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The appearance of faces can be strongly affected by the characteristics of faces viewed previously. These perceptual after-effects reflect processes of sensory adaptation that are found throughout the visual system, but which have been considered only relatively recently in the context of higher level perceptual judgements. In this review, we explore the consequences of adaptation for human face perception, and the implications of adaptation for understanding the neural-coding schemes underlying the visual representation of faces. The properties of face after-effects suggest that they, in part, reflect response changes at high and possibly face-specific levels of visual processing. Yet, the form of the after-effects and the norm-based codes that they point to show many parallels with the adaptations and functional organization that are thought to underlie the encoding of perceptual attributes like colour. The nature and basis for human colour vision have been studied extensively, and we draw on ideas and principles that have been developed to account for norms and normalization in colour vision to consider potential similarities and differences in the representation and adaptation of faces.  相似文献   

Ganel T 《Neuron》2006,50(1):7-9
In a comprehensive series of experiments that combine neural modeling, behavioral data, and fMRI, Jiang et al. (this issue of Neuron) advance a general object and face classification model, based on a feedforward shape-detector architecture. The model accounts for configural face processing as well as for shape-based fMRI activation in the fusiform face area (FFA).  相似文献   



Vision provides the most salient information with regard to the stimulus motion. However, it has recently been demonstrated that static visual stimuli are perceived as moving laterally by alternating left-right sound sources. The underlying mechanism of this phenomenon remains unclear; it has not yet been determined whether auditory motion signals, rather than auditory positional signals, can directly contribute to visual motion perception.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Static visual flashes were presented at retinal locations outside the fovea together with a lateral auditory motion provided by a virtual stereo noise source smoothly shifting in the horizontal plane. The flash appeared to move by means of the auditory motion when the spatiotemporal position of the flashes was in the middle of the auditory motion trajectory. Furthermore, the lateral auditory motion altered visual motion perception in a global motion display where different localized motion signals of multiple visual stimuli were combined to produce a coherent visual motion perception.


These findings suggest there exist direct interactions between auditory and visual motion signals, and that there might be common neural substrates for auditory and visual motion processing.  相似文献   

We examined the role of feature matching in motion perception. The stimulus sequence was constructed from a vertical, 1 cycle deg-1 sinusoidal grating divided into horizontal strips of equal height, where alternate strips moved leftward and rightward. The initial relative phase of adjacent strips was either 0 degree (aligned) or 90 degrees (non-aligned) and the motion was sampled at 90 degrees phase steps. A blank interstimulus interval (ISI) of 0-117 ms was introduced between each 33 ms presentation of the stimulus frames. The observers had to identify the direction of motion of the central strip. Motion was perceived correctly at short ISIs, but at longer ISIs performance was much better for the non-aligned sequence than the aligned sequence. This difference in performance may reflect a role for feature correspondence and grouping of features in motion perception at longer ISIs. In the aligned sequence half the frames consisted of a single coherent vertical grating, while the interleaved frames contained short strips. We argue that to achieve feature matching over time, the long edge and bar features must be broken up perceptually (segmented) into shorter elements before these short segments can appear to move in opposite directions. This idea correctly predicted that overlaying narrow, stationary, black horizontal lines at the junctions of the grating strips would improve performance in the aligned condition. The results support the view that, in addition to motion energy, feature analysis and feature tracking play an important role in motion perception.  相似文献   

Whereas extensive neuroscientific and behavioral evidence has confirmed a role of auditory-visual integration in representing space [1-6], little is known about the role of auditory-visual integration in object perception. Although recent neuroimaging results suggest integrated auditory-visual object representations [7-11], substantiating behavioral evidence has been lacking. We demonstrated auditory-visual integration in the perception of face gender by using pure tones that are processed in low-level auditory brain areas and that lack the spectral components that characterize human vocalization. When androgynous faces were presented together with pure tones in the male fundamental-speaking-frequency range, faces were more likely to be judged as male, whereas when faces were presented with pure tones in the female fundamental-speaking-frequency range, they were more likely to be judged as female. Importantly, when participants were explicitly asked to attribute gender to these pure tones, their judgments were primarily based on relative pitch and were uncorrelated with the male and female fundamental-speaking-frequency ranges. This perceptual dissociation of absolute-frequency-based crossmodal-integration effects from relative-pitch-based explicit perception of the tones provides evidence for a sensory integration of auditory and visual signals in representing human gender. This integration probably develops because of concurrent neural processing of visual and auditory features of gender.  相似文献   

The identity of an object is a fixed property, independent of where it appears, and an effective visual system should capture this invariance [1-3]. However, we now report that the perceived gender of a face is strongly biased toward male or female at different locations in the visual field. The spatial pattern of these biases was distinctive and stable for each individual. Identical neutral faces looked different when they were presented simultaneously at locations maximally biased to opposite genders. A similar effect was observed for perceived age of faces. We measured the magnitude of this perceptual heterogeneity for four other visual judgments: perceived aspect ratio, orientation discrimination, spatial-frequency discrimination, and color discrimination. The effect was sizeable for the aspect ratio task but substantially smaller for the other three tasks. We also evaluated perceptual heterogeneity for facial gender and orientation tasks at different spatial scales. Strong heterogeneity was observed even for the orientation task when tested at small scales. We suggest that perceptual heterogeneity is a general property of visual perception and results from undersampling of the visual signal at spatial scales that are small relative to the size of the receptive fields associated with each visual attribute.  相似文献   

Recent developments have led to a greater insight into the complex processes of perception of visual motion. A better understanding of the neuronal circuitry involved and advances in electrophysiological techniques have allowed researchers to alter the perception of an animal with a stimulating electrode. In addition, studies have further elucidated the processes by which signals are combined and compared, allowing a greater understanding of the effects of selective brain damage.  相似文献   

Newborns have an innate system for preferentially looking at an upright human face. This face preference behaviour disappears at approximately one month of age and reappears a few months later. However, the neural mechanisms underlying this U-shaped behavioural change remain unclear. Here, we isolate the functional development of the cortical visual pathway for face processing using S-cone-isolating stimulation, which blinds the subcortical visual pathway. Using luminance stimuli, which are conveyed by both the subcortical and cortical visual pathways, the preference for upright faces was not observed in two-month-old infants, but it was observed in four- and six-month-old infants, confirming the recovery phase of the U-shaped development. By contrast, using S-cone stimuli, two-month-old infants already showed a preference for upright faces, as did four- and six-month-old infants, demonstrating that the cortical visual pathway for face processing is already functioning at the bottom of the U-shape at two months of age. The present results suggest that the transient functional deterioration stems from a conflict between the subcortical and cortical functional pathways, and that the recovery thereafter involves establishing a level of coordination between the two pathways.  相似文献   

Many critical perceptual judgments, from telling whether fruit is ripe to determining whether the ground is slippery, involve estimating the material properties of surfaces. Very little is known about how the brain recognizes materials, even though the problem is likely as important for survival as navigating or recognizing objects. Though previous research has focused nearly exclusively on the properties of static images, recent evidence suggests that motion may affect the appearance of surface material. However, what kind of information motion conveys and how this information may be used by the brain is still unknown. Here, we identify three motion cues that the brain could rely on to distinguish between matte and shiny surfaces. We show that these motion measurements can override static cues, leading to dramatic changes in perceived material depending on the image motion characteristics. A classifier algorithm based on these cues correctly predicts both successes and some striking failures of human material perception. Together these results reveal a previously unknown use for optic flow in the perception of surface material properties.  相似文献   

We sought to determine the extent to which red-green, colour-opponent mechanisms in the human visual system play a role in the perception of drifting luminance-modulated targets. Contrast sensitivity for the directional discrimination of drifting luminance-modulated (yellow-black) test sinusoids was measured following adaptation to isoluminant red-green sinusoids drifting in either the same or opposite direction. When the test and adapt stimuli drifted in the same direction, large sensitivity losses were evident at all test temporal frequencies employed (1-16 Hz). The magnitude of the loss was independent of temporal frequency. When adapt and test stimuli drifted in opposing directions, large sensitivity losses were evident at lower temporal frequencies (1-4 Hz) and declined with increasing temporal frequency. Control studies showed that this temporal-frequency-dependent effect could not reflect the activity of achromatic units. Our results provide evidence that chromatic mechanisms contribute to the perception of luminance-modulated motion targets drifting at speeds of up to at least 32 degrees s(-1). We argue that such mechanisms most probably lie within a parvocellular-dominated cortical visual pathway, sensitive to both chromatic and luminance modulation, but only weakly selective for the direction of stimulus motion.  相似文献   

Interaction of retinal image and eye velocity in motion perception   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Goltz HC  DeSouza JF  Menon RS  Tweed DB  Vilis T 《Neuron》2003,39(3):569-576
When we move our eyes, why does the world look stable even as its image flows across our retinas, and why do afterimages, which are stationary on the retinas, appear to move? Current theories say this is because we perceive motion by summation: if an object slips across the retina at r degrees/s while the eye turns at e degrees/s, the object's perceived velocity in space should be r + e. We show that activity in MT+, the visual-motion complex in human cortex, does reflect a mix of r and e rather than r alone. But we show also that, for optimal perception, r and e should not summate; rather, the signals coding e interact multiplicatively with the spatial gradient of illumination.  相似文献   

Perna A  Tosetti M  Montanaro D  Morrone MC 《Neuron》2005,47(5):645-651
Biological visual systems are extraordinarily capable of recovering the shape and brightness of objects from sparse and fragmentary information. Using functional magnetic imaging, we show that two associative areas of the dorsal pathway--in the caudal region of the intrapariatal sulcus and in the lateral occipital sulcus--respond specifically to the Craik-O'Brien-Cornsweet illusion generated by high-pass filtered edges. Other visual areas, including primary visual cortex, also respond strongly to the retinotopic location of the edge, but these areas respond equally well to a line of matched contrast and detectability, rather than specifically to the brightness illusion. The reconstruction of surface and/or its brightness seems to be achieved by associative areas from the information about visual features provided by the primary visual cortices, even where there is no physical difference in luminance.  相似文献   

The differential effect of stimulus inversion on face and object recognition suggests that inverted faces are processed by mechanisms for the perception of other objects rather than by face perception mechanisms. We investigated the face inversion using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The principal effect of face inversion on was an increased response in ventral extrastriate regions that respond preferentially to another class of objects (houses). In contrast, house inversion did not produce a similar change in face-selective regions. Moreover, stimulus inversion had equivalent, minimal effects for faces in in face-selective regions and for houses in house-selective regions. The results suggest that the failure of face perception systems with inverted faces leads to the recruitment of processing resources in object perception systems, but this failure is not reflected by altered activity in face perception systems.  相似文献   

A computational approach to motion perception   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
In this paper it is shown that the computation of the optical flow from a sequence of timevarying images is not, in general, an underconstrained problem. A local algorithm for the computation of the optical flow which uses second order derivatives of the image brightness pattern, and that avoids the aperture problem, is presented. The obtained optical flow is very similar to the true motion field — which is the vector field associated with moving features on the image plane — and can be used to recover 3D motion information. Experimental results on sequences of real images, together with estimates of relevant motion parameters, like time-to-crash for translation and angular velocity for rotation, are presented and discussed. Due to the remarkable accuracy which can be achieved in estimating motion parameters, the proposed method is likely to be very useful in a number of computer vision applications.  相似文献   

Previous studies demonstrating mate choice copying effects among females in non-human species have led many researchers to propose that social transmission of mate preferences may influence sexual selection for male traits. Although it has been suggested that social transmission may also influence mate preferences in humans, there is little empirical support for such effects. Here, we show that observing other women with smiling (i.e. positive) expressions looking at male faces increased women's preferences for those men to a greater extent than did observing women with neutral (i.e. relatively negative) expressions looking at male faces. By contrast, the reverse was true for male participants (i.e. observing women with neutral expressions looking at male faces increased male participant's preferences for those men to a greater extent than did observing women smiling at male faces). This latter finding suggests that within-sex competition promotes negative attitudes among men towards other men who are the target of positive social interest from women. Our findings demonstrate that social transmission of face preferences influences judgments of men's attractiveness, potentially demonstrating a mechanism for social transmission of mate preferences.  相似文献   

Feature-tracking explanations of 2D motion perception are fundamentally distinct from motion-energy, correlation, and gradient explanations, all of which can be implemented by applying spatiotemporal filters to raw image data. Filter-based explanations usually suffer from the aperture problem, but 2D motion predictions for moving plaids have been derived from the intersection of constraints (IOC) imposed by the outputs of such filters, and from the vector sum of signals generated by such filters. In most previous experiments, feature-tracking and IOC predictions are indistinguishable. By constructing plaids in apparent motion from missing-fundamental gratings, we set feature-tracking predictions in opposition to both IOC and vector-sum predictions. The perceived directions that result are inconsistent with feature tracking. Furthermore, we show that increasing size and spatial frequency in Type 2 missing-fundamental plaids drives perceived direction from vector-sum toward IOC directions. This reproduces results that have been used to support feature-tracking, but under experimental conditions that rule it out. We discuss our data in the context of a Bayesian model with a gradient-based likelihood and a prior favoring slow speeds. We conclude that filter-based explanations alone can explain both veridical and non-veridical 2D motion perception in such stimuli.  相似文献   

Stationary objects appear to move in the opposite direction to a pursuit eye movement (Filehne illusion) and moving objects appear slower when pursued (Aubert-Fleischl phenomenon). Both illusions imply that extra-retinal, eye-velocity signals lead to lower estimates of speed than corresponding retinal motion signals. Intriguingly, the velocity (i.e. speed and direction) of the Filehne illusion depends on the age of the observer, especially for brief display durations (Wertheim and Bekkering, 1992). This suggests relative signal size changes as the visual system matures. To test the signal-size hypothesis, we compared the Filehne illusion and Aubert-Fleischl phenomenon in young and old observers using short and long display durations. The trends in the Filehne data were similar to those reported by Wertheim and Bekkering. However, we found no evidence for an effect of age or duration in the Aubert-Fleischl phenomenon. The differences between the two illusions could not be reconciled on the basis of actual eye movements made. The findings suggest a more complicated explanation of the combined influence of age and duration on head-centred motion perception than that described by the signal-size hypothesis.  相似文献   

Despite the increasing number of techniques for the preservation of bone ridges after dental avulsion, no precise evaluation of alveolar filling has been performed to date. The criteria of available measurement techniques (probes, retroalveolar or panoramic radiography, and lateral teleradiography) are not sufficiently reliable and precise. This study investigated the reliability of evaluation based on CT images in comparison with retroalveolar radiography (the most precise radiographic technique, providing standardised images), direct measurements, and images obtained in scanning electron microscopy. After a preliminary investigation ex vivo, a study was performed in vivo on three beagles. Mandibular premolars were extracted, and the corresponding alveoli were filled with an injectable bone substitute composed of a calcium phosphate mineral load associated with hydroxypropyl methylcellulose. Measurements performed on CT images relative to visual and automatic detection of density changes and studies of density curves provided better precision than those obtained by retroalveolar radiography.  相似文献   

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