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Ceccarelli M  Anedda R  Casu M  Ruggerone P 《Proteins》2008,71(3):1231-1236
The relatively small size of myoglobin makes it suitable for the investigation of the ligand escape process in respiratory proteins and, in general, an ideal model system for the study of the more general structure-function paradigm. In this work, we use Molecular Dynamics simulations combined with an accelerated algorithm, the metadynamics, to probe the escape of CO from myoglobin. Our approach permits to quantitatively describe the escape process via the reconstruction of the associated free energy surface. Additionally, hints on the involvement of a larger numbers of residues than hitherto assumed in the gating process are extracted from our data.  相似文献   

Backbone‐dependent rotamer libraries are commonly used to assign the side chain dihedral angles of amino acids when modeling protein structures. Most rotamer libraries are created by curating protein crystal structure data and using various methods to extrapolate the existing data to cover all possible backbone conformations. However, these rotamer libraries may not be suitable for modeling the structures of cyclic peptides and other constrained peptides because these molecules frequently sample backbone conformations rarely seen in the crystal structures of linear proteins. To provide backbone‐dependent side chain information beyond the α‐helix, β‐sheet, and PPII regions, we used explicit‐solvent metadynamics simulations of model dipeptides to create a new rotamer library that has high coverage in the (ϕ, ψ) space. Furthermore, this approach can be applied to build high‐coverage rotamer libraries for noncanonical amino acids. The resulting Metadynamics of Dipeptides for Rotamer Distribution (MEDFORD) rotamer library predicts the side chain conformations of high‐resolution protein crystal structures with similar accuracy (~80%) to a state‐of‐the‐art rotamer library. Our ability to test the accuracy of MEDFORD at predicting the side chain dihedral angles of amino acids in noncanonical backbone conformation is restricted by the limited structural data available for cyclic peptides. For the cyclic peptide data that are currently available, MEDFORD and the state‐of‐the‐art rotamer library perform comparably. However, the two rotamer libraries indeed make different rotamer predictions in noncanonical (ϕ, ψ) regions. For noncanonical amino acids, the MEDFORD rotamer library predicts the χ 1 values with approximately 75% accuracy.  相似文献   

We investigate the extent to which the conformational fluctuations of proteins in solution reflect the conformational changes that they undergo when they form binary protein-protein complexes. To do this, we study a set of 41 proteins that form such complexes and whose three-dimensional structures are known, both bound in the complex and unbound. We carry out molecular dynamics simulations of each protein, starting from the unbound structure, and analyze the resulting conformational fluctuations in trajectories of 5 ns in length, comparing with the structure in the complex. It is found that fluctuations take some parts of the molecules into regions of conformational space close to the bound state (or give information about it), but at no point in the simulation does each protein as whole sample the complete bound state. Subsequent use of conformations from a clustered MD ensemble in rigid-body docking is nevertheless partially successful when compared to docking the unbound conformations, as long as the unbound conformations are themselves included with the MD conformations and the whole globally rescored. For one key example where sub-domain motion is present, a ribonuclease inhibitor, principal components analysis of the MD was applied and was also able to produce conformations for docking that gave enhanced results compared to the unbound. The most significant finding is that core interface residues show a tendency to be less mobile (by size of fluctuation or entropy) than the rest of the surface even when the other binding partner is absent, and conversely the peripheral interface residues are more mobile. This surprising result, consistent across up to 40 of the 41 proteins, suggests different roles for these regions in protein recognition and binding, and suggests ways that docking algorithms could be improved by treating these regions differently in the docking process.  相似文献   

Metadynamics (MetaD) is a method that augments molecular dynamics (MD) calculations of all types (classical and quantum) to help systems overcome energy barriers and explore regions of phase space that would otherwise not be seen during a simulation. The method has seen wide ranging uses, and it has proven especially useful for the study of reactions in which bonds break and form. In such cases, the timescale challenges of MD are profoundly limiting, and the advent of this new paradigm for biasing simulations has proven to be incredibly useful. In this review, we set out to summarise the large body of work that uses MetaD for studying reactions so that others can more easily implement this method in their own work. After a brief introduction of the method, we provide detailed summaries of the method applied in various contexts including condensed phase and biological reactions.  相似文献   

We explored the stability of the dengue virus envelope (E) protein dimer since it is widely assumed that the E protein dimer is stabilized by drug ligands or antibodies in an acidic environment, neutralizing the virus's ability to fuse with human cells. During this process, a large conformational change of the E protein dimer is required. We performed Molecular Dynamics simulations to mimic the conformational change and stability of the dimer in neutral and acidic conditions with the well-tempered metadynamics method. Furthermore, as a few neutralizing antibodies discovered from dengue patients were reported, we used the same simulation method to examine the influence of a selected antibody on the dimer stability in both neutral and acidic conditions. We also investigated the antibody's influence on a point-mutated E protein that had been reported to interrupt the protein-antibody interaction and result in more than 95% loss of the antibody's binding ability. Our simulation results are highly consistent with the experimental conclusion that binding of the antibody to the E protein dimer neutralizes the virus, especially in a low pH condition, while the mutation of W101A or N153A significantly reduces the antibody's ability in stabilizing the E protein dimer. We demonstrate that well-tempered metadynamics can be used to accurately explore the antibody's interaction on large protein complexes such as the E protein dimer, and the computational approach in this work is promising in future antibody development.  相似文献   

Metadynamics and its variations are powerful tools for exploring the free energy landscape of physical, chemical and biophysical systems. However, previous tests of their accuracy were based on either low-dimensional systems or complicated systems without exact answers. Therefore their accuracy, particularly when used for high-dimensional biophysical systems, has not been rigorously tested. In this work we performed a series of simulations with metadynamics and its variations for a typical biophysical process – the folding of protein chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 (CI2) based on a coarse-grained structure-based model. The results revealed the power as well as limitations of the algorithms and provided some guidelines for using metadynamics and its variations in high-dimensional biological systems.  相似文献   

The development of an energy or scoring function for protein structure prediction is greatly enhanced by testing the function on a set of computer-generated conformations (decoys) to determine whether it can readily distinguish native-like conformations from nonnative ones. We have created "Decoys 'R' Us," a database containing many such sets of conformations, to provide a resource that allows scoring functions to be improved.  相似文献   

Mintseris J  Weng Z 《Proteins》2003,53(3):629-639
The ability to analyze and compare protein-protein interactions on the structural level is critical to our understanding of various aspects of molecular recognition and the functional interplay of components of biochemical networks. In this study, we introduce atomic contact vectors (ACVs) as an intuitive way to represent the physico-chemical characteristics of a protein-protein interface as well as a way to compare interfaces to each other. We test the utility of ACVs in classification by using them to distinguish between homodimers and crystal contacts. Our results compare favorably with those reported by other authors. We then apply ACVs to mine the PDB for all known protein-protein complexes and separate transient recognition complexes from permanent oligomeric ones. Getting at the basis of this difference is important for our understanding of recognition and we achieved a success rate of 91% for distinguishing these two classes of complexes. Although accessible surface area of the interface is a major discriminating feature, we also show that there are distinct differences in the contact preferences between the two kinds of complexes. Illustrating the superiority of ACVs as a basic comparison measure over a sequence-based approach, we derive a general rule of thumb to determine whether two protein-protein interfaces are redundant. With this method, we arrive at a nonredundant set of 209 recognition complexes--the largest set reported so far.  相似文献   

Analysing six types of protein-protein interfaces   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Non-covalent residue side-chain interactions occur in many different types of proteins and facilitate many biological functions. Are these differences manifested in the sequence compositions and/or the residue-residue contact preferences of the interfaces? Previous studies analysed small data sets and gave contradictory answers. Here, we introduced a new data-mining method that yielded the largest high-resolution data set of interactions analysed. We introduced an information theory-based analysis method. On the basis of sequence features, we were able to differentiate six types of protein interfaces, each corresponding to a different functional or structural association between residues. Particularly, we found significant differences in amino acid composition and residue-residue preferences between interactions of residues within the same structural domain and between different domains, between permanent and transient interfaces, and between interactions associating homo-oligomers and hetero-oligomers. The differences between the six types were so substantial that, using amino acid composition alone, we could predict statistically to which of the six types of interfaces a pool of 1000 residues belongs at 63-100% accuracy. All interfaces differed significantly from the background of all residues in SWISS-PROT, from the group of surface residues, and from internal residues that were not involved in non-trivial interactions. Overall, our results suggest that the interface type could be predicted from sequence and that interface-type specific mean-field potentials may be adequate for certain applications.  相似文献   

Rigid-body docking has become quite successful in predicting the correct conformations of binary protein complexes, at least when the constituent proteins do not undergo large conformational changes upon binding. However, determining whether two given proteins interact is a more difficult problem. Successful docking procedures often give equally good scores for proteins that do not interact experimentally. This is the case for the multiple minimization approach we use here. An analysis of the results where all proteins within a set are docked with all other proteins (complete cross-docking) shows that the predictions can be greatly improved if the location of the correct binding interface on each protein is known, since the experimental complexes are much more likely to bring these two interfaces into contact, at the same time as yielding good interaction energy scores. While various methods exist for identifying binding interfaces, it is shown that simply studying the interaction of all potential protein pairs within a data set can itself help to identify the correct interfaces.  相似文献   

We present the seventh report on the performance of methods for predicting the atomic resolution structures of protein complexes offered as targets to the community-wide initiative on the Critical Assessment of Predicted Interactions. Performance was evaluated on the basis of 36 114 models of protein complexes submitted by 57 groups—including 13 automatic servers—in prediction rounds held during the years 2016 to 2019 for eight protein-protein, three protein-peptide, and five protein-oligosaccharide targets with different length ligands. Six of the protein-protein targets represented challenging hetero-complexes, due to factors such as availability of distantly related templates for the individual subunits, or for the full complex, inter-domain flexibility, conformational adjustments at the binding region, or the multi-component nature of the complex. The main challenge for the protein-peptide and protein-oligosaccharide complexes was to accurately model the ligand conformation and its interactions at the interface. Encouragingly, models of acceptable quality, or better, were obtained for a total of six protein-protein complexes, which included four of the challenging hetero-complexes and a homo-decamer. But fewer of these targets were predicted with medium or higher accuracy. High accuracy models were obtained for two of the three protein-peptide targets, and for one of the protein-oligosaccharide targets. The remaining protein-sugar targets were predicted with medium accuracy. Our analysis indicates that progress in predicting increasingly challenging and diverse types of targets is due to closer integration of template-based modeling techniques with docking, scoring, and model refinement procedures, and to significant incremental improvements in the underlying methodologies.  相似文献   

The seventh CAPRI edition imposed new challenges to the modeling of protein-protein complexes, such as multimeric oligomerization, protein-peptide, and protein-oligosaccharide interactions. Many of the proposed targets needed the efficient integration of rigid-body docking, template-based modeling, flexible optimization, multiparametric scoring, and experimental restraints. This was especially relevant for the multimolecular assemblies proposed in the CASP12-CAPRI37 and CASP13-CAPRI46 joint rounds, which were described and evaluated elsewhere. Focusing on the purely CAPRI targets of this edition (rounds 38-45), we have participated in all 17 assessed targets (considering heteromeric and homomeric interfaces in T125 as two separate targets) both as predictors and as scorers, by using integrative modeling based on our docking and scoring approaches: pyDock, IRaPPA, and LightDock. In the protein-protein and protein-peptide targets, we have also participated with our webserver (pyDockWeb). On these 17 CAPRI targets, we submitted acceptable models (or better) within our top 10 models for 10 targets as predictors, 13 targets as scorers, and 4 targets as servers. In summary, our participation in this CAPRI edition confirmed the capabilities of pyDock for the scoring of docking models, increasingly used within the context of integrative modeling of protein interactions and multimeric assemblies.  相似文献   

The interface of a protein molecule that is involved in binding another protein, DNA or RNA has been characterized in terms of the number of unique secondary structural segments (SSSs), made up of stretches of helix, strand and non-regular (NR) regions. On average 10-11 segments define the protein interface in protein-protein (PP) and protein-DNA (PD) complexes, while the number is higher (14) for protein-RNA (PR) complexes. While the length of helical segments in PP interaction increases with the interface area, this is not the case in PD and PR complexes. The propensities of residues to occur in the three types of secondary structural elements (SSEs) in the interface relative to the corresponding elements in the protein tertiary structures have been calculated. Arg, Lys, Asn, Tyr, His and Gln are preferred residues in PR complexes; in addition, Ser and Thr are also favoured in PD interfaces.  相似文献   

Protein-protein docking plays an important role in the computational prediction of the complex structure between two proteins. For years, a variety of docking algorithms have been developed, as witnessed by the critical assessment of prediction interactions (CAPRI) experiments. However, despite their successes, many docking algorithms often require a series of manual operations like modeling structures from sequences, incorporating biological information, and selecting final models. The difficulties in these manual steps have significantly limited the applications of protein-protein docking, as most of the users in the community are nonexperts in docking. Therefore, automated docking like a web server, which can give a comparable performance to human docking protocol, is pressingly needed. As such, we have participated in the blind CAPRI experiments for Rounds 38-45 and CASP13-CAPRI challenge for Round 46 with both our HDOCK automated docking web server and human docking protocol. It was shown that our HDOCK server achieved an “acceptable” or higher CAPRI-rated model in the top 10 submitted predictions for 65.5% and 59.1% of the targets in the docking experiments of CAPRI and CASP13-CAPRI, respectively, which are comparable to 66.7% and 54.5% for human docking protocol. Similar trends can also be observed in the scoring experiments. These results validated our HDOCK server as an efficient automated docking protocol for nonexpert users. Challenges and opportunities of automated docking are also discussed.  相似文献   

Park H  Ko J  Joo K  Lee J  Seok C  Lee J 《Proteins》2011,79(9):2725-2734
The rapid increase in the number of experimentally determined protein structures in recent years enables us to obtain more reliable protein tertiary structure models than ever by template-based modeling. However, refinement of template-based models beyond the limit available from the best templates is still needed for understanding protein function in atomic detail. In this work, we develop a new method for protein terminus modeling that can be applied to refinement of models with unreliable terminus structures. The energy function for terminus modeling consists of both physics-based and knowledge-based potential terms with carefully optimized relative weights. Effective sampling of both the framework and terminus is performed using the conformational space annealing technique. This method has been tested on a set of termini derived from a nonredundant structure database and two sets of termini from the CASP8 targets. The performance of the terminus modeling method is significantly improved over our previous method that does not employ terminus refinement. It is also comparable or superior to the best server methods tested in CASP8. The success of the current approach suggests that similar strategy may be applied to other types of refinement problems such as loop modeling or secondary structure rearrangement.  相似文献   

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Comparative modelling is a powerful method that easily predicts a considerably accurate structure of a protein by using a template structure having a similar amino-acid sequence to the target protein. However, in the region where the amino-acid sequence is different between the target and the template, the predicted structure remains unreliable. In such a case, the model has to be refined. In the present study, we explored the possibility of a molecular dynamics-based method, using the human SAP Src Homology 2 (SH2) domain as the modelling target. The multicanonical method was used to alleviate the multiple-minima problem and the generalised Born/surface area model was used to reduce the computational cost. In addition, position restraints were imposed on the atoms in the reliable regions to avoid unnecessary conformational sampling. We analyzed the conformational distribution of the ligand-recognition loop of the domain and found that the most populated conformational clusters in the ensemble of the model agreed well with one of the two major clusters in the ensemble of the reference simulation starting from the crystal structure. This demonstrates that the current refinement method can significantly improve the accuracy of an unreliable region in a comparative model.  相似文献   

Proteins frequently interact with each other, and the knowledge of structures of the corresponding protein complexes is necessary to understand how they function. Computational methods are increasingly used to provide structural models of protein complexes. Not surprisingly, community-wide Critical Assessment of protein Structure Prediction (CASP) experiments have recently started monitoring the progress in this research area. We participated in CASP13 with the aim to evaluate our current capabilities in modeling of protein complexes and to gain a better understanding of factors that exert the largest impact on these capabilities. To model protein complexes in CASP13, we applied template-based modeling, free docking and hybrid techniques that enabled us to generate models of the topmost quality for 27 of 42 multimers. If templates for protein complexes could be identified, we modeled the structures with reasonable accuracy by straightforward homology modeling. If only partial templates were available, it was nevertheless possible to predict the interaction interfaces correctly or to generate acceptable models for protein complexes by combining template-based modeling with docking. If no templates were available, we used rigid-body docking with limited success. However, in some free docking models, despite the incorrect subunit orientation and missed interface contacts, the approximate location of protein binding sites was identified correctly. Apparently, our overall performance in docking was limited by the quality of monomer models and by the imperfection of scoring methods. The impact of human intervention on our results in modeling of protein complexes was significant indicating the need for improvements of automatic methods.  相似文献   

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