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Dynamic model-based clustering for time-course gene expression data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Microarray technology has produced a huge body of time-course gene expression data. Such gene expression data has proved useful in genomic disease diagnosis and genomic drug design. The challenge is how to uncover useful information in such data. Cluster analysis has played an important role in analyzing gene expression data. Many distance/correlation- and static model-based clustering techniques have been applied to time-course expression data. However, these techniques are unable to account for the dynamics of such data. It is the dynamics that characterize the data and that should be considered in cluster analysis so as to obtain high quality clustering. This paper proposes a dynamic model-based clustering method for time-course gene expression data. The proposed method regards a time-course gene expression dataset as a set of time series, generated by a number of stochastic processes. Each stochastic process defines a cluster and is described by an autoregressive model. A relocation-iteration algorithm is proposed to identity the model parameters and posterior probabilities are employed to assign each gene to an appropriate cluster. A bootstrapping method and an average adjusted Rand index (AARI) are employed to measure the quality of clustering. Computational experiments are performed on a synthetic and three real time-course gene expression datasets to investigate the proposed method. The results show that our method allows the better quality clustering than other clustering methods (e.g. k-means) for time-course gene expression data, and thus it is a useful and powerful tool for analyzing time-course gene expression data.  相似文献   



There are some limitations associated with conventional clustering methods for short time-course gene expression data. The current algorithms require prior domain knowledge and do not incorporate information from replicates. Moreover, the results are not always easy to interpret biologically.  相似文献   

Extracting binary signals from microarray time-course data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article presents a new method for analyzing microarray time courses by identifying genes that undergo abrupt transitions in expression level, and the time at which the transitions occur. The algorithm matches the sequence of expression levels for each gene against temporal patterns having one or two transitions between two expression levels. The algorithm reports a P-value for the matching pattern of each gene, and a global false discovery rate can also be computed. After matching, genes can be sorted by the direction and time of transitions. Genes can be partitioned into sets based on the direction and time of change for further analysis, such as comparison with Gene Ontology annotations or binding site motifs. The method is evaluated on simulated and actual time-course data. On microarray data for budding yeast, it is shown that the groups of genes that change in similar ways and at similar times have significant and relevant Gene Ontology annotations.  相似文献   

Wang S  Zhu J 《Biometrics》2008,64(2):440-448
Summary .   Variable selection in high-dimensional clustering analysis is an important yet challenging problem. In this article, we propose two methods that simultaneously separate data points into similar clusters and select informative variables that contribute to the clustering. Our methods are in the framework of penalized model-based clustering. Unlike the classical L 1-norm penalization, the penalty terms that we propose make use of the fact that parameters belonging to one variable should be treated as a natural "group." Numerical results indicate that the two new methods tend to remove noninformative variables more effectively and provide better clustering results than the L 1-norm approach.  相似文献   

A mixture model-based approach to the clustering of microarray expression data   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
MOTIVATION: This paper introduces the software EMMIX-GENE that has been developed for the specific purpose of a model-based approach to the clustering of microarray expression data, in particular, of tissue samples on a very large number of genes. The latter is a nonstandard problem in parametric cluster analysis because the dimension of the feature space (the number of genes) is typically much greater than the number of tissues. A feasible approach is provided by first selecting a subset of the genes relevant for the clustering of the tissue samples by fitting mixtures of t distributions to rank the genes in order of increasing size of the likelihood ratio statistic for the test of one versus two components in the mixture model. The imposition of a threshold on the likelihood ratio statistic used in conjunction with a threshold on the size of a cluster allows the selection of a relevant set of genes. However, even this reduced set of genes will usually be too large for a normal mixture model to be fitted directly to the tissues, and so the use of mixtures of factor analyzers is exploited to reduce effectively the dimension of the feature space of genes. RESULTS: The usefulness of the EMMIX-GENE approach for the clustering of tissue samples is demonstrated on two well-known data sets on colon and leukaemia tissues. For both data sets, relevant subsets of the genes are able to be selected that reveal interesting clusterings of the tissues that are either consistent with the external classification of the tissues or with background and biological knowledge of these sets. AVAILABILITY: EMMIX-GENE is available at http://www.maths.uq.edu.au/~gjm/emmix-gene/  相似文献   

CRCView is a user-friendly point-and-click web server for analyzing and visualizing microarray gene expression data using a Dirichlet process mixture model-based clustering algorithm. CRCView is designed to clustering genes based on their expression profiles. It allows flexible input data format, rich graphical illustration as well as integrated GO term based annotation/interpretation of clustering results. Availability: http://helab.bioinformatics.med.umich.edu/crcview/.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Cluster analysis of gene expression profiles has been widely applied to clustering genes for gene function discovery. Many approaches have been proposed. The rationale is that the genes with the same biological function or involved in the same biological process are more likely to co-express, hence they are more likely to form a cluster with similar gene expression patterns. However, most existing methods, including model-based clustering, ignore known gene functions in clustering. RESULTS: To take advantage of accumulating gene functional annotations, we propose incorporating known gene functions as prior probabilities in model-based clustering. In contrast to a global mixture model applicable to all the genes in the standard model-based clustering, we use a stratified mixture model: one stratum corresponds to the genes of unknown function while each of the other ones corresponding to the genes sharing the same biological function or pathway; the genes from the same stratum are assumed to have the same prior probability of coming from a cluster while those from different strata are allowed to have different prior probabilities of coming from the same cluster. We derive a simple EM algorithm that can be used to fit the stratified model. A simulation study and an application to gene function prediction demonstrate the advantage of our proposal over the standard method. CONTACT: weip@biostat.umn.edu  相似文献   



Microarray technology has made it possible to simultaneously measure the expression levels of large numbers of genes in a short time. Gene expression data is information rich; however, extensive data mining is required to identify the patterns that characterize the underlying mechanisms of action. Clustering is an important tool for finding groups of genes with similar expression patterns in microarray data analysis. However, hard clustering methods, which assign each gene exactly to one cluster, are poorly suited to the analysis of microarray datasets because in such datasets the clusters of genes frequently overlap.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: This paper introduces the application of a novel clustering method to microarray expression data. Its first stage involves compression of dimensions that can be achieved by applying SVD to the gene-sample matrix in microarray problems. Thus the data (samples or genes) can be represented by vectors in a truncated space of low dimensionality, 4 and 5 in the examples studied here. We find it preferable to project all vectors onto the unit sphere before applying a clustering algorithm. The clustering algorithm used here is the quantum clustering method that has one free scale parameter. Although the method is not hierarchical, it can be modified to allow hierarchy in terms of this scale parameter. RESULTS: We apply our method to three data sets. The results are very promising. On cancer cell data we obtain a dendrogram that reflects correct groupings of cells. In an AML/ALL data set we obtain very good clustering of samples into four classes of the data. Finally, in clustering of genes in yeast cell cycle data we obtain four groups in a problem that is estimated to contain five families. AVAILABILITY: Software is available as Matlab programs at http://neuron.tau.ac.il/~horn/QC.htm.  相似文献   

High-throughput time-series data have a special value for studying the dynamism of biological systems. However, the interpretation of such complex data can be challenging. The aim of this study was to compare common algorithms recently developed for the detection of differentially expressed genes in time-course microarray data. Using different measures such as sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, and related signaling pathways, we found that limma, timecourse, and gprege have reasonably good performance for the analysis of datasets in which only test group is followed over time. However, limma has the additional advantage of being able to report significance cut off, making it a more practical tool. In addition, limma and TTCA can be satisfactorily used for datasets with time-series data for all experimental groups. These findings may assist investigators to select appropriate tools for the detection of differentially expressed genes as an initial step in the interpretation of time-course big data.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Unsupervised analysis of microarray gene expression data attempts to find biologically significant patterns within a given collection of expression measurements. For example, hierarchical clustering can be applied to expression profiles of genes across multiple experiments, identifying groups of genes that share similar expression profiles. Previous work using the support vector machine supervised learning algorithm with microarray data suggests that higher-order features, such as pairwise and tertiary correlations across multiple experiments, may provide significant benefit in learning to recognize classes of co-expressed genes. RESULTS: We describe a generalization of the hierarchical clustering algorithm that efficiently incorporates these higher-order features by using a kernel function to map the data into a high-dimensional feature space. We then evaluate the utility of the kernel hierarchical clustering algorithm using both internal and external validation. The experiments demonstrate that the kernel representation itself is insufficient to provide improved clustering performance. We conclude that mapping gene expression data into a high-dimensional feature space is only a good idea when combined with a learning algorithm, such as the support vector machine that does not suffer from the curse of dimensionality. AVAILABILITY: Supplementary data at www.cs.columbia.edu/compbio/hiclust. Software source code available by request.  相似文献   

We propose an algorithm for selecting and clustering genes according to their time-course or dose-response profiles using gene expression data. The proposed algorithm is based on the order-restricted inference methodology developed in statistics. We describe the methodology for time-course experiments although it is applicable to any ordered set of treatments. Candidate temporal profiles are defined in terms of inequalities among mean expression levels at the time points. The proposed algorithm selects genes when they meet a bootstrap-based criterion for statistical significance and assigns each selected gene to the best fitting candidate profile. We illustrate the methodology using data from a cDNA microarray experiment in which a breast cancer cell line was stimulated with estrogen for different time intervals. In this example, our method was able to identify several biologically interesting genes that previous analyses failed to reveal.  相似文献   

Many bioinformatics problems can be tackled from a fresh angle offered by the network perspective. Directly inspired by metabolic network structural studies, we propose an improved gene clustering approach for inferring gene signaling pathways from gene microarray data. Based on the construction of co-expression networks that consists of both significantly linear and non-linear gene associations together with controlled biological and statistical significance, our approach tends to group functionally related genes into tight clusters despite their expression dissimilarities. We illustrate our approach and compare it to the traditional clustering approaches on a yeast galactose metabolism dataset and a retinal gene expression dataset. Our approach greatly outperforms the traditional approach in rediscovering the relatively well known galactose metabolism pathway in yeast and in clustering genes of the photoreceptor differentiation pathway. AVAILABILITY: The clustering method has been implemented in an R package "GeneNT" that is freely available from: http://www.cran.org.  相似文献   

Fuzzy C-means method for clustering microarray data   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
MOTIVATION: Clustering analysis of data from DNA microarray hybridization studies is essential for identifying biologically relevant groups of genes. Partitional clustering methods such as K-means or self-organizing maps assign each gene to a single cluster. However, these methods do not provide information about the influence of a given gene for the overall shape of clusters. Here we apply a fuzzy partitioning method, Fuzzy C-means (FCM), to attribute cluster membership values to genes. RESULTS: A major problem in applying the FCM method for clustering microarray data is the choice of the fuzziness parameter m. We show that the commonly used value m = 2 is not appropriate for some data sets, and that optimal values for m vary widely from one data set to another. We propose an empirical method, based on the distribution of distances between genes in a given data set, to determine an adequate value for m. By setting threshold levels for the membership values, genes which are tigthly associated to a given cluster can be selected. Using a yeast cell cycle data set as an example, we show that this selection increases the overall biological significance of the genes within the cluster. AVAILABILITY: Supplementary text and Matlab functions are available at http://www-igbmc.u-strasbg.fr/fcm/  相似文献   

Clustering is a major tool for microarray gene expression data analysis. The existing clustering methods fall mainly into two categories: parametric and nonparametric. The parametric methods generally assume a mixture of parametric subdistributions. When the mixture distribution approximately fits the true data generating mechanism, the parametric methods perform well, but not so when there is nonnegligible deviation between them. On the other hand, the nonparametric methods, which usually do not make distributional assumptions, are robust but pay the price for efficiency loss. In an attempt to utilize the known mixture form to increase efficiency, and to free assumptions about the unknown subdistributions to enhance robustness, we propose a semiparametric method for clustering. The proposed approach possesses the form of parametric mixture, with no assumptions to the subdistributions. The subdistributions are estimated nonparametrically, with constraints just being imposed on the modes. An expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm along with a classification step is invoked to cluster the data, and a modified Bayesian information criterion (BIC) is employed to guide the determination of the optimal number of clusters. Simulation studies are conducted to assess the performance and the robustness of the proposed method. The results show that the proposed method yields reasonable partition of the data. As an illustration, the proposed method is applied to a real microarray data set to cluster genes.  相似文献   

Fuzzy J-Means and VNS methods for clustering genes from microarray data   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
MOTIVATION: In the interpretation of gene expression data from a group of microarray experiments that include samples from either different patients or conditions, special consideration must be given to the pleiotropic and epistatic roles of genes, as observed in the variation of gene coexpression patterns. Crisp clustering methods assign each gene to one cluster, thereby omitting information about the multiple roles of genes. RESULTS: Here, we present the application of a local search heuristic, Fuzzy J-Means, embedded into the variable neighborhood search metaheuristic for the clustering of microarray gene expression data. We show that for all the datasets studied this algorithm outperforms the standard Fuzzy C-Means heuristic. Different methods for the utilization of cluster membership information in determining gene coregulation are presented. The clustering and data analyses were performed on simulated datasets as well as experimental cDNA microarray data for breast cancer and human blood from the Stanford Microarray Database. AVAILABILITY: The source code of the clustering software (C programming language) is freely available from Nabil.Belacel@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca  相似文献   

Due to the great variety of preprocessing tools in two-channel expression microarray data analysis it is difficult to choose the most appropriate one for a given experimental setup. In our study, two independent two-channel inhouse microarray experiments as well as a publicly available dataset were used to investigate the influence of the selection of preprocessing methods (background correction, normalization, and duplicate spots correlation calculation) on the discovery of differentially expressed genes. Here we are showing that both the list of differentially expressed genes and the expression values of selected genes depend significantly on the preprocessing approach applied. The choice of normalization method to be used had the highest impact on the results. We propose a simple but efficient approach to increase the reliability of obtained results, where two normalization methods which are theoretically distinct from one another are used on the same dataset. Then the intersection of results, that is, the lists of differentially expressed genes, is used in order to get a more accurate estimation of the genes that were de facto differentially expressed.  相似文献   



Data clustering analysis has been extensively applied to extract information from gene expression profiles obtained with DNA microarrays. To this aim, existing clustering approaches, mainly developed in computer science, have been adapted to microarray data analysis. However, previous studies revealed that microarray datasets have very diverse structures, some of which may not be correctly captured by current clustering methods. We therefore approached the problem from a new starting point, and developed a clustering algorithm designed to capture dataset-specific structures at the beginning of the process.  相似文献   

Preprocessing for high‐dimensional censored datasets, such as the microarray data, is generally considered as an important technique to gain further stability by reducing potential noise from the data. When variable selection including inference is carried out with high‐dimensional censored data the objective is to obtain a smaller subset of variables and then perform the inferential analysis using model estimates based on the selected subset of variables. This two stage inferential analysis is prone to circularity bias because of the noise that might still remain in the dataset. In this work, I propose an adaptive preprocessing technique that uses sure independence screening (SIS) idea to accomplish variable selection and reduces the circularity bias by some popularly known refined high‐dimensional methods such as the elastic net, adaptive elastic net, weighted elastic net, elastic net‐AFT, and two greedy variable selection methods known as TCS, PC‐simple all implemented with the accelerated lifetime models. The proposed technique addresses several features including the issue of collinearity between important and some unimportant covariates, which is often the case in high‐dimensional setting under variable selection framework, and different level of censoring. Simulation studies along with an empirical analysis with a real microarray data, mantle cell lymphoma, is carried out to demonstrate the performance of the adaptive pre‐processing technique.  相似文献   

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