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Although the overall pattern and timing of gonadal sex differentiation have been established in a considerable number of teleosts, the ultrastructure of early stages of gonadal development is not well documented. In this study, gonads from larval and juvenile stages of laboratory-reared Cichlasoma dimerus were examined at the light-microscopic and ultrastructural levels. This freshwater species adapts easily to captivity and spawns with high frequency during 8 months of the year, providing an appropriate model for developmental studies. Larvae and juveniles were kept at a water temperature of 26.5 +/- 1 degrees C and a 12:12 hour photoperiod. Gonadal development was documented from 14-100 days postfertilization, covering the period of histologically discernible sex differentiation. Gonadal tissue was processed according to standard techniques for light and electron microscopy. C. dimerus, a perciform teleost, is classified as a differentiated gonochorist, in which an indifferent gonad develops directly into a testis or ovary. On day 14, the gonadal primordium consists of a few germ cells surrounded by enveloping somatic cells. Ovarian differentiation precedes testicular differentiation, as usual in teleost fishes. The earliest signs of differentiation, detected from day 42 onward, include the onset of meiotic activity in newly formed oocytes, which is soon accompanied by increased oogonial mitotic proliferation and the somatic reorganization of the presumptive ovary. The ovarian cavity is completely formed by day 65. Numerous follicles containing perinucleolar oocytes are observed by day 100. In contrast, signs of morphological differentiation in the presumptive testis are not observed until day 72. By day 100, the unrestricted lobular organization of the testis is evident. The latest stage of spermatogenesis observed by this time of testicular development is spermatocyte II.  相似文献   

Summary We report here on the cellular localization in the fish pituitary of somatolactin (SL), a putative new pituitary hormone related to growth hormone and prolactin, which has been recently identified in the piscine pituitary gland. Immunocytochemical staining, using anti-cod SL serum, revealed that in the cod pituitary gland, SL is produced by cells in the intermediate lobe, bordering the neural tissue. These cells, staining weakly with periodic-acid-Schiff (PAS), are distinct from the melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH) cells which, as in all teleosts, are PAS-negative. SL-immunoreactivity was observed in the same location in all other teleost species examined: flounder, rainbow trout, killifish, molly, catfish and eel. In most fish the SL-immunoreactive cells are either strongly or weakly PAS-positive but in rainbow trout are chromophobic, indicating that the SL protein can probably exist in glycosylated and non-glycosylated forms. Thus, in demonstrating the cellular localization of SL, this study provides the first identification of the enigmatic, second cell-type of the fish pars intermedia.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to characterize the gonads of Aegla platensis, relating aspects of colour and size of ovaries, testes and vasa deferentia (VD) to histological observations. The ovaries are H‐shaped, extending from behind the stomach and ending at the 1st or 2nd abdominal somite. The male has a pair of testes from which the VD issue and extend over the pereon. For males and females, macroscopic categories of gonad development are defined. Stages of the male gonad are defined as types 1, 2 and 3. Type 1 includes the less developed gonads, and type 3 includes extremely developed testes and completely differentiated VD. The ovaries are classified into four stages according to their colour: I (white), II (yellow), III (orange) and IV (red), beginning with the least developed gonads. The number and size of oogonia and oocytes depend on the stage of the ovary and coincide with the different degrees of development as indicated by ovary colour. In males, the presence or absence of spermatozoa in the testes and VD is determined only for the more developed gonads. Neither spermathecae (female) nor spermatophores (male) were found. The lack of spermatophore in the present species is a rare characteristic among the anomurans.  相似文献   

The upper lamina propria (ULP) area of interstitial cells (IC) has been studied extensively in bladder, but is rather unexplored in the rest of the urinary tract. This cell layer is intriguing because of the localization directly underneath the urothelium, the intercellular contacts and the close relationship with nerve endings and capillaries. In this study, we examine the ULP layer of IC in human renal pelvis, ureter and urethra, and we make a comparison with ULP IC in bladder. Tissue was obtained from normal areas in nephrectomy, cystectomy and prostatectomy specimens, and processed for morphology, immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy. A morphological and immunohistochemical phenotype for the ULP IC was assessed and region-dependent differences were looked for. The ULP IC in renal pelvis, ureter and urethra had a similar ultrastructural phenotype, which differed somehow from that of bladder IC, that is, thinner and longer cytoplasmic processes, no peripheral actin filaments and presence of dense core granules and microtubules. Together with their immunohistochemical profile, these features are most compatible with the phenotype of telocytes, a recently discovered group of stromal cells. Based on their global ultrastructural and immunohistochemical phenotype, ULP IC in human bladder should also be classified as telocytes. The most striking immunohistochemical finding was the variable expression of oestrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR). The functional relevance of ULP telocytes in the urinary tract remains to be elucidated, and ER and PR might therefore be promising pharmacological research targets.  相似文献   

A remarkable structure in the hypothalamus of brachiopterygian and actinopterygian fishes consists of the inferior lobes, nucleus rotundus and torus lateralis. Optic connections are predominant among a variety of fibre paths.  


Actinopterygier (und Brachiopterygier) besitzen im Hypothalamus eine spezielle, oft beachtlich ausgeprägte Region; diese besteht aus den Lobi inferiores, dem Nucleus rotundus hypothalami und dem Torus lateralis. Unter den reichhaltigen Faserverbindungen haben die meisten optischen Charakter.  相似文献   

Bony fishes of the morphologically diverse infraclass Teleostei include more than 31 000 species, encompassing almost one‐half of all extant vertebrates. A remarkable anatomical complex in teleosts is the adductor mandibulae, the primary muscle in mouth closure and whose subdivisions vary in number and complexity. Difficulties in recognizing homologies amongst adductor mandibulae subdivisions across the Teleostei have hampered the understanding of the evolution of this system and consequently its application in phylogenetic analyses. The adductor mandibulae in representatives of all lower teleost orders is described, illustrated, and compared based on broad taxonomic sampling complemented by extensive literature information. Muscle division homologies are clarified via the application of a standardized homology‐driven anatomical terminology with synonymies provided to the myological terminologies of previous studies. Phylogenetic implications of the observed variations in the adductor mandibulae are discussed and new possible synapomorphies are proposed for the Notacanthiformes, Ostariophysi, Cypriniformes, Siluriphysi, Gymnotiformes, and Alepocephaloidei. New characters corroborate the putative monophyly of the clades Albuliformes plus Notacanthiformes (Elopomorpha), Argentinoidei plus Esocoidei plus Salmonoidei (Protacanthopterygii) and Hemiodontidae plus Parodontidae (Characiformes). We further confirm the validity of characters from the adductor mandibulae previously proposed to support the monophyly of the Esocoidei and the gonorynchiform clade Gonorynchoidei plus Knerioidei. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

PDGFRA mutations in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract can cause GI stromal tumour (GIST) and inflammatory fibroid polyp (IFP). Hitherto no cell type has been identified as a physiological counterpart of the latter, while interstitial Cajal cells (ICC) are considered the precursor of the former. However, ICC hyperplasia (ICCH), which strongly supports the ICC role in GIST pathogenesis, has been identified in germline KIT‐mutant settings but not in PDGFRA‐mutant ones, challenging the precursor role of ICC for PDGFRA‐driven GISTs. Telocytes are a recently described interstitial cell type, CD34+/PDGFRA+. Formerly considered fibroblasts, they are found in many organs, including the GI tract where they are thought to be involved in neurotransmission. Alongside IFPs and gastric GISTs, GI wall “fibrosis” has been reported in germline PDGFRA‐mutants. Taking the opportunity offered by its presence in a germline PDGFRA‐mutant individual, we demonstrate that this lesion is sustained by hyperplastic telocytes, constituting the PDGFRA‐mutant counterpart of germline KIT mutation‐associated ICCH. Moreover, our findings support a pathogenetic relationship between telocyte hyperplasia and both IFPs and PDGFRA‐mutant GISTs. We propose the term “telocytoma” for defining IFP, as it conveys both the pathogenetic (neoplastic) and histotypic (“telocytary”) essence of this tumour, unlike IFP, which rather evokes an inflammatory‐hyperplastic lesion.  相似文献   

This study reports nutrient allocation in different stages of gonadal development for two populations of the sea urchin Arbacia dufresnii off the Patagonian coast of Argentina (Nuevo Gulf and San Jorge Gulf). The biochemical composition of gonads was used to assess nutrient allocation by measuring ash, soluble protein, lipid and trichloroacetic acid-soluble carbohydrate concentrations, and absolute contents over a 24-month period. Reproductive output in terms of energy was calculated for females. Results were correlated with histological stage of the gonads. Soluble proteins were the main component for the Nuevo Gulf population while unmeasured organic material (i.e. insoluble proteins and nucleic acids, especially in testes) was prevalent in gonads from San Jorge Gulf. Soluble protein and lipid concentrations followed the gonadal cycle, while carbohydrate concentration was almost negligible, especially in the Nuevo Gulf population. The different patterns in the gonadal cycle in the two populations were reflected in the biochemical composition of gonads. Concentrations and contents of the biochemical components and reproductive output were higher in the population from San Jorge Gulf owing to the larger size of gonads and gametes. These findings contribute to the better understanding of the plasticity of the reproductive biology of A. dufresnii in different environments.  相似文献   

高原鼠兔肺动脉血管功能及形态变化   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
目的研究肺循环对慢性缺氧的适应机理.方法在4300m的高度捕捉到高原适应动物鼠兔,带到2260m的高度并和10只Wistar大鼠在模拟4300m和5000m高度的低压仓内进行了肺动脉压的测定,观察肺组织学和组织免疫化学的改变.结果在2260m,鼠兔的Ppa明显低于Wistar大鼠,二者分别为(1.5±0@07)kPa和(2.9±1.1)kPa(P<0.01).随着海拔高度的增加,鼠兔的Ppa上升不明显,而Wistar大鼠增加显著.左右心室比重鼠兔为0.22,而Wistar大鼠为0.45.鼠兔的Hb,Hct和2.3-DPG均低于大鼠.大鼠肺小血管周围可见肥大细胞(7.1±0.33)mm2,免疫组化染色mastcelltyptase颗粒呈阳性,鼠兔未发现肥大细胞及此种免疫反应.肺小动脉中层较鼠兔厚,分别为27.21%和9.22%,壁的厚度和Ppa有很好的(r=0.763).结论鼠兔无低氧性肺血管收缩,是一种遗传性适应.大鼠肥大细胞通过激活某些生长因子,在肺血管的再建过程中可能起一定作用.  相似文献   

Synopsis Planktonic eggs of Atlantic mackerel,Scomber scombrus, provide evidence that pollution is associated with mortality, malformation, and abnormal chromosome division of fish embryos developing about the surface of the U.S. Atlantic coast. Embryo data are substantiated by the finding that adults of mackerel, windowpane flounder,Scophthalmus acquosus, and winter flounder,Pseudopleuronectes americanus, from more polluted coastal areas also have higher frequencies of mitotic abnormality than those from less polluted regions of the Mid- and North Atlantic. No ontogenetic interval escapes contamination. All are likely to be adversely influenced, resulting in considerable direct and indirect cumulative effect on total early-life survival. Development of genetic and epigenetic resistance to reproductively harmful influences of contaminants may interfere with other modifications in structure and function necessitated by natural environmental fluctuations, changes in climate, and by fishing itself.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to establish a protocol for the characterization, isolation, and culture of type A spermatogonia using specific molecular markers for these cells in fish. To this end, adult Prochilodus lineatus testes were collected and digested enzymatically and the resulting testicular suspension was separated using a discontinuous Percoll gradient, followed by differential plating. The cell cultures obtained were monitored for 15 days and analyzed using the immunofluorescence method with anti‐Vasa, anti‐GFRα1, and anti‐OCT4 antibodies. Spermatogonial enrichment was also performed using flow cytometry. Although discontinuous Percoll gradient centrifugation followed by differential plating enabled the removal of differentiated germ cells and somatic cells, enriching the pool of type A spermatogonia, the enrichment of type A spermatogonia through flow cytometry of samples without Percoll proved to be more efficient. Prominent cell agglomerates that were characterized according to different stem cell markers as type A spermatogonia were observed during the 15 days of the cell culture. The use of immunoperoxidase and western blot analysis methods confirmed the specificity of the markers for type A spermatogonia of P. lineatus. When combined with specific cell culture conditions, the positive characterization of these molecular markers clarified certain aspects of spermatogonial regulation, such as survival and proliferation. Finally, understanding the regulation of the in vitro germ cell maintenance process may contribute to the enhancement of in vivo and in vitro reproduction techniques of endangered or aquaculture fish species.  相似文献   

Heterochrony is widely regarded as an important evolutionary mechanism, one that may underlie most, if not all, morphological evolution, yet relatively few studies have examined variation in the sequence of development. Even fewer studies have been designed so that intraspecific variation in the relative sequence of developmental events can be assessed, although this variation must be the basis for evolutionary change. Intraspecific variation in developmental ossification sequences was documented from the zebrafish (Danio rerio) by Cubbage and Mabee (1996) and from the Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens) by Mabee and Trendler (1996), but a quantitative analysis of the patterns within this variation was not made. Here, we quantify the effect of rearing temperature on the sequence of ossification and characterize the levels and patterns of intraspecific variation in these fishes. For Danio, there were no temperature effects on the sequence of bone development across the cranium, cranial region development, cartilage versus dermal bones, or lateral line bone versus nonassociated bones. Likewise the level of variation in relative sequence (position) of ossification was low, about two ranks, across temperatures. At higher temperatures, we found higher levels of variation in iterated cranial bones and less in bones forming early in the sequence. No temperature effects on variation were found among regions, between lateral line-associated bones and nonassociated bones, between median and paired bones, or across the entire sequence, indicating concordant variability among the three temperatures. Individual bones with the highest levels of variability were not consistent among temperatures. Baseline patterns of intraspecific variation in Danio were compared to those of Betta. For both species, the level of intraspecific variation in sequence position was low and the variability of cranial bones was concordant. Individual bones with the highest levels of variability were not consistent between species. In both species, variation was widespread (distributed evenly across the sequence). We used comparisons (among regions, between dermal and cartilage bones, between lateral line-associated and other bones, between median and paired bones, between iterated and noniterated bones, between feeding-associated bones and others) to see which subsets were most variable and thus potentially useful in predicting high levels of evolutionary change. The only subset of bones that was significantly more variable than others was cartilage bones. If interspecific patterns are parallel to these intraspecific differences, cartilage bones would be expected to show higher levels of heterochrony. Although concordance across the cranial ossification sequence and among regions in Danio, Betta, and two other teleosts, Oryzias and Barbus, suggests an evolutionarily conserved pattern of ossification, identity in sequence position across taxa was not observed for any bone. Thus, variation existed in sequence position across temperatures and species. Intraspecific variation of this sort may influence the morphological outcome and evolutionary trajectories of species.  相似文献   

In Tilapia zillii , the outcome of fights is closely related to difference in testis weight between opponents rather than differences in body weight. Testes size was predictable statistically on the basis of the size of the mouth in relation to body size, suggesting that among other functions mouth morphology may have evolved to facilitate assessment during fighting.  相似文献   

Summary Although luteinizing hormone (LH) alone stimulates ovarian interstitial cells cultured in serum-free medium to synthesize large amounts of androgens, there seem to be additional factors in vivo that modulate the time course and magnitude of the cellular responses to LH. In an attempt to develop a more nearly physiologic cell culture model, lipoproteins, insulin, and insulinlike growth factor-I (IGF-I) were added to the serum-free medium. The effects of these modifications on androgen biosynthesis by dispersed cells from ovaries of hypophysectomized immature rats cultured in 96-well tissue culture plates were examined. A saturating dose of LH stimulated a 25-fold increase in androsterone synthesis at 2 d, which decreased at 4 and 6 d. Addition of human high density (hHDL) or human low density lipoprotein (hLDL) caused a 2.5-fold increase in LH-stimulated androsterone synthesis. Cells were approximately twice as sensitive to hHDL (ED50=5.5±0.5 μg cholesterol/ml) compared to hLDL (ED50=9.1±1.1 μg cholesterol/ml). Surprisingly, rat HDL caused only a 40% increase in LH-stimulated androsterone synthesis. When insulin alone was added to cells cultured with a saturating dose of LH, there was a 2.8-fold increase in androsterone synthesis. Addition of hHDL and insulin together caused a synergistic increase in LH-stimulated androsterone synthesis. In contrast to hHDL, which did not change the time course of LH-stimulated androsterone production, insulin prolonged maximal LH-stimulated androsterone synthesis at 4 and 6 d. Inasmuch as the ED50 for insulin action (1.3±0.1 μg/ml) was supraphysiologic, the effects of IGF-I on LH-stimulated androgen synthesis were examined. IGF-I mimicked all of the effects of insulin, but at a physiologic concentration (ED50=2.5±0.3 ng/ml). Ovarian cells cultured in serum-free medium supplemented with hHDL and insulin or IGF-I exhibit responses that closely approximate the physiologic responses observed in vivo. These results suggest that lipoproteins and IGF-I are important physiologic stimulators of ovarian theca-interstitial cell androgen biosynthesis which, when added to the serum-free medium, make the cellular responses in this in vitro model more nearly approximate the responses in vivo. This research was supported by research center grant HD 12303 from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Bethesda, MD, and USCD Academic Senate grant RM-169M  相似文献   

The evolution of sex-change mechanisms in fishes   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Synopsis Five distinct sex-change mechanisms are identified among sequentially hermaphroditic fishes based on socio-ecological characteristics. The primary determinants of the sex-change mechanisms appear to be social organization and mating system, which in turn depend on resource distribution in space and time. The ability of a single individual to control all mating in the social unit, which is related to the size of the social unit, differentiates three suppression mechanisms from two induction mechanisms. Sex-change suppression, which is characteristic of species with small group size and rigid dominance hierarchies, refers to inevitable sex change in the absence of group dominance. Ability to migrate between resource patches differentiates protogynous suppression (e.g. inLabroides dimidiatus) from protandrous suppression (e.g. inAmphiprion spp.). Early sex change appears to have evolved from protogynous suppression under special conditions involving the loss of mating control by a single dominant individual in certain species (e.g.Centropyge spp. ). Sex-change induction, which is characteristic of species with large social groups lacking rigid dominance hierarchies, refers to the requirement that sex change must be induced by specific characteristics of (or changes in) the social group, regardless of dominance status. Ability to distinguish sex, or its importance, differentiates sex-ratio induction (e.g.Anthias squamipinnis) from size-ratio induction (e.g.Thalassoma spp.). Alternative models account for the possibility that all cases of sex change require stimulation from smaller conspecifics (universal induction-inhibition model) or that all fish have the genetic capacity to switch mechanisms, depending on changing ecological conditions and resulting changes in mating system (behavioral-scaling model). Neurophysiological models suggest that induction mechanisms, which require at least two categories of environmental stimuli, may have evolved from the simpler suppression mechanisms, which require only one kind of input from the environment.  相似文献   

Evolution and phylogeny of gonad morphology in bony fishes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Gonad morphology at the gross anatomical or histological levelshas long been studied by fisheries biologists to identify annualreproductive cycles and length of breeding season, among othergoals. Comparative surveys across vertebrate taxa have not beendetailed enough, however, to describe fully the differencesand similarities among gonads of bony fishes and other vertebrates,and to use gonad morphology in phylogenetic systematic analyses.An emerging constant among vertebrates is the presence of agerminal epithelium composed of somatic and germ cells in bothmales and females. In females, the germinal epithelium linesthe ovarian lamellae. In males, arrangement of the germinalepithelium into compartments varies among osteichthyans: basaltaxa have an anastomosing tubular testis, whereas derived taxahave a lobular testis. The lobular testis is proposed as a synapomorphyof the Neoteleostei. The annual reproductive cycle is hypothesizedto be the source of morphological variation among testis types.Elongation of germinal compartments during early maturationmay result in a transition from anastomosing tubular to lobulartestes. In all male atherinomorphs surveyed, spermatogonia arerestricted to the distal termini of lobules rather than beingdistributed along the lobule; there is an epithelioid arrangementof Sertoli and germ cells rather than a germinal epithelium.Arrest of the maturation-regression phases is hypothesized tolead to formation of the atherinomorph testis. Atherinomorphsalso have a distinctive egg with fluid, rather than granular,yolk. Variation among germinal epithelia is interpreted in adeveloping phylogenetic framework to understand evolution ofgonad morphology and to propose gonad characters for phylogeneticanalyses.  相似文献   

Commercially available insecticides present acute toxicity to the health of fish and other aquatic organisms, which may impair the local aquaculture. This study evaluated the gonadal morphology of freshwater fish exposed to pyriproxyfen and fenthion. Forty-five juvenile male Nile tilapias (Oreochromis niloticus) were divided into control, pyriproxyfen-exposed (0.01 g/L), and fenthion-exposed (0.001 g/L) groups. They were evaluated in three moments (30, 60, and 90 days). The variables analyzed were the gonadosomatic index (GSI), weight to length ratio, seminiferous tubules morphometry (diameter and height), tissue damage, and immunohistochemical analysis for caspase-3, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Pyriproxyfen and fenthion injured the seminiferous tubule tissue, and the damage progressed according to the exposure time. In addition, the GSI gradually reduced over time in all groups compared with the first moment (30 days), while caspase-3, TNF-α, and VEGF values increased only in the fenthion-exposed group. Therefore, pyriproxyfen and fenthion changed the gonadal morphology of male Oreochromis niloticus, which may affect their reproduction in the wild or captivity.  相似文献   

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