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Sex ratio theory allows unparalleled opportunities for testing how well animal behavior can be predicted by evolutionary theory. For example, Hamilton's theory of local mate competition (LMC) is well understood and can explain variation in sex allocation across numerous species. This allows more specific predictions to be developed and tested. Here we extend LMC theory to a situation that will be common in a range of species: asymmetrical LMC. Asymmetrical LMC occurs when females lay eggs on a patch asynchronously and male offspring do not disperse, leading to relatively weaker LMC for males emerging from later broods. Varying levels of LMC then lead to varying optimal sex ratios for females, depending on when and where they oviposit. We confirm the assumptions of our theory using the wasp Nasonia vitripennis and then test our predictions. We show that females adjust their offspring sex ratios in the directions predicted, laying different sex ratios on different hosts within a patch. Specifically, there was a less female-biased sex ratio when ovipositing on an unparasitized host if another host on the patch had previously been parasitized and a less female-biased sex ratio on parasitized hosts if females also oviposited on an unparasitized host.  相似文献   

The malaria parasite (Plasmodium) life history accords well with the assumptions of local mate competition (LMC) of sex ratio theory. Within a single meal of the blood‐feeding vector, sexually dimorphic gametocyte cells produce gametes (females produce one, males several) that mate and undergo sexual recombination. The theory posits several factors drive the Plasmodium sex ratio: male fecundity (gametes/male gametocyte), number and relative abundance of parasite clones, and gametocyte density. We measured these traits for the lizard malaria parasite, Plasmodium mexicanum, with a large sample of natural infections and infections from experiments that manipulated clonal diversity. Sex ratio in single‐clone infections was slightly female‐biased, but matched predictions of theory for this low‐fecundity species. Sex ratio was less female‐biased in clonally diverse infections as predicted by LMC for the experimental, but not natural infections. Gametocyte density was not positively related to sex ratio. These results are explained by the P. mexicanum life history of naturally low clonal diversity and high gametocyte production. This is the first study of a natural malaria system that examines all traits relevant to LMC in individual vertebrate hosts and suggests a striking example of sex ratio theory having significance for human public health.  相似文献   

When a small number of females contribute offspring to a discrete mating group, sex allocation (Local Mate Competition: LMC) theory predicts that females should bias their offspring sex ratio towards daughters, which avoids the fitness costs of their sons competing with each other. Conversely, when a large number of females contribute offspring to a patch, they are expected to invest equally in sons and daughters. Furthermore, sex ratios of species that regularly experience variable foundress numbers are closer to those predicted by LMC theory than species that encounter less variable foundress number scenarios. Due to their patterns of resource use, female Callosobruchus maculatus are likely to experience a broad range of foundress number scenarios. We carried out three experiments to test whether female C. maculatus adjust their sex ratios in response to foundress number and two other indicators of LMC: ovipositing on pre-parasitised patches and ovipositing with sisters. We did not find any evidence of the predicted sex ratio adjustment, but we did find evidence of kin biased behaviour.  相似文献   

Malaria transmission is achieved by sexual stages, called gametocytes, and the proportion of gametocytes that are male versus female (sex ratio) influences transmission success. In malaria model systems, variation in gametocyte sex ratios can be explained by the predictions of evolutionary sex allocation theory. We test these predictions using natural Plasmodium falciparum infections. The predicted negative correlation between sex ratio and gametocyte density holds: the sex ratio increases when gametocyte densities decrease, and this is most apparent in single genotype infections and in the dry season. We do not observe higher gametocyte sex ratios in mixed compared with single genotype infections.  相似文献   

There is little direct evidence of the fitness effects of changes in malaria gametocyte sex ratio. Gametocyte sex ratios in haemospororin parasites (phylum Apicomplexa) are usually female skewed. However, in some cases and especially in Haemoproteus parasites, less female-biased and even male-biased sex ratios are encountered. The 'fertility insurance hypothesis' tries to explain these biases as an evolutionary strategy to facilitate gamete encounter. Thus, the hypothesis predicts that, if there is a reduction in gametocyte density (intensity of infection) or other factors preventing gametes from meeting, a change to a higher proportion of male gametocytes may be favoured. By contrast, a change in sex ratio may be caused by other non-adaptive mechanisms, for example differential survival of the gametocytes of each sex. We study within-host changes in Haemoproteus majoris sex ratios following an experimental reduction in the density of the parasites in the blood in a breeding population of blue tits (Parus caeruleus). Medication with the antimalarial drug primaquine induced a significant reduction in Haemoproteus gametocyte infection intensity in two different breeding seasons and under two different doses of medication. Sex ratios became male skewed following the experimental treatment in agreement with the predictions of the 'fertility insurance' hypothesis. Also in support of the hypothesis, a significant change towards male-biased sex ratios emerged for non-medicated birds in one year, probably owing to the natural immune reduction of the density of the parasites in the blood. The alternative possibility that changes are caused by different lifespans of gametocytes is not supported by changes in sex ratios in control hosts, where new production and release of gametocytes occur.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Extremely female-biased sex ratios are known in the social spider mite species, Stigmaeopsis longus and S. miscanthi . Whether Hamilton's local mate competition (LMC) theory can explain such sex ratios was investigated.
2. Significant changes of the progeny sex ratios in the direction predicted by the LMC model were found in both species when the foundress number changed. Therefore, LMC can partly explain the skewed sex ratios in these species.
3. When the foundress number increased, the progeny sex ratio was still female biased and significantly different from the prediction of the LMC model for haplodiploidy. Relatedness between foundresses could not fully explain the female-biased sex ratios. Therefore, these results suggest that there are factors other than LMC skewing the sex ratios of these species toward female.  相似文献   

Hamilton's concept of local mate competition (LMC) is the standard model to explain female-biased sex ratios in solitary Hymenoptera. In social Hymenoptera, however, LMC has remained controversial, mainly because manipulation of sex allocation by workers in response to relatedness asymmetries is an additional powerful mechanism of female bias. Furthermore, the predominant mating systems in the social insects are thought to make LMC unlikely. Nevertheless, several species exist in which dispersal of males is limited and mating occurs in the nest. Some of these species, such as the ant Cardiocondyla obscurior, have evolved dimorphic males, with one morph being specialized for dispersal and the other for fighting with nest-mate males over access to females. Such life history, combining sociality and alternative reproductive tactics in males, provides a unique opportunity to test the power of LMC as a selective force leading to female-biased sex ratios in social Hymenoptera. We show that, in concordance with LMC predictions, an experimental increase in queen number leads to a shift in sex allocation in favour of non-dispersing males, but does not influence the proportion of disperser males. Furthermore, we can assign this change in sex allocation at the colony level to the queens and rule out worker manipulation.  相似文献   

Quantitative tests of sex allocation theory have often indicated that organism strategies deviate from model predictions. In pollinating fig wasps, Lipporrhopalum tentacularis, whole fig (brood) sex ratios are generally more female-biased than predicted by local mate competition (LMC) theory where females (foundresses) use density as a cue to assess potential LMC. We use microsatellite markers to investigate foundress sex ratios in L. tentacularis and show that they actually use their clutch size as a cue, with strategies closely approximating the predictions of a new model we develop of these conditions. We then provide evidence that the use of clutch size as a cue is common among species experiencing LMC, and given the other predictions of our model argue that this is because their ecologies mean it provides sufficiently accurate information about potential LMC that the use of other more costly cues has not evolved. We further argue that the use of these more costly cues by other species is due to the effect that ecological differences have on cue accuracy. This implies that deviations from earlier theoretical predictions often indicate that the cues used to assess environmental conditions differ from those assumed by models, rather than limits on the ability of natural selection to produce "perfect" organisms.  相似文献   

Studies of sex allocation have provided some of the most successfultests of theory in behavioral and evolutionary ecology. Forinstance, local mate competition (LMC) theory has explainedvariation in sex allocation across numerous species. However,some patterns of sex ratio variation remain unexplained by existingtheory. Most existing models have ignored variation in malecompetitive ability and assumed all males have equal opportunitiesto mate within a patch. However, in some species experiencingLMC, males often fight fiercely for mates, such that male matingsuccess varies with male fighting ability. Here, we examinethe effect of competitive ability on optimal sex allocationschedules using a dynamic programming approach. This model assumesan asymmetric competitive ability derived from different mortalitiesaccording to the timing of male emergence. If the mortalityof newly emerging males is larger than that of already emergedmales, our model predicts a more female-biased sex ratio thanexpected under traditional LMC models. In addition, femalesare predicted to produce new males constantly at a low rateover the offspring emergence period. We show that our modelsuccessfully predicts the sex ratios produced by females ofthe parasitoid wasp Melittobia, a genus renowned for its vigorouslyfighting males and lower than expected sex ratios.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory predicts that: (1) resources allocated to androecium should decrease with an increase in selfing, (2) a decrease in androecium biomass should be accompanied by an increase in the biomass of pistils, and (3) a decrease in androecium biomass should be coupled with a decrease in flower size, specifically corolla biomass. Another predicted change in reproductive traits associated with variation in selfing concerns seed to ovule ratios, but does not directly stem from sex allocation theory. It has been postulated that seed to ovule ratios should be positively correlated with the amount of selfing. These predictions were tested for six accessions of pigeonpea,Cajanus cajan L., that differed in selfing rates. The results were remarkably in accordance with the predictions. We conclude that sex allocation theory provides a powerful tool to understand the evolution of many reproductive traits in plants.  相似文献   

Does the mode of self-pollination affect the evolutionarily stable allocation to male vs. female function? We distinguish the following scenarios. (1) An ‘autogamous’ species, in which selfing occurs within the flower prior to opening. The pollen used in selfing is a constant fraction of all pollen grains produced. (2) A species with ‘abiotic pollination’, in which selfing occurs when pollen dispersed in one flower lands on the stigma of a nearby flower on the same plant (geitonogamy). The selfing rate increases with male allocation but a higher selfing rate does not mean a reduced export of pollen. (3) An ‘animal-pollinated’ species with geitonogamous selfing. Here the selfing rate also increases with male allocation, but pollen export to other plants in the population is a decelerating function of the number of simultaneously open flowers. In all three models selfing selects for increased female allocation. For model 3 this contradicts the general opinion that geitonogamous selfing does not affect evolutionarily stable allocations. In all models, the parent benefits more from a female-biased allocation than any other individual in the population. In addition, in models 2 and 3, greater male allocation results in more local mate competition. In model 3 and in model 2 with low levels of inbreeding depression, hermaphroditism is evolutionarily stable. In model 2 with high inbreeding depression, the population converges to a fitness minimum for the relative allocation to male function. In this case the fitness set is bowed inwards, corresponding with accelerating fitness gain curves. If the selfing rate increases with plant size, this is a sufficient condition for size-dependent sex allocation (more allocation towards seeds in large plants) to evolve. We discuss our results in relation to size-dependent sex allocation in plants and in relation to the evolution of dioecy.  相似文献   

The gametocyte sex ratio of Plasmodium mexicanum, a malaria parasite of western fence lizards, was studied in a modified garden experiment. Each of 6 naturally infected lizards was used to initiate 20 replicate-infections in naive western fence lizards. A significant donor effect was observed for the sex ratios of recipient infections at their maximal parasitemia, and this effect was associated with the sex ratio of the donor infection. In 20 infections in which sex ratio was followed during the course of the infection, 9 revealed constant sex ratios and 11 showed an increase in proportion of males over time. Recipient sex ratio was correlated with another life-history trait, a composite of rate of asexual replication and peak parasitemia, such that higher Rate-Peak scores were associated with infections with less female-biased sex ratios. These results are placed into the context of sex ratio theory that concludes that the degree of selfing of parasite genotypes (number of parasite clones) within the vector will influence the evolution of gametocyte sex ratio. The theory predicts that the sex ratio should be under some genetic control and thus be heritable as observed in the experiment. Clonal diversity should also influence the life-history trait, Rate-Peak, which was found to be correlated with sex ratio.  相似文献   

In many species, mating takes place in temporary patches where only a small number of females produce offspring. In this situation Local Mate Competition (LMC) theory predicts that the optimal sex ratio (defined as proportion males) should become increasingly female biased as the number of females contributing offspring to a patch decreases. However, in a large number of these species, some mating is also likely to occur away from the natal patch (termed partial LMC). In this case the degree of LMC is reduced, and theory predicts a relatively less female biased sex ratio. We tested these two predictions with field data from 17 species of New World non-pollinating fig wasps representing three genera. We present a model which suggests that the average number of females ovipositing in a fruit (i.e. patch) is positively correlated with the proportion of fruit of a given tree species in which that species of wasp occurs. Across species, the overall sex ratio was positively correlated with the proportion of fruit in which that species occurs. Furthermore, the males of some species are wingless, and in these species all mating must take place before females disperse from their natal fruit. In contrast, the males of other species are winged, and in these species mating may also take place away from the natal fruit. Species with winged males had less female biased sex ratios than species with wingless males that occurred in a similar proportion of fruit. Finally, the correlation between sex ratio and the proportion of fruit in which a species occurs was also observed within species when comparing between the fruit crops of different trees. This suggests that individual females facultatively adjust the sex ratio of their offspring in response to variable LMC.  相似文献   

Although theoretical models predict low allocation to attractive structures with increased selfing in animal-pollinated plants, empirical measurement of the reproductive costs and benefits is complicated. Here, floral sex allocation was compared in two nectarless heterandrous species with different mating systems: Monochoria korsakowii (Pontederiaceae), which has moderate outcrossing rates, and Monochoria vaginalis, a predominant selfer. In both species, mirror-image flowers have one large dark-purple anther and five small yellow anthers. Experimental evidence is provided for functional differences between the two sets of anthers using data on pollinator visitation, pollen removal and deposition, and seed set after hand pollinations. Flower manipulations in bee-pollinated M. korsakowii demonstrated different functions of the two sets of anthers: the yellow (feeding) anthers function to attract pollinators, but have similar pollen performance to the purple (pollinating) anthers. Furthermore, a disproportional reduction in pollen production of the feeding anthers in the selfing species was found. This differential allocation between feeding and pollinating anthers in heterandrous species has not been recognized before. The finding of reduced allocation to attractive structures with an increase in the rate of self-fertilization supports the theory of sex allocation.  相似文献   

West SA  Reece SE  Read AF 《Trends in parasitology》2003,19(4):155-7; discussion 157-8
Adaptive sex ratio theory explains why gametocyte sex ratios are female-biased in many populations of apicomplexan parasites such as Plasmodium and Toxoplasma. Recently, Ferguson has criticized this framework and proposed two alternative explanations--one for vector-borne parasites (e.g. Plasmodium) and one for Toxoplasma. Ferguson raises some interesting issues that certainly deserve more empirical attention. However, it should be pointed out that: (1) there are theoretical and empirical problems for his alternative hypotheses; and (2) existing empirical data support the application of sex ratio theory to these parasites, not its rejection.  相似文献   

In the hermaphrodite freshwater snail Bulinus truncatus, two sexual morphs, euphallic (regular hermaphrodites) and aphallic individuals without a male copulatory organ, co-occur at various ratios in natural populations. Both aphallic and euphallic individuals can reproduce by selfing, but when outcrossing aphallic individuals can only play the female role. A comparison of life-history traits and sex allocation in these two forms provides the opportunity to investigate the evolution and maintenance of sexual polymorphisms. This study was performed to test whether a reallocation of resources from the lost male function to the female function occurs in aphallic snails at the level of both sex organs (sex allocation) and life-history traits. In a first experiment we compared life-history traits over a whole life-cycle under selfing between the two sexual morphs. In a second experiment, the sex organs were weighed to test for a difference in sex allocation between the two morphs. No difference in resource allocation to female function between the two morphs was observed in either experiment. This is in contrast to patterns frequently observed in sexually polymorphic plants, and in a previous study performed on aphally in the same snail species. We discuss the genetic and physiological hypotheses that could explain these results, and their consequences for the evolution and maintenance of phally polymorphism in B. truncatus.  相似文献   

Neal AT 《Parasitology》2011,138(10):1203-1210
Evolutionary theory predicts that the sex ratio of Plasmodium gametocytes will be determined by the number of gametes produced per male gametocyte (male fecundity), parasite clonal diversity and any factor that reduces male gametes' ability to find and combine with female gametes. Despite the importance of male gametocyte fecundity for sex ratio theory as applied to malaria parasites, few data are available on gamete production by male gametocytes. In this study, exflagellating gametes, a measure of male fecundity, were counted for 866 gametocytes from 26 natural infections of the lizard malaria parasite, Plasmodium mexicanum. The maximum male fecundity observed was 8, but most gametocytes produced 2-3 gametes, a value consistent with the typical sex ratio observed for P. mexicanum. Male gametocytes in infections with higher gametocytaemia had lower fecundity. Male fecundity was not correlated with gametocyte size, but differed among infections, suggesting genetic variation for fecundity. Fecundity and sex ratio were correlated (more female gametocytes with higher fecundity) as predicted by theory. Results agree with evolutionary theory, but also suggest a possible tradeoff between production time and fecundity, which could explain the low fecundity of this species, the variation among infections, and the correlation with gametocytaemia.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory has proved to be one the most successful theories in evolutionary ecology. However, its role in more applied aspects of ecology has been limited. Here we show how sex allocation theory helps uncover an otherwise hidden cost of neonicotinoid exposure in the parasitoid wasp Nasonia vitripennis. Female N. vitripennis allocate the sex of their offspring in line with Local Mate Competition (LMC) theory. Neonicotinoids are an economically important class of insecticides, but their deployment remains controversial, with evidence linking them to the decline of beneficial species. We demonstrate for the first time to our knowledge, that neonicotinoids disrupt the crucial reproductive behaviour of facultative sex allocation at sub-lethal, field-relevant doses in N. vitripennis. The quantitative predictions we can make from LMC theory show that females exposed to neonicotinoids are less able to allocate sex optimally and that this failure imposes a significant fitness cost. Our work highlights that understanding the ecological consequences of neonicotinoid deployment requires not just measures of mortality or even fecundity reduction among non-target species, but also measures that capture broader fitness costs, in this case offspring sex allocation. Our work also highlights new avenues for exploring how females obtain information when allocating sex under LMC.  相似文献   

Recent studies on the effect of local mate competition (LMC) on sex ratios have focused on the effect of post-dispersal mating success by males. A higher proportion of males is expected to be produced as the potential for outbreeding increases. Here we demonstrate that males of a haplodiploid ambrosia beetle with LMC disperse to seek additional matings, and brood sex ratios increase with outbreeding opportunities in the field. Manipulations in the laboratory confirm that females produce more sons when the post-dispersal mating prospects of their sons are experimentally increased. This is the first study showing that male dispersal options may influence individual female sex allocation decisions in species with strong LMC.  相似文献   

The sex ratio (z*; proportion of gametocytes that are male) of malaria and related hemospororin blood parasites has been predicted to be related to the inbreeding rate (f) by the simple equation z* = (1 - f)/2. Although there is some empirical support for this prediction, there are several cases where the sex ratio is less female biased or more variable than expected. Here, we present a theoretical model that may be able to explain some of these discrepancies. We show that if low gametocyte densities lead to a danger that female gametes may not encounter any male gametes, then natural selection favors a less female-biased sex ratio as a form of 'fertility insurance' to ensure that female gametes are mated. This model can be applied to a number of situations. In particular, (1) empirical data suggest that the number of gametocyes per blood meal can be low enough to favor fertility insurance in some Plasmodium infections in humans and (2) our model predicts facultative shifting toward less-biased sex ratios in response to immune pressure that reduces gametocyte or gamete survival or mobility, consistent with some recent experimental data from Plasmodium species of birds and mice.  相似文献   

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