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Retroviruses and their relatives, the long terminal repeat (LTR) retrotransposons, carry out complex life cycles within the cells of their hosts. We have exploited a collection of gene deletion mutants developed by the Saccharomyces Genome Deletion Project to perform a functional genomics screen for host factors that influence the retrovirus-like Ty1 element in yeast. A total of 101 genes that presumably influence many different aspects of the Ty1 retrotransposition cycle were identified from our analysis of 4483 homozygous diploid deletion strains. Of the 101 identified mutants, 46 had significantly altered levels of Ty1 cDNA, whereas the remaining 55 mutants had normal levels of Ty1 cDNA. Thus, approximately half of the mutants apparently affected the early stages of retrotransposition leading up to the assembly of virus-like particles and cDNA replication, whereas the remaining half affected steps that occur after cDNA replication. Although most of the mutants retained the ability to target Ty1 integration to tRNA genes, 2 mutants had reduced levels of tRNA gene targeting. Over 25% of the gene products identified in this study were conserved in other organisms, suggesting that this collection of host factors can serve as a starting point for identifying host factors that influence LTR retroelements and retroviruses in other organisms. Overall, our data indicate that Ty1 requires a large number of cellular host factors to complete its retrotransposition cycle efficiently.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the budding yeast, is the most thoroughly studied eukaryote at the cellular, molecular, and genetic levels. Yet, until recently, we knew very little about its ecology or population and evolutionary genetics. In recent years, it has been recognized that S. cerevisiae occupies numerous habitats and that populations harbour important genetic variation. There is therefore an increasing interest in understanding the evolutionary forces acting on the yeast genome. Several researchers have used the tools of functional genomics to study natural isolates of this unicellular fungus. Here, we review some of these studies, and show not only that budding yeast is a prime model system to address fundamental molecular and cellular biology questions, but also that it is becoming a powerful model species for ecological and evolutionary genomics studies as well.  相似文献   

酿酒酵母基因组学研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
周璐  李越中 《生命科学》1999,11(2):87-91
酿酒酵母是第一个完成基因组测序的真核生物,在基因组序列信息研究上取得了重大的进展,并且成为后基因组研究的主要模式材料,在基因功能、转录组、蛋白质组等方面获得了许多重要的成果,为高等生物,以及人基因组的研究提供了很好的借鉴,并为深入认识酵母以及生命的进化提供了基本的信息。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Interspecific hybrids between S. cerevisiae x S. kudriavzevii have frequently been detected in wine and beer fermentations. Significant physiological differences among parental and hybrid strains under different stress conditions have been evidenced. In this study, we used comparative genome hybridization analysis to evaluate the genome composition of different S. cerevisiae x S. kudriavzevii natural hybrids isolated from wine and beer fermentations to infer their evolutionary origins and to figure out the potential role of common S. kudriavzevii gene fraction present in these hybrids. RESULTS: Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) and ploidy analyses carried out in this study confirmed the presence of individual and differential chromosomal composition patterns for most S. cerevisiae x S. kudriavzevii hybrids from beer and wine. All hybrids share a common set of depleted S. cerevisiae genes, which also are depleted or absent in the wine strains studied so far, and the presence a common set of S. kudriavzevii genes, which may be associated with their capability to grow at low temperatures. Finally, a maximum parsimony analysis of chromosomal rearrangement events, occurred in the hybrid genomes, indicated the presence of two main groups of wine hybrids and different divergent lineages of brewing strains. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that wine and beer S. cerevisiae x S. kudriavzevii hybrids have been originated by different rare-mating events involving a diploid wine S. cerevisiae and a haploid or diploid European S. kudriavzevii strains. Hybrids maintain several S. kudriavzevii genes involved in cold adaptation as well as those related to S. kudriavzevii mitochondrial functions.  相似文献   

Protons, the smallest and most ubiquitous of ions, are central to physiological processes. Transmembrane proton gradients drive ATP synthesis, metabolite transport, receptor recycling and vesicle trafficking, while compartmental pH controls enzyme function. Despite this fundamental importance, the mechanisms underlying pH homeostasis are not entirely accounted for in any organelle or organism. We undertook a genome-wide survey of vacuole pH (pH(v)) in 4,606 single-gene deletion mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae under control, acid and alkali stress conditions to reveal the vacuolar pH-stat. Median pH(v) (5.27±0.13) was resistant to acid stress (5.28±0.14) but shifted significantly in response to alkali stress (5.83±0.13). Of 107 mutants that displayed aberrant pH(v) under more than one external pH condition, functional categories of transporters, membrane biogenesis and trafficking machinery were significantly enriched. Phospholipid flippases, encoded by the family of P4-type ATPases, emerged as pH regulators, as did the yeast ortholog of Niemann Pick Type C protein, implicated in sterol trafficking. An independent genetic screen revealed that correction of pH(v) dysregulation in a neo1(ts) mutant restored viability whereas cholesterol accumulation in human NPC1(-/-) fibroblasts diminished upon treatment with a proton ionophore. Furthermore, while it is established that lumenal pH affects trafficking, this study revealed a reciprocal link with many mutants defective in anterograde pathways being hyperacidic and retrograde pathway mutants with alkaline vacuoles. In these and other examples, pH perturbations emerge as a hitherto unrecognized phenotype that may contribute to the cellular basis of disease and offer potential therapeutic intervention through pH modulation.  相似文献   



Rigorous study of mitochondrial functions and cell biology in the budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae has advanced our understanding of mitochondrial genetics. This yeast is now a powerful model for population genetics, owing to large genetic diversity and highly structured populations among wild isolates. Comparative mitochondrial genomic analyses between yeast species have revealed broad evolutionary changes in genome organization and architecture. A fine-scale view of recent evolutionary changes within S. cerevisiae has not been possible due to low numbers of complete mitochondrial sequences.


To address challenges of sequencing AT-rich and repetitive mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNAs), we sequenced two divergent S. cerevisiae mtDNAs using a single-molecule sequencing platform (PacBio RS). Using de novo assemblies, we generated highly accurate complete mtDNA sequences. These mtDNA sequences were compared with 98 additional mtDNA sequences gathered from various published collections. Phylogenies based on mitochondrial coding sequences and intron profiles revealed that intraspecific diversity in mitochondrial genomes generally recapitulated the population structure of nuclear genomes. Analysis of intergenic sequence indicated a recent expansion of mobile elements in certain populations. Additionally, our analyses revealed that certain populations lacked introns previously believed conserved throughout the species, as well as the presence of introns never before reported in S. cerevisiae.


Our results revealed that the extensive variation in S. cerevisiae mtDNAs is often population specific, thus offering a window into the recent evolutionary processes shaping these genomes. In addition, we offer an effective strategy for sequencing these challenging AT-rich mitochondrial genomes for small scale projects.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1664-4) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Population subdivision limits competition between individuals, which can have a profound effect on adaptation. Subdivided populations maintain more genetic diversity at any given time compared to well-mixed populations, and thus "explore" larger parts of the genotype space. At the same time, beneficial mutations take longer to spread in such populations, and thus subdivided populations do not "exploit" discovered mutations as efficiently as well-mixed populations. Whether subdivision inhibits or promotes adaptation in a given environment depends on the relative importance of exploration versus exploitation, which in turn depends on the structure of epistasis among beneficial mutations. Here we investigate the relative importance of exploration versus exploitation for adaptation by evolving 976 independent asexual populations of budding yeast with several degrees of geographic subdivision. We find that subdivision systematically inhibits adaptation: even the luckiest demes in subdivided populations on average fail to discover genotypes that are fitter than those discovered by well-mixed populations. Thus, exploitation of discovered mutations is more important for adaptation in our system than a thorough exploration of the mutational neighborhood, and increasing subdivision slows adaptation.  相似文献   

Jordan IK  McDonald JF 《Genetics》1999,151(4):1341-1351
The Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome contains five families of long terminal repeat (LTR) retrotransposons, Ty1-Ty5. The sequencing of the S. cerevisiae genome provides an unprecedented opportunity to examine the patterns of molecular variation existing among the entire genomic complement of Ty retrotransposons. We report the results of an analysis of the nucleotide and amino acid sequence variation within and between the five Ty element families of the S. cerevisiae genome. Our results indicate that individual Ty element families tend to be highly homogenous in both sequence and size variation. Comparisons of within-element 5' and 3' LTR sequences indicate that the vast majority of Ty elements have recently transposed. Furthermore, intrafamily Ty sequence comparisons reveal the action of negative selection on Ty element coding sequences. These results taken together suggest that there is a high level of genomic turnover of S. cerevisiae Ty elements, which is presumably in response to selective pressure to escape host-mediated repression and elimination mechanisms.  相似文献   

酿酒酵母乙酸耐性分子机制的功能基因组进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提高工业酿酒酵母对高浓度代谢产物及原料中的毒性底物等环境胁迫因素的耐受性,对提高工业生产效率具有重要的意义。乙酸是纤维素原料水解产生的主要毒性副产物之一,其对酵母细胞的生长和代谢都具有较强的抑制作用,因此,对酿酒酵母乙酸耐性分子机制的研究可为选育优良菌种提供理论依据。近年来,通过细胞全局基因表达分析和代谢组分析,以及对单基因敲除的所有突变体的表型组研究,对酿酒酵母乙酸耐性的分子机制有了更多新的认识,揭示了很多新的与乙酸毒性适应性反应和乙酸耐性提高相关的基因。综述了近年来酿酒酵母乙酸耐性的基因组规模的研究进展,以及在此基础上构建乙酸耐性提高的工业酵母菌的代谢工程操作。结合本课题组的研究,对金属离子锌在酿酒酵母乙酸耐性中的作用进行了深入分析。未来对酿酒酵母乙酸耐性分子机理的认识及改造将深入到翻译后修饰和合成生物学等新的水平,所获得的认知,将为选育可高效进行纤维素原料生物转化、高效生产生物燃料和生物基化学品的工业酿酒酵母的菌株奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

Two new dispersed repetitive DNA sequences related to the transposable element Tyl have been isolated from the genome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. One sequence, designated Tyl-17, is present at about six copies per haploid genome, and one copy is located approximately 1000 base-pairs from the LEU2 locus on chromosome III. Tyl-17 is about the same size as Tyl (Cameron et al., 1979) and is flanked by δ sequences, but differs from Tyl by the presence of two large substitutions representing about 50% of the sequence. Tyl and Tyl-17 are found in a ‘head-to-head’ array in at least one cloned region of the yeast genome. Another sequence, designated Tyl-161, is situated about 9000 base-pairs from the PGK locus of chromosome III, and is structurally identical to Tyl except for the presence of a 1200 base-pair insertion near one end of the sequence element.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic prokaryotes that inhabit diverse aquatic and terrestrial environments. However, the evolutionary mechanisms involved in the cyanobacterial habitat adaptation remain poorly understood. Here, based on phylogenetic and comparative genomic analyses of 650 cyanobacterial genomes, we investigated the genetic basis of cyanobacterial habitat adaptation (marine, freshwater, and terrestrial). We show: (1) the expansion of gene families is a common strategy whereby terrestrial cyanobacteria cope with fluctuating environments, whereas the genomes of many marine strains have undergone contraction to adapt to nutrient-poor conditions. (2) Hundreds of genes are strongly associated with specific habitats. Genes that are differentially abundant in genomes of marine, freshwater, and terrestrial cyanobacteria were found to be involved in light sensing and absorption, chemotaxis, nutrient transporters, responses to osmotic stress, etc., indicating the importance of these genes in the survival and adaptation of organisms in specific habitats. (3) A substantial fraction of genes that facilitate the adaptation of Cyanobacteria to specific habitats are contributed by horizontal gene transfer, and such genetic exchanges are more frequent in terrestrial cyanobacteria. Collectively, our results further our understandings of the adaptations of Cyanobacteria to different environments, highlighting the importance of ecological constraints imposed by the environment in shaping the evolution of Cyanobacteria.Subject terms: Phylogenetics, Microbial ecology  相似文献   

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