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Exposure of Vibrio harveyi (strain VH1114) to V. harveyi siphovirus-like phage 1 (VHS1) resulted in the production of a low percentage of lysogenized clones of variable stability. These were retrieved most easily as small colonies within dot plaques. Analysis revealed that VHS1 prophage was most likely carried by VH1114 as an episome rather than integrated into the host chromosome. In the late exponential growth phase, lysogenized VH1114 continuously produced VHS1 but also gave rise to a large number of cured progeny. The absence of phage DNA in the cured progeny was confirmed by the absence of VHS1 DNA in Southern blot and PCR assays. Curiously, these very stable, cured subclones did not show the parental phenotype of clear plaques with VHS1 but instead showed turbid plaques, both in overlaid lawns and in dot plaque assays. This phenotypic difference from the original parental isolate suggested that transient lysogeny by VHS1 had resulted in a stable genetic change in the cured clones. Such clones may be called pseudolysogens (i.e., false lysogens), since they have undergone transient lysogeny and have retained some resistance to full lytic phage development, despite the loss of viable or detectable prophage.  相似文献   

Identification of bacterial lysogeny by detecting phage DNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
J X Wang  S J Zhu  B Z Go  X M Dai  Z D Si 《微生物学报》1985,25(3):250-254

Abstract The presence of 10−6 M human serum transferrin (TF) in a minimal medium retarded the growth of Vibrio harveyi and inhibited the synthesis of cytochromes and stimulated the development of bioluminescence. The addition of 10−3 M arginine to the TF medium further stimulated bioluminescence and increased the growth rate of the bacteria. These data suggest that luciferase, functioning as a terminal oxidase, supported the growth of such cytochrome-deficient bacteria.  相似文献   

Shuttle vectors that had previously been shown to replicate both in Escherichia coli and in strains of Anabaena spp. were used to transfer the lux genes from Vibrio harveyi and Vibrio fischeri into Anabaena spp. The level of expression of luciferase in the cyanobacteria (up to 7,000 quanta cell-1 s-1) makes these genes good candidates for use as promoter probes during the differentiation of certain cells in a filament into heterocysts.  相似文献   

Vibrio harveyi siphophage 1 (VHS1) is a tailed phage with an icosahedral head of approximately 66 nm in diameter and an unornamented, flexible tail of approximately 153 nm in length. When Vibrio harveyi 1114GL is lysogenized with VHS1, its virulence for the black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) increases by more than 100 times, and this coincides with production of a toxin(s) associated with shrimp hemocyte agglutination. Curiously, the lysogen does not show increased virulence for the whiteleg shrimp (Penaeus [Litopenaeus] vannamei). Here we present and annotate the complete, circular genome of VHS1 (81,509 kbp; GenBank accession number JF713456). By software analysis, the genome contains 125 putative open reading frames (ORFs), all of which appear to be located on the same DNA strand, similar to the case for many other bacteriophages. Most of the putative ORFs show no significant homology to known sequences in GenBank. Notable exceptions are ORFs for a putative DNA polymerase and putative phage structural proteins, including a portal protein, a phage tail tape measure protein, and a phage head protein. The last protein was identified as a component of the species-specific toxin mixture described above as being associated with agglutination of hemocytes from P. monodon.  相似文献   

Quorum sensing (QS) refers to the ability of bacterial populations to read out the local environment for cell density and to collectively activate gene expression. Vibrio harveyi , one of the best characterized model organisms in QS, was used to address the question how single cells behave within a QS-activated community in a homogeneous environment. Analysis of the QS-regulated bioluminescence of a wild type strain revealed that even at high cell densities only 69% of the cells of the population produced bioluminescence, 25% remained dark and 6% were dead. Moreover, light intensities greatly varied from cell to cell at high population density. Addition of autoinducer to a bright liquid culture of V. harveyi increased the percentage of luminescent cells up to 98%, suggesting that V. harveyi produces and/or keeps the autoinducers at non-saturating concentrations. In contrast, all living cells of a constitutive QS-active mutant (Δ luxO ) produced light. We also found that QS affects biofilm formation in V. harveyi . Our data provide first evidence that a heterogeneous population produces more biofilm than a homogeneous one. It is suggested that even a QS-committed population of V. harveyi takes advantage of heterogeneity, which extends the current view of QS-regulated uniformity.  相似文献   

Vibriosis is a major disease problem in prawn aquaculture. Until now there has been no clear explanation why some strains of Vibrio are pathogenic, while others are not. This study demonstrated that the presence of the bacteriophage V. harveyi myovirus like (VHML) may confer virulence to V. harveyi Strain 642. This was demonstrated by infecting na?ve avirulent V. harveyi Strains 12, 20, 45 and 645 with the bacteriophage and converting them into virulent strains. The previously na?ve strains of Vibrio infected with Bacteriophage VHML from V. harveyi Strain 642 demonstrated up-regulation of haemolysin, up-regulation of protein excretion, additional proteins which were recognised as toxic proteins from Strain 642 by monoclonal antibodies specific to the exotoxin sub-units, and a significant increase in mortality of larval Penaeus monodon. It was concluded that Bacteriophage VHML conferred virulence to V. harveyi Strains 12, 20, 45 and 645 and that Bacteriophage VHML either fully or partly confers virulence in V. harveyi Strain 642.  相似文献   

Aims: The isolation of lytic bacteriophage of Vibrio harveyi with potential for phage therapy of bacterial pathogens of phyllosoma larvae from the tropical rock lobster Panulirus ornatus. Methods and Results: Water samples from discharge channels and grow‐out ponds of a prawn farm in northeastern Australia were enriched for 24 h in a broth containing four V. harveyi strains. The bacteriophage‐enriched filtrates were spotted onto bacterial lawns demonstrating that the bacteriophage host range for the samples included strains of V. harveyi, Vibrio campbellii, Vibrio rotiferianus, Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio proteolyticus. Bacteriophage were isolated from eight enriched samples through triple plaque purification. The host range of purified phage included V. harveyi, V. campbellii, V. rotiferianus and V. parahaemolyticus. Transmission electron microscope examination revealed that six purified phage belonged to the family Siphoviridae, whilst two belonged to the family Myoviridae. The Myoviridae appeared to induce bacteriocin production in a limited number of host bacterial strains, suggesting that they were lysogenic rather than lytic. A purified Siphoviridae phage could delay the entry of a broth culture of V. harveyi strain 12 into exponential growth, but could not prevent the overall growth of the bacterial strain. Conclusions: Bacteriophage with lytic activity against V. harveyi were isolated from prawn farm samples. Purified phage of the family Siphoviridae had a clear lytic ability and no apparent transducing properties, indicating they are appropriate for phage therapy. Phage resistance is potentially a major constraint to the use of phage therapy in aquaculture as bacteria are not completely eliminated. Significance and Impact of the Study: Phage therapy is emerging as a potential antibacterial agent that can be used to control pathogenic bacteria in aquaculture systems. The development of phage therapy for aquaculture requires initial isolation and determination of the bacteriophage host range, with subsequent creation of suitable phage cocktails.  相似文献   

L Harris  L Owens    S Smith 《Applied microbiology》1996,62(9):3548-3550
A new medium, termed Vibrio harveyi agar, has been developed for the isolation and enumeration of V. harveyi. It is possible to differentiate V. harveyi colonies from the colonies of strains representing 15 other Vibrio species with this medium. This medium has been shown to inhibit the growth of two strains of marine Pseudomonas spp. and two strains of marine Flavobacterium spp. but to allow the growth of Photobacterium strains. Colonies displaying typical V. harveyi morphology were isolated from the larval rearing water of a commercial prawn hatchery with V. harveyi agar as a primary isolation medium and were positively identified, by conventional tests, as V. harveyi. This agar displays great potential as a primary isolation medium and offers significant advantages over thiosulfate-citrate-bile salts-sucrose agar as a medium for differentiating V. harveyi from other marine and estuarine Vibrio species.  相似文献   

利用兼并PCR的方法克隆得到哈氏弧菌T4的DNA腺嘌呤甲基化酶(dam)基因,序列分析表明该基因编码279个氨基酸,与其它已知弧菌的Dam具有较高的同源性,其中与副溶血弧菌Dam的相同性达95%。功能检验表明所克隆的dam基因在大肠杆菌中具有DNA腺嘌呤甲基化酶活性,能够甲基化大肠杆菌染色体DNA GATC序列中的腺嘌呤。运用染色体步移法获得dam基因上游的3251 bp DNA,发现该区域含有3个基因,其与dam在染色体上的相对排列顺序为:莽草酸激酶-脱氢奎尼酸合成酶-damX-dam。对dam上游DNA序列研究发现位于翻译起点ATG上游的78bp、112bp和477bpDNA片段皆具有启动子活性,但前者的活性明显高于后二者。  相似文献   

AIMS: Physiological responses of marine luminous bacteria, Vibrio harveyi (ATCC 14216) and V. fischeri (UM1373) to nutrient-limited normal strength (35 ppt iso-osmolarity) and low (10 ppt hypo-osmolarity) salinity conditions were determined. METHODS AND RESULTS: Plate counts, direct viable counts, actively respiring cell counts, nucleoid-containing cell counts, and total counts were determined. Vibrio harveyi incubated at 22 degrees C in nutrient-limited artificial seawater (ASW) became nonculturable after approximately 62 and 45 d in microcosms of 35 ppt and 10 ppt ASW, respectively. In contrast, V. fischeri became nonculturable at approximately 55 and 31 d in similar microcosms. Recovery of both culturability and luminescence of cells in the viable but nonculturable state was achieved by addition of nutrient broth or nutrient broth supplemented with a carbon source, including luminescence-stimulating compounds. Temperature upshift from 22 degrees C to 30 degrees C or 37 degrees C did not result in recovery from nonculturability. CONCLUSIONS: The study confirms entry of V. harveyi and V. fischeri into the viable but nonculturable state under low-nutrient conditions and demonstrates nutrient-dependent resuscitation from this state. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study confirms loss of luminescence of V. harveyi and V. fischeri on entry into the viable but nonculturable state and suggests that enumeration of luminescent cells in water samples may be a rapid method to deduce the nutrient status of a water sample.  相似文献   

Regulatory mutants of the luminescent bacterium, Vibrio harveyi, have been isolated whose light emission can be stimulated by extracts of the growth media. Chloroform extracts of conditioned media in which V. harveyi has been grown can increase light emission in one of the dark mutants, D34, over 103-fold. An increase in the level of the mRNA and the enzymes associated with the lux system can also be demonstrated. Analysis of the expression of the lux system in Escherichia coli transformed with DNA from the D34 regulatory mutant demonstrates that the mutation resides outside the luciferase structural genes. The results suggest that the decrease in light emission in the regulatory mutants may be due to a mutation in synthesis of an autoinducer analogous to that found for the Vibrio fischeri lux system.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the host range of the Vibrio harveyi myovirus-like bacteriophage (VHML) and the cholera toxin conversion bacteriophage (CTX Phi) within a range of Vibrio cholerae and V. mimicus and V. harveyi, V. cholerae and V. mimicus isolates respectively. METHODS AND RESULTS: Three V. harveyi, eight V. cholerae and five V. mimicus isolates were incubated with VHML and CTX Phi. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to determine the presence of VHML and CTX Phi in infected isolates. We demonstrated that it was possible to infect one isolate of V. cholerae (isolate ACM #2773/ATCC #14035) with VHML. This isolate successfully incorporated VHML into its genome as evident by positive PCR amplification of the sequence coding part of the tail sheath of VHML. Attempts to infect all other V. cholerae and V. mimicus isolates with VHML were unsuccessful. Attempts to infect V. cholerae non-01, V. harveyi and V. mimicus isolates with CTX Phi were unsuccessful. CONCLUSIONS: Bacteriophage infection is limited by bacteriophage-exclusion systems operating within bacterial strains and these systems appear to be highly selective. One system may allow the co-existence of one bacteriophage while excluding another. VHML appears to have a narrow host range which may be related to a common receptor protein in such strains. The lack of the vibrio pathogenicity island bacteriophage (VPI Phi) in the isolates used in this study may explain why infections with CTX Phi were unsuccessful. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The current study has demonstrated that Vibrio spp. bacteriophages may infect other Vibrio spp.  相似文献   

经克隆哈氏弧菌谷胱甘肽还原酶(GR)基因,并构建其原核表达载体,以获得相应的表达蛋白。将GR和p ET-32a(+)通过Bam H I和Xho I双酶切后,体外用T4连接酶连接,构建重组质粒p ET-GR;然后转化至大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)中,利用异丙基-β-D-硫代半乳糖苷(IPTG)诱导表达,应用SDS-PAGE分析表达情况和表达条件。SDS-PAGE电泳获得分子量约为68.9 k D融合蛋白条带。在E.coli BL21(DE3)中重组质粒p ET-GR的表达条件为28℃,0.7 mmol/L的IPTG浓度诱导4 h表达量最高,且主要以包涵体形式表达。哈氏弧菌谷胱甘肽还原酶基因在大肠杆菌中获得了高效表达。  相似文献   

Bacteria encode a number of relatively poorly characterized GTPases, including the essential, ribosome-associated Obg/CgtA proteins. In contrast to Ras-like proteins, it appears that the Obg/CgtA proteins bind guanine nucleotides with modest affinity and hydrolyze GTP relatively slowly. We show here that the Vibrio harveyi CgtA(V) exchanges guanine nucleotides rapidly and has a modest affinity for nucleotides, suggesting that these features are a universal property of the Obg/CgtA family. Interestingly, CgtA(V) possesses a significantly more rapid GTP hydrolysis rate than is typical of other family members, perhaps reflecting the diversity and specificity of bacterial ecological niches.  相似文献   

Vibrio (Beneckea) harveyi, a bioluminescent marine bacterium, has been shown to produce a bacteriocin-like substance the production of which is mediated by a plasmid. This substance is assumed to be proteinaceous because of its sensitivity to certain proteolytic enzymes. It is stable at low temperatures and can be concentrated by ammonium sulfate precipitation or negative-pressure dialysis. The molecular weight of the bacteriocin was determined to be 2.4 × 104 by molecular exclusion chromatography. Competition experiments indicated that bacteriocin-producing strains predominated over cured variants of the same strain in broth culture experiments. We studied several environmental parameters (pH, salinity, temperature, nutrient concentration) to determine their effects on the competitive advantage bestowed on a bacteriocin-producing strain. Under simulated free-living conditions, no competitive advantage attributable to bacteriocin production was observed. In a simulated enteric habitat, a bacteriocin-producing strain showed dramatic (>90%) inhibition of the sensitive strain within 24 h.  相似文献   

The chromate reductase purified from Pseudomonas ambigua was found to be homologous with several nitroreductases. Escherichia coli DH5α and Vibrio harveyi KCTC 2720 nitroreductases were chosen for the present study, and their chromate-reducing activities were determined. A fusion between glutathione S-transferase (GST) and E. coli DH5α NfsA (GST-EcNfsA), a fusion between GST and E. coli DH5α NfsB (GST-EcNfsB), and a fusion between GST and V. harveyi KCTC 2720 NfsA (GST-VhNfsA) were prepared for their overproduction and easy purification. GST-EcNfsA, GST-EcNFsB, and GST-VhNFsA efficiently reduced nitrofurazone and 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) as their nitro substrates. The Km values for GST-EcNfsA, GST-EcNfsB, and GST-VhNfsA for chromate reduction were 11.8, 23.5, and 5.4 μM, respectively. The Vmax values for GST-EcNfsA, GST-EcNfsB, and GST-VhNfsA were 3.8, 3.9, and 10.7 nmol/min/mg of protein, respectively. GST-VhNfsA was the most effective of the three chromate reductases, as determined by each Vmax/Km value. The optimal temperatures of GST-EcNfsA, GST-EcNfsB, and GST-VhNfsA for chromate reduction were 55, 30, and 30°C, respectively. Thus, it is confirmed that nitroreductase can also act as a chromate reductase. Nitroreductases may be used in chromate remediation. GST-EcNfsA, GST-EcNfsB, and GST-VhNfsA have a molecular mass of 50 kDa and exist as a monomer in solution. Thin-layer chromatography showed that GST-EcNfsA, GST-EcNfsB, and GST-VhNfsA contain FMN as a cofactor. GST-VhNfsA reduced Cr(VI) to Cr(III). Cr(III) was much less toxic to E. coli than Cr(VI).  相似文献   

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