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1. Shrubs of Caryocar brasiliense are intensively visited by many ant species in the cerrado vegetation of south-east Brazil. Ants collect nectar from the extrafloral nectaries (EFNs) located on the buds at the apex of the plant.
2. The proportion of C. brasiliense shrubs occupied by ants greatly surpassed that of neighbouring plants without EFNs and this resulted in many more termites being attacked and removed on this plant than on plants lacking EFNs. Ant attacks on Caryocar were more frequent near the EFNs.
3. Ant-exclusion experiments with Caryocar shrubs revealed that ants significantly reduce the infestation levels by the butterfly Eunica bechina , the sucking bud Edessa rufomarginata , the bud-destroying fly Prodiplosis floricola and by a stem-galling wasp. Ants had no effect on the infestation by a leaf-galling wasp.
4. Control (ants present) and treatment (ants excluded) plants produced equal numbers of buds but flower and initial fruit production was significantly greater for ant-visited plants. Higher abortion rates of initial fruits by control plants resulted in similar final fruit and seed sets for plants in either experimental category.
5. The extremely low fertility of cerrado soils is suggested as a possible factor constraining the ability of Caryocar shrubs to provide the resources necessary for growth and development of their heavy fleshy fruits. Higher production of initial fruits by ant-visited shrubs would be neutralized by competition among developing fruits and subsequent abortion.
6. Possible ant-derived benefits to C. brasiliense include: protection of vegetative tissues during plant growth, larger floral display and increased attractiveness to bat pollinators, increased male contribution to fitness through pollen donation and selective abortion of genetically inferior progeny as the maternal investment is adjusted to match available resources.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. An experiment is presented that tests the hypothesis that the extrafloral nectaries of Chssia fasiculata reduce herbivory by attracting pugnacious ants that deter herbivores, and tests the equivalence of two methods of ant exclusion: treatment with Tanglefoot, and nectary excision.
2. The protectionist hypothesis is not supported; treatment plants produced as many pods as did control plants.
3. Treatment with Tanglefoot is equivalent to nectary excision in terms of pod production
4. A graphical model is presented that relates the efficacy of ant protection to plant density and ant activity.  相似文献   



Plants in over one hundred families in habitats worldwide bear extrafloral nectaries (EFNs). EFNs display a remarkable diversity of evolutionary origins, as well as diverse morphology and location on the plant. They secrete extrafloral nectar, a carbohydrate-rich food that attracts ants and other arthropods, many of which protect the plant in return. By fostering ecologically important protective mutualisms, EFNs play a significant role in structuring both plant and animal communities. And yet researchers are only now beginning to appreciate their importance and the range of ecological, evolutionary and morphological diversity that EFNs exhibit.


This Highlight features a series of papers that illustrate some of the newest directions in the study of EFNs. Here, we introduce this set of papers by providing an overview of current understanding and new insights on EFN diversity, ecology and evolution. We highlight major gaps in our current knowledge, and outline future research directions.


Our understanding of the roles EFNs play in plant biology is being revolutionized with the use of new tools from developmental biology and genomics, new modes of analysis allowing hypothesis-testing in large-scale phylogenetic frameworks, and new levels of inquiry extending to community-scale interaction networks. But many central questions remain unanswered; indeed, many have not yet been asked. Thus, the EFN puzzle remains an intriguing challenge for the future.  相似文献   

Abstract. The occurrence and abundance of indigenous plants with extrafloral nectaries was evaluated within local communities and regional floras along a north to south gradient from tundra in northeastern Russia (64–70°N) through temperate types in eastern Russia and Korea to subtropical vegetation in the Bonin Islands (26–27°N) south of Japan. Moving from tundra to subtropical vegetation, there is a pattern of increasing abundance of extrafloral bearing plants as a function of total plant cover (from 10.25 to 40.18%), number of species per sampled area (from 0.11 to 1.13/100 m), and proportion of species within regional floras (from 0.32 to 7.46%). There were some plants with extrafloral nectaries in all communities but their abundance varied greatly, c. 1–25% in the four northern latitudes and c. 7–70% in the subtropical region. Ants, the primary mutualists associated with plants bearing extrafloral nectaries, have a similar pattern of increasing abundance (species richness, nest density, and colony size) along the same north–south latitudinal gradient.  相似文献   

The bee guild represents direct primary costs of angiosperm reproduction. Tropical flower visitors take an amount comparable to herbivores, exceeding 3% of net primary production energy. Therefore herbivory and aboveground net primary production have been underestimated. Comparing pollinators to other herbivores, harvest in mature forest by tropical bees is greater than leafcutter ants, game animals, frugivores, vertebrate folivores, insect defoliators excluding ants, flower-feeding birds and bats, but not soil organisms. The ratio of total aboveground net primary production to investment in pollen, nectar and resin used by pollinators suggests wind pollination is several times more efficient in temperate forests than is animal pollination in neotropical moist forest. Animal pollination may be favoured by habitat mosaics and an unpredictable or sparse dispersion of conspecifics — consequences of fluctuating abiotic and biotic environments. Natural selection evidently favours diminished direct reproductive costs in forests, for example by wind pollination, regardless of latitude and disturbance regime. An example is “wind pollination by proxy” of dominant trees in seasonal southeast Asian forests. They flower only occasionally and their pollen is dispersed by tiny winged insects that are primarily carried by the wind — rather than the nectar-hungry bees, bats, birds and moths used by most tropical flora. Increasing evapotranspiration is associated with greater net primary production; I show its correlation with species richness of social tropical bees across the isthmus of Panama, which may indicate increasing forest reproductive effort devoted to flowering, and its monopolization by unspecialized flower visitors in wetter and less seasonal lowland forests.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Early ontogenetic stages of myrmecophytic plants are infrequently associated with ants, probably due to constraints on the production of rewards. This study reports for the first time the anatomical and histological limitations constraining the production of extrafloral nectar in young plants, and the implications that the absence of protective ants imposes for plants early during their ontogeny are discussed.


Juvenile, pre-reproductive and reproductive plants of Turnera velutina were selected in a natural population and their extrafloral nectaries (EFNs) per leaf were quantified. The anatomical and morphological changes in EFNs during plant ontogeny were studied using scanning electron and light microscopy. Extrafloral nectar volume and sugar concentration were determined as well as the number of patrolling ants.

Key Results

Juvenile plants were unable to secrete or contain nectar. Pre-reproductive plants secreted and contained nectar drops, but the highest production was achieved at the reproductive stage when the gland is fully cup-shaped and the secretory epidermis duplicates. No ants were observed in juvenile plants, and reproductive individuals received greater ant patrolling than pre-reproductive individuals. The issue of the mechanism of extrafloral nectar release in T. velutina was solved given that we found an anatomical, transcuticular pore that forms a channel-like structure and allows nectar to flow outward from the gland.


Juvenile stages had no ant protection against herbivores probably due to resource limitation but also due to anatomical constraints. The results are consistent with the growth-differentiation balance hypothesis. As plants age, they increase in size and have larger nutrient-acquiring, photosynthetic and storage capacity, so they are able to invest in defence via specialized organs, such as EFNs. Hence, the more vulnerable juvenile stage should rely on other defensive strategies to reduce the negative impacts of herbivory.  相似文献   

A study of extrafloral nectaries has been made in the Cucurbitaceae to ascertain their structure and assess their taxonomic potential. Nineteen species representing nine Old World genera and one New World genus were examined. These included Telfairia occidentalis, Telfairia pedata, Momordica charantia, Lagenaria siceraria, Citrullus lanatus, Luffa aegyptiaca, Cucurbita moschata and Trichosanthes cucumerina , which are of economic importance and cultivated in Nigeria for their leaves and/or fruits.
Observation of the regularity of ant and insect-visitors, along with tests for glucose and β-glucosidase enzymes, revealed the presence of extrafloral nectaries in nine species. Considerable variation exists in the distribution and morphology of nectaries between genera, especially in the tribe Benincaseae. The nutritional and ecological significance of the occurrence of extrafloral nectaries in Telfairia occidentalis is discussed.  相似文献   

Much effort has been devoted to understanding the function of extrafloral nectaries (EFNs) for ant–plant–herbivore interactions. However, the pattern of evolution of such structures throughout the history of plant lineages remains unexplored. In this study, we used empirical knowledge on plant defences mediated by ants as a theoretical framework to test specific hypotheses about the adaptive role of EFNs during plant evolution. Emphasis was given to different processes (neutral or adaptive) and factors (habitat change and trade‐offs with new trichomes) that may have affected the evolution of ant–plant associations. We measured seven EFN quantitative traits in all 105 species included in a well‐supported phylogeny of the tribe Bignonieae (Bignoniaceae) and collected field data on ant–EFN interactions in 32 species. We identified a positive association between ant visitation (a surrogate of ant guarding) and the abundance of EFNs in vegetative plant parts and rejected the hypothesis of phylogenetic conservatism of EFNs, with most traits presenting K‐values < 1. Modelling the evolution of EFN traits using maximum likelihood approaches further suggested adaptive evolution, with static‐optimum models showing a better fit than purely drift models. In addition, the abundance of EFNs was associated with habitat shifts (with a decrease in the abundance of EFNs from forest to savannas), and a potential trade‐off was detected between the abundance of EFNs and estipitate glandular trichomes (i.e. trichomes with sticky secretion). These evolutionary associations suggest divergent selection between species as well as explains K‐values < 1. Experimental studies with multiple lineages of forest and savanna taxa may improve our understanding of the role of nectaries in plants. Overall, our results suggest that the evolution of EFNs was likely associated with the adaptive process which probably played an important role in the diversification of this plant group.  相似文献   

While nectaries are commonly found in flowers, some plants also form extrafloral nectaries on stems or leaves. For the first time in the family Brassicaceae, here we report extrafloral nectaries in Brassica juncea. The extrafloral nectar (EFN) was secreted from previously amorphic sites on stems, flowering stalks and leaf axils from the onset of flowering until silique formation. Transverse sections at the point of nectar secretion revealed a pocket‐like structure whose opening was surrounded by modified stomatal guard cells. The EFN droplets were viscous and up to 50% of the total weight was sugars, 97% of which was sucrose in the five varieties of B. juncea examined. Threonine, glutamine, arginine and glutamate were the most abundant amino acids. EFN droplets also contained glucosinolates, mainly gluconapin and sinigrin. Nectar secretion was increased when the plants were damaged by chewing above‐ and belowground herbivores and sap‐sucking aphids. Parasitoids of each herbivore species were tested for their preference, of which three parasitoids preferred EFN and sucrose solutions over water. Moreover, the survival and fecundity of parasitoids were positively affected by feeding on EFN. We conclude that EFN production in B. juncea may contribute to the indirect defence of this plant species.  相似文献   

虎刺花外蜜腺的发育解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用扫描电镜、石蜡制片及组织化学技术对虎花外蜜腺的形态,结构及发育过程中结构及多糖变化进行了较为系统的研究,结果表明,虎刺花外密腺位于状花序外的总苞顶部5枚随圆形裂端,属于总苞上的密腺,由分泌表皮,产蜜组织和主要由韧皮部筛管组成的维管束构成,虎刺花外蜜腺起源于总苞裂片顶端表面的4-5层原始细胞,根据蜜腺结构特点及多糖变化分析,原蜜汁的贮存及多糖的降解主要在产蜜组织细胞中进行,而分泌表皮细胞则是原蜜汁的加工及蜜汁的合成与分泌的主要场所。  相似文献   

Insect herbivory imposes a strong selection pressure on plants. As a result, plants have evolved a wide array of defences, including resistance traits that help them reduce the negative impact of herbivores. Along one axis of variation, these traits can be divided into direct resistance (physical and chemical defences) and indirect resistance (the recruitment of natural enemies of the herbivore via extrafloral nectar and other incentives). Along a second axis of variation, resistance can be split into constitutive resistance, which is always present, and induced resistance, which is expressed more strongly following damage to plant tissues. Interestingly, the strength and efficacy of all of constitutive-direct, constitutive-indirect, induced-direct, and induced-indirect resistance can vary with plant age and ontological stage. Here, we examine the effect of plant age on an induced-indirect resistance trait, the deployment of extrafloral nectaries (EFNs) to attract pugnacious ants, in a short-lived annual, broad bean (Vicia faba L.). We demonstrate that in severely damaged plants, the induction of EFNs is greater in older plants (5?C6?weeks) than in younger plants (2?C4?weeks); however, in more moderately damaged plants, the induction of EFNs is unaffected by plant age. This suggests the hypothesis that a plant??s ability to induce extrafloral nectar, and therefore recruit more ant ??bodyguards,?? may be related to the interaction of plant age and severity of damage.  相似文献   

大棚油桃授粉方式研究初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2002年2-5月,研究利用蜜蜂、壁蜂花期传粉及人工授粉技术对大棚油桃艳光和潍甜1号的座果率及产量均有不同程度的提高;其中潍甜1号的座果率提高幅度最大。上述几种方法中,人工授粉的效果最好。  相似文献   

Medicago sativa L. is an important cash crop in the arid region of northwest China. Pollinator activity is an essential aspect of pollination success, but the relationships between pollinator visitation rate and seed set still need further study of M. sativa. We investigated the following characteristics of M. sativa in natural and managed populations: floral traits, pollinator activity, and breeding system. Our results indicated the management could affect the number of flowers produced; however, there was no detectable effect on the seed set per flower. We found the percentage of seeds among pollinated flowers in the managed population was significantly higher than that in the natural population. Moreover, the increase in the proportion of pollinated flowers could significantly increase seed set per flower, and pollinator visitation rate was the important limiting factor for seed set in both populations. Andrena lebedevi Popov was found to be the most frequent pollinator in both populations. Outcrossing was dominant in the breeding system and insect pollination played an important role in outcrossing. Our study suggested that proper management (artificial selection) could promote pollination success of M. sativa.  相似文献   

Calanthe striata has nectarless flowers that are self‐compatible, but pollinator dependent. Field observations showed that the flowers were pollinated exclusively by the carpenter bee Xylocopa appendiculata circumvolans, although the bees occasionally wasted pollen by delivering to the stigmatic surface pollinaria that retained their anther caps. Fruit set ratios at the population level varied spatiotemporally, but were generally low (8.3–17.3%). Calanthe striata blooms in spring when post‐overwintering carpenter bees have not yet started foraging for brood production. It can therefore exploit an abundance of opportunistic/naïve foragers. This timing may also increase the possibility of pollinator visits, because no rewarding co‐flowering plants are available in the orchid habitats. A literature review of Orchidaceae pollinated by carpenter bees revealed that at least 14 species of Orchidoideae and Epidendroideae have evolved flowers specialized for carpenter bee pollination. They typically have shallow pink/magenta flowers with a foothold for pollinators; pollinaria are attached to the head, ventral thorax or base of the middle legs of carpenter bees when they insert their heads and/or proboscises into flowers; pollination success is generally low, a probable consequence of the deceptive pollination systems. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013 , 171 , 730–743.  相似文献   

Limitations on pollen and resources may significantly affect plant reproduction in fragmented habitats. In this study, phenology and pollinator frequency and activity were investigated to estimate the role of pollinators in Zygophyllum xanthoxylum reproduction, and this species is ecologically important in northwest China. In addition, the relative impact of restrictive amounts of pollen and resources on the seed set per flower was evaluated. It was found that adding pollen boosted the size of the seed set per flower, but had no significant effect on the number of flowers. By contrast, the addition of resources increased flower numbers as well as had a slight impact on the seed set per flower. These results indicate the amount of available pollen is a limiting factor for reproductive success. Moreover, Apis mellifera was identified as the most effective pollinator of Z. xanthoxylum, and there were more overall pollinators and visitations in the control than in the fragmented habitats. Furthermore, the limitations in pollen were more restrictive in the fragmented area than in the control. This was due to increased pollinator visitations in the control that could ameliorate the effects of lower pollen levels. When there is a limited availability of suitable pollinators, self‐pollination is critical in fragmented habitats. Z. xanthoxylum has reproductive strategies that aid in adapting to harsh environments, including protogyny and delayed selfing.  相似文献   

One possible function of extrafloral nectaries is to attract insects, particularly ants, which defend plants from herbivores. We determined whether ants visiting saplings of the tree Stryphnodendronmicrostachyum (Leguminosae) provide protection (decreased plant damage due to ant molestation or killing of herbivores) and benefit (increased plant growth and reproduction associated with ant presence) to the plant. We compared ant and herbivore abundance, herbivore damage and growth of ant-visited plants and ant-excluded plants grown in sun and shade microhabitats of a 6-ha plantation in Costa Rica over a 7-month period. Results show that ants provided protection to plants not by reducing herbivore numbers but by molesting herbivores. Ants also reduced the incidence of pathogen attack on leaves. Protection was greater in the shade than in the sun, probably due to lower herbivore attack in the sun. Protection was also variable within sun and shade habitats, and this variability appeared to be related to variable ant visitation. Results also indicate that ant presence benefits the plant: ant-visited plants grew significantly more in height than ant-excluded plants. The cultivation of ants may serve as an important natural biological control in tropical forestry and agroforestry systems, where increased plant density can otherwise lead to increased herbivore attack. Received: 4 May 1998 / Accepted: 6 October 1998  相似文献   

Pollination systems in the boreal zone range from generalist to specialist, both entomologically and botanically. The relative importance of wind pollination, insect pollination, sexual separation between and within plants, and between flowers, hermaphroditism of flowers, and various breeding systems are related to plant growth form and habitat. The diversity and specializations of anthophilous insects parallel those in other biogeographic zones, but seem less developed. We suggest that this reflects the combined effects of evolutionary youth, severity of climate, restriction of symbiont ranges within those of their hosts, and the naturally frequent perturbations by fire or insect outbreaks in the zone, requiring faunal and floral vagility and constraining specialization in mutualism. Modern perturbations by logging and pesticides seem to be well buffered because of the relative openness of the ecosystem (compared to others), although damage has been documented. Insect pollination is as much a keystone process in the boreal forest as elsewhere, despite the immediate counter-impression given by the dominance of wind-pollinated conifers. Nevertheless, there are few studies, botanical or entomologicalin situ. The boreal system offers important opportunities in general and applied research in pollination ecology and synecology generally.  相似文献   

Folivory may indirectly impact plant reproduction through changes in sexual expression ( i.e. , number or proportion of male and female flowers produced), which influence plant–pollinator interactions via changes in pollinator preference or efficiency. This study is an experimental evaluation of the effect that defoliation has on sex expression in the monoecious shrub Cnidoscolus aconitifolius , how such effect varies across sites, as well as how such changes indirectly affect pollinator visitation rates. The present study used three populations of C. aconitifolius , each one located in a different site in Yucatán (México): pasture, deciduous forest and subdeciduous medium height forest and three levels of defoliation: 50 percent, 100 percent, and a control (no damage). Results showed that defoliation reduced significantly the total number of male flowers produced in two of the sites. Defoliation did not impact female flower production or the proportion of female flowers produced. Finally, floral visit rates were not affected by defoliation via changes in sexual expression and neither by site or by the interaction site × defoliation. Findings showed that defoliation had an effect on sex expression in C. aconitifolius , although apparently this change did not affect the plant–pollinator interactions.  相似文献   

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