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Many studies in primate and human evolution focus on aspects of cranial morphology to address issues of systematics, phylogeny, and functional anatomy. However, broad analyses of cranial diversity within Primates as an Order are notably absent. In this study, we present a 3D geometric morphometric analysis of primate cranial morphology, providing a multivariate comparison of the major patterns of cranial shape change during primate evolution and quantitative assessments of cranial diversity among different clades. We digitized a set of 18 landmarks designed to capture overall cranial shape on male and female crania representing 66 genera of living primates. The landmark data were aligned using a Generalized Procrustes Analysis and then subjected to a principal components analysis to identify the major axes of cranial variation. Cranial diversity among clades was compared using multivariate measurements of variance. The first principal component axis reflects differences in cranial flexion, orbit size and orientation, and relative neurocranial volume. In general, it separates strepsirrhines from anthropoids. The second axis reflects differences in relative cranial height and snout length and primarily describes differences among anthropoids. Eulemur, Mandrillus, Pongo, and Homo are among the extremes in cranial shape. Anthropoids, catarrhines, and haplorhines show a higher variance than prosimians or strepsirrhines. Hominoids show the highest variance in cranial shape among extant primate clades, and much of this diversity is driven by the unique cranium of Homo sapiens. Am J Phys Anthropol 142:565–578, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Geometric morphometric techniques allow for the direct quantification and analysis of variation in biological shape and have been used in studies in systematic biology. However, these techniques have not been used for species discrimination in the gastropod genus Conus, a major taxon of significant tropical reef predators recognized for their peptide‐based toxins. Here, we used landmark digitization and analysis to show that five species commonly studied for their conotoxins –Conus consors, Conus miles, Conus stercusmuscarum, Conus striatus, and Conus textile – can be effectively distinguished from each other by their shape, as manifested in the results of a principal components analysis (PCA) and the generated thin‐plate splines. Two piscivorous species, C. stercusmuscarum and C. striatus, show clear overlaps in the PCA plot, although each taxon clusters within itself, as does each of the others. The loadings on the first two principal components show that the forms of the shells' aperture and spire are particularly important for discrimination. Phylogenetic analysis using neighbour‐joining methods shows that group separations are comparable with published phylogenetic schemes based on molecular data and feeding mode (i.e. piscivory, vermivory, molluscivory). The results of this study establish the utility of geometric morphometric methods in capturing the interspecific differences in shell form in the genus Conus. This may lead to the utilization of these methods on other gastropod taxa and the creation of species‐recognition programs based on shell shape. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 165 , 296–310.  相似文献   

Currently the most common reporting style for a geometric morphometric (GMM) analysis of anthropological data begins with the principal components of the shape coordinates to which the original landmark data have been converted. But this focus often frustrates the organismal biologist, mainly because principal component analysis (PCA) is not aimed at scientific interpretability of the loading patterns actually uncovered. The difficulty of making biological sense of a PCA is heightened by aspects of the shape coordinate setting that further diverge from our intuitive expectations of how morphometric measurements ought to combine. More than 50 years ago one of our sister disciplines, psychometrics, managed to build an algorithmic route from principal component analysis to scientific understanding via the toolkit generally known as factor analysis. This article introduces a modification of one standard factor‐analysis approach, Henry Kaiser's varimax rotation of 1958, that accommodates two of the major differences between the GMM context and the psychometric context for these approaches: the coexistence of “general” and “special” factors of form as adumbrated by Sewall Wright, and the typical loglinearity of partial warp variance as a function of bending energy. I briefly explain the history of principal components in biometrics and the contrast with factor analysis, introduce the modified varimax algorithm I am recommending, and work three examples that are reanalyses of previously published cranial data sets. A closing discussion emphasizes the desirability of superseding PCA by algorithms aimed at anthropological understanding rather than classification or ordination.  相似文献   

This study examines morphological variation in the crania (n = 70) of eight cervid species from Argentina. Forty 3-dimensional landmarks were acquired on each adult cervid cranium. The data were analysed using Morphologika software. The co-ordinates were registered and scaled to remove size differences by Procrustes analysis, and then principal components analysis was applied to examine shape variation. Shape variation associated with each principal component can be visualised in the program. The first principal component correlates strongly with the centroid size of the crania and also with the body mass and height of each species. The larger species were distinguished by relatively longer snouts and relatively smaller brains. The smallerMazama andPudu species cluster closely on the first as well as the other principal components. Among the larger species, the twoHippocamelus species, which live at higher altitudes, were clearly distinguished from the lowland species,Ozotoceros bezoarticus andBlastocerus dichotomus, on the basis of cranial flexion and the orientation of the occipital region. FinallyO. bezoarticus andB. dichotomus were compared directly and small differences were noted in the orbital region. The shape data was used to produce a distance matrix and a phenogram, which we relate to some of currently accepted phylogenetic relationships of this group of cervids.  相似文献   

Within Anseriformes, waterfowl (ducks, geese, and swans) exhibit three specialized feeding modes that are distinctive among Aves: filter-feeding with fine and dense keratinous lamellae on a flat, mediolaterally expanded bill; cropping or grazing vegetation with large and robust lamellae with a dorsoventrally expanded bill; and sharp lamellae associated with a narrow bill used in acquiring mixed invertebrates and fish underwater mainly by grasping. Here we assess morphometric variation in cranial and hyolingual structures as well as hyolingual myology in a diverse sample of Anatidae to explore the relationship of tongue variation and feeding mode. Phylogenetically informed principal component analysis (phyl.PCA) of cranial-lingual measurements for 67 extant and two extinct anatids recovers grazers and filter-feeding taxa in largely distinct areas of morphospace, while underwater graspers and other mixed feeders show less distinct clustering. The relationship between morphometric differences in skeletal features and muscular variation was further explored through a reassessment of hyolingual musculature enabled by contrast-enhanced X-ray computed tomography (CT) imagery acquired from three exemplar species (Branta canadensis, Chen caerulescens, and Aythya americana) with distinctive ecologies and morphologies of the bony hyoid. Data for these duck and geese exemplars reveal further significant, and previously unstudied, morphological differences between filter-feeding and grazing species. Grazers have a larger hyolingual apparatus with highly-developed extrinsic hyoid muscles; while filter-feeding species are characterized by relatively more diminutive extrinsic hyoid muscles and larger intrinsic hyoid muscles. The feeding modes of two extinct taxa (i.e., Presbyornis and Thambetochen) were also estimated from morphometric data. The results indicate a derived terrestrial browsing or grazing ecology for Thambetochen but do not unequivocally support a specialized filter-feeding ecology for Presbyornis, which is recovered with mixed feeders including swans. The combination of detailed, CT-mediated acquisition of fine muscular anatomy with morphometric approaches shows promise for illuminating form–function relationships in extant taxa more generally.  相似文献   

Vegetative, fruit, and floral characters of more than 200 herbarium specimens of Acacia constricta and closely related species from the Southwestern U.S. and Mexico were scored and analyzed by principal components analysis (PCA) and stepwise discriminant analysis (SDA). The results show that all of the 5 species of this group are distinct and form nonoverlapping groups in plots of the first three principal components. All taxa were found to be quite homogeneous as indicated by the tight clusters formed in the PCA plots. Acacia pacensis, whose relationship to the species of this group has been questioned, is confirmed to be more closely related to A. farnesiana and related species. Some specimens with a combination of characters from A. constricta, A. neovernicosa, and A. schottii were positioned intermediate to the putative parental species groups in the PCA and SDA plots, suggesting hybridization among these taxa.  相似文献   

This study consisted of sampling benthic algae at 32 sites in the Gangqu River, an important upstream tributary of the Yangtze River. Our aims were to characterize the benthic algae communities and relationships with environmental variables. Among the 162 taxa observed, Achnanthes linearis and Achnanthes lanceolata var. elliptica were the dominant species (17.10% and 14.30% of the total relative abundance, respectively). Major gradients and principal patterns of variation within the environmental variables were detected by principal component analysis (PCA). Then non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMS) divided all the sites into three groups, which were validated by multi-response permutation procedures (MRPP). Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) indicated that three environmental variables (TN, TDS, and TP) significantly affected the distribution of benthic algae. Weighted averaging regression and cross-calibration produced strong models for predicting TN and TDS concentration, which enabled selection of algae taxa as potentially sensitive indicators of certain TN and TDS levels: for TN, Achnanthes lanceolata, Achnanthes lanceolata var. elliptica, and Cymbella ventricosa var. semicircularis; for TDS, Cocconeis placentula, Cymbella alpina var. minuta, and Fragilaria virescens. The present study represents an early step in establishing baseline conditions. Further monitoring is suggested to gain a better understanding of this region.  相似文献   

Cluster analysis by four methods, ordination by principal component analysis (PCA) and simulation of evolutionary trees (Wagner Trees) were performed on morphological data from 43 characters of eight species of the South American genus Bulnesia (Zygophyllaceae). The results of cluster analysis and principal component analysis in general agree and show that there are three pairs of taxa that appear, or obviously are, closely related. These are the pairs B. arborea–B. carrapo, B. foliosa–B. schickendantzii and B. retama–B. chilensis. These methods also indicate that the southern species B. bonariensis occupies an intermediate position between the pair of northern tropical species (B. arborea, B. carrapo) and the remaining southern species. From the beginning it was assumed that these three multifoliolate species with large flowers may be rather primitive. The Prim network indicates that these three species are closely related among themselves. Also in two of the three Wagner Trees they are placed in a group. In all cases B. sarmientoi is shown as the more remote and isolated of all species. It is regarded as a unique, specialized arboreal species showing extreme reduction in number of leaflets and carpels, leaf and flower size, etc. All graphic representations (Fig. 1–3) show the phenetic similarity or the close phylogenetic relationships of the pairs B. foliosa–B. schickendantzii and B. retama–B. chilensis to each other. These four species would represent a rather advanced group. The most xerophytic species B. retama and B. chilensis are regarded as the most advanced taxa and the most specialized histophysiologically. These occupy extreme and distant positions in PCA diagrams and Prim network, and top positions in the Wagner Trees.  相似文献   

This study concerns the evaluation of leaf anatomical characteristics of the closely related genera Matricaria (4 taxa) and Tripleurospermum (14 endemic taxa, 15 accessions) in Turkey using cluster analysis (CA) and principal component analysis (PCA). All taxa have the same basic leaf structure composed of lower and upper epidermis including anomocytic or anomocytic-anisocytic stomata, parenchymatic mesophyll, and vascular bundle. Statistically significant differences based on ploidy level have been found without generic delimitation. The differences mainly concern stomatal length and the relative size of the vascular bundle. These anatomical characters can be used to distinguish diploid from polyploid taxa of the genera.  相似文献   


Capsule: Black-tailed Godwits Limosa limosa show sexual size dimorphism and size differences between the subspecies. The shape varies slightly between the subspecies, but not between the sexes.

Aims: To investigate whether and how the three subspecies of Black-tailed Godwits, and the sexes of these subspecies, differ in size and shape.

Methods: We collected body dimensions (lengths of the bill, total head, tarsus, tarsus-toe and wing) of adult Black-tailed Godwits from three locations (Iceland, the Netherlands and northwest Australia) corresponding to the breeding or wintering grounds of three known subspecies (islandica, limosa and melanuroides, respectively). Determining sex by molecular assays, we computed degrees of sexual size dimorphism. Using principal component analysis (PCA), we compared differences in size and shape among the different subspecies.

Results: The limosa subspecies was the largest and also showed the most significant sexual size dimorphism. Sexual size dimorphism was smallest for wing length and largest for bill length. The first two axes of the PCA that included all subspecies of both sexes explained 94% of the total variation. Most body dimensions were highly correlated with each other, but wing length varied independently of the other dimensions. Males and females differed only in size (the first axis). However, one of the two small subspecies, islandica, also differed in shape (the second axis) from limosa and melanuroides.

Conclusions: In all three subspecies of Black-tailed Godwits, females are larger than males. The fact that subspecies differed in the degree of size dimorphism and slightly in shape hints at sex-related differences in the ecological selection pressures between the different flyways.  相似文献   

Sauropodomorpha represents an important group of Mesozoic megaherbivores, and includes the largest terrestrial animals ever known. It was the first dinosaur group to become abundant and widespread, and its members formed a significant component of terrestrial ecosystems from the Late Triassic until the end of the Cretaceous. Both of these factors have been explained by their adoption of herbivory, but understanding the evolution of sauropodomorph feeding has been hampered by the scarcity of biomechanical studies. To address this, the jaw adductor musculature of the basal sauropodomorph Plateosaurus and the sauropod Camarasaurus have been reconstructed. These reconstructions provide boundary conditions for finite element models to assess differences in structural performance between the two taxa. Results demonstrate that Camarasaurus was capable of much greater bite forces than Plateosaurus, due to greater relative adductor muscle mass and shape changes to the mandible. The skull and mandible of Camarasaurus are also ‘stronger’ under static biting. The Plateosaurus mandible appears to compromise structural efficiency and force transmission in order to maintain relatively high jaw closure speed. This supports suggestions of facultative omnivory in basal sauropodomorph taxa. The expanded mandibular symphysis and ‘lateral plates’ of sauropods each lead to greater overall craniomandibular robustness, and may have been especially important in accommodating forces related to asymmetric loading. The functional roles of these characters, and observed general shape changes in increasing skull robustness, are consistent with hypotheses linking bulk‐herbivory with the origin of Sauropoda and the evolution of gigantism.  相似文献   

In search for microbiological indicators of coral health and coral diseases, community profiles of coral-associated epizoic prokaryotes were investigated because of their dual potential as a source of coral pathogens and their antagonists. In pairwise samples of visually healthy and diseased coral specimens from Bolinao Bay (Pangasinan, Philippines), mixed biofilm communities of ectoderm- and mucus-colonizing epizoic prokaryotes were compared using fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). Oligonucleotide probes targeted 13 phylotypes representing the main taxonomic groups of marine prokaryotes. Coral taxa tended to show specific community profiles. An attempt to separate the profiles of healthy and diseased specimens by applying principal component analysis (PCA) to a (nonselective) collection of corals (affected by various diseases) proved unsuccessful. On the other hand, separate PCA clusters were obtained from healthy and diseased corals belonging to a single species (Pocillopora damicornis) only. This cluster formation was dominated by principal component 1 with the genus Vibrio accounting for 18%. At the same time, reef-site-specific clusters were formed as well. At a reef site exposed to pollution from intensive fish cage (Chanos chanos) farming, healthy P. damicornis were mainly (93%) colonized by unicellular cyanobacteria. The formal calculation of diversity parameters suggested that evenness in particular was driven by both health status and reef site location. Despite the low resolution of taxonomic levels achieved with FISH probes targeting only large phylotype groups, significant differences between healthy and diseased corals and also between polluted and nonpolluted reef sites were observed.  相似文献   

The echimyid rodents of the genus Thrichomys vary considerably in their behavior and feeding ecology, reflecting their occurrence in environments as different as the Caatinga, Cerrado, Pantanal, and Chaco biomes. While the genus was originally classified as monospecific, a number of Thrichomys species have been recognized in recent decades, based on morphometric, cytogenetic, and molecular analyses. While Thrichomys is well studied, the variation found in its cranial morphology is poorly understood, given the taxonomic and ecological complexities of the genus. Using a geometric morphometric approach, we characterized the differences found in the cranial morphology of four Thrichomys taxonomic units, including three established species, Thrichomys apereoides, Thrichomys fosteri, and Thrichomys laurentius, and one operational taxonomic unit (OTU), Thrichomys aff. laurentius. No significant differences were found among these units in cranium size, but significant variation was found in skull shape. The Procrustes distances provided a quantification of the differences in the shape of the skull, with the largest distances being found between T. aff. laurentius and T. fosteri in the dorsal view, and between T. aff. laurentius and T. apereoides in the ventral view. A Discriminant Function Analysis (DFA) with cross-validation determined that the pairings with the highest correct classification were T. aff. laurentius vs. T. apereoides and T. aff. laurentius vs. T. fosteri, in both views. The principal variation in skull shape was found in the posterior region and the zygomatic arch, which may be related to differences in diet.  相似文献   

Aside from use as estimates of body mass dimorphism and fore to hind limb joint size comparisons, postcranial elements have not often contributed to assessments of variation in Australopithecus africanus. Meanwhile, cranial, facial, and dental size variation is interpreted to be high or moderately high. Further, the cranial base and face express patterns of structural (shape) variation, which are interpreted by some as evidence for the presence of multiple species. Here, the proximal femur is used to consider postcranial size and shape variation in A. africanus. Original fossils from Makapansgat and Sterkfontein, and samples from Homo, Pan, Gorilla, and Pongo were measured. Size variation was assessed by comparing the A. africanus coefficient of variation to bootstrapped distributions of coefficient of variation samples for each taxon. Shape variation was assessed from isometrically adjusted shape variables. First, the A. africanus standard deviation of log transformed shape variables was compared to bootstrapped distributions of logged standard deviations in each taxon. Second, shape variable based Euclidean distances between fossil pairs were compared to pairwise Euclidean distance distributions in each reference taxon. The degree of size variation in the A. africanus proximal femur is consistent with that of a single species, and is most comparable to Homo and Pan, lower than A. afarensis, and lower than some estimates of cranial and dental variation. Some, but not all, shape variables show more variation in A. africanus than in extant taxa. The degree of shape difference between some fossils exceeds the majority of pairwise differences in the reference taxa. Proximal femoral shape, but not size, variation is consistent with high estimates of A. africanus cranial variation.  相似文献   

Abstract Aim Bergmann's rule, one of the most studied and controversial ecogeographical generalizations, has rarely been tested with observations from high latitudes. We tested the rule using cranial measurements of the muskox [Ovibos moschatus (Zimmerman)], a homeotherm with an extremely northern distribution. We also used these data to describe geographical patterns in the species' dental architecture, an extension of the framework developed from interspecific comparisons. Location Specimens were compiled from arctic Canada, Alaska and Greenland, a latitudinal range of 60° N?83° N. Methods Body size was estimated from principal components analysis (PCA) of five cranial characters from 128 specimens. Mean scores on the first principal component from each locality were regressed against latitude and mean temperature to identify geographical variation in body size; scores on the second principal component were regressed against latitude to assess patterns in dental architecture. Regression analyses of the individual characters were performed as a complement to PCA. Results No latitudinal or climatic trend in body size was observed in either sex. On the other hand, for males, significant latitudinal variation was found for the second PCA axis (r = ?0.434), and the feature which loaded most heavily on it, maxillary tooth row length (r = 0.429). For females, this dental structure also tended to increase with latitude (r = 0.423), but the trend was only marginally significant (P=0.12), perhaps owing to a smaller sample size. Main conclusions The geographically invariant body size of muskoxen failed to support current hypotheses of size variation. Behavioural and physiological adaptations may exempt the muskox from selective pressures underlying these hypotheses. We interpret latitudinal variation in dental architecture as a reflection of a cline in diet, dominated by graminoids at the expense of willows at higher latitudes. This intraspecific geographical trend is a recapitulation of the interspecific framework for large mammalian herbivores.  相似文献   

To discern the effect of the end-Permian (P-Tr) ecological crisis on land, interactions between plants and their insect herbivores were examined for four time intervals containing ten major floras from the Dolomites of northeastern Italy during a Permian–Triassic interval. These floras are: (i) the Kungurian Tregiovo Flora; (ii) the Wuchiapingian Bletterbach Flora; (iii) three Anisian floras; and (iv) five Ladinian floras. Derived plant–insect interactional data is based on 4242 plant specimens (1995 Permian, 2247 Triassic) allocated to 86 fossil taxa (32 Permian, 56 Triassic), representing lycophytes, sphenophytes, pteridophytes, pteridosperms, ginkgophytes, cycadophytes and coniferophytes from 37 million-year interval (23 m.yr. Permian, 14 m.yr. Triassic). Major Kungurian herbivorized plants were unaffiliated taxa and pteridosperms; later during the Wuchiapingian cycadophytes were predominantly consumed. For the Anisian, pteridosperms and cycadophytes were preferentially consumed, and subordinately pteridophytes, lycophytes and conifers. Ladinian herbivores overwhelming targeted pteridosperms and subordinately cycadophytes and conifers. Throughout the interval the percentage of insect-damaged leaves in bulk floras, as a proportion of total leaves examined, varied from 3.6% for the Kungurian (N = 464 leaves), 1.95% for the Wuchiapingian (N = 1531), 11.65% for the pooled Anisian (N = 1324), to 10.72% for the pooled Ladinian (N = 923), documenting an overall herbivory rise. The percentage of generalized consumption, equivalent to external foliage feeding, consistently exceeded the level of specialized consumption from internal feeding. Generalized damage ranged from 73.6% (Kungurian) of all feeding damage, to 79% (Wuchiapingian), 65.5% (pooled Anisian) and 73.2% (pooled Ladinian). Generalized-to-specialized ratios show minimal change through the interval, although herbivore component community structure (herbivore species feeding on a single plant-host species) increasingly was partitioned from Wuchiapingian to Ladinian. The Paleozoic plant with the richest herbivore component community, the coniferophyte Pseudovoltzia liebeana, harbored four damage types (DTs), whereas its Triassic parallel, the pteridosperm Scytophyllum bergeri housed 11 DTs, almost four times that of P. liebeana. Although generalized DTs of P. liebeana were similar to S. bergeri, there was expansion of Triassic specialized feeding types, including leaf mining. Permian–Triassic generalized herbivory remained relatively constant, but specialized herbivores more finely partitioned plant-host tissues via new feeding modes, especially in the Anisian. Insect-damaged leaf percentages for Dolomites Kungurian and Wuchiapingian floras were similar to those of lower Permian, north-central Texas, but only one-third that of southeastern Brazil. Global herbivore patterns for Early Triassic plant–insect interactions remain unknown.  相似文献   

Brian T.  Shea 《Journal of Zoology》1985,206(3):367-390
Bivariate and multivariate analyses of 55 cranial dimensions were completed on ontogenetic series of Pygmy chimpanzees ( Pan paniscus ), Common chimpanzees ( Pan troglodytes ), and gorillas ( Gorilla gorilla ). Subanalyses described here were specifically designed to compare and crosscheck quantitative assessments of relative growth as determined using the bivariate and multivariate (principal components analysis—PCA) approaches. Results indicate a strong concordance between the bivariate and multivariate patterns, empirically supporting the claim that PCA provides an effective multivariate approach to analysing growth allometry. Comparison of bivariate and multivariate results also suggests that in multi-group PCA, the first component summarizes shape variation resulting from the sharing and extension of common patterns of growth allometry, while the second and subsequent components summarize shape variation resulting from divergent growth trajectories, reflected in bivariate comparisons as either vertical shifts and/or slope differences. Examination of non-normalized first component loadings, plus a comparison with estimates of logarithmic growth in the cranial dimensions, reveals that the non-normalized loadings are proportional to coefficients of specific growth. This finding further links the bivariate and multivariate approaches, grounding both in Huxley's theoretical notions of multiplicative and relative growth.  相似文献   

For the first time, the n‐alkane distribution and variability of the epicuticular waxes within 22 Sedum taxa was reported with focus on the chemotaxonomy of native Sedum representatives from the central Balkan Peninsula, compared to their relations with four other species of the Crassulaceae family. By GC/MS and GC‐FID identification and quantification, it was established that n‐alkanes C27, C29, C31, C33, and C35 were the dominant constituents of the examined epicuticular wax samples. Applying multivariate statistical analyses including agglomerative hierarchical clustering (AHC) and principal component analysis (PCA), the relation according to the n‐alkane composition between the examined samples was established. It was shown that the n‐alkane variability of the central Balkan Sedum species was considerable and that n‐alkanes might not be very reliable taxonomic markers for these species.  相似文献   

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