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Tight regulation of the visual response is essential for photoreceptor function and survival. Visual response dysregulation often leads to photoreceptor cell degeneration, but the causes of such cell death are not well understood. In this study, we investigated a fatty acid transport protein (fatp) null mutation that caused adult-onset and progressive photoreceptor cell death. Consistent with fatp having a role in the retina, we showed that fatp is expressed in adult photoreceptors and accessory cells and that its re-expression in photoreceptors rescued photoreceptor viability in fatp mutants. The visual response in young fatp-mutant flies was abnormal with elevated electroretinogram amplitudes associated with high levels of Rhodopsin-1 (Rh1). Reducing Rh1 levels in rh1 mutants or depriving flies of vitamin A rescued photoreceptor cell death in fatp mutant flies. Our results indicate that fatp promotes photoreceptor survival by regulating Rh1 abundance.  相似文献   

Nitrogen starvation is generally assumed to be encountered by biotrophic and hemibiotrophic plant fungal pathogens at the beginning of their infection cycle. We tested whether nitrogen starvation constitutes a cue regulating genes that are required for pathogenicity of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum, a fungal pathogen of common bean. The clnr1 (C. lindemuthianumnitrogen regulator 1) gene, the areA/nit-2 orthologue of C. lindemuthianum, was isolated. The predicted CLNR1 protein exhibits high amino acid sequence similarities with the AREA and NIT2 global fungal nitrogen regulators. Targeted clnr1- mutants are unable to use a wide array of nitrogen sources, indicating that clnr1 is the C. lindemuthianum major nitrogen regulatory gene. The clnr1- mutants are non-pathogenic, although few anthracnose lesions seldom occur on whole plantlets. Surprisingly, cytological analysis reveals that the clnr1- mutants are not disturbed from the penetration stage until the end of the biotrophic phase, but that they are impaired during the setting up of the necrotrophic phase. Thus, through CLNR1, nitrogen starvation constitutes a cue for the regulation of genes that are compulsory for this stage of the C. lindemuthianum infection process. Additionally, clnr1- mutants complemented with the Aspergillus nidulans areA gene are fully pathogenic, indicating that areA is able to activate the C. lindemuthianum suited genes, normally under the control of clnr1.  相似文献   

The dimorphic ascomycete pathogen Mycosphaerella graminicola switches from a yeastlike form to an infectious filamentous form that penetrates the host foliage through stomata. We examined the biological function of the mitogen-activated protein kinase-encoding gene MgHog1 in M. graminicola. Interestingly, MgHog1 mutants were unable to switch to filamentous growth on water agar that mimics the nutritionally poor conditions on the foliar surface and, hence, exclusively developed by a yeastlike budding process. Consequently, due to impaired initiation of infectious germ tubes, as revealed by detailed in planta cytological analyses, the MgHog1 mutants failed to infect wheat leaves. We, therefore, conclude that MgHog1 is a new pathogenicity factor involved in the regulation of dimorphism in M. graminicola. Furthermore, MgHog1 mutants are osmosensitive, resistant to phenylpyrrole and dicarboximide fungicides, and do not melanize.  相似文献   

The mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) Mpk3/MpkC resembles the MAPK Hog1 but does not necessarily function in some filamentous fungi. Here, we compared functions of Mpk3 and Hog1 in Beauveria bassiana, a filamentous fungal insect pathogen, by multi-phenotypic analyses of their single/double deletion mutants. Growth defects of Δmpk3 were moderate on all 14 minimal media with different carbon or nitrogen sources and less severe than those of Δhog1 on most media tested. The double deletion mutant suffered significantly more severe growth defects than those observed in Δmpk3 and Δhog1, suggesting overlapping and collaborative roles of Mpk3 and Hog1 in uptake of six carbon and four nitrogen sources during normal growth. Despite little impact on conidiation capacity, mpk3 deletion slowed down conidial germination as much as hog1 or double deletion. Conidial resistance to UV-B irradiation decreased less in Δmpk3 than in Δhog1 or in the double mutant. The fungal virulence was similarly attenuated for all deletion mutants against Galleria mellonella larvae through normal cuticle infection. Intriguingly, the Δmpk3 mutant displayed null response to high osmolarity and fludioxonil fungicide, to which both Δhog1 and double mutants were hypersensitive and highly resistant, respectively, but it was more sensitive to a 3-h heat shock at 40 °C than Δhog1 during normal incubation. Western blot hybridization demonstrated that Mpk3 could collaborate with Hog1 in response to heat shock rather than to the chemical stresses. Altogether, Mpk3 collaborates with Hog1 only in response to heat shock and functions in sustaining the pest control potential of B. bassiana.  相似文献   

Rice blast, caused by the pathogen Magnaporthe oryzae, is a serious hindrance to rice production and has emerged as an important model for the characterization of molecular mechanisms relevant to pathogenic development in plants. Similar to other pathogenic fungi, conidiation plays a central role in initiation of M.oryzae infection and spread over a large area. However, relatively little is known regarding the molecular mechanisms that underlie conidiation in M. oryzae. To better characterize these mechanisms, we identified a conidiation-defective mutant, ATMT0225B6 (MoCDC15(T-DNA)), in which a T-DNA insertion disrupted a gene that encodes a homolog of fission yeast cdc15, and generated a second strain containing a disruption in the same allele (ΔMoCDC15(T-DNA)). The cdc15 gene has been shown to act as a coordinator of the cell cycle in yeast. Functional analysis of the MoCDC15(T-DNA) and ΔMoCDC15(T-DNA) mutants revealed that MoCDC15 is required for conidiation, preinfection development and pathogenicity in M. oryzae. Conidia from these mutants were viable, but failed to adhere to hydrophobic surface, a crucial step required for subsequent pathogenic development. All phenotypic defects observed in mutants were rescued in a strain complemented with wild type MoCDC15. Together, these data indicate that MoCDC15 functions as a coordinator of several biological processes important for pathogenic development in M. oryzae.  相似文献   

The physiological role of the mannitol cycle in the wheat pathogen Stagonospora nodorum (glume blotch) has been investigated by reverse genetics and metabolite profiling. A putative mannitol 2-dehydrogenase gene (Mdh1) was cloned by degenerate PCR and disrupted. The resulting mutated mdh1 strains lacked all detectable NADPH-dependent mannitol dehydrogenase activity. The mdh1 strains were unaffected for mannitol production but, surprisingly, were still able to utilize mannitol as a sole carbon source, suggesting a hitherto unknown mechanism for mannitol catabolism. The mutant strains were not compromised in their ability to cause disease or sporulate. To further our understanding of mannitol metabolism, a previously developed mannitol-1-phosphate dehydrogenase (gene mpd1) disruption construct [Solomon, Tan and Oliver (2005) Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 18, 110-115] was introduced into the mutated mdh1 background, resulting in a strain lacking both enzyme activities. The mpd1mdh1 strains were unable to grow on mannitol and produced only trace levels of mannitol. The double-mutant strains were unable to sporulate in vitro when grown on minimal medium for extended periods. Deficiency in sporulation was correlated with the depletion of intracellular mannitol pools. Significantly sporulation could be restored with the addition of mannitol. Pathogenicity of the double mutant was not compromised, although, like the previously characterized mpd1 mutants, the strains were unable to sporulate in planta. These findings not only question the currently hypothesized pathways of mannitol metabolism, but also identify for the first time that mannitol is required for sporulation of a filamentous fungus.  相似文献   

An expressed sequence tag encoding a putative mannitol 1-phosphate dehydrogenase (Mpd1) has been characterized from the fungal wheat pathogen Stagonospora nodorum. Mpd1 was disrupted by insertional mutagenesis, and the resulting mpd1 strains lacked all detectable NAD-linked mannitol 1-phosphate dehydrogenase activity (EC The growth rates, sporulation, and spore viability of the mutant strains in vitro were not significantly different from the wild type. The viability of the mpd1 spores when subjected to heat stress was comparable to wild type. Characterization of the sugar alcohol content by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy revealed that, when grown on glucose, the mutant strains contained significantly less mannitol, less arabitol, but more trehalose than the wild-type strains. The mannitol content of fructose-grown cultures was normal. No secreted mannitol could be detected in wild type or mutants. Pathogenicity assays revealed the disruption of Mpd1 did not affect lesion development, however the mutants were unable to sporulate. These results throw new light on the role of mannitol in fungal plant interactions, suggesting a role in metabolic and redox regulation during the critical process of sporulation on senescing leaf material.  相似文献   

Trehalose fulfils a wide variety of functions in cells, acting as a stress protectant, storage carbohydrate and compatible solute. Recent evidence, however, indicates that trehalose metabolism may exert important regulatory roles in the development of multicellular eukaryotes. Here, we show that in the plant pathogenic fungus Magnaporthe grisea trehalose-6-phosphate (T6P) synthase (Tps1) is responsible for regulating the pentose phosphate pathway, intracellular levels of NADPH and fungal virulence. Tps1 integrates glucose-6-phosphate (G6P) metabolism with nitrogen source utilisation, and thereby regulates the activity of nitrate reductase. Activity of Tps1 requires an associated regulator protein Tps3, which is also necessary for pathogenicity. Tps1 controls expression of the nitrogen metabolite repressor gene, NMR1, and is required for expression of virulence-associated genes. Functional analysis of Tps1 indicates that its regulatory functions are associated with binding of G6P, but independent of Tps1 catalytic activity. Taken together, these results demonstrate that Tps1 is a central regulator for integration of carbon and nitrogen metabolism, and plays a pivotal role in the establishment of plant disease.  相似文献   

Cdc42 is a highly conserved small GTP-binding protein that is involved in regulating morphogenesis in eukaryotes. In this study, we isolated and characterized a highly conserved Cdc42 gene from Colletotrichum trifolii (CtCdc42), a fungal pathogen of alfalfa. CtCdc42 is, at least in part, functionally equivalent to Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cdc42p, since it restores the temperature-sensitive phenotype of a yeast Cdc42p mutant. Inhibition of CtCdc42 by expression of an antisense CtCdc42 or a dominant negative form of CtCdc42 (DN Cdc42) resulted in appressorium differentiation under noninductive conditions, suggesting that CtCdc42 negatively regulates pathogenic development in this fungus. We also examined the possible linkage between CtCdc42 and Ras signaling. Expression of a dominant active Cdc42 (DA Cdc42) in C. trifolii leads to aberrant hyphal growth under nutrient-limiting conditions. This phenotype was similar to that of our previously reported dominant active Ras (DA Ras) mutant. Also consistent with our observations of the DA Ras mutant, high levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) were observed in the DA Cdc42 mutant, and proline restored the wild-type phenotype. Moreover, overexpression of DN Cdc42 resulted in a significant decrease in spore germination, virtually no hyphal branching, and earlier sporulation, again similar to what we observed in a dominant negative Ras (DN Ras) mutant strain. Interestingly, coexpression of DA Cdc42 with DN Ras resulted in germination rates close to wild-type levels, while coexpression of DN Cdc42 with the DA Ras mutant restored the wild-type phenotype. These data suggest that CtCdc42 is positioned as a downstream effector of CtRas to regulate spore germination and pathogenic development.  相似文献   

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