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In an effort to understand how the feeding motions of Urastoma cyprinae are generated, the arrangement of its musculature was studied using fluorescence microscopy of phalloidin‐linked fluorescent stains and conventional light histology and transmission electron microscopy. BODIPY 558/568 phalloidin and Alexa 488 phalloidin resolved a meshwork of ribbon‐shaped body‐wall muscles as well as inner‐body musculature associated with the pharynx and male copulatory organ. The general pattern of body‐wall muscles in U. cyprinae is similar to that of other rhabdocoel turbellarians in consisting only of circular, longitudinal, and diagonal fibers; the arrangement of these muscles readily correlates with the bending motions the animal undergoes as it feeds at the surface of gills in bivalves it parasitizes. The orogenital atrium of U. cyprinae lies at the posterior apex of the body, opening at a terminal pore. As evidenced by the arrangement of its epithelium and musculature, it appears to be an invagination of the body wall and comes closest of any such duct studied in turbellarians to satisfying the hypothetical model of a “pseudopharynx,” ostensibly adapted as an organ for swallowing and so supplementing the ingestive role of the animal's true pharynx. J. Morphol. 241:207–216, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In an effort to understand the phylogeny of the Platyhelminthes, the patterns of body-wall musculature of flatworms were studied using fluorescence microscopy and Alexa-488-labeled phalloidin. Species of the Catenulida have a simple orthogonal gridwork of longitudinal and circular muscles. Members of the Rhabditophora have the same gridwork of musculature, but also have diagonal muscles over their entire body. Although a few species of Acoelomorpha possessed a simple orthogonal grid of musculature, most species typically have distinctly different patterns of dorsal and ventral body-wall musculature that include sets of longitudinal, circular, U-shaped, and several kinds of diagonal muscles. Several distinct patterns of musculature were identified, including 8 patterns in 11 families of acoels. These patterns have proven to be useful in clarifying the phylogeny of the Acoelomorpha, particularly with regard to the higher acoels. Patterns of musculature as well as other morphological characters are used here for revisions of acoel systematics, including the return of Eumecynostomum sanguineum (Mecynostomidae) to the genus Aphanostoma (Convolutidae), the revision of the family Childiidae, and the formation of a new family, Actinoposthiidae.  相似文献   

Some taxonomic groups are less amenable to mitochondrial DNA barcoding than others. Due to the paucity of molecular information of understudied groups and the huge molecular diversity within flatworms, primer design has been hampered. Indeed, all attempts to develop universal flatworm-specific COI markers have failed so far. We demonstrate how high molecular variability and contamination problems limit the possibilities for barcoding using standard COI-based protocols in flatworms. As a consequence, molecular identification methods often rely on other widely applicable markers. In the case of Monogenea, a very diverse group of platyhelminth parasites, and Rhabdocoela, representing one-fourth of all free-living flatworm taxa, this has led to a relatively high availability of nuclear ITS and 18S/28S rDNA sequences on GenBank. In a comparison of the effectiveness in species assignment we conclude that mitochondrial and nuclear ribosomal markers perform equally well. In case intraspecific information is needed, rDNA sequences can guide the selection of the appropriate (i.e. taxon-specific) COI primers if available.  相似文献   

摘要:本文报道了采自广东惠州市东江支流(23°09′00. 31"N,114°22′26.59″E)的中国涡虫一新纪录目原卵黄目(Prolecithophora)斜口涡虫(Plagiostomum sp.)。该虫体长4.51 ~6.00 mm,体被不规则的褐色细网纹,头钝圆,尾圆锥形,体中部圆柱状,眼点4只。该涡虫运动...  相似文献   

Whole-mounts of Philodina sp., a bdelloid rotifer, were stained with fluorescent-labeled phalloidin to visualize the musculature. Several different muscle types were identified including incomplete circular bands, coronal retractors and foot retractors. Based on the position of the larger muscle bands in the body wall, their function during creeping locomotion and tun formation was inferred. Bdelloid creeping begins with the contraction of incomplete circular muscle bands against the hydrostatic pseudocoel, resulting in an anterior elongation of the body. One or more sets of ventral longitudinal muscles then contract bringing the rostrum into contact with the substrate, where it presumably attaches via adhesive glands. Different sets of ventral longitudinal muscles, foot and trunk retractors, function to pull the body forward. These same longitudinal muscle sets are also used in `tun' formation, in which the head and foot are withdrawn into the body. Three sets of longitudinal muscles supply the head region (anterior head segments) and function in withdrawal of the corona and rostrum. Two additional pairs of longitudinal muscles function to retract the anterior trunk segments immediately behind the head, and approximately five sets of longitudinal retractors are involved in the withdrawal of the foot and posterior toes. To achieve a greater understanding of rotifer behavior, it is important to elucidate the structural complexity of body wall muscles in rotifers. The utility of fluorescently-labeled phalloidin for the visualization of these muscles is discussed and placed in the context of rotifer functional morphology.  相似文献   

The epidermis of Friedmaniella sp. has been studied using light and electron microscopy. Three main morphological features characterize its cells, namely (1) DNA bodies in the nuclei, (2) an extensive Golgi apparatus with a well-developed system of transport vesicles, (3) clusters of centrioles mainly in the basal cytoplasm and axonemes and rootlets in the middle and apical cell parts. These peculiarities may indicate continuous physiological regeneration within the cell at the level of cell organelles. DNA bodies may prove to be a taxonomic feature distinguishing the Prolecithophora from other turbellarians.  相似文献   

Abstract. The relationship of the polychaete taxa Syllidae and Sphaerodoridae within Phyllodocida is still unresolved: phylogenetic analyses either show them as sister groups or more widely separated. The present article aims to provide information about the structure of the muscular system that could be essential for understanding their relationship. A crucial point is whether the body wall contains circular muscles, which has recently been shown to be absent in more taxa than previously known. The F-actin filaments in members of Myrianida prolifera (Syllidae) and Sphaerodoropsis sp. (Sphaerodoridae) were labeled with phalloidin and their three-dimensional relationships reconstructed by means of confocal laser scanning microscopy. Among the noteworthy differences that emerged between the species are (1) members of M. prolifera possess four, those of Sphaerodoropsis sp. eight, longitudinal muscle strands; (2) the body wall in M. prolifera contains transverse fibers in a typical, supralongitudinal position, while in Sphaerodoropsis sp., corresponding fibers lie beneath the longitudinal strands; (3) pro- and peristomium in M. prolifera have no distinct F-actin fibers, while five longitudinal pairs and three single transverse muscular fibers shape the anterior end in Sphaerodoropsis sp.; (4) the proventricle of M. prolifera comprises primarily radial muscle fibers arranged in distinct rows, while in Sphaerodoropsis sp. the axial proboscis consists of longitudinal and circular fibers and radial fibers are lacking; (5) in M. prolifera, the proximal and distal sections of the two anteriormost pairs of dorsal cirri possess longitudinal myofilaments, which are separate from the body wall musculature; by contrast, all appendages in Sphaerodoropsis sp. do not; (6) both species have bracing muscles: in M. prolifera they are positioned above the longitudinal fibers, whereas in Sphaerodoropsis sp. they are uniquely positioned between longitudinal and sublongitudinal transverse fibers. These results do not support a sister-group relationship of Syllidae and Sphaerodoridae. In addition, Sphaerodoropsis sp. is yet another example in the list of polychaetes lacking typical circular muscles in the body wall.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the epidermis of seven species of polyclad flatworms (Phaenocelis medvedica, Phaenocelis peleca, Pleioplana atomata, Boninia divae, Pericelis orbicularis, Enchiridium periommatum, and Cycloporus variegatus) representing six families is described. In all seven species, the epidermis consists of a single layer of columnar cells that rests on a bipartite basement membrane. Epithelial cell surfaces are covered by numerous microvilli and cilia. Cilia contain microtubules arranged in the 9 + 2 pattern, and from their basal bodies two striated rootlets arise, a rostrally directed one running parallel to the apical cell membrane, and a vertical one at a right angle to the first rootlet. Numerous epithelosomes and mitochondria occupy the apical parts of the cells. The basal part of the cells is highly folded, forming a cell web that connects to the basement membrane. The basement membrane consists of a thin basal lamina and a thick, multilayered reticular lamina. The number of layers in the reticular lamina varies among the different species and appears to be correlated with body size. Numerous canals containing either pigment granules or nervous processes perforate the basement membrane. We have identified four different types of glands: rhabdite glands, rhabdoid glands, mucoid glands containing vacuoles filled with flocculent material, and mucoid glands resembling thread cells of hagfish slime glands. The latter have been found only in P. orbicularis. Pigment cells were found in all species examined with the exception of C. variegatus, which takes its coloration from its ascidian prey. Our results further support the unique taxonomic status of Boniniidae.  相似文献   

The muscular system of the marine interstitial gastrotrich Draculiciteria tessalata (Chaetonotida, Paucitubulatina) was analyzed with fluorescent phalloidin. Muscles in circular, longitudinal, helicoidal and dorsoventral orientations were found. Circular muscles were present as discreet rings on the pharynx only. Five pairs of longitudinal muscles were found in dorsal, lateral and ventral positions. One of the two pairs of lateral muscles is newly described for the species. Helicoidal muscles, external to the circular muscles and some longitudinal bands, spiraled around the pharynx and anterior portion of the intestine. Two pairs of segmentally-arranged dorsoventral muscles were also present. Lateral dorsoventral muscles extended from the base of the pharynx to the anterior part of the caudal furca. Medial dorsoventral muscles extended from the pharyngeal-intestinal junction into each ramus of the caudal furca. A hypothesis on the evolution of dorsoventral muscles in D. tessalata is proposed which includes a splitting of circular muscles into separate somatic and splanchnic components with a further displacement of both muscle sets into a dorsoventral orientation.  相似文献   

Complete nuclear 18S rDNA sequences from 14 species of the Prolecithophora were obtained and used, in combination with literature data, to generate the first parsimony-based hypothesis of the phylogeny of the order Prolecithophora (Platyhelminthes). Bootstrap, parsimony jack-knife, and Bremer support values were computed and compared. The monophyly of the Prolecithophora sensu stricto and the family Plagiostomidae is strongly supported. The taxa Separata, Combinata, and Plagiostomum are shown to be nonmonophyletic. Cylindrostomidae and Ulianinidae are transferred to Pseudostomidae. The Urastomidae is not part of the Prolecithophora.  相似文献   

An account is given of an unusual new species of freshwater planarian from the Hartz Mountains in Tasmania, Australia, Romankenkius flaccidus Sluys, sp. nov. The species is characterized, among other features, by an asymmetrical penis papilla, an extremely large, elongated copulatory bursa, and by the absence of testes in animals with fully developed male and female copulatory apparatus. Instigated by the sexual cycle of this new species, the study opportunely reviews whether planarian flatworms generally are simultaneous or sequential—in particular protandrous—hermaphrodites. It is concluded that real protandry does not occur in triclads and that even less extreme cases of sexual segregation, such as complete reduction of the testes or the more or less complete separation of male and female functionality as present in some species, have only sparsely and convergently evolved within the group of the triclad flatworms.  相似文献   

During early development of Eisenia andrei (Crassiclitellata), a loose arrangement of primary circular and longitudinal muscles encloses the whole embryo. Circular muscles differentiate in an anterior–posterior progression creating a segmental pattern. Primary circular muscles emerge at the segmental borders while later in development the central part of each segment is filled with circular strands. Longitudinal muscles develop in an anterio‐posterior manner as well, but by continuous lengthening. Muscle growth is not restricted by segmental boundaries. The development begins with one pair of prominent longitudinal muscles differentiating ventrally along the right and the left germ band. These first muscles provide a guiding structure for the parallel organization of the afterwards differentiating longitudinal musculature. Additional primary longitudinal muscles emerge and form, together with the initial circular muscles, the primary muscle grid of the embryo. During the following development, secondary longitudinal muscle strands develop and integrate themselves into the primary grid. Meanwhile the primary circular muscles split into thin strands in a ventral to dorsal progression. Thus, a fine structured mesh of circular and longitudinal muscles is generated. Compared to other “Oligochaeta”, embryonic muscle patterns in E. andrei are adapted to the development of a lecithotrophic embryo. Nevertheless, two general characteristics of annelid muscle development become evident. The first is the segmental development of the circular muscles from a set of initial muscles situated at the segment borders. Second, there is a continuous development of primary longitudinal muscles starting at the anterior pole. At least one pair of main primary longitudinal strands is characteristic in Annelida. The space between all primary strands is filled with secondary longitudinal strands during further development. J. Morphol. 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of spermatozoa of the acotylean Phaenocelis peleca and the cotylean Boninia divae is described. All spermatozoa are filiform and biflagellate with a 9+"1" microtubular pattern in the axoneme. Sperm characters in P. peleca follow the morphologies described for other acotyleans, with axonemes exiting the sperm shaft at the distal end and remaining in close contact with the sperm membrane. The nucleus occupies the proximal region of the shaft, and two types of dense bodies and mitochondria are located at the distal end. Unlike other members of the Cotylea, the axonemes of B. divae spermatozoa are incorporated into the sperm shaft, leaving the shaft at some distance from the distal end and then remaining free. This type of morphology is characteristic for acotyleans. Additionally, the spermatozoa of B. divae contain only one type of dense bodies plus a unique structure, which we call a central core. The nucleus in this species is unique as well; it shows periodic constrictions and rings of electron-dense granules, characters that further contribute to the distinct status of Boniniidae.  相似文献   

5S rRNAs from 12 species of free living and parasitic platyhelminthes were sequenced. In the phylogenetic analysis, attention was focused on the statistical estimates of the trees corresponding to existing phylogenetic hypotheses. The available 5S rRNA data agree well with widely accepted views on the relationships between the Acoela, Polycladida, Tricladida, and Neorhabdocoela; our analysis of the published 18S rRNA sequences also demonstrated good correspondence between these views and molecular data. With available 5S rRNA data the hypothesis that the dalyellioid turbellarians is the sister group of the Neodermata is less convincing than the hypotheses proposing the Neodermata as the sister group of the Neorhabdocoela, or of the Seriata, or of the branch uniting them. A relatively low rate of base replacement in parasitic flatworms, probably, accounts for the uncertain position of the Neodermata, while a relatively high rate in planarians may explain a relatively too early divergence of the Tricladida in several published phylogenetic trees constructed from various rRNA data.  相似文献   

Using the Phalloidin-Rhodamine flourescence-labelling technique for F-actin, we have studied the development of the body wall musculature in Macrostomum hystricinum marinum and in thepolyclad Hoploplana inquilina. The structure of the muscle grid in the freshly hatched Macrostomum (see also Rieger & Salvenmoser, 1991) and the young larva of Holplana served as reference systems for the embryonic development of the body wall musculature. In Macrostomum muscle fiber differentiation starts around 60% of developmental time between egg-laying and hatching, and in Hoploplana around 80% of embryonic development.In Macrostomum, early stages show TV-antenna-like arrangements of one longitudinal and several circular fibers. In Hoploplana our preliminary results show a particularly large, longitudinal fiber on either side of the body. These primary longitudinal fibers may serve as a founder cell for other longitudinal fibers and as spatial guides for the circular muscles. Similar founder cells have been reported during early muscle differentiation in leeches (Jellies & Kristan, 1988; Jellies, 1990). In Hoploplana, a special muscle system is present at the outset under the apical organ. It consists of what seems to be a spirally toranged fiber — when seen in head-on view — and of two additional fibers crossing this spiral, from the later developing posterior to the anterior lobe.TEM-studies of embryos of Macrostomum suggest that the longitudinal nerve cords represent an important guide during early differentiation of the pattern within the body wall musculature. Young stages of myoblasts can be identified along the main lateral nerve cord. Commonly, the myoblasts are seen to alternate with young neurons in their position along the nerve cord. Embryonic stages of Macrostomum hystricinum marinum were obtained from our cultures (Rieger et al., 1988). Immediately prior to fixation (Paraformaldehyde, Stephanini's fixative) the eggshells were punctured with tungsten needles. We noted some variability of developmental time for certain embryonic stages, which we cannot explain. Developmental stages of Hoploplana inquilina were collected at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA, USA according to the procedure outlined in Boyer (1987) and Boyer (1989). They have been timed in relation to normal developmental time to an early Müller's larva at about 100 hours.  相似文献   

The female gonad of the land planarians Microplana scharffi and Microplana terrestris consists of two small germaria located ventrally in the anterior third of the body and of two ventro‐lateral rows of oblong vitelline follicles distributed between the intestinal pouches. Both these structures are enveloped by a tunica composed of an outer extracellular lamina and an inner sheath of accessory cells. Oocyte maturation is characterized by the appearance of chromatoid bodies and the development of endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complexes. These organelles appear to be correlated with the production of egg granules with a fenestrated/granular content of medium electron density, about 4–5 μm in diameter, which remain dispersed in the ooplasm of mature oocytes. On the basis of cytochemical tests showing their glycoprotein composition, and their localization in mature oocytes, these egg granules have been interpreted as yolk. In the vitelline follicles, vitellocytes show the typical features of secretory cells with well‐developed rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complexes involved in the production of eggshell globules and yolk. The eggshell globules, which appear to arise from repeated coalescences of two types of Golgi‐derived vesicles, contain polyphenols and, when completely mature, they measure about 1–1,2 μm in diameter and show a meandering/concentric content pattern as is typical of the situation observed in most Proseriata and Tricladida. Mature vitellocytes also contain a large amount of glycogen and lipids as further reserve material. On the basis of the ultrastructural features of the female gonad and in relation to the current literature the two species of rhynchodemids investigated appear to be closely related to the freshwater planarians belonging to the family Dugesiidae. J. Morphol. 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Phalloidin‐stained whole mounts of acoel turbellarians show brightly fluorescing club‐shaped structures distributed over the epidermis and concentrated especially at the anterior and posterior tips of the body. By correlating electron micrographic images and fluorescence images of Convoluta pulchra, these structures can be seen to be sensory receptors with a central cilium surrounded by a collar of microvilli. The other candidate for showing fluorescence in the epidermis, namely gland necks, can be ruled out since their distribution is too dense to resemble the distribution of the fluorescent structures seen here. The collared sensory receptors were inserted between epidermal cells, and each bore a central cilium surrounded by a collar of 6–18 microvilli and an additional centrally positioned 2–7 microvilli of which 2 or 3 were associated with a modified rootlet called the swallow’s nest. Confocal scanning laser microscopy resolved the core of actin filaments within the microvilli of the collar and their rootlet‐like connections to the base of the sensory cell. Such receptors could also be identified by fluorescence microscopy in several other species of acoel turbellarians.  相似文献   

Complete 18S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequences and partial 28S rDNA sequences from a selection of rhabditophoran taxa were obtained and used in combination with literature data to determine the phylogenetic position of the Prolecithophora and of two families sometimes included in the Prolecithophora, the Urastomidae and the Genostomatidae. The results are largely compatible with earlier molecular studies when supported clades are considered, and adjusting for the denser taxonomic sampling of this study. The position of the Proseriata is not compatible with the taxon Seriata, which is rejected. The Rhabdocoela excluding the Fecampiida and the Neodermata is monophyletic. The phylogenetic position of the Neodermata cannot be determined, but its placement is not compatible with the proposed taxa Revertospermata and Mediofusata Kornakova & Joffe, 1999, which are rejected. The Urastomidae and the Genostomatidae in all analyses group with the Fecampiida, and it is our recommendation that these taxa be included in the Fecampiida. The amended Fecampiida always group separately from the Prolecithophora sensu stricto , the Rhabdocoela, and the Neodermata. Our analyses reveal the existence of a strongly supported clade consisting of Prolecithophora + Tricladida + the amended Fecampiida, and we propose the name Adiaphanida for this clade. Tentatively the sister group of the Prolecithophora is a clade consisting of the Tricladida + amended Fecampiida.  相似文献   

To date, the phylum Cycliophora comprises only one described extant species of acoelomate marine invertebrates, Symbion pandora. Adult specimens live commensally on the mouthparts of the Norwegian lobster, Nephrops norvegicus. Its complicated life cycle includes an asexually produced Pandora larva and a sexually produced chordoid larva. Despite detailed TEM investigations and its inclusion in recent molecular phylogenetic analyses, cycliophoran relationships still remain enigmatic. In order to increase the morphological database, I investigated the anatomy of the nervous system and the musculature of the chordoid larva by applying fluorescence-coupled antibodies against the neurotransmitters serotonin and FMRFamide, as well as FITC-coupled phalloidin to label filamentous F-actin, in combination with confocal laser scanning microscopy. The FMRFamidergic nervous system shows a bilobed anterior ganglion and one pair of ventral nerve cords, while serotonin is distributed in a scattered pattern in the anterior ganglion. In addition, there are two pairs of ventral serotonergic nerves, of which the inner pair fuses with the outer nerve cords in the posterior third of the larva. The musculature comprises an outer layer of six units of circular body wall muscles, several helicoid muscle fibers, a set of paired longitudinal muscles that span the entire anterior-posterior axis of the larva, and a few oblique muscle strands. Furthermore, an anterior muscle complex and one pair of posterior muscles are present. The chordoid organ consists of a number of distinct subunits that are each formed by a dense layer of circular muscle fibers.The overall arrangement of the oblique and longitudinal muscles as well as the body wall musculature in the chordoid larva of Symbion pandora exhibits similarities with the condition found in certain rotifers. This is congruent with some recent phylogenies based on 18S rRNA sequences but additional morphological, developmental, and molecular data are needed to clarify the phylogenetic relationships of Cycliophora.  相似文献   

The cervicothoracic musculature of the adult cockroach, Nauphoeta cinerea (Olivier) is described for the first time. The adult thoracic ventral intersegmental muscles are compared with those of the nymph and of the adult cockroach, Periplaneta americana (Linnaeus).  相似文献   

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