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Pearson KM  Theimer TC 《Oecologia》2004,141(1):76-83
We examined whether pinyon mice (Peromyscus truei) and brush mice (P. boylii) could act as directed dispersal agents of pinyon pine (Pinus edulis) through differential responses to soil particle size and rock cover. In field experiments, we allowed mice to either cache pinyon seeds or recover artificially cached seeds (pilfer) from quadrats containing large- or small-particle soils. Both species placed most (70%) seed caches in small-particle soil. Pilfering was the same from both particle sizes in the first year, while more seeds were pilfered from large-particle soils in the second year. In separate experiments, rock cover interacted with soil particle size, with both species placing over 50% of their caches in small-particle soil with rock cover. Overall, we found greater seed-caching in small-particle soils near rocks, with equal or lower pilfering from small-particle soils, suggesting more seeds would survive in small-particle soils near rock cover. Three lines of evidence supported the hypothesis that mice could act as directed dispersers by moving pinyon seeds to beneficial microsites for germination and establishment. First, in greenhouse experiments, pinyon seed germination was 4 times greater in small-particle soil cores than in large-particle soil cores. Second, soils near rocks had significantly higher water content than areas of open soil at the driest time of the year, a critical factor for seedling survival in the arid southwestern USA. Third, 75% of juvenile pinyon trees were growing in small-particle soils, and 45% were growing near rock nurses.  相似文献   

A biologically explicit simulation model of resource competition between two species of seed-eating heteromyid rodent indicates that stable coexistence is possible on a homogeneous resource if harvested food is stored and consumers steal each other's caches. Here we explore the coexistence mechanisms involved by analyzing how consumer phenotypes and presence of a noncaching consumer affect the competitive outcome. Without cache exchange, the winning consumer is better at harvesting seeds and produces more offspring per gram of stored food. With cache exchange, coexistence is promoted by interspecific trade-offs between harvest ability, metabolic efficiency, and ability to pilfer defended caches of heterospecifics or scavenge undefended caches of dead conspecifics or heterospecifics. Cache exchange via pilferage can equalize competitor fitnesses but has little stabilizing effect and leads to stable coexistence only in the presence of a noncaching consumer. In contrast, scavenging is both equalizing and stabilizing and promotes coexistence without a third consumer. Because body size affects a heteromyid rodent's metabolic rate, seed harvest rate, caching strategy, and ability to steal caches, interspecific differences in body size should produce the trade-offs necessary for coexistence. The observation that coexisting heteromyids differ in body size therefore indicates that cache exchange may promote diversity in heteromyid communities.  相似文献   

Human social behaviour is influenced by attributing mental states to others. It is debated whether and to what extent such skills might occur in non-human animals. We here test for the possibility of ravens attributing knowledge about the location of food to potential competitors. In our experiments, we capitalize on the mutually antagonistic interactions that occur in these birds between those individuals that store food versus those that try to pilfer these caches. Since ravens' pilfer success depends on memory of observed caches, we manipulated the view of birds at caching, thereby designing competitors who were either knowledgeable or ignorant of cache location and then tested the responses of both storers and pilferers to those competitors at recovery. We show that ravens modify their cache protection and pilfer tactics not simply in response to the immediate behaviour of competitors, but also in relation to whether or not they previously had the opportunity of observing caching. Our results suggest that the birds not only recall whom they had seen during caching, but also know that obstacles can obstruct the view of others and that this affects pilfering.  相似文献   

We presented monogamous pairs of New Zealand robins Petroica australis with a superabundant supply of artificial prey and then observed birds re-cache previously hoarded prey. Males and females frequently relocated and redistributed previously hoarded prey. Both sexes also re-cached prey that was originally hoarded by their mate. However, re-caching rates of retrieved and pilfered prey differed between sexes. Female-made caches were re-cached at the same rate by both females and pilfering males, while male-made caches were re-cached more frequently by pilfering females. The re-caching of previously hoarded prey is consistent with the hypothesis that re-caching reduces theft. However, re-caching pilfered prey suggests that it might also play a role in cache theft strategies. Higher rates of re-caching by pilfering females cannot be explained by current hypotheses used to account avian re-caching behaviours. We suggest two new hypotheses, sexual dimorphism in spatial memory and indirect mate provisioning, which may help to explain the evolution of re-caching in New Zealand robins.  相似文献   

I conducted a field experiment in 10 x 10 m enclosures to explorehow seed and soil moisture levels influence the ability ofknowledgeable and naive rodents to find natural caches of Jeffreypine (Pinus jeffreyi) seeds. Subjects were yellow pine chipmunks(Tamias amoenus) and deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) searchingfor caches that they had made, caches made by other individualsof the same species, or caches made by individuals of the otherspecies. Subjects that made caches (knowledgeable subjects)relied on spatial memory to find many of their own caches during recovery sessions, and their ability to locate caches was notaffected by water content of seeds or soil. Naive subjectsfound few caches under dry conditions, but under wet conditions,they located as many caches as did the rodents that made them.Naive subjects apparently relied on olfaction to find caches,a sensory modality that works more effectively under moist conditions. Subjects had as much success foraging for caches made by membersof their own species as for caches made by the other species.I present a hypothesis that predicts how foragers could modifypredominately memory-based search to predominately olfactory-basedsearch as the weather changes from dry to wet. When foragersrely on spatial memory, those foragers find only their own caches, but when they can also use olfaction, they pilfer cachesmade by other individuals. Consequently, the nature of competitiveinteractions among members of the seed-caching guild may changeas the weather changes.  相似文献   

Although differences in food-hoarding tactics both reflect a behavioral response to cache pilferage among rodent species and may help explain their coexistence, differentiation in cache pilfering abilities among sympatric rodents with different hoarding strategies is seldom addressed. We carried out semi-natural enclosure experiments to investigate seed hoarding tactics among three sympatric rodent species (Tamias sibiricus, Apodemus peninsulae and Clethrionomys rufocanus) and the relationship of their pilfering abilities at the inter- and intraspecific levels. Our results showed that T. sibiricus exhibited a relatively stronger pilfering ability than A. peninsulae and C. rufocanus, as indicated by its higher recovery rate of artificial caches. Meanwhile A. peninsulae showed a medium pilfering ability and C. rufocanus displayed the lowest ability. We also noted that both cache size and cache depth significantly affected cache recovery in all three species. T. sibiricus scatter-hoarded more seeds than it larder-hoarded, A. peninsulae larder-hoarded more than scatter-hoarded, and C. rufocanus acted as a pure larder-hoarder. In T. sibiricus, individuals with lower pilfering abilities tended to scatter hoard seeds, indicating an intraspecific variation in hoarding propensity. Collectively, these results indicated that sympatric rodent species seem to deploy different food hoarding tactics that allow their coexistence in the temperate forests, suggesting a strong connection between hoarding strategy and pilfering ability.  相似文献   

The aim of animal reintroductions has mainly been species recovery; only few reintroduction initiatives focus on ecosystem restoration. Therefore, reintroduction consequences on ecological interactions are seldom assessed. We used the interaction between a reintroduced population of agoutis (Dasyprocta leporina) and a vulnerable tropical endemic tree (Joannesia princeps) to examine reintroduction effects on seed dispersal and seedling establishment. To test the outcomes of this interaction, we tracked seeds of J. princeps in two adjacent forest areas with and without reintroduced agoutis. We also assessed if dispersal distances affected seedling survival. To determine seed fate and dispersal distance, we used spool-and-line tracking, together with camera traps to identify dispersers. Agoutis were the only species removing J. princeps seeds, thus dispersal only occurred where agoutis had been reintroduced; in the area without agoutis, all seeds remained intact on the soil, even one year after the experiment's beginning. At the reintroduction area, most seeds were preyed upon by agoutis but 7% remained dispersed and 2% germinated after ten months. Only seeds buried by agoutis were able to germinate. Most dispersed seeds were dispersed 15 m or farther and longer dispersal distances benefited J. princeps, since seedlings farther from a conspecific adult tree had greater survival probability. Agoutis were also seen burying seeds of two other plant species; these mammals have the potential to benefit dozens of large-seeded species in our study system. Agouti reintroduction thus exemplifies the value of trophic rewilding programs to re-establish ecological interactions and restore ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

Reciprocal pilferage and the evolution of food-hoarding behavior   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Current theories of food-hoarding behavior maintain that hoardingcan be adaptive if a hoarder is more likely than any other animalto retrieve its own caches. A survey of the literature indicatedthat the hoarder often has a recovery advantage when searchingfor items it has stored, but levels of cache pilferage are oftenso high (2–30% per day) that at least for some long-termfood hoarders, the caching animal is unlikely to recover a significantamount of its stored food. Except in a few cases (acorn woodpeckersand beavers), kin selection cannot explain the high levels ofpilferage observed. We suggest that some small solitary animalswith overlapping home ranges (e.g., most rodents, chickadees,and tits) are able to tolerate high levels of cache pilferage.Pilferage is not as damaging to these animals as it might otherwisebe because many interspecific and all intraspecific cache pilferersalso cache food. These or similar food caches can be pilferedlater by the original food hoarder. In other words, pilferingin these species is often reciprocal, and because it is reciprocal,it can be tolerated. We argue that caching systems based onreciprocal pilfering can be stable and are not necessarily susceptibleto "cheaters," animals that pilfer food but do not scatter hoardfood themselves, and we introduce a model of food hoarding tosupport this argument. These food-caching systems based on reciprocalpilfering resemble cooperative behavior, but the behavior isactually driven by the selfish interests of individuals. Thistheory of scatter-hoarding behavior based on reciprocity hasimportant implications for the ways that food-hoarding animalsinteract with inter- and intraspecific competitors.  相似文献   

Long-term monitoring of reintroduced individuals is a central component of many endangered species reintroduction programs. Radio-telemetry techniques are rarely used to monitor reintroduced captive-bred Cracids and few data exist regarding possible adverse effects of radio-tagging Cracids. In this study, we identify an appropriate radio transmitter design and develop a suitable attachment method that minimizes anthropogenic influence and enables long-term, post-release monitoring (2–3 years) of reintroduced captive-bred Red-billed Curassows in the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest. We also review studies about the effects of different VHF radio transmitter models on survival, reproduction, behavior, and physiology of Galliformes.  相似文献   

张洪茂 《动物学杂志》2019,54(5):754-765
食物贮藏是许多动物应对食物短缺、保障其生存和繁衍的一种适应性行为。保护好贮藏食物以供食物短缺期利用,是食物贮藏成功的标志和进化动力。同种或异种动物盗食是贮藏食物损失的重要原因。嗅觉、视觉与空间记忆、随机搜寻等是动物搜寻和盗取食物的重要手段;避免盗食、阻止盗食和容忍盗食是动物反盗食的重要策略。动物通常采用多种行为策略进行盗食和反盗食,分配食物资源,形成相对稳定的种内、种间关系。盗食与反盗食互作及其对贮食行为进化的意义已成为行为生态学的研究热点和前沿之一,针对鸟类和哺乳类动物的研究尤为丰富。本文总结了贮食动物常见的盗食和反盗食行为策略及其相互作用的研究进展,主要内容涉及贮食动物利用嗅觉、视觉与空间记忆、随机搜寻等盗取其他个体食物的盗食策略,以及通过隐藏、转移、保卫、容忍等方式减少被盗食,保护贮藏食物的行为策略。针对现有研究状况,从种间盗食与反盗食及其与物种共存的关系,种间非对称盗食关系及其适应意义,盗食与反盗食最适行为策略及其与贮食动物适合度的关系等方面对今后研究提出了建议。  相似文献   

Florida scrub‐jays are cooperative breeders that live in family groups consisting of a breeding pair, often with several non‐breeding helpers. Florida scrub‐jays cache food by scatter‐hoarding items for later consumption. Within family groups, members have the opportunity to observe and pilfer the caches of other members. We observed jays harvesting experimentally provisioned peanuts alone and in the presence of other family members, to determine whether jays modify their food‐handling behavior relative to social context. Non‐breeding helpers were less likely to cache in the presence of the dominant male breeder than when alone and all jays tended to cache out of sight when observed by another jay. These changes in caching behavior are consistent with cache protection strategies employed by other species. However, the adaptive value of such cache protection within a sedentary cooperatively breeding family group on a year‐round territory is unclear.  相似文献   

We examined the proximate mechanisms of cache retrieval in the group‐living, southern flying squirrel, Glaucomys volans, through a series of behavioral experiments conducted in a large indoor arena. The effectiveness of several retrieval mechanisms was determined including spatial memory, olfaction, random searching and a heuristic under different environmental conditions. Our goal was to elucidate the hoarding strategy of individuals in a nest group and to address whether food storing individuals possess a retrieval advantage over pilfering nestmates. A storer's retrieval advantage is necessary for scatter hoarding to be an evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) within aggregations of unrelated individuals. Our previous work has shown that, G. volans lives in such groups, and consequently it was important to address the storer's retrieval advantage under a range of environmental conditions. Initially in our baseline experiment, we developed methods to eliminate olfactory‐based retrieval and to control for random searching. Subsequently, we experimentally determined the effectiveness of cache retrieval via spatial memory, a heuristic and olfaction. We examined the mechanisms of cache retrieval in three additional experiments using two independent subject populations and found that under dry, odorless conditions spatial memory was the most effective retrieval mechanism in support of a storer's retrieval advantage. In a fifth experiment we examined cache retrieval under wet environmental conditions and showed that olfactory‐based retrieval was effective and the storer's advantage was reduced. We interpret these laboratory results based on considerations of natural environmental conditions and game theory. We propose a conditional ESS strategy where animals store and retrieve their own caches as the primary food hoarding tactic and opportunistically pilfer caches as a secondary tactic.  相似文献   

Many felids are threatened by loss of habitat, lack of genetic diversity, and over-exploitation. The reintroduction of bobcats (Felis rufus) to Cumberland Island, Georgia provided an opportunity to reintroduce a mid-sized felid without the concern for species survival that is paramount with endangered species. We captured bobcats from the coastal plain region of Georgia, briefly held them in captivity, and released them on Cumberland Island. We describe and evaluate the protocols and techniques used to accomplish the reintroduction. Future reintroductions of felids should consider the problem of post-release dispersal, although our island was relatively isolated and inhibited dispersal. Also, any reintroduction effort should invest effort and resources into post-release monitoring of the population. Empirical knowledge about the effects of spatial distribution, genetics, population dynamics, especially mechanisms of population regulation, behavior, and environmental conditions on the viability of populations is critical to the conservation of endangered species. Future research of the bobcats on Cumberland Island will be able to address aspects of the population and genetic dynamics of a small, insular felid population.  相似文献   

Current dynamic optimization models predict that animals shouldrespond to cache pilferage by decreasing the probability ofcaching food and by increasing internal fat storage to compensatefor a reduction in cache size. We tested these predictions underlaboratory conditions with variable food access (four 15-minintervals/day). Carolina chickadees (Poecile carolinensis) weresubjected to two environments: under pilferage conditions, one-quarterof their cached seeds were stolen every 0.5 h, and under no-pilferageconditions, seeds were left in place. Half the birds startedwith pilferage conditions and were then switched to the no-pilferagecondition; the other half started with no pilferage and werethen switched to pilferage conditions. The experiment was conductedover the course of a year to test for seasonal variation inthe response to seed pilferage. The birds responded to seedpilferage by taking more seeds from a feeder, suggesting thatthey monitored cache availability. Alternatively, the birdsmay have taken additional seeds from the feeder in responseto increased hunger caused by a loss of cached food. Contraryto our prediction, birds cached a higher percentage of seedsfrom the feeder when cached seeds were pilfered than when cacheswere left in place. Treatment order also affected caching behaviorfor all but the summer birds: chickadees initially subjectedto pilferage stored a higher proportion of seeds than thoseinitially subjected to no pilferage. Caching percentages inthe summer were unaffected by cache pilferage. Caching rates(number cached/day) also followed the same trends: rates werehigher when seeds were pilfered than when seeds were not pilfered,and there was a treatment-order effect for all but the summerbirds. Variation in body mass also failed to match predictedtrends. All birds exhibited a monotonic increase in mass asthe experiments proceeded, irrespective of treatment order.Controlling for this monotonic increase in mass, an analysisof residual variation in body mass indicated that birds gainedless weight when seeds were pilfered than when seeds were leftin place. Finally, birds tested in the fall and spring wereheavier than those tested in the summer. These results failto support the relationship between cache maintenance and bodymass regulation predicted by current models of energy regulation.We discuss the applicability of three hypotheses for the observedtrends.  相似文献   

本文针对濒危植物居群的遗传多样性、生殖适合度、基因流、近交和远交衰退等遗传学问题在居群恢复过程中的应用进行了探讨。濒危植物居群的回归重建,既面临遗传多样性的迅速丧失、近交衰退等遗传风险,还因回归引种地存在较多近缘种而带来远交衰退的风险,最终导致遗传适应性降低,生境适应性变窄,繁殖和竞争能力减弱。为提高濒危物种保护的质量和效率,在构建回归居群时,应分批次从同一来源居群的不同母株采集材料,确保种源的遗传纯正性和遗传组成的多样性,还应使回归居群尽可能远离近缘广布种。另外,还需要对回归种群进行持续的监测和管理才能保证回归引种的成功。  相似文献   

We experimentally tested the conditions where heterospecific attraction is more likely to occur. The heterospecific attraction hypothesis predicts that colonizing or migrant individuals use the presence of resident species as a cue for profitable breeding sites. In other words, increasing resident densities will result in increased migrant densities until the costs of interspecific competition override the benefits of heterospecific attraction. The experiment consisted of a reference and a manipulation year. In the reference year, resident titmice were permitted to breed at intermediate densities whilst in the manipulation year, resident densities were manipulated in nine study plots. Three treatments were performed as low, intermediate and high resident densities and migrant density responses were measured in both years. Relative between-year migrant and resident densities were analyzed by regression analysis. Migrant foliage gleaning guild densities responded linearly and positively, as did densities of habitat generalists, in particular Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs),. The ground-foraging guild did not show a response. This study provides support for predictions of the heterospecific attraction hypothesis and suggests that information on habitat quality with reference to both food availability and safe breeding sites are important in using heterospecifics as cues. Based on Chaffinch response data, artificially increased resident densities were not high enough for competitive effects between residents and migrants to decrease heterospecific attraction. It seems unlikely that in northern environments natural resident densities will reach high levels where competitive effects would occur, therefore heterospecific attraction will always be beneficial. This study again shows the importance of heterospecific attraction in migrant habitat selection and as a process promoting species diversity in northern breeding bird assemblages.  相似文献   

Cayuela  Hugo  Grolet  Odile  Joly  Pierre 《Oecologia》2018,188(4):1069-1080

Dispersal is one of the main processes that determine community structure. Individuals make dispersal decisions according to environmental and/or social cues that reflect the fitness prospects in a given patch. The presence and abundance of heterospecifics within the same ecological guild, and/or their breeding success, may act as public information that influences movement decisions. To date, most studies investigating the role of heterospecific attraction have focused on habitat choice, using both experimental and correlational approaches. The present study is the first to examine how long-term variation in heterospecific density in breeding patches may affect dispersal patterns in spatially structured populations. We investigate how the dispersal decisions of the great crested newt (Triturus cristatus) are related to the variable density of two other newt species, the alpine newt (Ichthyosaura alpestris) and the palmate newt (Lissotriton helveticus). To examine this issue, we used capture–recapture data collected in an experimental pond network over a 20-year period. The results revealed that the great crested newt’s dispersal is context dependent and is affected by variation in heterospecific density: individuals were less likely to emigrate from ponds with high heterospecific density and were more likely to immigrate to ponds with high heterospecific density. These findings suggest that individuals adjust their dispersal decisions at least partly based on public information provided by heterospecifics. This mechanism may play a critical role in the dynamics of spatially structured populations and community functioning.


Reproductive character displacement is the adaptive evolution of traits that minimize deleterious reproductive interactions between species. When arising from selection to avoid hybridization, this process is referred to as reinforcement. Reproductive character displacement generates divergence not only between interacting species, but also between conspecific populations that are sympatric with heterospecifics versus those that are allopatric. Consequently, such conspecific populations can become reproductively isolated. We compared female mate preferences in, and evaluated gene flow between, neighbouring populations of spadefoot toads that did and did not occur with heterospecifics (mixed- and pure-species populations, respectively). We found that in mixed-species populations females significantly preferred conspecifics. Such females also tended to prefer a conspecific call character that was dissimilar from heterospecifics. By contrast, females from pure-species populations did not discriminate conspecific from heterospecific calls. They also preferred a more exaggerated conspecific call character that resembles heterospecific males. Moreover, gene flow was significantly reduced between mixed- and pure-species population types. Thus, character displacement (and, more specifically, reinforcement) may initiate reproductive isolation between conspecific populations that differ in interactions with heterospecifics.  相似文献   

It is generally considered that limiting the loss of genetic diversity in reintroduced populations is essential to optimize the chances of success of population restoration. Indeed, to counter founder effect in a reintroduced population we should maximize the genetic variability within the founding group but also take into account networks of natural populations in the choice of the reintroduction area. However, assessment of relevant reintroduction strategies requires long-term post-release genetic monitoring. In this study, we analyzed genetic data from a network of native and reintroduced Griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus) populations successfully restored in Southern Europe. Using microsatellite markers, we characterized the level of genetic diversity and degree of genetic structure within and among three native colonies, four captive founding groups and one long-term monitored reintroduced population. We also used Bayesian assignment analysis to examine recent genetic connections between the reintroduced population and the other populations. We aimed to assess the level of fragmentation among native populations, the effectiveness of random choice of founders to retain genetic variability of the species, the loss of genetic diversity in the reintroduced population and the effect of gene flow on this founder effect. Our results indicate that genetic diversity was similar in all populations but we detected signs of recent isolation for one native population. The reintroduced population showed a high immigration rate that limited loss of genetic diversity. Genetic investigations performed in native populations and post-released genetic monitoring have direct implications for founder choice and release design.  相似文献   

啮齿动物对植物种子的多次贮藏   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
啮齿动物对种子的多次搬运和贮藏是极为复杂的行为过程,既是对自己贮藏物进行管理、防御竞争者盗食的一种策略,也是盗食其它个体贮藏物的一种食物利用方式。此外,啮齿动物多次贮藏种子的过程实际上也是植物种子的多阶段扩散过程,因而对植物更新产生重要影响。本文综述了啮齿动物对植物种子多次贮藏的研究进展,分析了多次贮藏种子的原因,并从啮齿动物与植物的相互关系上探讨其生态学意义。  相似文献   

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