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Reproductive characteristics of siahmahi, Capoeta damascina (Valenciennes, 1842), a native cyprinid in the Zayandeh‐Roud River, were investigated by monthly sampling from March 2007 to April 2008. Among 689 specimens captured, the overall sex ratio was 1 : 1.57 (males : females). Males matured at age 2+. Females matured between ages 4 and 6, with 100% maturity at age 7+. Based on the gonadosomatic index (GSI), the reproductive period peaked between May and June. Histological and macroscopic characteristics of the gonad indicated the species to be group‐synchronous. Absolute fecundity varied greatly with female size, ranging 2520 to 72 650 (mean 24 800 ± 17 800) eggs for females 25.5–54.2 cm TL and weighing 320–2340 g. Fecundity increased with fish age, averages being 9446 ± 8028 for 4+ old females and 54 503 ± 13 803 eggs in mature 8+ year old females.  相似文献   

The daily periodicity of growth increment formation in sagittal otoliths of jack mackerel Trachurus japonicus was validated by marking otoliths with alizarin complexone (ALC). Analysis of otoliths of known‐age juveniles confirmed that the first increment formed on day 3 after hatching, and was associated with first feeding. A total of 198 specimens, ranging from 2·6 to 49·2 mm in body length (notochord length or standard length) and from 7 to 78 days in age, were collected in the East China Sea and Tosa Bay, and used to examine the association between otolith morphological development and ontogenetic development. The relationship between body length ( L ) and otolith radius ( R ) was significantly described by the linear function L  = 2·65 + 0·0425 R ( n  = 198, r 2 = 0·99, P  < 0·001), indicating that somatic growth history can be reconstructed from otolith growth patterns. The otolith was primarily spherical in the preflexion larval stage, and became elongated with notochord flexion. The first secondary primordium formed at c . 25 days, during the middle postflexion stage, and was associated with metamorphosis. By c . 42 days the sagittal otolith was adult‐like in morphology, with the primary growth zone enclosed by the marginal growth zone, except in the anterior rostrum area. Thus age, growth and developmental stages were recorded in sagittal otoliths during the larval and early juvenile stages of jack mackerel.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology and gonad cycle of three Cyprinid fish species:Barbus canis (Valenciennes, 1842),B. longiceps (Valenciennes, 1842) andCapoeta damascina (Valenciennes, 1842), in the upper Jordan River system of Israel were studied by monthly sampling over a two-year period. The reproductive activity of the three species was found to peak from January to April, mostly involving upstream migration towards spawning grounds on river beds 400–900 m above the Jordan River. Hybrids of the three species were collected in nature: in those ofBarbus canis ×Capoeta damascina, the gonads possessed both types of gametes, spermatogonia and oogonia, all of which became arrested at an early stage of development, and infertile; in hybrids of detected in nature, males had oocytes dispersed in the testis, whereas in females, the ovaries had small islets of spermatogonial tissue. In these female hybrids the oocytes ripened normally and spawning occurred.  相似文献   

Several trends were found in comparisons of rates of growth and development of larvae of four coral-reef damselfishes ( Chromis atripectoralis, Pomacentrus amboinensis, Premnas biaculeatus, Acanthochromis polyacanthus ), which were reared under constant temperature conditions in the laboratory, and which varied in their early life stage durations (respectively, egg stage durations were 2, 4, 7, 16; larval stage durations were 25, 23, 14, 0). Parameters measured included standard length, muscle area, eye diameter, and selected stages of retinal development, olfactory development, and skeletal ossification. Rates of ossification and olfactory development were inversely related to growth rate (in length and muscle area) among most species. Rates of eye growth and retinal development were also negatively correlated among all species. These results are consistent with the concept of a trade-off between growth and development. We observed a positive relationship between egg stage duration and developmental rate, and a negative correlation between larval stage duration and developmental rate. Acanthochromis developed slower than predicted by the general trends, although retinal development was very rapid. Specific retinal stages correlated with settlement, regardless of ontogenetic rates. Olfactory development was especially rapid in the anemonefish Premnas biaculeatus , which imprints to olfactory cues as an embryo. Skeletal ossification was rapid in species with pelagic larvae, and much slower in the benthic brooder. Literature-derived data on size and age at hatching and settlement from > 40 species of tropical pomacentrids were transformed into growth and developmental rates; correlations of these literature-derived parameters were mostly consistent with our controlled four-species comparison.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, The Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 80 , 187−206.  相似文献   

The embryonic and larval development ofCobitis takatsuensis, a mountain stream spinous loach, was surveyed by incubating artificially inseminated eggs. The mean diameter of the inflated eggs and mean total length of newly-hatched larvae were 2.7 mm and 5.7 mm, respectively. The eggs were spherical, transparent and unpigmented, with a pale yellow yolk and no oil globule. The daily cumulative temperature to hatching was estimated to be 70–110°C. day. Hatched larvae were unpigmented with outer gill filaments on their cheeks, as in otherCobitis species, but the melanophores were comparatively less obvious at each developmental stage. The larvae started feeding eleven days after hatching yolk absorption being completed sixteen days after hatching. All the fin rays were fully developed and the juvenile stage reached at 16 mm TL, 38 days after hatching. Embryonic and larval developmental traits ofC. takatsuensis, such as egg size, clutch size and larval pigmentation, were similar to the Korean species,Niwaella multifasciata, that lives in the upper reaches of the Nak-tong river, andN. delicata, which inhabits Japanese mountain streams, rather than to its congeners. Among cobitine fishes, the spawning of a small number of larger eggs yielding larger larvae without pigmentation, characteristics shared byC. takatsuensis, N. multifasciata andN. delicata, is attributable to adaptation to cold mountain streams.  相似文献   

The embryonic and early larval development of laboratory reared Zagros tooth‐carp, Aphanius vladykovi Coad, 1988, are described and illustrated. Development and embryogenesis start with the external fertilization of sticky, transparent and spherical telolecithal/macrolecithal eggs with a mean diameter of 1.61± 0.12 mm and it continues with meroblastic/radial cleavage, blastulation/blastula formation, epibolic cell migration during gastrulation and organogenesis resulting in a newly hatched larvae of 5.23 ± 0.09 mm in length with attached yolk sac at about 164 hr (at 24 ± 1°C) after fertilization.  相似文献   

Using the non‐native sunbleak Leucaspius delineatus as a model, the relationship between ontogeny and ecology was studied with a view to identifying specific morphological and physiological processes involved in influencing ecological niche shifts. Following a predefined saltatory model for the early ontogeny of sunbleak, field studies examined the temporal use of microhabitat, diet and morphological changes throughout early development. Following a dramatic shift in both morphology and ecology between the free embryo phase and the larval period, habitat use and diet showed little change during the larval period, with habitat use confined to marginal, vegetated areas and prey items associated with these habitats well represented in the diet. During the final larval step (L5), transition to the juvenile period resulted in the stabilization of relative growth, acquisition of the adult morphotype and was associated with a clear shift in diet and habitat use. During this period, sunbleak moved for the first time into open, deeper water, away from the banks, and utilized a similar range of food items to the adults. Specific relationships between form and function are further discussed.  相似文献   

Pyrgomorpha vignaudii (Guérin‐Méneville, 1849) is a pest of a wide variety of crop plants in Africa. To facilitate the search for a sustainable strategy against this pest, we have studied the post‐embryonic development, morphology and reproduction on Manihot esculenta in the laboratory. Five‐hundred and two larvae at the first stage of development obtained in the laboratory were individually reared in cages. Post‐embryonic development passed through seven stages. The total number of days spent for larval development varied from 77 to 108. The mean duration of development of stages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 larvae were, respectively, 16.48 ± 0.43, 14.40 ± 0.55, 13.70 ± 0.61, 15.07 ± 0.84, 15.21 ± 1.31 and 16.21 ± 1.27 days. After the final molt, the females of P. vignaudii take an average of 12.7 ± 1.04 days before the first mating. The time between the first mating and first oviposition ranged from 14 to 34 days (averagely 25.2 ± 4.62 days). The females realized one to nine ovipositions during their lives. The number of eggs per egg‐pods (ootheca) varied from 16 to 93 with a mean of 45.31 ± 3.51. Our results provide valuable information for the search for a control strategy against P. vignaudii.  相似文献   

We investigated early larval development in the notostracan Triops cancriformis (Bosc, 1801–1802) raised from dried cysts under laboratory conditions. We document the five earliest stages using scanning electron microscopy. The stage I larva is a typical nauplius, lecithotropic and without trunk limbs. The stage II larva is feeding and has trunk limb precursors and a larger carapace. Stage III larvae have larger trunk limbs and a more adult shape. Stage IV larvae have well developed trunk limbs, and stage V larvae show atrophy of the antennae. We describe the ontogeny of selected features such as trunk limbs and carapace, discuss ontogeny and homologization of head appendages, follow the development of the feeding mechanism, and discuss trunk limb ontogeny.  相似文献   

Testicular ultrastructure was studied in Barbus longiceps, Capoeta damascina and their natural hybrid. The testes of these teleosts belong to the unrestricted or lobular type. Germ cell morphology is similar in the parental males. In the hybrid, spermatogenesis does not extend beyond the pachytene of the first meiotic division, probably due to the unsuccessful pairing of the homologous chromosomes. Hybrid testes are occupied mainly by degenerating primary spermatocytes, at the leptotene and pachytene stages. In both parents and the hybrid, Sertoli and Leydig cells are characterized by the presence of granular endoplasmic reticulum and of mitochondria with tubular cristae. Due to the arrest of spermatogenesis, the male germ cell protective barrier is absent in the hybrid. Germ cell nuclear size was measured by a computerized analysis system, using light-microscopy images. In the parents and the hybrid, germ cells attain a uniform inter-individual nuclear size when they reach the first meiotic prophase. The nuclear size of primary spermatocytes is similar among the three groups of fish, possibly reflecting their close genetic relationship.  相似文献   

The artificially reared bagrid catfish Mystus nemurus was observed for the histological development of the pineal organ and retina and photoresponse in a test tank at hatching to 14?d after hatching. The pineal organ was functional at hatching, and the lens-like tissue was partly ossified forming a pineal window at 6?d. The retina became morphologically functional when the outer segments of single cones were formed, and the eyes were innervated with the optic tectum at 18?h and rods were formed at 36?h. Long and thin single cones were not observed. The larvae exhibited undirected kinetic movement at hatching to 12?h and directed tactic swimming away from a torch after 18?h in response to a torch light. The photoresponse of the larvae was negative at hatching to 30?h and at 6?d to the end of the observation at 14?d, but neutral during a period at 36?h to 5?d. It was evident that the kinetic movement was mediated by light perception with the pineal organ, which was not capable of detecting directed signal information, and that the larvae were capable of directed tactic movement only when vision was involved. The vigorous negative phototaxis at 6–14?d was attributed to the improvement of photosensitivity of the retina and the pineal organ.  相似文献   

Newton (in: Wheeler, Q.; Blackwell, M. (eds), Fungus-Insect Relationships: Perspectives in Ecology and Evolution . New York: Columbia University Press, pp. 302–353, 1984) characterized five types of Sepedophilus larvae based on head structures and the external and internal features of the head of larvae of Sepedophilus type C are described in detail herein. A functional interpretation of structures involved with feeding is made on the basis of morphological and behavioural observations. Types C and D larvae possess tube-like epipharyngeal structures resembling dipteran labial pseudotrachea, which may play an important role in a specialized liquid-feeding process. Based on a preliminary analysis of head characters delimited by Newton (1984) it is shown that mycophagy has evolved once from a predatory ancestor, although some Sepedophilus groups may have mixed feeding strategies. The epipharyngeal tubes are demonstrated to be unique to mycophagous Sepedophilus in Coleoptera whereas the overall head structure is very similar to mycophagous larvae in the family Sphindidae.  相似文献   

Larvae and juveniles of long sardine, Triportheus auritus, from the lower Amazon river was described, evaluating ontogenetic changes in their external mor­phology, pigmentation, fin development, morphometry, and meristics. A total of 93 individuals, 83 larvae and 10 juveniles were analyzed, they were captured monthly between 2014 and 2019 in the Amazon river channel and in macrophytes aquatic stands in the alluvial plains located in the lower Amazon River. From each specimen, morphometric and meristic data were measured and then the growth pattern between morphometric variables was analyzed. The larvae have an elongated body in a fusiform shape, superior mouth, simple nostril, pigmented spherical eyes and long intestine, surpassing the median region of the body. Initial pigmentation is scarce, but intensifies through development forming a pattern composed of three longitudinal bands concentrated in the ventral, cephalo-dorsal and lateral line regions. There are also pigments in the mandible, surrounding the mouth, under the swim bladder, intestine and fins. The sequence of complete fin formation is: caudal, anal, dorsal, pectoral and pelvic. The total number of myomeres ranged from 45 to 48 (25–29 preanal and 17–22 postanal). Morphometric relationships indicated differential growth for measurable morphometric parameters, with abrupt growth of snout length, head length and body height in the transition from flexion to postflexion stages. The pre-dorsal distance showed a decrease in the growth rate at the threshold from the larval to the juvenile period. The pre-pectoral and pre-anal distances showed negative allometric growth. In conclusion, the combination of body shape pigmentation pattern and, the formation sequence of fins allow the identification of the genus and coupled with the number of myomeres, morphometric relationships, and ray numbers of the anal fin ensure the differentiation of T. auritus from the other congeneric species. The metamorphosis occurred mainly at the end of the larval period and it is related to changes in the physiological and ecomorphological characteristics of the species.  相似文献   

Morphological changes during postembryonic development in the Cranaidae are described on the basis of the examination of an incomplete series of larvae, nymphs, and adults of Phareicranaus calcariferus and Santinezia serratotibialis. The life histories of these species are hypothesized to consist of six nymphal stages, featuring the appearance of secondary male sexual characteristics in the antepenultimate nymph (N5). Color and body shape change dramatically during development. Growth rates for nymphs based upon leg measurements were similar for both species. In S. serratotibialis, the greatest increase in leg size occurred from larva to 1st nymph. The tarsomeres of legs I–IV varied by 1–2 segments per leg for each nymph stage, with the number of tarsal segments increased by 1–2 segments at each stage. Adults had nearly twice as many tarsomeres on leg II than other legs. Ontogenetic changes were observed in the armature of the proximal cheliceral segment, ocularium, pedipalp, opisthosoma, distitarsus III and IV, and leg IV. Morphological changes in postembryonic development in cranaid harvestmen are similar to those reported for other Laniatores. J. Morphol., 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Ontogenetic studies of the eggs and larvae of fish can provide information on the initial life history and biology of a species, are important for taxonomic and evolutionary studies, and for cultivation in captivity. The aim of this study was to analyze and describe the main morphological differences in the larval ontogeny of Pseudoplatystoma reticulatum, Leiarius marmoratus, and its hybrid (♀ P. reticulatum × ♂ L. marmoratus), as well as to identify characteristics that can identify the species and their hybrid at the larvae and juvenile stages. 205 L. marmoratus, 210 P. reticulatum, and 205 hybrid specimens were analyzed, all of which were obtained through induced reproduction. Analyses were performed from hatching to 30 days post-hatching. 19 morphometric and 5 meristic characteristics were evaluated, in addition to chromatophore shape and distribution. The specimens were classified into two life periods: Larval (stages: yolk sac, pre-flexion, flexion, and post-flexion) and Juvenile. Newly hatched larvae were transparent, poorly developed, and had a scarcity of chromatophores. During the early stages of larval development, the three groups showed similarities in appearance and proportional dimensions. However, at both the end of the post-flexion stage and at the juvenile period when individuals were approximately 2 cm long, it was possible to differentiate between hybrids and their parental species by their morphometric, meristic, and pigment characteristics. The hybrid, despite occupying an intermediate position in relationship to its parents, exhibited a shape and size more similar to P. reticulatum, its maternal parent.  相似文献   

The European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax is a marine teleost important in Mediterranean aquaculture. The development of the entire digestive tract of D. labrax , including the pharynx, was investigated from early embryonic development to day 5 post hatching (dph), when the mouth opens. The digestive tract is initialized at stage 12 somites independently from two distinct infoldings of the endodermal sheet. In the pharyngeal region, the anterior infolding forms the pharynx and the first gill slits at stage 25 somites. The other three gill arches and slits are formed between 1 and 5 dph. Posteriorly, in the gut tube region, a posterior infolding forms the foregut, midgut and hindgut. The anus opens before hatching, at stage 28 somites. Associated organs (liver, pancreas and gall bladder) are all discernable from 3 dph. Some aspects of the development of the two independent initial infoldings seem original compared with data in the literature. These results are discussed and compared with embryonic and post-embryonic development patterns in other teleosts.  相似文献   

As a part of a project to compare phylogenetically the larval or embryonic development of all major taxa of the Branchiopoda (Crustacea), the larval development of the Japanese spinicaudatan clam shrimp Eulimnadia braueriana Ishikawa, 1895, is described. Seven naupliar stages are recognized, based mainly on significant morphological differences between them, but in one case, on size alone. The seven stages range in length from 156 µm to 760 µm. Nauplius 1 is nonfeeding with incompletely developed and nonfunctional feeding structures. Nauplius 2 has apparently functional feeding structures, including a well-developed mandibular gnathobase, setulate protopodal endites of the antennae, and setules on various setae involved in swimming and food manipulation. Nauplius 3 is morphologically identical to Nauplius 2, but more than 50% larger. In nauplius 4, the coxal endite (naupliar process) of the antennae develops a bifid tip. Nauplius 5 has a lateral pair of primordial carapace lobes, and the first 4–5 pairs of trunk limb buds are weakly developed, making the anterior part of the trunk wider than the posterior. In nauplius 6, five pairs of trunk limb buds are visible externally and a small carapace has appeared, reaching approximately to trunk limbs 2; also, the pair of large buds behind the mandibles in previous stages has become divided into a large, anterior, setose bud and two smaller, posterior buds. The identities of these structures as either paragnaths or maxillules/maxillae remain uncertain. In nauplius 7, about six pairs of trunk limb buds are visible externally. The general morphology of the nauplius larvae of E. braueriana is much like those of the well-known Limnadia lenticularis (Linnaeus, 1758) and Eulimnadia texana Packard, 1871, including an elongate, lanceolate labrum; however, because of various heterochronies, the correspondence between the larval sequences of these species is not perfect. There is even less correspondence with the 5-stage larval development reported for Limnadia stanleyana King, 1855, and the spatulate labra of that species and Jmnadia spp. are different from those of other known limnadiid nauplii. The larvae of E. braueriana possess many typical (and synapomorphic) branchiopod features, such as the general morphology of the appendages involved in feeding and the mode of trunk limb development, while the small buds of the first antennae and the exact number and development of the parts of the trunk limbs are typical for the Spinicaudata.  相似文献   

Development in the osteocranium of Corydoras aeneus was studied based on 48 cleared and stained specimens and 10 series of serial sections. Development overall follows the general trends observed in siluriform development, with ossifications appearing as a response to functional demands. Early development of the skull occurs in two distinct phases. In a first phase, several new bony elements, all of dermal origin and related to feeding, appear shortly after yolk depletion (4.4 mm SL). Between 5 and 8 mm SL, developmental priorities seem to shift to size increase of the cartilaginous skull and no new bony elements appear. Finally, a second phase of osteogenesis occurs from 8 to 18 mm SL, in which all remaining dermal and perichondral bones appear. J. Morphol. 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

1. Conservation of the federally endangered Roanoke logperch (Percina rex, Jordan and Evermann) necessitates protection of habitat that is critical for all age classes. We examined habitat use patterns of individual logperch to determine: (1) if age classes of logperch in the Nottoway and Roanoke Rivers exhibit habitat selectivity, (2) if age classes differ in habitat use, and (3) if ontogenetic patterns of habitat use differ between the Roanoke and Nottoway river populations. 2. In the summers of 2000 and 2001, we observed 17 young‐of‐year (YOY) logperch [<4 cm total length (TL)], 13 subadult logperch (4–8 cm TL), and 49 adult logperch (>8 cm TL) in the upper Roanoke River, and 40 subadult and 39 adult logperch in the Nottoway River, Virginia. 3. All size classes of Roanoke logperch demonstrated habitat selectivity and logperch used a wide range of habitats in the Roanoke and Nottoway rivers during ontogeny. Habitat use by logperch varied among age classes and between rivers. 4. In the Roanoke River, adult and subadult logperch primarily preferred run and riffle habitat, often over gravel substrate. Subadults were found in lower water velocities and slightly more embedded microhabitats than adults. YOY logperch were found in shallow, stagnant backwaters and secondary channels. In the Nottoway River, both adult and subadult logperch were found over sand and gravel in deep, low‐velocity pools and runs. Subadults were observed in slightly more silted, lower velocity habitat than adults. Shifts in habitat use were more distinct between age classes in the Roanoke River than the Nottoway River. 5. Successful conservation of this species will involve sound understanding of spatial variation in habitat use over logperch life history and preservation of the ecological processes that preserve required habitat mosaics.  相似文献   

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