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The acetogens Sporomusa silvacetica, Moorella thermoacetica, Clostridium magnum, Acetobacterium woodii, and Thermoanaerobacter kivui (i) grew in both semisolid and liquid cultivation media containing O(2) and (ii) consumed small amounts of O(2). Low concentrations of O(2) caused a lag phase in growth but did not alter the ability of these acetogens to synthesize acetate via the acetyl coenzyme A pathway. Cell extracts of S. silvacetica, M. thermoacetica, and C. magnum contained peroxidase and NADH oxidase activities; catalase and superoxide dismutase activities were not detected.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2021,31(24):5547-5557.e6
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Cross-feeding interactions, in which bacterial cells exchange costly metabolites to the benefit of both interacting partners, are very common in the microbial world. However, it generally remains unclear what maintains this type of interaction in the presence of non-cooperating types. We investigate this problem using synthetic cross-feeding interactions: by simply deleting two metabolic genes from the genome of Escherichia coli, we generated genotypes that require amino acids to grow and release other amino acids into the environment. Surprisingly, in a vast majority of cases, cocultures of two cross-feeding strains showed an increased Darwinian fitness (that is, rate of growth) relative to prototrophic wild type cells—even in direct competition. This unexpected growth advantage was due to a division of metabolic labour: the fitness cost of overproducing amino acids was less than the benefit of not having to produce others when they were provided by their partner. Moreover, frequency-dependent selection maintained cross-feeding consortia and limited exploitation by non-cooperating competitors. Together, our synthetic study approach reveals ecological principles that can help explain the widespread occurrence of obligate metabolic cross-feeding interactions in nature.  相似文献   

The process of Sister Chromosome Cohesion (SCC), which holds together sister chromatids upon replication, is essential for chromosome segregation and DNA repair in eukaryotic cells. Although cohesion at the molecular level has never been described in E. coli, previous studies have reported that sister sequences remain co-localized for a period after their replication. Here, we have developed a new genetic recombination assay that probes the ability of newly replicated chromosome loci to interact physically. We show that Sister Chromatid Interaction (SCI) occurs exclusively within a limited time frame after replication. Importantly, we could differentiate sister cohesion and co-localization since factors such as MatP and MukB that reduced the co-localization of markers had no effect on molecular cohesion. The frequency of sister chromatid interactions were modulated by the activity of Topo-IV, revealing that DNA topology modulates cohesion at the molecular scale in bacteria.  相似文献   

Emulsions of the fatty acids linoleic (C18:2 n-6), alpha-linolenic (C18:3 n-3) and arachidonic acid (C20:4 n-6) were incubated for 4 h under anaerobic conditions with human faecal suspensions. Linoleic acid was significantly decreased (P < 0.001) and there was a significant rise (P < 0.05) in its hydrogenation product, stearic acid. Linolenic acid was also significantly decreased (P < 0.01), and significant increases in C18:3 cis-trans isomers (P < 0.01) and linoleic acid (P < 0.05) were seen. With each acid, there were non-significant increases in acids considered to be intermediates in biohydrogenation. The study provides evidence that bacteria from the human colon can hydrogenate C18 essential polyunsaturated fatty acids. However, with arachidonic acid there was no evidence of hydrogenation.  相似文献   

The degree of protein enrichment of sweet potato residue by different amylolytic moulds in solid-state cultivation was much greater than that obtained using amylolytic yeasts. The optimum initial moisture content for protein enrichment was about 65% (w/w). Adding nitrogen sources to the culture twice (at the start of the incubation and after 24 h) considerably improved the final protein content. A co-culture of amylolytic mycelial fungi yielded a product with 32% (w/w) crude protein after 4 days' incubation at 30°C. In a column reactor, the highest temperatures reached were 42°C and 40°C and the minimum O2 concentrations were 1.5% and 2.5% of full saturation in the central and bottom layers, respectively.  相似文献   

Dietary carbohydrates have the potential to influence diverse functional groups of bacteria within the human large intestine. Of 12 Bifidobacterium strains of human gut origin from seven species tested, four grew in pure culture on starch and nine on fructo-oligosaccharides. The potential for metabolic cross-feeding between Bifidobacterium adolescentis and lactate-utilizing, butyrate-producing Firmicute bacteria related to Eubacterium hallii and Anaerostipes caccae was investigated in vitro. E. hallii L2-7 and A. caccae L1-92 failed to grow on starch in pure culture, but in coculture with B. adolescentis L2-32 butyrate was formed, indicating cross-feeding of metabolites to the lactate utilizers. Studies with [(13)C]lactate confirmed carbon flow from lactate, via acetyl coenzyme A, to butyrate both in pure cultures of E. hallii and in cocultures with B. adolescentis. Similar results were obtained in cocultures involving B. adolescentis DSM 20083 with fructo-oligosaccharides as the substrate. Butyrate formation was also stimulated, however, in cocultures of B. adolescentis L2-32 grown on starch or fructo-oligosaccharides with Roseburia sp. strain A2-183, which produces butyrate but does not utilize lactate. This is probably a consequence of the release by B. adolescentis of oligosaccharides that are available to Roseburia sp. strain A2-183. We conclude that two distinct mechanisms of metabolic cross-feeding between B. adolescentis and butyrate-forming bacteria may operate in gut ecosystems, one due to consumption of fermentation end products (lactate and acetate) and the other due to cross-feeding of partial breakdown products from complex substrates.  相似文献   

The diversity and function of sponge-associated symbionts is now increasingly understood; however, we lack an understanding of how they dynamically behave to ensure holobiont stability in the face of environmental variation. Here, we performed a metatransciptomic analysis on three microbial symbionts of the sponge Cymbastela concentrica in situ over 14 months and through differential gene expression and correlation analysis to environmental variables uncovered differences that speak to their metabolic activities and level of symbiotic and environmental interactions. The nitrite-oxidizing Ca. Porinitrospira cymbastela maintained a seemingly stable metabolism, with the few differentially expressed genes related only to stress responses. The heterotrophic Ca. Porivivens multivorans displayed differential use of holobiont-derived compounds and respiration modes, while the ammonium-oxidizing archaeon Ca. Nitrosopumilus cymbastelus differentially expressed genes related to phosphate metabolism and symbiosis effectors. One striking similarity between the symbionts was their similar variation in expression of stress-related genes. Our time-series study showed that the microbial community of C. concentrica undertakes dynamic gene expression adjustments in response to the surroundings, tuned to deal with general stress and metabolic interactions between holobiont members. The success of these dynamic adjustments likely underpins the stability of the sponge holobiont and may provide resilience against environmental change.  相似文献   

有机卤呼吸微生物菌群营养交互的作用机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有机卤呼吸细菌(organohalide-respiringbacteria,OHRB)是污染场地土壤与地下水中厌氧降解及生物修复有机卤代污染物的主力军。微生物种群间的资源竞争、生长抑制、代谢交叉喂养(crossfeeding,即营养的动态交换,包括碳源、氮源、氨基酸、维生素、核苷酸、电子供体、电子受体和其他生长因子等)、水平基因转移及其他交互作用机制是群落结构稳定平衡的基础,有利于促进有机卤代污染物消减效率的最大化。本文围绕OHRB种群及与其他微生物种群间的互作机制(如交叉喂养机制、竞争机制及抑制机制等)进行了概述,并对未来互作机制的研究进行了探讨与展望,旨在为有机卤代物污染场地生物修复效率的提高提供科学理论和技术参考依据。  相似文献   

The phyllosphere – the aerial parts of plants – is an important microbial habitat that is home to diverse microbial communities. The spatial organization of bacterial cells on leaf surfaces is non-random, and correlates with leaf microscopic features. Yet, the role of microscale interactions between bacterial cells therein is not well understood. Here, we ask how interactions between immigrant bacteria and resident microbiota affect the spatial organization of the combined community. By means of live imaging in a simplified in vitro system, we studied the spatial organization, at the micrometer scale, of the biocontrol agent Pseudomonas fluorescens A506 and the plant pathogen P. syringae B728a when introduced to pear and bean leaf microbiota (the corresponding native plants of these strains). We found significant co-localization of immigrant and resident microbial cells at distances of a few micrometers, for both strains. Interestingly, this co-localization was in part due to preferential attachment of microbiota cells near newly formed P. fluorescens aggregates. Our results indicate that two-way immigrant bacteria – resident microbiota interactions affect the microscale spatial organization of leaf microbiota, and possibly that of other surface-related microbial communities.Subject terms: Microbial ecology, Microbial ecology  相似文献   

Microbial inhabitants of the bovine rumen fulfil the majority of the normal caloric requirements of the animal by fermenting lignocellulosic plant polysaccharides and releasing short chain fatty acids that are then metabolized by the host. This process also occurs within the human colon, although the fermentation products contribute less to the overall energy requirements of the host. Mounting evidence, however, indicates that the community structure of the distal gut microbiota is a critical factor that influences the inflammatory potential of the immune system thereby impacting the progression of inflammatory bowel diseases. Non-digestible dietary fibre derived from plant material is highly enriched in the lignocellulosic polysaccharides, cellulose and xylan. Members of the Bacteroidetes constitute a dominant phylum in both the human colonic microbiome and the rumen microbial ecosystem. In the current article, we review recent insights into the molecular mechanisms for xylan degradation by rumen and human commensal members of the Bacteroidetes phylum, and place this information in the context of the physiological and metabolic processes that occur within these complex microbial environments.  相似文献   

The interactions between two plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR, Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25 and Paenibacillus brasilensis PB177), two arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi (Glomus mosseae and Glomus intraradices) and one pathogenic fungus (Microdochium nivale) were investigated on winter wheat (Triticum aestivum cultivar Tarso) in a greenhouse trial. PB177, but not SBW25, had strong inhibitory effects on M. nivale in dual culture plate assays. The results from the greenhouse experiment show very specific interactions; for example, the two AM fungi react differently when interacting with the same bacteria on plants. Glomus intraradices (single inoculation or together with SBW25) increased plant dry weight on M. nivale-infested plants, suggesting that the pathogenic fungus is counteracted by G. intraradices, but PB177 inhibited this positive effect. This is an example of two completely different reactions between the same AM fungus and two species of bacteria, previously known to enhance plant growth and inhibit pathogens. When searching for plant growth-promoting microorganisms, it is therefore important to test for the most suitable combination of plant, bacteria and fungi in order to achieve satisfactory plant growth benefits.  相似文献   

Ionic specificity of oxidative phosphorylation was studied in Natroniella acetigena and Desulfonatronum lacustre, which are new alkaliphilic anaerobes that were isolated from soda lakes and have a pH growth optimum of 9.5-9.7. The ability of their cells to synthesize ATP in response to the imposition of artificial delta pH+ and delta pNa+ gradients was studied. As distinct from other marine and freshwater sulfate reducers and extremely alkaliphilic anaerobes, D. lacustre uses a Na(+)-translocating ATPase for ATP synthesis. The alkaliphilic acetogen N. acetigena, which develops at a much higher Na+ concentration in the medium, generated primary delta pH+ for ATP synthesis. Thus, the high Na+ concentrations and alkaline pH values typical of soda lakes do not predetermine the type of bioenergetics of their inhabitants.  相似文献   

The populations of dominant species within the human colonic microbiota can potentially be modified by dietary intake with consequences for health. Here we examined the influence of precisely controlled diets in 14 overweight men. Volunteers were provided successively with a control diet, diets high in resistant starch (RS) or non-starch polysaccharides (NSPs) and a reduced carbohydrate weight loss (WL) diet, over 10 weeks. Analysis of 16S rRNA sequences in stool samples of six volunteers detected 320 phylotypes (defined at >98% identity) of which 26, including 19 cultured species, each accounted for >1% of sequences. Although samples clustered more strongly by individual than by diet, time courses obtained by targeted qPCR revealed that ‘blooms'' in specific bacterial groups occurred rapidly after a dietary change. These were rapidly reversed by the subsequent diet. Relatives of Ruminococcus bromii (R-ruminococci) increased in most volunteers on the RS diet, accounting for a mean of 17% of total bacteria compared with 3.8% on the NSP diet, whereas the uncultured Oscillibacter group increased on the RS and WL diets. Relatives of Eubacterium rectale increased on RS (to mean 10.1%) but decreased, along with Collinsella aerofaciens, on WL. Inter-individual variation was marked, however, with >60% of RS remaining unfermented in two volunteers on the RS diet, compared to <4% in the other 12 volunteers; these two individuals also showed low numbers of R-ruminococci (<1%). Dietary non-digestible carbohydrate can produce marked changes in the gut microbiota, but these depend on the initial composition of an individual''s gut microbiota.  相似文献   

Butyrate‐producing bacteria play an important role in the human colon, supplying energy to the gut epithelium and regulating host cell responses. In order to explore the diversity and culturability of this functional group, we designed degenerate primers to amplify butyryl‐CoA:acetate CoA‐transferase sequences from faecal samples provided by 10 healthy volunteers. Eighty‐eight per cent of amplified sequences showed > 98% DNA sequence identity to CoA‐transferases from cultured butyrate‐producing bacteria, and these fell into 12 operational taxonomic units (OTUs). The four most prevalent OTUs corresponded to Eubacterium rectale, Roseburia faecis, Eubacterium hallii and an unnamed cultured species SS2/1. The remaining 12% of sequences, however, belonged to 20 OTUs that are assumed to come from uncultured butyrate‐producing strains. Samples taken after ingestion of inulin showed significant (P = 0.019) increases in Faecalibacterium prausnitzii. Because several of the dominant butyrate producers differ in their DNA % G+C content, analysis of thermal melt curves obtained for PCR amplicons of the butyryl‐CoA:acetate CoA‐transferase gene provides a convenient and rapid qualitative assessment of the major butyrate producing groups present in a given sample. This type of analysis therefore provides an excellent source of information on functionally important groups within the colonic microbial community.  相似文献   

Molecular entities present in a cell (mRNA, proteins, metabolites,…) do not act in isolation, but rather in cooperation with each other to define an organisms form and function. Their concerted action can be viewed as networks of interacting entities that are active under certain conditions within the cell or upon certain environmental signals. A main challenge in systems biology is to model these networks, or in other words studying which entities interact to form cellular systems or accomplish similar functions. On the contrary, viewing a single entity or an experimental dataset in the light of an interaction network can reveal previous unknown insights in biological processes. In this review we give an overview of how integrated networks can be reconstructed from multiple omics data and how they can subsequently be used for network-based modeling of cellular function in bacteria.  相似文献   

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