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The arteries in the encephalon base have been investigated by Koelle's and Falck's methods in Teleostei (Anarhichas lupus, Eleginus navaga, Leuciscus brandti, Pelingas), amphibians (Rana temporaria, Rana semiplicata, Bufo bufo) and in reptiles (Testudo horsfieldi, Trionyx chinensis). Cholin- and adrenergic nerve fibres of the encephalic arteries have been revealed in all the vertebrates studied, but their concentration is far from being equal. In fishes and reptiles neural conductors from scarse plexus with wide loops. Concentration of effector neural fibres only in Bufo bufo exceeds that of fishes. In some cases, the arteries of frogs have equal or less density of cholin- and adrenergic neural conductors as compared with those of Pelingas. Certain individual peculiarities are noted in distribution of the effector neural fibres of the encephalic arteries of the vertebrates. In reptiles, the neural apparatus of the encephalic blood vessels reaches a considerable development; it is definitely differentiated into two plexuses - superficial and deep, having a close interconnection. The development of the effector vascular plexus in vertebrates corresponds to increasing mass of the brain and the vascular diameters. Taking into consideration structural peculiarities of the neural conductors and their concentration, it should be recognized that the role of the neural factor in regulation of the cerebral circulation increases in the following order: fishes - amphibians - reptiles.  相似文献   

By means of Falck's and Koelle's methods adrenergic and cholinergic structures were studied in the arteries in the cerebral basis of blue rock pigeons and of hens, white leghorn stock. The number of nerve transmitters was estimated per 1 mm2 of the vessel surface. The arteries of the basis in pigeon brain are surrounded with developed adrenergic and cholinergic nerve plexuses, their density decreasing in the following order: nasal branch of the internal carotid artery, middle, nasal cerebral and basilar arteries. A little more cholinergic transmitters occur on the middle cerebral artery, while on the other vessels, concentration of cholinergic and adrenergic fibers is equal. In hens, the density in the arrangement of adrenergic nerve transmitters is higher in the nasal branch of the internal carotid and in the nasal cerebral arteries than in the basilar artery. At the same time, chromaffin cells forming numerous conglomerations in some places are found on the latter. In pigeons, the density of adrenergic fibers arrangement on the arteries of the cerebral basis is higher than in hens.  相似文献   

The adrenergic nerves of the radical and longitudinal arteries and the dura mater at the level of cervical, thoracic and lumbar segments of the ventral and dorsal sides of the spinal cord were studied in 70 mature cats by methods of Falck and Glenner. The adrenergic fibres form developed plexuses different in the density of disposition of nerve conductors on the arteries of different segments of the spinal cord. The adrenergic fibres are also found in the pia mater tissue. Nerve fibres containing active monoaminoxidase are less in number than adrenergic ones found by Falck's method. It is probably due to activation of catecholamines being realized by other ways in addition to oxydative desamination.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure of the nerve apparatus in the arteries of the brain base has been studied in cats. The structure of peri- and adventitial nerves has been investigated electron microscopically. Three types of efferent axons and four types of synaptic vesicles (small agranular and granular, large granular, large electron opaque vesicles) have been revealed. Vesicle-containing axons in the brain arteries approach the external smooth muscle cells of about 80 nm. Terminal axonal dilatations possessing direct and mediated connections with muscular cells of the middle tunica have been revealed.  相似文献   

Intraperitoneal injections of 6-OH-dopamine (80 mg kg−l) promote, in toad fish, killifish, lsummer and winter flounders, a darkening of their colour and loss of capacity to adapt tolthe colour of the background. This condition persisted for three weeks after which thelanimals gradually returned to normal. The study of the skin of 6-hydroxydopamineltreated killifish showed degenerative lesions in the fine nerves and synapses of its melanophores, 124 h after the administration of the drug. These lesions progressed and 4 days later, lno synaptic structures could be detected in these cells. This condition persisted up to thel20th day. These results suggest that melanophores have a single monoaminergic innervaion.  相似文献   

Automic innervation of dog coronary arteries   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Magistral arteries of the brain and pia mater have been studied in cats 24-72 h after administration of the cholinesterase inhibitor (phosphacol, 600 mcg/kg). Cholinesterase activity in blood has been checked by means of the potentiometric titration method, and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) content in varicosities of the perivascular nervous fibers--cytophotometrically in preparations treated after Karnovsky--Roots histochemical method. Cholinesterase activity of blood homogenates in test animals is 42 +/- 10%, and acetylcholinesterase content in varicosities of the perivascular nervous fibers--23.5 +/- 2.3% in comparison to the norm. Catecholamines in adrenergic nervous elements are revealed treating them with glyoxylic acid. Distribution density (DD) of histochemically active nervous elements is determined, as well as their specific content of the mediator according to luminescent intensity (LI) of varicosities of nervous fibers. The data obtained in intact animals serve as the control. In the experiment DD and LI reach 127 +/- 9% and 154 +/- 15%, respectively, as compared to the control. Signs of the adrenergic nervous apparatus activation in the experiment reflect a compensatory reaction in response to increase of dilatatory cholinergic influences to vessels under conditions of AChE activity.  相似文献   

Summary Specific histochemical techniques for the demonstration of acetylcholinesterase and of norepinephrine have been used to study the distribution of cholinergic and adrenergic nerve fibers to arteries and arterioles in various organs of cats and dogs, including the male genital apparatus, tongue, skeletal muscle, heart and gastrointestinal tract. Arteries and arterioles in all of these organs showed both cholinergic and adrenergic nerve fibers, although the relative number of each of the types of fiber was variable. The findings provide morphologic evidence for a widespread and generalized dual adrenergic and cholinergic innervation of arteries and arterioles.Supported in part by Grant No. HE 10465 from the USPHS and by a grant from the Monroe County Heart Chapter.  相似文献   

In 30 mammalian species specific peculiarities of the arterial structure has been revealed and their dependence on the type of the brain blood supply has been demonstrated. The architectonics of the blood supply sources is correlated with the structure of the wall in the arteries, immediately participating in dumping the blood stream during its transport to the brain.  相似文献   

Summary A consecutive demonstration of both aminergic and cholinergic nerves of rat cerebral arteries was carried out on whole mount preparations. For demonstration of aminergic nerves the glyoxylic acid method was used, while for cholinergic nerves Karnovsky's technique was utilized consecutively. This procedure provided a highly sensitive and reproducible demonstration of the two systems on the same specimen. The results obtained were as follows: 1) Aminergic and cholinergic nerves were distributed densely in the proximal portions of the major cerebral arteries examined. They were dense in the arteries of the anterior circulation and sparse in the posterior circulation. Each nerve had two different patterns, i.e. circular and longitudinal. Both circular and longitudinal patterns were observed in the proximal portions of the arteries, while in the distal portions, longitudinal fibres were predominantly present. 2) Superior cervical ganglionectomy produced no change in cholinergic nerve distribution, while it caused decreased density of aminergic nerves on the ipsilateral side on the arteries of the anterior circulation. The contralateral anterior cerebral arteries were partially affected. Bilateral sympathectomies abolished aminergic nerves in all arteries except the vertebral artery.  相似文献   

The lingual and papillary mucosa innervation has been studied in the buffalo by histochemical and immunohistochemical techniques and by gold impregnation method of Ruffini. In lingual mucosa the presence of ganglionic structures has been noticed in which there are numerous cellular bodies and bundles of fibres variously directed. Particularly in the vallate papillae, the papillary stroma contains myelinic and unmyelinated fibres and terminal nerve corpuscles. Along stromal myelinic fibres the presence of the proteins S-100 and NF has been demonstrated.  相似文献   

The density of catecholamine-containing nerve fibers was studied in the cerebral and mesenteric arteries from normotensive Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKY), spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR), and stroke-prone SHR (SHRSP) in the growing (SHR, WKY) and adult (SHR, SHRSP, WKY) animals. Cerebral arteries from SHR showed an increased adrenergic innervation from day 1. The nerve plexuses reached an adult pattern earlier in SHR than in WKY. The arteries from adult SHR and SHRSP (22 weeks old) showed a markedly higher nerve density than WKY. There was a positive linear correlation between blood pressure and nerve density for four cerebral arteries. The mesenteric arteries were not innervated at birth. However, hyperinnervation of these arteries in the SHR was already present at 10 days of age as compared with WKY. Sympathectomy with anti-nerve growth factor and guanethidine caused a complete disappearance of fluorescent fibers in the mesenteric arteries from SHR and WKY, and in the cerebral arteries of WKY. The same procedure caused only partial denervation of the cerebral arteries from hypertensive animals. We postulate that the increase in nerve density in the cerebral arteries from the hypertensive rats may contribute to the development of arterial hypertrophy in chronic hypertension through the trophic effect of the sympathetic innervation on vascular structure.  相似文献   

By means of horseradish peroxidase administration into the wall of the sigmoid colon central part, localization, relative amount, body forms and size of the neurons, dealing with innervation of the given part of the colon have been determined. Labelled neurons are present in the colon wall, in ganglia of the caudal mesenteric artery nervous plexus, in the caudal and cranial mesenteric ganglia in the celiac plexus ganglia, in nodes and internodal branches of the lumbar part of the sympathetic trunk (the left one predominantly) and in the spinal ganglia from TXIII up to LVII. In the grey substance of the spinal cord labelled neurons are not revealed. The main part of the postganglionar sympathetic neurons, projecting their axons to the sigmoid colon, are situated in the caudal mesenteric ganglion. In the spinal ganglia the most part of the labelled neurons are to the left at the level of LII-LVI, to the right--at the level of LII-LV. The optimal time for revealing the greatest number of the labelled neurons are the 1st-3d days after administration of the enzyme. Capture of the lable takes place later in the neurons of those ganglia, which are situated more further from the place of peroxidase administration.  相似文献   

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