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Green and European Atlantic sturgeon are listed as a vulnerable and a critically endangered species, respectively. These anadromous species inhabit different continents but have many similar life history traits and demographic characteristics, including wide geographic ranges, similar migratory and foraging behavior, age and size structures of reproductive stocks and, historically, diverse population structures. The differences are limited to tetraploid genome and much larger egg size and lower fecundity in green sturgeon, reflecting the adaptations to different geomorphology and biota of the Pacific region. Both species have been affected by over-harvest and habitat losses but the severity of these impacts have been greater and lasted longer for the European Atlantic sturgeon, resulting in loss of diversity and extirpation of all but one stock. From the comparison of human impact on two species we conclude that preventive actions should be taken at the early warning signs of changes in population and recruitment. These should mitigate multiple factors of human activity affecting sturgeon stocks and their habitats.  相似文献   

Concern over passage of sturgeon barriers, has focused attention on fishway design that accommodates its swimming performance. In order to evaluate swimming performance, regarding fish ladder type partial barriers, wild adult sturgeons, Acipenser transmontanus; 121–76m fork length, were captured in the San Francisco Bay Estuary and Yolo Bypass toe drain. Hydrodynamic forces and kinematic parameters for swimming performance data were collected in a laboratory flume under three flow conditions through barriers and ramp. The experiments were conducted in a 24.4 m long, 2.1 m wide, and 1.62 m deep aluminum channel. Two geometric configurations of the laboratory model were designed based on channel characteristics that have been identified in natural river systems. At a given swimming speed and fish size, the highest guidance efficiencies of successful white sturgeon passage as a function of flow depth, flow velocity, turbulence intensity, Reynolds number, Froude number and shear velocity observed in the steady flow condition, tested with the horizontal ramp structure, occurred at an approach velocity of 0.33 ms-1. The guidance efficiency of successful sturgeon passage increased both with increasing flow velocity and Froude number, and decreased both with the flow depth and the turbulence intensity. This study also provides evidence that tail beat frequency increases significantly with swimming speed, but tail beat frequency decreases with fish total length. Stride length increases both with swimming speed and fish total length. The importance of unsteady forces is expressed by the reduced frequency both with swimming speed and fish total length. Regression analysis indicates that swimming kinematic variables are explained by the swimming speed, the reduced frequency and the fish total length. The results emphasize the importance of fish ladder type patchiness when a fishway is designed for the passage of sturgeon.  相似文献   

用硅橡胶作载体,将剂量30mg/kg的雌二醇(estradiol)埋植入人工养殖11龄、平均体重46.00kg的雌性中华鲟(Acipensersinensis)的背部肌肉内.埋植前及埋植后的第30、120、200天从尾部取血,测定血清中总蛋白、白蛋白、球蛋白、甘油三酯、总胆固醇、血糖和卵黄蛋白原的含量.结果显示,与对照组相比,除血糖含量无显著变化外,实验组鱼血清中总蛋白、白蛋白、球蛋白、甘油三酯、总胆固醇和卵黄蛋白原的含量显著升高.此结果为进一步探索外源物质促进中华鲟卵巢发育的可能途径奠定前期基础.  相似文献   

实现全人工繁殖是中华鲟(Acipensersinensis)物种保护的重要途径,建立中华鲟人工养殖亲鱼群体是人工繁殖的基础条件.本文以自然变温条件下人工培育的中华鲟后备亲鱼(年龄15龄,体长183~235 cm,体重71.5~180.5 kg,n = 14)为研究对象,每天对摄食行为进行观察记录,每月对生长指标进行检查...  相似文献   

Injections of 2.5 mg/kg of stellate sturgeon (Acipenser stellatusPall.) pituitary extract and 5 mg/kg of carp (Cyprinus carpioL.) pituitary extract in Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baeriBrandt) females did not reveal significant differences in the effects of these preparations. There were no differences in the percentage of females that responded by ovulation, duration of the period from injection to ovulation, rate of ovulation, or quality of mature eggs as estimated by the percentage of fertilization or percentage of normal embryos at the small yolk plug stage. Thus, an insufficient efficiency in the artificial reproduction of the Siberian sturgeon grown in captivity is not related to the use of the carp pituitary preparation as a stimulus. Estimation of the ratio of specific activities of the pituitary extracts and purified gonadotropins of the stellate sturgeon and carp by in vitrooocyte maturation has shown that it varies within wide limits as a function of the medium composition and physiological state of follicles. Hence, the ratio of activities of the gonadotropins of different species as determined by in vitromaturation of sturgeon oocytes may markedly differ from that upon injection of these preparations in breeders.  相似文献   

Green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris, and white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus, are frequent inhabitants of coastal estuaries from northern California, USA to British Columbia, Canada. An analysis of stomach contents from 95 green sturgeon and six white sturgeon commercially landed in Willapa Bay, Grays Harbor, and the Columbia River estuary during 2000–2005 revealed that 17–97% had empty stomachs, but those fish with items in their guts fed predominantly on benthic prey items and fish. Burrowing thalassinid shrimp (mostly Neotrypaea californiensis) were important food items for both white and especially for green sturgeon taken in Willapa Bay, Washington during summer 2003, where they represented 51% of the biomass ingested (84.9% IRI). Small pits observed in intertidal areas dominated by these shrimp, are likely made by these sturgeon and we present evidence from exclusion studies and field observation that the predator making the pits can have a significant cumulative negative effect on burrowing shrimp density. These burrowing shrimp present a threat to the aquaculture industry in Washington State due to their ability to de-stabilize the substrate on which shellfish are grown. Despite an active burrowing shrimp control program in these estuaries, it seems unlikely that current burrowing shrimp abundance and availability as food is a limiting factor for threatened green sturgeon stocks. However, these large predators may have performed an important top down control function on shrimp populations in the past when they were more abundant.  相似文献   

Synopsis The water hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes, plays an important role in the early life of the piranha, Serrasalmus spilopleura in southeastern Brazil. Larvae and early juveniles are found by both day and night among the roots of this free floating waterweed, thus gaining shelter, a rich foraging place, and potential rafting dispersal. Piranha larvae up to 19 mm SL feed mainly on small aquatic arthropods, slowly searched for inside the root tangle; larger juveniles tend to leave the plants and patrol more open areas. At 24 mm SL young piranhas begin to clip out pieces from fins of other fishes and seek shelter in water hyacinths only at night. About 30% of the rafting clumps of water hyacinths may harbour one to three piranha larvae, providing dispersal during floods.  相似文献   

Summary As a species, the promethea silkmoth, Callosamia promethea (Saturniidae: Lepidoptera) exhibits a wide host range on 6–10 families of plants, although specific populations are known to have local foodplant favorites. We tested the hypothesis that larvae from a particular host plant lineage would show physiological adaptations to this host compared with larvae from other host plant lineages. We found no evidence that larval survival and growth was any better for larvae fed the natural plant of the parental population than for larvae from other host lineages. These natural host lineages include: black cherry (Prunus serotina Ehrh.), tuliptree (Liriodendron tulipifera L.), sassafras (Sassafras albidum (Nutt.) Nees) and spicebush (Lindera benzoin (L.) Blume). The only apparent manifestation of physiological specialization was the inability of tuliptree lineages of C. promethea to survive on paper birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh), although this may reflect the geographical pattern of adaptation to birch, rather than a negative correlation with adaptation to tuliptree. These results suggest that for C. promethea larvae, growth performance and survival is primarily influenced by plant nutritional quality, rather than physiological adaptations to the locally preferred host plant.  相似文献   

Rhizobacteria belonging to Bacillus sp. were isolated from the rhizosphere of green gram (Vigna radiata). Seed inoculation with the rhizobacteria showed stunting effect on root growth whereas four Bacillus strains caused stimulation of shoot growth at both 4 and 7 d of observations. Coinoculation of some Bacillus strains with effective Bradyrhizobium strain S24 resulted in enhanced nodulation and plant growth of green gram. The shoot dry mass (ratio to uninoculated control) varied from 1.32 to 6.33 at day 30 and from 1.28 to 3.55 at day 40 of plant growth. Nodule promoting effect after 40 d of plant growth was observed with majority of Bacillus strains except for MRS9 and MRS26. Maximum gains in nodulation, nitrogenase activity and plant growth were observed with Bacillus strains MRS12, MRS18, MRS22 and MRS27 after 40 d of plant growth, suggesting the usefulness of introduced rhizobacteria in improving crop productivity.  相似文献   

In the sub-fossil assemblages of Europe the red fox is clearly the most frequent carnivorous mammalian species with a total of 1553 records. In depositions from the Weichselian Glacial the red fox Vulpes vulpes is, a typical representative of the Holocene fauna, already recorded in 100 assemblages. The Iberian peninsula, Italian peninsula and Balkans were theorised as glacial refugia. Well-founded facts give reason to believe that V. vulpes was also distributed in the Carpathian refuge. Later on, the Crimean peninsula would also appear to be a possible glacial refuge of the red fox.In the last warmer complex of interstadials during the Pleni-Glacial (Hengelo-Denekamp, 38,000–25,000 BC) the red fox was distributed in central Europe. Its distribution during this epoch extended at least in part to southern England. The earliest well-dated records of V. vulpes in central Europe after the Maximum Glaciation lie between 14,000 and 13,500 BC. Already during the early Late-Glacial (13,500 BC) the red fox appeared in typical glacial faunal communities. A separation to glacial refugia was only possible for 10,000 years.During the last warmer Pleni-Glacial complex of interstadials (38,000–25,000 BC) in central Europe a sympatric distribution of the arctic fox (Alopex lagopus) and the red fox probably existed. During the Last Glacial Maximum (22,000–18,000 BC) the arctic fox was exclusively distributed in central Europe, outside of the refuges. The combined distribution of A. lagopus and V. vulpes during the Late-Glacial (15,000–9500 BC) in central Europe, with the probable exception of the Allerød, is precisely documented by sub-fossil assemblages.In the Pleni-Glacial the wolf Canis lupus was distributed in geographic regions that served as glacial refugia of more warm-climate adapted species. Concerning the wolf no drastic decrease of the distribution is assumed. The Holocene presence of C. lupus is probably not caused by recolonisation.


Die Entwicklung der Canidenfauna Europas im Spätpleistozän und frühen HolozänIn den subfossilen Ablagerungen ist Vulpes vulpes in Europa mit 1553 Nachweisen das mit Abstand am häufigsten nachgewiesene Raubsäugetier. Allein in den Ablagerungen des Weichselglazials konnte der Rotfuchs bereits in 100 Fundkomplexen nachgewiesen werden. Als Glazialrefugium des Rotfuchses wird die Iberische Halbinsel sicher identifiziert. Eine Verbreitung der Art während des Kältemaximums wird außerdem auf der Apenninen-Halbinsel sowie der Balkan- Halbinsel vermutet. Außerdem liegen fundierte Fakten für die Annahme vor, dass V. vulpes im Karpatenrefugium verbreitet war. Auf der Halbinsel Krim scheint ein Glazialrefugium für des Fuchses möglich.Während des letzten wärmeren Interstadial-Komplexes im Hochglazial (Hengelo-Denekamp, ca. 38.000–25.000 v. Chr.) war Mitteleuropa vom Rotfuchs besiedelt. Die nördliche Arealgrenze der Art war innerhalb dieses Klimaabschnitts mindestens zeitweise bis nach Südengland ausgedehnt. Die frühesten, zeitlich relativ gut abgesicherten Nachweise von V. vulpes nach der Weichsel-Maximalvereisung in Mitteleuropa liegen etwa zwischen 14.000–13.500 v. Chr. Schon im frühen Spätglazial (ca. 13.500 v. Chr.) kam der Rotfuchs im nördlichen Mitteleuropa in typischen glazialen Faunengemeinschaften vor. Eine Disjunktion des Areals während der letzten Vereisung kann für höchstens 10.000 Jahre stattgefunden haben. Es wird angenommen, dass während des Hengelo-Deenekamp Interstadials ein sympatrisches Vorkommen von Eisfuchs Alopex lagopus und Rotfuchs V. vulpes in Mitteleuropa existierte. Nur zur Zeit des absoluten Kältemaximums (ca. 22.000–18.000 v. Chr.) war außerhalb der Refugialgebiete in Mitteleuropa ausschließlich A. lagopus verbreitet. Das gemeinsame Vorkommen (von A. lagopus und V. vulpes) während des gesamten Spätglazials in Mitteleuropa, wahrscheinlich mit Ausnahme des Allerød-Interstadials, ist präzise belegt.Während des Hochglazials war Canis lupus auch in geografischen Regionen verbreitet, die für an wärmeres Klima gebundene Tierarten den Charakter von Glazialrefugien hatten. Beim Wolf C. lupus kann keine extreme Arealverringerung während der Weichseleiszeit angenommen werden. Das holozäne Vorkommen von C. lupus in Mitteleuropa dürfte daher nicht generell auf eine Rekolonisation zurückzuführen sein.  相似文献   

Summary Larvae of the pyralid moth, Herpetogramma aeglealis, construct feeding shelters upon the Christmas fern (Polystichum acrostichoides). Field and laboratory study involving 532 shelters showed that as the larvae mature, they sequentially inhabit approximately 5 shelters of 3 distinct types, constructed at night on different fronds of the same plant. The bundle shelter, simple and ephemeral, is first to be inhabited and constructed. The fiddlehead shelter which houses slightly older larvae strongly resembles contemporaneously emerging frond fiddleheads. The final shelter form, the globe, is a silk-bound ball of leaflets at the frond tip. An individual larva usually constructs 3 globe shelters on different fronds of the same plant before completing its development. As shelter sites, sterile Polystichum fronds are chosen preferentially over fertile fronds. The bundle and fiddlehead shelter forms, less abundant, appear cryptic to humans and perhaps to other vertebrates. The final globe shelter form is larger and quite conspicuous. However, the persistence of empty globe shelters left on the plant as the larva moves to a new one may serve to make searching for larvae less profitable for potential predators and parasites. We suggest that the energetic costs of constructing and occupying multiple shelters may be offset by circumvention of reduced frond palatability and reduced exposure to predators and parasites.  相似文献   

王巍  朱华  胡红霞 《动物学杂志》2012,47(1):105-111
近年鲟鱼人工繁殖技术促进了鲟鱼养殖业的发展,但在选育初期未对后备亲鱼进行遗传背景分析,为了抑制种质资源退化和防止近交衰退,繁育场需要对现有后备亲鱼进行遗传背景分析.本文利用线粒体控制区(D-loop)部分序列对4种养殖鲟鱼后备亲鱼群体(共120个样本)的遗传多样性进行了分析.研究发现不同种鲟鱼D-loop部分序列长度不同(451~469 bp),种间存在1~18 bp的插入/缺失,种内无插入/缺失位点.每个群体至少包含4个单倍型,序列相似性大于98%.不同单倍型间有4~12个简约信息位点,遗传距离0.002~0.024.核苷酸多样性以史氏鲟(Acipenser schrenckii)最低(π=0.002),小体鲟(A.ruthenus)最高(π=0.010),单倍型多样性则以俄罗斯鲟(A.gueldenstaedtii)最低(H=0.352),西伯利亚鲟(A.baerii)最高(H=0.706).通过分析认为,4种鲟鱼后备亲鱼群体遗传多样性偏低,建议在利用这4种鲟鱼后备亲鱼进行种质保存和繁殖时要充分注意遗传距离及近交繁殖的影响.  相似文献   

Japanese temperate bass Lateolabrax japonicus juveniles recruit to the surf zone and grow by feeding on commonly occurring coastal copepods. However, little is known about diel and tidal patterns in their migration and feeding habits. We sampled wild juveniles during the neap and spring tides, over periods of 24 h, with small seine nets in the sand flat of the eastern part of Ariake Bay, Kyushu, western Japan. In both the neap and spring tides, abundance of juveniles significantly increased during the daytime, being highest around the time of high tide. The relative gut fullness indices of juveniles drastically increased in the morning (0700–0900) and during the flood tide in the daytime, while major prey copepod (Paracalanus spp.) density in the ambient water was relatively constant. We summarized that L. japonicus juveniles would migrate to the surf zone after sunrise to feed on copepods, and then emigrate from the surf zone after sunset. The migratory behavior of L. japonicus juveniles would be influenced by light (daytime) and feeding activity influenced by both light (morning) and tidal condition (flood tide). The intertidal region of the tidal flat was recognized to be one of the important habitats for L. japonicus during their early life history.  相似文献   

Fish species richness and stream order in Washington State streams   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Synopsis We sampled fish at pairs of sites of the same stream order on opposite sides of drainage divides in the Cascade Mountains and in the southwest portion of Washington state. Elevation, gradient, drainage area, and stream order were significantly correlated with number of fish species collected at a site. Elevation accounted for the greatest portion of the variation in number of species and stream order for the least, but in low gradient, low elevation streams, stream order was significantly related to number of species. Species richness was greatest in low elevation, low gradient, high order streams. Species richness of a site reflected species richness of the drainage: in paired comparisons, sites in a drainage with a richer ichthyofauna had more fish species than sites in a drainage with fewer species. Addition of species with increasing stream order occurred in most streams, but replacement was more frequent than in other studies relating fish to stream order. The apparently higher frequency of replacement in this study appeared to be a result of headwater introductions of brook charr, Salvelinus fontinalis, and a tendency for cutthroat trout, Salmo clarki, to occupy headwaters when in freshwater.  相似文献   

Dugan  F. M.  Lupien  S. L. 《Mycopathologia》2003,156(1):31-40
Asymptomatic seeds of forage and weedy grasses from germplasm accessions and from uncultivated sites in eastern Washington and western Idaho were assayed for the presence of quiescent filamentous fungi. Asymptomatic culm nodes of the same species were similarly assayed. The predominant taxa isolated were strains of dematiaceous hyphomycetes, principally strains of Alternaria and Cladosporium. A. infectoria was the species most frequently isolated from seed. A. tenuissima was common and A. alternata was rare. Aspergillus, Penicillium and Fusarium were very rare or absent in stored germplasm. Pathogenic coelomycetes were common in asymptomatic node samples, occasionally present in asymptomatic field seed, but were not detected in germplasm accessions. Previous reports of frequent occurrence of A. alternata in grass seed are probably the results of misidentification of various small-spored Alternarias, especially A. infectoria, as A. alternata.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Synopsis Five adult or subadult muskellunge, Esox masquinongy (Salmoniformes: Esocoidei), were tracked over periods of 6–11 days by means of ultrasonic (74 ± 1 Khz) transmitters, surgically implanted in the body cavity. One of these fish demonstrated that survival and well-being for over a year is probable. There was no apparent effect on equilibrium, swimming, or feeding. There was also no apparent abnormally high amount of movement immediately after release.Signal range was at times no greater than 10 m (in contrast to a potential of 1 km) as a result of the air in the dense aquatic vegetation.Area occupied by a single individual for a protracted period could be described as a linear distance of 300–800 m in the stream, or a circle 300 m in diamter in the lake. Displaced individuals returned to a specific locality. Following spawning they do so over a distance as great as 6.4 km in a maximum of two days. There was evidence that two individuals used the same general area simultaneously.Subsequent results with some of the same individuals indicated that radio transmitters are more practical and yield better results in the situation under study.  相似文献   

Habitat loss is causing amphibian population declines worldwide, so there is increased attention to forces that degrade remaining habitats. Terrestrial habitats surrounding wetlands are critical foraging areas for temperate anurans. We investigated plant community changes in two old fields invaded by Japanese knotweed (Fallopia japonica) and the foraging success of Green frogs (Rana clamitans) in invaded and non-invaded portions of those fields. Within each field, vegetation data were recorded in quadrats located along two transects bisecting the invasion fronts. We placed frogs in ‘foraging buckets’ along transects and measured their change in mass over a 38 h period. There were significant changes in vegetation structure and composition associated with Japanese knotweed invasion. Diverse assemblages of native plants that covered non-invaded plots were absent from areas invaded by Japanese knotweed. There was also a significant change in vegetation architecture between invaded and non-invaded habitats. Change in frog mass declined significantly along transects, with most frogs in non-invaded plots gaining mass and no frogs in invaded plots gaining mass. Most frogs from non-invaded plots but only two from invaded plots defecated shortly after removal from foraging buckets (verification of recent feeding). We hypothesize that Japanese knotweed invasions degrade terrestrial habitat quality for frogs by indirectly reducing arthropod abundance. Nonnative plant invasions may be another factor contributing to amphibian population declines.  相似文献   

Ultrasonic telemetry was used to assess habitat features utilized by 36 endangered juvenile white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus, in the lower 120 km of the Kootenai River of Idaho, USA and British Columbia, Canada during the summer and early fall of 1999 and 2000. All 36 fish were initially captured in pools using gillnets and released there, but most of the subsequent telemetry contacts were in glides, indicating these fish moved freely between the two macro-habitats. The low electivity indices indicated little preference between glides and pools. Most contacts were in glides, in the outside bend of the river channel (50), and in or near a visually defined thalweg. Contacts were most often associated with sand substrates and no cover. Physical habitat characteristics (nose [bottom] water velocity, depth, substrate, and cover) were recorded at 168 contact locations. The combination of significantly greater velocities and depths at contact sites vs. non-contact sites (p < 0.01) indicated these fish actively found and used areas of higher velocity and greater depth within the Kootenai River. There was little cover found for fish in the river other than large sand dunes and depth. The combination of depth and nose velocity data supported the idea that large sand dunes are providing refugia in the form of velocity breaks.  相似文献   

Possible allelopathic effects of substances released from the macrophytes Chara globularis, Elodea canadensis, Myriophyllum spicatum on the common green alga Scenedesmus obliquus were tested in the laboratory with plastic plants and untreated medium as controls. A two-phase approach was used in which first the effects of physical presence of plants was studied (phase I) followed by the effects of plant culture filtrates (phase II). In the presence of plastic plants growth was reduced only marginally, but strong growth inhibition of Scenedesmus occurred in the physical presence of all macrophytes. In contrast, filtrates from Chara had no growth inhibitory effect on Scenedesmus. Myriophyllum filtrate reduced particle-based growth rate by 7% compared to filtration controls, while Elodea culture filtrate reduced volume-based growth by 12%, chlorophyll-based growth by 28% and particle-based growth by 15%. Photosystem II-efficiency of Scenedesmus was reduced in all three macrophyte treatments in phase I, but not in filtrates from macrophyte cultures (phase II). Thus, while enzyme activity or other physiological aspects may have been affected, the current study yielded no proof for allelopathically active compounds being directed at photosynthesis. Mean particle volume (MPV) of Scenedesmus was not influenced by macrophyte exudates and cultures remained dominated by unicells. The strong growth inhibitory effects found for Scenedesmus in the physical presence of macrophytes, but not in plastic controls, and no or weaker response in nutrient-enriched filtrates, suggest nutrient competition was a more powerful driving factor than allelochemicals. However, the experimental design does not exclude disappearance of allelochemicals during the filtration process.  相似文献   

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