: Epithelioid AMYL may pose differential diagnostic problems with high grade carcinoma, especially renal cell, hepatocellular and metastatic carcinoma. An awareness of this entity and its characteristic cytologic features and immunoreactivity with HMB-45 is helpful in its identification.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Primary liposarcoma of the breast is an extremely rare lesion. Only two cases describing the aspiration biopsy findings have been reported in the literature. We report the cytologic findings in an additional case, stressing the cytologic clues necessary to distinguish this neoplasm from a primary adenocarcinoma. CASE: A 53-year-old female presented to the emergency room with bleeding from a 20-cm, ulcerating mass in the right breast. Four months earlier she had been seen at another institution, where a diagnosis of poorly differentiated carcinoma was made by aspiration biopsy. Computed tomography had been negative for metastatic disease, and the patient refused further evaluation. Aspiration biopsy of the breast mass was repeated at our institution and interpreted as consistent with a poorly differentiated carcinoma. Histologic, immunophenotypic and ultrastructural evaluation of the mastectomy specimen revealed a pleomorphic liposarcoma. CONCLUSION: With increasing utilization of fine needle aspiration to evaluate breast lesions, it can be anticipated that unusual entities, including liposarcomas, will be encountered increasingly in breast aspirates. Therefore, it is important to consider liposarcoma in the differential diagnosis of aspirates showing isolated spindle and polygonal cells with vacuolated cytoplasm, nuclear scalloping and pleomorphism to avoid a misdiagnosis of carcinoma.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The mediastinum is an uncommon site for liposarcoma, with <1 % of all tumors occurring in this site. CASE: A 40-year-old woman presented with superior vena caval syndrome. Radiologic investigations revealed the presence of a large soft tissue mass occupying the anterior and middle mediastinum. A computed tomography (CT)-guided fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) sample showed the presence of fibrillary myxoid material with arborizing blood vessels and atypical lipoblasts. A diagnosis of myxold liposarcoma was made, which was later confirmed on bistopathology. CONCLUSION: The mediastinum is a challenging area for FNAC, which is a useful tool for accurate diagnosis. Awareness of the presence of liposarcoma is important for its recognition.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Well-differentiated papillary mesothelioma (WDPM) is an uncommon subtype of mesothelioma that typically occurs in the peritoneum of women without a history of asbestos exposure and usually follows an indolent clinical course. Fine needle aspiration (FNA) of this type of tumor has rarely been reported. CASE: A 64-year-old woman with 11-year history of colon cancer and an adrenal nodule was found, on abdominal computed tomography, to have a mass in the right lobe of the liver. Aspirates of the mass were composed of abundant, tight, papillary groups, monolayered, pavementlike sheets; and scattered single cells with minimal atypia. The cell block showed a predominantly papillary growth pattern and a single layer of bland, cuboidal to flattened covering cells with stout, fibrovascular cores containing clusters of foamy histiocytes. Tumor cells in the focal tubulopapillary and solid areas were mingled with inflammatory cells and showed slightly more atypia than did the cells covering the papillae. The differential diagnoses were intrahepatic papillary neoplasm, including well-differentiated mesothelioma and metastatic low grade papillary serous carcinoma. At surgery the tumor was found to be a pedunculated peritoneal mass that arose from the posterior surface of the right lobe of the liver. The mesothelial origin of the tumor was confirmed by both immunoperoxidase study and electron microscopic examination, which demonstrated long, slender, branching microvilli. CONCLUSION: Familiarity with the cytomorphologic features and clinical presentation of WDPM, knowledge of the exact anatomic location and consideration of the appropriate differential diagnosis combined with ancillary studies are the keys to an accurate diagnosis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Primary renal synovial sarcoma is a relatively recently described and characterized neoplasm, formerly designated embryonal sarcoma of the kidney, and has not been diagnosed before by fine needle aspiration biopsy cytology. We describe the cytologic features of a malignant biphasic neoplasm of the kidney that was subsequently diagnosed at nephrectomy and confirmed with molecular genetic analysis as a biphasic renal synovial sarcoma. CASE: A 38-year-old male presented with acute abdominal pain. Computed tomography (CT) demonstrated a 4.7-cm mass in the left kidney. No soft tissue or extrarenal masses were identified. A CT-guided fine needle aspiration biopsy revealed a malignant biphasic tumor characterized by minimally atypical tubular epithelium, immature spindle cells and foci of coagulative tumor necrosis. At nephrectomy, a necrotic, pseudo-encapsulated synovial sarcoma of the upper pole of the left kidney was identified and was additionally evaluated with immunohistochemistry and molecular genetic studies. The case is unique since biphasic synovial sarcomas have yet to be reported to occur in the kidney and fine needle aspiration biopsy findings of this renal neoplasm have never been reported to our knowledge. CONCLUSION: Synovial sarcoma should be a diagnostic consideration particularly in a young adult with a malignant spindle cell neoplasm of the kidney. The list of differential diagnoses should include sarcomatoid renal cell carcinoma, sarcomatoid transitional cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis, angiomyolipoma and monophasic or biphasic synovial sarcoma.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Progress in radiology and pathology for diagnosing mediastinal tumors has R been made in recent decades, thanks to the use of fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) guided by computed tomography, which has replaced mediastinoscopy and open biopsies. CASE: A 66-year-old male had a history o productive coughing with mucopurulent expectoration, progressive dyspnea, arthralgias, myalgias, astenia and adynamia for the previous 3 months. A CT scan and magnetic resonance imaging revealed a poorly limited tumor mass ofheterogeneous den sity in the anterior mediastinum. FNAB of the tumor mass showed malignant cells compatible with liposarcoma. CONCLUSLON: Of the several types of mesenchymal mediastinal neoplasms, liposarcoma is the most important. Many of them are seen in adults, and <10 cases have been diagnosed in children. The symptoms are related to compression of the nearby airways. Usually liposarcomas are yellow, lobed tumors without capsules that infiltrate adjacent organs and tissues. Microscopically, they have the same histologic spectrum as tumors originating in other sites. Thus, it is common to observe all the histologic varieties of soft tissue liposarcomas. The identification of lipoblasts is the key to the correct diagnosis in FNAB material.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Tumors showing neuroendocrine differentiation arise in a wide range of organs, and metastatic neuroendocrine tumors may be difficult to differentiate from primary tumors. This report describes an unusual case of metastatic breast carcinoma with neuroendocrine differentiation that presented as a solitary thyroid nodule. The diagnosis was made by fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB). CASE: A 52-year-old woman presented with a thyroid nodule and bilateral enlarged supraclavicular fossa lymph nodes. FNAB revealed a neuroendocrine carcinoma. Further questioning revealed that the patient had had a breast carcinoma resected eight years previously. The diagnosis of metastatic neuroendocrine breast carcinoma was established by immunocytochemistry. The patient received antiestrogen therapy but subsequently developed skeletal metastases. CONCLUSION: Neuroendocrine carcinomas from various sites show similar cytologic features. In this case, a diagnosis of breast carcinoma metastatic to the thyroid was suggested by the clinical history and confirmed by FNAB with immunocytochemistry.  相似文献   

A case of adenoid cystic carcinoma arising in the breast is presented. The diagnosis was established on a fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy sample with histopathologic corroboration. The aspirate yielded a typical smear composed of round, multilayered clusters of uniform epithelial cells arranged around cores of homogeneous, acellular material. Both the conclusiveness of FNA biopsy in diagnosing this rare mammary neoplasm and its resulting in immediate treatment are stressed.  相似文献   

The cytologic findings of a fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy from a patient with proliferative fasciitis, a benign, reactive process involving the subcutaneous tissue, are presented. Proliferative fasciitis is defined histologically as a spindle-cell lesion containing basophilic giant cells that resemble ganglion cells; the FNA smears from this patient's lesion were cellular and contained spindle cells as well as numerous large cells with abundant cytoplasm, one to two eccentric nuclei and macronucleoli. The large cells seen on the aspiration smears correspond well with the classic ganglionlike cells seen on histologic sections. Care must be taken so that this distinctive lesion is not misdiagnosed as a malignant soft tissue neoplasm.  相似文献   

Matthews LM 《Acta cytologica》1999,43(6):1155-1158
BACKGROUND: Lymphangiomyomatosis is a rare disease of females, usually of reproductive age. There is a proliferation of lymphatic smooth muscle in mediastinal, retroperitoneal and often pulmonary lymphatics and lymph nodes. CASE: A 45-year-old female presented with a right pleural effusion and increasing retroperitoneal adenopathy with palpable left inguinal adenopathy. Three months previously she had undergone a right salpingo-oophrectomy for an ovarian fibroma with concomitant left ovarian wedge biopsy, myomectomy for leiomyomas and partial omentectomy. Three years previously, at age 42, she had experienced two transient episodes of chylous pleural effusion with no sequelae. She underwent computed tomography-guided fine needle aspiration of a 4-cm inguinal lymph node to rule out lymphoma. CONCLUSION: Fine needle aspiration of lymphangiomyomatosis yields distinctive cytologic morphology. This characteristic morphology, in combination with the appropriate history, permits a minimally invasive, timely and in this particular case, entirely unexpected diagnosis.  相似文献   

G Jayaram  S Ashok 《Acta cytologica》1988,32(4):563-566
The fine needle aspiration cytologic findings in a well-differentiated multifocal papillary peritoneal mesothelioma in a young man presenting with abdominal pain and mass are described. The patient is alive and well 50 months after the onset of symptomatology. The cytologic and histologic appearance as well as the clinical course of the patient point to a benign multifocal mesothelioma.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Neurothekeoma (NT) is a rare, benign neoplasm of soft parts with a distinctive histologic appearance. To our knowledge, the cytologic findings have not been described before. We present a case of NT with the cytologic features on fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC). CASE: A 54-year-old female presented with a circumscribed nodule in the left breast. The lesion was evaluated by FNAC. The smears showed an abundant, metachromatic, myxoid matrix with fusiform and epithelioid cells, some binucleated or multinucleated, loose or in groups and sometimes forming concentric whorls. The lesion was removed, and the diagnosis of NT was made after histopathologic study. CONCLUSION: NT is an extremely rare neoplasm in the mammary region. Fusiform and epithelioid cells arranged in concentric whorls in a myxoid tumor of soft tissue are a distinctive characteristic of this neoplasm and can suggest the diagnosis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The use of fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) for the diagnosis of breast diseases in men has received little attention. We report the cytologic and histologic findings of myofibroblastoma of the breast in a 52-year-old man. CASE: Smears disclosed irregular and cohesive sheets of cells, with ill-defined cytoplasm and oval nuclei containing single nucleoli. The nuclear membrane was frequently grooved, and occasional intranuclear cytoplasmic inclusions (pseudoinclusions) were also found. The background was clean and contained scarce collagenous stroma and fragments of myxoid material. To the best of our knowledge, there have been only seven previous reports of breast myofibroblastoma in which the cytologic features are well documented, and none of them mention the presence of pseudoinclusions. CONCLUSION: FNAC could suggest the diagnosis of this distinctly uncommon tumor if evaluated together with the clinical and radiologic findings.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Thoracic splenosis is a rare event, and fine needle aspiration (FNA) of a pleural implant of splenic tissue can be a pitfall when previous anamnestic data are ignored. CASE: A 53-year-old male underwent FNA of a left thoracic subpleural nodule highly suggestive of a metastatic lesion. The presence of a population of small and medium-sized lymphocytes suggested the possibility of lymphoproliferative disease; frozen sections confirmed this possibility. The final diagnosis was normal splenic tissue. Twenty-five years earlier the patient sustained a gunshot wound in the left side of the upper abdomen followed by splenectomy and drainage of the left pleural cavity because of mild, concomitant hemothorax. CONCLUSION: A left pleural thoracic nodule in subjects with a previous history of traumatic rupture of the spleen must be considered highly suggestive of thoracic splenosis. Scintigraphy with Tc 99 m and magnetic resonance imaging are diagnostic, while FNA, especially in the absence of anamnestic data, can create a pitfall that can induce inappropriate removal of ectopic, normally functioning splenic tissue.  相似文献   

A case of orbital neoformation in a 28-year-old man is described. The cytohistologic diagnosis on fine needle aspiration biopsy specimens was meningioma; this was later confirmed by histologic study of surgical fragments. The cytohistologic features of the aspirated material (nuclear pseudoinclusions, psammoma bodies and cells arranged in whorls) allowed a rapid, reliable, ambulatory diagnosis to be formulated with an advantageous cost/benefit ratio.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Primary mucinous carcinoma of the skin is a rare neoplasm of sweat gland origin. To date there are only 2 case reports in English describing its features on fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB). We describe an additional case and review the literature regarding this entity. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case with a sentinel lymph node biopsy. CASE: A 78-year-old woman presented with a 3-cm left scalp mass at an outside institution. Following incomplete excision, multiple subcentimeter nodules developed in the skin adjacent to the biopsy site. FNAB of the nodules confirmed a recurrence of mucinous carcinoma. Clinical examination and extensive radiographic studies did not reveal primary disease elsewhere, thus supporting a diagnosis of primary mucinous carcinoma of the skin. At the time of wide excision of the residual tumor, sentinel lymph node biopsy revealed a single focus of micrometastasis. The patient declined adjuvant therapy and was disease free 6 months after the initial diagnosis. CONCLUSION: Cutaneous mucinous carcinoma is a tumor characterized by bland histocytologic features and abundant extracellular pools of mucin. Without a high index of suspicion, this rare entity may be overlooked or misdiagnosed. Numerous benign and malignant mucin-producing primary and secondary mimics exist, and immunohistochemistry offers limited benefits in differentiating them. Cytologic diagnosis of primary mucinous carcinoma of the skin is possible; however, correlation of clinical, radiologic and pathologic features is necessary to arrive at an accurate diagnosis.  相似文献   

Y H Ko  J Dal Lee 《Acta cytologica》1992,36(5):748-751
This case report describes the aspiration cytologic characteristics of histologically proven acute lupus lymphadenitis. The aspirate contained numerous lymphoid cells and many amorphous, basophilic, hematoxylin-stained bodies dispersed in a granular, necrotic background that lacked polymorphonuclear leukocytes. The lymphadenopathy was diagnosed cytologically as necrotizing lymphadenitis and histologically as acute lupus lymphadenitis.  相似文献   

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